MGT 475 Chapter 5
"The first imperative is to be a trustworthy person, and that depends on both one's character and competence." This belongs to the ____________ level of Convey's principle-centered leadership model
Which of the following is not one of the four general categories of attitudes and behaviors associated with ethical leadership and ethical role models?
personal behaviors
Plato and Kant believed mature moral judgment was a _______ process
Which of the following is a criticism of servant leadership?
Servant leadership suggests that serving others is an end to itself rather than a means to other organizational goals
What are the four levels of Convey's principle-centered leadership
1. Personal 2. Interpersonal 3. Managerial 4. Organizational
Which of the following is not a characteristic of a cult?
A lack of a common culture
Constructs representing generalized behaviors or states of affairs that are considered by the individual to be important are known as
Over __________ is currently invested in mutual funds that focus on companies that demonstrate commitment to the environment, ethics, and social responsibility
$2 trillion
Even in purely economic terms, in 2010 the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners estimated that businesses around the world would lose ___________every year to fraudulent activity
$2.9 billion
The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners estimated that globally businesses lose how much each year due to fraudulent activity?
$2.9 billion
What are Kidder's four ethical dilemmas?
1. Truth versus loyalty 2. Individual versus community 3. Short term versus long term 4. Justice versus mercy
Which of the following is not true regarding personal values and organizational values?
An individual leader's personal values are unlikely to play a significant role in determining team values
Which of the following is not a description of the moral person as defined by Avolio?
Which type of thinking is associated with the Golden Rule?
True or false: Authentic leaders are inconsistent in their values, their beliefs, and their actions
True or false: Avolio and his associates have defined ethical leadership as having eight core components
True or false: Servant leadership has been hailed across the board as the most promising leadership style for large companies
True or false: Studies show that predictions of ethical behavior are generally consistent with actual behavior
In contrast to previous generations, which group believes that leaders have to earn their positions, not be given them based on seniority?
Gen Xers
The group of workers identified by Zemke as entrepreneurial individuals who embrace change and take a free agency approach to their jobs are the __________
Gen Xers
A boss who exaggerates her anger at an employee's mistake to 'teach a lesson' is demonstrating which type of leadership?
The question of whether you should tell authorities that your spouse has a highly contagious and dangerous disease or protect her privacy is an example of which ethical dilemma?
Individual versus community
All of the following except which are characteristics most often associated with servant leadership?
___________ doubt the wisdom of traditional racial and sexual categorizing and seek seeking teamwork, security, and work-life balance as they move into the workplace
Which of the following is true about the dual-process theory of moral judgment proposed by Joshua Greene?
Moral judgments concerned primarily with "rights" and "duties" are made by automatic emotional responses
Which of the following is an assumption of Theory Y?
People are intrinsically motivated by their work
Which type of leadership can best be described as literally involving serving others?
Deciding how to balance spending time with your children versus making a bigger commitment to your career is an example of which type of dilemma?
Short-term versus long-term
Which of the following is not one of the 'fronts' of leadership action important to establishing an ethical organizational climate?
Structural realignment
The four generations of values identified by Zemke include each of the following except __________
Which of the following does not describe a servant leader?
The leader's primary role is to communicate to others
Successful managers typically subscribe to
Theory Y
All of the following except which describe the interpersonal behaviors of ethical leaders?
They articulate a consistent ethical vision
True or false: Although most people purport to judge others by their merits, research shows that implicit prejudice often distorts their judgments
True or false: It is important for leaders to internalize a strong set of ethics
True or false: Leaders sometimes fail as a result of a lack of fit between their personal values and those of the organization
True or false: One's ethical judgments are negatively affected by conflicts of interest
When organizational leaders fail to embrace and enforce ethical standards and norms and even condone misbehavior, the organization has which type of climate?
Unethical climate
Which of the following is not one of the four qualities of leadership identified by Bennis and Goldsmith?
Banners proclaiming Enron to be the 'world's leading company' are an example of which element of the cult-like culture at the company?
a compelling and totalistic vision
When an individual justifies his behavior by comparing it to even more heinous behavior he is using
advantageous comparison
When someone tries to justify their behavior by claiming it was caused by someone's else's action, the individual is using __________
attribution of blame
Which type of bias is present when an individual encourages his client to purchase a product that may not be right for the client, but that would earn the individual a hefty sales commission?
conflict of interest
_____________ _____________ represents and organization's purpose, guiding principles, basic identity, and most important values
core ideology
The fortitude to face risk and overcome fears associated with taking ethical action refers to moral
A researcher who ask subordinates to speculate whether they think their manager would be likely to act unethically is using a ________ reputation approach to measuring leader integrity
Which type of approach should subordinates use when assessing managerial integrity?
dubious reputation
Moral _________ refers to an individual's belief in his capacity to mobilize various personal, interpersonal, and other external resources to persist despite moral adversity
Hume and Smith argued that ___________ are central to moral judgment
Leaders who show they understand the world as we see and experience it show _________
Thinking that is characterized as 'do what's best for the greatest number of people' is referred to as __________ thinking
Principles of right conduct or a system of moral values are referred to as __________
Principle-centered leadership suggests a fundamental interdependence between all of the following levels of leadership except
Prejudice that occurs without the individual's awareness refers to ___________ prejudice
A manager who chooses a job applicant who is more like herself rather than another applicant who is not like her is demonstrating __________ ______________
in-group favoritism
When an individual shows a systemic pattern of acts of kindness towards people who are like them, they are demonstrating ____________ ____________
in-group favoritism
Which of the following is not a benefit of having a strong ethical climate?
increased organizational costs and complexity
Values that refer to modes of behavior are called _____ values
Which of the following is not part of the concept of moral potency?
moral justification
Research shows that the relationship between how we think we should act and our actual behavior is
often inconsistent
An individual who tells his superiors that he is responsible for completing 90% of the work done by his group is probably guilty of which type of bias?
overclaiming credit
When we overestimate the quality of our own work and contributions to our team, we are showing which type of bias?
overclaiming credit
A leaders who's primary motivation is to help others can best be described as ______________ leaders
The term ______ ethical leadership refers to leadership behavior enacted by individuals who take action to maintain ethical standards in the face of questionable moral behaviors by higher ups