microbiology module 2

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Which best describes the flow of genetic information in a cell?

DNA encodes RNA which encodes protein

Which of these terms does not belong in this group?

Embryonic culture

enzymes cleave specific locations on DNA to produce fragments used to splice genes in genetic engineering.


Genetic __ is a field involving the deliberate alterations of the genomes of microbes, plants, and animals through special technological processes.


Identify all the methods that a virus can use to gain entry into an animal cell.

Engulfment/phagocytosis of the virus Fusion of the viral envelope and the cell membrane

Which best describes the function of enzymes?

Facilitate metabolic pathways

Which of the following relate to all viruses?

-Nucleic acid - Capsid - Acellular

At best, cells can generate ATP from the complete oxidation of one glucose molecule during aerobic cellular respiration.


What is the maximum yield of ATP from aerobic respiration in prokaryotes?


How many steps compose the Krebs cycle?


What binds with an inactive repressor to make an active repressor?


What compound is composed of a heme (iron containing) component which can shuttle electrons through the ETS during respiration?


Which is the correct order of events when a protein is made in the process of translation?

Initiation, elongation, termination

What is the first challenge in the recombinant DNA process in cloning a target gene?

Locating and isolating a target gene

Pseudomonas bacteria have been engineered to do what?

Prevent frost formation on crops Release insecticides

Which type of organisms have their DNA arranged into operons?


The main enzyme responsible for transcription is

RNA polymerase.

During transcription, RNA polymerase synthesizes ______ from a(n) ______ template.


Which best defines an active site?

Region of an enzyme where the substrate binds.

Which type of mutation is due to random mistakes in replication?

Spontaneous mutation

Who discovered bacteriophages in 1915?

Twort and d'Herelle

Which term best describes viruses?


Which term describes the process of a virus losing its capsid and exposing viral nucleic acids to the immediate environment?


Sun light Simple, non-living chemical reactions

Sun light Simple, non-living chemical reactions

Genetic transfer of ______ to a methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strain produces vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE).

a transposon containing the vanA operon

is a microorganism that can use oxygen in metabolism and process toxic oxygen products.


What word is used to describe organisms which can use oxygen in their cellular respiration pathways?


respiration, electrons are transferred from fuel molecules to oxygen which acts as the terminal electron acceptor.


The principal energy-yielding pathway that involves the breakdown of glucose in the presence of oxygen is called

aerobic respiration

_______ involves the complete breakdown of glucose to yield carbon dioxide, water, and energy in the form of ATP.

aerobic respiration

The _____ test is used to determine the carcinogenic potential of a chemical.


Primers are short strands of a known sequence of DNA that serve as landmarks to indicate where DNA______ will begin in PCR.


Which of the following describes the process of various viral "parts" coming together to produce complete virions?


What term is used to describe viruses which infect bacteria?


Select the ways that cells manage the energy needed for metabolic reactions.

Transferring electrons Making and breaking chemical bonds

are organisms which thrive in the pressure of deep ocean depths.


What are the two stages needed for protein synthesis?

Translation Transcription

In RNA, which nitrogenous base pairs with adenine?


Unlike DNA, RNA contains the nitrogenous base


Which is most important for attachment of a virus to a host cell?

Viral specificity for host receptors.

Which of the following enables some viruses to propagate better in a particular animal compared to others?

Virus-specific animal receptors

Which 3 of the following are usual choices for live animal inoculation with viruses?

White mice Hamsters Rats

The size of nucleic acids are denoted by the number of ________they contain.

base pairs

What determines the size of nucleic acids?

base pairs

Bacteria reproduce by ______ fission


When the process of anabolism synthesizes sufficient macromolecules to support two cells and the chromosome has been duplicated, a bacterial cell will divide by a process called

binary fission

Which energy-requiring process results in the formation of a new cell?

binary fission

All living things have an absolute need for ___________ , such as carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.


Which term is used to describe the study of the mechanisms of cellular energy release, including catabolic and anabolic pathways?


What term is used to describe organisms that exist in environments near the pH of 7?


Which element is represented by N in CHONPS?


Which term describes a microbe that grows in a habitat with a high solute concentration?


a _________ is a sequence that is identical both forwards and backwards.


Which of the following describes bacteriophages?

Polyhedral capsid head Complex Flexible tail

Living organisms obtain nutrients from ________ sources.

both organic and inorganic sources

Enzymes serve as catalysts for:

both types of reactions

In describing the release of mature enveloped viruses from host cells, the terms _________ and exocytosis are interchangeable.


Which of the following describes the process occurring during the Calvin cycle?

carbon fixation

refers to the decomposition of complex compounds during cellular metabolism, usually with the release of energy.


that alters the rate of a reaction without being changed by the reaction.


The diffusion of materials into a cell is largely controlled by which structure?

cell membrane

Which of the following cell structures is specialized for transport of materials into and out of the cell?

cell membrane

Microorganisms that use inorganic chemicals for energy and carbon dioxide for carbon are specifically termed


Which microorganism uses inorganic chemicals for energy and carbon dioxide for carbon?


The initial challenges in gene ________ , or recombinant DNA technology, are locating and isolating a target gene.


An organism that receives and replicates a foreign piece of DNA inserted during a genetic engineering experiment is called the

cloning host

is the process by which a change in one symbiotic partner leads to a change in the other, which may in turn lead to change in the first partner, and these changes can continue to occur over time.


A_______ nutrient is composed of an element or elements other than carbon and hydrogen.


Gene probes are short strands of single-stranded DNA or RNA that hybridize specifically with ______ areas of test nucleic acid to serve as a tagging and identification device.


_________DNA is DNA created by using reverse transcriptase to synthesize DNA from RNA templates.


A nondependent form of mutualism, where both partners can survive independently outside the relationship is called ______.


Examples of _______ nutrients include magnesium sulfate, ferric nitrate, sodium phosphate, carbon dioxide, and water.


is an iron containing (heme) protein electron carrier in the last phases of aerobic respiration.


Which of the following is NOT a type of RNA?


The reduction of nitrite to nitrous oxide or nitrogen gas by some species of bacteria is called ________.


The pentose sugar found in DNA is


Nutrient sources for all living organisms can be acquired from _______ and _______ compounds

inorganic, organic

Similar to differentiating organisms based on their phenotypes, technology involving analysis of specific sequences of_______ can be used to differentiate between members of the same species.


When an endonuclease makes staggered cuts through the two strands of _______, the fragments have tails known as sticky ends.


The flow of genetic information in a cell is a process starting with ________which encodes _______ which encodes protein.

dna rna

The enzyme responsible for synthesizing the new strands of DNA in PCR is called _____ _________

dna polymerase

Which enzyme seals the sticky ends of DNA pieces when splicing genes into plasmids or chromosomes?

dna ligase

The DNA of a chromosome is -stranded.


Gel electrophoresis is a laboratory technique for separating DNA fragments according to length by employing___________ to cause the DNA to move through a gel-like matrix.


Which type of microscope is usually used to examine viruses?


Gel_______ is a laboratory technique for separating DNA fragments according to length by employing electricity to force the DNA through a gel-like matrix.


Micronutrients such as zinc and manganese that are required by cells in small amounts are termed trace


The two main processes by which viruses penetrate host cells are engulfment, also known as _______ and direct difusion


The process of penetration occurs when viruses are taken into the cell followed by engulfment in a vesicle called a(n)


All cells need a constant input and expenditure of ________ in a usable form.


All living cells require a constant input and expenditure of usable


Genetic_________ is a field involving the deliberate alterations of the genomes of microbes, plants, and animals through special technological processes.


In eukaryotic cells, gene expression is regulated in response to _______ stimuli such as nutrient and toxin levels, and also during growth and ________

environmental developmental

is a biological catalyst.


Composed principally of amino acids, ______ act as biological catalysts, facilitating metabolic activities of the cell.


act as catalysts in virtually all metabolic pathways.


Any element or molecule that must be provided to an organism is called a(n) _______ nutrient


Proteins that remove incorrect bases and replace them with correct ones are termed ______ repair enzymes.


True or false: In the Southern blot technique, probes are applied to intact cells and observed microscopically for presence and location of genes.


True or false: Larger DNA fragments move farther than smaller fragments in the gel when electrophoresis is used.


True or false: Mutations are always harmful to cells.


True or false: Sequencing is a process in which complementary single strands of nucleic acids bind to one another.


True or false: Viral genomes are always composed of either single or double stranded DNA.


In very rare instances of intoxication, yeast in the small intestine can convert dietary carbohydrates to alcohol, a situation called gut syndrome.


dna ______ is a forensic science tool that allows for the comparison of genomic patterns between individuals.


Which DNA sequences are found within a gene but do not encode the protein specified by that gene?


are DNA sequences found within a gene that do not encode the protein corresponding to the gene.



is a process in which single strands of nucleic acids bind to one another by uniting at their complementary sites.

The enzyme required to seal the sticky ends of DNA pieces when splicing genes into plasmids or chromosomes is called DNA


To curtail transmission of the Zika virus a(n) __ gene was introduced into the Aedes aegypti mosquito to reduce the survival of offspring


The discovery of the light microscope had what type of impact on the observation of viruses?

little to none

Natural organic nutrients are usually the product of which of the following?

living organisms

Which model is sometimes used to describe enzyme-substrate interactions?

lock and key

Which term refers to the physical rupture of a cell?


RNA contains the codons for the polypeptide.


The RNA form that contains the transcribed code for a protein from the original DNA strand is


Which molecule contains the codons for the polypeptide?


Which of the following types of RNA is the transcribed version of a structural gene in DNA, that is later read for translation into protein?


The three types of RNA are


are chemical substances, such as sugars or amino acids, that are required in large quantities by cells.


The function of micronutrients, or trace elements is(are):

maintenance of protein structure proper enzyme function

step in the viral multiplication cycle, the genetic material is packaged into capsids to make virions.


controls diffusion of most substances into and out of the cell.


the cell _______ is specialized to transport substances into and out of the cell.


RNA contains the codons for the polypeptide.

messenger or m

The combination of all reactions (catabolic + anabolic) within a cell is termed


a small number of ________ are considered beneficial in that they provide the cell with a useful change in structure or physiology.


Which of the following describes a type of symbiotic relationship between two organisms in which both species benefit?


a(n) ________ virus does not have an envelope surrounding its capsid.


Together the viral capsid and nucleic core is referred to as the


in the______ in situ ________ technique, or FISH technique, probes are applied to intact cells and observed microscopically for presence and location of genes.

flourescent hybridization

Restriction endonucleases produce pieces of DNA that are called restriction


Which is the best term for any chemical substance that must be provided to a cell for normal metabolism and growth?


The acquisition of chemical substances by organisms for the building blocks of cellular components and processes is


What process involves the introduction of normal functional genes into cells of people with genetic diseases such as sickle cell anemia and cystic fibrosis?

gene therapy

In binary fission, the doubling time of a particular microbial species is also known as its


Control mechanisms ensure that _____ are active only when their products are required.


The field of ____________, ___________involves direct, deliberate modifications of an organism's genome.

genetic , engineering

Recombinant organisms produced through the introduction of foreign genes are referred to as transgenic_______ _______ or organisms

genetically modified

Which of the following is a preformed viral protein that synthesizes DNA and RNA?


The field of __________ focuses on analyzing, comparing, and classifying DNA, determining protein sequences and understanding the functions of specific genes and proteins.


Understanding the functions of specific genes and proteins through the analysis of DNA and protein sequences comes from the field of


______ is the acquisition of chemical substances by organisms for use as an energy source or as building blocks of cellular structures.


Several DNA viruses are known to be initiators of cancers and are thus termed


The three coupled pathways that many organisms utilize during the catabolism of fuel molecules are , the cycle, and the chain.

glycolysis Krebs respiratory

Thylakoids are arranged into stacks called _______ within chloroplasts


On land, the primary photosynthesizers are _______.

green plants

Which are the primary photosynthesizers in terrestrial ecosystems?

green plants

curve is a graphical representation of the change in population size over time.


A high level of blood alcohol caused by reactions in the small intestine that use carbohydrates to produce alcohol causes ______ syndrome.

gut fermentation

One evolutionary strategy to deal with an "enzymatic-block" to a particularly necessary metabolic product is to

have alternative enzymatic methods to synthesize the product

Influenza, measles, and rabies are viruses that have a(n) _________ shaped capsid.


__ is the enzyme responsible for unwinding DNA.


is another term for genetics--the study of inheritance in living things.


-troph is an organism which must obtain their energy from other organisms.


The production of mixed acids, one being lactic acid, during fermentation is a good definition of


Which organism relies upon organic compounds for its carbon and energy needs?


An organism which acquires energy by metabolizing the nutrients from other organisms is called a(n) ____________.


the________range defines the limitations of the type of cell that a virus can invade.


Gene probes are short strands of single-stranded nucleic acid that _________ specifically with complementary areas of test nucleic acid and thereby serve as a tagging and identification device.


Which of the following are bioelements?

hydrogen phosphorus oxygen carbon nitrogen

_______ is the diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane in the direction of lower water concentration.


The term "aerobic respiration" implies that ____ is required for the metabolic pathway to be completed.


Photosynthesis that results in the production of oxygen is referred to as photosynthesis.


What term is used to describe photosynthesis reaction which produce oxygen as a waste product?


_______ photosynthesis produces oxygen.


What is the term for a sequence that is identical both forwards and backwards?


Which of the following are reliant on the viral capsid?

penetration absorption

Which of the following terms describes viruses in the carrier state within the host cells?

persistent infection

What is a small circular segment of DNA found in the cytoplasm of prokaryotes that is capable of independent replication and usually contains nonessential genes?


Mutations that involve the addition, deletion or substitution of no more than a few bases are referred to as ______ mutations


Mutations that involve the addition, deletion or substitution of one or a few bases are referred to as _______ mutations.


An autotrophic organism that utilizes light for energy and carbon dioxide primarily as a carbon source is specifically termed a


Organisms that obtain their energy from the sun are called _____, whereas organisms that obtain their energy from chemical compounds are called

phototrophs chemotrophs

Any microbe that uses photosynthesis to feed is specifically referred to as a(n) .


_______refers to the transfer of genes from donor to recipient microorganisms, where the recipient strain shows a change in genetic makeup at the end.


______RNA may exert control on several levels in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.


During semiconservative_________ the DNA is duplicated prior to binary fission.


(PCR) is a technique that makes numerous copies of DNA segments for testing.

polymerase chain reaction

What must occur prior to cell division to ensure that each new cell has a complete set of DNA chromosome(s)?


Incomplete healing of a tattoo led to a case of vibriosis because the tattoo site was a ________ of ________ for the Vibrio vulnificus bacterium.

portal entry

A man succumbed to vibriosis due to a combination of swimming in the ocean before a tattoo was completely healed and an underlying condition of liver disease. In this case the tattoo was a ______ for the Vibrio vulnificus bacterium causing the infection.

portal of entry

The ________ of an operon is the location where RNA polymerase binds, whereas the _________ acts as the on/off switch for transcription of the structural genes.


Large scale production and safer products are two of the advantages of using products instead of natural products.


The plasmid is not taken up by all cells in the culture when conducting cloning, or ______ DNA technology.


Which term refers to the transfer of genes from donor to recipient microorganisms?


What process involves determining the exact order of nucleotides in a fragment of DNA?


dna ________ involves determining the exact order of nucleotides in a fragment of DNA.


operons often contain genes coding for anabolic enzymes and are usually turned off by the end product of the reactions catalyzed by these enzymes.


The protein product which binds to the operator to stop transcription is called the


protein is capable of repressing an operon.


The pieces of DNA produced by restriction endonucleases are called ________ fragments.


What pentose sugar is found in RNA


Two subunits of the come together to perform protein synthesis.


A catalyst composed of RNA is called a(n)


Reverse transcriptase is the enzyme that can convert _______ into ________ .

rna dna

DNA technology can be used to differentiate between members of ________ species.


________ mutations in DNA are caused by random mistakes in replication and not known to be influenced by any mutagenic agent.


Staggered cuts through the two strands of DNA by an endonuclease leave tails known as_______ ends


Viruses are classified into families based on genetic makeup and which of the following?


What name is given to the compound upon which an enzyme will act?


is the term for a specific molecule on which an enzyme acts.


The energy source for phototrophs is the _______, while the energy source for chemotrophs is ________.

sun, chemical compounds

Which term describes any close relationship between two organisms?


The RNA type that transfers amino acids to the growing peptide chain in translation is


Which of the following types of RNA delivers the amino acids to the growing peptide chain in translation?


A ________ phage is a bacteriophage that incorporates itself into the host genome as a lysogenic prophage.


The speed and continuous movement of atoms and molecules is largely controlled by ________.


________ Gene involves the introduction of normal functional genes into cells of people with genetic diseases such as sickle cell anemia and cystic fibrosis.


Autotrophs are special because

they can use fairly "free" energy sources to make sugar.

Why must living cells carry a larger genome than viruses?

they must be able to carry out metabolic processes that sustain independent life.

Which vector can be used to integrate foreign genes into the chromosomes of crop plants such as potatoes, tomatoes, cotton, and grapes?

ti plasmid

What is the function of tRNA?

to bring amino acids to the ribosomes

Micronutrients (zinc, manganese) that are required by cells in small amounts are termed ______ elements


The complete set of chromosomes and genes in an organism is referred to as the


The term , or codon, is a sequence of 3 nucleotides in DNA that encodes an amino acid.


Which term, synonymous with codon, describes a trinucleotide sequence coding an amino acid in DNA?


What term is used to describe the cloudiness of a broth culture?


True or false: A mutation is an alteration in the DNA sequence or content of a cell that is passed on when the cell divides.


True or false: DNA fingerprinting (also called DNA profiling) is a forensic science tool that allows for the comparison of genomic patterns between individuals.


True or false: Metabolic pathways are interconnected.


True or false: The organism that receives and replicates a foreign piece of DNA inserted during a genetic engineering experiment is referred to as the cloning host.


True or false: The polymerase chain reaction is a technique that makes numerous copies of DNA segments.


True or false: The promoter of an operon is the location where RNA polymerase binds, whereas the operator acts as the on/off switch for transcription of the structural genes.


Organisms with cell walls become _______ in a hypotonic solution because the cell wall prevents them from bursting.


The process of _______ occurs when viruses lose their envelope during penetration into a host cell or when the envelope/capsid is are dissolved within a vacuole.


Which term describes the process of a virus losing its capsid and exposing viral nucleic acids to the immediate environment?


The major difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration is ______.

using or not using oxygen

Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) arise when, through genetic transfer, a MRSA strain acquires_________ the operon located within a __________ .

vanA transposon

What is common to replicase and reverse transcriptase?

viral proteins

Which of the following is probably the least responsive to the environment?


Cell (tissue) culture is considered an "in " method to propagate virus.


Which size of DNA fragments move farther in the gel when electrophoresis is used?


The plasmid is taken up by _____ cells in the culture when conducting recombinant DNA technology.


Which technique separates DNA fragments using electrophoresis and identifies them by hybridization?

southern blotting

The peplomers or _________ of a virus are protruding glycoproteins, responsible for binding to a host cell.


What term is used to describe the viral proteins which protrude from the envelope and aid in attachment to host receptors?


Which best describes the shape of a helical virus?


What term is used to describe enzymes which work outside the cell?


What are dideoxynucleotides missing?

Hydroxyl group

Which type of RNA comprises ribosomal subunits?


In a chromosome, the DNA is composed of ______ strands.


List the correct order of viral life cycle phases, placing the first phase at the top

1.adsorption 2.penetration/uncoating 3.synthesis 4.assembly 5.release.

A DNA triplet encodes ______ mRNA codon(s) and ______ amino acid(s).

1; 1

_________is the act of successfully adjusting to a new environment.


Which of the following is correct regarding aerobic and anaerobic respiration pathways?

Aerobic pathways use oxygen.

What term is used to describe the integration of catabolic reactions with anabolic reactions to improve cellular efficiency?


________ is the property of a system to integrate catabolic and anabolic pathways to improve cell efficiency and limit waste.


Identify the different environments in which some viruses can replicate.

Animal cells Bacterial cells Human cells

Photosynthesis that does not utilize or produce oxygen is referred to as _________ photosynthesis


Any virus that specifically infects bacteria is called a(n)


The term "metabolism" includes which type(s) of cellular reactions?

Both anabolic and catabolic

Which structure immediately encloses viral nucleic acid?


At minimum, viruses are composed of which of the following?

Capsid and nucleic acid

Which of the following is the decomposition of complex compounds during cellular metabolism?


Which of the following terms is used to describe organisms that must acquire their energy from chemical compounds?


Which bird eggs are the most common choices for viral propagation?

Chicken Turkey Duck

Which of the following is defined as a relationship between organisms where one benefits and the other is unharmed?


________________ are nucleotides that do not have a hydroxyl group bound to the 3'--carbon of deoxyribose.


describes any enzyme that works outside a cell in which it was produced.


Which are the criteria used in classifying viruses into families?

Genetic makeup Chemical composition Structure

Which term represents all of the genetic information within a cell?


The primary catabolism of molecules by most organisms would include which three of the following pathways?

Glycolysis Respiratory chain Kreb's cycle

Genetic inheritance in microorganisms is best defined by which term?


Different viruses can infect which of the following?

Human, bacterial, or plant cells

What term is used to describe the capsid of a virus which has 20 equally spaced panels of capsomers forming a symmetrical structure?


How does RNA differ from DNA in bacteria and eukaryotes?

In RNA, uracil replaces thymine RNA is single-stranded

Which type of operon is typically in the "off" position until the appropriate substrate is present?

Inducible operon

Which is FALSE regarding binary fission?

It leads to genetic variation.

What are the advantages of using recombinant products instead of natural products?

Large-scale production Safer products

Which of the following are organic nutrients?

Methane Carbohydrates Proteins Nucleic acids

Which is a type of chemoautotroph that produces methane from hydrogen gas and carbon dioxide?


Which of the following are inorganic compounds?

Minerals Water Carbon dioxide

The term "naked" used in describing viruses implies which of the following?

No lipid envelope

If the primary purpose of the viral capsid and envelope is the protection of viral nucleic acids, what are they protected from?

Nucleic acid degrading compounds

Which process repairs DNA that has been damaged by ultraviolet radiation using visible light?


Oxygenic photosynthesis occurs in which of the following organisms?

Plants Cyanobacteria Algae

Which of the following is used to describe the phage DNA that is latently incorporated into the bacterial host genome?


Viruses are composed of which of the following?

Protein capsid DNA or RNA

Which of the following best describes a prion?

Proteinaceous-infectious agent

Besides proteins, which type of molecule has been shown to have catalytic activity?


A single virion could contain a genome of which of the following?

RNA only DNA only

Which of the following is the genetic pattern of viral genomes?

Single or double stranded DNA or RNA

Which of the following are functions of RNA polymerase?

Synthesizes an RNA molecule from DNA template Unwinds the DNA so that transcription can take place

Which is not a reason that eggs provide an excellent in vivo viral cultivation system?

The egg contains a tissue monolayer.

What is the purpose of the Ames test?

To determine the carcinogenic potential of a chemical

an ezymes________ site is unique for each substrate.


site is the region on an enzyme that binds substrate.


Which feature of an enzyme is the "most" unique?

active site

Which of the following is a cellular transport system that requires cellular energy?

active transport

A complex adjustment in biochemistry or genetics that allows microbes to survive in their environment is known as _______.


Uracil, the nitrogenous base unique to RNA molecules, pairs with the nitrogenous base


The specific process of ______ incorporates nutrients into larger, complex structures through biosynthesis.


is the cellular process of taking monomers of compounds and producing polymers (e.g., amino acids are combined to make proteins).


Photosynthesis that does not produce oxygen is known as ________ photosynthesis.


It is well known that _____ have no effect on treating viral infections.


Which of the following is not effective treatment for viral infections?


The _______ of tRNA is complementary to the mRNA codon in translation.


is complementary to the mRNA codon.


Methanogens are ______.

archaea chemoautotrophs

Poliovirus and adenovirus have a capsid arranged in a symmetrical polygon structure called a(n)


Using laboratory animals for experimentation is considered which of the following?

in vivo

Which Latin phrase describes the cultivation or testing within a living organism or tissues?

in vivo

Two components of an operon include______ the that acts as an on/off switch, and the ______ gene sequences.


_______ operon, such as the lac operon, is usually in the "off" position, but can be turned on when the appropriate substrate is present. Need help? Review these concept resources.


The first three events of translation in the correct order are________ ,________ , _______ followed by protein folding and processing.

initiation elongation termination

Any chemical substance required in small quantities, such as a trace metal, is termed a(n)

micro nutrient

The location of the Krebs cycle enzymes in eukaryotes is in the matrix, while in prokaryotes the enzymes are found in the .

mitochondria, cytoplasm

The Krebs cycle occurs in the ______ of eukaryotic cells and the ______ of bacteria.

mitochondrion; cytoplasm

An essential nutrient is any element or compound that an organism

must get from a source outside its cells.

A permanent inheritable alteration in the DNA sequence of a cell is a(n)


The mechanisms of _____ transformation involve genes that can regulate cellular genomes and control the onset of cell division.


Which are components of an operon in a sequence of DNA?

operator structural genes

Gene expression in prokaryotes is regulated through _______.


Prokaryotic DNA is arranged into systems called


What term is used to describe the "best" temperature to support a microbe's growth?

optimal temp

Carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and lipids are examples of


Molecules that contain a basic framework of carbon and hydrogen and are nearly always produced by living things are called ______ nutrients.


Molecules that contain a basic framework of carbon and hydrogen are called _______ nutrients


molecules, which contain carbon, are nearly always the products of living organisms.


________ are short strands of a known sequence of 15 to 30 bases of DNA that serve as landmarks to indicate where DNA amplification will begin in PCR.


What is the primary function of the viral capsid and envelope?


Most enzymes are a functional type of _______ macromoluecules


Prions are composed of what molecule?


Which of the following macromolecules can commonly act as a catalyst?


_________ (genus name) bacteria have been engineered to prevent frost damage on crops.


The ribosome is composed of two subunits containing ______ RNA and protein.

r or ribosome

The prokaryotic ribosome is composed of ______ and protein.


The ribosome is composed of two subunits containing


The type of RNA that forms part of the ribosome is ______.


_______ RNA brings the amino acids to the ribosome.


A recombinant organism that carries foreign genes is called a ______ organism.

transgenic genetically modified

During ________ , the information in mRNA is used to produce a protein


During which process is mRNA converted into a protein?


Each mRNA ______ codes for a particular amino acid which is then bonded with other amino acids during translation to form a protein.


_______ and ______ are the two stages involved in protein synthesis.

translation transcription

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