Midterm Chapters 1-6 Social Psych

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Because they have contact with law-breakers on a daily basis, many police officers have a representation of law-breakers constantly activated in their minds. This is an example of

chronic accessibility

Door-to-door sales companies discovered that if they had buyers, rather than the sales representative, write the details of contracts, fewer buyers canceled a deal after the salesperson left. This exemplifies the social influence principle of


The low-ball and the foot-in-the-door techniques both capitalize on the principle of


What principle of influence describes situations in which people are more willing to be moved in a particular direction if they see it as a consistent with an existing commitment?


Which of the following is an advantage of conducting case studies lie the Schaller (1977) study of Kurt Cobain discussed in your text?

They are rich sources of hypotheses for the causes of behavior

Which statement is accurate regarding people with a high need for approval?

They are trusting

People tend to present their ________ on social media

actual selves

New characteristics that are well designed for particular environments are known as


When are people more likely to be concerned with appearing competent?

after a recent failure

According to the ___________ principle, our confidence in a particular cause for an event decreases if ___________

discounting; the number of possible causes for an event increases

Cognitive strategies

can free up scarce mental resources

The norms of different societies

change over time

Adaptations are

characteristics that are well designed to help animals survive and reproduce

Evelyn has recently become a manager of a department of ten people. She is concerned whether she should adopt an assertive self-promoting style or a more modest style. As a social psychologist, you can advise her that if she actively self-promotes herself, she will be

disliked by both her male and female colleagues

Anger is sometimes used to display one's


After failing a test for the first time, Christina compares herself to her little brother, who failed four tests in one semester. Christina feels better about herself about making this comparison. This is an example of

downward social comparison

According to the textbook, cognitively ready ideas are

ideas that are easy to picture or bring to mind

Which core process of social cognition relates to storing information for future use?


Feelings that are less focused and longer lasting than emotions, and which color all our experiences, are known as


When people are physiologically aroused, they are

more likely to rely on cognitive shortcuts

If you meet a member of a minority group when you are very busy preparing for a job interview, you are

most likely to stereotype the minority group member

When people adopt different styles of thinking to achieve different goals, they are accting as

motivated tacticians

According to your text, desires to gain status and protect family members from harm are


The door-in-the-face technique, in which the requester makes a large request and then retreats to the smaller, desired favor, is based on the

norm of reprocity

The principle of influence called the reciprocation describes situations in which

people are more willing to comply with requests for favors or information from others who previously did them a good turn

The principle of influence called social validation describes situations in which

people are more willing to take a recommended step if they see evidence that many others, especially similar others, are taking it

You open your mailbox and discover a free packet of Health-Nut granola bars. The next time you go to the supermarket to buy snacks, you think about buying Health-Nut bars. However, you decide not to because you are angry with the manufacturers for manipulating you by activating the norm of


According to cognitive dissonance theory, people are motivated to

reduce inconsistency of attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors only to the extent that it involves something important

One problem with Kinsey's research is that the sample was composed of volunteers, and many segments of US society were left out. Thus, Kinsey's sample was not


The _____________ is a mental shortcut people use to classify something as belonging to a certain category to the extent that it is similar to a typical case of that category

representativeness heuristic

The elaboration likelihood model of persuation is considered a dual process model because it posits that there are two

routes to persuasion: central and peripheral

A movie theater owner advertised a movie by saying, "Exclusive, limited engagement, ends soon." This appeal represents an attempt to use the social influence principle of


Stacey believes that most car salespersons are dishonest. This belief is part of Stacey's ________ car dealerships

schema for

As described in your rextbook, people who engage in __________ withdraw effort or create obstacles to success to maintain public and private self-images of competence


As described in your textbook, people who engage in ___________ withdraw effort or create obstacles to success to maintain public and private self-images of competence


People who have a positive self-view tend to prefer to spend time with people who

people who evaluate them positively*

Jose is enthusiastic about a new political candidate but feels that he has no time to campaign in support of this candidate. In this example, Jose's behavior has been influenced by

perceived behavioral control

the way people are persuaded when they focus on factors other than the quality of the arguments in a message, such as the number of arguments, is the

peripheral route to persuasion

The term situation refers to environmental events outside the


Holding a more accurate view of the world, being consistent within themselves, and gaining social approval and acceptance are examples of

persuasion goals

In a study by Burger and Caldwell (2003), one group of college students signed a petition encouraging an end to homelessness, one group signed the petition and received $1, and, as members of a third group signed the petition, each was told that he or she was "someone who cares about people in need". Two days later all of the participants were asked to volunteer at a homeless shelter during the upcoming weekend. The researchers found that the _____________ group volunteered the most because they ___________

petition and labeled group; changed their self-perceptions

Flattery appears to emerge during the _________ years


Moderating our presentation and presenting different messages on different communication channels are strategies used when we need to

present different self-images to different audiences

A(n) __________ is an instrment that measures individual differences in abilities, motivations, or behaviors

psychological test

Commitments are most likely to be lasting when they are

public (or active)

The degree to which people believe others pay attention to them is called

public self-consciousness

The Disabled American Veterans nearly double their donation rate in response to a mailed solicitation when they include personalized address labels. This success can be attributed to the ____________ principle


What principle of influence describes situations in which people are more willing to comply with requests for favors or information from others who previously did them a good turn?


Researchers comparing the self-presentation tactics of women and men have observed that in social situations

women smille more than men do

On his first date with Ingrid, Justin is extremely nervous. He fears that, despite his best efforts, she will form an undesirable impression of him. According to your text, Justin is experiencing

social anxiety

According to the textbook, high self-monitors are more persuaded by ads that promote socially appealing images because they have a stronger desire for

social approval

In an experiment, a researcher finds tha tpeople tend to notice and remember information that is vivid and relevant to their own lives. This researcher is taking the ____________ perspective

social cognitive

Einon (1994) found that men report having a much larger number of sexual partners than do women. According to your textbook, what is one possible reason for this discrepancy?

social desirability bias

A 3-year-old girl watches an older boy grab candy away from his younger brother and eat it happily. According to the ____________ perspective discused in your test, the little girl may now start to grab desirable things away from other children.

social learning

A rule or expectation appropriate for society is a(n)

social norm

An interpersonal way to locate and validate the correct choice is

social validation

A social psychologist explains that men are more likely to be aggressive than women because the norms of society are that men should be the "aggressive" sex. This view is most closely associated with the

sociocultural perspective

A social psychologist explains that men are more likely to be aggressive that women because the norms of society are that men should be the "aggressive" sex. This view is most closely associated with the

sociocultural perspective

The foot-in-the-door technique may be summarized by the phrase

start small and build

Strong attitudes are more resistant to persuasion because

strong attitudes are embedded in other features of the people who hold those attitudes

Suppose that the students on your campus are presented with a message favoring using a helmet when bicycling. Which of the following groups would be most likely to process the aguments in the message centrally?

students with a high need for cognition

People tend to interpret ambiguous events and behaviors in ways that

support their expecations

What method did Kinsey use to collect data on people's sexual practices?


In contrast to individualistic cultures, collectivistic cultures emphasize

the self as interdependent with the group

A researcher wants to study the effects of frustration on later aggressive begavior by frustrating half the participants and then measuring the amount of hot sauce they give to a confederate. The researcher tells the participants that this is a study of "Individual Differences in Taste Preference." Why did she tell them this?

to prevent demand characterisitcs

Fred engages in self-promotion by always dressing professionally, appearing busy, constantly talking on his cell phone, and mentioning all the famous people he knows. Fred appears to be utilizing the strategy of

using the trappings of competence

Julie hears her daughter screaming while she is playing with friends, a behavior that is strictly forbidden. Julie is from an individalistic culture How is she most likely to reprimand her daughter?

"If you keep acting like that, you're going to lose your allowance!"

Cindy, a grade school teacher, decides to use the labeling technique on one of her students who does not appear to be particularly fond of studying mathematics. Therefore, she says

"You seem to me like the kind of student who knows how important it is to do your math homework"

Which of the following correlation coefficients expresses the weakest relationship between two variables?

+ .03

___________ is a procedure for measuring and ecording behaviors, thoughts, and feelings in their natural settings

A descriptive method

Which statement about the design of your living space is accurate?

A poorly designed space can negatively affect your motivation

Mann (1981) found a significatn positive correlation between crowd size and suicide baiting. What is the correct way to interpret Mann's findings?

As crow size increases, suicide baiting increases

Which statement is accurate regarding attention?

Attention is a limited resource

___________ are evaluations of particular people, objects, events, or ideas


Which statement describes a potential problem with a case study?

Cause and effect relationships are hard to establish

Researchers who investigated cultural aspecs of the fundamental attribution error found that __________ as a primary cause of behavior

Chinese writers emphasize situations and American writers emphasize personality

Chris, who is a socially confident person, and his friend Simon, who is very shy, are checking their GRE scores. Neither performed well. How will they predict how they will perform in the future?

Chris will be likely to predict better performance in the future if he doesn't expect to retake the GRE soon

________ is the state of being easily activated, or primed, for use

Chronic accessibility

Cindy is highly attractive. Which statement is most likely to be true abot Cindy?

Cindy is less likely to be turned down for a managerial position

Erika is in love with George. According to the covariation model, which of the following combinations of consensus, distinctiveness, and consistency information would lead you to attribute her love to a special "magic" between Erika and George (person and situation interaction attribution)?

Consensus is low, distinctiveness is high, and consistency is high

Which statement is correct about the major theoretical perspectives in social psychology?

Each actually focuses on a different part of the mysteries of social life

How do social psychologists differentiate emotions from attitudes?

Emotions possess a physiological arousal component

Why do cultlike groups try to prevent new members from communicating with family and friends outside the group?

Even with a single dissenter in a group makes it much easier for other individuals in the group to resist social influence pressures

Which statement is true about human expectations?

Expectations interact with the information avaliable to us to determine whether we seek to conform our expecatations or instead seek greater accuracy

Gary, a politician, has a multiple audience dillemma: To one audience he wants to appear as a strong fighter against terrorism but to another audience he wants to be seen as opposed to a recent military campaign. Which of the following strategies is a successful way to manage this dilemma?

Give seperate speeches to the two different audiences

A car salesman using the low-ball technique would do which of the following?

Get the potential buyer to agree to buy the car at a reduced price and then say the manager will not allow the sale unless the customer is willing to pay $250 more than the initial agreement

Which statement about high self-esteem people (relative to low self-esteem people) is accurate?

High self-esteem people are more likely to use social comparison to boost their esteem

Rashad misses a meeting with his professor and feels very guilty. He misses a meeting he had with a car salesman and doesn't give it a second thought. Why did Rashad feel differently about two equivalent actions?

His appraisal of the action was different in the two situations

What have researchers found about the effects of expressed modesty and immodestry and interpersonal attraction across cultures

Immodesty, when it is truthful, is tolerated more by African Americans than by European Americans

Self-presentation is sometimes called

Impression management

What is the role of arousal in the effect of cognitive dissonance on attitude change?

Inconsistency between attitudes and begavior leads to unpleasant arousal, which makes people change thier attitudes

In research by Bartholow, Sestir, and David (2005), students who were either relatively experienced or inexperienced with violent video games were asked to play either a violent or nonviolent video game. Afterward, all of of the students participated in pairs in a competitive task in which they could blast each other with loud noises. The researchers found that

Inexperienced players were more aggressive after playing a violent video game than after playing a nonviolent one

What is the benefit of engaging in upward social comparison?

It motivates one toward self-improvement

Which descriptive method is defined as recording everyday behaviors as they unfold in a natural setting?

Naturalistic Observation

Which statement about people who have high levels of testosterone is correct?

They are less likely to smile to achieve their goals

The polygraph method of detecting lying rests on which of the following assumptions

People become physiologically aroused when lying

Which statement is accurate regarding self-handicapping behavior?

People engage in self-handicapping behavior when they doubt that previous achievements accurately relect their personal abilities and efforts

According to Asch's famous "line judging" studies on conformity, what is tre abot conformity and culture?

People from collectivistic cultures conform even more than people from individualistic cultures

Which statement is correct?

People high in public self-consciousness are especially attuned to how others view them, respond negatively to rejection, and focus to a greater degree on their reputation and appearance

Why do people desire positive self-regard?

Positive self-regard ofent facilitates achievement

Imagine you are an incumbant politician who wants to employ inoculation in a camplaign letter so your constituents will vote against your challenger. Which technique best employs the inoculation procedure?

Present a few of the weaker arguments that your opponenet will use against you

What were the findings of the study by Freedman and Fraser (1966), in which a consumer group called housewives on the phone and asked for permission to come to their homes and rummage through cupboards and closets to classify all household products found?

Slightly more than half of the women agreed to have a team from the consumer group come to their homes after participating in a short interview

The study of how people's thoughts, feelings and behaviors are influenced by people is

Social Psychology

What view of social behavior do the four major perspectives in social psychology have in common?

Social behavior represents an interaction between the person and the situation

Advertising a product by claiming that it is the best-selling one in the market exemplifies which of the following principles of social influence?

Social validation

Kelley (1950) found that students who expected a warm substitute teacher formed a favorable impression of him, whereas students who expected a cold substitute teacher formed a negative impression of him, even though the lecture was the same for both groups. What was the reason given for this result?

Students were primed with different expectations, which led to different interpretations of the teacher's actions

According to the evolutionary perspective, why do human males help thier female partners to raise their children?

The offspring of fathers who help are better able to survive and reproduce

Two students listen to the same lecture. One student thinks the professor is a great lecturer, while the other student thinks the professor is dreadfully dull. According to the social cognitive perspective, what is a possible reason this difference of opinion occurred?

The students remembered different parts of the professor's lecture

According to your textbook, why was Michael Ovitz, a dynamic deal maker, such a bad corporate administrator?

There was a poor person-situation fit

__________ is to reproduce the findings of a particular study using different populations

To replicate

As discussed in the text, which of the following behaviors would be most difficult to study using naturalistic observation?

Violent Behavior

A personality factor that has been shown to withstand social influence, particularly as it relates to harmful norms such as teen smoking, is

a belief in one's ability to resist peer influence

Most of Siek Toon's friends are her cousins; she spends lots of time with her family and thinks that her relatives strongly influence the way she behaves. This is probably due to the fact that Siek Toon comes from

a collectivistic culture

Baumeister and Sommer (1977) suggest that men's public nonconformity might be motivated not by a desire to be independent of the group but by

a desire to be accepted as potential leaders by appearing independent

Participant observation is

a research approach in which the researcher sits off to the side and watches individuals in the study interact with each other, never being noticed by the participants

The foot-in-the-door technique was demonstrated by Freedman and Fraser (1966) when they found that people who ___________ were later more likely to _____________

agreed to answer a questionare for a consumer group; grant the much larger favor of allowing the group to spend two hours cataloging products in the home

Ingratiation is

an attempt to get others to like us

Milgram's obedience research demonstrated that a sample of Americans was willing to deliver dangerous levels of shock because

an authority told them to do so

As defined in your text, a theory is

an explanation that connects and organizes existing observations

As you leave home to return to campus from your holiday break, your mother says to you, "Study hard, get good grades, try to keep the partying under control." She is conveying _________ to you.

an injunctive norm for behavior in college

Susan is shy and introverted, whereas her friend Beth is extremely outgoing. When they find out that they have to give a presentation in front of the 42 other people in their class. Susan is terrified, and Beth is thrilled. Both of these reactions are examples of

an interaction between the person and the situation

The strategy of basing a judgement on the ease with which one can bring to mind particular instances of an event is known as the

availibility heuristic

People use a communicator's credibility as a shortcut when motivated to

be accurate

Compliance is

behavior change that occurs as a result of a direct request

Participants in the Berns et al. (2005) study of conformity

conformed to responses fromboth the computers and the people, but more often to the people than to the computers

A behavior change designed to match the actions of others is known as


Telling yourself, "I should wear what other people are wearing at the party tonight," is an example of


Conspicious consumption of material resources, basking in reflected glory, and cutting off reflected failure are discussed in the textbook as strategies of

conveying status of power

A behavior that is inconsistent with an existing attitue is

counteradditional action

The process of imagining alternative versions of actual events is called

counterfactual thinking

in tryouts for the football team, Gary finishes 31st out of 150 people who tried out. The top 30 finishers made the team, so Gary feels that he just missed the cut. He's extrememly disappointed, even more disappointed than his friend who finished 125th. Most likely, Gary feels worse than his friend because of

counterfactual thinking

Nicole has just met some new people on her campus. During a discussion of campus issues, she modifies her opinions so they they match those of her new friends. The most likely reason Nicole did this is that

creating similarity is a successful ingratiation strategy

The festive atmosphere surrounding Berawan funeral ceremonies in Borneo, compared to the quiet and reserved atmosphere of most American funeral ceremonies, demonstrates

cultural differences in the content of scripts

The beliefs, customs, habits, and language shared by people are


People may distance themselves from unsuccessful, low-status others in a process known as

cutting off reflected failures

An important type of person-situation interaction is

different people behave differently in the same situation

Sam is half Catholic and half Jewish. Tuesday he sees a crucifix and starts thinking he ought to go to confession. Wednesday he sees a menorah and thinks he ought to start shopping for Chanukah. For Sam,

different situations prime different parts of the person

a model of persuasive communication that holds that there are two routes to attitude change is the

elaboration likelihood model

Your textbook authors note that mildly depressed students are more likely to

engage in careful and comprehensive thought

__________ is the extent to which the results of an experiment can be generalized to other circumstances

external validity

The __________ is the tendency to overestimate the extent to which others agree with you

false consensus effect

Downward social comparison helps people ____________, whereas upward social comparison helps people ___________

feel better about themselves; work toward self-improvement

Downward social comparison helps people ____________, whereas upward social comparison helps people ____________

feel better about themselves; work toward self-improvement

Social thought needs to be


A technique that increases compliance with a large request by first getting complaince with smaller, related requess is called the __________ technique


A technique that increases compliance with a large request by first getting compliance with smaller, related requests is called the ____________ technique


When we are motivated to be accurate, we are likely to

gather more information than normal

In a demonstration of the importance of person-situation fit, Chatman et al. (1999) showed that business school graduate students who had a "successful young manager" personality

got more job offers

As discussed in your text, if you can generalize the results of an experiment to other circumstances, the experiment is said to

have external validity

The low-ball technique works by engagin the target's commitment and then

increasing the cost of completeing the original deal

An injunctive norm

indicates what people should or should not do

The United States is considered to be a(n) ____________ culture


Martin Luther King Jr. wanted African Americans treated with respect and loved his grandmother so much he tried to kill himself on finding out she was dead. These are defined in your textbook as characteristics of the

influence of person on the situation*

To study the effects of aging, Professor Drake compares the raction times of 60-year-olds with those of 30-year-olds She tests all younger subjects in the morning and all older subjects in the afternoon. She concludes that aging causes a decline in the speed of responses. This study lacks ___________ because of potential ____________

intenal validity; confounds

In an experiment on the effects of room color on mood, the participants in the pink room are asked to read a boring computer manual, while that participants in the bright ble room are asked to read a section from a romance novel. Participants' mood is then measured. This study lacks ____________ because of ____________

internal validity; a confound

Suppose that you are reading two books that try to explain the breaking up of the Soviet Union. One book, written by a Chinese historian, emphasizes the situational factors that contribted to the breakup, whereas the other book, written by an American historian, emphasizes the personalities involved, such as the political leaders. This difference reflects the notion that the fundamental attribution error

is more common in individualistic than in collectivistic cultures

Which core process of social cognition relates to using information to form decisions?


Katrina expresses liking for Lina and often pays her compliments. Katrina's strategies are likely motivated by her desire to appear


Milgram asked individuals to administer shocks to a fellow participant as part of a "learning" task. He found that people are

likely to deliver what they believed to be painful shocks in obedience to authority

Sherif's experiments of how people judge the amount of movement of a dot of light in a dark room demonstrated that when there is no objectively correct response, participants are

likely to doubt themselves and accept the group opinion

Pampered Chef consultants recruit people to host parties in their homes so that friends and acquaintances can see the company's products in action. This is an example of the social influence principle of


The term that describes situations in which people are more likely to say yes to people that they know and like is


Studies have found that most Americans view their future prospects optimistically and believe that they possess more favorable characteristics and abilities than the average person. This is because they are motivated to

manage their self-image

People with a high __________ are more likely to use cognitive simplification strategies

need for structure

In a study by Insko (1965), students at the University of Hawaii were surveyed by phone about their attitudes toward the creation of a Springtime Aloha Week. The interviewer said "good" after some students expressed a favorable attitude, but said "good" after other students expressed an unfavorable attitude. One week later, a survey revealed that the interviewer's comments influenced students' attitudes toward Springtime Aloha Week via the process of

operant conditioning

Helena has risen fast at the marketing company. Her success is due, in part, to her extraordinary social abilities. She is extremely skillful at detecting what others want and then tailoring her behavior to fit situational demands. She is also astute in detecting deception by others and not easily manipulated by others. Based on this information, you can predict that Helena would score high on


Tony isn't concerned about his public image and doesn't expend much effort trying to make people like him. He probably would score low on a test of


The process through which we try to control the impressions people form of us is known as


making excuses, claiming obstacles, staging preformances, and "dressing the part" are all strategies of


The process through which people select, monitor, and adjust their strategies in an attemtp to reach their goals is


In a study at Princeton University described in the text, women who expected to meet a Princeton senior who was athletic and unattached tended to __________ to make themselves appear more ___________

shift their opinions to match his; similar

Richard usually feels tense, worried, and awkward in new social situations, When he meets new people, he finds himself thinking: "Why am I so nervous? I have no idea what I'm going to say next." Which of the following would Richard be likely to do?

sit at the side rather than in front of college classrooms

Sitting in her social psychology class, Ingrid thinks a lot about how she can make herself more attractive to other people. At the dinner table, Ingrid thinks a lot about how she needs to get a better-paying job. The different thoghts that came to mind in class and at home are the result of

situational priming

Social psychologists consider the people we meet during the day and the fact that we live in a democratic society as examples of


Imagine that a salesman at a tropical resort says you can experience the thrill of a parasailing lesson for only $50. Then, before you decide one way or the other, the salesman says he will drop the price to only $30. The salesman has tried to influence you via the

that's-not-all technique

Research on injunctive norms for behaviors (e.g., talking, fighting) in different situations (e.g., a dorm lounge, church) showed that

the acceptability of a behavior depended on the situation

The two aspects of knowledge that strengthen the link between attitudes and behavior are

the amount of knowledge gained and the direct versus indirect nature of the knowledge

An examination of an English-langauage newspaper's account and a Chinese-language newspaper's account of Dr. Gang Lu's shooting rampage found that

the former mostly blamed Dr. Lu, whereas the latter mostly blamed the environment

Another term for correspondance bias is

the fundamental attribution error

Participants in an experiment judged a woman as unfriendly, even though they were told her unfriendliness was part of her trained role in the experiment. This tendency to overemphasize personal factors and underemphasize situatinal factors is called __________

the fundamental attribution error

In most colleges and universities, which group evaluates whether a potential study meets ethical guidelines for the protection of human participants?

the institutional review board

Gabriel participated in a study in which he was given an IQ test described as an excellent predictor of future academic and financial success. Gabriel performed poorly on the test. He is likely to attribute his low scores to

the invalidity of the test, thereby protecting his self-esteem

Gabriel participated in a study in which he was given an IQ test described as an excellent predictor of future academic and financial success. Gabriel preformed poorly on the test. He is likely to attribute his low scores to

the invalidity of the test, thereby protecting his self-esteem

Acuracy motives can become more prominent when

the issue is personally relevant

The tendency to enjoy and engage in deliberate thought is known as

the need for cognition

Baum and Davis (1980) found that changing the arrangement of a dorm floor impacted

the number of friendships among students that lived there

A representative of the American Heart Association knocks on your door and asks for a donation. You would be more likely to make a donation if

the representative is physically attractive

Karina is going to negotiate with a lawyer who has a reputation for being aggressive and hostile. To prevent herself from being taken advantage of, Karina enters the negotiation with a hard position and cold interpersonal style. As a natural response to Karina's behavior, the other lawyer is aggressive and hostile in the negotiation. This process is an example of

the self-fulfilling prophecy

Nira spends a rainy Saturday watching drag racing on TV. Later, she reflects on her behavior and thinks, "I must really like drag racing since I spent so much time watching in on TV." Nira has learned about herself via

the self-perception process

When Richard Nixon was elected to the US House of Representatives, he attributed his victory to his personal strengths. However, when he was defeated by John Kennedy in the 1960 presidential election, Nixon's explanations foused on external reasons, like the pro-Kennedy bias of the media. This is an example of ___________

the self-serving bias

Individuals who are bicultural find that their internalized cultures "take turns" influencing their behavior According to your textbook, the determination of which culture to follow is at least partially dependent on

the situation

In a study by Phillip Zimbardo, women were either disguised or in regular clothing with name tags. The amount of shock they administered to another person was then measured. The independent variable in this experiment was

the type of dress the women wore

The sociocultural perspective holds

the view that people's prejudices are affected by factors like nationality and social class

The fact that people from many different cultures agree on which facial expressions reflect particular emotions is evidence that

there probably is a genetic component to the facial expression of emotion

According to the false consenss effect, we judge others' opinions ________

to be similar to our own

Imagine that you see one of your classmates falling asleep in psychology class. Given that no other students fall asleep in this psychology class, this student has fallen asleep in previous meetings of the same class, and he often falls asleep in math and science classes as well, which of the following attributions would the covariation model suggest?

to the person

The fundamental attribution error may occr becase humans _________ the impact of the situation because _________

underrepresent; it is often less visible to the observer

Research has found that "morning" people

use cognitive shortcuts more often at night

The extent to which a test measures what it is designed to measure is the test's


While at the beach, Hideki spent some time sunning himself, then joined a volleyball game, and later, played water tag. This beach is an example of a(n)

weak situation

In which of the following conditions would a person become more concerned with strategic self-presentation?

when he or she is trying to reach an important goal

In Alba and Marmorstein's (1987) study, participants were presented with ads for two cameras. When were the participants most likely to prefer the camera that was described as superior on three important features over the camera that was described as superior on eight less important features?

when participants were given unlimited time to consider the features

Rebecca is the manager of the financial aid office at a college. In which of the following situations will Rebecca be less motivated to behave in an ingratiating way

when she is talking to the staff of the financial aid department*

An indiviual's conformity in a group is most likely to happen under which condition?

when the task is ambigious

When are self-fulfilling prophecies most likely to occur?

when those holding false expectations control the social encounter

People are more likely to display status and power

when valuable new resources are available.

Which of the following is something that goal pursuit somewhere requires?


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