MGT Final Part 1

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Which of the following is one of the steps recommended for companies to take to reduce the risks associated with unethical charismatic leaders?

All of these are recommended steps to take to reduce the risks associated with unethical charismatics.

Which of the following statements explains why diversity actually makes good business sense?

Diversity helps companies attract and recruit talented employees

A company implementing a(n) ____ strategy would choose to accept responsibility for a problem and do all that society expects to solve problems.


In terms of leadership behavior, the term ____ refers to the extent to which a leader is friendly, approachable, supportive, and shows concern for employees.


Hormel Foods had to recall 104,000 pounds of Stagg canned chili—labeled "hearty beef with a kick of green chilies"—after the kick turned out to come from the ground-up parts of a plastic handheld calculator. The recall was the application of which management function?


Southern Living magazine was forced to pull an issue off newsstands and mail warnings to 2.5 million subscribers after it became clear that a recipe for dinner rolls described as "little pillows from heaven" was considered controversial. The management function of ____ was used when the warnings were mailed to subscribers.


Companies are not considered unethical if they do not perform their ____ responsibilities.


A key difference between affirmative action and diversity is that ____.

diversity has a broader focus

In the nursing home industry, pairing two younger workers with an older worker creates more job opportunities for the older workers. Furthermore, this pairing could be a significant advantage in nursing homes where an older worker may have more sensitivity to aging problems. This would be an example of a type of mentoring called ____.

diversity pairing

People with the Big Five dimension of ____ respond well under stress.

emotional stability

The U.S. Sentencing Commission Guidelines impose smaller fines on companies that ____.

have already established a specific type of compliance program

A family restaurant based in the English speaking providence of Ontario, was planning on opening a catering business in the French-speaking areas of Canada, This restaurant would need employees with which of the following dimensions of personality?

openness to experience

Refer to Hewlett-Packard. According to the contingency theory, when Mark Hurd decided to lay off 14,500 employees, he was showing high ____.

position power

When media in India informed the public that Coca-Cola products bottled in India contained a high level of certain cancer-causing pesticides, they were acting in the role of ____.

secondary stakeholders

Ethical intensity depends on all of the following EXCEPT ____.

social commitment

According to the ____ model, management's most important responsibility is long-term survival (not just maximizing profits). Long-term survival, according to this model, is achieved by satisfying the interests of multiple corporate stakeholders.


Refer to Hewlett-Packard. In doing a better job of implementing Fiorina's strategy for HP, Mark Hurd is using which form of leadership?

strategic leadership

Ethical intensity depends in part upon ____.

temporal immediacy

Which of the following is the most commonly used paradigm for managing diversity?

the discrimination and fairness paradigm

Refer to Anglo American. Even though Anglo American would not have been considered unethical if it had not begun the fight against AIDS, it chose to assume a social role of ____, the highest level of social responsibility.

the media

Which of the following is NOT an example of a stakeholder group that an organization must satisfy to assure long-term survival?

the media

____ helps companies grow by improving the quality of problem solving and improving marketplace understanding.


is defined as the degree to which leaders are able to hire, fire, reward, and punish workers

Position power

Refer to Anglo American. ____ is the term used to describe the obligation Anglo American had to take actions that benefit society.

Social responsibility

For some time now, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has been making anti-AIDS drugs like Retrovir and Epivir available in hard-hit areas of Africa at up to 75 percent off the global price. But that wasn't enough for AIDS prevention groups, which were outraged by GSK's decision to use the World Trade Organization's (WTO's) patent protection rules to take action against governments importing lower-cost versions of these drugs. AIDS prevention groups saw GSK's use of WTO regulation as acting at which level of social responsibility?


The glass ceiling is most closely associated with ____.

ethnic, racial, and gender discrimination

Which of the following traits refers to the extent to which leaders are truthful with others?


Refer to Unilever. To focus on deep-level diversity, Unilever would need to use the ____ paradigm.

learning and effectiveness

In Fiedler's contingency theory, the term ____ refers to the degree to which leaders are able to hire, fire, reward, and punish workers.

position power

Refer to Anglo American. The miners who work for Anglo American are examples of ____.

primary stakeholders

Leaders who possess the trait of ____ are more decisive and assertive and more likely to gain others' confidence.


Under the stakeholder model, ____ would be an example of a stakeholder group that does not engage in regular transactions with the company and is not critical to its long-term survival but can still affect public perceptions and opinions about the company's socially responsible behavior.

the media

Eastman Kodak owns a company that manufactures dental radiation equipment. The company, which is run as an independent unit, has experienced excessive financial losses the last three years. The ____ for the company would be expected to develop the long-term plans needed to make the company profitable.

top manager

There have been several studies of managers who fail (derailers) and managers who succeed in climbing the organizational hierarchy (arrivers). Which of the following statements describes one of the facts learned from these studies?

Arrivers are sensitive to the feelings of others.

Which of the following is NOT one of the four leadership styles identified in the path-goal theory of leadership?


Doris Cunningham, CEO of Members Choice Federal Credit Union in West Virginia, believes keeping staff excited about the business they're in is one of a leader's primary roles. She believes a spirit of enthusiasm must start at the top. This indicates that Cunningham is high in ____.


Refer to Hewlett-Packard. There was a deep sense of distrust at HP when Hurd replaced Carly Fiorina as CEO. Which leadership behavior should Mark use to help improve the situation?


is the extent to which a leader is friendly, approachable, and supportive and shows concern for employees.


____ are the expectations that a company will voluntarily serve a social role beyond its economic, legal, and ethical responsibilities.

Discretionary responsibilities

Which of the following statements about social responsibility is true?

Economic and legal responsibilities play a larger role in a company's social responsibility than do ethical and discretionary responsibilities.

____ is the accomplishment of tasks that help fulfill organizational objectives.


Which of the following statements about ethics is true?

Ethics is the set of moral principles or values that defines right and wrong for a person or group.

Hot Topic is a fast-growing clothing chain targeted to the alternative teen demographic. Hot Topic's CEO Betsy McLaughlin relies on her employees to locate new trends. McLaughlin almost daily consults with her employees for suggestions on what the stores should carry. She relies on their input before making inventory decisions. McLaughlin uses the ____ style of management.


____ is the relatively stable set of behaviors, attitudes, and emotions displayed over time that makes people different from each other.


___ integrity tests indirectly estimate employee honesty by measuring psychological traits.


____ integrity tests indirectly estimate employee honesty by measuring psychological traits.


Transformational leaders that pay special attention to followers' individual needs by creating learning opportunities, accepting and tolerating individual differences, encouraging two-way communication, and practice being a good listener describes the component of transformational leadership known as ____?

Strategic leadership

____ is the ability to anticipate, envision, maintain flexibility, think strategically, and work with others to initiate change that will create a positive future for the organization.

Strategic leadership

What does it mean when the text says that the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines use a "carrot and stick" approach?

The Guidelines offer lower fines to companies that take proactive steps.

According to Milton Friedman, which of the following is a position opposing the stakeholder model of corporate social responsibility?

The time, money, and attention diverted to social causes undermine market efficiency

Which of the following statements about the two basic leader behaviors that are central to successful leadership is true?

These behaviors are independent, meaning that leaders can do both at the same time.

The ____ determined that companies can be prosecuted and punished for the illegal or unethical actions of employees even if management didn't know about the unethical behavior.

U.S. Sentencing Commission Guidelines

During his tenure as the CEO of Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB), John Mack turned the money-losing bank into a profitable firm by "goading workers to move out of their comfort zones" and setting challenging goals for them. His high expectation for his employees indicates that Mack used a(n) ____ leadership style.


According to the path-goal theory of leadership, ____ means setting challenging goals, having high expectations of employees, and displaying confidence that employees will assume responsibility and put forth extraordinary effort.

achievement-oriented leadership

The last step in the basic model of ethical decision making is to ____.


The purposeful steps taken by an organization to create employment opportunities for minorities and women is called ____.

affirmative action

The Finnish government is working to change the perception of older workers and encourage Finnish companies to abandon mandatory retirement plans. What kind of surface-level diversity is the Finnish government hoping to achieve?


According to the stakeholder model, which primary stakeholder group is theoretically most important to the company?

all primary stakeholders are of equal importance

Refer to Gap. Today it could be argued that Gap has become the most proactive retailer in the industry. This means Gap ____.

anticipates responsibility for a problem before it occurs and does more than society expects to address the problem

The two basic types of diversity training programs are ____.

awareness training and skills-based diversity training

Video Arts Inc., a Chicago-based business training company, is currently marketing The Grapevine, a 30-minute training video designed to teach companies how to deal with and prevent damaging gossip. Which of the following is an example of a secondary stakeholder group for Video Arts?

business magazines that run ads for the training video

Which of the following is another term for initiating structure leadership behavior?

concern for production

Which of the Big Five personality measures has the greatest impact on behavior in organizations?


What action can a medium-sized manufacturing company take if it wants to create a positive work environment; where every employee does his or her best work and individual differences are respected and not just ignored?

create a diversity program

The author of The Science of Good and Evil describes his meeting with the founders of Google in the book. He described them as visionary leaders, which means their primary goal for being in business is to ____.

create a positive image of the future

In recent years Kowalski's Markets expanded by purchasing four existing stores. One of the stores was located in Minneapolis' Camden neighborhood, a lower-class community unlike the store's typical upscale customer demographic. Rather than sell the property, the owners decided they had an obligation to provide a neighborhood grocery store to that community. Which of the following is an example of a primary stakeholder group for Kowalski's markets?

customers in the Camden neighborhood

training program, its human resources managers discovered that Americans typically reach decisions very quickly. One German manager described them as "hip shooters." He said, "We [Germans] are more analytical. We're more logical and systematic." This discovery had to do with ____.

deep-level diversity

The social responsiveness strategy that could be considered essentially a public relations approach is the ____ strategy.


Recently, a newly appointed CEO of a major corporation began by firing the entire management committee. A few months later, this same executive, fired two of his hand-picked senior executives. From this information, it is obvious that this executive was more concerned about his employees' performances than their job satisfaction. From this information, what type of leadership style is being used?


Under the leadership of Michael Eisner, The Walt Disney Company developed an "executive-centric, Eisner-centric culture"—whatever Eisner wanted to happen, he made happen. In terms of the path-goal theory, Eisner used a(n) ____ leadership style to improve Disney's profitability.


According to the path-goal theory of leadership, what type of leadership is being practiced that involves letting employees know precisely what is expected of them, giving them specific guidelines for performing tasks, scheduling work, setting standards of performance, and making sure that people follow standard rules and regulations.

directive leadership

Refer to Anglo American. Even though Anglo American would not have been considered unethical if it had not begun the fight against AIDS, it chose to assume a social role of ____, the highest level of social responsibility.

discretionary responsibility

Refer to Wal-Mart. The addition of the corporate compliance department reflects the implementation of a(n) ____.

discrimination and fairness paradigm

The primary benefit of the ____ paradigm is that it generally brings about fairer treatment of employees and increases demographic diversity.

discrimination and fairness paradigm

Japanese-based Honda Motors recently opened a manufacturing plant in China. The Chinese balked at wearing the standard Honda white uniforms because white in China is a funeral color. The Chinese workers agreed to wear the white uniforms if they could wear gray caps. The compromise made everyone happy. This cultural sensitivity is an example of how ____ influences organizations.


____ is a term that describes a situation in organizations when there is a variety of demographic, cultural, and personal differences among the people who work there and the customers who do business there.


Bernd Pischetsrieder, chief executive of Volkswagen, announced restructuring plans for the company. VW is Europe's largest carmaker and needed to make itself profitable once again. To do so, VW cut thousands of jobs in the ensuing years through natural attrition, early retirement, and buying workers out of their contracts. The carmaker also considered whether its component parts factories in Brunswick, Kassel, and Wolfsburg were helping VW accomplish its organizational goal. Pischetsrieder blamed much of the company's problems on restructuring that was done in 1993. He insisted that the company is missing a whole generation of managers because its former CEO eliminated a whole layer of management. Now, 45 percent of managers were expected to go into retirement in the following three or four years. Refer to Volkswagen. VW is examining the ____ of its component parts factories.


Refer to CEO Jeff Bezos must wrestle with basic management issues such as how to get more done at Amazon with a minimum of effort, expense, or waste. In other words, Bezos must make Amazon more:


Which of the following traits refers to the tendency of leaders to remain even-tempered and consistent in their outlook and the way they treat others even when things go wrong?

emotional stability

Which of the following is NOT one of the Big Five personality dimensions?


Which of the following is another term for considerate leadership behavior?

employee-centered leadership

To help companies reduce age discrimination, their managers can ____.

ensure that younger and older workers interact with each other

The two kinds of charismatic leaders are referred to as ____.

ethical charismatics and unethical charismatics

What term describes the degree of concern people have about an ethical issue?

ethical intensity

Which of the following is an example of an interpersonal role?


Mike Walker supervises operations on the chassis assembly line for a large vehicle manufacturer. Most of his time is spent in quality control maintenance, scheduling workers, and training new employees. Walker would be categorized as a:

first-line manager

Refer to Unilever. After studying the problem, the executive committee discovered that the company recruited the same number of men and women, but women were not being promoted to the top management positions. This probably resulted from the existence of a(n) ____.

glass ceiling

Refer to Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart has 65 percent female employees, and women comprise just 41.3 percent of its management trainees, 35.7 percent of its assistant managers, 22.8 percent of its co-managers, and 14.3 percent of its store managers. This indicates the giant retailer may have a(n) ____.

glass ceiling

When AT&T hired a female as its president, it was evidence that AT&T does not have a(n) ____ to prevent women from rising to leadership positions.

glass ceiling

After identifying the problem in the basic model of ethical decision-making, the next step is to ____.

identify the constituents

Refer to Gap. Gap was ignoring its discretionary responsibilities to society when it ____.

ignored the terrible treatment of overseas workers in the clothing industry

Middle managers will most likely have to:

implement the changes generated by top managers

Refer to Hewlett-Packard. As Mark Hurd began his role as CEO, he needed to ____ to improve the performance of his management team.

initiate structure

Refer to Oakland Athletics. Other teams have an average payroll of $85 million. Beane's payroll for the Athletics is only $33 million. His ability to be frugal and yet build a successful team is in large part due to his ability to set goals, give directions, and assign tasks. In other words, Beane excels in ____.

initiating structure

United Fruit Company is the owner of the Chiquita brand of bananas. United Fruit emphasized how the fruit was to be picked and packed for transportation and shows no concern for the workers. United Fruit can be considered using _____ type of managing.

initiating structure

Which of the following is a major concern of leaders (as opposed to managers)?

inspiring and motivating others

According to Mintzberg, which of the following are the three major roles managers fulfill while performing their jobs?

interpersonal roles, informational roles, and decisional roles

Unilever has operations in 150 countries. Recently, Unilever took 100 of these top managers on a jungle retreat to Costa Rica. To the dismay of Unilever's chair, there were no women in the group. Upon investigation, he learned that only one woman had even been invited. As the retreat progressed, its participants commented on the richness of diversity in nature and how everything needs diversity to grow. These comments caused Unilever's chair to establish an executive committee to examine practical ways to overcome barriers to women's promotion. They decided to avoid setting numerical targets because they encourage positive discrimination and instead examined recruitment and promotion practices. Refer to Unilever. This is an example of a diversity program because it ____.

is done voluntarily

Research shows that while initiating structure impacts primarily on ____, consideration impacts primarily on ____.

job performance; job satisfaction

In terms of leadership behavior, the term ____ refers to the extent to which a leader is friendly, approachable, supportive, and shows concern for employees.


Refer to Hewlett-Packard. Critics say that Fiorina's weakness as CEO is that she focused too much on ____ and not enough on ____.

leadership; management

As the human resources manager for Spring Engineering and Manufacturing Corp. in Canton, Michigan, Kim Radeback had to find inexpensive ways to reward high performing employees and bolster morale during a sales-flattening economic downturn. Radeback had to engage in which management function?


Robert Rothschild Farm boosted morale and showed its gratitude to its 75 employees at its retail store by hosting its first employee appreciation week. It used the management function of ____ to boost morale.


Bentley College launched a comprehensive diversity initiative that includes frequent diversity retreats for faculty, staff, and student leaders; innovative recruitment efforts; employee benefits for domestic partners; and extensive support services focused on race, gender, and disability. Bentley uses the ____ paradigm for managing diversity.

learning and effectiveness

Ramin wood, which is used to make pool cues and picture frames, was declared an endangered species and its export is regulated by the government of Indonesia. In spite of attempts to control the sale of the wood, it is still being carried across Indonesia's national borders and sold in Malaysia where government officials pretend the wood was legally acquired. Companies that buy the illegally-acquired wood in Malaysia are ignoring their ____ responsibility to society.


Refer to Anglo American. The wave of relief, optimism, and hope throughout South Africa is a reflection of the ____ caused by Anglo's decision.

magnitude of consequences

The Department of Defense doesn't classify pilferage as a major problem, as its annual inventory losses run $1-2 billion a year. The intentional theft and sale of defense secrets would have greater ethical intensity than this pilferage due to ____.

magnitude of consequences

To make sure that people with disabilities have the same opportunities as everyone else, organizations can ____.

make a commitment to reasonable workplace accommodations

When Ruth was hired to be the second-in-command at Graham Mailing Services, she was told that her job was to deal with the employees to make sure they got the mailing done to the customers' specifications. She was not instructed on how to run machines or in any other technical area because her position was a job in:


Connie O'Day is a middle-level manager for the publishers of Free Spirit magazine, a publication targeted to women who are not focused on finding a husband or maintaining a house and garden. She spends much of her day conducting interviews with groups of women to determine what they consider most important in their lives. She also keeps an eye on the sales and content of other women's magazines. Which informational role does O'Day perform?


The term ____ refers to a work environment where (1) each member is empowered to contribute in a way that maximizes the benefits to the organization, customers, and themselves; and (2) the individuality of each member is respected by not segmenting or polarizing people on the basis of their membership in a particular group.

organizational plurality

A(n) ____ is a written test that estimates employee honesty by directly asking job applicants what they think or feel about theft or about punishment of unethical behaviors.

overt integrity test

To achieve its goal of increased market share, Krispy Kreme launched a program in Palm Beach County, Florida, that awards grade-school students a free doughnut for every A on their report cards. Which management function was used to create this program?


Larry Tobin is now president of Fairwinds Credit Union in Florida where he started as a part-time teller. He's learned to ignore one bit of advice he's frequently heard, "Work with what you have." Tobin doesn't buy that view. He subscribes to the philosophy that calls for "having the right people on the bus and the right people in the right seats on the bus." After Tobin assumed the helm at Fairwinds, he made several personnel changes. This ability to make these personnel changes defines Tobin's ____.

position power

According to Kohlberg's model of moral development, people at the ____ use internalized ethical principles to solve ethical dilemmas.

postconventional level

Doug has a low-paying job for a telecommunications company. Every day when he goes home from work, Doug puts a headset, a stapler, or something similar in his lunch box and takes it home with him. Doug sees nothing wrong with his behavior since he feels he is being paid less than he should. In terms of Kohlberg's stages of moral development, Doug is operating at which level?


According to Kohlberg's model of moral development, people at the ____ make decisions that are based on selfish reasons.

preconventional level

The three stages of moral development identified by Kohlberg are ____.

preconventional level, conventional level, and postconventional level

When media in India informed the public that Coca-Cola products bottled in India contained a high level of certain cancer-causing pesticides, the Indian government immediately ordered Coke to stop production. The Indian government served as a(n) ____.

primary stakeholder

The two general categories of stakeholders are ____ stakeholders and ____ stakeholders.

primary; secondary

A company implementing a(n) ____ strategy would demonstrate the greatest willingness on the part of the company to meet or exceed society's expectations.


Refer to Anglo American. To meet its obligation for social responsibility, Anglo American used a progressive approach to doing what it could to solve the problems caused by the AIDS epidemic in South Africa. The mining conglomerate used a(n) ____ strategy.


A U.S. metals broker advertises "95 percent of orders shipped from stock" even though the company has no warehouses and no inventory. When questioned about the truth of the ad, the broker responded, "We do ship 95 percent of our orders from stock, but it is from suppliers' stocks, not ours." To respond to this ethical question, the broker used a(n) ____ strategy.


Bayer AG was indicted as a participant in an international price-fixing scheme that drove up the costs of rubber chemicals used to make shoes, tires, and other products. Bayer AG paid its fine but did not admit culpability. Instead, the company announced that paying the fine was less costly than litigation. Bayer AG implemented a(n) ____ strategy.


When media in India informed the public that Coca-Cola products bottled in India contained a high level of certain cancer-causing pesticides, Coke responded by saying that all of India's water was contaminated and that it was not doing anything wrong by using the local water supply. What kind of a strategy did Coke use to respond to its social responsibility problems?

reactive strategy

The ____ model holds that the only social responsibility that businesses have is to maximize profit.


In Fiedler's contingency theory, the term ____ refers to the degree to which a particular situation either permits or denies a leader the chance to influence the behavior of group members.

situational favorableness

Larry Tobin is now president of Fairwinds Credit Union in Florida. After Mr. Tobin assumed the presidency at Fairwinds, he made several personnel changes. Which of the following seems most important to Tobin?

situational favorableness

Recently, the cable television networks have bombarded viewers with a variety of shows based around teams that come in to redecorate homes and gardens in a very short time frame. Since these teams are typically made up of men and women of different ethnic backgrounds, age, and physical capabilities, the fact they work so well with each other to accomplish the redecorating goal is an example of ____.

social integration

In an article about BP Amoco, its CEO said that the company's commitment to ____ is all about trying to align its policies, values, and behavior with those of the societies in which it operates because, ultimately, superior performance means being in touch

social responsibility

Kowalski's Markets, a local supermarket chain in Minneapolis, expanded by purchasing four existing stores. One of the stores was located in Minneapolis' Camden neighborhood, a lower-class community unlike the store's typical upscale customer demographic. Rather than sell the property, the owners decided they had a(n) ____ to provide a neighborhood grocery store to that community.

social responsibility

Mr. Jan Carlson, the former CEO of Scandinavian Airline Systems (SAS), believes the most important role for a leader is to instill confidence in people. According to the path-goal theory, this statement indicates that his leadership style would be ____.


Refer to Unilever. A need to be concerned about ____ diversity was revealed by the retreat in Costa Rica.


Which of the following is an example of an environmental contingency in path-goal theory?

task structure

Refer to Krispy Kreme. To be successful, managers need four skills. The fact that Rudolph was a skilled baker when he purchased the secret doughnut recipe indicates he had ____ skills.


An accountant with ____ has the ability to create a budget, compare the budget to the actual income statement, and determine unnecessary expenses.

technical skill

According to a recent census, over 40 percent of the Australian population was born overseas or had one parent born overseas. The abilities of these immigrants add value to the Australian workplace. The Australian government would have employers welcome these migrants and their children into their organizations as valued workers. Which paradigm for managing diversity does the Australian government most likely support?

the access and legitimacy paradigm

Which of the following paradigms for managing diversity is similar to the business growth advantage of diversity?

the access and legitimacy paradigm

According to the path-goal theory, which of the following is an example of an environmental contingency?

the formal authority system

According to which of the following leadership model occurs when leaders make it clear how followers can achieve organizational goals, take care of problems that prevent followers from achieving goals, and then find more and varied rewards to motivate followers who achieve those goals, these leaders are demonstrating _____________?

the path-goal theory

One of the criticisms of the television industry is the networks' desire to maintain ratings by thinking in terms of next week's programming. The networks are also more concerned with how to get high program ratings quickly. This criticism assumes ____.

the television industry has a shortage of effective leadership

Secondary stakeholders are important to a company because ____.

they can affect public perceptions and opinions

According to an article from CIO Magazine, "Leadership grows from courage and integrity." From this opening statement, you know the article will discuss leadership from the ____.

trait theory viewpoint

UPS was founded UPS in 1907 as a message delivery business. The development of the telephone would have put an end to the business if UPS's founder had not been a ____ type of leader. One who was able to get his employees to accomplish more than they had thought possible and re-invent the company as a company that delivered goods for retailers.


People with Machiavellian personalities believe that virtually any type of behavior is acceptable if it helps satisfy needs or accomplish goals. Add that skill to someone with the ability to create strong bonds with followers and you have described a leader who is a(n) ____.

unethical charismatic leader

As CEO of UPS, Michael Eskew transformed the company from a package delivery service to a logistics expert so it could serve as a traffic manager for corporate America. As a transformational manager, Eskew ____.

used intellectual stimulation to encourage his employees to take innovative approaches to problem solving

Leon Dodd is a member of a self-managed team at Standard Aero Alliance, Inc. (SAAI). His team's top priorities are understanding customer requirements and expectations. It would appear that SAAI is:

using its employees to create a competitive advantage

Malcolm Thompson was brought in as the CEO of Novalux, a company involved in laser research, to save the company's promise of innovation. It's what he loves: turning ideas into companies, then shaping those businesses to meet evolving challenges. "You're never done," he says. "It always looks like you're near the finish line, but there are always new opportunities along the road—and new obstacles you'd never thought of. That's part of the exploration—constantly looking at the next problem and the next solution." Apparently, Thompson is an example of a(n) ____.

visionary leader

Refer to Oakland Athletics. Beane operates within windows of opportunity; that's all he can afford. Because compensation trails performance, he must find players on the rise, guys who haven't caught fire yet but who could. His ability to see potential players creates a positive image for the baseball club's future. Beane's ability to provide direction for the future means that he could be classified as a(n) ____.

visionary leader

In May 2005, U.S. Attorney Michael J. Sullivan announced that the United States had settled civil claims arising out of a suit that alleged Oracle Corporation had violated the False Claims Act in connection with billing the federal government for software training services. The U.S. government learned about the overcharging from a former Oracle vice president. The vice president acted as a(n) ____.


Mark Graf, a security specialist at the Rocky Flats nuclear facility outside Denver, became alarmed about the temporary removal of 450 kilograms of plutonium oxide from a vault-like room to a "soft room" protected by drywall that you could punch a hole through. Graf eventually had to take his concerns to the media before the plutonium was stored once again in a safe location. Graf actions can be described as a(n) ____.


When Jack Welch, former Chairman of General Electric, a Fortune 5 company, assumed the role of CEO, he immediately began to make drastic changes in the company's structure and product lines. He envisioned a bloated, inefficient General Electric becoming an efficient, profitable organization over time. He inspired and motivated his employees to change. Jack Welch ____.

would be characterized as a leader

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