MIS 2223 Exam 2: 6- 8- 4 Acronyms
A form of digital television that works with digital broadcast signals, transmitting digital sound, supporting wide screens, and providing high resolutions. Short for high-definition television.
A standard music file protocol used by a variety of electronic musical instruments, computers, and other related devices to connect and communicate with one another.
A unit of visible light intensity equal to one candela (formerly called candlepower) per square meter.
Devices that read text printed with magnetized ink.
Display technology that sandwiches a liquid compound between two sheets of material that presents sharp, flicker-free images on a screen when illuminated.
Graphical User Interface- A collective term for all the ways the user interacts with a device; a GUI controls how they interact with menus, programs and apps, and visual images such as icons by touching, pointing, tapping, or clicking buttons and other objects to issue commands.
Multitasking operating system with many versions, as the code is licensed to different developers.
Radio frequency identification; technology that uses radio signals to communicate with a tag placed in or attached to an object, an animal, or a person.
Software that converts text to digital text so that it can be edited, copied, and searched directly within the program.
Speech to Text- Feature that recognizes a user's spoken words and enters them into email messages, text messages, or other applications that support typed text entry.
QR Code
Square-shaped graphic that corresponds to a web address or other information. Short for quick response code.
The latest version of the Hypertext Markup Language, which is built into browsers.
The operating system for Apple desktop and laptop computers; includes the Siri virtual assistant, coordination with Apple mobile devices, and cloud file storage.
Type of wireless connection that uses close-range radio signals to transmit data between two NFC-enabled devices.
UNIX-based operating system for desktop computers, laptops, and some tablets; distributed under the terms of a General Public License (GPL), which allows the user to copy the OS for their own use, to give to others, or to sell.
Ultra High Definition- (umbrella term used for display term for television and portable electronics.)
artificial intelligence-The technological use of logic and prior experience to simulate human intelligence.
virtual reality- The use of computers to simulate a real or imagined environment that appears as a three-dimensional (3-D) space.