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16. Primary tuberculosis can be treated with a combination of drugs; mainly A. Isoniazid and rifampin B. Bacitracin and polymyxin C. Penicillin and Streptomycin D. Kanamycin and rifampin


9. Which of the following is a differential stain? A. Spore stain B. Negative stain


A bacterial genus that has waxy mycolic acid in the cell walls is A. Mycobacterium. B. Mycoplasma. C. Streptococcus. D. Corynebacterium. E. Salmonella.


All bacterial cells have A. a chromosome. B. fimbriae. C. endospores. D. capsules. E. flagella.


All of the following structures contribute to the ability of pathogenic bacteria to cause disease, except A. inclusions. B. fimbriae. C. capsule. D. slime layer. E. outer membrane of gram-negative cell walls.


Bacteria with small bunches of flagella emerging from the same site are said to be A. lophotrichous. B. peritrichous. C. monotrichous. D. amphitrichous. E. spirilla.


Bacterial endospores are not produced by A. Staphylococcus. B. Sporosarcina. C. Bacillus. D. Clostridium. E. All of the choices are correct.


Cell walls are not found on typical cells of A. protozoa. B. algae. C. fungi. D. bacteria. E. All of the choices are correct.


Cilia are found in certain A. protozoa. B. algae. C. fungi. D. bacteria. E. All of the choices are correct.


Fungi that grow as yeast at one temperature but will grow as mold at another temperature are called A. dimorphic. B. saprobes. C. pseudohyphae. D. spores. E. Fungi Imperfecti (Deuteromycota).


In general, most DNA viruses multiply in the host cell's _____, while most RNA viruses multiply in the host cell's _____. A. nucleus, cytoplasm B. cytoplasm, cell membrane C. cell membrane, cytoplasm D. cytoplasm, nucleus E. nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum


Infectious naked strands of RNA are called A. viroids. B. phages. C. prions. D. oncogenic viruses. E. spikes.


Lipopolysaccharide is an important cell wall component of A. gram-negative bacteria. B. gram-positive bacteria. C. acid-fast bacteria. D. mycoplasmas. E. protoplasts.


Lysozyme, an enzyme found in tears, provides a natural defense against bacteria by A. hydrolyzing peptidoglycan in cell walls. B. inhibiting protein synthesis. C. removing flagella. D. dissolving the cell membrane. E. removing the capsule from outside the cell.


Peptidoglycan is a unique macromolecule found in bacterial A. cell walls. B. cell membranes. C. capsules. D. slime layers. E. inclusions.


The eukaryotic cell's glycocalyx is A. mostly polysaccharide. B. the site where many metabolic reactions occur. C. also called the cell wall. D. composed of many diverse proteins. E. protection against osmotic lysis.


The motile, feeding stage of protozoa is called the A. trophozoite. B. cyst. C. sporozoite. D. oocyst.


Viruses that cause infection resulting in alternating periods of activity with symptoms and inactivity without symptoms are called A. latent B. oncogenic. C. prions. D. viroids. E. delta agents.


When buds remain attached, they form a chain of yeast cells called A. pseudohyphae. B. septa. C. molds. D. dimorphic. E. mycelium.


Which is mismatched? A. Pyrrophyta - euglenids B. Chrysophyta - diatoms C. Phaeophyta - brown algae D. Rhodophyta - red seaweed E. Chlorophyta - green algae


Which of the following is correct about viruses? A. cannot be seen with a light microscope B. are prokaryotic C. contain 70S ribosomes D. undergo binary fission E. can be grown on nutrient agar


Which of the following is not associated with every virus? A. envelope B. capsomers C. capsid D. nucleic acid E. genome


Which organelle contains cristae where enzymes and electron carriers for aerobic respiration are found? A. mitochondria B. lysosomes C. Golgi apparatus D. chloroplasts E. endoplasmic reticulum


10. Which of the following is a beneficial application of viruses? A. Prophylatic therapy B. Phage therapy C. antibiotics D. All of the above E. None of the above


11. Prions are A. Easily destroyed B. Infectious proteins C. Non-transmissible D. Causative agents of influenza E. None of the above


15. Malaria is a disease of the cardiovascular system because it destroys A. Heart muscle B. Erythrocytes C. Plasma D. Platelets E. Lymph nodes


17. Influenza A viruses that undergo a major reassortment of genetic material with influenzaviruses from other hosts A. Are then called influenza B viruses B. Are implicated in major pandemics C. Do so every couple of years D. Only result in mild respiratory illnesses E. Only affect people in Africa


19. Resident microflora of the human intestines include A. Bacillus B. Klebsiella C. Salmonella D. Micrococcus E. Corynebacterium


3. A commensal organism is one that A. Lives in another organism and feeds off its nutrients to the detriment of that organism B. Receives nutrients from another organism while not harming or providing anything in return to that organism C. Produces antimicrobial compounds to prevent the growth of other microorganisms D. Provides nutrients to an organism and receives protection from that organism E. Lives off waste materials of a host organism while providing vitamins for the host


5 Classification of organisms based on nucleic acid sequencing is A. phenetic B. phylogenetic C. phenotypic D. serological E. physiological


6. The Domain Archaea A. is eukaryotic B. contains mesophiles C. are medically significant D. are similar to the Fungi E. None of the above


A mold is observed to have asexual conidia, sexual spores within a sac, and septate hyphae. It is most likely classified in the A. Zygomycota. B. Ascomycota. C. Basidiomycota. D. Deuteromycota. E. Fungi Imperfecti.


A prokaryotic cell wall that has primarily peptidoglycan with small amounts of teichoic acid and lipoteichoic acid is A. gram-negative. B. gram-positive. C. archaea. D. spheroplast. E. acid fast.


Bacterial cells could have any of the following appendages, except A. flagella. B. cilia. C. fimbriae. D. periplasmic flagella (axial filaments). E. sex pili.


Oncogenic viruses include all the following except A. Hepatitis B virus. B. Measles virus. C. Papillomavirus. D. HTLVI and HTLVII viruses. E. Epstein-Barr virus.


Protists include A. yeasts and molds. B. algae and protozoa. C. helminths. D. All of the choices are correct. E. None of the choices are correct.


Satellite viruses are A. also called viroids. B. dependent on other viruses for replication. C. the cause of spongiform encephalopathies. D. significant pathogens of plants. E. All of the choices are correct.


The event that occurs in bacteriophage multiplication that does not occur in animal virus replication is A. adsorption to the host cells. B. injection of the viral nucleic acid into the host cell. C. host cell synthesis of viral enzymes and capsid proteins. D. assembly of nucleocapsids. E. replication of viral nucleic acid.


The most immediate result of destruction of a cell's ribosomes would be A. material would not be able to cross the cell membrane. B. protein synthesis would stop. C. destruction of the cell's DNA. D. formation of glycogen inclusions. E. loss of capsule.


The presence of thylakoids, phycocyanin, gas inclusions, and cysts would be associated with A. green sulfur bacteria. B. cyanobacteria. C. purple sulfur bacteria. D. archaea. E. spirochetes.


The site for ribosomal RNA synthesis in eukaryotes is the A. ribosome. B. nucleolus. C. nucleus. D. golgi apparatus. E. lysosome.


These structures are used by bacteriophages to attach to host cell receptors. A. sheath B. tail fibers C. nucleic acid D. capsid head E. None of the choices are correct.


Viruses have all the following except A. definite shape. B. metabolism. C. genes. D. ability to infect host cells. E. ultramicroscopic size.


Which is not a characteristic of fungi? A. cells have cell walls B. photosynthetic C. include single-celled and filamentous forms D. heterotrophic nutrition E. can use a wide variety of nutrients


Which of the following represents a virus family name? A. Herpes simplex virus B. Herpesviridae C. Picornavirus D. Enterovirus E. Hepatitis B virus


Which of the following spores are produced within a sac? A. chlamydospores B. sporangiospores C. blastospores D. arthrospores E. zygospores


Which term is not used to describe bacterial cell shapes? A. coccus B. tetrad C. vibrio D. rod E. spirochete


14. The species of malaria that is the causative agent of the mildest form of malaria is A. Treponema palladium B. Plasmodium palladium C. Plasmodium ovale D. Treponema palladium E. Plasmodium falciparum


7. The structure of eukaryote flagella is A. Hook & filament with basal rings anchored into the cell wall B. Microtubules arranged in 7 + 3 arrangement C. Microtubules arranged in 9 + 2 arrangement D. Microfilaments arranged in 9 + 1 arrangement E. Hook & filament anchored in the cell membrane


All of the following are helminths except A. pinworms. B. flukes. C. trypanosomes. D. roundworms. E. tapeworms.


An organelle that is a stack of flattened, membranous sacs and functions to receive, modify, and package proteins for cell secretion is the A. mitochondria. B. lysosomes. C. Golgi apparatus. D. chloroplasts. E. endoplasmic reticulum.


Chitin is a chemical component of the cell walls of A. protozoa. B. algae. C. fungi. D. bacteria. E. All of the choices are correct.


Filamentous fungi are called A. pseudohyphae. B. septa. C. molds. D. dimorphic. E. mycelium.


Host range is limited by A. type of nucleic acid in the virus. B. age of the host cell. C. type of host cell receptors on cell membrane. D. size of the host cell. E. All of the choices are correct.


Infectious protein particles are called A. viroids. B. phages. C. prions. D. oncogenic viruses. E. spikes.


The bacterial chromosome A. is located in the cell membrane. B. contains all the cell's plasmids. C. is part of the nucleoid. D. forms a single linear strand of DNA. E. All of the choices are correct.


The correct sequence of events in viral multiplication is A. penetration, replication, maturation, adsorption, assembly, release. B. replication, penetration, maturation, assembly, absorption, release. C. adsorption, penetration, replication, maturation, assembly, release. D. assembly, maturation, replication, release, penetration, adsorption. E. adsorption, release, maturation, replication, assembly, penetration


The eukaryotic cell organelle that most resembles a bacterial cell is the A. nucleus. B. golgi apparatus. C. mitochondria. D. lysosome. E. ribosome.


The function of bacterial endospores is A. to convert gaseous nitrogen to a usable form for plants. B. for reproduction and growth. C. for protection of genetic material during harsh conditions. D. the storage of excess cell materials. E. to have sites for photosynthesis.


The outcome of the Gram stain is based on differences in the cell's A. ribosomes. B. inclusions. C. cell wall. D. cell membrane. E. flagella.


The periplasmic space is A. larger in gram-positive bacteria. B. made up of lipopolysaccharides and phospholipids. C. an important reaction site for substances entering and leaving the cell. D. where peptidoglycan is located. E. absent in gram-negative bacteria.


The short, numerous appendages used by some bacterial cells for adhering to surfaces are called A. flagella. B. cilia C. fimbriae. D. periplasmic flagella (axial filaments). E. sex pili.


Virus capsids are made from subunits called A. envelopes. B. spikes. C. capsomeres. D. prophages. E. peplomers.


Visible, clear, well-defined patches in a monolayer of virus-infected cells in a culture are called A. lysogeny. B. budding. C. plaques. D. cytopathic effects. E. pocks.


What is the correct sequence for a Gram stain? A. Gram's iodine, Crystal Violet, Alcohol, Safranin B. Crystal Violet, Safranin, Alcohol, Gram's iodine C. Crystal Violet, Gram's iodine, Alcohol, Safranin D. Safranin, Crystal Violet, Gram's iodine, Alcohol E. Alcohol, Crystal Violet, Safranin, Gram's iodine


Which is mismatched? A. Chlamydias - lack ability to independently complete growth and metabolism B. Green sulfur bacteria - photosynthetic anaerobes that use sulfur in metabolism C. Cyanobacteria - filamentous, gliding, thermophilic bacteria D. Myxobacteria - gliding, fruiting, slime bacteria E. None of the choices are correct


Which is mismatched? A. ribosomes - protein synthesis B. inclusions - excess cell nutrients and materials C. plasmids - genes essential for growth and metabolism D. nucleoid - hereditary material E. cytoplasm - dense, gelatinous solution


13. The mode of transmission of most Human herpesvirus-2 infections is via A. fomites B. kissing C. inanimate objects D. sexual intercourse E. shaking hands


18. A virulence factor of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the A. peptidoglycan in the cell wall B. quick replication rate C. ability to replicate intracellularly D. rope factor E. glycocalyx


2. The first prokaryotes appeared on Earth A. 10 billion years ago B. 2 million years ago C. 7 million years ago D. 3.5 billion years ago E. 6 billion years ago


Creutzfeld-Jacob disease is A. caused by a chronic latent virus. B. initiated by an oncogenic virus. C. caused by a viroid. D. a spongiform encephalopathy of humans. E. also called "mad cow disease".


HIV is very specific, it only infects cells with A. TD-1 receptors B. PG-4 receptors C. CD-5 receptors D. CD-4 receptors E. TD-4 receptors


Helical and icosahedral are terms used to describe the shapes of a virus A. spike. B. capsomere. C. envelope. D. capsid. E. core.


Organelles found in algae but not found in protozoa or fungi are the A. mitochondria. B. lysosomes. C. Golgi apparatus. D. chloroplasts. E. endoplasmic reticulum.


Spirochetes have a twisting and flexing locomotion due to appendages called A. flagella. B. cilia. C. fimbriae. D. periplasmic flagella (axial filaments). E. sex pili.


The virus-induced, specific damage to the host cell that can be seen in a light microscope is called A. lysogeny. B. budding. C. plaques. D. cytopathic effects. E. Pocks.


Viruses acquire envelopes around their nucleocapsids during A. replication. B. assembly. C. adsorption. D. release. E. penetration.


When a rod shaped bacteria is short and plump, it is called a: A. spirochete. B. pleomorphism. C. vibrio. D. coccobacillus. E. spirillum.


Which is incorrect about prophages? A. present when the virus is in lysogeny B. formed when viral DNA enters the bacterial chromosome C. replicated with host DNA and passed on to progeny D. cause lysis of host cells E. occur when temperate phages enter host cells


Which is mismatched? A. Giardia - transmitted by feces in drinking water B. Histoplasma - causes Ohio Valley fever C. Trichomonas - sexually transmitted D. Plasmodium - causes Chagas disease E. Saccharomyces - yeast in making bread and beer F. food vacuole.


1. The major difference[s] between viruses and cellular organisms is A. Viruses do not replicate independently B. Cellular organisms undergo chemical reactions C. Viruses have a protein coat around their nucleic acids D. Cellular organisms replicate independently E. all of the above


12. Prevention of staphylococcal infections can be achieved by A. Washing bed linen B. Cleaning wounds with effective antiseptics C. Practicing good hygiene D. Applying artificial materials into the body aseptically E.All of the above


20. The anti-retroviral therapy cocktail of drugs taken by HIV patients include antiviral drugs that target A. Reductase inhibitors B. Amylase inhibitors C. Catalase inhibitors D. Urease inhibitors E. Protease inhibitors


4 Volume 2 in Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology contains A. Gram negative bacteria B. The largest bacterial phylum C. A diverse group of bacteria D. Many medically significant bacteria E. All of the above


8. Blue filters are installed in light microscopes to A. decrease resolution B. block long wavelengths C. increase magnification D. All of the above E. None of the above


All of the following are found in some or all protozoa except A. motility. B. ectoplasm and endoplasm. C. heterotrophic nutrition. D. formation of a cyst stage. E. cell wall.


Endospores are A. metabolically inactive. B. resistant to heat and chemical destruction. C. resistant to destruction by radiation. D. living structures. E. All of the choices are correct.


Eukaryotic flagella differ from prokaryotic flagella because only eukaryotic flagella A. are used for cell motility. B. facilitate chemotaxis. C. facilitate phototaxis. D. are long whip-like structures. E. contain microtubules.


The cell's series of tunnel-like membranes functioning in transport and storage are the A. mitochondria. B. lysosomes. C. Golgi apparatus. D. chloroplasts. E. endoplasmic reticulum.


The core of every virus particle always contains A. DNA. B. capsomers. C. enzymes. D. DNA and RNA. E. either DNA or RNA.


The cytoskeleton A. anchors organelles. B. provides support. C. functions in movements of the cytoplasm. D. helps maintain cell shape. E. All of the choices are correct.


The site/s for most ATP synthesis in prokaryotic cells is/are the A. ribosomes. B. mitochondria. C. cell wall. D. inclusions. E. cell membrane.


The size of a eukaryotic cell ribosome is A. 30S. B. 40S. C. 50S. D. 70S. E. 80S.


The term that refers to the presence of flagella all over the cell surface is A. amphitrichous. B. atrichous. C. lophotrichous. D. monotrichous. E. peritrichous.


The transfer of genes during bacterial conjugation involves rigid, tubular appendages called A. flagella. B. cilia. C. fimbriae. D. periplasmic flagella (axial filaments). E. sex pili.


Uncoating of viral nucleic acid A. does not occur in bacteriophage multiplication. B. involves enzymatic destruction of the capsid. C. occurs during penetration in the multiplication cycle. D. occurs before replication. E. All of the choices are correct.


Which of the following is found in eukaryotic cells but not in prokaryotic cells? A. nucleus B. mitochondria C. endoplasmic reticulum D. lysosomes E. All of the choices are correct.


Which of the following spores are sexually produced? A. chlamydospores B. sporangiospores C. blastospores D. arthrospores E. zygospores


Rank A. assembly B. penetration C. release D. absorption E. replication

absorption, penetration, replication, assembly, release

.Question 36 is the largest organism and Question 40 is the smallest. A. Poliovirus B. adult helminth C. Mycoplasma bacteria D. colonial algae E. Bacillus subtilis [rod-shaped bacteria]

adult helminth, colonial algae, Bacillus subtilis, Mycoplasma bacteria, poliovirus

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