Mimic Test Muscles

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What would a lack of acetylocholinesterase n the synaptic cleft would result in?

Excessive, continuous stimulation of the muscle fiber

What is the name of the flat tendons found in various locations in the muscles system?


Long distance exercises such as running and swimming have this effect on skeletal muscle tissue:

Fatigue, increased amt of myogoblin in the muscles

Curare, a toxin, blocks the acetycholine receptors on muscle tissue resulting in:

Inability of the muscle to respond to motor nerve stimulus

What is rigor mortis and what causes it?

Lack of ATP

Name the antagonist muscle for- Deltoid

Latissimus dorsi

Muscles allow for kinetic motion, but your motor isn't perfect at converting food to this kinetic energy. What happens to the rest of the energy that isn't transferred into movement?

Lost as heat

How does the bicep brachii muscle respond differently between the activity of lifting a pencil and lifting a book?

More muscles units for a book than a pencil

What makes up a motor unit?

Motor neuron and the muscle fibers it innervates

What kind of muscle would make up a heart?

Cardiac muscle

What is the function of ACH?

Triggers Action Potential

What are the effects of Anabolic steroids?

-Builds muscle protein -Increases muscle strength - Can cause various health issues

Describe Cardiac muscle and how it is similar/different from skeletal

-Makes up myocardium of heart -Involuntary -Single Nucleus -Intercalated

Each muscle fiber is surrounded by a connective tissue called


Name the antagonist muscle for- Tricep Brachii

Bicep Brachii

The semitendinosus is one hamstring muscle. What are the other muscles that make up the hamstring?

Bicep femoris

Which term is the smallest subdivision in this group?


Name the antagonist muscle for- Bicep Femoralis

Quadriceps femoris


Serratus Anterior

What kind of muscle would make up a bicep?

Skeletal muscle

What kind of muscle would make up a stomach?

Smooth muscle

Describe the skeletal muscle appearance and function

Striated, voluntary, multinucleate

When a nervous impulse travels from a neuron to a muscle cell, what happens next?

The impulse travels over the sarcolemma

What does the term all or none mean?

The motor neuron either releases all the way or none at all, no in between.

Name the antagonist muscle for- gastrocnemius

Tibialis anterior

Which muscle enables you to elevate your scapula?


The two major regulatory proteins found in muscle are called?

Troponin and tropomyosin

True or false, Muscle fiber contraction is all or none?


What is fibromyaligia?

a muscular disorder characterized by painful musculoskeletal "tender points"

What is the smallest contractile unit of muscle called?


What is muscular dystrophy?

skeletal muscle degeneration

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