MGT 320

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A democratic leader is one who tends to centralize authority and derive the power from position


A discussion's focus is to reveal feelings and builds common ground, with the emphasis on inquiry rather than advocacy

Which of the following is stated by the contingency approach to leadership?

A leadership style that works in one situation might not work in another situation


A manager with a global mindset sees everything from one's own limited personal or cultural perspective

Followers can influence theirs leaders by being:

A resource for the leader


According to situational model of leadership, coaching leadership style works well when followers lack confidence, ability, and willingness to learn but posses the skills or experience


An advantage of virtual teams is that organizations can save employees time and cut travel expenses when people met in virtual rather than physical space

Non-routine messages:

Are often characterized by time pressure and surprise


As women and minorities move up the management hierarchy, they're often finding it an easy road to travel

The dominating style of conflict handling in a team reflects:

Assertiveness to get one's own way


Building a relationship with a leader implies submitting to authority


Charismatic leadership typically instills both are and submission in followers, whereas transformational leadership seeks to increase follower engagement and empowerment

According to the leadership grid, ____ occurs when primary emphasis is given to people rather than toward outputs

Country club management


Derailed managers are people who have reached a plateau, were fired, or were forced to retire early, and later excelled in a functional area

Which of the following is and example of people-oriented leader behavior?

Displaying trust

An effective leader:

Does not follow his or her assumptions because they led to success in the past


During the forming stage of team development, the leader's challenge is to facilitate interaction among team members


Effective Teams have people in task-specialist roles exclusively

People who adopt a socioemotional role:

Encourage others to draw forth their contributions

In terms of common dysfunctions of teams, people go along with others for the sake of harmony when they:

Fear conflict

Viewing the leader realistically includes:

Giving up idealized expectations

People slip into _____ when the desire for harmony outweighs concerns over decision quality


Which of the following is true of a leader who is a good listener?

He or she pays complete attention to the message


Hygiene factors fulfill high-level needs and include achievement, recognition, responsibility, and opportunity for growth


In a hyper-connected, network age, competition becomes more important than collaboration


In the political frame of leader reference, leaders perceive an organization as a system of shared meaning and values

According to the acquired needs theory, the need for power refers to the desire to:

Influence or control others and have authority over others

Charismatic leadership is part of the ________ of leadership?

Influence theories

Effective followers:

Initiate opportunities through which they can achieve personal fullfillment

Which of the following statement is true of the carrot-and stick approach to motivation?

It tends to focus on lower needs

The basic assumption underlying behavior modification is the_______?

Law of effect


Leaders are responsible for communicating facts, statistics, and decisions


Leadership coaching helps followers upgrade their skills and enhance their career development.


Leadership coaching involves telling followers what to do, directing and controlling their behavior, and judging their performance

Identify the correct statement regarding leadership

Leadership involves non-coercive influence

Wilma supervises the mutual funds team of Verdana Pvt. Ltd. She listens to the needs and opinions of her subordinates and does not believe in simply giving orders. She understands and accepts others when they do not share a certain mindset. She readily admits her mistakes and doubts. Which of the following qualities of wilma is depicted in this scenario?

Leadership qualities

Which of the following is an example of an ethical pressure that challenges the ability of leaders to do the right thing?

Meeting the demands of vendors or business partners

Small teams perform better than large ones because:

Members exchange more opinions


Moral leadership is about distinguishing right from wrong and doing right, seeking the just, the honest, and the good, and the right conduct in achieving goals and fulfilling purpose

According to the path-goal theory of leadership, which of the following leadership styles involves consulting with subordinates about decisions

Participative leadership


People excel in life by fixing their weaknesses, not by maximizing their strengths


People with high internal focus of control typically prefer to have structured, directed work situations


Power is the potential to influence others within an organization with the goal of attaining desired outcomes for power holders

______ refers to an adverse feeling or opinion formed without regard for the facts.


Email should be used for:

Preparing a group of people for a meeting

Victoria, an advertising manager, works effectively when dealing with routine and well defines tasks but she is not very good with tasks that require creativity. Hence, she assumes that her subordinates also have difficulty being creative. In the given scenario, Victoria assumptions is an example of:


In terms of the common dysfunctions of teams, inattention to results leaders members to:

Put personal ambition ahead of collective results

Research indicates that most people feel a sense of obligation to give something back in return for favors others do for them. In the context of the principles for asserting leader influence, which of the following principles should a leader employ to exploit the given research finding?

Relying on the rule of Reciprocity

Which of the following is a principle for asserting leader influence?

Relying on the rule of reciprocity


Self-Directed teams are typically completely autonomous


The best leaders, at all levels, are those who are genuinely interested in other people and find ways to bring out the best in them


The contingencies most important to leadership are the situations and followers


The key elements of the communication process include encoding, transmitting the message through a channel, and decoding

Which of the following places did Howard Schultz grow up?

The projects of Brooklyn, New york


The qualities needed for effective leadership are the same as those needed to be an effective follower


The relationship between an employee and his or her direct supervisor is the primary factor determining the level of fear experienced at work

Which of the following statements is true of end values?

They are beliefs about the kind of goals or outcomes that are worth trying to pursue

Which of the following statements is true of entrepreneurial leaders?

They tend to be persistent, dependent, and action-oriented


Today's best leaders realize that diversity suppresses innovation and leads to poor decision making

________ are good at traditional management functions such as planning and budgeting and generally focus on the impersonal aspects of job performance

Transactional leaders


Unethical leaders are not preoccupied with their own importance; they keep focus on employees

To be successful, virtual team leaders should:

Use technology to build relationships


When workers are not motivated to achieve organizational goals, the fault is often with the workers themselves

Howard schultz did the following to return the focus of starbuck's employees to the coffee and the customer?

closed a significant amount of locations for baristas to be retrained

According to the situational theory of leadership, a leader with a(n) _______ provides both task instruction and personal support, explains decisions, and gives followers a chance to ask questions and gain clarity about work tasks

coaching leadership style

A group consists of people who:

do related work but may not depend on each other

The dimension of extroversion includes includes the characteristics of


Working effectively with others requires that individuals:

draw on subtle aspects of themselves and appeal to those aspects in others

The belief that leaders were born with certain natural abilities of power and influence characterizes the ______ of leadership

great man theories

Which of the following is true of sexual harassment in organizations?

it is illegal and abuse of power

Which of the following actions is an example of positive reinforcement?

recommending a pay raise

Patricia is a member of the board of directors of Brightlake Medical College. She fires a teacher with a lax ethical standards who treats his colleagues unfairly. In the given scenario, she is committed to:

sound ethics and transparency

According to Fielder's contingency model of leadership, if a leader uses negative concepts to describe the last preferred coworker, he or she is considered a ______?

task-oriented leader

Which of the following is an assumption of theory x?

the average human being prefers to be directed, wishes to avoid responsibility, has relatively little ambition, and wants security above all.

Paying a woman less than a man for the same work is known as

unconscious bias

Which of the following is one of the political tactics for asserting leader influence?

using rational persuasion

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