MGT 3303 exam 2 SB

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Building psychological safety ensures team members can speak up and offer ideas without fearing that others will do what?

Think less of them

Workers from the parent country of an organization are called ______.


Which type of control gives managers information about results to correct problems after they arise?


Projects requiring diverse skill and knowledge sets should have a(n) ______ team.


Effective control systems __________.

maximize benefits and minimize dysfunction

Feedforward control is sometimes referred to as ______ control.


______ is a process by which a person states what he or she believes the other person is saying.


What type of budget includes data forecasting sales by month, sales area, and product?


The biggest hurdle to effectively avoiding information overload is ______.

separating important messages from common messages

Which of the following is the first major step in the control process?

setting performance standards

Fixating on ______ and profits while neglecting long-term strategy is known as management myopia.

short-term earnings

How does budgetary control compare to other methods of managerial control?

t is widely recognized. It is commonly used.

The purpose of an organization conducting a cultural competency assessment includes all of the following except ______.

using the data to identify prejudiced employees

______ allocates costs across business processes.

Activity-based costing

Why did the huge consulting firm Accenture need to create Accenture People?

Because many of their employees worked at widely dispersed client workplaces

During which stage of the process of transforming inputs into finished goods and services is feedforward control used?

Before operations begin

Which of the following statements about being a complete communicator is true?

Complete communicators must be effective senders as well as receivers.

Which two categories make up the largest percentage of technology adopters?

Early majority Late majority

Which of the following are approaches to bureaucratic control?

Feedforward control Concurrent control Feedback control

A balance sheet itemizes which of the following?

Liabilities Stockholders' equity Assets

Which of the following are common communication channels?

Oral Written

Using behavioral science throughout the system to improve an organization's effectiveness is known as ______.

Organization development

According to Fiedler, which of the following determine the favorability of a situation?

Position power Leader-member relations Task structure

What is the technology life cycle?

A predictable pattern that technical innovations follow.

Changes occurring in the global workforce include which of the following?

A retiring workforce leading to gaps in leadership Increasing diversity in the workforce Technology allowing more people to work remotely

Which of the following are key factors that lead to sustained success?

A strategy that is focused on customers A culture that empowers and motivates employees

What are the key follower characteristics in path-goal theory that determine the appropriateness of various leadership styles?

Ability Authoritarianism Locus of control

Which three of the needs identified by McClelland are critical in motivating people?

Achievement Power Affiliation

Which three of the following are needs that managers in the United States care most strongly about?

Achievement Self-actualization Esteem

What are some of the complex challenges for managers caused by globalization?

Actions that may be customary in one setting may be unethical—even illegal—in another. Issues of right and wrong are blurred between one culture and another.

______ costing helps an organization recognize streams of activity and assign costs according to the time spent on particular activities.


Companies that take the current industry structure and its future evolution, as "givens" are known as _____________.


______ are companies that take the current industry structure and its future evolution as givens.


Which of the following are forms of disabilities as identified by the ADA?

Alcoholism Physical impairment from heart disease Visual impairments Speech impairments

______ is a human needs theory postulating that people have three basic sets of needs that can operate simultaneously.

Alderfer's ERG theory

Traditional approaches to understanding leadership include which of the following?

Behavioral Trait Situational

Identify statements that highlight the impact of minorities and immigrants on the U.S. workforce.

Black, Asian, and Hispanic workers hold more than one of every three U.S. jobs. Foreign-born workers make up more than 17 percent of the U.S. civilian labor force.

What does the first step of the budgetary control process involve?

Budget approval and publication The broad plan for the company Estimating sales

______ control establishes relationships among feedforward control, concurrent control, and feedback control.


When activities are not proceeding as planned, what management tool will identify and correct significant variations?

Bureaucratic control system

Which of the following are accurate statements about collaboration and competition?

Competition has both beneficial and harmful aspects. Collaboration is not going to completely take the place of competition. Competitors will often become collaborators.

Which of the following conflict management approaches have recently been found to negatively affect performance in the electronic and virtual team environment?

Compromise Avoidance

Which types of messages presented as stories are people more likely to recall and accept?

Concrete Unexpected Emotional Credible

Which of the following are ways to offer feedback to employees on their performance?

Conducting performance reviews regularly Asking customers for feedback that can be passed along to employees Giving regular, ongoing feedback

Which motivation theory identifies the kinds of needs that people want to satisfy?

Content theory

Which activities do project and development teams perform?

Contribute expert knowledge Work on specific assignments Work toward a one-time product

A development project is an intense organizational push to do what?

Create a new product or process based on technological innovation.

Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding the cultivating of diversity for organizations?

Cultivating diversity needs to be supported by the personal commitment of individual managers. Cultivating diversity needs to be well planned. Cultivating diversity needs to be an organizationwide effort.

Managers of global organizations, in particular, must understand the way ______ influences how people perceive and behave in order to be effective.


To Damien, the manager of the parts department, Raquel, his top sales manager, always appeared to be sad, but she was a top salesperson, and her colleagues always referred to her as "upbeat." He didn't see what everyone else saw and critiqued Raquel's negative demeanor on her evaluation. What was getting in Damien's way in seeing Raquel as she actually was?

Damien's perception of Raquel

Which of the following are options for restoring equity when people feel they are inequitably treated?

Decreasing others' outcomes Increasing their outcomes Reducing their inputs

Which of the following actions can a team leader take to overcome common problems that can cause groups to fail?

Define the direction of the team. Seek input from all team members. Build trust among team members.

Which of the following are pertinent leadership behaviors that path-goal theory identifies?

Directive Supportive Achievement-oriented Participative

Which of the following are effective methods of managing the grapevine in an organization?

Dispel uncertainties Neutralize rumors Prohibit malicious gossip Explain events that are important

The flow of information from higher to lower levels in the organization's hierarchy is called ______ communication.


What theory suggests there are three universal needs (existence, relatedness, and growth) that constitute a hierarchy of needs and motivate behavior?


Which of the following statements about the importance of observing and interpreting nonverbal communications are true?

Effective communicators are also capable of observing and interpreting nonverbal communications. A vital source of useful observations comes from personally visiting people and facilities. Some companies train their sales forces to interpret the nonverbal signals of potential customers.

Which of the following are examples of open communication?

Employees are willing to share bad news. Employees report deviation in production.

Mentoring programs are designed to do which of the following?

Encourage minorities to assume management roles Allow experienced workers to teach company norms to inexperienced workers Help individuals interact with the informal leadership network within a company

According to Kouzes and Posner, the best leaders are able to challenge the process, inspire a shared vision, enable others to act, model the way, and ______.

Encourage the Heart

Identify key behaviors that people want and need from their leaders, according to Kouzes and Posner.

Encourage the heart Inspire a shared vision Model the way

Which of the following are steps both managers and employees can take to avoid communication problems?

Ensure that the receivers attend to the message being sent. Consider the other person's frame of reference and attempt to send a message with that viewpoint in mind. Take concrete steps to minimize perceptual errors and improper signals.

The civil rights movement, which led to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, was the catalyst for many of the rights that we take for granted today. These rights include which of the following?

Equal opportunity in the workplace Fair treatment in housing Illegality of religious discrimination

Identifying crises and opportunities is the element of leading change called ______.

Establishing a sense of urgency

What are the four key factors that lead organizations to sustained success?

Execution includes good people with the authority to make decisions. Culture should motivate and empower. Strategy should be focused on customers. Structure should make the organization easy to work in.

Which of the following are approaches to bureaucratic control?

Feedback control Concurrent control Feedforward control

______ control takes place before operations begin and allows managers to ensure that planned activities are carried out properly.


Which model of leadership asserts that a leader's effectiveness depends on personal style and the degree to which the situation gives the leader power, control, and influence over the situation?

Fiedler's contingency model

Which of the following are problems associated with downward communication?

Filtering Information overload Lack of openness

Which three measures are included in a company's triple bottom line?

Financial performance Environmental impact Impact on employees and local communities

Which of the following statements accurately describe first-mover advantages?

First-movers can protect their technology by using patents. First-movers can charge higher prices because they have little competition. First-movers are able to find the best niche markets.

How does followership affect companies?

Followers can avoid costs and risks by observing the actions of leaders. Technology followership affects different companies in different ways.

Feelings of security, personal values, and confidence in employees

Forces in the manager

Type of leadership style the organization values and the type of information needed to solve the problem

Forces in the situation

According to the Tannenbaum and Schmidt model of situational leadership, what are the factors managers should consider before deciding how to lead?

Forces in the situation Forces in the subordinate Forces in the manager

Understanding and accepting the organization's goals, readiness to assume responsibility, and interest in the task or problem

Forces in the subordinate

Which of the following programs offer videoconferencing features?

GoToMeeting WebEx Skype

Which of the following describe Accenture People?

It is an internal social networking platform. It allows Accenture employees to collaborate anytime from widespread locations.

How can being a first-mover be a disadvantage to a company?

It is expensive for first-movers to develop products based on new technology.

What are the traits of the high quality information shared when a firm is showing transparency?

It is timely. It fully discloses relevant information. It is accurate.

How does reflection help managers listen effectively?

It results in more accurate two-way communication. It helps managers get into the other's frame of reference. It places greater emphasis on listening than talking.

Which sentences accurately describe the technology life cycle?

Its early stages can be slow while companies experiment with products. In the middle of the cycle, a dominant design becomes prominent. Eventually product development slows and the market gets saturated.

Which idea should you keep in mind to guide you as you move into the future?

Keeping a long-term perspective while addressing short-term issues is the best approach.

Which of the following are potential barriers to team success?

Lack of team vision Ineffective communication Distrust among team members

Which of the following are examples of extrinsic rewards?

Large office Benefits Pay

______ highlights the importance of leader behaviors not just toward the group as a whole but toward individuals on a personal basis.

Leader-member exchange theory

What are situational factors used to analyze problems under the Vroom model of leadership?

Likelihood of commitment Group expertise Decision significance

______ should be conducted to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization's systems.

Management audits

Which of the following statements is true about educating people about upcoming changes?

Management should educate people before the changes occur.

Which of the following are reasons for seeking adequate upward communication?

Managers learn what is going on with their employees. Effective upward communication facilitates downward communication. Employees gain from the opportunity to communicate upward.

Which of the following statements are true concerning how managers should integrate new technology into the workplace?

Managers should make sure technology serves the workers. It may be wise to change HR practices when new technology is introduced.

Managing diversity is more than hiring women and minorities; it is complex and involves which of the following?

Managing a culturally diverse workforce Recognizing the characteristics common to specific groups of employees Valuing employee differences to build an effective organization

Which of the following events were occurred as a result of COVID-19 pandemic in 2020?

Millions of people discovered how to do their jobs remotely from home. There were far less face-to-face interactions among customers, managers, employees, and suppliers. People adapted to new business communication technologies.

What employee behaviors should NOT be rewarded, since they do not lead to high performance?

Mindless conformity Avoiding risk Quick fixes

As Oscar encodes a message into an e-mail, which of the following are common pitfalls that he can avoid as the sender of a message?

Misusing words Leaving out facts Entering decimal points incorrectly Using ambiguous phrases

What is job rotation?

Moving workers from one task to another to alleviate boredom.

Which of the following statistics reflect the change in the number of women working outside the home?

Nearly 60 percent of marriages have two earners. About one-fourth of married women earn more than their husbands. Women make up roughly 47 percent of the labor force.

Which of the following are skills managers need to be good receivers?

Observation Reading Listening

Hillary sends an e-mail to her subordinate without asking for a response. This is an example of ______ communication.


Which of the following strategies are common to world-class companies?

Operating at high standards Applying new research and knowledge

What is the term for using behavioral science throughout the system to improve organizational effectiveness?

Organization development

Which of the following are ways an organization can communicate to its employees the commitment top management has to diversity efforts?

Participate in diversity programs and make participation mandatory for all managers. Link managerial compensation directly to the accomplishment of diversity goals. Incorporate the organization's attitudes toward diversity into its mission statement and strategic plans.

What are the key consequences that encourage or discourage one's behavior?

Positive reinforcement Negative reinforcement Punishment Extinction

Mo Chou completed her latest work assignment early. If Mo Chou's boss would like her to repeat this behavior, what is the appropriate action according to the law of effect?

Praise for her efforts

Which of the following are managerial actions that can help create a team with cohesiveness and high-performance norms?

Present a competitive challenge from outside the team. Maintain high entrance and socialization standards. Help the team succeed, and publicize its successes.

How do good managers avoid information overload?

Prioritize time around goals Placing major business communications ahead of trivial e-mails Identify the items that are most important

Which team strategy is usually most effective when teams have a high degree of dependence on outsiders?


Which two goals should an effective control system accomplish?

Producing the most possible benefits Minimizing dysfunctional behaviors

Which of the following could be a disruptive innovation?

Product Service Business model

What is the wording used to refer to the triple bottom line?

Profit, planet, people

Which type of firm has executives who give considerable priority to developing and exploiting technological expertise?


What are methods that a company can use to attract a diverse, qualified workforce?

Publicizing their commitment to diversity Executing effective recruiting practices

What are the three basic stages to manage resistance during a change in the workplace?

Refreezing Unfreezing Moving

What basic rules from the 3M company are often copied to encourage innovation?

Research and development are strongly supported. Instead of blocking what employees are trying to do, the company helps its team succeed. The company's efforts are directed toward serving customers.

______ occurs when control systems prompt employees to follow the rules to an extreme that stifles creativity.

Rigid bureaucratic control

To motivate high performance among employees, what should be rewarded?

Risk taking instead of risk avoiding Smart work instead of busy work Loyalty instead of turnover

What graphical representation represents the adoption of a typical new technology?


Which one of the following is NOT a need in Maslow's hierarchy?


Which of the following are steps in the control process?

Setting performance standards Measuring performance Comparing performance to the standard Taking action to correct problems

How can employees benefit from upward communication?

Some of their frustrations will be decreased.

Which of the following are characteristics of motivational goals?

Specific Acceptable Challenging Meaningful

Which of the following characteristics describe an effective control system?

Standards should be objective. The system should encompass all elements that affect performance significantly. It should be hard to sabotage or falsify the data being monitored.

As a group attempts to develop into a team, what are the possible results in its form of leadership?

Staying in a supervisory level of leadership. Progressing through three stages of leadership. Becoming somewhat participative and staying there.

Which step in the control process measures performance?

Step 2

Which of the following are characteristic of a dissatisfied workforce?

Strikes More injuries High turnover

Which characteristics are essential to the success of enduringly great companies?

Strong core values Strong goals, including stretch goals Continuous change

Which of the following are reasons for people to resist change within an organization?

Surprise Timing Inertia

Which of the following are steps in the budgetary control process?

Take action Establish expectancies Perform budgetary operations

Which of the following describe the two sets of roles performed by teams?

Task specialist roles are filled by individuals who have particular job-related skills and abilities. Team maintenance roles are filled by individuals who develop and maintain harmony within the team.

Which of the following help transform groups into true teams?

Team development activities Basic group activities The passage of time

Which of the following are team effectiveness criteria?

Team members remain committed to the team. Team members' needs are satisfied. Standards of quantity or quality are met or exceeded.

Which teams would typically use a probing strategy when interfacing with outside groups or individuals?

Teams making strategic decisions in a changing environment Teams developing and promoting new products Task forces formed to study a particular problem

How can being a first-mover be a disadvantage to a company?

Technology followership affects different companies in different ways. Followers can avoid costs and risks by observing the actions of leaders.

What is the result of the high profits often made by first-adopters?

The ability to attract customers with low prices.

What feature does technology followership share with technology leadership?

The ability to support both low-cost and differentiation strategies.

What does the first step of the budgetary control process involve?

The broad plan for the company Budget approval and publication Estimating sales

According to Fiedler's contingency model, a leader's effectiveness depends on which of the following?

The degree to which the situation gives the leader power, control, and influence The personal style of the leader

An apparel manufacturer wants to develop a technology for a temperature-regulating textile that adjusts automatically to the wearer's body temperature, but the manufacturer is not sure whether such a textile can be developed. What is the company unsure about?

The innovation's technical feasibility

For a group to achieve true team leadership, what must happen?

The leader and members must consciously strive toward that goal.

Common unexamined assumptions people make concern which of the following?

The role of men as providers Heterosexual norms The role of women as caregivers

Which factors determine the level of authenticity for the receiver of a message? (

The speaker's demonstration of passion The speaker's ability to make a connection The speaker's openness with the audience

Which of the following statements about the importance of reading ability in organizations is INCORRECT?

The spoken word is more important in organizations, so reading is less emphasized.

What happens when employees feel empowered?

They believe that they are influential contributors to the organization. They feel more confident that they have the ability to perform their jobs. Groups of employees can experience a culture of empowerment that enhances work performance.

Which conditions will make employees less motivated?

They believe that they can't perform well enough to achieve the positive outcomes. They believe that they can perform but that the outcome will not be forthcoming. They believe that they can perform but do not value the outcome.

Which of the following statements about Skype and Zoom are true?

They offer videoconferencing features. They offer options for free service.

Workers for an overseas subsidiary who are natives of a country other than home or host countries are known as ______.

Third-country nationals

______ organizational change involves introducing and sustaining multiple policies practices and procedures across multiple units and levels.


An organization seeking to benefit from becoming multicultural and employing a diverse workforce should do which of the following?

Train employees in diversity. Assess the organization's progress toward goals. Secure top management's leadership and commitment.

Which of the following are important for team success?

Training team members to develop three important types of skills. Making sure that the team has members with problem-solving and decision-making skills.

What are traditional approaches to leadership?

Trait approach Behavioral approach Situational approach

Which of the following is a situation in which punishing employees would be inappropriate?

When their poor performance isn't their fault

A(n) ______ control system detects and corrects significant variations, or discrepancies, in the results of planned activities.


Although formal _____ control systems are the most pervasive and most widely taught, they are not always the most efficient or flexible.


The main job of a(n) ______ structure is to maintain orderliness and productivity, which restricts innovation.


Quality ____________ are groups of people voluntarily drawn from various production teams who make suggestions about quality but have no authority to make decisions or execute decisions.


The ____________ _____________ movement was the impetus for many of the rights we take for granted today.

civil rights

What type of control is based on mutual respect and individual responsibility?


When managers use shared values, norms, standards of behavior, and expectations to control individuals and groups in organizations, they are using ______ control.


Which two of the following control systems tend to be the most flexible?

clan and market

All of the following are considered communication pitfalls that may result when the sender's intended message does not get across to the receiver EXCEPT ______.

clarifying and paraphrasing help to ensure a clear message

Sawyer entertained conversations with his team to help them master the new manufacturing process and thus be more effective. He is engaging in the ______ process.


The members of Tom's group are very loyal to the team and enjoy being a part of it. This is an example of a fundamental property of groups called ______.


______ refers to how tightly knit a group is and the degree to which group members perceive, interpret, and act on their environment in similar ways.


Mutaz is talking to Su about a project. Su can tell that Mutaz is unhappy with the project's progress because Su and Mutaz know each other well. This transmission of information is known as ______.


A ______ is an organization's concentrated attempt to create a new product or process through the use of technological innovations.

development project

A manager assigning a task to her assistant is an example of _______ communication.


_______ has become an essential component of workplace communication.


Sony Betamax was technologically superior to VHS, but VHS became more popular, and Betamax was discontinued due to poor sales. Betamax had issues with ______.

economic viability

______ tells whether there is a good financial incentive for adopting a technological innovation.

economic viability

An effective approach to managing resistance and enlisting cooperation from employees is _______.

educating and communicating with the employees

Setting a goal to learn, rather than a goal to achieve a specific performance level, is appropriate when ______.

employees lack ability or knowledge

Sharing power with employees, and thus making them feel more confident and influential on the job, is called ______.


Allowing employees to initiate their own corrective action Blank______.

encourages self-control and reduces the need for outside supervision

A(n) ______ devises new products or finds ways to revise old products.


Which term describes someone who invents new products or finds ways to revise old products?


The concept of a triple bottom line allows companies to determine how ______ their business is.

environmentally sustainable

People's perceived likelihood that an effort will enable them to attain their performance goals is called ______.


What concept refers to the perceived likelihood that effort will enable the attainment of performance goals?


What theory describes how a person's work efforts lead to a level of work performance?


Which theory suggests that effort leads to performance, which results in an outcome?


Increasing expectancies, identifying positively valent outcomes, and making performance instrumental toward positive outcomes are all managerial implications of _________.

expectancy theory

______ rewards are given to people by the organization.


What is the main thing a company must allow if innovation is to thrive?


Equity theory describes people's assessments of how ______.

fairly they are treated

Corrects deviations from the acceptable standard after they arise


The balanced scorecard includes elements of feedforward, concurrent, and ______ control.


The five core job dimensions stated in the Hackman and Oldham model are skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and ______.


______ control occurs at the input stage and allows managers to look ahead to anticipate problems before they arise.


The two key situational factors in path-goal theory are personal characteristics of ______ and the environmental pressures and demands they must cope with.


During the ______ stage of team development, members get to know one another and lay the ground rules for what types of behavior are acceptable.


The first meeting of a newly formed group takes place during the _____ stage of team development.


E-mail has become a(n) _______ instrument of workplace communication.


A team member who gathers information from outside sources and then brings that information back to the team is known as the ______.


A team member who stays abreast of current information in scientific and other fields and tells the group about important developments is a(n) ______.


In which theory do managers set goals for employees?

goal setting

Nonverbal actions tend to have a _______ impact on the audience than other cues of a message.


A collection of people who interact to undertake a task but do not necessarily perform as a unit is a(n) ______.


Actions taken to ensure the satisfaction of group members are ______ behaviors.

group maintenance

Leader-member exchange (LMX) theory highlights the importance of leader behaviors toward individuals and/or the _________.


The grapevine is a(n) ______ communication network.


______ occurs when managers and employees are hit with too much material to process.

information overload

The tendency of individuals to put forth less effort when they work with groups than when they work alone is known as social ______.


The generic strategy in which an organization's advantage comes from being able to sell products at lower prices than its competitors is referred to as a(n) ______ strategy.

low cost

Which strategy lets a company maintain an advantage by being less expensive than its competitors?

low cost

Effective leaders must ______.

make people responsible for their own performance

Courage is needed to help leaders ________.

manage adversaries execute a vision against opposition identify allies

Placing too much emphasis on short-term income and profits instead of pursuing a longer-term strategy is known as ______.

management myopia

Understanding and deeply valuing employee differences to build a more effective and profitable organization is known as ______.

managing diversity

The first thing to consider when developing a strategy around a technological innovation is ________ potential.


When developing a strategy around technological innovation, managers should first consider ______ potential.


Which of the following is a type of control that relies on economic forces?


______ affect performance via economic forces and pricing mechanisms.

market controls

Hersey and Blanchard's situational theory asserts that managers should consider an employee's job __________ before deciding whether task performance or maintenance behaviors are more important.


Categorizing technologies as base, key, pacing, or emerging is an effort to ______.

measure competitive value

A third party who intervenes to help resolve conflict between other people is called a ______.


______ are higher level managers who help ensure that employees are introduced to top management and socialized into the norms and values of the organization.


Maintenance behaviors are most important for followers with ______ levels of maturity.


A ______ organization is one that has a low degree of structural integration; employs few women, minorities, or other groups; and thus has a highly homogeneous employee population.


Forces that energize, direct, and sustain a person's effort are referred to as ______________.


What refers to forces that energize, direct, and sustain a person's effort?


Even though they are not actually spoken or written, ______ messages can support or undermine the stated message.


Rules for behavior that most group members follow are called group ______.


Which term describes when teams have common beliefs about how each member should think and act?


Common sources of stress experienced by global managers include all of the following except ______.

office politics

Groups become true teams through basic group activities, team development activities, and the ______.

passage of time

One of the key situational factors in _____________-goal theory is the environmental pressures and demands with which followers must cope to attain their work goals.


______ is the process of receiving and interpreting information.


Managers can motivate team members to achieve organizational goals by making sure the team members benefit when the team does which of the following?

performs well

The law of effect states that behavior will be repeated if it is followed by which kind of consequences?


When a leader is able to get things done or accomplish goals even when others resist, the leader has ______.


Creating the future, rather than simply responding to events as they occur, is dependent on ______ change.


Conflict resolution through mediation can help the parties involved improve their ______.

problem-solving skills communication skills working relationships

People are more likely to support decisions and decision makers when they perceive ______.

procedural fairness

Using a fair process in decision making and making sure others know that the process was as fair as possible is called ______.

procedural justice

An itemized financial statement of income and expenses is a(n) ______.

profit and loss statement

The balance sheet and the ______ are financial statements that help control overall organizational performance.

profit and loss statement

What type of program aims at satisfying the full range of employee needs?

quality of work life

______ programs create a workplace that enhances employee well-being and satisfaction

quality of work life

______ change is characterized by the presence of pressure as an impetus.


An organizational assessment is a key step in managing diversity and should assess an organization's workforce, culture, policies, and practices, in areas such as ______.

recruitment promotions benefits compensation

Teams are motivated to perform well when their efforts are ______.

rewarded as a team

The more information or cues a medium sends to the receiver, the ______ the medium is.


The amount of information a medium conveys is called media _____.


If managers use too much ______ control, they can discourage employee innovation.


Although norms apply generally to all team members, different exist for different ______________ members within the norm structure.


With job ______, workers who spend all their time in one routine task can instead move from one task to another.


Luvo is setting a ______ budget by reviewing forecasts of sales by month, sales area, and product.


Managers in Japan and Greece tend to be motivated most by ______ needs


When a manager works to make sure that the recipients of her message can identify her perspective, reasoning, and intentions, she is focusing on improving her ______ skills.


When management centralizes a resource, such as a library or research department, and allows other units in the organization to have access to it, what kind of relationship does that resource have with those units?


Your team requires a literature review before making a presentation. The staff librarian is available to assist you. Your team and the librarian have a(n) ______ relationship.


What is the first step of a control system?

set performance standards

Step 1 of a typical control system involves ______ performance standards.


A company's sexual harassment policy ______.

should prohibit sexual harassment under any circumstances

The United States workforce is expected to ______.

shrink due to lower birthrates

The appropriateness of democratic leadership depends on the characteristics of the leaders, the followers, and the ______.


When leaders vary their behavior from situation to situation, they are demonstrating a ______ leadership approach.


______ theory proposes that the more mature the followers are, the less the leader needs to engage in task performance behaviors.


When people believe that their contributions are not important, others will do the work for them, or their lack of effort will go undetected, they may engage in which activity?

social loafing

The grapevine is a communication network that provides people with information, teaches them how to do their work successfully, and helps them ______.

solve problems

A democratic decision may not be appropriate when ______ or decisiveness is of the essence.


In order to gain employee acceptance, ______.

standards should be achievable and supported by an emphasis on positive behavior

To set goals for yourself, create ______.

statement of purpose

Quid pro quo harassment occurs when ______.

submission to sexual conduct is used as a basis for employment

Larisa provides guidance to her employees. She also supports them when necessary and provides corrective feedback in their day-to-day activities. Larisa is practicing ______ leadership.


If change is going to be successful, organizations need to permanently rekindle individual creativity and responsibility. People must be both ______ and implementers.


According to Fiedler's contingency theory of leadership, relationship-oriented leaders are most effective in moderately favorable situations, whereas ______-oriented leaders are most effective in situations that are very favorable or very unfavorable.


According to Fiedler's contingency theory of leadership, task-motivated leaders should be used when the ______ is structured and the leader member relations are good.


Actions taken to ensure that the work group or organization reaches its goals are called ______ behaviors.

task performance

The team effectiveness criteria that refers to the meeting or exceeding of the standards of quantity and quality is the ______.

team's productive output

The systematic application of scientific knowledge to any product, process, or service is called ______.


__________ is the systematic application of scientific knowledge to yield products, processes, or services.


Gorda Engineering needs to assess its current technology base and determine which technologies are needed for the organization to smoothly function. Gorda must conduct a(n) ______.

technology audit

The focus of behavioral leadership is on how leaders ______.

to behave

What is the term for a measure that steers individuals toward reaching a company's goals?

to control

If an individual believes his or her outcome-to-input ratio is equivalent to someone else's ratio, the individual typically will ______.

to feel satisfied

Power is defined as the capacity to ______ other people despite resistance.

to influence

Using jargon with individuals who are not familiar with common organizational buzzwords can _____ communication effectiveness.

to interfere with

Introducing and sustaining numerous policies, practices, and procedures across numerous units and levels is referred to as ______ change.

total organizational

Which of the following have no managerial responsibility?

traditional work groups

A leadership perspective that attempts to determine the personal characteristics of effective leaders is called the ______ approach.


The ____________ approach to leadership assumes that there is a "leadership personality" and that leaders are born, not made.


A leader who is able to generate excitement and revitalize an organization is a ______ leader.


Which of the following type of leader is most likely to motivate people to transcend their personal interests for the sake of the organization?

transformational leader

True or False: In many industries, the primary sources of new technology are the organizations that use it.


Herzberg's ______ theory describes categories that affect people at work.


The belief that things must be either A or B and cannot be both, and that only one goal and not another can be attained is referred to as ______.

tyranny of the or

When building cohesive, high-performance teams, managers should keep in mind that similar individuals are more likely to do which of the following?

- Succumb to groupthink - Get along with one another

A personal statement of purpose should include which of the following?

A mid-distant goal An inspiring distant vision Near-term objectives

A personal statement of purpose should include which of the following?

A mid-distant goal Near-term objectives An inspiring distant vision

Which of the following are styles for managing conflict?

Avoidance Accommodation Compromise Competing

Psychological safety ensures team members can freely take which actions?

Be honest Share knowledge Disagree

How can managers make sure technology improves workers' lives and reaches its potential?

By training workers to control the technology

Goals should be which of the following?

Challenging and attainable

Stretch goals are targets that have which characteristics?

Demanding and novel

Studies of leadership behavior have focused on which of the following aspects?

Employee participation in decision making Group maintenance Task performance

Which of the following situations would be more likely to happen in a control system with open communication?

Employees report faulty systems that are causing a drop in production Employees tell management when personal problems cause them to perform poorly at work

Which of the following actions should an organization take to prevent sexual harassment?

Establish a formal complaint procedure. Discipline a proven offender immediately. Develop a comprehensive organization-wide policy on sexual harassment. Conduct training sessions with supervisors to explain Title VII requirements and procedures.

What is the purpose of a tentative profit and loss statement?

Establishing a performance goal

For motivation to be high, which of the following must also be high?

Expectancy Valence Instrumentality

True or False: For important messages and documents you should skim rather than reading slowly and carefully.


True or false: Obtaining top management's leadership and commitment is not necessarily critical for diversity programs to succeed.


Having team members participate in decisions has which result?

Gets members more involved with one another

Which motivation theory states that people have conscious goals that energize them and direct their thoughts and behaviors toward a particular end?

Goal-setting theory

Which of the following are important functions of horizontal communication?

Helping solve conflicts Providing social and emotional support to people Allowing coordination and problem solving among units

The changes impacting the size of the U.S. workforce include which of the following?

Higher competition for the best candidates Lower birthrates in the United States Projected retirement of the Baby Boom generation workers

Lack of cohesiveness in a group can affect performance in which of the following ways?

Increased miscommunication Decreased productivity

In regard to the ability to cope with a changing environment, which of the following characteristics of small start-up businesses are often lacking in larger corporations?

Individual creativity Individual responsibility Shared leadership

What are the general strategies that teams use when they interact with individuals and groups outside the team?

Informing Probing Parading

Which category makes up the smallest percentage of technology adopters?


For motivation to be high, which of the following must also be high?

Instrumentality Valence Expectancy

People in a group will typically take which of the following actions?

Interact to undertake a task

Which skills are usually required for team members to be good contributors?

Interpersonal or social Problem-solving and decision-making Technical or functional

When a situation is unfavorable for leading, how does this impact the manager's job?

It becomes difficult to maintain situational control.

Which of the following statements about the grapevine is true?

It cannot be eliminated.

What does it mean if a firm discloses relevant information?

It does not disclose all of the information; just the information that the audience has a legitimate reason to know.

According to path-goal theory, which of the following statements regarding the importance of follower characteristics are true?

Locus of control is the extent to which people believe they can affect their environment. Authoritarianism is the degree to which individuals defer to authority. Ability is people's beliefs about their abilities to perform their jobs.

To motivate high performance among employees, what should be rewarded?

Loyalty instead of turnover Risk taking instead of risk avoiding Smart work instead of busy work

Which of the following strategies do leading authors on career management advise?

Make career choices based on personal growth. Look for positions that stretch you. Develop marketable skills.

What type of audits have developed as a means of evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of various systems within an organization?


Which of the following statements apply to the concept of managing diversity in the workplace?

Managing diversity involves recognizing common characteristics of groups while dealing with employees' differences to the firm's advantage. Managing diversity involves recruiting, training, promoting, and utilizing individuals with different beliefs, capabilities, and cultures.

Which of the following are disadvantages of being a first-mover?

Many new products require the development of expensive complimentary products. Buyers need to be educated about the new technology. New technology can make the company's existing products undesirable.

Which theory organizes human needs into five major types in ascending order?

Maslow's need hierarchy

Which of the following changes is taking place in the global workforce?

Middle skills jobs are disappearing.

How did the COVID-19 crisis of 2020 influence communication?

Millions of people learned to use remote communication technology.

Which of the following are stages of group development?

Performing Norming Forming Storming

When a workforce is dissatisfied, it is more likely to exhibit which of the following characteristics?

Poor mental health Bad customer service High absenteeism

Task performance leadership behaviors focus on which of the following?

Quantity of output Work speed Following the rules

Which of the following are skills managers need to be good receivers?

Reading Listening Observation

Which of the following actions will create cohesive and high-performance teams?

Recruiting members with similar attitudes and values Keeping the team as small as possible Being a participative leader

Which of the following is an option for people who wish to restore equity when feeling inequitably treated?

Reducing their inputs

How can companies recruit disabled and impoverished people?

Send recruiters with job information to the areas where the workers live Transport the workers to and from the job site Offer to house the workers close to the job site

Which of the following are steps in the control process?

Taking action to correct problems Comparing performance to the standard Setting performance standards Measuring performance

What core job dimensions are stated in the Hackman and Oldham model?

Task significance Skill variety Task identity Feedback Autonomy

Organizations such as L.L. Bean, Lululemon Athletica, Wegmans, and W.L. Gore use which kind of structure?


What do the best teams do in order to reach a common understanding and appreciation of their purpose?

They agree on how they will make decisions. They develop norms for examining performance strategies. They discuss how tasks and roles will be allocated.

Which traits are associated with the most powerful messages?

They are simple and informative. They convey excitement. They are told with stories and anecdotes.

True or False: Conflict is the process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed by another party.


True or false: It is important for managers to act as followers as well as leaders.


True or false: Situational leadership means that leaders vary their behavior from situation to situation.


Challenges of managing a diverse organization include which of the following?

Trying to understand the perspective of someone with a very different world view Communicating effectively with team members who may not all be fluent in the same language Keeping workers from only cooperating with people who are similar to themselves

______-way communication occurs when the receiver responds to a sender.


What occurs when receivers respond to senders?

Two-way communication

Which of the following are the four cultural dimensions in Hofstede's model?

Uncertainty avoidance Masculinity/femininity Power distance Individualism/collectivism

What are the three basic stages of implementing change within an organization?

Unfreezing, instituting the change, and refreezing

Which of the following is sexual harassment?

Unwelcome sexual conduct as a condition of employment

What are the most common reasons that innovation fails to generate profits in business?

Unwillingness to take risks Money being spent on the wrong things Lack of coordinated efforts

The leadership model that emphasizes how leaders go about making decisions is called the ______ model.


Which of the following is an example of offering feedback to employees?

Weekly meetings to discuss each employee's goals and progress.

The behavioral approach to leadership attempts to identify which of the following?

What good leaders do

When are control systems less objectionable to employees?

When they do not control too much When they feature useful standards of performance When they feature standards that are possible to achieve

When is concurrent control used?

While plans are being carried out

Which of the following are characteristic of the most effective control systems?

Workers recognize their own shortcomings and correct them without supervision. Managers tell workers why the control system is important. Workers are given a critique of their performance on the job.

Which beliefs are examples of "tyranny of the or"?

You can be conservative or bold. You can invest in the future or do well short term.

To become effective managers of diverse organizations, managers first have to identify and overcome a number of challenges, including ______.

a low level of cohesiveness stereotyping communication problems unexamined assumptions

World-class organizations do which of the following?

abandon outdated methods produce high-value merchandise adopt effective new strategies

The most useful control systems are based on ______ performance standards.


All the following are stages of team development EXCEPT ______.


Which of the following is NOT one of the needs McClelland said motivates people?


A vision expresses the leader's ______ for the organization.


Horizontal communication allows interaction ______.

among peers

When communicating a message, it helps to ______.

anticipate how your message might be misinterpreted.

Leading authors on career management advise that individuals must actively manage their own careers by developing marketable skills, choosing careers based on learning opportunities, and ________.

assessing personal strengths and weaknesses seeking environments that provide training

Understanding someone else's perspective is difficult because our own _________ and perspectives seem so familiar.


If a person believes that his or her outcome-to-input ratio is lower than that of someone else, the person typically will ______.

attempt to restore a balance

A style in which the leader is true to himself or herself is called ______ leadership.


______ leadership is when a leader stays true to himself or herself while leading.


The ______ summarizes the financial condition of a company at a specific time.

balance sheet

Two statements that summarize a company's financial condition are the profit and loss statement and ______.

balance sheet

Which control system includes performance standards regarding finances, customers, business processes, and learning?

balanced scorecard

How a person's needs are or are not met at work will affect the person's ______.

behavior on the job

Group maintenance is one of the aspects of the ______ approach to leadership.


Which one of the following is NOT identified by the ADA as a form of disability?

broken arm

Although they are useful for keeping discipline and productivity in a company, the administrative personnel that form a company's ______ typically inhibit innovation.


Sexual harassment in the workplace ______.

can include displays of pornography has both male and female victims violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Oral, written, and electronic are three _______ for communication.


Leaders who are dominant, self-confident, and able to communicate their vision to subordinates are ______ leaders.


The excitement, dominance, and self-confidence of ______ leaders contribute to their ability to inspire followers to enthusiastically support their vision.


When managers engage in a dialogue with employees with the intended goal of helping them be more effective and achieve their full potential, they are engaging in the ______ process.


An organization lacking in group ______ will experience mistrust, miscommunication, stress, and attitudinal differences, resulting in decreased performance.


The degree to which members are attached to or loyal to their group is ______.


When group members perceive things and behave in similar ways, the group has ______.


The key element of effective teamwork is commitment to ______.

common purpose

The transmission of information and meaning from one party to another through the use of shared symbols is called ______.


Proper word choice can improve or be detrimental to ______.

communication effectiveness

Brickhouse Construction has a sales meeting to discuss approaches for growth in a downward economy. As a team, they agree on a solution. Robert, one of the team members, continues to argue his point anyway. This is an example of which conflict management style?


Which of the following techniques has been recently found to positively affect the performance of virtual teams?


Used while plans are being carried out


____________ control includes directing, monitoring, and fine-tuning activities as they are performed.


The process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party is called ______.


Honestly assessing the reasons behind your successes and failures, constantly analyzing issues and possible solutions, and taking action to make your plans come to fruition are ways to improve your competitive advantage through _________ learning.


_______ means expanding your horizons by exploring, discovering, and taking action to improve yourself throughout your career.

continuous learning

Which management function ensures that organizational activities are going as planned?


Effective leaders must defend and execute their vision against opposition, and for this reason they must have ______.


Companies that hire a diverse workforce ______.

develop products that meet consumers' needs in regional and international markets

Sources of stress experienced by global managers include culture shock, language barriers, and ______.

differences in work values

Which of the four leadership behaviors in path-goal theory is a form of task performance-oriented behavior?

directive leadership

In some cases, new technology can completely change the rules of competition within an industry. Technology in those cases is often called a ______ innovation because companies can falter if they fail to respond with effective innovations of their own.


Managing ______ means being aware of the characteristics that members of a group have in common yet managing them as individual employees.


The often unconscious tendency to assume something done differently in another culture is being done incorrectly exemplifies ______.


______ is the tendency to judge others by the standards of one's group or culture, which are seen as superior.


Establishing a sense of urgency in leading change means ______.

examining current realities and pressures in the marketplace

Assessing the limitations of a technology is known as determining the technological ______ of the innovation.


Used before operations begin


Feedback control is used at the ______ stage of the process of transforming inputs into finished goods and services.


A manager must be a leader to his subordinates and a ______ to his boss.


The unseen obstacle that prevents many women and minorities from ascending the managerial ladder is known as the ______.

glass ceiling

Managing diversity includes ______.

greatly appreciating and utilizing employee differences to create a more effective and lucrative organization

Employees who are not part of the prevailing group in a monolithic organization usually ______.

have low-status jobs

The two types of stretch goals are ______.

horizontal vertical

Diversity training programs make an effort to ______.

identify and reduce hidden biases develop the skills needed to manage a diversified workforce effectively build awareness and skills in this area

The expectancy theory states that increasing expectancies, making performance instrumental toward positive outcomes, and ______ are crucial to motivate employees.

identifying positively valent outcomes

The importance of diversity for U.S. companies is demonstrated by the growth of ______ in the U.S. workforce.


Diversity and inclusion initiatives positively impact an organization's competitive advantage through:

increased ability to attract and retain talent. improved perspective in differentiated markets. increased ability to leverage creativity and innovation in problem solving.

A huge change in the United States' labor market has been the ______.

increasing amount of women working outside the home

Which kind of performance goal can be dysfunctional and create competition among team members?


Saaiy prefers to think of himself and his needs when making decisions. This preference suggests that Saaiy prefers a(n) ______ culture.


Managing diversity means being cognizant of the traits common to a group of employees while also guiding and meeting the needs of these employees as ______.


Sometimes employees resist change because they feel comfortable and happy doing things the old way. This is called ______.


Which category makes up the smallest percentage of technology adopters?


An effective leader will strive to promote the unleashing of ______ throughout the organization.

intellectual capital

Effective communicators are also capable of observing and ______ nonverbal communications.


Hostile environment sexual harassment ______.

leads to an offensive work environment

Companies that excel at solving problems, seeking and finding new approaches, and sharing new knowledge with all members of an organization are called ______ organizations.


Messages are authentic when speakers demonstrate that they are ______ as well as speaking.


Project and development teams work on which type of project?

long term

Job ______ is defined as the level of the employee's skills and technical knowledge relative to the task being performed.


In the situational theory, Hersey and Blanchard identified which of the following as the key situational factor?

maturity of the followers

What is the second step in the control process?

measuring performance

In ______ communication, information flows from the sender to the receiver with no feedback loop.

one way

A consequence that people receive for their actions is called a(n) ______.


Performance results in some kind of consequence, which is referred to as a(n) ______.


Equity theory states that people assess which key factors?


Team cohesiveness can be increased by which kind of decision making?


Executives in ______ firms are more concerned about the opportunity costs of not taking action than they are about the potential to fail.


A set of perceptions regarding what employees owe their employers and what the employers owe them is called a(n) ______.

psychological contract

The four key consequences that encourage or discourage one's behavior are positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, extinction, and ______.


When employees violate the law, ethical standards, important safety rules, or standards of interpersonal treatment, ______ is sometimes appropriate.


An accounting firm gets the most up-to-date computer software at a discount from an online vendor. This is an example of obtaining new technology through ______.


Managers in Japan and Greece tend to be motivated most by ______ needs.


The level of a person's ______ is a measure of psychological maturity.


Group maintenance behaviors focus on ______.

stress reduction people's feelings and comfort

Effective teams are useful as building blocks for which aspect of an organization?


______ leadership is behavior that provides guidance, support, and corrective feedback.


Companies that have achieved long-term greatness tend to care most about competing with ______.

their own past successes

Identifying and reducing hidden biases and developing skills to manage a diverse workforce are done through diversity _____________ programs.


A ______ is a mental image of a possible and desirable future state of the organization.


A glass ceiling is a metaphor for an invisible barrier for ______.

women and minorities to move up the corporate hierarchy

Groups often receive materials from a different group, review or process them, and pass them on to the next group. This is known as a ___________ relationship.


In which kind of relationship does a group receive materials, review them, and then pass them on to the next group?


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