MGT 320 Exam 1

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According to Professsors Kang and DeCelles, who does resume whitening affect minority applicants' chances of callbacks from employers (who offer them job interviews)?

- African Americans whitening resume increased their callback rate from 10% to 25% - Asians whitening resume increased their callback rate from 11% to 22%

According to the big 5 personality traits, who engages in organizational citizenship behavior?

- Agreeable - Conscientiousness

What is Harold Kelley's model of attribution?

- Consensus: Compares an individual behavior with that of his/her peers; high consensus if someone acts like the rest of the group - Distinctiveness: Compares a person's behavior on one task with his/her behavior on other tasks; high distinctiveness means the individual performed the task in a significantly different manner than how they performed other tasks - Consistency: Judges whether the individual's performance on a given task is consistent over time

What are the 4 skills most desired by employers?

- Critical thinking - Problem solving - Judgement/decision making - Active listening

What are descriptive and prescriptive stereotypes?

- Descriptive: Describes how group members are - Prescriptive: Describe how group members should/shouldn't behave

What are the strategies to successfully manage diversity according to Ann Morisson?

- Education: Prepares non-traditional managers to increase their responsible posts and prepares traditional managers to overcome prejudice in thinking/interacting with people who are different sex/ethnicity - Enforcement: Puts teeth in diversity goals and encourages behavior change - Exposure: Expose people to other people with different backgrounds

According to the big 5 personality traits, who are the happiest?

- Emotionally stable - Extraverted - Concientousness

Which diversity programs are effective in increasing female and minority representation in managerial jobs according to Frank Dobbin (Harvard) and Alexandra Kalev (Tel Aviv University) (published in 2016 by Harvard Business Review)?

- Engagement - Increase contact - Social accountability (desire to look good to others)

Core self-evaluation (CSE's)

- Generalized self-efficiency - Self-esteem - Locus of control - Emotional stability

What are the benefits to neuroticism?

- Highly imaginative and creative

Internal/external locus control

- Internal locus control: Attributes positive outcomes to their own abilities and negative outcomes to to their personal shortcomings. - External locus control: Attribute outcomes to environmental causes

How can you increase self-efficacy?

- Mentoring/training - Coaching - Self-management

What are some ways you can apply self-efficacy at work?

- More challenging tasks - Training/development - Self-management - Goal setting/quality improvement - Creativity - Coaching - Leadership

According to Bazerman and Tenbrunsel, what were their findings on unethical behavior?

- Motivated blindless: Ignore unethical behavior if it is in our interest - Indirect blindless: Ignore unethical behavior if carried out by third parties - Slippery slope: Less able to see unethical behavior when it develops gradually - Overvaluing outcomes: Give a pass to unethical behavior if outcome is good

What are the 5 predominant models of job satisfaction?

- Need fulfillment: Understand and meet employees needs - Met expectations: Understand and meet employees perception of what they expect from this job - Value attainment: Structure the job and reward to match employee values - Equity: Monitor employees perception on what they believe is fair - Dispositional/ genetic components: Hire employees with an appropriate disposition

Second bipolar dimension

- Openness to change: Independence of thought, actions, and feelings; readiness for change (stimulation and self-direction) - Conservation: Order, self-restriction, preservation of the past (conformity, tradition, security)

What are the 3 main weaknesses of common sense?

- Overreliance on hindsight (common sense is weak when responding to the unknown/unexpected; lacks vision for the future) - Lack of rigor - Lack of objectivity

What are other reasons for unethical behavior?

- Personal motivation to perform - Meeting unrealistic performance goals - Reward system promotes unethical behavior - Employee's perception of little or no consequences of crossing the line

What do organizational researchers know about the relationship between personality and performance?

- Personality has the biggest effect when you are in an unstructured environment with few rules - Conscientiousness has the most strongest effect, extroversion is successful for managers/salespeople, introverts score their extroverted/disagreeable members harshly, agreeable more likely to stay with their job, openness leads to high turnover

Why should employers cautiously use personality tests to screen prospective job candidates?

- Personality tests are usually given indiscriminately by untrained or unqualified people - Doesn't recognize the individual differences needed to perform at a high level

What are Kinicki and Fugate's recommendations for confronting unethical conduct?

- Recognize that it's business and treat it that way - Accept that confronting ethical concerns is part of your job - Challenge the rationale - Use your lack of seniority/status as an asset - Consider and explain the long-term consequences - Suggest solutions not just complaints

First bipolar dimension

- Self-transcendence: Concerns of the welfare and interests of others (universalism and benevolence) - Self-enhancement: Pursuit of one's own interests (power and achievement)

What has organizational research revealed about affirmative action?

- Viewed more negatively by white males than by women/minorities - Viewed more positively by liberals/democrats - Not supported by those who are racist/sexist - Negatively affect women/minorites

What are two ways to reduce implicit bias?

- Vivid counterstereotypic scenario: Read stories of you getting attacked by a white male and getting saved by a black person - Evaluative conditioning: Look at many black faces associated with positive words

What "managerial application and implications" can be learned from organizational research on attributional tendencies?

- We tend to disproportionately attribute behavior to internal causes which can result in inaccurate evaluations leading to reduced employee motivation - Other attributional biases may lead managers to inappropriate actions; promotion, transfer, layoffs - Employee's attribution for their own performance have dramatic effects on motivation, performance, and personal attitudes.

How are stereotypes formed?

1. Categorization 2. Inferences 3. Expectations 4. Maintenance - Overestimating the frequency of stereotypical behavior - Incorrectly explaining expected/unexpected behavior - Differentiating minority individuals from ourselves

What are some barriers to managing diversity?

1. Inaccurate stereotypes/prejudice 2. Ethnocentrism: Belief that their cultural norms are superior 3. Poor career planning: Lack of opportunities for diverse employees to get work that qualifies them for senior management positions 4. Negative diversity climate 5. Hostile work environment 6. Diverse employees lack of political savvy: Do not know how to "play the game" of getting along and getting ahead in an organization 7. Difficulty balancing work/family issues 8. Fear of reverse discrimination 9. Lack of organizational priority of diversity 10. Poor performance appraisal/reward system: Must reinforce the need to effectively manage diversity 11. Resistance to change

What was Roosevelt Thomas Generic Action Option?

1. Include/exclude: Increase/decrease diverse people 2. Deny: Deny that differences exist 3. Assimilate: Given time and reinforcement, diverse people will learn to fit in or become like the dominant group 4. Suppress: Differences are discouraged when suppression is the strategy 5. Isolate: Setting diverse person to the side 6. Tolerate: Acknowledges differences but doesn't value/accept them 7. Build relationships: Good relationships can overcome differences 8. Mutual adaptation: Allows people to change their views for the sake of creating positive relationships with others

What can managers do to combat stereotypes' biasing influence on decision-making and interpersonal relationships?

1. Managers should educate people about stereotypes and how they can influence our behavior and decision making 2. Managers should create more opportunities for diverse employees to meet and work together in a cooperative groups of equal status 3. Managers should encourage all employees to increase their awareness of stereotypes

What are the big 5 personality traits?

1. Open to experience 2. Conscientiousness 3. Extroversion 4. Agreeable 5. Neurotic

What are the 5 trends in workforce diversity?

1. Women breaking glass ceiling - Educational attainment - Seats on board of directors of fortune 500 firms - Federal court appointments 2. Minorities facing own glass ceiling - Smaller % in professional class - More discrimination cases - Lower earnings 3. LGBTQ becoming more visible - A majority of 500 fortune companies offer workplace protection 4. People with disabilities facing challenges 5. Generational differences in an aging workforce 6. Mismatch education and organizational needs - Graduates may be in jobs which they are overqualified - Graduates may not have the skills desired by employers - High school dropouts and others may not have literacy skills needed for many jobs

Psychological contract. What happens when the employer breaches this contract?

An individuals perception of reciprocal exchange between himself and another party. If this contract is breached there will be lower job satisfaction, performance, organizational commitment, and greater intentions to quit.

Counterproductive work behavior (CWB)

Behavior that harms other employees, organization, and its stakeholders. Examples include theft, gossiping, sexual harassment, sabotage, etc.

Managing diversity

Enables people to work to their full potential.

What is the whistle blower dilemma?

Having to decide whether to expose company employees who are doing illegal things to upper management or not

What outcomes are associated with employee engagement?

Higher levels of performance, physical/psychological well-being, corporate financial level performance, and customer satisfaction.

Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)

Individual behavior that is not discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system which promotes effective functioning of the organization.

Affirmative action

Intervention aimed at giving management a chance to correct an imbalance, injustice, mistake, or outright discrimination that occured in the past

What are the benefits of virtual interviews?

It standardize the process which leads to more reliable evaluations, collaboration, and saves time and money.

Double jeopardy

Minorities face more discrimination because of multiple stigmatized traits.

Proactive personality

More likely to be engaged, creative at work, and entrepreneurs.

What are the pros and cons of affirmative action?

Pros: - Can refer to both voluntary/mandatory programs - Doesn't legitimaze quotas - Doesn't require companies to hire unqualified people - Created tremendous opportunities for women/minorities - Doesn't foster the type of thinking needed to manage diversity effectively

Access-and-legitimacy perspective

Recognizes that the organization's market and constituencies are culturally diverse.

Fundamental attribution bias

Reflects our tendency to attribute another person's behavior to their own personal characteristics rather than to situation factors.

Self-serving bias

Represents our tendency to take more personal responsibility for success than for failure; attribute their success to internal factors and their failures to external factors.

Practical intelligence

The ability to solve every day problems by using knowledge gained from experience to adapt, shape, and select environments.


The belief that you can successfully accomplish a task. The greater the self-efficacy, the harder you will work.

According to the big 5 personality traits, who are the highest performers?

Those who are conscientiousness and emotionally stable

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