Middle Ages

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How did Charlemagne expand his power and territory?

He befriended the church. He conquered many land and made alliances.

How did Charlemagne´s rule affect medieval Europe?

He establish good gov. ideas and united much of Europe. People looked to his example later when establishing the own empires

Why was chivalry and important concept for medival knights?

It controlled how they reacted with medieval peasants and serfs. They gave away more and were nicer. They also acted honorable and bravely in battle

Why was the crowning of Charlemagne a significant event?

It gave the Pope power to crown empower and kings.This gave the Pope more control over daily life and caused a divide between the Eastern and Western churches. In the eastern Church the emperor had more power, but the Western the Pope is the most powerful. This also set the stage for later disagreements. It also cemented his friendship with the Church, and reinforced his power as Emperor of the Roman Empire

Why was the crowning of Charlemagne a significant event? Explain in detail

It gave the Pope power to crown empower and kings.This gave the Pope more control over daily life and caused a divide between the Eastern and Western churches. In the eastern Church the emperor had more power, but the Western the Pope is the most powerful. This also set the stage for later disagreements. It also cemented his friendship with the Church, and reinforced his power as Emperor of the Roman Empire and Leo's as Pope of the Catholic Church. It gave pope and emperor a sort of mandate of heaven. Since God was speaking through the Pope it meant that Charlemagne was sort of crowned by God through Pope Leo. Charlemagne had to protect the Vatacan.

What effect did the Magna Carta have in the development of English gov.

It introduced a fair court system where bias was reduced and it eventually developed into the judicial system people use today

How did crop rotation lead to an increase in population

It made more efficient and effective crop growing. This gave people more food so the population grew very quickly

How did the Treaty of Verdun affect Charlemagne's empire?

It split Charlemagne's empire into 3 parts. This helped divide Europe into the countries we see today. It also helped divide power. It also settled his sons down so these empires didn't get taken over.

How did Christianity spread during the early Middle Ages?

It spread during the Middle Ages because of missionaries and important leaders who where Christians and spread it to there followers?

Where did the Black Death originate?

It started in Central Europe than was spread to China and Japan. They ships and overland traders brought it into the heart of Europe, where it killed ⅓ of the population.

Why was the battle of tours an important event in history

It stopped Muslim military advance into Western Europe

Why would habeas corpus strengthen a free society?

It stopped necessarily killing people, or punishing them. It also stopped people for being punished for different views. It stopped secret arrest. It was the basis for other court systems

Why was the Magna Carta such a change in law

It was English based law not Roman based law. It ended the Roman influence and started English law

What was a manor like for peasants?

It was a life line. Because most did not belong to the manor, they could work their to get money/ supplies.

What groups of invaders threaten Europe between 800-100

Magyars In Hungary. They raided Germany Italy and other parts of western Europe Muslims in the south and east. Vikings in England and France.

Habeas Corpus

Means you shall have body order to bring a person before a judge or court. Jailer must have good reason to keep prisoner in jail

Why would the increasing trade have improved by communication?

Merchants traded with far areas and could bring messages, tales, and cultures back from these areas.

What role did Joan or Arc play in the Hundred Years War ?

She helped France get an advantage. She helped get King Charles back on his throne. She took back Orleans. She was captured by the English and killed.

What happened to Joan of Arc after she was captured by the English

She was tried by clergy and burned on a stake as a heretic. However she became a national hero in France and was made a saint in the early 1900s

What caused different peoples to migrate into Western Europe?

The climate, esp. The N.A drift, the N.E. kept land fertile. Lastly, mountains blocked unfavorable winds. People settled in fertile river valleys.

What happened to Byzantine during the fourth crusade

The crusaders looted it tore icons stole relics and attacked people The pope got really mad

Why did the Second crusade fail?

The crusaders were not unified. Poor Military Judgement and Lack of Byzantine Support. Also, not enough food and no military assistance by Constantinople

What did the Muslims in the 1000s that Christians mad.

They killed pilgrims and threatens Constantinople

What was the connection between Ancient Rome and the holy Roman. Empire

They king of the holy Roman claimed to be empire of the ancient Roman. In the same areas. Was supposed to be a holy version of Roman Empire.

How did the barons resolve their conflict w King John?

They made him sign the Magna Carta, so that they would not get too highly taxed in times of war.

What changes did the plows make that made horse pulled ones so much better

They plowed deeper into the soil them the oxen pulled plows so plants grew better

What did monks and nuns do

They prayed grew food worked in libraries and took care of sick helped education

How did vassels serve more powerful lords?

They sent their sons away to be knights. They gave a share of what they made with the knights. They supplied taxes during war.

How do the great cathedrals reflect the 1200

They showed the wealth shared by all during these times.

How did universities develop

They started in churches and in rented rooms then as they got richer they began to hold classes in nicer areas

How did the Germanic tribes affect Europe

They started to get it in to an empire and establish that idea & good gov. systems. They also populated Europe

How did the Urals affects Europe

They stopped the cold Russian wind

How did increased trade get kings more power

They taxed the profits. $$

How is Charlemagne relevant to later Germanic rulers

They used him as a role model. He became an emperor restored learning and wanted to revive the Roman Empire. They valued all of these things

What was changed about Plows during the high middle ages

They used horses instead of oxen. Horses could pull harder lives larger and where faster

How did missionaries expand Christendom?

They went to far away land and to pagan people and preached Christianity to them.

Why do you think minorities were persecuted as Christian kingdoms tried to unite?

They were blocking the way of Christianity. They persecuted and kicked out the Jews and Muslims who refused to convert. Even the ones who did were not completely safe.

Why were mendicant orders formed?

They were founded to fight heresy and preach to everyone, especially ordinary people.

What happened between Henry II and Thomas Becket

They were friends. Thomas became bishop and started to disagree with Henry's policies. Henry got mad. A few of knights tried to make him happy by killing Thomas Becket. Henry was blamed and felt bad. Canterbury became a pilgrimage site.

Why might the Black Death have shaken people's confidence in the Church?

They hired uneducated people. People wondered if the Church could save them, because it didn't save people from getting the Black Death.

What were the mystery plays about?

They were plays that were based on the Bible. They were intended to tell about the Bible and show how awesome God and the Church where. They began the revival of European drama.

What role did the clergy have in Charlemagne´s gov.

They were top advisers. They helped him build a relationship w the Church

What happened to Jews because of the crusades

They where expelled from England and France

Why did minorities in Europe suffer after all the hardship in the 13-1400s

They where scapegoats. People blamed Jews for poisoning wells. People where exiled or killed. Even though clergy said not to they did

Why did townspeople form guilds

To protect their interests in whichever craft they chose. And it was insurance for if you died or fell on rough times

Why where some economic effects of the crusades

Traded more Italy rose. Influenced hygienic practices. Started European voyages of discovery. . Cultural diffusion

When was King Phillip Augustus alive and what did he change about France's gov.

1180. Got much land. called King of France instead of King of the Franks like his predecessor. Spread church over France and got powerful in it

What was the French gov. like from 900-1000 A.D? What happened in 1000 to change the government?

900-1000 A.D. Government was a king with little power being supported by aristocrats. In 1000s trade helped kings get wealthier/ more powerful. Then, the Capetains moved in moved the capitol to Paris

Who did the nobles think should have been pope

Adrian 1

What was cordobas mosque converted into

A Catholic Church it is still there today


A journey to a holy place. Canterbury became one after Becket was killed

Who do Charlemagne think could restore order in Rome

A new emperor


A person who is bound to the land and owned by the feudal lord. They could not be sold. They could not leave the manor w out permission. When house was sold they went w it

What did William introduce to england

A strong feudal system where lords lives in stone castles and vassals supported lords with mil. Service

middle ages

AD 500-1500, in Europe,

What mistake did Henry make in his conflict with the church

Accused Becket of treason some knights killed him. Henry was blamed and he felt bad.

What was the Concordat of Worms

An agreement signed by descendants of Henry IV and popes after Gregory VII. It gave popes the sole authority to appoint bishops. Kings could grant fiefs to bishops to win their favor.

How did the name "England" come about?

Anglo-Saxons, occupied and where in gov. England means Land of the Angles


Assembly of representatives who make laws. Lords and commons

Here the moors tolerant of other cultures

At first they embraced other cultures but then they persecuted them. Non Muslims had to pay a special tax

How did punishment for heretics develope

At first they where excommunicated but they still leaked ideas into Christianity. They where then either exiled or killed

What are the sacaraments

Baptism, 1st Reconciliation (confession), 1st Communion, Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Order. Last Rights (Anointing of the sick)

Why did so many rulers try to claim the authority of ancient rome

Bc it was so powerful and strong and awesome they thought that people would listen to them more

Why did towns offer greater freedom

Bc they where controlled by wealthy gentle men not feudal lords

Why was Henry IV excommunicated by Gregory VII

Because he tried to remove Gregory from his position as pope

Why did herold inherit the Throne

Because his family had the real power in England. Edward the confessor was weak and relied of the earls of Wessex herolds family. They where called the Godwin's

Why did minorities in Europe suffer during the Crusades

Because people hated Muslims. They persecuted Muslims in their communities which spread to other religions

Why did Medicant orders rise with the growth of towns

Because they could get better profits from begging because their where more people. Also they could preach to more people

Black death

Bubonic plague


Belief rejected by the church

What did knights do

Believed in chivalry. Which made them be brave loyal honorable truthful am generous. They where the sons of vassals who went to fight for there fathers lord. Fought other lords or invaders. Protected king


Belong to land. Farmers for lord 2-3 times per week. Tended own garden other times couldn't leave manor without lords permission worked a lot at planting and harvesting time. Cut wood from lords forest for fuel. Ground flower at his mill women spun threads elected a revee to oversee and repair buildings. Serfs could also be carpenters and blacksmiths

Why did the Kings want the right to appoint bishops

Bishops controlled money and land. They could support kings policies. You could make a deal and have becoming bishop be a reward. People would pay u money to become a bishop

Common Law

Body of rules developed from custom and judges decisions rather then rules passed by assembly

Who was Charles Martel's grandson?

Charlemagne, king of the Franks, and emperor of Roman Empire.

How do monasteries and convents differ

Convents a for nuns (women) & monasteries are for monks (men)

Natural law

Could be discovered through the power of human reason. Came from God


Court order

Why were minorities in Europe persecuted by Christians?

Crusades caused hate of Muslims and than those spread to other religions. Crusades used as an excused for violence. Although some clergymen tried to stop it, general mood caused slaughters in these communities.

What connections are there between the Crusades and the Reconquista?

Crusades. There was persecutions of all non- Christian religion esp. Muslims

How did chivalry affect knight

Did the right thing. Won more battles.

Bubonic Plague

Deadly disease (Black Death) that killed millions of people. Epidemic. 10 years after the 100 years war starts. Bodies get covered in swelling. Only a couple of days. Aka great dying. Carried in fleas that lives on rats. Rarely could be inhaled(then called pnumonic)

Who was and why was William the Conqueror and why was he important

Defeated Herold's tired army in the Battle of Hastings. Crowned king of England on Christmas day at Westminster Abbey. Divided land and gave to barons. Responsible for cultural diffusion between French and English. Introduced a strong feudal system.

Why did pope urban 2 call for a crusade

Defend Constantinople and liberate Jerusalem. They wanted to protect Palestine.

Who were the Normans and why where they important

Descended from Vikings called Northmen which translates to Normans. Grew rich and were interested in new lands. Had a very organized army. Where the elite of England for a long time. They fought with cavalry and archers.

Magna carta

Document king John had to sign. Said that even king wasn't beyond the law

What was the crusader slogan

Dues le veult meaning god wills it

When is habeas corpus suspended and why

During war. So that you can capture prisoners on the other side so that they don't go back and fight you again

Who didCharlemagne fear would think that they where trying to steal their crown

Empress Irene

Hundred Years War

England and France fought between 1337 and 1453. Little battles

What happened in 1066?

England got taken over by the Normans. In September, the Norwegians tried to invade England, but were defeated by Harold's army. Soon after, William of Normandy invaded England and defeated Herold's tired army. On Christmas day William was crowned king of England in Westminster Abbey.

Peasants Revolt

English commoners killed lords and burned manors

Why where people afraid to be excommunicated

Everyone looks down on you. And you won't go to heaven

Why would the Black Death have helped end manorialism?

Everyone who worked the fields died. People demanded to be hired and paid more. Less people were available to farm so the surpluses went down.


Exclude from religious community or church. Pope Gregory did this to henry


Extremely advanced people. Ran Muslim Spain & Cordoba, a pleasant place 2 live

Why did the Magna Carta help lay the foundation of democracy?

Fair trails. Set up a jury system so that judges could not use their bias opinions in court. America uses a similar system in their courts

Which monarchs where involved in the Reconquista

Ferdinand and Isabella which United most of the Iberian peninsula

What was English law a mix of

Feudal church and Anglo's Saxon law. This sis called common law

How was Charlemagne like other Germanic kings?

He appointed powerful nobles to rule local regions. He sent officials to check on the nobles to make sure they were ruling fairly and justly.

Mendicant Orders

Fight heresy to preach to ordinary people

Describe the battle of Agiancourt

Fought in 1415 Henry v led the English. They used the longbow which the French did not have soapy French people died

What modern day country was Charlemagne's kingdom located in


What did Gregory do in retaliation to Henry appointing a new bishop

He appointed a rival bishop, excommunicated Henry, and freed his subjects. Henry had no support so went to Popes castle but was kept waiting for 3 days in the snow. Eventually, pope forgave him , but argument continued


Group of workers practicing the same craft. Have joined together to protect economic interests. You paid a fee but we're taken care of by this group

What was invented after the longbow

Guns and cannons which could go through armory and walls

What happened in 1066 in England even though the government was really strong

Harold's army was defeated and the Normans invaded England. This caused MAJOR cultural diffusion. That's one reason why English traditions and French can sometimes be similar, and the cognates in the languages

How did Charlemagne work to unite much of Europe?

He fought many tribes and won. He fought the Umayyads in Spain. He also made alliances. He used education.

How did Thomas Aquinas blend medieval thought?

He made natural law. He blended the church's ideas ( faith is the path to truth) and Aristotle's idea (human reason is the path to truth). He believed that truth could be discovered by human reason, influenced by faith.

How was Charlemagne like other Germanic kings? Explain in detail

He sent nobles to rule local region, and then he sent out officials to make sure they were ruling fairly and justly. Checked on roads, and solved arguments. He was also like other Germanic kings because he wanted to unite Europe. He was from a Germanic background like other kings. Like other kings, his empire split up after his death. Gov. was matter of family. Inherited. Founded on futile oaths of allegiance. No distinction between personal servants and gov. Officials.

What were pope Gregory VII views on bishops and how did that clash with Henry IV

He thought only popes should be able to appoint bishops, but Henry IV thought kings should be able to, Henry IV voiced his views and appointed a bishop

Why did king John raise an army

He want led to reconquer his French land because he had lost them. This led to con fluctuations with the barons

What was the reason Pope Leo came to see Charlemagne

He was seeking protection from his enemies in rome

What was the last Muslim kingdom in Spain?

In 1469 Isabella married Ferdinand uniting the majority of Spain. Than, they worked to conquer Granada. It fell in 1492.

What were some disasters that shook Europe in the 1300?

Hundred Years War- war between France and England. Armies destroyed crops. Lots of new weapons are war technology were invented. Seemed England was winning, but than Joan of Arc came and turned it around. Black Death-From China.People with the disease came in boots. Some boats came in with everyone on them dead. These boats carried it into the heart of Europe. It was also carried through overland trade routes. Drove people into isolation and ripped apart society. Peasants Revolt- bc there were no people to farm, other serfs went where wages were highest. When the manor lords protested the serfs burned manors and killed lords.

What different groups migrated to Europe during the Early Middle Ages?

Huns and Germanic tribes in was used to be the Roman Empire. Lombard in the Italian river valleys. Next. the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes moved into the British Isles. Avars and the Slavs in the east. The Visigoths in Italy, Greece, Spain, and Southern Europe.The Visigoths also migrated around the Eastern part of the Black Sea. Franks in France and German(Gaul). Vandals where North Africa, Spain, and, Gaul.

How was land- ownership affected by the Norman conquest?

In the battle for England, many landowners were killed, and so there land were distributed among 180 Norman Barons.

What effect do you think Charlemagne's feelings about education had on Europe?

It brought people out of poverty. Officials kept more accurate records, protecting the country. More people could read announcements.

What happened to Charlemagne's empire after he died?

It was devised into three kingdoms,ruled by his grand kids, then it fell apart. It was divided among dukes who chose Otto to be the kings. he made alliances w other dukes, was crowned emperor by the pope, claimed to be a successor of Charlemagne

What was the disadvantage of armour

It was heavy and had weak points it was very stiff and did not allow much flexibility

What do you think it was like for Charlemagne to control such a vast territory?

It was probably hard and stressful. He had unite many cultures under one rule. He used education, but this was probably not perfect. He also had to focus on winning wars.

Who changed the tide of the 100 years war

Joan of arc. She had heard god in her prayers. She went to the dauphin and told him she could restore him to his throne. After this she spent one year winging many key battles then she was captured by the english

What did the lord do on the estate

Judged minor crimes. Settled minor arguments. Looked after day to day affairs.

How did the parliament system start and why

Kings called on the advice of county lord and they would gather to give him advice. They would normally raise taxes

What education did the lords wife have.

Latin and her own language. Music astronomy and herbal remedies.

What language did the church use, and where did the popes govern from

Latin governed from Rome

How did monasteries keep Roman and Greek a live

Latin was the language of the Church. Many books were in Latin or Greek

One Christmas Day Charlemagne and pope Leo carried out the second part of there plan by

Leo crowning Charlemagne the new employer

How did increasing trade effect society

Made banking and made bankers wealthy. Gave people a taste of other cultures. Provided an interest in moving forward. made poor peasants move to town to get wealthy. brought about deep religious faith and interest in the arts. brought in black death from China


Mil. Campaigns to establish Christianity over the holy land Peasants soldiers and kings participated

Why was the culture in the Iberian peninsula diverse.

Muslims, Jewish, and Christians all interchange culture. Foreign people came for the knowledge/ inventions. All different ethnicities mixed in Cordoba

What was the gov. system during the Ottonian dynasty

My prices ruled local area and where loyal to the emporer

What caused the increase in food supply

News ways of farming required less people to make a surpluses. They made crop-rotation, and then the three field system. Plow and horse




Not bound to land. But similar to serfs. Could be hired by a lord to work on an estate

What where Otto's descendants called

Ottonian kings

How did missionaries help spread Christianity throughout Europe

Patrick converted Ireland. He gained the trust of the people He founded many churches in Ireland. Pope Gregory I sent monks as missionaries to Britain. They converted the King of Kent Other missionaries worked in Eastern Europe Germany Britain and the Netherlands

What was the significance of the peasants revolt

Peasants stood up to lords and feudalism was shaken and nearly ended

How did religions affect culture?

People built and felt proud of churches. They listened to the Church and let it influence their lives and prosperity. People and the church became prosperous together.

Why would famine and wars have weakened medieval society?

People could not eat, and so they died. They were more susceptible to illness because they were hungry. Many people died in the war, and villages where plundered. Crops were burned.

What effects did increasing wealth in towns have on the Church buildings

People donated more money, had more education and were able to be interested in the arts. Could hire skilled people to plan and help build the church. Interested in math which helped support the ceiling so you could build more high and airy buildings

How did the plague effect art

People drew more sinister and dark painting such as the dance of the dead which showed people dancing with Skeletons

What effect do you think Charlemagne's feelings about education had on Europe? Why

People got better jobs, so that they weren't starving. This gave him one less think about. They could keep better records, so they had more clear communication, and then their country wouldn't get taken over. He made a school inside his palace, which tells that he wanted to keep and eye on people's education. His love of education was inspiring, and people wanted to work harder, because he approved. This way people got a better education. His feelings about education had a huge affect on Europe.

Why did the crusades encourage trade

People had an interest in far away cultures and objects from them they wanted to use these and so they had traders go get them reopening trade routs

What economic changes happened during the high middle ages

People moved into cities where they would become wealthier. Lords lost a lot of their power

What happened at William the conquerors cornation

People outside cheered but Norman's mistakes it for a riot and so they lit fires to try to stop it

Who was William, Duke of Normandy and why where they important

Related to an Anglo-saxon king, and so made claims on England. When Edward the confessor died he claimed he was promised the English crown. He is important because he decided to invade England

Who led the first crusade?

Peter the hermit. He became famous for gathering people into an army and leading the crusades

What surprise visitor did charlemagne receive

Pope leo

Who were medieval schools meant to train?

Priests. When you decided to be a priest you went to a school and got educated. Schools taught in Latin. Books where shared by students because they were expensive.

What did lords do

Protect king manage land. Lived in manor. Had serfs. Granted land to vassals. Ran manor. Judged crimes. Settled arguments. Officials look after day to say business. Their bailiff collected taxes

What did the king do

Provide money recruits and army. Grant land to lords.

How did feudalism shape Europe?

Provided a class system. Spread power base out. Coazed agricultural society and military HELPED PREVENT INVASION

What where some issues the crusaders faced Before fighting the Muslims

Robbers hunger deseas

Why did the thirds crusade start

Saladin recaptured Jerusalem. Called the crusade of kings


School or group of schools that teach at high level. Kind of a guild

How were European and Japanese feudalism similar and different

Similar: trade food money etc. for protection. Lords give to people who work for him. Farming community. People who protect the lords who have a code of honor Different: code of honor called chivalry in Europe and bush idol in japan. Knight in Europe samuri in japan. Lord in Europe daimyo in Japan

What was some people's reasoning for crusading

Since everyone was God's Basel they must protect his lands

What type of person did the nobles believe should be pope

Someone of noble birth

Iberian Peninsula

Spain and Portugal during Middle Ages Muslim then Christian

What is the purpose of feudalism

TO PROTECT AGAINST INVADERS esp. Vikings. to have an army. To have large farms so u can have surpluses to trade and get wealthy. To spread the power base out. Makes gov. Balanced and stable. Organized through social class

What did Charlemagne's crowning show

That only the pope had the right to name emporers

What 2 bodies of water are divided by the Scandinavian Peninsula?

The Baltic Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. This probably made it easier to trade with mainland European people because the Baltic Sea did not have the currents and roughness of the Atlantic Ocean.

What is the Magna Carta?

The Magna Carta was a document that promised King John's subject's certain rights. King John had to recognize the rights of barons. It said that he was not above the law. He promised he would not collect more taxes without approval. He promised trail by jury. It was the basis for other documents

What was the 1st major event of the Reconquista?

The Muslim caliphate split into little parts, while the Christian kingdoms reunited, giving Christians a distinct advantage. The Pope urged the Christians on. The stage was set for invasion and war.

What is the significance of the North European Plains?

The N. A. Drift brings warm air from the equator to the N. E. Plain, which makes it good for growing crops/lots of things grow naturally. This makes animals and people come, which means there is plenty of food. Civilizations can grow

How does Europe's topography affect its climate?

The N. E. plain provides plenty of food. The Urals block the cold Russian wind. N. A. makes it warm (In latitude, Paris would be in north Canada) The mountains block air making them have hot, dry summers.

Why would popes fight over who should become bishop?

The bishops have control over money and land. The popes and monarchs wanted to appoint people who would support their polices. Mandate of Heaven idea. People could make deals and use bishops as the reward

What caused different peoples to migrate into Western Europe? Give details

The good climate. The North Atlantic Drift brought warm air from the equator and the fertile North European Plain helped grow crops and brought animals to Europe. This brought people. The Ural Mountains blocked cold Russian winds. They cut off Europe from the Russian climate. The Rhine, Danube, and their tributaries made land fertile, because it was a water source. It was mostly flat, which is good for traveling/ trade and crops. This brought people to Europe.

What two houses is the parliament decided into

The house of Lords: represents nobles Commons: represents common people. Is where the prime minister came from

How was power distributed in the feudal system

The kings was on the top, and he was backed by the lords. The lords got the stuff they needed from the vassals. The vassals relied on the knights to protects them and the serfs to grow food for them. The serfs relied on their lords for protection

How did the manor system and feudalism effect people

The majority of people where poor farmers. They depended on the lord. Many where uneducated. Because of this urbanization and inventions where slower. Have built in class system

Who where's the normans and why did they disappear

The normans where a group of people form a region of France called Normandy. They conquered England. They disappears because of cultural diffusion's assimilation and adaptation

What was the connection between international trade and the plague

The plague was spread from China through the Silk Road and other sea ports. Traders brought home the fleas from China

What compromise was achieved by the Concordat of Worms

The popes appointed bishops but the kings could grant them land to get their loyalty

How would you describe Europe's topography?

The topography is varied. Europe is a peninsula, and it has many little peninsulas coming off of it. Mountains edge most of the continent. Alps are in southern Europe, the Pyrenees divide France and Spain, and the Urals are at the Eastern edge of the continent. At the heart is the N.E. plain, which is very fertile.

What where the advantages of knights clothing

There where very protective in most areas

Why did religious intolerance lead to conflict in Spain?

These people fought and persecuted each other. When the Christians took control the conflict and persecution got so bad that other religions were killed, harmed, and kicked out.

Why where the knight templars persecuted as heretics

They became wealthy after the crusades through banking and became envied. The jig of France who owed them money had them arrested and killed

In what ways did religious beliefs influence medival architecture

They built high and airy so the ceilings would reach toward God

How did different groups and individuals take power in early medieval Europe

They conquered people and made alliances w others. They made friends with the Church. A lot of times these empires did not last long.

Why did everyone want to be able to appoint bishops

They controlled a lot of money and land

How did the Church affect the lives of Europeans

They controlled people's daily life such as sacraments and annulments, confession. They also control communion

Why was the Church a center of authority

They controlled sacraments, land, clergy

How did the popes try to control the emprorers

They decreed that they could depose them and tried to appoint bishops in their areas.

Why did the conflicts known as the Crusades fail to achieve their goal?

They did not conquer the Muslim land especially Jerusalem. The crusaders were not trained or at all prepared for war. They were not unified.

What was the main reason the second crusade failed

They didn't have the support of the townspeople they also treated the local Muslims with disrespect

In what ways did religious beliefs influence medieval arts

They drew Jesus suffering like other humans and they drew about God and the heavens

What was a manor like for serfs?

They farmed for the lords a couple times a week. During other times they farmed their personal gardens. It was probably a relatively comfortable life.

How did libraries develops into universities

They fought people about books and learning Then people used these books to learn. This became permanent. They started holding classes to learn about these books

What 2 things did monastery's give to our world

They gave us preservation of books in libraries. They give us access to history and ancient learning

How did changes in agriculture help the economy during the middle ages

They grew more food so the population could be higher. There was a surplus.

How were manors self sufficient

They grew there own crops. Had there own gov. Had a Church. Had animals. Got surpluses to trade for things they didn't get

How did farmers keep birds away for my he seeds

They had dogs chase them and built scarecrows

How did the monks of the mendicant orders survive?

They had no property. They begged for food and drink. They lived very poorly, and wore cheap and uncomfortable clothes.

How did the plague effect the church

They had to hire uneducated people bc 40 percent of clergy members died. This change the church forever

Why and where did the crusades happen

They happened in the Middle East to defend holy places such as Jerusalem and Palestine you could be forgiving your sins by crusading.

How did the invasions between 800-1000 change Europe?

They helped to establish feudalism, so that the Europeans would not get invaded. They also helped trade. They mixed with the local population.

Did serfs or vassals have more power in medieval Europe

Vassals. Both were under the lord but vassals owned land

By Charlemagne's crowning what did they risk

War with the Byzantine empire

What were some unexpected results of the crusade?

Weakened Constantinople, people saw new ways of life, were interested in far away. Old trade routes were reopened

What was The Norman Conquest and why was it important

When Normans decided to invade England. They did so successfully and stayed there for 20 years, causing cultural diffusion between the French and the English. They made the official language French.

What did vassels do

Where granted land by lord. Son became knight. Ran a manor so had similar jobs as a lord

How where heroics punishes

Whipping or fast. Sometimes execution.

Three field system

You used more then 2 fields one was planted w spring crops one with winter and one left fallow Advantages: amount of land protected from starvation if crops failed


Young men from noble families who trained to become warriors on horseback


a medieval code of knighthood; a code of honor and courtesy. They also had to be brave and generous they had fight fairly


agricultural estate, which consisted of a noble's home, farmland, village, and church

Why did Christianity spread during the Middle Ages

bc people where looking for a comforting religion to believe in during the mess after the fall of Rome

Why was the name Holy Roman Empire important

called the Holy Roman empire, name shows that it was supposed to be a Christian version of Rome empire, and challenged the Byzantine empire, because they called themselves Roman

What major government changes happened in England between 900-1000

centralized gov. standard coin system

crop rotation

changing the use of fields over time. There were two field one was planted and the other was not. The next year the opposite thing happened

How did Otto improve him kingdom

conquered new lands, made it stable, revived arts, was prosperous, worked w church until it rivaled his empire

What goods were traded in the high middle ages

crops, olive oil, wine, expensive clothes, weaponry and jewelry, spices, perfumes, silks


especially holy person


estate, term for what was granted 2 a vassel


follower of a polytheistic religion

How did the N.A. drift effect Europe

it brought warm and moist wind into Europe from the equator bringing good land for crops/ plants... this bought people and animals.... have a surplus of food... lead to urbanization and more inventions


large community of Cotholics spread across the world

What lands did Otto conquere

modern day Germany and part of Italy


movement to drive Muslims from the Iberian Peninsula

How did trade expand towns

people were attracted to wealth people earned trading surpluses in towns. They were also attracted to freedoms


physical features, Europe is a peninsula, mountains around edges


religious community for nuns (similar to a monastery, but these are for women)


sacred right of the Christian Church (Baptism, Communion, ect.)


secluded community for monks


series of investigations designed to find and judge heretics

Who was King John and why was he important

signed the Magna Carta. Lost control of his French lands, so wanted to go to war. To do this he had do tax the barons highly. The barons revolted and made him sign the Magna Carta, which gave the barons rights. The most important ones where that taxes could not be changed without approval, and that even he was not above the law.


some one who was granted land from a lord. In turn, they promised service & loyalty

What are the 2 main rivers in Europe and were do they flow

the 2 main rivers are the Rhine and the Danube. the Rhine: starts in Alps, flows northward into Germany and Netherlands and into the Black Sea Danube: flows eastward across the central plains into eastern Europe emptying into the Black Sea


the culture of the Middle Ages


trained and ordained for religious services


tries to convert others to a religion



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