Midterm exam - New testament

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For the purpose of reading and memorizing the Bible, the authors recommend using one good translation. However for the purpose of studying the Bible, they suggest....

Several good translations

Which term does the Gospel of Matthew prefer?

Son of Man

Fee and Stuart assert which translation to be"as good a translation as you will get?"


What are the two kinds of choices translators face according to Fee and Stuart?

Textual and linguistic

Gospel that does not include a "Lord's Supper" story.


Which Gospel does not include a Lord's Supper/Last Supper story?


Which Gospel does not include parables? - Luke - Matthew - Mark - John


Which Gospel has "I Am Sayings"?


Which Gospel has the "I AM" Sayings?


Which Gospel tells time within the Gospel story by references to Jewish feasts and festivals?


Which of the following Gospels does NOT contain parables? - Luke - Mark - John - Matthew


Which of the following is NOT a synoptic gospel? - Mark - Matthew - John - Luke


Which of the following is NOT a synoptic gospel? - John - Matthew - Mark - Luke


Which of the following is not one of the synoptic gospels? - Matthew - Luke - Mark - John


When referring to the Kingdom, which of the following is true for the Gospel of Matthew:

Kingdom of heaven

Which of the following is not an original language of the Christian Bible (combined Old and New Testaments)?


The Gospel of John begins:

Like Genesis

In addition to the Gospel of John, this Gospel mentions the Holy Spirit throughout the book:


Possibly the only "Gentile" author of a New Testament book.


The author of Acts of the Apostles is the most likely author of which Gospel:


Which Gospel contains a post-Resurrection story where Jesus is recognized in the "breaking of bread"?


Which Gospel dates Jesus's birth and ministry in relation to the history of the Roman empire?


Which Gospel has a birth narrative that focuses upon Mary?


Which Gospel has a genealogy which works backwards from Jesus to David to Abraham to Noah to Adam, emphasizing the connection of Jesus to all of humanity?


Which Gospel seems to mention women and Gentiles more often and in a more favorable light?


Which Gospel writer not only tells us why he is writing, but also that he is not the only person to write an account?


Which version is the New Interpreter's Study Bible?

New Revised Standard Version

The Gospel of Matthew includes a Sermon...

On the mount or mountain

Which translation, according to the video, seeks to translate the original text in a "paragraph by paragraph" approach?


Which Jewish Feasts are mentioned in the Gospel of John?

Passover, Booths, and Hanukkah

What label best describes the following list: Romans, I & II Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and I & II Thessalonians?

Paul's Letters to Churches

Which disciple denies Jesus?


Which of the following is NOT considered one of the New Testament Gospel books? - Luke - Peter - Mark - Matthew


According to the video, what was Alexander the Great's father's name?


Focus upon the Law, written and traditional (oral); strong in the Synagogues


What was Jesus primary message in the gospels?

The Kingdom of God

In the Gospel of John, John the Baptist refers to Jesus as:

The Lamb of God

What is "Hermeneutics?"

The field of interpretation, including good exegesis

What was Jesus' primary message while he was on earth?

The kingdom of God

What is Hellenism?

The spread of Greek culture, thinking, customs, and language

What is the key to good exegesis according to Fee and Stuart?

To learn and read the text carefully and ask the right questions of the text

How many individual books are found in the New Testament?


In the first video on Alexander, it states that he was born in what year?

356 BC

How many individual books are in the Old Testament?


According to the Gospel of Matthew, where did Jesus appear to the disciples prior to his ascension?

A mountain in the Galilee

Which book of the Bible captures the founding of the early church?


Which of the following was an advocate for the Greek way of life and responsible for spreading Hellenism throughout the Mediterranean world some 300 years before the time of Christ?

Alexander the Great

What kind of literature constitutes the book of The Revelation?


Which of the following is a working description of those books found in the Septuagint but not found in the Massoretic Text/Tanakh?


At which point in the Gospel of John, does Jesus cleanse the Temple?

At the beginning of his ministry

Thinking vertically about the gospel books means to....

Be aware of Jesus and the individual authors

Thinking Horizontally about the gospels means to..

Be aware of parallels in other gospels

The collection of books deemed authoritative by the church is known as the....


What the name given to Hebrews, James, I & II Peter, I-III John, and Jude?

Catholic Epistles

According to the video, which translation approach seeks to translate from the original text in a "sentence by sentence" approach?

Dynamic Equivalence

Which of the following is NOT one of the original languages of Scripture. - Aramaic - English - Greek - Hebrew


Letters addressed to specific audiences are referred to as what kind of literary style?


Described by the historian Josephus; probably connected to the Qumran Community, maybe related to the Dead Sea Scrolls


The careful, systematic study of Scripture to discover the original, intended meaning is known as...


True or False: According to Stuart and Fee, it is appropriate to assume that all the parables have an allegorical meaning.


True or False: According to the authors, "A text can come to mean what it never meant."


True or False: Fee and Stuart suggest that it is a good idea to have only one English translation.


True or False: Matthew does not include a Last Supper/Lord's Supper event as part of the Passover celebration of Jesus and the Disciples.


True or False: The Book of Eli is found in the New Testament.


What is the literal meaning of the word, "gospel"?

Good news

Which of the following is NOT a good tool for exegesis according to the authors? - Good translation - Good preacher - Good dictionary - Good commentaries

Good preacher

Which of the following is not one of the letters traditionally attributed to Paul? - Hebrews - Romans - Galatians - II Thessalonians - Philemon


Which of the following is NOT a book in the New Testament? - Hezekiah - 1 Peter - Matthew - Revelation


Factual accounts of what happened in time/place are considered what type of New Testament Literary style?

Historical Narrative

There is a human side of Scripture whereby God relates to our condition through various types of communication. Which of the following is NOT one of the ways God has communicated to us? - Improv - Parables - Laws of all kinds - Sermons


The Bible is a collection of books that were compiled over a long period of time. How long was the period of writing?

1500 years

In which of the following, do the Wise Men visit the child Jesus:

A house in Bethlehem

How many books comprise the Christian New Testament?


From the discussion video, which translation approach seeks to translate the original text word for word?

Formal Equivalence

What type of literary style encompasses family lineage?


What is the kingdom of God?

God's rule over all that he has made

Which of the following is the term describing the thousands of hand-written copies in original language?


Which Gospel appears to be the basic outline upon which the two other Synoptic Gospels are built?


Which Gospel ending presents problems textually speaking? (Modern translations mention a break in the text (or a cliff hanger ending), a short ending, and a long ending.)


Which Gospel focuses on action, a key word is immediately (or at once, right away)?


Which Gospel has an abrupt ending, short ending, and/or a long ending related to the resurrection and post resurrection stories?


Which Gospel uses the term "immediately" or "right away" or "straight away" or "forthwith" ?


Which gospel does not present a Birth Narrative but "jumps" right into the story with John the Baptist, the call of the disciples, and an exorcism?


Which is the shortest Gospel physically?


Which is the shortest, lengthwise, of the four Gospels?


What gospel starts with a genealogy which begins with Abraham and works around divisions of 14 generations, emphasizing King David and the Babylonian Exile?


Which Gospel has a Birth Narrative that includes Wise Men but does not mention shepherds?


Which Gospel has a birth narrative from the prospective of Joseph?


Which Gospel has the Guard Story of the Tomb?


Which Gospel includes a story of the guarded tomb?


Which Gospel mentions the temptation of Jesus without describing the temptations specifically?


Which two Gospels have similar stories that are not included in either of the other two Gospels? These are also unique in that they are similar but clearly not from the same Greek words.

Matthew and Luke

Which two Gospels not only mention the temptation of Jesus but provide examples of those temptations?

Matthew and Luke

Focus upon the Temple and the sacrificial system, generally accommodated the Romans


Descendants in part of the 10 Northern Tribes; worshiped on Mt. Gerizim


What is the name of the Greek Translation of the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings, composed around 200 BCE?


True or False: A translation is a rendering of the original languages of the Bible into modern language.


True or False: According to Fee and Stuart, "the aim of a good translation is not uniqueness; one is not trying to discover what no one else has ever seen before."


True or False: According to Fee and Stuart, nearly all difficulties in interpreting the gospels arise from two facts: Jesus did not write the gospels himself and there are four gospels.


True or False: According to Stuart and Fee, not all parables in the Gospel are "true parables."


True or False: Hellenization is the spreading of Greek culture and language.


True or False: In addition to God's sovereignty, the New Testament canon was accepted because the church viewed the men who wrote down the Scriptures as having authority from God.


True or False: Parables are earthly stories with heavenly meanings.


True or False: The Hellenistic culture paved the way for the spread of Christianity.


True or False: The early church believed that Jesus' death on the cross provided forgiveness of their sins. They also believed that He was the Son of God.


True or False: When reading the gospels one must understand that Jesus' message of the Kingdom of God is central.


True or False: Words do not have fixed meanings. Their meanings are determined by their usage in sentences.


True or False: Your English translation of the Bible is the result of a great deal of scholarly research.


True or False: The name of the New Testament Apocalyptic writing is Revelations.

True or False (This was regraded but both were counted right because of the ending of Revelation being singular.

The "I AM Sayings" suggest a connection between Jesus and:

YHWH of the Old Testament/ Tanakh

Focused upon the Land of Israel and the Kingship, resented the presence of the Romans in Judea


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