Midterm 2- Lecture Notes Quiz

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Wars over survival began in _______

2003 (Darfur)

Where is the remaining oil in the world?

-61% of global proven oil reserves in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia 22%) -10% in Eurasia -9% in Africa

What are the expected and occuring consequences of climate change on the Sahel?

-Arid and semi arid regions of Sahel rendered even drier -Monsoons are not carrying precipitation as far north -Lake Chad is drying up fast

Why is very little being done to address the worst humanitarian crisis on the face of the Earth?

-Darfur government official Pariah Sudan valuable to America's War on Terrorism providing spies in Iraq -China and Russia are two of the major arms suppliers to the government of Sudan (aren't trying to stop war their)

What was the basis of Gulf Wars Episode 1

-Divide and Rule Strategy -The economic realities behind the Persian Gulf War: ->legitamate U.S. interest in defeating Saddam is to maintain stability of the West's major energy supply ->the mission of our immensely powerful military force is to maintain a stable, integrated world order consisting of states friendly to U.S. corporate capitalism

What is happening to the permafrost (ground that is permanently frozen)?

-Permafrost is thawing, ever deeper layers (isn't "Perma" anymore) -Permafrost is thawing and lakes are shrinking/vanishing -Permafrost is full of organic material, that decays in a low oxygen environment (like methane); when the permafrost melts it releases methane

What is the conflict in Darfur?

-The worst humanitarian crisis on the face of the Earth -Darfur province is in Sudan (large country in East Africa) -In the late 1970s, population growth, drought, and an expanding Sahara desert heightened competition for land (global warming)

What happened between U.S. and middle east between 1980 and 1988?

-U.S. supports Iraq in war against Iran -Massive supply of arms to Iraq

Without Greenhouse Gases, Temp at Surface= ____ F; with=____ F

0 degrees F; 59 degrees F

U.S. list for where we get our oil from

1) Canada (24%) 2) Mexico 3) Saudi Arabia 4) Venezuela 5) Nigeria (7%)

What kinds of energy do we use the most?

1) Petroleum 2) Coal 3) Natural Gas 4) Nuclear 5) Hydroelectric

Only _____ of natural disaster damage is covered by insurance


_____ million barrels on average of oil have been released into the Niger Delta over the last five decades


2011 Chesapeake Bay: ____ inches higher since 1930, ____ islands submerged

13.5; 13

What is happening in Bangladesh due to rising sea level?

150 million people, most of continent less than 5 feet in height; population getting denser; Indians building a wall

How many years left do we have to use coal?

175 years left

When did drilling begin in the Niger Delta?


At least ____% of coral reefs gone; ____% of those in the Caribbean

19; 50

Average global temperature has increased _____ F over last 250 years; _____ F over 50 years

2.5; 1.6

1 degree F increase in temperature boosts smoke risk by ____%


Ocean sea level rising ____ feet up worldwide


Isotherms have been moving ____ miles a decade over the last ____ years; much faster than living things can move

35; 30

______ million barrels of oil have been released into the Gulf of Mexico


____% of people in Nigeria are less than 15 years old


Precipitation has increased an average of _____% in the Past 50 years


U.S. uses 26 billion barrels of oil a year, how many years left do we have?

50 years left

You: _____% water


How many years left do we have to use natural gas?

60 years left

With ___ oilfields, the delta is the world capital of oil pollution


In Nigeria, ____% living in poverty; ____% living on less than $2 a day; maternal death (mother's giving birth) ____ times higher than in an industrialized country

66; 84; 100

A one degree Fahrenheit increase in temp, increases evaporation by ____%


Planet surface: ____% water


Fire season in the U.S. has increased ____ days; fires are _______

75; much larger

_____ Million Tons of total global emissions a day


___% of Antartica glaciers are retreating an average of ____ meters/year.

90; 50

Over ____% of actively publishing climate scientists think humans are changing global temperature


_____ of ocean is one big reason that no one should argue against global warming


Of the 13 major natural disasters, how many can be made worse by climate change?


The government in Darfur is Arab and sided with the ____________

Arab Nomads

What is happening to the arctic ice cap?

Artic sea ice melted to record low levels this summer

Why does it worry climatologists that coal is the most abundant energy resource?

Because it is the dirtiest (most CO2)

Why are hurricanes in Caribbean happening more often?

Because there is lots of water vapor (warmer air, warmer water vapor, more energy for hurricanes)

Higher ______ in water means increase in acidity in ocean


______ is the most abundant contribution to Greenhouse Warming

Carbon Dioxide (but not most efficient at trapping heat)

What greenhouse gases occur naturally?

Carbon Dioxide, Water Vapor, Nitrous Oxides, Methane

_____ leads the world as the biggest energy user

China (passed U.S. in 2010)

What is the most important factor of climate change?


What is the best evidence of climate change?

Environments that change very slowly to temperature fluctuations (Ice, Snow, Permafrost, and Oceans)

Dry areas on earth are ______, wet areas on earth are _________

Expanding (near equator); also getting bigger (near poles)

T or F: Precipitation is arriving in smaller amounts over longer time periods

False; Precipitation is arriving in larger amounts over shorter time periods

T or F: Winter monsoons (rains) bring water to the Sahel; just enough water to grow short grass

False; Summer monsoons (rains) bring water to the Sahel; just enough water to grow short grass

Whats happening to Greenland?

Greenland ice sheet melted at unprecedented rates (Greenland ice melt may cause dramatic change of northeast coasts)

What happned in 1991 in Middle East?

Gulf Wars against Saddam Hussein (Episode 1)

What greenhouse gases are manmade?

Halocarbons (CFC's)

U.S. reached peak oil in the 1970s, in order to compensate for our ecological deficit, we ________


What happened between U.S. and Iran in 1979?

Iranian Revolution -Arms go to anti-U.S. Government

What happened between U.S. and Iran in 1953?

Iranian leaders tyrannical and torturing people -CIA helps overthrow Mossadeq Government -Massive supply of arms to Shah

The Doctrine of Thrasymachus

It is the legitamate right of the strong to take more than their equal share of what might be fair (U.S. in Middle East philosophy as well)

What is the largest and most polluted delta on Earth?

It's in Nigeria: The Niger Delta -Every square foot of this land in Nigeria was once used to raise families

Government-supported forces, _______, and rebel forces, ________, have splintered into multiple groups, and violence has spiraled with all attacking all.

Janjaweed; SLA and JEM

Land subsidence (definition)

Land sinking lower than sea level; can occur when ground water is drained (land collapses)

Trace gases make up ________% of atmosphere

Less than 1/10th of 1%


Makes the size of the country proportional to the factor measured (% of world)

More water vapor, _____ greenhouse effect, _____ energy in atmosphere

More; more (water vapor=energy)

Why is their insurgency in the Delta?

Most of the oil revenue is goig to the >1%; the people know it, they've been powerless but now they want to fight

United Nations Peacekeepers are ______ in charge of security, they are ________

NOT (still power of janjaweed); just making reports

What are the traditional adaptations of people living in the Sahel?

Nomadic Peoples and Subsistence Farmers -Nomads needed clothing, pots, and pans; but they had beef, milk (food in general)

What two groups in Darfur have had a symbiotic relationship to get all the resources they need from one another?

Nomads (Arab nomadic herders) in north and Subsistence Farmers (settled African farmers, Muslim) in south

We have an overwhelming dependence on _____ ______ and _____ _______ fuels

Non Renewable; Carbon Based

____ Sahel gets 4 inches of rain a year, ____ Sahel gets 24 inches of rain a year

North; South

Total Fertility Rate (T.F.R.)

Number of children a women has on average in her lifetime; in Nigeria the T.F.R. is 5.7 (double in 28 years)

What is the largest industry and main generator of GDP in Nigeria?

Oil and gas (accounts for more than 98% of export earnings)

______ is the number one factor for why conditions are so bad in Nigeria


Could the greenhouse gases be affecting global atmosphic climate circulation?

Pressure at poles is going down because temperature is rising-->temperature change changes pressure systems that changes winds

World Energy Use goes up _______ to world population growth


What is happening to sea surface temperatures?


What would you predict in terms of arctic albedo changes?

Removing the lid from the top of the planet loss of reflective ice; decreased albedo → increased water temp

Who said: "It appears likely that essentially all of this increase results from the human emission of greenhouse gases"

Richard Muller, physicist at UC Berkeley who was skeptical about human involvement in global warming

What is happening to sea levels?

Rising (ice melting, water expanding under heat)

The force of _____ and ______ is remorseless, persistent, relentless, indefatigable, merciless, cruel, shows no compassion

Selfishness; Greed

_______ produces the most oil in Nigeria of any company

Shell ($600 billion in production since 1958)

Future wars will be fought over the issue of _____ rather than religion, ideology, or national honor

Survival (food, water)

T or F: CO2 is highest its been in 1 million years


T or F: Climate change drives disease to new territory


T or F: Winter is the dry season in the Sahel; water goes to equator (south)


T or F: all system boundaries are permeable to climate change


5 permanent members of the UN Security Council (what 5?) account for ____% of world Arms Sales

U.S., Russia, France, Britain, China; 90%

The country with the most military force is the _______

United States

______ leads the world in total arms sales (_____% of global weapons sales)

United States; 78

What is the dirty secret to wealth production?

Use more energy

Politics of Darfur (who gets what, how)

What= values (oil) How= power (violence) Violence + Oil= War

What is happening to alpine (mountain) glaciers?

World wide decline in glaciers

Are we out sourcing the ecological and human damage caused by our addiction to oil?

Yes, every time we fill up our tanks we increase demand for oil in Nigeria and make the situation worse

Do Instrument (buoy) Readings concur with environmental indicators?

Yes; Rate of temperature increase has excellerated since 1970

A rise of one degree Celsius above the norm: wheat, rice, and corn yields _____ by _____%

fall; 10

Waves at higher latitudes peak _____ than waves at equator


The warmer it is, the _____ moisture you lose in soils and plants have to work ________

more; harder (more photosynthesis, which requires more water)

Snowy areas have ____ snow (for now) because _______ air can hold more moisture so as long as temp is _____ enough for snow, then there will be more when the temp ______

more; warmer; low; raises

What is the Sahel?

strip of land 200-300 miles north to south, 3000 miles west to east; the sterile sands of the Sahara Desert; composed of mainly short grasses

Systems thinking requires looking ______ and ________

upstream; downstream

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