microbiology exam 1

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Cellulose and starch can be used as electron- and carbon sources by first being [ Select ] .

broken down to release glucose

Acetyl CoA can be useful to chemoorganotrophs that perform aerobic respiration because it can... a) be used to make amino acids b) be used to make nucleotides c) be used to make fatty acids d) enter the citric acid cycle where ATP and NADH are made

c, d

Which of these nitrogen-containing compounds can be used by certain cells as a final electron acceptor to make ATP? a) N2 b) NH3+ c) NO2- d) NO3-

c, d

In the type of photosynthesis performed by plant cells, the ATP that's produced provides power to the [ Select ] where glucose is eventually produced.

calvin cycle

True or false: By comparing the ribosomal RNA sequences of bacteria to that of archaea, biologists have decided that bacteria and archaea are basically the same thing


In the type of photosynthesis performed by plant cells, [ Select ] provides the electrons that become energized by sunlight.


When would it be advantageous for a cell to use glycolysis (instead of the pentose phosphate pathway) to metabolize glucose? When would it be advantageous for a cell to use the pentose phosphate pathway (instead of glycolysis) to metabolize glucose?

If a cell needs ATP to do work it would use glycolysis because it produces the most ATP, if a cell needed amino acids or nucleic acids it would use the PPP.

products of citric acid cycle

6 NADH, 2 FADH2, 2 ATP, 4 CO2

"Nitrification" is the conversion of

NH3+ to NO3-

Consider the molecule produced at the end of the pentose phosphate pathway - what does a cell use it for?

Ribulose 5 phosphate can be used to make ribose → nucleotides → nucleic acids (DNA RNA)

you can tell that the mitochondria in today's eukaryotic cells are more similar to [ Select ] .


Proteins can be used as electron- and carbon sources by releasing amino acids, which can then [ Select ] .

be converted into a molecule that enters glycolysis

Lipids can be used as electron- and carbon sources because their fatty acid tails can [ Select ] .

be converted to acetyl CoA

True or false: Bacteria and archaea have the same cytoplasmic membrane structure as one another.


True or false: One of the reasons why archaea and bacteria are both categorized as prokaryotes is because their cytoplasmic membrane structures are identical.


true or false: Bacteria and archaea have the same cell wall structure as one another


True or false: One of the reasons why archaea and bacteria are both categorized as prokaryotes is because their cell wall structures are identical

false. bacterial cell walls are made of peptidoglycan ( NAM and NAG sugars) and archeae cell wall is made of pseudopeptidoglycan (NAT and NAG sugars)

what sugar are bacterial capsules usually made of


[ Select ] bacteria have the ability to produce endospores, which are produced when a bacterial cell [ Select ] .

only some finds itself in an unfavorable environment

obligate aerobe

only uses O2 as the final electron acceptor. Without O2 the cell will die. Has catalase to protect it from harmful forms of O2 (free radicals).

How does the structure of the Gram negative outer membrane differ from the structure of the cytoplasmic membrane?

the cytoplasmic membrane is a phospholipid bilayer while the outer membrane has one phospholipid layer but the top layer is made of lipid A and opolysaccharide (together lipopolysaccharide)


Can use O2 or non O2 molecules as its final electron acceptor. (E.coli)


Cannot use O2 as a final electron acceptor but the cell has protective enzymes so it wont die if exposed to O2.

Which of the following structures are found in ALL (or nearly all with a few exceptions) prokaryotic cells? 1. cytoplasm 2. capsule 3. cell wall 4. chromosomal DNA 5. cytoplasmic membrane 6. endospore 7. flagella 8. pili 9. plasmid DNA 10. ribosomes

1, 3, 4, 5, 10

products of glycolysis

2 pyruvate, 2 ATP, 2 NADH

The flagella of archaea are powered by

ATP hydrolysis

The flagella of eukaryotes are powered by

ATP hydrolysis

you can tell that the ribosomes in today's eukaryotic cells are more similar to the ribosomes of [ Select ] .


Explain what were the possible roles of alphaproteobacterium and Asgard archea in the evolution of eukaryotic cells.

Asgard archaea engulfed alphaproteobacteria and instead of destroying the bacteria it decided to keep it and use it as an energy source for ATP like a mitochondria.

obligate anaerobe

Cant use O2 as its final electron acceptor. If exposed to O2 the cell will die because it cannot protect itself from harmful free radicals produced during O2 catabolism.

One of the only structural differences between alpha-ketogluterate and the amino acid glutamate is that glutamate contains an NH2 group, whereas alpha-ketogluterate contains a [ Select ] .

C double bonded to an O

Before pyruvate can enter the [ Select ] to produce more ATP and NADH, it must first be converted to a molecule called [ Select ] , which contains [ Select ] carbon atoms.

CAC Acetyl CoA 2

What is biofilm?

Created by bacteria with capsules growing together.

Nitrogen fixation is the conversion of [ a ] to [ b ] .

N2 NH3+

Consider cells that use an organic molecule as its electron source, and oxygen as its final electron acceptor. What is the function of NAD+ in these cells?

NAD+ accepts H+ ions released during glycolysis and CAC. after NAD+ accepts the ion it becomes NADH and carries the electron to the ETC to make ATP.

products of pentose phosphate pathway

NADPH and ribose-5-phosphate

Denitrification is the conversion of [ a ] to [ b ] .

NO3- N2


Needs O2 in order to live but only in very small amounts. Over exposure can result in cell death.

In the type of photosynthesis performed by plant cells, [ Select ] is released as a major gaseous byproduct.



Structural adaptation; spikes that allow bacteria to stick to the environment

compare and contrast prokaryotic cells with eukaryotic cells: a) Prokaryotic cells are typically [ Select ] eukaryotic cells. b) [ Select ] contain DNA. c) [ Select ] have their DNA enclosed within a nuclear envelope. d) [ Select ] use mitochondria to make ATP.

a) 100 x smaller than b) both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells contain DNA c) eukaryotic cells d) eukaryotic cells

Chemoorganotrophic aerobes [ Select ] use NAD+/NADH to carry electrons to the electron transport chain because [ Select ]

a) can b) NAD+ has a stronger pull for electrons compared to the electron sources used by these cells

Bacteria with flagella move by way of running and tumbling. Describe how running and tumbling eventually leads a bacterial cell to an area with a lot of nutrients.

When the bacteria sense they're going in a direction toward something they desire they run longer, when they are going farther away they run for a shorter amount of time before tumbling again.

The _______________ immediately surrounds the cytoplasm of a cell. a) cytoplasmic membrane b) cell wall c) ...actually, it could be either the cytoplasmic membrane or the cell wall, depending on what type of cell we're talking about.


Which of the following describes the function of lipoprotein? a) attaches the outer membrane to the peptidoglycan. b) helps transport magnesium ions into the cell c) causes fever when released into the human body


____________ have membrane lipids where the head regions are attached to the tail regions via an ether link. a) archaea b) bacteria c) eukaryotes


Instead of using NAD+ to carry electrons to the electron transport chain, chemolithotrophic anaerobic respirators may use [ a ] because [ b ] .

a) cytochromes or coenzyme Q b) it has a stronger pull for electrons compared to the molecules typically used as electron sources by these cells

Chemolithotrophic anaerobes [ a ] use NAD+/NADH to carry electrons to the electron transport chain because [ b ] .

a) may not b) NAD+ has a weaker pull for electrons compared to the electron sources used by these cells

The type of photosynthesis performed by purple bacteria [ a ] provides the electrons that become energized by sunlight, [ b ] is released as a major gaseous byproduct, the ATP that's produced provides power to the [ c ] where glucose is eventually produced.

a) some molecule other than glucose or water b) some molecule other than oxygen c) calvin cycle

In the type of photosynthesis performed by green bacteria, [ a ] provides the electrons that become energized by sunlight, [ b ] is released as a major gaseous byproduct, the ATP that's produced provides power to the [ c ] where glucose is eventually produced.

a) some molecule other than glucose or water b) some molecule other than oxygen c) reverse CAC

why are these needed in order to keep a cell alive? a) Molecule containing high energy electrons and molecule that has a pull for electrons b) Nitrogen, sulfer, phosphorous, iron, and magnesium c) Molecule containing carbon atoms

a) used for making ATP b) Used as building blocks for making cell parts, also as cofactors for enzymes c) needed as building blocks for making cell parts

Suppose that a cell uses Molecule X as its source of electrons. After extracting the high energy electron(s) from Molecule X, the remaining parts of Molecule X... a) may be released from the cell as waste products. b) may be further metabolized by the cell for energy or building blocks.

a, b

___________ have ATP synthase in their cytoplasmic membrane a) archaea b) bacteria c) eukaryotes

a, b

Carbon atoms are needed by cells because they are used to... a) make lipids b) make proteins c) make DNA d) provide energy for making ATP

a, b, c

To stay alive, cells (including prokaryotic cells) need access to... a) molecules containing carbon atoms b) nitrogen c) sulfur d) phosphorous e) iron f) magnesium g) silicon h) molecule containing high energy electrons i) molecule that has a pull for electrons

a, b, c, d, e, f, h, i

All cells need nitrogen atoms because they are needed to build... a) all nucleotides b) all carbohydrates c) all amino acids

a, c

Consider the 5-carbon molecule that's produced at the end of the pentose phosphate pathway. This 5-carbon molecule can be... a) used to make a molecule that enters glycolysis. b) directly converted to ATP used to make nucleotides c) used as a final electron acceptor by aerobic respirators d) directly enter the citric acid cycle

a, c

Which of the following is/are true about bacterial plasmid DNA? a) Plasmid DNA is smaller than chromosomal DNA. b) All bacterial cells have plasmid DNA. c) Plasmid DNA contains genes that aren't needed for survival, but may come in useful in some situations.

a, c

The electron transport chains (ETC) of E. coli and Pseudomonas are different in that... a) the ETC of E. coli does not contain cytochrome C b) the ETC of E. coli does not contain Complex II c) the ETC of E. coli does not contain Complex III d) the ETC of E. coli does not contain Complex IV e) the Complex IV in E. coli is not called cytochrome oxidase

a, c, e

Which of these nitrogen-containing compounds can be used by certain cells in biosynthesis to produce amino acids? a) Amino acids b) N2 c) NH3+ d) NO2- e) NO3-

a, c, e

Bacterial capsules can... a) allow bacteria to stick to things (i.e. surfaces or other bacteria) b) allow bacterial cells to move across solid surfaces c) allow bacteria to move through liquid environments d) protect bacteria against parts of our immune system

a, d

List two things that can be produced by catabolic reactions that can then be used in anabolic reactions.

acetylcholine IIV phsophoglycerate

Ammonification is the production of [ a ] from [ b ] .

amino acids NH3+

Describe two ways that the electron transport chain of anaerobic respirators differ from the electron transport chain of aerobic respirators.

anaerobic respirators are missing complex IIV and Complex IV is not cytochrome oxidase but Ubiquinol oxidase. O2 is not the final electron acceptor, Cyt C is replaced with Men Q.

sex pili

appendages that pull two cells together prior to transfer DNA from one cell to the other

NAD+ is important to cells because it... a) can act as the final electron acceptor b) is needed for one of the steps in glycolysis c) can be converted to pyruvate


___________ can perform PEP group translocation. a) archaea b) bacteria c) eukaryotes


Bacterial capsules can be made of... a) lipids b) sugars c) proteins

b, c

Generally, glucose can be a valuable molecule to cells because glucose... a) is a very good final electron acceptor. b) can be broken down to form carbon-containing molecules that can be used to build cell parts. c) contains high energy electrons that can be used to make ATP.

b, c

Which of the following describes the function of lipopolysaccharide? a) attaches the outer membrane to the peptidoglycan. b) helps a cell take in magnesium ions. c) can induce fever if released into the human body.

b, c

Which of the following describes the function of teichoic acid? a) attaches the outer membrane to the peptidoglycan. b) helps transport magnesium ions into the cell c) can cause an immune response in people

b, c

Which of these nitrogen-containing compounds can be used by certain cells as an electron source to make ATP? a) N2 b) NH3+ c) NO2- d) NO3-

b, c

Which these types of cells can convert N2 to NH3+? a) Animal cells b) Archeaea c) Bacteria d) Fungi e) Plant cells

b, c

Which of the following is/are classified as eukaryotic? a) Archaea b) plants C) fungi d) protists e) bacteria f) animals

b, c, d, f

Consider a cell that uses Fe2+ as its electron source and NO3- as its final electron acceptor. Based on that, you can tell that this cell would be considered a(n)... a) aerobic respirator b) anaerobic respirator c) chemoorganotroph d) chemolithotroph e) fermenting cell f) phototroph

b, d

Consider the 2 cells below: Cell #1 uses glucose as an electron source and O2 as a final electron acceptor. Cell #2 uses Fe2+ as an electron source and NO3- a a final electron acceptor. Based on that, you can tell that [ Select ] produces more ATP per electron acceptor.

cell 1

In the electron transport chain of bacteria like Pseudomonas, ________ is also called a) cytochrome oxidase. b) Complex I c) Complex II d) Complex III e) Complex IV f) Cytochrome C g) ATP synthase


Sterols are found in the cytoplasmic membrane of [ Select ] , while hopanoids are found in the cytoplasmic membrane of [ Select ] .

eukaryotes, bacteria

Type IV pili

involved in "twitching motility"; continually assemble and disassemble; grow from inner membrane. grappling hook.


molecule whose carbon source is inorganic molecules (CO2)


molecule whose carbon source is organic molecules (carbs, lipids, proteins, glucose)


molecule whose electron source is inorganic molecules (H2, H2S, NH3)


molecule whose electron source is organic molecules (carbs lipids proteins)

aerobic respirator

molecule whose final electron acceptor is inorganic molecules (O2)

anaerobic respirator

molecule whose final electron acceptor is inorganic molecules (not O2)

fermenting cell

molecule whose final electron acceptor is organic molecules (pyruvate/C3H4O3)

Bacteria have flagella that

move like a pin wheel

Eukaryotes have flagella that

move like a whip

The flagella of bacteria are powered by

protons diffusing through a motor protein

The [ Select ] is/are where proteins are produced inside a cell.


True or false: Consider the intermediate molecules produced during glycolysis and the citric acid cycle. Also consider the molecule produced at the end of the pentose phosphate pathway. These molecules may be used in anabolic reactions to make things like nucleic acids, lipids, and proteins.


True or false: It is possible for cells to convert the amino acid glutamate to other amino acids.


true or false: there are different types of complex I

true, those that pump protons and those that dont.

true or false: there are different types of complex IV

true, those with a strong affinity for O2 and those with a weak affinity for O2.

true or false: Some prokaryotic cells can use nitrogen-containing compounds as a source of electrons to make ATP. This is [ Select ] . (b) Some prokaryotic cells can use nitrogen-containing compounds as final electron acceptor to make ATP. This is [ Select ] .

true, true

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