MindTap MAA Final Review

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With monthly billing, it is usually safe to mail a bill _______ business days in advance to ensure it is received by the first of the month.

3 to 5

If the total expenses for a medical practice add up to $150,000, and the total number of procedures adds up to 300, what is the cost ratio? a. 120,000 b. 450,000 c. 500 d. 5,000


In some cases, the patient might have to submit his or her own claim to Medicare, using Form _________ in order to receive reimbursement for the costs.


CAT or CT scan

a series of x-rays of layers of the brain to construct a three-dimensional picture

A suffix is found

at the end of the word


blood in the urine

arterial blood gases

blood taken directly from an artery to evaluate the exchange of O2 and CO2 in the lungs

Gulian barre syndrome

body's immune system attacks parts of the nervous system

All blood cells initially develop from stem cells and originate in the

bone marrow

foscarnet sodium


FSH (follicle stimulating hormone)

enlarges the graafian follicle of the ovary

Which part of the body is involved with conjunctivitis?



herpes simplex virus

MSH (melanocyte stimulating hormone)

increases skin pigmentation


increases the growth and activity of thyroid cells


male scrotum

proctoscopy colonoscopy barium swallow Nuclear medicine study

rectum large intestine esophagus liver

Another name for epicondylitis is

tennis elbow

Pancreatitis progresses in a(n) ______ manner



an x-ray of the breast

Performing lab tests is an example of a(n) clinical ______skill


testicular self-examination

a means of early identification of testicular cancer

paralytic ileus

a physiological intestinal obstruction

Antigens invading the upper respiratory system are intercepted by the lymph tissue of the tonsils and


Iritis is a(n) ____of the iris.



inflammation of the forearm tendon

Since 2004, when then President George W. Bush addressed the American Association of Community Colleges and commented that the United States was behind the times regarding patients' records, the federal government has provided incentives for medical practices to convert to electronic health records. These measures are now known as the Medicare Promoting Interoperability Program. To qualify for these incentives, providers must satisfy ____________ performance measures

meaningful use


neck deformity bends the head to affect the side

What do muscles require large amounts of to sustain the conversion of glycogen stored in the muscle into energy?



painful inflammation of the tendon


painful urination

metacarpals metatarsals carpals phalanges tarsals

palm of the hand instep of the foot wrist fingers and toes ankle

The skin serves as an organ of ______ in cooperation with the nervous system and the sense of touch.



permits viewing of the endometrium


posterior surface of the thyroid gland

If it appears that the patient will need to pay a substantial sum out of pocket, the medical assistant should discuss with the patient the manner in which payments will be made _________ patient care

prior to receiving

Which bone extends from the thumb side of the wrist to the elbow?


A chronic skin eruption that makes the face, especially the nose and cheeks, look flushed is called


The front of the thigh has the longest muscle of the body, the


Which of the following can be caused by scar tissue developed during healing of a gastric ulcer?


The cellular portion of blood can be divided into three types of cells: red, _____ and platelets


In a business letter, the greeting to the recipient is called the: a. salutation. b. body. c. letterhead. d. reference.


The irregular lines on the skull marking the former growth areas are called: a. sutures. b. fontanels. c. parietals. d. soft spots.


Wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath are common symptoms of: a. asthma. b. influenza. c. bronchitis. d. atelectasis.


Which of the following defines a contract? a. offer, acceptance, consideration b. offer, consideration, consent c. consent, consideration, acceptance d. offer, consent, acceptance


Which of the following describes a record of all charges or services rendered, any payments made by the patient or the insurance carrier, and any adjustments? a. A patient ledger b. Remittance advice c. A day sheet d. Explanation of benefits


The combining form in "stomatitis" means which of the following? a. mouth b. stomach c. body d. inflammation


Which of the following is a way to identify accounts according to the length of time they have been delinquent? a. listing accounts in a ledger b. running an accounts payable report c. aging of accounts d. journalizing accounts


Which of the following is an example of what might be contained in an office procedure manual? a. Current salaries of all staff in the office b. Records of previous disciplinary actions for employees c. CLIA and OSHA requirements d. The defined roles and responsibilities of office staff


Which of the following is a word or word group that expresses action or a state of being? a. Pronoun b. Verb c. Noun d. Adjective


Which of the following is an example of a prefix? a. -algia b. ante- c. cardi/o d. ECG


Which of the following is the most common method for filing paper records in the medical office? a. Numerically b. Alphabetically c. Chronologically d. By subject


Which of the following qualifications and characteristics is the office manager not looking for when interviewing and hiring? a. Collaborative work style b. Flextime needs c. Work ethic d. Attendance and punctuality


Which of the following statements describes proper ergonomics? a. Forearm is about 45 degrees to the upper arm b. Feet are flat on the floor or supported by a footrest c. Head, neck, and trunk are slightly leaning forward in the seat d. Seat has cushioning with abrupt edge


Which of the following type of check refers to something that can be transferred or exchanged? a. post-dated b. negotiable c. voucher d. monetary payee


Which part of the body is involved with hay fever or allergic rhinitis? a. Eye b. Nose c. Lung d. Skin



a transducer is used to focus a beam of high-frequency sound waves through skin

The ovary and the fallopian tube lie _______ but are not connected.

close together

When writing medical terminology, a misspelling of a word may impact the

diagnosis, treatment, and/or meaning

One person makes all of the decisions regarding the practice in a(n)

solo practice

ur/o colp/o cyan/o leuk/o ren/o cardi/o neur/o gastr/o my/o oss/e colon/o

urine vagina blue white kidney heart nerve stomach muscle bone colon

Within the brain are several spaces or cavities called



very effective against parasites


very effective in killing bacteria

What is the definition of a heart murmur? a. An additional flutter of the heart valves. b. A sound caused by inadequate blood flow. c. An abnormal sound of blood flowing through a closed valve. d. A soft, barely audible extra heartbeat.


Medical assistants must know the principles of self-boundaries or ______of the profession. Each state has its own medical practice act which determines this.

Scope of practice

The onset of Tourette Syndrome usually occurs before the age of


Which of the following is a step in closing the office? a. Lock all doors and windows. b. Wait until everyone else leaves before you leave the office. c. Retrieve messages from the answering service. d. Deactivate the alarm system.


As a child grows, some of the bones fuse together so that in adulthood there are ______ bones


The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA) protects individuals who are ____________ years or older


Which of the following is one of the three categories where the cortex of the adrenal gland produces steroid hormones? a. Alternate steroids b. Mineralocorticoids c. Versional d. Transitional


Which of the following is the medical term for ringworm? a. pediculosis b. rosacea c. tinea d. keloid


A cerebrovascular accident is not caused by: a. high blood pressure rupturing an artery. b. atherosclerosis occluding an artery. c. an accidental injury to the cerebral artery. d. a thrombus that clogs an artery.


A computer program, such as Microsoft Word, that includes numerous built-in templates is referred to as: a. word processing. b. practice management. c. templating. d. electronic documenting.


How often should staff meetings be held? a. At least once a month b. Daily c. Six months d. Every three months


The law that holds the physician liable for the acts of the medical assistant is called: a. respondeat superior. b. provider breach of duty. c. duty of care. d. standard of care.


Where are all patient charges and receipts recorded each day? a. Day sheet b. Account c. Ledger d. Adjustment sheet


A "skip" is: a. when you skip a billing cycle. b. a patient who cannot be located by mail or telephone. c. an account payable that is adjusted at the end of the month. d. a nonsufficient funds check.


Mucus streaming is: a. watery discharge after breathing in an allergen. b. propelling particles upward past the epiglottis. c. the cause of postnasal drip. d. what makes your nose run.


Part _______ of Medicare is for payment of other medical expenses, including office visits, X-ray and laboratory services, and the services of a provider in or out of the hospital.


Patchy hair loss due to the pulling out of hair from a compulsive behavior is which of the following? a. physiologic loss b. trichotillomania c. areata d. alopecia


RUQ, RLQ, LUQ, and LLQ refer to which of the following? a. the regions of the abdomen b. the abdominal quadrants c. the abdominopelvic cavity d. the thoracic cavity


Sigmoidoscopy will permit viewing of: a. duodenal ulcers. b. tumor of the lower colon. c. condition of ileocecal valve. d. gastric ulcers.


Suffixes are commonly used to indicate: a. a location. b. a disorder. c. quantity. d. the presence or absence of something.


The outer wall of the heart is surrounded by a sac called: a. diastole. b. pericardium. c. systole. d. endocardium.


The word integumentary refers to: a. hair. b. skin. c. fat. d. nails.


Use of a geographic filing system is useful in: a. distributing files evenly over given spaces. b. the community health environment. c. epidemiology or research or for maintaining business records including insurance. d. setting up callbacks of patients for follow-up visits at specified intervals.


What are the names of the two main cavities of the body? a. anterior and ventral b. anterior and posterior c. abdominal and ventral d. abdominal and pelvic


Which of the following are organs in the lymphatic/immune system? a. Liver and stomach b. Spleen and thymus c. Thymus and lungs d. Lymph nodes and liver


Which of the following are two divisions of the skeletal system? a. humerus and phalanges b. axial and appendicular c. vertebrae and metatarsals d. anterior and posterior


Blood is composed of only two main parts: plasma and _____. a. minerals b. oxygen c. cells d. vitamins


The medical assistant would log into the payer's website and enter the information on the visit if the patient is a member of a health insurance plan operated by a payer that supports: a. quick-check claims. b. electronic funds transfer. c. real time adjudication. d. real-time adjustment.


What are ICD-10-CM codes required to establish? a. Modifier required b. History of the patient c. Medical necessity d. Reimbursement


Which of the following letter styles has the dateline, complimentary close, and typed signature beginning a bit right of center? a. Modified block with indented paragraphs b. Left-justified block c. Modified block d. Full block


You have received a referring physician report in the mail. What should you do first? a. Provide the correspondence to the physician for review. b. Annotate the correspondence for the physician. c. Date-stamp the correspondence. d. Upload the correspondence to the EHR.


A colposcope is an instrument used to: a. evaluate fallopian tubes. b. view the uterus. c. observe the fetus in utero. d. view the cervix.


A common theory is that most conflict develops because of: a. personal issues. b. lack of proper training. c. disjointed workflows. d. poor communication, or lack of communication.


A condition that occurs when engaging in activities involving movement such as riding in automobiles, boats, planes, or amusement rides is considered: a. Meniere's disease. b. otitis externa. c. otitis media. d. motion sickness.


A crack or tear in the lining of the anus is known as: a. constipation. b. Crohn's Disease. c. diverticulitis. d. anal fissure.


Which of the following is an example of a community resource for patients' health care needs? a. Police department b. Occupational Health and Safety Administration c. Hospitalist registry d. Senior services


Which of the following is an example of personal ethics? a. The AAMA's Code of Ethics. b. The values statement at a local hospital c. The Uniform Anatomical Gift Act d. Your individual stance on human cloning.


When used well, which type of appointment scheduling method may keep a steady flow of patients with the most effective use of time slots? a. Modified wave b. Streaming c. Wave d. Clustering


Which of the following organizations provides the RMA credential? a. AAMA b. AMT c. AAPC d. NHA


Which of the following personal social media posts would be considered acceptable? a. Picture of you and Mrs. Gonzales giving a high-five after receiving her flu vaccine. b. Don't forget, it's time to get your flu vaccine! c. Mr. Woods brought us donuts when he came in for knee surgery follow up today. Kudos to Mr. Woods! d. At church today, everyone was asking about Johnae's cancer treatment. Great news everyone, Johnae's cancer is in remission!


Which organization issues the Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) credential? a. National Certified Medical Assistant (NCMA) b. American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) c. American Medical Technologists (AMT) d. American Medical Association (AMA)


Which of the following is a form of cerebral palsy? a. Ordinary b. Spastic c. Attentive d. Dysthesic


Which of the following is true about Volume I of the ICD-10-CM manual? a. It is an alphabetic index organized into three main sections. b. It contains the Table of Drugs and Chemicals. c. It is a tabular list, organized into 22 chapters. d. It is used to code hospital procedures.


Which word is used to indicate that a woman has had more than one pregnancy (many pregnancies)? a. Megapara b. Macrophasia c. Multipara d. Multipepsia


Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis strikes between the ages of

40 to 60

Occult blood test will: a. detect blood in feces. b. detect mucus in feces. c. determine enzymes in stool. d. determine location of bleeding.


Verrucae is the medical term for which of the following? a. warts b. shingles c. ringworm d. hives


Where are sperm produced? a. Seminiferous tubules b. Vas deferens c. Epididymis d. Seminal vesicles


Which method of dialysis is done by a vascular surgeon joining an artery and a vein together and making an opening between the two so that blood flows directly from artery to vein? a. Arteriovenous fistula b. Intravenous catheter c. Permacath d. Synthetic graft


Which method of sending mail is considered the most secure to maintain compliance with HIPAA? a. Registered b. Certificate of mailing c. Certified d. USPS tracking


Which of the following conveys a businesslike demeanor? a. Do not be apologetic or imply that the policies might be inconvenient or unimportant. b. When you have finished discussing the policies, immediately end the session so as not to confuse the patient. c. Let the patient know your supervisor demands the policies be followed. d. Never look at the person directly.


Which of the following does the circulatory system transport to the body's cells? a. Oxygen and nutrients b. Lymphocytes c. Carbon dioxide d. Cholesterol


Which of the following statements best describes the differences between manual and electronic claims tracking? a. Claims tracking requires a clearinghouse, but manual claims tracking does not. b. Electronic claims tracking is more efficient than manual claims tracking. c. Claims tracking, also known as EFT, is the most efficient. d. Manual claims tracking is more efficient than electronic claims tracking.


Which of these is a felony? a. Robbery b. Vandalism c. Tax evasion d. Assault


Which of these terms refers to "over the stomach?" a. Epigastric b. Hypogastric c. Inguinal d. Umbilical


A heart rate that is constantly rapid (over 100 beats per minute) is called: a. bradycardia. b. ischemia. c. arrhythmia. d. tachycardia.


All the following are examples of body language except: a. appearance b. gestures c. facial expressions d. tone of voice


An individual is standing erect, with arms down to the sides and the palms of the hands facing forward. What is this position? a. anterior b. frontal c. midsagittal d. anatomic


Anaphase telophase Prophase Daughter Cells Metaphase

Sister chromatids separate and move to opposite poles Cell division begins Chromosomes condense Cell division complete Chromosomes align along spindle fibers

Chromosomal Analysis

To determine genetic defects


an examination and biopsy of the cervix


associated with abnormal electrical impulses from the neurons of the brain

Drawing an imaginary line across the body (horizontally) creates a transverse plane. The portion of the body above the line is known as superior or ________ (toward the head). The portion below the line is called inferior or _______ (toward the feet).

cephalic, caudual

testicular biopsy

examination of testicular tissue


excessive urination


excessive urination at night

When the ciliary body focuses the lens for near or far vision, it is known as which of the following? a. accommodation b. ciliary contraction c. refraction d. astigmatism


A patient's ethnicity is included in which part of a patient's medical record? a. Social history b. Past medical history c. Demographics d. Eligibility status


How many functions does the skeleton serve in the body? a. five b. six c. four d. three


Anyone knowingly submitting a false claim or creating a false record or statement to receive payment from the federal government will be fined a civil penalty of not less than $5,500 and not more than _______ per false claim submitted.


Accounts are considered current if within ____ days of the billing date.


Genetic testing is appropriate when: a. a person is at high risk for developing inherited cancers. b. deteriming if a treatment has been effective. c. a patient wants to see if he has cancer. d. ydetermining if all the cancer has been removed.


How many coding systems are used in reporting services for reimbursement? a. two b. four c. six d. three


How often are bank statements typically sent to an account holder? a. Monthly b. Quarterly c. Daily d. After each transaction


Which of the following best describes a tort? a. can be intentional or unintentional. b. Occupational Health and Safety Act c. a breach of duty. d. covers only intentional acts.


Which of the following is the most effective method of preventing conception? a. Abstinence b. Condom c. Birth control pills d. Contraceptive ring


PET scan

A nuclear medical examination to determine cellular uptake in parts of the body

Neurons and other cells that produce ______potentials are said to have membrane excitability.


A ganglion is which of the following? a. a type of nerve cell b. the sensory nerve cell bodies in the posterior root c. part of the gray matter of the spine d. a collection of nerve endings


Mrs. Bloomberg calls to find out the results of her pregnancy test. If you need to transfer a patient's call to another department or office, first give the caller the phone number, the extension, and the person's name to whom you are transferring him or her in case a disconnection occurs. You should then do which of the following? a. Give the patient the results of their test. b. Signal (or page) the person and, when the person answers, explain who is waiting to speak to him or her and give a brief summary of the issue. c. Use the intercom and announce that Mrs. Bloomberg is calling about her pregnancy test. d. Use the intercom and ask for a person in the lab to pick up about Mrs. Bloomberg's test result.


Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) is numbers and symbols representing security features on a check. Which of the following is one of the number/security features? a. An automatic error appears when the number/symbols are incorrect b. The MICR is only used in hospital billing c. A warning band in the border of the check indicating the document contains security features d. There is a black and white pantograph feature


Managerial accounting is also known as: a. medical accounting. b. profit accounting. c. cost accounting. d. practice management accounting.


The autonomic nervous system includes all but which of the following? a. the parasympathetic division b. nerves, ganglia, and plexuses c. motor and sensory nerves d. the sympathetic division


The role of a collection agency is to: a. locate the daily or weekly skips. b. file a lawsuit against non-paying patients. c. collect some or all of the amount due for a fee or percentage of the recovery. d. obtain recovery in bankruptcy proceedings.


The science of the function of cells, tissues, and organs of the body is called which of the following? a. pathophysiology b. anatomy c. physiology d. homeostasis


What type of claim is automatically forwarded from Medicare to a secondary insurer after Medicare has paid its portion of a service in the EHR? a. Crosswalk claim b. Primary claim c. Crossover claim d. Resubmitted claim


Secretions from endocrine glands are known as: a. goiters. b. insulin. c. adrenalines. d. hormones.


The space between a neuron dendrite and the next neuron axon is called which of the following? a. axon terminal b. neurotransmitter c. membrane potential d. synapse


What kind of tissue is found throughout the body and serves as the body's communication network? a. Muscle b. Cellular c. Organ d. Nerve


What punctuation is used to formally introduce a word, a list, a statement or question, a series of statements, or a long quotation? a. Semi-colon b. Ellipsis c. Apostrophe d. Colon


What type of cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer deaths among American women? a. Breast b. Uterine c. Cervical d. Ovarian



behind the stomach

A conventional cell is composed of a fluid called ______ and is surrounded by a cell membrane.


In order to work with culturally diverse patients, the medical assistant must have an understanding of hereditary, cultural and _____ influences on behavior


GH (growth hormone)

essential for normal growth

Which individuals are recommended to receive a seasonal flu vaccine?


Time slots that are blocked off in the scheduled may be referred to as _______ which can be used to return patient phone calls.

flex time


it carries out both antibacterial and antiviral activity

Hepatitis is an inflammation and infection of the ______ that can result in cell destruction and death.


The leading cause of cancer deaths among men and women is

lung cancer

Malignant melanoma is a neoplasm that develops from the pigment producing


Hearing loss is a condition of reduced ability to perceive sound at ______ levels


When a patient requires multiple procedures or must arrange to see more than one provider in the office or medical center, coordinate all the appointments _______ when possible

on the same day

A neuron may have many dendrites but only ______ axon



scanty urinary output


the machine resembles a large white tube and uses powerful magnets to generate pictures

What is the standard claim form used for billing in medical offices? a. CMS-1500 b. CMS-1450 c. EDI-1500 d. EDI-1450


What type of employee review is indicated with a PIP? a. When an employee's performance does not meet minimum expectations. b. Peer review c. Annual performance review d. Probationary regular


Which common form of arthritis results in progressive deterioration of joint cartilage, most often at the hips and knees? a. Osteoarthritis b. Rheumatoid c. Psoriatic d. Gouty


Which of these means abnormal, painful, or difficult? a. iso- b. anti- c. dys- d. post-


Which is the third step in filing, and is done by marking the index identifier on the papers to be filed? a. Indexing b. Coding c. Sorting d. Inspecting


Where is the pancreas located? a. Behind the gallbladder b. In front of the stomach c. In front of the gallbladder d. Behind the stomach


Which layer of skin contains blood vessels, nerves, hair follicles, sweat, and oil glands? a. subcutaneous b. hypodermia c. epidermis d. dermis


Which of the following aids in the maturing of sperm and causes many changes in the male body as it circulates in the blood stream? a. Zygote b. Estrogen c. Estradiol d. Testosterone


Which of the following is the hormone made in the pancreas and released into the bloodstream as glucose rises? a. Testosterone b. Progesterone c. Estrogen d. Insulin


Which of the following is treated with systemic antibiotics in addition to localized heat applications and drainage? a. furuncle b. herpes zoster c. subcutaneous d. carbuncle


In your role as office manager, how often should you check in personally with provider(s) to see whether special issues need attention? a. Daily b. At monthly provider/staff meetings c. During weekly stand up/huddles d. No specific schedule; providers reach out to managers on an as-needed basis


What should you provide to a patient in advance of a costly medical expense? a. Cost estimate sheet b. Advanced directive c. Insurance company billing number d. Advanced beneficiary notice


What was the intent of the HITECH Act? a. Promoting the adoption and meaningful use of health information technology b. Decreasing or eliminating errors related to poor or illegible handwriting c. Abolishing the need to secure patient files d. Eliminating the need for transcription


Which of the following is a method by which a provider can be relieved of the duty of care for a particular patient? a. The patient complains about the care they received. b. The patient believes they have been overcharged for services. c. The doctor objects to the patient's religious beliefs. d. The doctor retires and assigns care of the patient to another physician in the practice.


Which of the following is a prominent symptom of Addison's disease? a. High blood pressure b. Dry skin c. Weakness d. Sudden weight gain


Which of the following is a secondary sex characteristic produced by estrogen? a. Decreased sexual desire b. Deposits of fat in the abdomen c. Broadening of the pelvis d. Excessive hair growth


Which of the following is within the medical assistant's scope of practice? a. Recommending a diagnosis b. Prescribing over-the-counter medication c. Obtaining patient history d. Performing a physical assessment


Which of the health care professional uses radionuclides to diagnose and treat diseases? a. radiological technician b. radiologist c. nuclear medicine technologist d. ultrasound technician


Which type of claim is automatically forwarded from Medicare to a secondary insurer after Medicare has paid its portion of a service? a. Medicaid claim b. Private pay c. Crossover claim d. Electronically tracked claim


Bursitis is: a. an inflammation of the tendon-muscle attachment. b. the result of misaligned posture. c. an inflammation of the smooth muscle. d. an inflammation of the coverings of the muscles and tendons at a joint.


Prefixes commonly indicate a(n): a. disorder. b. organ. c. size. d. location.

D, B

Having policies and procedures in place that identify and protect reasonably anticipated threats to the security or integrity of the information and to protect against reasonably anticipated, impermissible uses or disclosures, applies to compliance within which HIPAA rule? a. Privacy Rule b. Safety Rule c. Security Rule d. Technology Rule


Herpes simplex refers to lesions that do which of the following? a. spread around one side of the body b. are located around the nose and mouth c. are located on mucous membranes d. are located in the genital area


The mechanical process of removing waste products from the blood normally removed by the kidneys is known as: a. voiding cystogram. b. intravenous pyelogram. c. dialysis. d. cystoscopy.


The purpose of a Good Samaritan Act is to: a. require citizens to provide aid in the event of an emergency. b. pay for health care for anyone who is injured in an accident. c. protect the medical provider who gives emergency care from liability for any civil damages. d. avoid having to render aid if it violates your religious beliefs.


The red marrow in the spongy areas of the long bones, the ribs, and the vertebrae produces millions of which type of blood cells each minute? a. platelets b. white c. red d. leukocytes


What does the "CM" stand for in ICD-10-CM? a. CPT module b. Coding manifestation c. Clinical modification d. Continuous modification


Otosclerosis affects twice as many females as males, usually between _____ years of age


A book in which a list of insurance claims is kept is known as a: a. manual insurance log. b. manual-entry system. c. clearinghouse. d. continuation sheet.


Which of the following represents an excellent example of how to answer a call with a smile? a. "Good afternoon, Eden Clinic, Leticia speaking, how may I help you?" b. "Good morning, Doctor Raman is with a patient. He always wants to hear from patients, so please hold on and I will interrupt him." c. "Good morning Mr. Ramos! Don't worry, I'm sure your test results are just fine." d. "Good morning, there are three calls ahead of you and I need to place you on a brief hold."


The largest part of the brain is which of the following? a. the parietal lobe b. the cerebellum c. the cerebrum d. the frontal lobe


Metastasis refers to the: a. size of a tumor b. place of a tumor c. growth of a tumor d. spread of a tumor to a new site


Money (cash or checks) put into an account, increasing the account balance, is known as a: a. debit balance. b. credit balance. c. withdrawal. d. deposit.


Myopia is a defect in vision that is also known as: a. 20/20 vision . b. farsightedness. c. 20/40 vision. d. nearsightedness.


Lymph nodes function like a(n): a. tracer. b. accelerator. c. inhibitor. d. filter.


When an account is overpaid, and a refund is required to be made back to the patient or to a health insurance plan by the medical facility, a(n) _______ balance exists


The two common methods of billing are monthly billing and _______ billing


What is the plural form of the word atrium? a. Atriums b. Atrices c. Atria d. Atrianges


What does-itis mean? a. Softening b. Enlargement c. Tumor d. Inflammation


Which influenza virus is the most lethal? a. Type B-1 b. Type C c. Type B d. Type A


Which of the following best represents a debit? a. Reflects the amount paid is greater than what was due b. A charge deducted from an existing balance c. Reflects that the amount paid is less than the total due d. A charge added to an existing balance


Which statement describes an emancipated minor? a. A person who is not legally an adult (18 years of age) but has obtained written parental permission to give consent and sign contracts. b. Enables the provider to ask questions of the young person in order to determine whether or not the minor has the maturity to provide his or her own consent for treatment. c. A person who is not legally an adult (18 years of age) and is free to give consent and sign contracts. d. A person who is not legally an adult (18 years of age) who is married, in the military, or otherwise no longer dependent on his or her parents.


Which type of Complementary Medicine identifies three types of energies that are present in all things? a. homeopathy b. acupuncture c. biofeedback d. ayurvedic medicine


Which is part of the lymphatic system? a. Skin b. Liver c. Stomach d. Spleen


Most cases of meningitis are caused by: a. viruses. b. fungi. c. bacterial. d. allergies.


Providers have been urged to send claims electronically since: a. 2005. b. 2010. c. 1986. d. 1996.


Which of the following terms is in its singular form? a. bacillus b. bacteria c. scapulae d. veins


Approximately how many days after delivery do glands begin to secrete milk? a. 5 b. 3 c. 2 d. 4


How many quarts of oxygen does the adult human carry in the blood, lungs and tissue?



undersurface of the brain in the sella turcica of the skull

In some practices, medical assistants might conduct preplanning visits, assist with referrals, and engage the patients in managing their own health care, under the supervision of the provider. This role is known as the patient navigator or patient _______


An endocrine gland secretes substances into: a. the bloodstream. b. the stomach. c. a duct. d. the lymph vessels.


Which of the following is a symptom of Cushing's syndrome? a. Obesity b. Lack of stretch marks c. Arms lose sensation d. Hypotension


Alzheimer's disease is characterized by which of the following? a. wasting away of the muscles b. gradual memory loss, personality change, inability to care for self c. involuntary shaking of the hands and head d. a sudden onset with weakness or paralysis


Bookkeeping is the process of which of _____. a. maintaining just the petty cash fund b. identifying, recording, and communicating economic events c. recording economic events d. analyzing and interpreting reported information


During infancy, muscles have: a. a large amount of connective tissue that decreases as they age. b. very little connective tissue. c. no connective tissue. d. the same amount of connective tissue as in adulthood.


How would you know if all items ordered have been received? a. Compare the invoice with the ledger. b. Compare the packing list with the invoice/statement. c. All shipments are recorded in the cost ratio. d. Subtract the net received from the gross amount ordered.


If a health care provider determines that more than one condition is causing a patient's illness, which of the following would be correct? a. diagnoseses b. diagnoses c. diagnosises d. diagnosis


If you are the first staff member to arrive at work, it will be necessary to enter the security code to the system before opening the door or enter the code on an internal keypad before the entrance delay period expires. However, you should do which of the following? a. Wait until there is another staff member present before entering the building. b. Be aware if there is anyone around you as you key in the code. c. Call the police if you cannot remember the code. d. Enter the office even if you see evidence of forced entry.


Improper setup of workstations or repetitive use of computer equipment (e.g., keyboarding) may: a. cause mental stress. b. result in physical injury. c. make you more efficient. d. help you enter more data.


In a health maintenance organization (HMO), why is the PCP considered a "gatekeeper?" a. Because patients are responsible for an out-of-pocket deductible b. Because the PCP must coordinate a patient's care and referral to a specialist c. Because the patient is responsible for 20% of the fee for all specialist referrals d. Because all HMO patients can self-refer to specialists


The acronym "HEAT" stands for: a. have information ready, be empathetic, take action, and take charge. b. hear them out, be empathetic, apologize, and take action. c. have information ready, express interest, act now, and take charge. d. hear them out, be expressive, annotate, and tell the patient what to do.


The cavities and hollow spaces within the brain are called which of the following? a. subdural space b. ventricles c. hypothalamus d. subarachnoid space


The cranium is actually a fusion of cranial bones, with the vital function of protecting the brain from injury. How many cranial bones are there? a. Ten b. Eight c. Four d. Six


The dobutamine stress test: a. is done on a treadmill. b. uses a drug to stress the heart. c. requires instillation of a radioactive material and a special camera. d. allows visualization of the coronary arteries.


The office policy manual does NOT include policies regarding: a. harassment. b. information technology. c. paid time off (PTO). d. opening and closing the office.


The olfactory organ is responsible for the sense of which of the following? a. taste b. smell c. hearing d. touch


The passageway for air which extends from the neck into the chest is known as the: a. bronchi. b. trachea. c. alveoli. d. bronchioles.


The pectoralis major muscle is located: a. in the abdomen. b. in the upper chest. c. in the neck and upper back. d. around the eye.


The percentage a patient pays for services after the deductible has been met is called: a. co-payment. b. coinsurance. c. deductible. d. fee for service


The perineum refers to the area: a. within the labia minora. b. between the vagina and anus. c. adjacent to the clitoris. d. around the urinary meatus.


The pituitary gland is attached by a thin stalk to the under-surface of the: a. thyroid. b. brain. c. ovaries. d. pancreas


The place where two or more bony parts join together is called which of the following? a. bursa b. articulation c. diarthrosis d. amphiarthrosis


The process of removing waste products and other elements from the blood is known as: a. secretion. b. excretion. c. elimination. d. ptosis.


The videonystagmograph diagnostic test is used to evaluate which of the following? a. the strength of the impulse in the auditory nerve b. balance c. intraocular pressure d. the need for a hearing aid


What is another name for the encounter form? a. Patient ledger b. Charge slip c. Business associate agreement d. Cost estimate sheet


What is the term that reflects that the amount paid is greater than was due, or the account is being paid in advance of service provided? a. Credit b. Credit balance c. Debit balance d. Debit


What role does saliva play in the mouth? a. Softens food in order to swallow b. Begins the breakdown of carbohydrates into sugar c. Detects bacteria in food d. Reduces the acidic level of foods


What should you do if a patient's check is returned after its initial deposit and is marked non-sufficient funds (NSF)? a. Redeposit the check without contacting the bank. b. Contact the bank to verify availability of funds. c. Return the check to the client with a bill. d. Call the patient or employer immediately.


What type of insurance covers loss due to theft, fire, and other damage? a. Group practice b. Structure coverage c. General liability d. Risk management


The body needs which vitamin to absorb and use calcium? a. C b. B c. D d. A


Which of the following organs eliminates waste products and non-digestible material? a. Stomach b. Esophagus c. Large intestine d. Pancreas


When using a sign-in sheet at the reception desk, the office should: a. include the patient's first and last name. b. request only the patient's first name. c. list the patient's name and the specific reason for visit. d. be avoided as it is no longer legal to request a sign-in.


Which disease attacks the brain and results in impaired memory, thinking, and behavior? a. Autism b. Alzheimer's c. Encephalitis d. Bell's palsy


Which form do providers use to indicate services they have provided? LO#13 a. Encounter bill b. Encounter form c. Super encounter form d. Invoice


Which muscle can be raised to express surprise or lowered to show a stern gaze? a. masseter b. frontalis c. orbicularis oris d. orbicularis oculi


Which of the follow factors may impede the communication process with a geriatric patient? a. decreased mobility b. decline in memory c. presence of family members d. inability to pay


Which of the following best describes a durable power of attorney? a. A statement of the patient's medical wishes regarding end-of-life care b. A legal document in which a patient gives another person the authority to make health care decisions on their behalf c. A legal attorney hired to advise the patient on medical procedures d. A written order by the patient stating not to resuscitate them in the event they stop breathing or their heart stops


Which of the following best describes nasal polyps? a. infected hair follicles b. benign growths in the nose c. protruding veins in the nose. d. malignant growths in the nose


Which of the following best describes the action of a stop payment? a. Cannot be generated via online banking features b. Should be used if a check is discovered missing c. Should not be used if there is a disagreement regarding a product or service received d. Bank must honor the check


Which of the following examinations is used to view the esophagus, stomach, and upper duodenum through a flexible scope? a. Sigmoidoscopy b. Gastroscopy c. Nuclear medicine study d. Proctoscopy


Which of the following have a strong digestive enzyme that consumes protein molecules such as those found in old worn cells, bacteria, or foreign matter? a. Centrioles b. Lysosomes c. Pinocytic vesicles d. Mitochondria


Which of the following is a characteristic of type 1 diabetes? a. Nervousness b. Increased thirst c. Weight gain d. Irritability


Which of the following is a form of incontinence? a. Intermittent b. Stress c. Constant d. Sporadic


Which of the following is true about Type 1 diabetes? a. It accounts for almost 95 percent of all patients diagnosed with diabetes. b. It is an autoimmune disease that eventually results in severe insulin deficiency. c. It is due to lifestyles that are associated with inactivity. d. Individuals are typically overweight.


Which of the following is true about how insulin works? a. It can cause kidney damage. b. It helps sugar to enter the body's cells. c. It causes the bladder to release stored glycogen into the blood. d. It causes a reduction of sugar to the body.


Which of the following is true about inspiration? a. it is performed when a person is unable to breathe through the mouth or nose b. air enters the body, eventually arriving in an alveolus c. CO2 exits from the bronchial tree and is exhaled from the body d. it is a device that measures the amount of air a patient breathes in and out


Which of the following is true about prefixes? a. they are used when a word is made plural b. they change or modify the word root in the medical term c. they indicate that a condition has worsened d. they indicate a more serious diagnosis


Which of the following occurs when a localized infection of an oil gland of the eyelid produces an abscess around an eyelash? a. iritis b. hordeolum c. cataract d. myopia


You are speaking to a patient face-to-face at the office and you need to answer the phone. What should you do? a. Ask your co-worker to answer the call so you can continue what you are doing with the patient in front of you. b. Say to the patient, "Excuse me for a moment, please," answer the phone call, and then place the caller on hold to continue what you were doing with the patient in front of you. c. Let the call go to voicemail so you can continue what you were doing with the patient in front of you. d. Say to the patient, "Excuse me for a moment, please," answer the phone call and finish with the patient on the phone.


A fungal infection of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat is called: a. glossitis. b. strep. c. oral cancer. d. candidiasis.


Accounts payable refers to the: a. monthly total of wages paid to employees. b. amount of money that is owed to the practice from insurance companies. c. medical bills that are sent to insurance carriers. d. total amount of money the practice owes to vendors.


After time of service, how would you next attempt collection of the patient's payment? a. By transferring the account to a collection agency b. Through requesting payment at the patient's next visit c. Through sending a collection letter to the patient d. By a telephone call to the patient


Aphonia means which of the following? a. a condition of no recording b. a condition of painful speech c. a condition of no speech d. a condition of no voice


Certain formatting standards must be considered when preparing a letter. Which of the following would be considered a key point? a. The name of the city and the state are fully spelled out. b. Use "Dr." before the physician's name when "MD" follows. c. Do not use abbreviations in the address. d. If a street address and box number are given, use the box number.


Cirrhosis is a disease of the: a. stomach. b. pancreas. c. gallbladder. d. liver.


Deep breathing, diet and exercise and journaling are which type of coping skills? a. defense mechanisms b. short term c. nonadaptive d. adaptive


Dividing the body vertically down the front will result in a right and a left half. What is this imaginary line known as? a. Proximal b. Lateral c. Ventral d. Midsagittal


Enlarged thyroid, nervousness, and weight loss are symptoms of: a. Cushing's syndrome. b. Addison's disease. c. myxedema. d. Grave's disease.


Forcing painful ideas or impulses into the subconscious is known as: a. regression. b. projection. c. compensation. d. repression.


Foreign materials, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites are all: a. cancers. b. antibodies. c. allergies. d. antigens


How many types of lupus are there? a. one b. two c. four d. three


How often is the International Classification of Diseases updated? a. Only when changes are needed b. Every year c. Every five years d. Every ten years


Identify which of the following examples is a type of form letter. a. Reply to the AMA regarding provider speaking engagement b. Read out of staff meeting c. Provider memo to office manager regarding vacation schedule d. Work status note


If the assets of a medical practice add up to $20,000, and its liabilities add up to $5,000, what is the net worth of the medical practice? a. $4,000 b. $1,500 c. $25,000 d. $15,000


If the combination form or word root begins with a vowel, a basic rule to remember is that the most appropriate prefix that is applicable would end in what? a. a noun b. a vowel c. an adjective d. a consonant


If there is a serious telephone emergency that cannot be handled in the facility, it is best to: a. notify the practice insurance company. b. notify the provider's staff. c. notify the patient's insurance company. d. refer the patient to an emergency medical service.


Parkinson's disease causes which of the following? a. permanent muscle contracture and underdevelopment b. weakness and paralysis on one side of the face c. severe headache, sensitivity to light, and nausea d. muscle rigidity, drooling, and hand tremors


Prior to sending any claims to a third party for reimbursement, you should be certain that you have a copy of: a. the patient's family health history. b. the patient's lab results. c. signed notice of privacy practices from the patient. d. the patient's insurance card.


Progesterone is a hormone secreted by the: a. pineal gland. b. testes. c. pituitary gland. d. ovaries.


Sometimes all lines ring continually. Basic guidelines for handling several ringing lines include which of the following? a. Remain on the current call and allow additional calls to go to voicemail. b. Ask the caller you are speaking with if you can take a message and call them later. c. Ask a coworker to answer the additional ringing lines. d. Excuse yourself and ask the caller you are speaking with if you may place him or her on hold.


The Achilles tendon: a. permits a person to sit cross-legged. b. attaches the quadriceps femoris to the knee. c. permits flexion of the biceps. d. attaches the gastrocnemius to the heel.


The check register is kept by the: a. practice manager. b. person who receives the check. c. bank. d. person who writes the check.


The collar bone is also known as the: a. scapula. b. sternum. c. xiphoid. d. clavicle.


The defense mechamism where an individual justifies their behavior with socially acceptable reasons is: a. projection. b. intellectualization. c. repression. d. rationalization.


The person who records the financial transactions of the business is the: a. medical assistant. b. physician. c. receptionist. d. bookkeeper.


The pineal body is believed to produce a substance called: a. insulin. b. metabolism. c. cretinism. d. melatonin.


The structures of the bronchial tree are contained in an organ known as the: a. heart. b. liver. c. trachea. d. lung


The structures within the nucleus are called: a. membranes. b. organelles. c. ribosomes. d. chromosomes


The tympanic membrane is also known as: a. incus. b. pinna. c. stapes. d. eardrum.


What is the plural form of the word apex? a. Apexa b. Apenges c. Apexes d. Apices


What is the term for a check made out with a future date? a. Voucher check b. Money order c. Traveler's check d. Postdated check


What type of progress note is organized and entered based on where medical documentation came from, whether from a provider, laboratory, or other source? a. SOAP note b. CHEDDAR note c. HPIP note d. POMR note


When a medical practice is relocating it is MOST important to notify its: a. affiliated hospitals. b. biohazardous waste removal service. c. linen service. d. patients.


When should you make personal phone calls? a. When out of patient view b. When it is an urgent issue c. Between patient visits d. During your breaks


Where does tendonitis usually occur? a. Biceps, triceps, or hands b. Spine, neck, and arms c. Bone tissue, shoulder, or feet d. Shoulder, hip, heel, or hamstrings


Which diagnostic examination is used to examine the flow of urine from the bladder and through the urethra? a. Intravenous pyelogram b. Ultrasound c. X-ray d. Voiding cystourethrography


Which of the following body systems is involved in cystic fibrosis? a. Endocrine b. Digestive c. Respiratory d. Endocrine, digestive, and respiratory


Which of the following is a function of melanin? a. fight skin infections b. breaks down skin oils c. treat cancers of the skin d. protect the underlying tissues from damage by the sun


Which of the following is a protein found in plasma? a. White blood cells b. Hemoglobin c. Red blood cells d. Fibrinogen


Which of the following is a risk factor for colorectal cancer? a. high protein diet b. sudden weight loss c. obesity d. family history of polyps


Which of the following is a system of health care that integrates the delivery and payment of health care for covered persons by contracting with selected providers for comprehensive health care services at a reduced cost? a. Fee-for-service b. Affordable Care Act c. Private pay d. Managed care


Which of the following is defined as the process by which food is broken down, mechanically and chemically? a. Elimination b. Absorption c. Ingestion d. Digestion


Which of the following is removed with forceps or tweezers at the mouth part? a. Scabies b. Flea c. Mites d. Tick


Which of the following of Maslow's stages describes being a problem solver with a great emphasis on family and long-term relationships? a. esteem b. physiological needs c. safety and security d. self-Actualization


Which of the following of Maslow's stages describes you being a problem solver with a great emphasis on family and long-term relationships? a. Safety and security b. Physiological needs c. Esteem d. Self-Actualization


Which of the following provides critical information required for scheduling patient procedures? a. Claim scrubber software b. Adjudication receipts c. Real time adjudication d. Eligibility check


Which of the following refers to the financial side of the medical practice? a. Explanation of benefits b. Encounter form c. Cash control sheet d. Revenue cycle


Which type of software allows a medical office to schedule appointments, record patient demographics and insurance information, verify eligibility, scrub outgoing claims prior to submission, process claims, check claim status, monitor contracts for underpayment, and generate financial reports? a. Electronic insurance billing software b. Accounts payable software c. Provider management software d. Practice management software


Who does the patient's chart legally belong to? a. The patient's employer b. The patient c. The insurance company paying for services d. The provider or practice


A person with which of the following conditions tends to become overweight and has trouble with balance and posture due to lack of muscle tone in their limbs as they age? a. hemochromatosis b. hemophilia. c. down syndrome d. dwarfism


A surgical removal of the foreskin may be performed on a male infant to prevent accumulation of the smegma, thereby avoiding bothersome infections later in life. This is also known as: a. prostatectomy. b. vasectomy. c. circumcision. d. foreskinectomy.


All of the following are clinical skills EXCEPT a. Phlebotomy b. Wrapping instruments c. Filing patient records d. Administering medications


An intravenous pyelography is a(n): a. X-ray to determine urine flow. b. blood test. c. X-ray study with contrast media. d. noninvasive procedure.


Endometrium ablation is used for which of the following conditions? a. Uterine cancer b. Cervical cancer c. Excessive vaginal bleeding d. Infertility


How many objectives are there in the Medicare Promoting Interoperability program scoring methodology? a. Sixteen b. Two c. Four d. Eight


If a Medicare patient is being provided with a service that might not be covered, what should the office do? a. Have the patient sign a waiver b. Not provide the service c. Have the patient sign an ABN d. Have the patient call Medicare


If a patient has oliguria, it means that they produce: a. excessive urine. b. foul-smelling urine. c. little urine. d. discolored urine.


If a service is not documented within the medical record, then: a. review the chief complaint to determine if additional codes should be added. b. you should add a service or procedure to the medical record. c. it should not be coded. d. ask the clinical medical assistant if any other services or procedures were performed.


If the current A/R balance is $100,000, and the average monthly gross production is $20,000, what is the A/R ratio? a. 0.2 b. 0.5 c. 5.0 d. 8.0


Part ______ is the segment of Medicare that enables beneficiaries to select a managed care plan as their primary coverage.


Part of opening the office is to check the exam rooms for cleanliness, even if they were cleaned the night before. Why would you recommend checking again in the morning? a. In case someone broke into the office during the night. b. In case the cleaning team from the night before skipped a room. c. In case the physician saw a patient in the office after hours. d. In case the cleaning crew from the night before did a poor job.


Part of the medical assistant's role in patient education includes: a. demonstrating suture removal. b. prescribing medications. c. discussing health maintenance. d. authorizing procedures.


People with monochromatism see only: a. red and green. b. red, blue, and green. c. black, white, and gray. d. brown and orange.


Pulmonary edema occurs when: a. tissue fluids leak out of the alveoli. b. blood pressure decreases within the blood vessels. c. fluid accumulates within the tissues of the lung. d. the pulmonary artery becomes enlarged


Specific segments of DNA molecules that are located on the chromosomes in the cell nucleus are known as: a. ribosomes. b. keloids. c. genes. d. centrioles.


The Doppler ultrasound: a. measures cardiac output. b. determines leaking heart valves. c. evaluates disease in major blood vessels. d. can diagnose coronary artery disease.


The amount of a non-covered service, the deductible, or out-of-pocket requirements is noted on the EOB as: a. claims payment. b. non-covered charge. c. not allowed amount. d. coinsurance amount


The combining forms ili/o, lamin/o, mandibul/o, and maxill/o pertain to which body system? a. integumentary b. lymphatic c. musculoskeletal d. cardiovascular


The common set of standards that are generally accepted and universally practiced in accounting is known as what? a. Generally accepted accounting standards b. A/P minus A/R c. Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) d. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)


The corpus luteum is a(n): a. immature graafian follicle. b. primary follicle. c. mature ovum. d. follicle after ovulation occurs.


The epiglottis: a. is attached to the upper pharynx. b. is above the tongue. c. covers the opening to the larynx when swallowing. d. vibrates to make speech.


The extensor muscle that straightens the elbow is known as: a. deltoid. b. biceps. c. triceps. d. femoris.


The suffix in the term cardiology is____________, and ____________ is the medical term. a. -logy, the study of b. -logy, formation of a new opening c. -ology, the study of d. -ology, formation of a new opening


The suffix in the term rhinitis is ____________, and it is defined as a __________ condition. a. -is, inflammation b. -is, abnormal c. -itis, inflammation d. -itis, abnormal


The various codes of ethics and standards of practice set forth a general standard of behavior. They do not, and cannot be expected to, provide guidance for every specific question that can arise. Thus, the medical assistant must do which of the following? a. seek legal advice before acting. b. seek advice from the AAMA after the fact. c. use his or her best judgment regarding the application of ethical considerations to any given situation. d. ask a co-worker and follow his or her advice


What is the name of the legislation that passed in 2010 which mandates minimum coverage that must be offered by every health insurer and requires every American to purchase health insurance, or face fines, taxes, and penalties? a. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act b. The Affordability and Accountability Act c. The Affordable Care Act d. The Patient-Centered Medical Home Act


What is the thickest and strongest tendon that attaches a muscle in the calf of the leg to the heel bone? a. Patella b. pectoralis c. Achilles d. trapezius


When a bank statement is received, you should verify that the amounts on the bank statement are consistent or compatible with the amounts contained in the office's check register. This process of confirming the amounts is referred to as: a. certifying. b. balancing. c. reconciling. d. journaling.


Which of the following defines the role of the patient advocate or navigator? a. keeps the patients' medical records b. acts on behalf of the provider c. assists the patient or acts on behalf of the patient d. drives the patient to appointments


Which of the following describes hair loss characterized by patchy, incomplete areas of hair loss with many broken hairs, primarily on the scalp, but also involving other areas, such as the eyebrows? a. alopecia b. nonscarring alopecia c. trichotillomania d. areata (idiopathic)


Which of the following describes the part of the nervous system that controls internal organs and other self-regulating body functions? a. Central b. Peripheral c. Autonomic d. Sensory


Which of the following is a general rule for assigning CPT codes? a. Always code directly from the index. b. Note the code(s) found in the tabular section for the main term or subterm(s). c. Always cross-reference the code or codes found in the index with the actual code descriptions. d. Identify the main term in the tabular section.


Which of the following is a record of all charges or services rendered, any payments made by the patient or the insurance carrier, and any adjustments, included with the specific dates of these entries? a. Practice management system b. Charge slip c. Patient ledger d. Journal


Which of the following is an example of when to use a modifier? a. Patient visits the cardiologist and has a stress test scheduled the following week b. Attach a modifier to ICD-10-CM codes to signify multiple procedures noted on the visit capture/encounter form with a physician assistant c. A stress test is performed the same day as a cardiology visit due to shortness of breath d. Attach a modifier to ICD-10-CM codes to signify multiple diagnoses noted on the visit capture/encounter form for a patient visit with a nurse practitioner


Which of the following is best practice when coaching patients by providing patient education? a. Do not repeat information that is included in writing. b. Avoid providing written materials. c. Adapt communication based on the patient's individual needs. d. Treat patients the same regardless of developmental life stages.


Which of the following is the most common form of anemia? a. thrombotic b. allergic c. low iron d. low oxygen


Which of the following tasks would you perform when closing the office at the end of the workday? a. Turn on computers and office equipment. b. Observe room temperature and plug in any disconnected electrical equipment. c. Clean and restock each examination room. d. Retrieve messages from the answering service/answering machine.


Which of these is a common benefit of being involved in a professional organization? a. Professional discounts b. Automatic certifications c. Licensure d. Opportunities for selling product


Which of these is a symptom of sinusitis? a. Blurred vision b. Nausea c. Fever d. Muscle aches


Which of these is an example of an offense that a physician is required to report to the authorities? a. Dog bite b. Theft c. Child abuse d. Substance abuse


Which of these is an invasive tumor with metastatic potential? a. malignant melanoma b. superficial carcinoma c. squamous cell carcinoma d. basal cell carcinoma


Which of these terms refers to "below the stomach?" a. Inguinal b. Umbilical c. Hypogastric d. Epigastric


Which organization offers the Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) certification? a. American Medical Technologists (AMT) b. American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) c. National Healthcareer Association (NHA) d. National Center for Competency Testing (NCCT) Hide Feedback


Which section of CPT is used by almost every provider specialty? a. Radiology b. Anesthesia c. Evaluation and management d. Surgery


Which structural level of the human body consists of atoms and molecules? a. tissue level b. cellular level c. chemical level d. organism level


Which test is used to evaluate balance function? a. Presbycucis b. MRI c. Videonystagmography d. Myringotomy


Which test measures glucose levels at four to six weeks of pregnancy? a. Human chorionic gonadotropin b. Fasting blood sugar c. Glucose tolerance d. Hemoglobin A1c


Which type of bank account involves the use of a passbook? a. Checking account b. Cryptocurrency account c. Savings account d. Senior citizen checking account


Cretinism is an endocrine disorder of the _____ gland


LH (luteinizing hormone)

causes the ruptured ovarian follicle to become corpus luteum

The exact cause of _______ is unknown



lower portion of the anterior neck

The peripheral nerve endings of sensory nerves that respond to stimuli are


Glossitis is an inflammation of the


A certified check is: a. a check that has been stamped by the bank to show that the bank is holding the amount in reservice until the check is cashed. b. virtual currency to pay a supplier. c. a check written from the bank to the party specified after the purchaser pays the bank the full amount of the check. d. a check paid directly from a checking account using the bank's app or website.


An insurance adjustment is the difference in amount from what the provider charged and the: a. contracted amount with a particular insurance company. b. explanation of benefits. c. remittance advice. d. net claim benefit.


Tom earns $500, has $125 withheld, and is given a check for $375. What is Tom's net pay? a. $375 b. $125 c. $500 d. $275


What is meant by a purposeful antigen introduction? a. A deliberate introduction of the antigen into the body b. A vaccination reaction c. A vaccination of inert materials d. A removal of antigen from the body


What is the first step in posting a payment to a patient's account? a. Pull up the patient's account on the computerized program. b. Ask the patient how much they would like to pay. c. Print a receipt for the copayment. d. Verify the amount due with the physician.


Which condition may be treated by placing a medicinal patch on the skin? a. motion sickness b. obesity c. cancer d. blood clots


Which fungus may affect the scalp (tinea capitis), the body (tinea corporis), or other areas, such as the groin, beard, or feet? a. ringworm b. histoplasmosis c. candidiasis d. onychomycosis


Which law specifies that the provider is required to provide detailed description of finance charges when an agreement is made between the provider and a patient for payment in more than four installments? a. Truth in Lending Act b. Affordable Care Act c. Consumer Protection Agency d. The Patient's Bill of Rights


Which of the following conditions is characterized by abnormal bleeding, which may be mild to severe depending on the degree of the clotting deficiency? a. hemophilia b. Turner's syndrome c. Klinefelter's syndrome d. hemochromatosis


Which of the following is a cause of acute glomerulonephritis? a. An untreated throat infection b. Congenital disorders c. E. coli from the rectum d. Prolonged limited activity


lumbar puncture

a spinal needle is inserted into the subarachnoid space between the vertebrae of the lower back, and CSF is removed for examination.

is the obligation or the promise that a medical office owes to its creditors for buying goods or services.

accounts payable

Lung ventilation scan

an examination of the lung following intravenous injection of a radioactive contrast medium to provide a visual image of pulmonary blood flow

interventional hysterosalpingography

an x-ray examination of a woman's uterus and fallopian tube

Amphtericin B

aspergillus fungal infection


believed to regulate B cell activity

Streptococcus or Staphylococcus aureus bacteria is usually the cause of


The substance in the blood from the metabolism of fats in the diet is called


Fibromyalgia syndrome

chronic musculoskeletal condition characterized by widespread pain

A form a patient signs that authorizes other individuals to receive information regarding the patient's care is called a _______form.

confidential communication preference

Which body system is the group of organs that changes food that has been eaten into a form that can be used by the body's cells?


the _______ is one of the two most common financial statements?

income statement

The pulse oximeter is a small electronic device that fits over the end of the ______ and is connected by a wire to a machine.

index finger

Polycystic kidney disease is a(n) _____ diorder


If a doctor, provider, or supplier doesn't accept assignment of Medicare insurance, they are referred to as ________ providers


The circulatory system transports oxygen and _______ to the body's cells


The prime symptom of ulcerative colitis is _____ bloody diarrhea.


Why is it that hydrochloric acid secreted by gastric glands does not destroy the stomach?

the mucus layer protects the gastric cells from acid injury

What portion of the energy calories needed each day are supplied by carbohydrates?


Pneumonia is classified in several ways: by microbiological origin, by location, or by



under the sternum

The tube leading from the bladder to an exit from the body is the


What is the methodology of the resource-based relative value scale? a. To create the Medicare provider fee schedule b. To create the relative value units a provider can charge for c. To account for capitation of services d. To value each diagnosis the provider can select for Medicare patients


What is the most common paper claim form or format used in the medical office? a. CMS-1500 b. UB-04 c. CMS-1450 d. CPT-1450


What is the name of the physician specialist who looks after patients admitted to the hospital? a. hospitalist b. physician partner c. physiatrist d. hospital physician


What is the purpose of the Medicare PI Program? a. To promote interoperability b. To pay incentives to all providers regardless of the EHR system they use c. To promote accurate billing and coding d. To pay EHR vendors bonuses for using SOAP note format in charting


What is the term that reflects that the amount paid is less than the total due? a. Debit balance b. Debit c. Credit d. Credit balance


What is the term used for the cash we use in our society? a. Currency b. Coin c. Debits d. Dollars


What is the treatment for cervicitis? a. Antibiotics b. Bed rest c. Aspirin d. There is no treatment


What is used to endorse checks when they are received? a. Restrictive endorsement b. Unrestrictive endorsement c. Rubber stamp d. Blank endorsement


What kind of test is used to identify pyelonephritis (kidney infection)? a. Urinalysis b. CT scan c. X-ray d. Blood test


What percent of the approved amount will Medicare pay after the deductible is satisfied? a. 80 b. 20 c. 40 d. 100


What should you do if the practice is participating with the patient's insurance plan and the patient owes a copay at the time of service? a. Collect only the copay. b. Collect the full amount of service after the visit. c. Collect the full amount of the service before the visit. d. Bill the patient for the copay and any amount the insurer does not cover


What should you say to a patient who calls on the telephone and asks to speak directly with the provider? a. "The doctor is with a patient right now; may I take a message." b. "Can you call back in about 15 minutes?" c. "I am unable to interrupt him right now?" d. "The doctor is busy right now."


What term describes the transfer of information from one record to another (this might be an automated process, depending on the electronic system in place)? a. Posting b. Charges c. Debits d. Editing


What type of check will be marked void if written over a certain amount? a. Limited check b. Voucher check c. Certified check d. Stale check


When a person is paralyzed on the right side there may be damage where? a. The left side of the brain b. The right side of the brain c. On the top of the brain d. Both sides of the brain


When a stethoscope is used to listen to the heartbeat, two distinct sounds can be heard. This is called: a. lub, dub. b. dub, dub. c. lub, bub. d. hub, bub.


When is Phenylketonuria (PKU) testing performed? a. at birth b. at the age of 13 c. at 5 years of age d. any time after the 18th birthday


When it is necessary to collect a bill owed by a deceased patient, who is the statement sent to? a. The estate of the deceased in care of any known next of kin at the patient's last known address b. The nearest living relative c. The person(s) listed as the emergency contact d. The insurance company and any remaining balance due is written off


When patients are hospitalized but do not have the means to pay for hospital expenses and do not qualify for any government program, many health care organizations will offer: a. charity care. b. less costly services. c. expedited discharge. d. professional waivers.


When the phone rings in the office, someone should answer each line as soon as possible, or at least by which of the following? a. By the third ring b. Three times during the hour c. Before the manager answers it d. Every time it rings by the same person


When you post a nonsufficient funds (NSF) check, you will: a. add the amount of the NSF check back to the patient's account. b. add the amount of the NSF check to the office's checking account. c. decrease the patient's account balance by the same NSF amount. d. waive bank fees.


Which method of treatment for infertility is described in the following sentence? The eggs are retrieved through a needle inserted into the ovaries, fertilized with sperm in a laboratory, and placed into the uterus. a. Invitro fertilization b. Gamete intrafallopian transfer c. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection d. Artificial insemination


Which of the following is the proper way to make a correction to a progress note entry? a. Use edit/addendum in an electronic record. b. In paper records, use white-out over the incorrect information and then write in the correct information. c. Delete the incorrect information in the electronic record, then re-enter the correct data. d. Use a black marker to delete the incorrect information in the paper record.


Which of the following is true about the second stage of labor? a. The cervix is completely dilated, and the head of the baby moves into the vagina. b. The placenta becomes detached and is delivered. c. The cervix is dilated between 2-5 centimeters. d. The child is delivered in this stage.


Which of the following may lead to limited error reporting? a. A punitive environment b. A blameless culture c. Process improvement d. The management taking a "systems" approach


Which of the following patient visits should take no more than 15 minutes on the schedule? a. Blood pressure check b. Annual physical c. Surgical post op d. New patient exam


Which of the following phrases can help resolve conflict? a. I understand what you're saying. b. You need to be stronger. c. You should get professional help. d. I have had that happen to me.


Which of the following refers to the study of those features that can be observed with the naked eye by inspection and dissection? a. Gross anatomy b. Microscopic anatomy c. Anatomic d. Pathophysiology


Which of the following requires special consent for release of information? a. Genetic testing b. Records released to dispute insurance company denial. c. Records released to a provider participating in coordination of care d. Physical therapy records


Which of the following specialty services provided by the USPS provides a proof of mailing at the time of mailing and the date and time of delivery or attempted delivery? a. Certified b. Registered c. USPS tracking d. Certificate of mailing


Which of the following statements best describes criminal law? a. exclusively statutory b. failed to perform an act required by law c. an act prohibited by law d. demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence


Which of the following statements best describes the indexing rules accurately? a. Requires you to make a decision about the name, subject, or other identifier b. Reports are divided into negative/normal and positive/abnormal for the provider to read c. Is the first step in filing records d. If name, subject, or a number appears on the paper, underline or circle it, preferably with a colored pencil or a color highlighter


Which of the following steps should be used when trying to diffuse and resolve a matter with a difficult or uncooperative patient? a. Let the patient vent. b. Ask a colleague to step in. c. Tell the patient to keep their concerns to themselves d. Leave the patient alone.


Which of the following would convey a positive attitude? a. smile b. fist c. frown d. clenched teeth


Which of these is an appendage of the skin? a. Hair b. Adrenal glands c. Muscles d. Lymph nodes


Which statement best defines atherosclerosis? a. Thickening of the lining of the arterial wall b. Presence of fatty deposits on the artery lining c. Replacement of muscular artery tissue by fibrous tissue and calcification d. Scarring of the arterial lining


Which term is used to describe a disease that affects large numbers of individuals in a population? a. Epidemic b. Virus c. Epidemiology d. Plague


Which type of medical setting is typically open seven days a week? a. Urgent care b. Primary care c. Secondary care d. Specialty care


Which type of scheduling might be most helpful to streamline evaluations of patients with similar complaints? a. Cluster b. Wave c. Double-booking d. Streaming


Who establishes Statutes of Limitations? a. Each state b. Local and county jurisdictions c. The hospital or provider d. The Federal government


Whose Social Security number is used as the insurance plan ID number? a. Policy holder b. Patient c. Employer d. Physician


Why is it important to inventory supplies in the medical office? a. To maintain a threshold level b. To keep below par level c. To align orders with costs of supplies d. To make sure providers sign out supplies and medications


Within the ambulatory setting, which of the following keeps patients healthier, keeps medical conditions from worsening, and can reduce the need for hospitalization? a. Patient education b. Patient exercise c. Patient intervention d. Patient nutrition


You should learn how to proceed logically through a set of questions that will reveal the caller's condition and help determine, if necessary, how soon the patient should be seen by a provider. This process is called: a. telephone screening. b. diagnosis screening. c. obtaining a chief complaint. d. patient interviewing.


Prostatic Specific Antigen (PSA)

A blood test used to measure the amount of antigen present

An employee planning to leave his or her job should notify the employer at least_________ before leaving

2 week

How many pints of blood are in the average adult body?

8 to 10

Which of the following describes the role of an ACO? a. A group of doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers, like the PCMH model who together coordinate high-quality care to their Medicare patients. b. A system of health care that integrates the delivery and payment of health care for covered persons (patients, or subscribers) by contracting with selected providers for comprehensive health care services at a reduced cost. c. Provides health care with an emphasis on prevention. d. Care centers that take care of patients with acute illness or injury and those with minor emergencies.


Which of the following does the hypothalamus perform? a. Controls blood pressure b. Promotes growth of the brain c. Limits growth as needed d. Increases appetite


Which of the following has the U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division-National Task Force on Violence Against Health Care Providers recommended for medical facilities? a. Install dead bolt locks on office doors leading to hallways and other public areas b. Install a screen on the waiting room entry door c. Post a security system logo in your window d. Only allow screened parties to enter the facility


Which of the following is a chronic systemic inflammatory autoimmune disease that affects the joints and the surrounding muscles, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels? a. Rheumatoid arthritis b. Lymphedema c. Lupus d. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Which of the following is a disadvantage of using an outside billing service to handle patient accounts? a. You do not have records in your office of current balances for your patients. b. You are required to have an agreement with the billing service and Medicare in order to participate. c. Statements and accounts frequently cross in the mail. d. You do not have to have personnel designated to handle billing and collections.


Which of the following is a good example of coaching an employee? a. Use more "you" statements than "I" statements to reduce defensiveness. b. Letting the employee know that they are at risk of disciplinary action. c. Address the employees shortcomings in the staff meeting. d. Ask an HR representative to attend the meeting with the employee.


Which of the following is a non-antibody protein that regulates the immune process? a. Cytokines b. Monokines c. Interleukins d. Interferons


Which of the following is a transparent extension of the sclera that lies in front of the pupil? a. cornea b. receptor c. stapes d. cataract


Which of the following is an example of a common exception in the usual billing and collection procedures? a. A physical examination of a patient for a life insurance policy b. Medicaid claims c. Mammogram screening d. The annual physical examination


Which of the following is an example of a write-off? a. A professional courtesy discount b. A professional account receivable c. The cost of damaged items d. A patient's account payable


Which of the following is an example of coaching a patient as it relates to community resources? a. Providing the patient with information on local support groups. b. Offering the patient advice on choice of providers. c. Scheduling the patient for all follow up appointments. d. Giving the patient a printed biography of their physician.


Which of the following is an example of implied consent? a. a patient gives verbal consent b. a provider performs emergency surgery on a new patient who has lost consciousness c. a patient signs paperwork consenting to treatment d. a parent signs paperwork consenting to treatment for their minor child


Which of the following is considered personal health information protected from unauthorized disclosure under HIPAA? a. Information related to a patient's past mental health. b. Deidentified photographs of a patient published in a medical journal. c. Information included in a study that cannot be used to identify the patient. d. Posts the patient makes on social media sites.


Which of the following is contained in the patient's billing record? a. A record of all payments, charges, and adjustments b. A record of only charges or services rendered c. A record of professional discounts provided to Medicare patients d. A record of only payments made by the insurance company


Which of the following is generated and received electronically in the EHR? a. Laboratory reports b. Professional journals c. Patient copays d. Consultation reports


Which of the following is given subcutaneously as the ultimate method of overriding pancreatic dysfunction? a. Injection of insulin b. Rapid-acting insulin stimulators c. Sulfonylureas d. Antidiabetic drugs


Which of the following is known as a passageway for ova and sperm and is attached to the uterus? a. Fallopian tubes b. Ureters c. Clitoris d. Ovaries


Which of the following is one of the first signs of COPD? a. a decline in the ability to exercise b. dyspnea on minimal exertion c. grossly abnormal pulmonary function studies d. a productive cough


In a physician's office, written communication is used for: a. informing the staff officially of a policy or decision. b. contacting the pharmacy about a medication error. c. verbal communications with outside providers. d. interacting with patients to show compassion.


In general, the term EMR (electronic medical records) refers to: a. clinical functions. b. combined administrative and clinical functions. c. insurance claims scrubbing capabilities. d. administrative functions.


In order to overcome communication barriers in a medical office, most medical offices hold regular meetings for: a. all employees. b. patients. c. physicians. d. administrators.


In the United States, law is predominantly derived from which of the following? a. legislative bodies b. voter referendums c. executive orders d. international courts


In the United States, law is predominantly derived from: a. legislative bodies. b. executive orders. c. the Supreme Court. d. voter referendums.


In the communication cycle, the intended target of the message is the: a. receiver. b. decoder. c. encoder. d. sender.


In the term pyromania, what part of the word is the suffix? a. -mania b. -ania c. pyro- d. mani/o e. -ia


Menarche means the: a. beginning of menses. b. period of ovulation. c. highest point in the menstrual cycle. d. end of menses.


Misusing codes on a claim, such as upcoding or unbundling codes, is an example of: a. Medicare fraud and abuse. b. Medicaid fraud and abuse. c. errors and omissions. d. improper downcoding.


Most often, the combining form vowel is an: a. o b. a c. i d. e


Multiple sclerosis is the result of which of the following? a. destruction of the myelin sheath of the nerves. b. abnormal brain chemistry, premature birth, or brain injury. c. excessive accumulation of cerebral spinal fluid. d. acute inflammation of the dorsal root ganglion.


Of the following terms, which word should be avoided when composing a collection letter? a. Neglected b. Overlooked c. Missed d. Forgotten


Office equipment that makes it possible to send and receive letters, medical reports, laboratory reports, and insurance claims is called a ______. a. facsimile machine b. copy machine c. dictation machine d. printer


On average, how long does it take for someone to pick up on your attitude from listening to the tone of your voice? a. Ten seconds b. Three minutes c. By the second phone call d. Three seconds


Part ____ of Medicare is for hospital coverage, and any person who is receiving monthly Social Security benefits is automatically enrolled.


Polycystic kidney disease is characterized by: a. fluid-filled structures within the kidney tissue. b. a large number of protein molecules in the urine. c. rapidly developing symptoms. d. a history of a systemic infection.


Professional liability insurance covers which of the following? a. errors and omissions made in the standard course of medical care b. misdemeanor offenses c. the intentional release of PHI d. criminal behavior


Providers who sign a contract with Medicare to be a participating provider receive payment directly from Medicare for services rendered. Providers who choose not to be a participating provider can charge what amount of the Medicare participating provider fee schedule amount for the service rendered? a. Only 15 percent above the participating provider fee schedule amount for the service rendered b. Up to 100 percent of the participating provider fee schedule amount for the service rendered c. His or her published rate up to three times the amount of the participating provider fee schedule amount for the service rendered d. Up to the patient's Medicare deductible only


Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by which of the following? a. a fault in the immune system b. an injury to the joint c. wear and tear on the joint d. a virus


Sebaceous glands produce an oily substance which works to do which of the following? a. prevent the hair and skin from becoming dry and brittle b. alleviate pain c. prevent infection from occurring d. alleviate acne


Spasmodic contractions of the diaphragm, followed by spasmodic closure of the space between the vocal cords, causes a: a. hiccough. b. cough. c. sneeze. d. laugh.


Sudden infant death syndrome occurs more frequently in which season? a. Winter b. Spring c. Summer d. Fall


Tamiflu is an antiviral medication used to lessen and shorten the symptoms of: a. influenza. b. emphysema. c. laryngitis. d. asthma.


Tendonitis is: a. an inflammation of the tendon-muscle attachment. b. a chronic condition of the joint structures. c. an inflammation of the coverings of the muscles and tendons at a joint. d. a tear in the tendon attachment.


The HIV virus has been found in many body fluids but survives well only in those body fluids with numerous _____, such as in blood, semen, and vaginal secretions. a. WBCs b. WBSs c. RBSs d. RBCs


The HPCPS Level II manual has two sections. When the description is found in the Index, the code or codes should be verified by looking in the: a. tabular list. b. ICD manual. c. CPT manual. d. patient's chart.


The amount of light entering the eye is controlled by the muscles of which of the following? a. iris b. pupil c. cornea d. lens


The area of the female external sexual structures is the: a. vulva. b. anus . c. cervix. d. hymen.


The chief mechanism for development of an ethical culture within an organization rests with: a. leadership. b. vision statement. c. mission statement. d. founding principles.


The condition known as tetany is treated by the addition of which supplement? a. Calcium b. Niacin c. Riboflavin d. Vitamin D


The electroencephalography performs which of the following functions? a. measures the brain's electrical signals b. shows irregularities of the spinal cord c. measures peripheral muscle activity d. measures the level of spinal fluid


The function of the lymph nodes is to: a. purify the lymph by removing harmful substances. b. keep the appropriate balance between cells and plasma in the blood. c. filter blood out of the capillaries. d. produce lymphocytes.


The insertion of an instrument into the trachea and bronchial tree to view the airways, obtain a secretion or tissue sample or remove a foreign body is known as: a. bronchoscopy. b. CT-guided needle biopsy. c. lung perfusion scan. d. thoracentesis.


The net collection ratio is calculated by: a. dividing the total payments for a specific period of time by the total charges, with the write-offs deducted from the total charges. b. dividing the total payments for a specific period of time by the total charges, without figuring in any write-offs. c. dividing the total charges by the total payments for a specific period. d. multiplying the total charges by the total payments for a specific period.


The person to whom the check is written is known as the _____. a. payee b. payer c. third party d. maker


The prime symptom of ulcerative colitis is: a. bloody diarrhea. b. constipation. c. hunger. d. jaundice.


The purpose of the Medicare Promoting Interoperability Program is not only to institute the adoption of EHRs, but to ascertain that practices use their EHR software in what way? a. to its fullest b. for administrative documentation only c. for clinical documentation only d. everyday


The statement "Patients should be advised of what means of communications will be used to contact them regarding medical information, how insurance billing will be handled, any safety procedures they are expected to observe while in the office, and what they can expect from the practice's employees in general" is an example of components contained in the: a. Patient's Bill of Rights b. ACA Communications Act c. Rights and Responsibilities Act of Healthcare d. HIPAA Privacy Standard


The steps in calculating a cost benefit analysis include identifying costs, identifying benefits, and: a. comparing costs and benefits. b. researching the company's assets. c. removing any write offs. d. creating a balance sheet.


The tone of your voice matters. A monotone voice might convey which of the following messages? a. "I'm bored and not interested in your call." b. "I'm angry and not open to input." c. "I'm depressed and want to be left alone." d. "I'm enthusiastic about this subject!"


This demonstrates the profit and expenses for a given month and includes year-to-date information for a given year. a. Income statement b. Net worth c. Balance sheet d. Cost-benefit analysis


Type 1 diabetes is also known as: a. juvenile diabetes. b. adult-onset diabetes. c. insulin resistance diabetes. d. hypoglycemic diabetes


Under tort law, a person who is harmed by the conduct of another may sue the person who caused the harm and receive: a. both compensatory damages and punitive damages. b. antitrust damages. c. punitive damages but not compensatory damages. d. compensatory damages but not punitive damages.


What are the components used to calculate the Medicare physician fee schedule? a. Practice expense, malpractice expense, and provider work b. Rent, utilities, and staff salaries c. Overhead, age of provider, and location d. Years provider has been practicing


What form is used for filing paper claims in an inpatient setting? a. UB-04 b. CMS-1500 c. 837P d. CMS-1550


What happens when a cataract develops? a. the lens becomes cloudy b. the pupil dilates c. the macula has thinned d. a grayish-white circle appears around the cornea


What is a consumer-driven health plan in which only the employer contributes, and the money is not lost at the end of the year called? a. Health reimbursement arrangement b. Health savings account c. Medical savings account d. Flexible spending arrangement


What is the main distinction between fraud and abuse? a. The intent of the overbilling b. If the patient was aware of the error and did nothing to stop it c. If the provider, not the billing department overbilled d. The dollar amount of the overbilling


A matrix refers to what? a. A method to connect different computers in the office b. Establishing blocks of time in a schedule for different types of appointments and scheduled breaks c. The material that holds printed or copied material together d. Tangle of ethical and legal dilemmas faced by an office practice


A pulmonary embolus is: a. a mysterious condition that kills healthy infants. b. a blood clot obstructing an arteriole in the lungs. c. something that can occur after an extended period of running. d. the result of years of smoking.


A scratch or trauma to the cornea, usually from a foreign body in the eye, is called what? a. glaucoma b. corneal abrasion c. corneal ulcer d. diabetic retinopathy


Cancers of the blood and blood-forming organs are called _______________. a. sarcomas b. leukemias c. lymphomas d. carcinomas


Fibromyalgia syndrome involves: a. digestive, circulatory, and muscular systems. b. muscular, urinary, and digestive systems. c. reproductive, nervous, and muscular systems. d. nervous, respiratory, and urinary systems.


Giving medication by applying it to the skin is called which of the following? a. intramuscular b. transdermal c. subcutaneous d. intradermal


How can you help keep your computer virus-free? a. Only open files with .exe suffixes. b. Before opening an email, look at the subject and who sent it. c. Open only email received through the company intranet. d. Only open files with .vbs suffixes.


How many sections can be found in the CPT manual? a. Five b. Six c. Four d. Seven


How often must a Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) be recertified? a. Every ten years b. Every 60 months c. Every 90 days d. Every 12 months


If a patient objects to having his or her photo identification copied or scanned, what would be the most appropriate and truthful response? a. "The law says you cannot refuse to have your photo ID copied/scanned." b. "A copy or scan of your photo ID will prevent identity theft." c. "For your protection, we would like to copy/scan your photo ID, to verify identity at future visits." d. "Our practice requires us to copy/scan your photo ID."


If the items listed on a packing slip do not match the items in the shipment, what may happen if the medical office pays the bill in full? a. The medical office will be short on supplies. b. The vendor may object to sending the missing items. c. The billing manager may be disciplined. d. The medical assistant may be accused of stealing.


In some states, the law requires the insurance company to warn patients if using a nonparticipating provider will cause them to incur significant medical expenses. You can help patients avoid excess charges by doing which of the following? a. Ask the patient to call their insurance company. b. Verify that a provider is contracted with the patient's insurance plan. c. Obtain certification of the physician performing the procedure. d. Tell the insurance company that the patient will be responsible for payment of services


In the hiring process, which of the following qualifications and characteristics of applicants are to be evaluated? a. Gender b. Education c. Weight d. Age


Issues such as medication errors, coworker tardiness, or patient complaints should be brought to the attention of: a. the physician. b. the clinic manager. c. the nurse. d. no one; you should handle it yourself.


It is recommended that a patient's signature on file be updated: a. every few years. b. annually. c. every time the patient visits the office. d. only when the billing office requests.


Laws created by the United States Congress take precedence over state law due to: a. the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. b. the supremacy clause. c. statutory law. d. the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.


Lordosis refers to which of the following? a. a lateral curvature of the spine b. the abnormal anterior convex curvature of the lumbar spine c. the bowing of the back at the thoracic level d. a backward curvature of the cervical area


Occasionally, too much stress is applied to skeletal muscles while exercising or participating in athletic activities. When this happens, it is referred to as: a. fracture. b. strain. c. sprain. d. pain


Of the following items, which is an advantage of using email? a. Email is secure, private, and confidential. b. Email provides an easy reference to past communications. c. Deleted emails cannot be recovered. d. Email is the best medium for communicating certain emotional issues.


One of the biggest challenges to an administrator or manager is keeping employees motivated. Which of the following would be considered a way to motivate? a. Asking the employee to do more b. Cash and time credit bonus for meeting goals c. Keeping the employee in his or her position for doing such a good job rather than promote d. Asking the employee to train new staff members.


Organs of the digestive system include the: a. bladder, pituitary gland, and stomach. b. liver, stomach, and esophagus. c. esophagus, bladder, and liver. d. stomach, bladder, and spleen.


Osteoporosis involves which of the following? a. immune, digestive, and skeletal systems b. skeletal, digestive, and reproductive systems c. digestive, circulatory, and skeletal systems d. skeletal, circulatory, and immune systems


Paper scheduling systems offer what advantage? a. Can easily locate open appointment slots in the future using a find or force method b. Daily backups are not required c. Cannot be lost or damaged d. Scheduling reports can be easily generated


The Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) emphasizes that the definition of disability should be: a. applied to all persons seeking social security benefits. b. construed in favor of broad coverage of individuals to the maximum extent permitted by the terms of the ADA. c. extensively analyzed. d. interpreted to a higher, more difficult standard than that of the original ADA law.


The CMA (AAMA) Certification/Recertification Exam is divided into what three content areas? a. Laboratory, administrative, clinical b. General, administrative, and clinical c. Legal, ethical, and clinical d. Basic, advanced, and professiona


The S in SOAP stands for: a. subordinate. b. subjective. c. standard. d. symptomatic.


The process of carefully reading written material and marking errors for correction is known as: a. immediate feedback. b. proofreading. c. spell-check. d. context review.


The process of establishing the qualifications of certified and licensed medical professionals and assessing their background and legitimacy is: a. verifying. b. credentialing. c. certification. d. registration.


What is standard practice in banking procedures? a. Funds should be deposited weekly. b. Take security measures to protect the identity of patients and potential HIPAA violations. c. Convert the funds to cryptocurrency using your bank's app or website. d. Do not accept debit cards because they charge a fee for each transaction to the practice.


What is the term that describes payment by someone other than the patient for services rendered? a. Remittance advice b. Third-party reimbursement c. EOB d. Claims tracking


What type of insurance plan typically has high deductibles and lower monthly premiums? a. Self-insured health plans b. Consumer-driven health plans c. Provider-driven health plans d. Government-driven health plans


When preparing a deposit slip, you should: a. place the coins in wrappers if there are a large amount of coins. b. prepare separate deposit slips if there are more checks than can fit on each form. c. face bills portrait side down. d. stack bills in order from the lowest to the highest denomination.


When would a bill for secondary insurance coverage be created? a. At the same time as the bill for the primary insurer b. After the payment is received from the primary insurer c. Before the bill for the primary insurer is created d. It is automatically created by the primary insurer


Where is the pectoralis major muscle located? a. Arm b. Chest c. Leg d. Buttocks


Which condition is the most common form of hyperthyroidism? a. Addison's disease b. Grave's disease c. Myxedema d. Acromegaly


Which form that a new employee is required to complete confirms authorized work status? a. W-2 b. I-9 c. W-4 d. 401 (k)


Which function is performed when preparing the front desk at the beginning of the day? a. Begin pulling charts. b. Turn on computers, scanners, printers (and other electronic equipment). c. Send out faxes. d. Call the answering service to send over urgent messages only.


Which law prohibits harassment of an employee based on genetic information? a. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act b. GINA (2008) c. ADAAA d. ADEA


Which of the following blood types can be donated to all types and is known as the universal donor? a. B b. O c. AB d. A


Which of the following conditions can a Barium swallow detect? a. Liver masses b. Diverticulitis c. Gastric ulcers, tumors, and strictures of the sphincters d. Cholelithiasis


Which of the following conflict management styles refers to cooperating with the other party to understand their concerns and expressing your own concerns in an effort to find a mutually agreeable solution to both parties? a. Competing b. Collaborating c. Accommodating d. Compromising


Which of the following describes a violation of the anti-kickback statute? a. Issuing a remittance advice to a Medicare patient b. Awaiver of Medicare deductibles c. Providing a professional discount to another medical professional d. Not completing the encounter form


Which of the following describes concerns/challenges for using a mobile device in the health care setting? a. The instant access to patient education poses a threat to privacy. b. Camera and recording capabilities pose a threat to patient privacy. c. There is limited directory access to community resources. d. There is no instant access availability to patient portals.


Which of the following describes lymphedema? a. Chronic systemic inflammatory autoimmune disease that affects the joints b. Swelling in the tissues of the body caused by an accumulation of lymphatic fluid c. An inflammatory disease caused when the immune system attacks its own tissues d. A disease characterized by profound fatigue, sleep abnormalities, pain, and other symptoms that are made worse by exertion


Which of the following is an effective measure that women could follow to avoid developing cystitis? a. Drink low quantities of water b. Urinate immediately after sex c. Take antibiotics as a precaution d. Use a diaphragm for birth control



a brain wave test that measures the brain's electrical signal, both normal and abnormal


a catheter (small tube) is inserted into an artery and threaded up to the carotid artery in the neck

Chest CT scan

a very sensitive computer generated image that gives much more detail of the lungs and other structures in the chest than a chest x-ray

Which of the following is best practice for screening (triage) and routing incoming calls? a. Patient calls, call is answered by automated system, designee listens to message and calls patient back. b. Patient calls, call is answered by receptionist and transferred to the designated/appropriate person. c. Patient calls, call is answered by automated telephone system which automatically routes the call to the appropriate person/department. d. Patient calls, call is answered by physician's assistant, message is taken for provider.


Which of the following is incorrect when documenting a telephone message? a. Record the date and time of call b. Record the nature of the call only if urgent c. Record the caller's full name d. Record the caller's date of birth


Which of the following is key to patient compliance when providing patient education? a. motivation b. information c. nonchalance d. criticism


Which of the following is not a part of the uterus? a. Cervix b. Vagina c. Fundus d. Body


Which of the following is the basic cause of renal calculi? a. Getting too much calcium in the diet b. Crystals formed from chemicals in the urine c. A habit of delaying passing urine d. Drinking hard water


Which of the following is the loss of motor or sensory function in lower extremities, usually from trauma, with or without involvement of the abdominal and back muscles? a. hemiplegia b. paraplegia c. multiple sclerosis d. neuralgia


Which of the following is true about collecting copayments? a. Copayments should be collected immediately after the visit. b. Copayments should be collected prior to the visit. c. Copayments should be billed to the patient. d. Copayments should be billed to the insurance company.


Which of the following is true about the filtration process in the formation of urine? a. Filtration is the last process in the formation of urine. b. Filtration is the first process in the formation of urine. c. Filtration happens when the urine reaches the bladder. d. Filtration cannot occur without sufficient supply of fluids.


Which of the following lists the procedures performed in that medical office, with their respective codes? a. Debit balance b. Encounter form c. Medical record numbers d. Credit balance


Which of the following medical centers normally sees patients in the order of arrival except in emergencies? a. Multi-provider clinic b. Urgent care center c. Hospital d. Managed care operation


Which of the following must be in place in order to file a claim electronically? a. Electronic Data Interface b. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) c. Electronic Claims Tracking (ECT) system d. HITECH portal


Which of the following refers to the study of the microscopic structure of tissue? a. Microbiology b. Histology c. Cytology d. Pathophysiology


Which of the following results in glaucoma? a. increased pressure against the sclera b. increased intraocular pressure c. excessive blood supply to the eye d. improper drainage of the vitreous humor


Which of the following statements is true about lupus? a. Lupus primarily only affects the heart. b. Lupus is an autoimmune disease. c. Lupus is a contagious disease. d. Lupus eliminates the inflammation in the body.


Which of the following statements is true about rheumatoid arthritis? a. Rheumatoid arthritis affects the heart, lungs and liver. b. Rheumatoid arthritis is an insidious chronic autoimmune disease. c. Rheumatoid arthritis does not affect the immune system. d. Rheumatoid arthritis is the wearing of cartilage at the joints.


Which of the following statements is true? a. Asthma primarily affects adults. b. Asthma is not associated with the incidence of bronchitis and pneumonia. c. Asthma can progress to a condition similar to COPD. d. Asthma is not affected by environmental conditions.


Which of these is one of the uses of a heart catheterization? a. Accurately measure electrical activity of the heart b. Permit visualization of the coronary arteries c. Remove blood for analysis d. Measure the amount of oxygen in the heart


Which professional associations offers the Certified Professional Coder (CPC) credential? a. American Medical Technologists (AMT) b. American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) c. American Medical Association (AMA) d. American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA)


Which type of appointment scheduling method would be most effective for seasonal types of issues, such as in flu season or periods where large special events are taking place in the area? a. Modified wave b. Wave c. Streaming d. Clustering


Which type of cells destroy the cells where antigens have invaded? a. activated helper T b. killer T c. helper T d. suppressor T


Which type of codes are designated with the 1 symbol and are found in Appendix D of the CPT code book? a. Stand-alone b. Add-on c. Category I d. Five-digit


Which type of insurance plans offer access to any licensed doctor or hospital and are generally more expensive? a. PPO b. Indemnity plans c. EPO d. HMO


Which word means "pertaining to an abnormal fear of water." a. Hydrophonic b. Hydrophobic c. Hydrophonia d. Hydraphobia


Who ultimately governs minimum requirements for records retention? a. The provider's policy b. HIPAA c. The state law only d. Local hospital jurisdiction


Who updates the fee schedule? a. Medicare b. The practice c. The EHR d. CMS


Why would you conduct a cost-benefit analysis? a. To evaluate the program by demonstrating whether the benefits received outweigh the program's receipts b. To evaluate the program by demonstrating whether the benefits received outweigh the program's costs c. To determine the gross collection ratio d. To determine net income of the practice


You may encounter difficult, angry, or unreasonable callers. Which technique should you use to keep your attitude in check? a. Think out loud b. HEAT c. Contact security or the police d. C-A-L-M


essential tremor

an involuntary shaking of the hands and head

A method of informing the patient of how to reach the provider must be available 365 days a year, which is why a(n) ________ is often used

answering service

Hemiplegia is a paralysis that follows damage to the


A good tip to keep your computer virus-free is to: a. avoid using antivirus software not made in the United States. b. consult with the physician on the types of emails you should not open. c. never open an executable or script file (files with .exe or .vbs suffixes). d. carefully proofread your message before sending.


A person scheduled to have a blood sugar test should: a. eat protein. b. drink water. c. fast. d. eat carbohydrates.


A portable liquid oxygen tank generally lasts how many hours? a. 1-2 hours b. 4-5 hours c. 2-3 hours d. 6-7 hours


A three-dimensional graphic foil embedded in the check to provide additional protection against duplication is known as a: a. colored pantograph. b. prismatic multicolored background. c. foil hologram. d. thermochromic heat-sensitive icon


A transfer of title on the check to the bank in exchange for the amount of money on the face of the check is a(n): a. deposit slip. b. charge action. c. endorsement. d. bank reconciliation.


Abduction means to: a. flex the muscle to bend a joint. b. flex muscles to straighten a joint. c. move an extremity away from the body's center. d. move an extremity toward the body's center.


Before contacting an insurer regarding a delinquent claim, which of the following must you have available? a. The patient's social security number b. The patient's spouse's social security number c. The practice's tax identification number d. The insurance company's NPI


Blue Cross and Blue Shield health insurance plans are generally well-known examples of early years of: a. employer-sponsored insurance plans. b. health maintenance organizations. c. commercial health insurance plans. d. indemnity-type insurance plans.


Check My Work What is a warning sign of Alzheimer's disease? a. Loss of taste or smell b. Unexplained weight gain c. New problems with words in speaking or writing d. Sudden weight loss


Children, and some adults, have a natural curiosity about things in the examination room, cabinets, or on counters. Which of the following steps should be taken to ensure safety? a. Do not leave patients alone in the exam room. b. Warn patients to stay out of cupboards and drawers in the exam room. c. Lock prescription pads in a secure area. d. Leave the door to the exam room open when you are not in there.


Coughing, sneezing, or laughing increases pressure on the bladder neck and causes which type of incontinence? a. Urge b. Pressure c. Stress d. Overflow


Cryosurgery, radioactive seeds, and female hormones are used to treat which of the following cancers? a. Testicular b. Cervical c. Prostate d. Ovarian


Downtime can best be described as which of the following? a. Times when the computer systems are being backed up. b. Occurs in offices that are not connected to a cloud-based EHR. c. Times when the computer systems are not operating. d. Times when patches are being installed.


Elderly persons have skin that is which of the following? a. full of collagen b. excessively oily c. easily damaged d. supple


Electronic medical records are: a. unable to be altered. b. stored in computers onsite. c. able to be accessed by clinicians when not in the office. d. entirely secure.


Employment opportunities for medical assistants are expected to do which of the following through 2028? a. decline b. be eliminated c. grow d. stay consistent


Exercises that involve contracting and briefly holding the pelvic floor muscles several times a day, which over time can tighten and strengthen the pelvic floor, are referred to as: a. dialysis. b. calyces. c. Kegels. d. crunches.


How many days is a typical probation period for new employees? a. 15-30 b. 90-180 c. 60-90 d. 30-45


lumbar thoracic cervical sacral coccygeal

back chest neck posterior pelvic girdle tailbone


can be improved with self-catheterization to remove the urine



When a combining form or word root begins with a vowel, you would select the most appropriate prefix that ends in a(n


How should the medical assistant handle a message from a pharmacy for a patient refill? a. Identify the patient. Check the patient's chart. Authorize refill as needed. b. Identify the pharmacy. Check the patient's chart. Authorize refill as needed. c. Identify the patient. Confirm the pharmacy name and medication request. Send request to provider for refill authorization. d. Identify the patient. Confirm the pharmacy name and medication request. Send request to clinical medical assistant for refill.


How should you handle mail received during a provider's vacation? a. Read all mail and route to RN in the practice. b. Hold all mail unopened until the provider returns. c. Consult with a partner or on-call provider to review mail and messages. d. Call the physician to discuss daily mail.


Identify the appropriate actions for interviewing. Select all that apply. a. Tell the interviewer about a former supervisor who practiced discrimination. b. Read an urgent text message. c. Ask questions about the job and the medical practice. d. Be enthusiastic.


If children's toys or books are provided, they require constant monitoring. Which of the following statements is accurate? a. All toys should be approved by parents of the children. b. All toys should be cleaned and sanitized on a weekly basis. c. All toys should be washable and of a safe design and material with no sharp edges. d. All toys should be made of material that allows them to be sterilized with strong chemicals


If conflict arises between you and another employee, you should first address it with: a. the physicians. b. the clinic manager. c. the coworker. d. other coworkers.


In the event of an audit, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will ask for documentation to evaluate how that office is complying with the security standards of the Security Rule. Which of the following is part of that evaluation? a. Physician safeguards b. Clinical safeguards c. Administrative safeguards d. Oversight safeguards


In which billing system, are accounts divided into groups to correspond to the number of times you will be billing? a. Electronic billing b. Computerized billing c. Cycle billing d. Monthly billing


Which muscle is the largest of the muscles in the buttocks, supports much of the body's weight, and enables us to stand erect?

gluteus maximus


guards the entrance of the body

Muscular dystrophy is: a. a group of muscles that are inflamed. b. a temporary muscle disorder. c. a muscle-wasting disorder. d. characterized by trigger points.


Names of persons and places, the first word in a sentence, names of holidays, principal words in titles of major works, and any product or title that might be trademarked should be: a. used only in context. b. bolded. c. capitalized. d. highlighted.


Patient account numbers are also known as: a. figurative numbers. b. debit numbers. c. medical record numbers. d. chronological numbers.


The I-9 form is available through which government agency? a. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) b. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) c. Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) d. Department of National Security


The middle ear contains which of the following? a. malleus, stapes, and semicircular canals b. cochlea, malleus, and incur c. malleus, incus, and stapes d. tympanic membrane, malleus, and stapes


The outermost meninges are known as which of the following? a. the arachnoid b. the duramoid c. the dura mater d. the pia mater


The outside of the eye is covered with a tough membrane called which of the following? a. choroid b. retina c. sclera d. cornea


The pelvic girdle provides the structure for the __________ area. a. sacrum b. spine c. hip d. femur


The reason for the patient's visit is called the: a. patient encounter. b. matrix. c. chief complaint. d. diagnosis.


This ratio is calculated by dividing the total payments for a specific period of time by the total charges, with the write-offs deducted from the total charges. a. Cost ratio b. Accounts receivable ratio c. Net collection ratio d. Gross collection ratio


This type of accounting is the study and analysis of financial data as it applies to operational issues within a company. a. Operational accounting b. Cost ratio accounting c. Managerial accounting d. Expenditure accounting


Tumor makers be used to:?\ a. help locate sentinel lymph node. b. mark the best location for focusing radiation. c. help diagnose a tumor and its response to treatment. d. assist the surgeon to locate the tumor for removal during surgery.


What does the acronym HCPCS stand for? a. Health Codes and Procedure Coding System b. Healthcare Current Procedural Coding System c. Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System d. Health & Common Procedure Caring System


What information contained in a personal health record is to be protected from disclosure under the HIPAA Privacy Rule (Title II)? a. summary of practice diagnosis records by ICD-10 code only b. non-communicable disease information by population health c. mental health records for individual patients d. summary of the practice billing records by CPT code only


What is one of the most widely used methods of charting, appropriate for most types of patient encounters? a. HPIP note b. POMR note c. SOAP note d. CHEDDAR note


What is the general rule for expressing numbers in numeric form versus spelling them out? a. Numbers under 20 should be expressed in numeric form, and numbers 20 and above should be spelled out. b. Numbers under 20 should be spelled out, and numbers over 20 should be expressed in numeric form. c. Numbers under 10 should be spelled out, and numbers over 10 should be expressed in numeric form. d. Numbers under 10 should be expressed in numeric form, and numbers 10 and above should be spelled out.


What is the term for an authorization by the provider to discount fees to another medical professional, such as a nurse, medical assistant, or other health care providers? a. courtesy discount b. personal discount c. professional discount d. hardship discount


What type of codes are related to medical services as opposed to surgical services? a. Anesthesiology b. Lab and radiology c. Evaluation and management d. Medicine


What will most likely contribute to death when an MI occurs? a. Taking a dose of nitroglycerin b. Taking an aspirin tablet c. Waiting to see if the symptoms improve d. Taking a strong pain medication


When a check does not appear on your bank statement because the payee has not yet cashed the check it is called a(n): a. voided check. b. e-check. c. outstanding check. d. non-sufficient funds check.


When an unlisted code is reported, what must also be sent so that the payer can determine what was performed and then determine the appropriate reimbursement? a. a verbal account of the visit b. an add-on code c. a copy of the operative note d. a modifier


When applying an insurance payment to a patient account on a computerized system, you are not required to post the: a. name of the insurance company. b. payment date. c. amount owed by the patient. d. check number of the payment.


When coaching a patient on health care needs, you must first assess the patient's ability to comprehend the instructions, keeping in mind cultural diversity, developmental life stages, and communication _____. a. details b. expectations c. barriers d. predictions



mass of tissue that results from an overgrowth of upper epithelial cells of the mucosal membrane of the GI tract

pulmonary functions test

measures lung volume in a normal breath, lung capacity when forcing air into and out of the lungs, and other variables within a specified time

About half of all cases of shingles occur in _____ 60 years or older

men and women

When considering a room's appearance, what is regularly used to provide an inviting environment? a. Flat-screen TV with cable news channel programming only b. Large plants and medical posters c. Relaxing background music and large plants d. Bright colors and relaxing background music


When is immunity the strongest? a. over the age of 60 b. after recovering from the illness c. at 18 months of age. d. during infancy


When reconciling a bank statement and your find your balance is different than that of the bank, which is a common tip to see if there is a transposition error? a. Subtract the balance the bank has from the balance you have, then multiply that number by 7. b. Subtract the balance the bank has from the balance you have, then divide that number by 7. c. Subtract the balance you have from the balance the bank has; then divide that number by 9. d. Subtract the balance you have from the balance the bank has; then multiply that number by 9.


When should a blank endorsement be used? a. When mailing the check b. Never c. When the check is to be cashed d. When the check is received


When testing a person's skin for allergens using patch testing, tiny amounts of allergens are placed on stainless steel discs and applied to the back. How many hours later is the skin under the discs assessed for reaction? a. 72 b. 12 c. 48 d. 24


When the patient phones the office with a request to see the provider, you should determine the caller's identity, including the correct spelling of his or her name and whether the patient: a. is requesting a new provider. b. is requesting a copy of his or her medical records. c. is a new or existing patient of the practice. d. has a balance due from previous visits.


When you are finished with a telephone conversation, how should you end it? a. Keep the call brief, to the point, and then move on to the next caller as quickly as possible. b. Add a reminder greeting at the end of the call. c. Let the caller hang up first. d. Thank the patient for calling and hang up first.


Where is the heart located? a. Behind the lungs b. In front of the lungs c. Behind the sternum d. Mainly on the right side of the chest


Where is the prostate gland located? a. Just above the bladder b. In the penis c. Just below the bladder d. In the testes


Which is a common treatment for GERD? a. Aspirin b. Anticoagulants c. Antacids d. Antibiotics


Which method of appointment scheduling streamlines evaluations of patients with similar complaints? a. Double-booking b. Wave c. Clustering d. Single-booking


Which of following are known as the three main functions of the urinary system? a. Catheterization, secretion, excretion b. Gestation, secretion and elimination c. Excretion, secretion and elimination d. Retention, excretion and elimination


Which of the following are keys to develop clarity in your communications? a. Professionalism and effectiveness b. Complexity and structure c. Simplicity and not speaking too fast d. Substance and effectiveness


Which of the following are major organs of the urinary system? a. Appendix and pituitary glands b. Bladder and muscle c. Kidneys and ureters d. Ureters and intestines


Which of the following are two functions of the inner ear? a. blocks out high pitch sounds and prevents motion sickness b. maintains soundwaves and equalizes air pressure c. transmits vibrations and maintains balance d. corrects loss of hearing and blocks atmospheric pressure


Which of the following best describes aging of accounts? a. The overdue amount from the insurance company b. A summary of all NSF accounts c. A way to identify accounts according to the length of time they have been delinquent d. When you skip a billing cycle


Which of the following best describes the Patient's Bill of Rights? a. A federal law requiring special consent from the patient for the release of genetic testing, mental health and therapy records, and substance abuse records b. A federal law requiring informed consent and protection of private health information c. An outline of legal and ethical guidelines that describes how a patient can expect to be treated by a facility/practice d. An outline of ethical guidelines that describes the financial rights of a patient at a facility/practice


Which of the following best describes the symptoms of hypoglycemia? a. Nervousness b. Paleness c. Both nervousness and paleness d. Dry skin


Which of the following comments is appropriate when a patient tells you they are unhappy about their medical costs? a. "I know the costs are high in health care." b. "You will need to speak to the billing office about that." c. "Let me explain what each of the charges are for." d. "Let me have you speak to the provider."


Which of the following is important in communicating with pediatric patients? a. the clothing you wear b. speak only to the parent c. the language you use d. speak only to the child


Which of the following is not one of the stages of grief according to Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross? a. bargaining b. anger c. perseverance d. denial


Which of the following is the branch of biology concerned with the structure and function of plant and animal cells? a. Pathophysiology b. Histology c. Cytology d. Microbiology


Which of the following is the controlled scraping of the top layers of the skin to remove scars from acne or accidents? a. microdermabrasion b. inflation c. dermabrasion d. ablation


Which of the following is the only substitute for kidney function, except for surgical transplantation of another kidney? a. A synthetic graft b. Catheterization c. Dialysis d. Hesitancy


Which of the following is true about premature contractions? a. they are caused by obesity b. they are hereditary c. they can be deadly d. they are more common before the age of 30


Which of the following is true about the ICD-10-CM code format? a. There are always at least 4 characters. b. There is a use of decimal after 4 characters. c. It contains 3-7 characters. d. The first character is numeric.


Which of the following is used to visualize the interior of hollow organs? a. Ultrasound b. Bronchoscopy c. Endoscopy d. Positron emission tomography (PET) scan


Which of the following statements about the thymus gland is true? a. It causes certain B cells to mature. b. It gets larger as we age. c. It produces peptides. d. It is located in the brain.


Which of the following statements best describe utilization review? a. A method to rate cost and quality the same b. Refers to whether the services exceed the minimum amount of money the carrier will pay for primary surgery c. A method of assessing the quality and appropriateness of the care provided to its members d. Refers to obtaining plan approval for services after the patient has received them


Which of the following would be considered a way to protect patient privacy? a. Place the patient's chart in a holding box outside the exam room. b. Employees with computer access should share their passwords with others. c. Use a privacy protector screen over computer monitors. d. Place fax machines in a visible area in the office.


Which tissues form the body's glands, cover the surface of the body, and line the cavities? a. Nerve b. Muscle c. Epithelial d. Connective


Which type of joint is a movable joint, such as a knee or elbow? a. cartilaginous b. fibrous c. diarthrosis d. amphiarthrosis


Who is usually responsible for coordinating the move when a medical practice changes locations? a. Clinical medical assistant b. Provider c. Office manager d. Administrative medical assistant


Why is it important to back up data? a. To defend against firewalls b. To keep all back-ups on site to prevent hacking c. To ensure data integrity from loss, disaster, human error, hard-drive error, virus, or equipment damage d. To secure routers, hubs, software, and hardware


Wisinski's A-E-I-O-U Model offers a way to communicate concerns and offer alternatives. Which of the following is one of the steps in the model? a. Never assume the other members mean well b. Avoid expressing your feelings c. Identify what you want to happen d. Keep outcomes to yourself


With which type of insurance plan does the patient receive more comprehensive benefits by using network providers that participate in the plan, and does not require the patient to select a primary care physician? a. Indemnity plan b. HMO c. PPO d. EPO


A knee-jerk test can be used to provide an evaluation on which system? a. Digestive b. Cardiovascular c. Respiratory d. Nervous


A model of practice in which a team of health professionals, coordinated by a personal provider, works collaboratively to provide high levels of care, access and communications, care coordination and integration, and care quality and safety is known as: a. NCCT. b. AAMA. c. PCPC. d. PCMH.


A remittance advice is a ______. a. claim summary sent to the patient. b. paper check sent to the patient. c. paper check sent to the provider. d. claim summary sent to the provider.


A system where patients pay an added fee in exchange for more personalized care and better access to their providers for medical services is referred to as which type of service? a. PCMH b. managed care c. ACO d. boutique


Crohn's disease affects the: a. appendix. b. liver. c. stomach. d. ileum


During the stages of labor the cervix must dilate to approximately how many centimeters before the baby can be delivered? a. 1 b. 5 c. 7 d. 10


Each part of the eyeball refracts (deflects) the light to cause the image to focus on the: a. pupil. b. aqueous humor. c. optic disc. d. retina


How many cell types are located in the pancreas? a. Five b. Three c. Six d. Four


If a patient comes in for a physical examination because they are applying for life insurance coverage, who is the bill sent to? a. There is no charge for this type of exam b. Patient's health insurer c. Patient d. Life insurance company


In addition to patients whose native language is other than English, which patients may require interpreter services? a. Pediatric b. Geriatric c. Vision-impaired d. Hearing-impaired


In all types of filing systems, the first step in filing letters and reports into paper medical records is to: a. index. b. code. c. sort. d. inspect.


In some instances, a specific procedure or service might need to be slightly altered, and if this is the case, instructions and Appendix A explain the use of: a. unbundled codes. b. bundled codes. c. add-on codes. d. modifiers.


In the past, which system was exclusively used to record financial transactions? a. double-entry system b. single-entry system c. manual-entry system d. pegboard system


In the term tachycardia, what part of the word is the prefix? a. there is no prefix in this word b. tach- c. ta- d. tachy-


It is the goal of which government agency to ensure that employers provide safe work environments for employees? a. DEA b. FDA c. HHS d. OSHA


Medicare Part _______ was created to provide coverage for both generic and brand-name drugs.


Nephrotic syndrome occurs most often in which of the following groups? a. Males b. Females c. Infants d. Children


Normally, when food is swallowed, a cartilage "lid" is pushed by the base of the tongue to cover the opening into the larynx. This "lid" is known as which of the following? a. Tongue b. Tonsil c. Uvula d. Epiglottis


Regarding storing medical records, which is true? a. Records of deceased patients may be destroyed after a death certificate is received. b. Patient records must be stored indefinitely. c. Records must be maintained for 15 years. d. Records may be purged on a regular basis to make room for new charts.


The Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) is comprised of two levels. Level II codes are: a. Current Procedural Terminology codes. b. modifiers. c. diagnostic codes. d. national codes.


The expected percentage of survival of five years for oral cancer is: a. 50 percent. b. 30 percent. c. 40 percent. d. 60 percent.


The last action the medical assistant should make after taking a message from the patient is to: a. forward the message to the office manager for verification. b. forward the file to the medical records department. c. file the chart away when finished. d. sign off and file or save to chart and notify patient of action.


The part of an invoice that states "Payment should be made within 30 days by check or money transfer, through online banking, from the date of this invoice" is known as the: a. client details. b. fees recorded. c. reference number. d. payment terms.


The path of light begins with the passage of light through the: a. pupil. b. senses. c. nerves. d. cornea


This is the accumulation, within the tissues of the lungs, of fluid that has escaped from the blood vessels caused by increased pressure in the vessels. a. Pleural effusion b. Hydrothorax c. Pleurisy d. Pulmonary edema


Title XVIII of the Social Security Act, Section 1862 (a) (1) (A) states "No payment may be made under Part A or Part B for expenses incurred for items or services which are not reasonable and necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of illness or injury or to improve the functioning of a malformed body member." This is known as which of the following? a. Unbundling b. Upcoding c. Bundling d. Medical necessit


To be successful as an MA, you must learn a specific a. knowledge base. b. set of skills. c. set of behaviors. d. all of these


Unless otherwise communicated, when calling a patient about a past due bill, which number should you call first? a. Work b. Emergency contact c. Cell d. Home


What application software allows patients to communicate with the practice and providers, using a secure username and password? a. Documentation management b. Clinical lab reporting c. Health reminders d. Patient portals


What are the four main types of tissues? a. endocrine, exocrine, muscular, and nerve b. muscular, bone, nerve, skin c. connective, osseous, nerve, muscular d. epithelial, connective, nerve, and muscular


What area of HIPAA pertains primarily to records management? a. Establishing standards for any electronic transmission of physician information b. Maintaining the privacy of physician information c. Overseeing the use of electronic appointment scheduling d. Ensuring the security of all electronic health information


What helps maintain the shape of the eyeball? a. Iris b. Cornea c. Pupil d. Sclera


What is the first step required to verify patient eligibility? a. The biller and coder must assign the procedure and diagnosis codes to determine eligibility b. The provider initiates the eligibility verification c. The carrier will pre-advise the office what procedure(s) the patient is eligible for d. The medical assistant determines if the insurance is a managed care plan


What is the function of encoder software? a. Schedule appointments b. Receive lab results electronically c. Check for medication contraindications d. Improve accuracy of CPT, ICD-10, and HCPCS codes


What is the government health plan that covers individuals who have a limited or low income? a. TRICARE b. Social security c. Medicare d. Medicaid


What is the medical term for abnormal curvature of the spine? a. Kyphosis b. Osteoporosis c. Lordosis d. Scoliosis


When coaching a patient on disease prevention, which of the following should be documented after a patient education session? a. Name of the patient's insurance carrier b. Length of the session c. Language the patient speaks d. Date, time, and topic


When explaining office policies to patients, which of the following is an example of office policy best practice? a. Advising the patient that the provider will always personally return calls on routine questions b. That prescription refill requests are always completed within 24-hours c. That Medicare coinsurance can be waived d. Advising when payment is expected


Where does the chronologic check number appear on a check? a. Bottom left corner b. Upper left corner c. Bottom right corner d. Upper right corner


Which condition has signs and symptoms such as sweat gland dysfunction resulting in salty-tasting skin; wheezing; dry, nonproductive cough; dyspnea; clubbed fingers; bulky, foul-smelling stools; and excessive appetite but poor weight gain? a. Turner's syndrome b. Klinefelter's syndrome c. Galactosemia d. Cystic fibrosis


Which fringe benefit tends to increase with longevity? a. Health insurance copays b. Jury duty c. Holidays d. Vacation (or PTO) time


What metabolic bone disorder, characterized by acceleration of the rate of bone resorption while the rate of bone formation slows down, results in a loss of bone mass?


digital rectal examination (DRE)

palpate the prostate gland

In all medical practices, the shelves holding the paper charts and files become full at some point, and there is no room for any more charts. Periodically the files of those patients who are no longer being seen by the provider(s) will be



requires bladder training

PR Prolactin

responsible for breast development

The focus of the HIPAA _______ applies to paper records but is primarily concerned with electronic information and methods to protect it from invasion, accidental disclosure, or loss.

security rule


severe brain inflammation that causes edema and nerve cell destruction

When muscles contract, they become

short and thicker

When breaking apart a medical term to attempt to define it, you should start with the



superior surface of each kidney

Which is the most appropriate action for greeting patients when they arrive in the office? a. Have them sign in on the sign-in sheet with name, DOB, and reason for visit. b. Have them sign in on the sign-in sheet with their full name, specific reason for visit, and Social Security number to avoid confusing them with other patients who might have similar names. c. They should be taken immediately to an exam room to protect their confidentiality. d. Greet the patient by his or her full name and make eye contact.


Which key components must be considered when a provider is selecting a visit level? a. History, exam, patient condition b. Exam, medical decision making, number of tests performed c. Medical decision making, number of diagnoses, time spent d. History, exam, medical decision making


Which of the following communication style is when individuals clearly state their opinions and feelings, and firmly advocate for their rights and needs without violating the rights of others? a. aggressive b. passive c. submissive d. assertive


Which of the following glands has two lobes and is located on each side of the larynx? a. Pineal b. Adrenal c. Pituitary d. Thyroid


Which of the following is a component of an invoice? a. A detailed cost ratio b. The name of the equity partner contracted with the company or vendor c. The collection ratio d. The name of the company or client contracted with the company or vendor


Which of the following is a feature of practice management software? a. Clinical templates b. Entering lab results c. Computer physician order entry d. Scheduling appointments


Which of the following is a later sign of AIDS? a. Prolonged anxiety b. Long-term memory loss c. Severe anemia d. Pelvic inflammatory disease


Which of the following is a method by which a provider can be relieved of the duty of care for a particular patient? a. The patient complains about the care they received. b. The patient believes they have been overcharged for services. c. The doctor objects to the patient's religious beliefs. d. The doctor retires and assigns care of the patient to another physician in the practice.


Which of the following is a method to prevent the transmission of AIDS? a. Abstain from dating b. Use of spermicide c. Prophylactic antibiotics d. Sexual abstinence


Which of the following is a safety technique used to prevent accidents and maintain a safe work environment? a. Making sure all employees have keys for entry access and a code for disarming the alarm b. Replacing examining paper c. Plugging in any disconnected electrical equipment d. Installing a locking system on the door between the waiting room/reception area and examination rooms/office areas


Which of the following is a type of hiatal hernia? a. Vertical b. Cervical c. Intestinal d. Sliding


Which of the following is an examination using a lighted instrument into the urethra and bladder to view the interior surface? a. Dialysis b. Catheterization c. Ultrasound d. Cystoscopy


Which of the following is an example of upcoding? a. The practice of using several CPT codes for a service when one inclusive code is available b. When a facility coder unintentionally assigns a procedure code that does not match patient documentation c. When a service is reduced to a lower level based strictly on the diagnosis code reported d. When a facility coder intentionally assigns a procedure code that does not match patient documentation


Which of the following is necessary for a standard negligence lawsuit? a. The patient suffers emotional distress as a result of the negligence. b. The provider's action which resulted in the patient's injury was intentional. c. The patient suffers a financial loss as a result of the negligence. d. The provider has established a relationship with the patient, resulting in a duty of care.


Which of the following is the most common tool used to evaluate heart performance? a. Heart scan b. Venogram c. MUGA scan d. ECG


Which of the following is true about bookkeeping? a. It must contain no more than one error. b. It must be done by a CPA. c. It must be shared with staff members. d. It must be 100 percent accurate.


Which of the following is true about scheduling an interpreter for your patient? a. the doctor must approve of the interpreter b. a family member may interpret for the patient c. the patient must pay for the interpreter d. arrange for the services in advance of the patient's visit


Which of the following means that the doctor, provider, or supplier agrees (or is required by law) to accept the Medicare-approved amount as full payment for covered services? a. Provider participation b. HIPAA Privacy Rule participation c. Medicaid assignment d. Medicare assignment


Which of the following muscle type is made of small, delicate muscle cells and is found throughout the internal organs of the body? a. Myocardial b. Skeletal c. Fibrous d. Smooth


Which of the following serve as sites of cellular respiration? a. Pinocytic vesicles b. Centrioles c. Lysosomes d. Mitochondria


Which of the following statements best describes performing duties within your scope of practice? a. demonstrating personal ethics b. working under the organizations' professional standards and ethics c. working under federal guidelines and standards d. working under a physician's direct supervision


Which of the following statements is true about lymphedema? a. Can be confirmed by a blood test b. Requires the removal of lymph nodes to stop the symptoms c. Results from the weakening of the immune system d. Is swelling of the tissues by accumulated lymph fluid


Which of the following statements is true? a. As a medical assistant, you must be visually supervised by a physician or a nurse at all times. b. As a medical assistant, you must be licensed in order to work in any state. c. As a medical assistant, your scope of practice is similar to a Certified Nurse Assistant. d. As a medical assistant, you are legally bound to obtain continuing education to maintain a license.


Which of the following tasks would you perform when opening the office for the workday? a. Take receipts (cash, check, credit card) to the bank for deposit. b. Clean and restock each examination room. c. Turn off autoclave. d. Perform a visual check of electrical devices, furniture, floors, and lighting.


Which of the following techniques can help alleviate snoring? a. eat a meal right before going to bed b. sleep on your stomach c. go to bed earlier d. lose weight


Which of the following terms best describes the visit capture? a. diagnosis coding b. Visit entry c. Adding modifiers to procedure codes d. Charge entry


Which of the following topics is frequently covered during patient education? a. Mental health b. Billing questions c. Transportation needs d. Medication management


Which of the following urinary diagnostic procedures is considered invasive? a. Fluoroscopy b. KUB series c. Ultrasound d. Catheterization


Which of the following would be considered one of the "pros" of using email? a. The provider can bill the patient's insurance company for the email conversations. b. Email increases costs and decreases productivity at work. c. Communications are secure. d. Email enables us to communicate without picking up the phone.


Which of the following would you provide to a patient needing resources regarding a pulmonary rehabilitation program? a. The medical reserve corps contact information b. Information from OSHA on the number of lung disease cases in the local demographic area c. The quality department's phone number d. A questionnaire, directions, and authorization for use or disclosure


Which of these is a precise nuclear medicine procedure using small amounts of a radioactive substance that are injected into a vein to help diagnose the presence of disease based on structural appearance? a. X-ray b. MRI c. CT Scan d. Bone scan


Which of these is one of the most important traits of a medical professional? a. Impulsiveness b. Selfishness c. Introverted d. Selflessness


Which type of bank account allows checks to be written for a larger amount than is currently in the account? a. Cryptocurrency account b. No-fee account c. Savings account d. Overdraft checking account


Which type of insurance is taken out to protect the personal and professional assets of physicians in the event they are found liable for some action or lack of action? a. Tort insurance b. Life insurance c. General liability insurance d. Malpractice insurance


Because the phone call is often the first contact a patient has with the office, your manner of speaking and the _______ you convey are part of establishing an appropriate image of the practice.




Communication and professionalism are examples of ______ skills


ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone)

stimulates the cortex of the adrenal gland

The brain is a large mass of nerve tissue with about ______ billion neurons


Payment plans are typically set up to have an account paid in full within ________ months


Thoracic vertebrae serve as the posterior attachment points for ______ pairs of ribs


Each sex has special sex glands or gonads that produce sex cells which are also known as: a. gametes. b. zygotes. c. ovum. d. spermatozoa.


duodenum jejunum ileum

1st 2nd 3rd

Emphysema causes: a. enlarged alveolar spaces in the lungs. b. slower respirations due to enlarged alveoli. c. large amounts of mucus. d. more efficient exchanges of oxygen and carbon dioxide.


Uterine leiomyomas occur in about ______ percent of all women older than 35.


How often should you order the updates to information regarding approved procedures and approved reimbursement rate information? a. Annually b. Quarterly c. Weekly d. Monthly


If you must send cash or currency by mail, you should send it via which method? a. Registered mail b. Priority mail c. Return receipt requested mail d. First class mail


All men over _____ years old should have a rectal examination and a PSA blood test performed yearly.


Collection agencies typically come into play when a bill is delinquent for more than _______ months


Approximately how many muscles are in the human body?


Sacral vertebrae are located in what region of the skeletal system? a. back b. posterior pelvic girdle c. chest d. neck


Carpal tunnel syndrome does which of the following? a. causes symptoms in the thumb and first two fingers b. causes deformities of the joint c. develops after acute bursitis d. is an inflammation of the forearm extensor tendon


Complications of viral infections, pneumonia, tuberculosis, chest injury, and other factors can cause: a. pleurisy. b. COPD. c. lung cancer. d. influenza.


A cash control sheet is used to record the total amount of _______ received by the practice in any given day. a. cash, checks, and debit or credit card payments b. checks c. cash d. debit or credit card payments


A heavy cushion of fat helps keep the kidneys in their proper position; however, very thin persons have an inadequately fatty tissue sometimes causing a condition called: a. ptosis. b. cystitis. c. dysuria. d. chronic renal failure.


A long-term treatment for uremia is: a. a kidney transplant. b. radiation. c. antibiotics. d. blood transfusions.


A moon face and a buffalo hump are symptoms of: a. Cushing's syndrome. b. Addison's disease. c. myxedema. d. Grave's disease.


A new form of hepatitis has been identified. What is it called? a. Hepatitis G b. Hepatitis J c. Hepatitis I d. Hepatitis H


A patient calls and is making demands by asking for something that is unreasonable and difficult to provide. You should: a. hold off any negative judgments and try your best to accommodate the request. b. give the caller at least three warnings before hanging up. c. ask for your co-worker's assistance. d. threaten to hang up.


The four keys to develop clarity in your communication are substance, simplicity, structure, and: a. speed. b. status. c. voice level. d. content.


Which of the following describes the nine-digit routing number security feature of a check? a. Magnetic ink character recognition numbers b. The MP logo in the signature line of laser checks c. The warning band in the border of the check d. Toner adhesion that cannot be removed


Which of the following triggers a mandatory release of the medical record? a. In the case of infectious diseases b. Violation of HIPAA Security Rule c. Violation of HIPAA Privacy Rule d. A minor child's medical record to the non-custodial parent


Which of the following types of information is required when prearranging a hospital admission? a. Patient's demographic data b. Types of services provided by the PCP c. Diagnosis chosen by the medical assistant d. Insurance telephone number


Which of the following would be considered a "con" of using email? a. Email is not as secure, private, and confidential as people think. b. Email is environmentally friendly; reducing the amount of paper used, costs, and energy required to deliver mail. c. Email provides an easy reference to past communications. d. Email is fast, accessible, and saves time when you need to communicate but don't have time for small talk.


Which of these is a date that commonly appears on an invoice? a. The date by which payment should be made by the medical office. b. The date of purchase order was filled. c. The date the invoice was mailed. d. The date the order was placed.


Which of these means blood? a. -emia b. -ase c. -logist d. -globin


Which structure connects the mouth with the stomach? a. esophagus b. tonsils c. throat d. windpipe


A structural malformation of the feet, commonly called clubfoot, is known as: a. hemochromatosis. b. talipes. c. Klinefelter's Syndrome. d. Turner's Syndrome.


A tissue that lines the interior surface of the heart is known as: a. myocardium. b. endocardium. c. pericardium. d. pleura.


A claim that is automatically forwarded from Medicare to a secondary insurer after Medicare has paid its portion of a service when using an EHR is known as a _____ claim. a. walkover b. crossover c. crosswalk d. linkover


A company that often serves as the middleman between providers and billing groups, payers, and other health care partners for the transmission and translation of electronic claims information into the specific format required by payers is known as what? a. A remittance advice b. A clearinghouse c. Electronic claims tracking d. Electronic data interchange


A heartbeat that is consistently rapid is known as: a. bradycardia. b. tachycardia. c. atrial contractions. d. arrhythmia.


An ordinance would be created by: a. the U.S. Congress. b. a city council. c. a state legislature. d. the U.S. Supreme Court.


CPT codes 00100-01999, and 99100-99140 represent: a. evaluation and management. b. anesthesiology. c. pathology and laboratory. d. radiology.


Dr. John M. Purvis suggests using four Es to engage the child in health care matters. The four Es are: a. encouragement, entitlement, enlistment, and education. b. encouragement, empathy, enlistment, and education. c. encouragement, empathy, endeavor, and entitlement. d. encouragement, empathy, entitlement, and education.


How many pairs of ribs are considered "true" ribs? a. eight b. seven c. six d. five


The term flexor refers to: a. straightening a joint. b. bending the joint. c. bringing the legs together. d. raising the arm at the side of the body.


What does the acronym NPI stand for? a. National physician identifier b. National provider identifier c. National provider identification d. National physician information


What is shaped like a sac and has a slippery fluid lining known as a bursa? a. cushion b. sheath c. sleeve d. pod


What is the function of the diaphragm? a. The diaphragm creates an enzyme that breaks down sugars, fats, and starches. b. The diaphragm contracts and flattens and the chest cavity enlarges. This contraction creates a vacuum, which pulls air into the lungs. c. The diaphragm is a group of organs that work together to help you breathe. d. The diaphragm regulates most chemical levels in the blood and excretes a product called bile.


Where is the urinary bladder located? a. Behind the left kidney b. Behind the symphysis c. Behind the right kidney d. Behind the ureter


What is another term for net worth? a. Assets b. Financial position c. Owner's equity d. Gross collections


colles depressed spiral greenstick compound comminuted impacted simple

Break of the distal end of the radius Broken piece of the skull is driven inwards The break winds around the bone Bone will crack under pressure but will not break all the way through When broken bone protrudes through the skin's surface More than one fracture line and several bone fragments Indicates that the broken ends are jammed into each other A complete bone break in which there is no involvement with the skin's surface

A biopsy involves: a. focusing a laser beam on the tumor to destroy a small part at a time. b. removing a piece of the tumor by X-ray. c. withdrawing a tissue sample through a needle. d. using a scalpel to remove tissue.


A condition of repeated passage of unformed wastes is known as: a. constipation. b. Crohn's Disease. c. diarrhea. d. diverticulitis.


A disease caused by a tick is called which of the following? a. scabies b. ringworm c. Lyme disease d. pediculosis


A form letter may be used for which type of letter? a. A letter to the patient explaining their diagnosis b. Providing details about a patient to a specialist c. Annual physical exam reminders d. Sending individual bills to patients


A generalized dysfunction of the exocrine glands that affects multiple organ systems is known as which of the following? a. dwarfism b. color blind deficiency c. cystic fibrosis


A mark imprinted on paper that is visible when it is held to the light, usually a sign of quality is referred to as: a. bonding. b. a security script. c. a watermark. d. a heat-sensitive bond.


Which body organ can usually be successfully transplanted? a. Urethra b. Spleen c. Kidney d. Liver


Which of the following is a standard precaution for accepting checks? a. Ask the patient to make a note on the check referencing "paid in full". b. Only accept postal money orders if there are two endorsements. c. Stamp the check with the deposit endorsement upon receipt. d. Accept third-party checks that have been stamped certified.


Which of the following is a symptom of meningitis? a. Seizure b. Listlessness c. High fever d. Shakes


Which of the following is a test to evaluate the condition of the myocardium of the heart? a. Heart scan b. Venogram c. MUGA scan d. Stress ECG


Which of the following is included on the account statement? a. Copy of CMS-1500 form(s) b. Daily totals for the provider c. Date(s) of the patient's service(s) d. Copy of the superbill


Which of the following is known as a synovial joint? a. ulna b. pelvis c. elbow d. sacrum


Which of the following is the least effective means of collecting patient fees? a. Contacting the patient by phone b. Requiring payment while the patient is in the office c. Through written communication d. Through verbal communication


A HIPAA-compliant form used to release personal information with the signed consent of the patient is known as a: a. notice of privacy practices form. b. patient-provider communication form. c. confidential communication preference form. d. release of information form.


HCPCS Level II _____ codes identify injectables that are provided to patients in an office or outpatient setting.



absence of urine

The inflammation of the glomerulus of the nephron occurs in _______ forms

both acute and chronic

In the disease Duchenne's Dystrophy, the gene is carried by

both males and females

What layer of the skin contains the sweat and sebaceous (oil) glands?


pap smear

examination done on secretions removed from the cervix and upper vagina


exercise of the pelvic floor muscles may be helpful

Glands secreting substances through ducts are _____ glands



female pelvis

An infection of the hair follicle with the formation of a pustule is


All body tissues must have _______ to survive

food and oxygen

The sex of the fetus is evident by about the _____ month


There is an interruption in the message from the SA node to the AV node in which cardiac condition?

heart block

Which disease occurs in three forms: primary acute, progressive disseminated, and chronic pulmonary?


When suffixes are written as separate components, they begin with a ____ followed by the suffix.


An ____________ demonstrates the profit and expenses for a given month and includes year-to-date information for a given year.

income statement

Grave's disease results from a(n) ________ in production of thyroxine that may be caused by a genetic susceptibility to autoimmune factors.



inflammation of the pancreas

Pride in knowing you are upholding the high standards of the organization is an example of

intrinsic reward

An ________ is a document that includes itemization of goods and purchases or services provided together with the charges and terms of the agreement.


pruritus ani

itching of the area surrounding the anus

Chronic renal failure is the end result of progressive loss of ______ function


Hormonal studies

measurement of pituitary hormones

Use of ICD-10-CM codes establishes the ____ for the services and procedures provided to the patient.

medical necessity

According to CMS, the provider or supplier who routinely waives Medicare deductibles and co-payments is___________ the actual charge of that service or supply.


The dense mass within the cytoplasm that is the control center of the cell is the


HIPAA regulations and recommendations require a designated ______ who must keep track of who has access to protected health information within a facility.

privacy offer

The bulbourethral glands lies beneath the _______ and empty their contents into the urethra.


When the amputated stump has healed sufficiently, a(n)______ (artificial part) may be fitted.


A chronic inflammatory condition that is recurrent, with alternating periods of remission or increased severity is


A provider can charge more than the Medicare-approved amount, but there is a limit called _________ , which is up to 15 percent over the amount that nonparticipating providers are paid.

the limiting charge

pineal body

third ventricle of the brain

Seamen analysis

to determine the volume of the semen

If a patient is experiencing hyperemesis, they are _____ excessively



withdraw of fluid from the pleural space by needle aspiration following local anesthetic.

Strong, flexible bands of connective tissue called _____hold long bones together at joints.


Upper respiratory infection is usually self-limiting after a _______ incubation period


A caller should not be placed on hold for more than: a. one minute. b. 30 seconds. c. ten minutes d. three minutes.


A patient ledger within a practice management system may be called a(n): a. account history. b. encoder. c. coder program. d. accounts payable report.


A patient was recently diagnosed with a terminal illness. The patient exhibits little emotion about the diagnosis, but spends hours researching the illness and end-of-life care. Which defense mechanism are they likely using? a. intellectualization b. regression c. projection d. displacement


A patient who is grimacing and wincing would be communicating in which of the following styles? a. nonverbally b. affectively c. intellectually d. verbally


A reaction of the eyes, nose, and sinuses to airborne allergens is: a. allergic rhinitis. b. atelectasis. c. asthma. d. bronchitis.


A remittance advice is a ______. a. claim summary sent to the patient. b. paper check sent to the patient. c. paper check sent to the provider. d. claim summary sent to the provider.


After write-offs are taken, net collection rates should be: a. between 90 and 100 percent. b. between 50 and 90 percent. c. no more than 10 percent. d. no less than 50 percent.


Amniocentesis is done to: a. check for chromosomal abnormalities. b. rule out multiple births. c. determine the sex of the baby. d. check for gestational diabetes


An account from which you can make a debit card transaction is called a ____ account. a. checking b. overdraft c. savings d. custodial


An adaptive coping skill where an individual stays organized is: a. planning. b. meditating. c. journaling. d. creating boundaries.


An enlarged thyroid is commonly known as: a. goiter. b. gonad. c. tetany. d. thymus.


Arthroscopy is described as which of the following? a. a surgical procedure to view inside a joint b. the injection of radioactive substance into a vein c. an imaging test using radio waves d. a special x-ray of a joint


Brachytherapy is defined as: a. treatment that places radioactive material at the tumor. b. the administration of the drug Brachysone DX. c. a treatment used only with patients who have the BRCA genes. d. an intravenous therapy given through the brachial artery.


Careful monitoring of inventory is vital. You do not want to run out of needed supplies, and you want to be sure to: a. determine if you have enough storage space. b. ask each staff member to order their own supplies. c. consult the physician prior to ordering any supplies. d. compare prices from multiple vendors for all supplies.


A doughnut-shaped muscle that opens and closes to control the flow of blood, liquids, or food is a(n)


is/are the acquired material, property, or labor in exchange for money.


The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) enforces the _________ which prohibits debt collectors from using abusive, unfair, or deceptive practices to collect from a patient or customer.

fair debt collection practices act

peptic ulcer

lesion in the mucous membrane lining of the stomach, lower esophagus, duodenum, or jejunum

The spleen is an organ composed of lymphatic tissue that lies just beneath the ________ side of the diaphragm.


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