Midterm Practice - AP Human Geography

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Every map projection has some degree of distortion because A. a curved surface cannot be represented on a flat surface without distortion B. parallels and meridians never cross at right angles on a globe C. the grid system is two-dimensional, while the real world is three-dimensional D. Earth is not a perfect sphere E. latitude lines are shorter than meridian lines

A. a curved surface cannot be represented on a flat surface without distortion

Which of the following has fostered the most significant economic growth by eliminating import tariffs between member states? A. European Union (EU) B. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) C. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) D. Association of Caribbean States (ACS) E. United Nations (UN)

A. European Union (EU)

The state of Florida earns greater revenues from the export of oranges than does the state of Georgia. This can be attributed to which of the following? A. Florida has a comparative advantage as a producer of oranges. B. Georgia has a comparative advantage as a producer of oranges. C. Florida's economy is primarily based on agricultural production. D. Georgia's economy is focused on tourism and manufacturing. E. Unlike Florida, Georgia has no coastal port facilities.

A. Florida has a comparative advantage as a producer of oranges.

The map above represents what kind of projection? A. A Mercator projection with distorted land areas B. A planar projection with diverging lines at the poles C. A homolosine projection with continuity of landmasses D. A Robinson projection with distortions at the equator E. A gnomonic projection with distortions of bodies of water

A. A Mercator projection with distorted land areas

Which of the following concepts explains the decision to relocate market-oriented factories in the United States from the Midwest and Northeast to locations in the southern United States or Mexico? A. Comparative advantage, because products can be made more efficiently in the southern United States and Mexico. Operating costs and wages are lower, and the manufactured products are easily transported to major United States markets. B. Growth poles, because governments in southern United States cities and Mexico strive to stimulate economic development by providing a guaranteed market for all products manufactured at these locations. C. Just-in-time delivery, because the United States population is shifting to the south and west, and the Mexican population is growing. It is critical to produce goods closer to the consumer base to reduce shipping times. D. Complementarity, because the regional economy of the midwestern and northeastern United States is shifting to the service sector. There is little interest in maintaining manufacturing at these locations. E. Post-Fordist production, because traditional midwestern and northeastern manufacturing centers in the United States are unable to keep up with the technological changes of modern industry.

A. Comparative advantage, because products can be made more efficiently in the southern United States and Mexico. Operating costs and wages are lower, and the manufactured products are easily transported to major United States markets.

Which of the following environmental problems is most associated with the African Sahel? A. Desertification B. Deforestation C. Air pollution D. Flooding E. Water pollution

A. Desertification

Which of the following explains an impact of globalized agricultural commodity chains on consumers as compared to producers? A. Drought and depletion of groundwater sources in developing countries cause a rise in global grain prices and associated higher costs for food. B. The shift from subsistence farming to value-added agriculture by small farmers in developed countries causes a drop in profits for global agribusiness corporations. C. The imposition of government-imposed tariffs on specialty crops in order to protect domestic farmers causes a worldwide decrease in all farm products. D. Farmers in developing countries who are unable to gain access to global food markets to sell their goods protest, leading to global unrest. E. Agricultural production with a focus on monocropping cash crops creates more vulnerability in a country's exports if consumer preferences shift to a different commodity.

A. Drought and depletion of groundwater sources in developing countries cause a rise in global grain prices and associated higher costs for food.

Which of the following developments is predicted by the von Thünen model of land use around cities? A. Large-scale growing of flowers and vegetables in the Netherlands B. Large-scale rubber plantations in Malaysia C. Large-scale commercial fishing in Japan D. Extensive cattle raising in northern France E. Very large dairy farms in Utah and southern Idaho

A. Large-scale growing of flowers and vegetables in the Netherlands

Which of the following scales is represented in the map shown? A. Local, showing the towns and township areas in a county B. Regional, showing the states or provinces in one part of a country C. State or province, showing the counties or parishes D. Neighborhood, showing the block along street boundaries E. Block, showing the property lines and names of owners

A. Local, showing the towns and township areas in a county

Which of the following best explains why, in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, Thomas Malthus proposed his population theory? A. Malthus theorized that, if left unchecked by regular cycles of famine and misery, population would increase beyond the ability to feed itself. B. Malthus theorized that the ability of a population to feed itself would increase with the expansion of the population; more people would mean greater knowledge invested in expanding food production. C. Malthus theorized that reductions of infant mortality would eventually result in slower population growth rates. D. Malthus theorized that agricultural developments in the mid-to-late eighteenth century would result in a significant expansion of food production, therefore alleviating the threat of overpopulation. E. Malthus theorized the only way to prevent overpopulation would be to create policies that would limit the number of children a family could have.

A. Malthus theorized that, if left unchecked by regular cycles of famine and misery, population would increase beyond the ability to feed itself.

The shaded areas on the map above most likely indicate regions that are affected or threatened by which of the following? A. Depopulation B. Deforestation C. Desertification D. Deindustrialization E. Devolution

B. Deforestation

Which of the following best explains the importance of climate to agricultural practices? A. Midlatitude climates tend to support similar agricultural crops and practices, such as wheat farming in the United States and China. B. Agricultural crops are successful only in midlatitude climates, where any crop can be grown. C. Tropical climates support plant-based agriculture, but animal-based agriculture is not successful in tropical areas. D. The sparse vegetation in arid or semiarid climates does not support animal-based agriculture. E. Cold midlatitude climates are associated with plantation agriculture and pastoral nomadism.

A. Midlatitude climates tend to support similar agricultural crops and practices, such as wheat farming in the United States and China.

Which of the following sectors of the economy has grown the fastest in the United States since the mid-1970s? A. Service B. Agriculture C. Retail D. Manufacturing E. Military

A. Service

A political polling company wants to use census data to collect information on voters in a city by neighborhood. Based on the types of information collected in the survey form, which of the following could be mapped using census data? A. The number of voting-age residents per household B. The political party affiliation of the average resident C. How residents voted in the last election D. How voters might vote in the next national election E. How voters stand on current issues

A. The number of voting-age residents per household

In the early part of the Industrial Revolution in Europe, Thomas Malthus developed a theory that population increases exponentially, while food production can increase only arithmetically. Which of the following statements best explains how the Industrial Revolution reduced the threats forecast by Malthus? A. The resulting rural-to-urban migration for jobs in factories led to a decline in birth rates and lowered population growth rates below what Malthus predicted. B. Industrialization led to the manufacture of weaponry used in warfare, resulting in higher mortality during the conflicts of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries that dramatically reduced populations. C. The migration of people from rural areas to factory cities allowed farmers to expand their farm size and increase food production above Malthus' predictions. D. Industrialization enabled and promoted European imperialism, and Europeans migrated to overseas colonies, reducing the European population. E. Mechanization expanded to agriculture, increasing the need for agricultural labor to run the equipment, leading rural families to have more children and increasing population growth.

A. The resulting rural-to-urban migration for jobs in factories led to a decline in birth rates and lowered population growth rates below what Malthus predicted.

Which of the following is a characteristic of the Mercator projection? A. The size and shape of countries in the higher latitudes are greatly exaggerated. B. The size of all countries is accurate, but the shape is distorted. C. Countries near the Equator appear 50 percent larger than countries in the middle latitudes. D. The projection is designed to maintain undistorted outlines of landmasses. E. Distances on the Mercator projection are real and accurate.

A. The size and shape of countries in the higher latitudes are greatly exaggerated.

Which of the following best explains the potential impact of rising global temperatures on agricultural regions? A. The wheat belt will shift northward. B. Mediterranean agriculture will expand southward. C. Polar regions will dry out, making cultivation impossible. D. Nomadic herding will end as conditions become too harsh. E. Centers of market gardening will shift to the Arctic Circle.

A. The wheat belt will shift northward.

In 1798 Thomas Malthus argued that populations grew exponentially while food supplies grew arithmetically. Consequently, Malthus argued that food shortages would develop until famine and other checks slowed population growth. What statement correctly explains why Malthus' prediction did not come true in 1800s Europe? A. Urbanization resulted in smaller household sizes, and the mechanization of agriculture increased food production. B. Immigration to Europe and the abolition of slavery resulted in a more productive agricultural labor force. C. Rising education levels among women and increased numbers of single-person households reduced fertility and the demand for food. D. Antinatalist population policies placed limits on the number of children per family and reduced the demand for food. E. Global trade in manufactured food products increased the food supply and offset the demand for food.

A. Urbanization resulted in smaller household sizes, and the mechanization of agriculture increased food production.

Often a manufacturing company will attempt to merge with another company that possesses forward or backward links in the supply or production process. Which of the following terms best describes this type of strategy? A. Vertical integration B. Transnational corporation C. Privatization D. Agglomeration E. Economies of scale

A. Vertical integration

The table shows the types of information collected by a store regarding customer purchases. Which of the following data could be used in a geographical information system (GIS) to increase sales? A. ZIP code B. Number of customers C. Number of transactions D. Total transaction amount E. Amount per transaction

A. ZIP code

Nomadic pastoralism is an extensive agricultural system practiced A. in the dry regions of Africa and Asia B. in the tropical regions of Africa and Asia C. in the hinterlands of Australia D. by Native American buffalo hunters E. by people who shift location in pursuit of rain clouds

A. in the dry regions of Africa and Asia

The maquiladoras of northern Mexico are A. manufacturing outsourcing plants B. illegal migrant-labor camps C. border squatter settlements D. organic agricultural cooperatives E. commercial produce farms

A. manufacturing outsourcing plants

All of the following are examples of the spatial analysis tradition in geography EXCEPT the A. number of space shuttles constructed B. volume of telephone calls between Corey Union and Old Main C. trans-Atlantic slave trade D. distance associated with shopping trips to area malls E. volume of air traffic between London and Hong Kong

A. number of space shuttles constructed

In descriptions of interaction between people and the environment, the term "environmental determinism" implies that A. the physical environment exclusively shapes humans and their actions B. humans by their actions and technologies alter the physical environment to suit their needs C. determination of environmental limitations is a primary task of geographers D. capitalist economies do not contribute to global environmental degradation E. there exists no interacting relationship between people and their surrounding physical environment

A. the physical environment exclusively shapes humans and their actions

Compare the bar graph showing coal mine employment and the line graph showing miner production. Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from trends in this data? A. Coal mining has been outsourced to less-developed countries. B. Mechanization and computer automation in mining have increased. C. Legal restrictions have been imposed on the amount of coal exported overseas. D. Renewable resources are being used more frequently to power vehicles. E. Natural gas and oil production of electricity has declined.

B. Mechanization and computer automation in mining have increased.

Which of the following activities is most likely to be found in the outermost zone of von Thünen's model of agricultural land use? A. Mixed farming B. Subsistence farming C. Specialty farming D. Dairying and market gardening E. Extensive grain or stock raising

E. Extensive grain or stock raising

Which of the following global trends best exemplifies the concept of sustainability? A. An increase in the use of agricultural pesticides, because farms using agricultural chemicals produce more food. B. An increase in the use of electric vehicles, because their reduced emissions result in less environmental pollution. C. A decrease in the amount of polar sea ice, because it opens more sea lanes for shipping. D. An increase in the number of people living in coastal areas, because residents will feel more connected to nature. E. A decrease in the practice of slash-and-burn agriculture, because large irrigated farms produce food more efficiently.

B. An increase in the use of electric vehicles, because their reduced emissions result in less environmental pollution.

Market research reports and profiles of voting districts like those shown are examples of spatial analysis products. Which of the following data sources is most frequently used to create the spatial analysis products shown in the examples? A. School enrollment records B. Census surveys C. Tax receipts D. Loan applications E. Utility bills

B. Census surveys

During the winter months in North America, the primary source of fruits and vegetables found in grocery stores is A. Uruguay B. Chile C. Nigeria D. Philippines E. Italy

B. Chile

Which of the following can be categorized as a primary activity? A. Engineering B. Coal mining C. Teaching D. Car manufacturing E. Politics

B. Coal mining

Which of the following has contributed most to the deindustrialization of regions like the English Midlands and the North American Manufacturing Belt? A. The increased percentage of women in the labor force B. Competition from foreign imports C. Environmental legislation D. The formation of free trade associations E. The decline of labor unions

B. Competition from foreign imports

According to the von Thünen model, which of the following economic factors determine the pattern of land use shown on the diagram? A. Accessibility of railroads and highways B. Costs of labor, transport, and land rent C. Size and distribution of urban populations D. Adoption of new farming techniques E. Type of transportation and land rent

B. Costs of labor, transport, and land rent

In 2017 the Ivory Coast exported $5.6 billion worth of cocoa beans and cocoa-derived products, such as cocoa butter. This represented 55 percent of the country's exports and was worth four times the country's combined gold and oil exports in that year. Which of the following best explains the international trade economy of the Ivory Coast? A. High level of dependency on a single agricultural commodity that increases national economic development and increases foreign direct investment B. High level of dependency on a single agricultural commodity that increases national economic risks during times of global economic crisis C. Low level of dependency on primary-sector production and resource processing that will increase the country's level of development D. Low level of dependency on a single agricultural commodity that decreases national economic risks during times of global economic crisis E. Low level of dependency on a single agricultural commodity that increases national economic development and increases foreign direct investment

B. High level of dependency on a single agricultural commodity that increases national economic risks during times of global economic crisis

Latitude and longitude may be used to determine which of the following characteristics of a place? A. Its site features B. Its absolute location C. Its relative location D. Its situation E. Its elevation

B. Its absolute location

Which of the following explains the degree to which deindustrialization and the rise of service economies have affected population and income across scales in Detroit and in the state of Michigan overall? A. Loss of manufacturing and related service-industry jobs and income has affected communities equally across the state. B. Loss of manufacturing and related service-industry jobs has affected the Detroit area, but there has been a small improvement in service-industry income growth in other parts of the state. C. Loss of manufacturing and related service-industry jobs has affected many communities across the state, but there has been some improvement in service-industry employment in the city of Detroit. D. Loss of manufacturing and related service-industry jobs has affected the Detroit metropolitan area, but the city of Detroit has experienced service-industry income growth. E. Loss of manufacturing and related service-industry jobs has affected the city of Detroit, but the Detroit metropolitan area has experienced service-industry income growth.

B. Loss of manufacturing and related service-industry jobs has affected the Detroit area, but there has been a small improvement in service-industry income growth in other parts of the state.

Which of the following terms best describes regions that make up the political geographic divisions within a country? A. Cultural B. Perceptual C. Vernacular D. Physical E. Formal

E. Formal

Which of the following best describes the type of information provided in the directions? A. Absolute location B. Relative location C. Cultural landscape D. Geographic information systems E. Cartographic principles

B. Relative location

Which of the following best explains how the expansion of feedlots for raising cattle has affected environmental sustainability in rural areas? A. Concentrating large numbers of farm animals in small spaces has decreased the release of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. B. Runoff from animal waste has increased the pollution in local water supplies. C. Feed grains have eliminated potentially harmful invasive plant species from farmland. D. Land development has increased the available water supply for other farming practices. E. Composted manure has introduced valuable nutrients into previously depleted soils.

B. Runoff from animal waste has increased the pollution in local water supplies.

According to the theory of environmental deter-minism, which of the following areas would have the most productive settlements? A. Tropical regions B. Temperate regions C. Mountainous regions D. Arctic regions E. Arid regions

B. Temperate regions

The concept of environmental sustainability is best explained by which of the following examples? A. Strip-mining of coal on mountainsides, to keep miners from working in underground conditions B. Terracing rice paddies on hillsides, to prevent soil erosion and provide gravity-fed irrigation C. Clear-cutting trees in coastal woodlands, to provide building materials for constructing homes D. Fattening cattle in dryland feedlots, to practice agriculture efficiently and at the lowest cost E. Draining of wetlands in residential areas, to reduce the presence of stinging insects

B. Terracing rice paddies on hillsides, to prevent soil erosion and provide gravity-fed irrigation

Which of the following are the best examples of vernacular regions? A. The Canadian Maritimes and the Northwest Territory B. The American West and the American Midwest C. South Africa and Australia D. South America and the Caribbean E. Scandinavia and the Iberian Peninsula

B. The American West and the American Midwest

Compare the two images. What do the technologies shown demonstrate about the Industrial Revolution? A. The dependence on large quantities of steel has limited industrial growth to areas with high concentration of coal and iron. B. The increased transportation technology has enabled the diffusion and expansion of industrial activities. C. Industrial centers must be built along rivers or waterways to facilitate the transportation of raw materials and finished goods. D. The initial take-off stages of the Industrial Revolution focused solely on heavy, material-oriented industries. E. Due to the cost of such large-scale industrial projects, industrialization has been unable to diffuse to developing countries.

B. The increased transportation technology has enabled the diffusion and expansion of industrial activities.

Von Thünen emphasized which of the following factors in his model of agricultural land use? A. Labor cost B. Transportation cost C. Fertilizer cost D. Machinery cost E. Seasonal fluctuations in prices of farm products

B. Transportation cost

A clustering of doctor's offices and pharmacies near hospitals is BEST explained by the benefits of A. decentralization B. agglomeration C. intervening opportunity D. balkanization E. enfranchisement

B. agglomeration

Economic complementarities between two places tend to A. reflect only differences in resource base B. occur when each place specializes in commodities demanded by the other C. occur when the places specialize in the same commodities D. reflect the minimization of distance E. reflect the maximization of scale

B. occur when each place specializes in commodities demanded by the other

In which of the following contexts could a neo-Malthusian perspective most successfully explain population characteristics? A. A country experiencing population decline, where birth rates are low B. A country with a low rate of natural population increase, where a small percentage of citizens work in agriculture C. A country with a high rate of natural population increase, where food supplies are at risk D. A country experiencing significant out-migration, where economic conditions lead many job seekers to move to other countries E. A country recovering from an environmental disaster, where infrastructure must be rebuilt

C. A country with a high rate of natural population increase, where food supplies are at risk

Which of the following describes the perspective of environmental determinism? A. A twentieth-century idea that human cultures are imprinted on the landscape in different forms of land use and architecture B. A contemporary ecological view that human activity is affecting the global environment toward a negative outcome C. A former scientific viewpoint stating that factors within the physical geography of a region shape the local population's culture and behaviors D. A theory that humans hold the ability to modify Earth's physical geography to meet the resource needs of a society E. A belief system based on an ideology that humans have dominion over Earth and its natural resources

C. A former scientific viewpoint stating that factors within the physical geography of a region shape the local population's culture and behaviors

The satellite images show changes to a portion of the Louisiana coast between 1984 and 2017. The table shows the changes in land acreage. Which of the following best describes the changes and a consequence of the changes? A. The expansion of coastal cities, which results in increased acreage of urban land cover B. A decrease in the acreage of coastal land, which affects the prices of local property C. An increase in the acreage of coastal land, which will be added to navigational charts for shipping D. The rise of sea levels, which results in decreased land acreage available for homes and businesses E. An increase in land acreage caused by the construction of polders for land reclamation

C. An increase in the acreage of coastal land, which will be added to navigational charts for shipping

Which of the following agricultural practices has the most significant long-term environmental impact in tropical regions? A. Clearing small patches of land to pasture dairy cows, which decreases water pollution from runoff B. Building terraces on sloping land to grow rice, which destabilizes hillsides C. Burning extensive areas of forested land to create pasture, which decreases biodiversity D. Burning small areas of forested land for subsistence farming, which increases biodiversity E. Moving livestock to higher pasture areas in the spring, which leads to soil degradation

C. Burning extensive areas of forested land to create pasture, which decreases biodiversity

Which of the following best identifies the scale of analysis for each of the maps shown? A. Global and regional B. Regional and urban C. Continental and country D. Global and local E. Country and local

C. Continental and country

Which of the following best explains a trading relationship between two countries based on comparative advantage? A. One country exports raw materials and the other country exports manufactured goods, resulting in a global economic balance. B. One country implements tariffs on goods that are imported from another country because the importing country will benefit from profits on the sale of the goods. C. Each country specializes in the type of good for which it has the lowest opportunity cost, resulting in a higher global output of both types of goods. D. Two countries trade in luxury items, but the volume of trade is limited by the highest cost of long-distance trade. E. Each country exports the same type of good because the countries are similar in terms of natural resources and labor costs.

C. Each country specializes in the type of good for which it has the lowest opportunity cost, resulting in a higher global output of both types of goods.

Which of the following best describes the spatial pattern of ethnicity in Singapore's neighborhoods? A. Malay is the largest ethnic group, ethnic Chinese live in the center of the city, and ethnic Indians live in the peripheral neighborhoods. B. The three major ethnic groups, Malay, Chinese, and Indian, are evenly distributed across the city. C. Ethnic Chinese residents are in the majority across most of the city, while ethnic Malay and ethnic Indian residents are concentrated in the peripheral neighborhoods. D. Ethnic Malay and ethnic Indians are evenly distributed throughout the city, while Chinese are only in the majority within the core central neighborhoods. E. Indian is the largest ethnic group, ethnic Chinese live in the center of the city, and ethnic Malay live in the peripheral neighborhoods.

C. Ethnic Chinese residents are in the majority across most of the city, while ethnic Malay and ethnic Indian residents are concentrated in the peripheral neighborhoods.

Read the definitions below and then answer the question that follows. Watershed: A region in which all rainfall eventually flows downhill through a system of streams and tributaries into the same body of water, such as the catchment basin of a river or lake. Milkshed: A region in which fresh milk is produced and can be delivered without spoilage for sale and consumption. A dairy farm sits at the center of an area, the size of which is determined by how far fresh milk can be shipped and still maintain shelf-life for consumers. Given the definitions, watersheds and milksheds can best be classified as what type of region? A. Culture B. Formal C. Functional D. Industrial E. Vernacular

C. Functional

Which statement best describes population growth patterns in the world today? A. In the world as a whole, women have an average of five or more children, leading to Malthusian crises. B. Fertility rates in low- and middle-income countries worldwide are higher now than 25 years ago. C. In the world as a whole, fertility rates have fallen in the last 25 years. D. In sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and the Pacific, fertility rates have doubled in the last 25 years. E. Fertility rates in most high-income countries have risen in the last 25 years.

C. In the world as a whole, fertility rates have fallen in the last 25 years.

Which of the following statements about the Robinson projection is correct? A. It is more useful for long-distance navigation than the Mercator projection. B. It is better for making topographical maps than the Mercator projection. C. It is more accurate than the Mercator projection in showing the sizes of countries in higher latitudes. D. It is more useful for showing the distribution of human populations than the Mercator projection. E. It is better for estimating territorial waters in lower latitudes than the Mercator projection.

C. It is more accurate than the Mercator projection in showing the sizes of countries in higher latitudes.

Palm oil, an edible vegetable oil used in processing packaged food products, is obtained from the fruit of the oil palm tree, grown only in the tropics. Which of the following explains how global demand for palm oil has proved beneficial and detrimental for countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia? A. Palm oil exports provided substantial corporate profits, but increased government subsidies to palm oil farmers led to increased poverty in the two countries. B. Palm oil exports provided substantial corporate profits, but the process led to high rates of unemployment for farmworkers at harvest time. C. Palm oil exports provided substantial corporate profits, but the growth in the industry resulted in heavy deforestation in both countries. D. Palm oil exports provided increased income to the governments of Indonesia and Malaysia, but the number of farmers employed on palm oil plantations decreased in the two countries. E. Palm oil exports aided in increasing the wealth of the two countries but also increased the diversity of plants in the two countries..

C. Palm oil exports provided substantial corporate profits, but the growth in the industry resulted in heavy deforestation in both countries.

Which of the following spatial patterns accurately describes the data presented in the map? A. Most continents have countries with secondary school enrollments below 75 percent. B. There are no countries in Africa with secondary school enrollments above 90 percent. C. The majority of countries with less than 70 percent secondary school enrollment are in sub-Saharan Africa. D. The secondary school enrollment is proportional to population density. E. Landlocked countries have secondary school enrollments above 90 percent

C. The majority of countries with less than 70 percent secondary school enrollment are in sub-Saharan Africa.

Which of the following spatial patterns accurately describes the data presented in the map? A. Most continents have countries with secondary school enrollments below 75 percent. B. There are no countries in Africa with secondary school enrollments above 90 percent. C. The majority of countries with less than 70 percent secondary school enrollment are in sub-Saharan Africa. D. The secondary school enrollment is proportional to population density. E. Landlocked countries have secondary school enrollments above 90 percent.

C. The majority of countries with less than 70 percent secondary school enrollment are in sub-Saharan Africa.

Why would a town planner use a map at the 1:24,000 scale rather than a map at the 1:250,000 scale? A. The map at the 1:24,000 scale shows a much larger area. B. The map at the 1:24,000 scale is easily converted to non-metric measurements. C. The map at the 1:24,000 scale shows the town close-up in more detail. D. The map at the 1:250,000 scale shows the town in too much detail. E. The map at the 1:250,000 scale shows too small of an area to see the whole town.

C. The map at the 1:24,000 scale shows the town close-up in more detail.

The map shows the locations of world financial, banking, and investment centers. Which of the following best explains a limitation of the map's representation of global economic patterns? A. The map does not show major population centers located in the Southern Hemisphere. B. The map does not show the locations of export processing zones in more developed countries. C. The map does not show the growth of investment in businesses in less developed countries. D. The map does not show growth poles that stimulate regional economic activity. E. The map does not show the environmental pollution associated with industrial cities.

C. The map does not show the growth of investment in businesses in less developed countries.

A formal culture region differs from other regions in that it A. has a focal point or node B. is one that people believe exists C. has a selected feature or internal uniformity D. does not contain gradations such as core, domain, and sphere E. applies only to linguistic and religion regions

C. has a selected feature or internal uniformity

Quaternary economic activities are those that A. extract natural resources from the environment B. transform raw materials into finished products C. involve the collection, processing, and manipulation of information D. involve the exchange of goods and the provision of services E. involve the production of fresh produce for urban markets

C. involve the collection, processing, and manipulation of information

A formal region defines an area in which A. a core dominates its surrounding hinterland B. a transportation network links different types of land use C. there is uniformity in one or more physical or human characteristics D. there are significant geographic variations in physical or human characteristics E. a unified government system has been established

C. there is uniformity in one or more physical or human characteristics

The maps show residential neighborhoods in the Republic of Singapore. Which of the following individuals or organizations would be most likely to make a decision based on the spatial pattern shown on the maps? A. A person planning to move from a more rural area to a more urban area within Singapore B. A business analyzing demographic change over time within its market area C. An environmental advocacy group seeking to protect habitats of vulnerable species D. A government agency seeking to promote equal opportunities across ethnicities E. A multinational corporation identifying a location for a new factory

D. A government agency seeking to promote equal opportunities across ethnicities

The map shows medical technology growth poles in the United States. Which of the following statements best explains a limitation of the map in showing the geographic context of these growth poles? A. Each growth pole location is a small special economic zone occupying a few city blocks. B. Each growth pole location has an international division of labor where low-technology jobs are handled in less developed countries. C. The pattern of medical technology growth poles across the country indicates the transformation of post-Fordist production systems. D. Each growth pole location is supported by an international network of researchers and multinational corporate partners. E. The pattern of medical technology growth poles across the country indicates a dependence on just-in-time production systems.

D. Each growth pole location is supported by an international network of researchers and multinational corporate partners.

The above map shows von Thünen's model applied to a map of the contiguous United States. Which of the following realities would NOT be accounted for by the theoretical predictions shown on the map? A. Wyoming is a major cattle-ranching area. B. Oregon has established a Forest Resources Institute. C. New Jersey's nickname is the Garden State. D. Florida's government has a Department of Citrus. E. The first cheese factory in the United States was near Rome, New York.

D. Florida's government has a Department of Citrus.

Based on the data provided, which of the following best describes how changing roles for women influence patterns of social values? A. Similar birth rates shown in the table for France, Russia, Brazil, and China indicate that women in these countries have access to similar levels of education. B. High death rates shown in the table for Nigeria and Russia reveal a similar lack of women's rights and access to health care in these countries. C. Women living in France choose to have less children but die at higher rates than in Egypt due to greater pollution in industrialized countries such as France. D. Higher birth rates in African countries suggest that women in African countries have less access to education and employment than European women. E. All women in developing countries have higher fertility rates due to the lack of medical care and political rights.

D. Higher birth rates in African countries suggest that women in African countries have less access to education and employment than European women.

Which of the following would be most likely to increase life expectancy in a less developed country, resulting in an aging population in that country? A. An increase in the country's birth rate B. Rural-to-urban migration within the country C. Improvements in transportation and communication networks D. Improvements in access to health care and sanitation E. A decrease in the country's total fertility rate

D. Improvements in access to health care and sanitation

What kind of agriculture is primarily practiced in the dark-shaded areas on the map above? A. Shifting cultivation B. Pastoral nomadism C. Cattle ranching D. Mediterranean E. Plantation

D. Mediterranean

Which of the following best describes the data presented in the image? A. Coordinates for a satellite navigation system B. Political map of a region C. Series of geographic information systems layers D. Remote sensing satellite image of land use E. Cartogram of quantitative spatial information

D. Remote sensing satellite image of land use

Which of the following pairs of agricultural types occupies the largest percentage of the world's total land area? A. Plantation agriculture and specialized horticulture B. Cattle ranching and Mediterranean agriculture C. Wheat farming and dairying D. Shifting cultivation and nomadic herding E. Intensive rice cultivation and subsistence farming

D. Shifting cultivation and nomadic herding

Which of the following correctly explains the placement of an agricultural product within von Thünen's agricultural land-use model? A. Beef cattle are raised close to the market because meat spoils quickly. B. Grain is grown close to the market because it is bulky to transport. C. Firewood is harvested far from the market because the best agricultural land is closer to the market. D. Tomatoes are grown closest to the market because they spoil quicker than beef or grain. E. Beef cattle are raised close to the market because land is cheapest closer to the market.

D. Tomatoes are grown closest to the market because they spoil quicker than beef or grain.

In the context of industrialization, how does the use of the building materials in Image 1 compare to the use of building materials in Image 2 ? A. The change from stone to iron bridges had no impact on industrialization because stone was readily available and stronger than iron. B. The change from stone to iron bridges created a great demand by Europeans for bridges because iron bridges were less expensive to build. C. The scarcity in stone for building bridges facilitated the need to import new materials such as iron, leading to globalization and the rise of industrialization in Europe. D. The development of the metals industry led to the construction of higher and longer bridges, a reduced need for stone as a building material, and rapid industrialization. E. Bridges of stone were not constructed in Europe until modern times because the use of iron as a building material developed in the United States and did not diffuse to Europe until the early twentieth century.

D. The development of the metals industry led to the construction of higher and longer bridges, a reduced need for stone as a building material, and rapid industrialization.

The images show a topographic map and a geographic information systems (GIS) representation of Mount Shasta in California. Which of the following statements best explains why these printed images are geometrically distorted representations of Earth's surface? A. Some maps do not show the actual coloration of Earth's surface and vegetation. B. GIS can only display two-dimensional layers. C. The planet's gravitational poles are not located at the poles of Earth's axis. D. The three dimensions of Earth's surface are displayed on a two-dimensional page. E. Printed maps alter the sense of place that people can have about a location.

D. The three dimensions of Earth's surface are displayed on a two-dimensional page.

The high-tech firms of Silicon Valley in California are clustered together to take advantage of A. cheap labor B. economies of scale C. access to markets D. agglomeration effects E. high-speed transportation

D. agglomeration effects

The Malthusian view of the world argues that A. the contemporary problem of famine in developing countries is a result of the colonial legacy B. the problem of population growth is a result of economic underdevelopment C. one way to solve population growth in developing countries is to reduce their foreign debt D. famine in developing countries can be explained by examining their patterns of population growth E. population growth is helpful to developing countries because it provides a larger rural workforce

D. famine in developing countries can be explained by examining their patterns of population growth

Economic activities that involve the extraction of natural resources, such as lumbering, fishing, mining, and agriculture, are called A. subsistence activities B. organic activities C. secondary economic activities D. primary economic activities E. tertiary economic activities

D. primary economic activities

The data on median household income in Table 1 is presented in different A. culture regions B. physical regions C. map scales D. scales of analysis E. vernacular regions

D. scales of analysis

The "why of where" refers to A. geography's emphasis on landscape features B. spatial patterns on the landscape C. a definition of geography that is simply locational D. the idea that the explanation of a spatial pattern is crucial E. the depiction of a region's physical features

D. the idea that the explanation of a spatial pattern is crucial

Table 1 shows that the United States and New York City have similar median household income values. Compare the data in Table 1 to the data in Table 2. Based on this comparison, which of the following statements is most accurate? A. Each borough of New York City has a household income distribution similar to that of the United States. B. Each borough of New York City has a household income distribution similar to that of New York State. C. Each borough of New York City has a household income distribution similar to that of the New York City metropolitan area. D. Each borough of New York City has a household income distribution similar to that of the City of New York. E. A comparison of data from one scale to a different set of scales can result in a flawed analysis.

E. A comparison of data from one scale to a different set of scales can result in a flawed analysis.

Which of the following social or environmental impacts is most directly related to the use of chemicals in agriculture? A. A decline in insect-borne diseases and improved health at the global scale B. A decrease in the price of agricultural products due to lower labor costs associated with applying chemicals over widespread areas in one application C. An increase in the use of genetically modified crops D. An increase in profits that is limited to farmers in developed countries E. An increase in land and water pollution from agricultural runoff

E. An increase in land and water pollution from agricultural runoff

Which of the following scales of analysis would provide demographic data that could be used to compare one urban neighborhood to other urban neighborhoods across a country? A. State or province B. Metropolitan area or urban region C. County or parish (in Quebec and Louisiana) D. City or municipality E. Census tract or enumeration area

E. Census tract or enumeration area

Which of the following processes explains the change in coal miners employed in the United States from 1950 to 2000? A. Technological diffusion B. Just-in-time production C. Industrial revolution D. Devolution E. Deindustrialization

E. Deindustrialization

Which of the following concepts could best be explained by the theory of possibilism? A. Regional differences between the internal structures of cities B. Changes in population growth rates over time C. Limitations on agricultural crops based on climate D. Political patterns seen in election maps E. Modification of landscapes by human cultures

E. Modification of landscapes by human cultures

Which of the following best explains why the New England region, located in the northeastern United States, would specialize in market gardening agriculture rather than other types of agriculture, such as grain farming? A. Wheat farming would require more machinery, which conflicts with the environmental standards of many states in New England. B. Market gardening products can be easily transported to the primary market of California without spoiling. C. Farmers can specialize in market gardening products because of the rocky soil found in many New England states. D. Market gardening zones allow farmers the flexibility to grow market gardening crops along with other grain crops. E. Several large cities on the East Coast provide a growing market and shorter distances for transporting market gardening products.

E. Several large cities on the East Coast provide a growing market and shorter distances for transporting market gardening products.

An international company is looking to expand its network of factories, which use labor-intensive production methods, in a region of the world experiencing significant growth in the working-age population. Based on the data in the table, which of the following regions should the company choose? A. North America, which will have faster working-age growth in 2015 to 2030 than in 2000 to 2015 B. Asia, which will have a faster working-age growth rate in 2015 to 2030 than in 2000 to 2015 C. Latin America, which had the fastest working-age growth rate among world regions from 2000 to 2015 D. Asia, which will have the fastest working-age growth rate among world regions from 2015 to 2030 E. Sub-Saharan Africa, which will have the fastest working-age growth rate among world regions from 2015 to 2030

E. Sub-Saharan Africa, which will have the fastest working-age growth rate among world regions from 2015 to 2030

Which of the following is the primary assumption of environmental determinism? A. Human destiny is controlled by the cultural environment . B. The physical environment has little influence on humans . C. Humans have complete control over the physical environment . D. Many human adaptations are possible within a specific physical environment . E. The physical environment controls human culture .

E. The physical environment controls human culture .

Based on von Thünen's model of rural land use in an isolated state, which statement explains the most suitable place for a farmer to purchase a large parcel of land necessary for raising livestock? A. The ring closest to the market, because livestock are perishable goods and need to reach the market quickly. B. The ring closest to the market, because the land is more fertile for growing feed for livestock compared to other areas. C. The second ring, because livestock are heavy and more expensive to transport to market. D. The third ring, because the livestock would be closer to the suburban market areas with moderate transportation costs. E. The ring farthest from the market, because the land is less expensive and outweighs transportation costs to get the livestock to market.

E. The ring farthest from the market, because the land is less expensive and outweighs transportation costs to get the livestock to market.

Free-trade zones such as the countries of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) are established to increase the ease and volume of international trade by A. increasing diplomatic relations between member states B. opening borders to migrant guest workers from member states C. establishing a common monetary unit among member states D. offering large economic-development loans to poorer member states E. eliminating tariffs on goods that cross borders between member states

E. eliminating tariffs on goods that cross borders between member states

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