Midterm 1

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A relaxation technique that involves contracting and relaxing muscle groups throughout the body is called

Progressive relaxation

Threats to self esteem or depression would be examples of what kind of stressor?


A series of bodily changes that bare the opposite of the stress reaction is called

Relaxation response

What type of laws in some states specifically outlaws certain sexual behaviors?

Sodomy Law

Use of time or purpose in life would be an example of what kind of stressor?


Stimuli with the potential to cause stress are collectively called


True or False: Coitus between unmarried people is against the law in some states


True or False: Older college students often doubt their abilities to return to school


The upper part of the brain is responsible for thinking functions is called the

cerebral cortex

What are the two major components of the brain

cerebral cortex and sub cortex

the part of the subcortex responsible for the regulation of emotions is called the


The part of the subcortex responsible for regulation of heartbeat and breathing is called the

medulla oblongata

A hormone secreted by the pituitary gland is called

oxytocin and vasopressin

The network of Nerves that connects the mind and the body is called the

reticular activating system

the lower part of the brain is responsible for various physiological processes necessary to stay alive is called the


The young college student is confronted with which of the following tasks during that time in his or her life? 1. Achieving emotional independence from family 2. Preparing for emotional commitment 3. Developing an ethical system

All of the above

Which of the following in not a concern among college students? 1. Money 2. Living arrangement 3. Weight

All of the above

Which of the following is a type of sexually transmitted infection? Syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia?

All of the above

An AIDS test actually tests for the presence of


A relaxation technique that involves heaviness, warmth, and tingling in the limbs

Autogenic training

The part of the diencephalon that activates the autonomic nervous system is called the


What is released by the hypothalamus and stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete thyrotropic hormone?

Thyrotropic Hormone Releasing Factor

True or False: Christina Maslach was a stress management pioneer who focused upon the issue or burnout


True or False: Lazarus and DeLongis have found that everyday hassles are even more detrimental to one's health than major life changes.


True or False: More than 40% of American college students are over the age of 25


True or False: Progressive relaxation is also known as neuromuscular relaxation


True or False: Rape is more about violence and control than it is about sex


True or False: Shyness can be a mental handicap as crippling as the most severe of physical handicaps


True or False: Stress in College years often interferes with the learning process


True or False: The longer our physiology varies from its baseline measures and the greater the variance from that baseline, the more likely we are to expierence ill effects from this stress reactivity


True or False: The more life changes you experience, the more stress you will feel and the more likely it is that illness and disease will result


True or False: There are some students who are so preoccupied with their grades that they have no social life and have let their physical health deteriorate


True or False: Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe showed that the more significant the change in someone's life, the greater the chance of the onset of illness


True or False: With taking too many courses at once, you can actually learn less than you would with a lighter course load


A noted psychologist who was employed at Harvard medical school and first described the body's reaction to stree

Walter cannon

The degree of which the five dimensions of health are in balance is called


The part of the adrenal gland that secretes corticoids is called the

adrenal cortex

What activates the adrenal cortex to secrete corticoid hormones?

adrenocorticotropic hormone

The part of the sub cortex responsible for regulating sleep is called the


A condition transmitted through sexual contact and the sharing of intravenous needles that leads to the mixing of blood or semen, in which the immune system becomes progressively ineffective is


The most effective drugs used to combat AIDS is


Which of the following is not a barrier for minority students? 1. Language 2. Pressure to succeed 3. Abundant role models 4. Racism

Abundant role models

Forcible sexual intercourse between people who know each other is classified as

Acquaintance rape

Which of the following is not one of the characteristic abs personality traits used in a "love test"? Communication style. Relationship role. Romanticism. Age?


The system that controls such body processes as hormone balance, temperature, and width of blood vessels is called the

Autonomic Nervous System

Distress is defined as

Bad things which we have to adapt

Which of the following is not a high risk group for AIDS?

Blood Transfusions

The contraction of muscles for no obvious purpose is called


Part of the sub cortex responsible for coordination of the brain?


What is released by the hypothalamus and results in the release of adrenocorticotropic hormones?

Corticotropin releasing factor

The primary part of the Glucocorticoid


Having too many courses or courses to difficult to complete well during one semester is known as

Course overload

The American College Health Association recommends the following to prevent acquaintance rape, except 1. Don't challenge the myths and stereotypes 2. Communicate effectively 3. Trust your instinct 4. Think.

Don't challenge the myths and stereotypes

Which of the following would not help relieve stress among college students? 1 meditation 2. Exercise 3. Drinking alcohol

Drinking alcohol

The system that is comprised of hormones that regulate physiological functions is called the

Endocrine System

True or False: Hanse Selye was unable to specify which changes in the body's physiology resulted from stress


True or False: Loan debt affects minority students less than others


True or False: Men and women in general tend to respond to stress in very similar ways


True or False: No states actually have a law that says if someone is drunk, he or she is not capable of consenting to sex.


__________________ Regulates metabolism of glucose


Eustress is defined as

Good things to which we have to adapt

The theory developed by Kobasa and her colleagues that if you perceive potentially stressful events a as a challenge instead of a threat, less stress will result, is known as the

Hardiness theory

_____________ Regulates the balance between sodium and potassium


To respond to stressors associated with self doubt and shyness, the Stanford Shyness Clinic suggests

1 Recognizing your strengths and weakness and setting goals accordingly 2. Deciding what you value and what you believe in. 3. Giving yourself time to relax

The general adaptation syndrome has three stages, which are in order

1. Alarm reaction, 2. Stage of resistance 3. Stage of exhaustion

Consenting sex involves:

1. Being sober 2. Verbal communication 3. No intimidation or threat

To manage jealously, you should

1. Determine what makes you jealous. 2. Put your jealous feelings in proper perspective. 3. Negotiate a contract with the other person

The US blood supply has been has been screened since


About 15 percent of AIDS cases have occurred in people between the ages of


What percentage of women report being victims of rape?


During the 1990s, tuition and fees at four-year public colleges and universities increased by how much?


What percentage of 15-19 year olds have never had sexual intercourse?

51% of makes 47% of female

What percentage of students graduated with student loan debt?


True of False: AIDS can be transmitted casually


True of False: There is no such thing as safe sex


True or False: Although many college students may feel stressed, there is no evidence that college students are a companion of chronic stress


True or False: Although stress can be very bothersome, it is seldom dangerous to your health


True or False: An AIDS test will show positive the day after someone is infected


True or False: Oral sex is not a prevalent form of sexual intercourse


True or False: Pressure to be sexually active is greater for males


True or False: Racism does not have devastating effects on a student's grades


The body's stress reaction that includes an increase in heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, and serum cholesterol is called


Which one of the following developed a meditative technique that was successfully employed to help reduce his patients' levels of high blood pressure?

Herbert Benson

The part of the brain that "sounds the alarm" when stress is present is called the


Fear of losing one' property, such as a lover, friend, status, or power is known as


Robert Kara self was a pioneer for the

Job demand control model

The system that produces emotions, also known as the "seat of emotions," is called the

Limbic System

The goal of stress management is to

Limit the harmful effects of stress

What type of love is playful, flirtatious, involving no long term commitment?

Ludic love

Which type of love is a combination of passionate love and flirtatious playing love, characterized by jealously and irrational joy that usually does not result in a long term commitment?

Manic love

Which of the following is not true about masturbation? 1. Approximately 90% of men and 60% of women have masturbated at sometime 2. Masturbation is engaged in throughout one's life 3. Masturbation can result in either physical illness or psychological harm

Masturbation can result in either physical illness or psychological harm

What is the most significant stressors for college students?


AIDS can be transmitted

Sharing needles

To be afraid of people and worried of what strangers and powerful others think of you is known as


The theory developed by overholser and his colleagues pertaining to stress occurring when there is not enough social support available to respond to the event effectively is known as the

Social support theory

Which of the following are known for studying stress and headaches?

Stewart Wolf, Thomas Budzynsk, and Howard Wolff

Which types of love is calm and compassionate, conceiving of a long term relationship?

Storgic Love

The operational definition of stress for this text includes

Stressors, stress reactivity, strain.

The part of the diencephalon that relays sensory impulses to the cerebral cortex is called the


What stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete thyroxin?

Thyrotropic Hormone

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