MGT 423 Miller Exam 1

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An OSHA inspection has ____ major components.


What is expected to be the fastest-growing age group in the labor force in the next decade?

55 and older

Which scenario describes a bona fide occupational qualification?

A female employee handing out towels in a women's locker room.

XYZ Company has a competitive advantage because its structure, people, and processes work together seamlessly. This describes

A high- performance work system

After the EEOC verifies an allegation of discrimination, what are the most common outcomes?

A settlement between the EEOC and the organization that is accused of discrimination A "right to sue" letter from the EEOC to the alleged victim A federal lawsuit against the organization that is accused of discrimination

The human resources department is like a business within the company, which provides what three product lines?

Administrative services and transactions Business partner services Strategic partner

What legislation prohibits discrimination based on disability?

Americans with Disabilities Act

Trevor is tasked with obtaining detailed information about the jobs in his organization. He is performing a job _______.


What technology that simulates human thinking (learning from data, adapting to change, and making decisions automatically) can human resource managers use in the application of people analytics?

Artificial Intelligence

Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, employees have the right to which of the following?

Be informed about exposure to hazards Have dangerous substances identified

As a business within the company, HR has three product lines, one of which involves contributing to the company's goals and plans by understanding how HR can provide a competitive advantage. This is known as ______.

Being a strategic partner

The HR department is involved in establishing and administering personnel policies related to which of the following? (Select all that apply)

Benefits Hiring Promotions Discipline

Which best describes a high-performance work system?

Best fit between social and technical systems

Which federal legislation furthers the Thirteenth Amendment's goal of abolishing slavery?

Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1871

What service allows a company to use large databases and sophisticated software, even if the company cannot afford a powerful computer?

Cloud computing

Which of the following is an economic effect of having an older workforce?

Companies must cope with rising health care costs

Which alternative work employee is employed directly by one company for a specific period of time as stated in a written contract?

Contract worker

What is one of the main reasons why the traditional 40-hour workweek has become obsolete in many cases and has been replaced by alternative arrangements such as temporary work and flexible schedules?


The HR function that handles attitude surveys, labor relations and outplacement services is

Employee Relations

What is the HR function that handles attitude surveys, labor relations, and outplacement services?

Employee relations

The government has established laws and regulations regarding the treatment of employees in which of the following areas?

Employee safety Job security Employee privacy employee pay and benefits

Human capital refers to an organization's _____.


Why do many employees fail to report safety concerns at work?

Employees believe that companies often ignore reports about unsafe conditions.

Define the technical component of a high-performance work system.

Equipment and work processes

True or false: Dylan, who is 21 years old and a college graduate, belongs to the fastest-growing group of workers in the workforce.


True or false: The ADA definition of disability does NOT include individuals who have a history of a disability, such as someone who has had cancer but is currently in remission.


Typical HR departments help establish policies related to all of the following EXCEPT _____.

Financial data

Under Executive Order 11478, the federal government is required to base all its employment policies on merit and _____.


What is the commonly used rule that provides evidence of potential discrimination based on a company's hiring rate for a majority group?

Four-fifths rule

Who does NOT have an alternative work arrangement?

Full-time employee

When a firm is better than its competitors at producing a good and is able to stay better at it over a length of time, it _____.

Gains a sustainable competitive advantage

When a company attempts to determine what type of employees it needs to meet its objectives, it is in the process of

Human resource planning

When a business downsizes its workforce, what should be done for the company's employees?

Inform all employees about the circumstances of the downsizing. Boost the morale of the remaining employees. Provide downsized employees with outplacement services.

What does the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution address?

It abolished slavery.

What is an advantage of using a human resource information system?

It enables a HR professional to store, manipulate, and analyze data.

What does the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution address?

It ensures due process of law.

Which of the following describes the current characteristics of the U.S. labor force?

It is getting more diverse

Which of the following are true of affirmative action in the United States? (Check all that apply.)

It remains controversial. It is the least popular when it uses quotas.

Which of the following describes the process of getting detailed information about jobs?

Job analysis

What is the process of breaking down each job into basic elements and rating each element for its potential for harm or injury?

Job hazard analysis technique

In a high-_______ work system, a firm's technology, organizational structure, people, and processes work together seamlessly. This results in the firm having an advantage in the competitive environment.


What differences among countries often make it more difficult for a company to promote safety in its international operations?

Political climate Legal systems Cultural variances

Which of the following is NOT a major component of an OSHA workplace inspection?

Posting OSHA citations at site of violation

Which act prohibits discrimination on the basis of pregnancy and childbirth?

Pregnancy Discrimination Act

By which of the following ways do human resource professionals maintain positive employee relations? (Check all that apply.)

Preparing employee handbooks Sending out company newsletter

Affirmative action efforts include which of the following?

Providing educational opportunities to minorities Recruiting minorities on college campuses Advertising in minority-oriented publications

What is the term for an employer's obligation to do something to enable an otherwise qualified person to perform a job?

Reasonable accommodation

The process by which an organization seeks applicants for potential employment is called ______.


What is the process by which a company seeks applicants for potential employment?


Which type of charge is the most frequently filed complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)?


Often reengineering results in employees being _____.

Retrained Laid off Reassigned to new jobs

What accusation can be lodged against a company that favors minority or female job applicants over white and/or male applicants?

Reverse discrimination

If the EEOC believes a complaint is not valid or fails to complete its investigation in the proper time frame, what is the next step for the person who filed the complaint?

The individual has the right to sue in federal court.

What are two ways reengineering might affect human resource management?

The pay structure might need to be adjusted The organization might need to recruit employees with a new set of skills

What is a major reason many companies use an alternative work arrangement?

To control costs of a project

A companywide effort to continually improve the way people and systems accomplish work is called _____.

Total quality management (TQM)

Organizations provide ways for employees to expand their knowledge or refine their skills through which of the following?

Training and Development

What practices are part of human resource management?

Training and Development Employee relations Compensation Recruitment

True or false: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, since 1990 the rate of injuries and illnesses in the workplace has shown a steady downward trend.


True or false: Pay and benefits play an important role in motivating employees.


True or false: Under the Equal Pay Act of 1963, men and women must be paid the same amount if they do equal work.


What is a merger?

Two companies join to become one entity

Which of the following is NOT an important practice in human resource management?

Union organization

When an employee wants to file a complaint based on the Lilly Ledbetter Act, what point in time is NOT used to determine whether the complaint falls within the parameters of the legislation?

When the employee started a job with the company in question

Within how many days does an individual have to file a discrimination complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)?

Within 180 days of the incident

The term that describes an organization's active effort to find opportunities to hire or promote people in a particular group is known as _____.

affirmative action

Which of the following are associated with employee engagement? (Select all that apply)

better customer service low turnover rate higher productivity

The major law regulating equal employment opportunity in the United States resulted directly from the _____.

civil rights movement

When a U.S.-based employer implemented a new standardized safety policy, its Argentinian affiliate balked because it felt that safety should be controlled by the employees doing the work. What obstacle is the U.S. affiliate encountering?


The biggest challenge human resource management faces when a company expands into a global market is adapting to the local _____.


An employee who takes an assignment in another country is called a(n) _____.


Presidential Executive Order 11246 prohibits discrimination on the part of _____.

federal contractors

Under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994, employers must reemploy workers who left jobs to fulfill military duties for up to _____.

five years

From an organization's perspective, the key to survival in a fast-changing environment is _____.


Under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, employers _____.

must make reasonable accommodations for military workers returning to the company

Sara's U.S.-based company built a manufacturing facility in India and hired only employees from India to work there. This demonstrates the idea of _____.


The practice of a U.S. company hiring local employees to work at a facility in a foreign country rather than sending U.S. employees is called


HR management can support strategic efforts to control costs through downsizing, reengineering, and _____.


What technique uses computers to analyze large quantities of data and help human resource managers make decisions?

people analytics

Companies that use human resource information systems (HRIS) must take particular care regarding what issue?


A description of what an employee expects to contribute in an employment relationship and what the employer will provide in exchange for those contributions is called a(n) _____.

psychological contract

Under the general-duty clause of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, employees have a right to a place of employment that is free from _____.

recognized hazards

Human resource management requires careful and discreet _____.

record keeping

A complete review of an organization's critical work processes to make them more efficient and able to deliver higher quality is called _________


To ensure safe workplace behaviors, employers should not only define how to work safely but also _____.

reinforce the desired employee behavior

As a result of the current age-related trends in the United States job market, by 2026 it is likely that human resource professionals will spend much of their time on issues related to


The OSH Act of 1970 establishes standards for worker _____.


What term describes when employees have online access to information about HR issues -?


Belinda's boss Max has told her several times that she would be promoted to manager if she slept with him. This situation is an example of _____.

sexual harassment

As the human resource manager, Garrett has been asked to find three new marketing employees who can help the company define its social media presence. Which function is Garrett involved in?

supporting the company strategy

An organization can succeed if it is better than competitors at something and can stay better at it over a length of time. What is this called?

sustainable competitive advantage

The assignment of work to groups of employees with various skills is called _____.


The Vocational Rehabilitation Act was the precursor to affirmative action and focused on providing enhanced employment opportunities for _____.

the disabled

The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs is responsible for enforcing orders that cover companies doing business with _____.

the federal government

What is performance management?

the process through which managers ensure that employees' activities and outputs contribute to the organization's goals

Michael is a new employee who doesn't feel confident in his job skills. To help him to learn the knowledge, skills, and behavior he needs, his company will provide him with _____.


Groups of employees who rely on communications technology to keep in touch and coordinate activities are called _____.

virtual teams

What aspect of a business deals with the policies, practices, and systems that influence the behavior, attitudes, and performance of employees?


Over the past few years, employee benefit costs have become particularly relevant to HR managers in the area of _____.

Health insurance

What is NOT an effective strategy for companies expanding into global markets?

Hiring entirely from the home country's talent pool

In the coming decade, the fastest-growing ethnic group within the U.S. workforce is expected to be _____.


What aspect of a business deals with the policies, practices, and systems that influence the behavior, attitudes, and performance of employees?

Human Resource Management

An organization's employees, described in terms of their training, experience, judgment, intelligence, relationships, and insight, are referred to as its ____

Human capital

An organization's employees, described in terms of their training, experience, judgment, intelligence, relationships, and insight, are referred to as its _____.

Human capital

Chantal helps recruit and hire employees. She is also involved with correcting poor employee behavior. Chantal works in ______.

Human resource management (HRM)

_________ is the term for people who want to work and are able to work.

Labor force

The government forecasts a 6.6% increase in the labor force between 2016 and 2026, which is _____ the increase experienced at the end of the 1990s.

Less than (13 % from 1996-2006)

What is NOT a core value of total quality management (TQM)?

Manufacturing goals are set to expedite production.

Which of the following describe the characteristics of a company's most talented, committed, and experienced employees? (Check all that apply.)

Nothing can be substituted for them They are valuable human resources They are rare human resources

What condition is NOT covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act?


Which category of employees is NOT covered by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

Older workers

What is an acquisition?

One company buys another

What is NOT an essential characteristic of a company's most talented and experienced employees?

Other companies can groom their employees to closely imitate them

Of the following, which plays the most important role in employee motivation, especially when linked to the individual's or group's achievements?

Pay and benefits

Which of the following is an important element to ensure that HR professionals keep careful and discreet records?

Sensitivity to employee privacy

Over the next decade, the Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts most jobs will be in _____.

Service industry

_____ refers to workplace conduct of a sexual nature, including sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other contact of a sexual nature, whether verbal or physical.

Sexual harassment

Name a method of promoting safety by determining which specific element of a job led to a past accident.

Technique of operations review

Which law granted all citizens the right to enter into and enforce contracts, including employment contracts?

The Civil Rights Act of 1866

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is enforced by which governmental agency?

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

After the Supreme Court overturned an EEOC policy that defined the time frame when employees may file a complaint, what legislation was enacted in response?

The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

What is the most comprehensive U.S. law regarding worker safety?

The Occupational Safety and Health Act

What institution is head of the U.S. judicial branch, which influences employment law?

The U.S. Supreme Court

Why might a company experience negative stock returns and lower profitability after laying off some of its highest-paid salespeople?

The average sales per employee will decrease

Which branch of the federal government is responsible for enforcing the laws passed by Congress?

The executive branch

Some manufacturing companies have difficulty filling jobs because _____.

applicants lack skills to run computer-controlled machinery

As a business within the company, HR has three product lines, one of which involves contributing to the company's goals and plans by understanding how HR can provide a competitive advantage. This is known as ______.

being a strategic partner

The use of contingent workers has been (increasing/decreasing) recently.


One potential sign of _____ is disparate treatment, differing treatment of individuals where the differences are based on the individual's race, color, religion, sex, or other factors.


The four-fifths rule is used to find evidence of potential _____ in hiring practices.


Harrison's manager asked if he knew anyone looking for work because the company needed to hire six new sales people. Harrison referred several of his friends. Nisha, who works with Harrison, is frustrated by this because all of his friends are white, wealthy and well-educated and don't represent some of the underserved groups of her company. This scenario demonstrates a ___________ impact.


A company hires men who have school-age children but fails to hire women with school-age children claiming the women will be absent frequently because their children could be sick and out of school. This scenario demonstrates the concept of _____.

disparate treatment

There is some concern that increased use of _______ could prompt the need for legislation protecting employee privacy rights.

electronic databases

When you feel fully involved in your job and committed to your employer, you are experiencing

employee engagement

The condition in which all individuals have an equal chance for employment regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin is called _____.

equal employment opportunity

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, by the year 2026 the labor force in the United States is expected to

grow somewhat

It is predicted that service jobs will have the highest growth rate between 2016-2026, especially those associated with _____.

health care

Foreigners who have entered the United States without following the legal requirements for immigration or asylum are called undocumented or ____________ immigrants.


An organization's employees as well as individuals who have contracts to work at the organization are the

internal labor force

Many U.S. employers in such fields as construction and farming hire immigrant workers to

keep the company's costs low

An intranet provides a solution to the privacy issue associated with e-HRM because it _____.

limits access to authorized users

Work teams often assume many activities traditionally reserved for _____.


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