MIS Chapter 14

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____ includes infrastructure- servers, storage, and networking- but also middleware, development tools, business intelligence services, database management systems and more.


____ is a complete development and deployment environment in the cloud, with resources that enable you to deliver everything from simple cloud based apps to sophisticated, cloud enabled enterprise applications.


____ is designed to support the complete web application lifecycle: building, testing, deploying, managing, and updating.


_____ allows you to avoid the expense and complexity of buying and managing software licenses, the underlying application infrastructure and middleware or the development tools and other resources.


You mange that applications and services you develop and the cloud service provider typically manages everything else


____ is an OSS version of Microsoft office


Which of the following sets of software represents the constituents of the LAMP stack?

Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl

In this trap, you are forced to do things because everyone else does it a certain way. Example include some of Microsoft and adobe products. What trap is being described?

industry standards trap

Choose one which is a risk of adapting Saas

limited configuration, customization, and system integration

Which of the following is one of the benefits enjoyed by Saas vendors?

lower distribution costs

The ___ cost to produce an additional copy of a software product is effectively zero


____ is the phenomenon described in economics and business whereby increased numbers of users or participants increase the value of a good or service

network effect

Which of the following is most likely to be the reason why it is difficult to attract third party vendors to write application software for an OS of it is burgeoning?

network effects

Which of the following was an outdated notion regarding open source software and has been shown to be inaccurate?

open source is fueled on the contributions of loners tooling away for the glory of contributing to better code

Which of the following refers to a variant of utility computing where vendors provide the operating system and supporting software like database managements systems but where client firms write their own code?

platform as a service

Which of the following is true of software a service?

refers to software that is made available by a third party online

Cloud computing refers to....

replacing computing resources with services provided over the internet

Which of the following is one of the characteristics of using software as a service model?

scalable systems

Which of the following is one of the sources of revenue for open-source vendors?

selling support and consulting services

____ provides the infrastructure backbone to Saas and hardware cloud efforts, as well as many large scale internet services

server farms

The names comes from the fact that the task associated with infrastructure provisioning and management are invisible to the developer.

server less computing

In this could service, the cloud provider provides backend services on an as-used basis to the users, which allows users to write and deploy code without the hassle of worrying about the underlying infrastructure

server-less computing

___ refers to a form of cloud computing where a firm subscribes to a third party software and receives that is delivered online

software as a service

Hypervisor reduces___

space, energy, and maintenance requirements

Cloud computing requires ___ to get the computing services


____ describes any implement or "trap" to a customer's changing of suppliers of products/ or services or it may mean any maneuvers to lock in customers

switching costs

Which one is one of the top cloud transformation challenges?

talent gaps

Which of the following statements relation to open source software is true?

the flagship OSS product is the Linux operating system, now available on all scales of computing devices

Vendors who use open source as part of their product offerings can expect to bring new products to the market faster because:

they can skip whole segments of the software development process

The LAMP stack of open-source products is used

to power many of the Internets most popular websites

Open source software movement is not socialism but a social movement to obtain freedom____

to run the software, to study and change the software, and to redistribute copies with or without changes

All of the costs associated with the design, development, testing, implementation, documentation, training, and maintenance of a software system are collectively termed as ____

total cost of ownership

TRUE OR FALSE: Firms using SaaS products can dramatically lower several costs associated with the care and feeding of their information systems


TRUE OR FALSE: Free-software vendors revenue sources include user donations


TRUE OR FALSE: conventional software firms treat their intellectual property as closely guarded and almost never provide the source code for their commercial software products


TRUE OR FALSE: dependence on a single vendor is one of the risks you might need to take when adopting Saas


TRUE OR FALSE: firms want significant control over the operating system and applications they put " in the cloud" should choose an Iaas service over an Saas offering


TRUE OR FALSE: just about every type of commercial product has an open-source equivalent


TRUE OR FALSE: most organizations do not choose IT configurations that are purely in-house, packaged, or Saas models


TRUE OR FALSE: one of the drawbacks of open source software is that it cannot be easily migrated to more powerful computers as circumstances dictate


TRUE OR FALSE: platform services such as website hosting, can be part of revenue models for OSS


TRUE OR FALSE: some of the largest technology companies now support open source software initiatives.


TRUE OR FALSE: the flagship OSS product is the Linux operating system, now available on all scales of computing devices


TRUE OR FALSE: the most common way to get revenue from OSS is to provide paid services. Red hat sets the bar for this model, boasting substantial revenue.


TRUE OR FALSE: type 1 hypervisor require a host operating system to run guest operating systems on top of it


TRUE OR FALSE; unlike uncertainty, risk is predictable and measurable


TRUE OR FASLE: firms should enter the cloud cautiously particularly where mission critical systems are concerned


Oracle, a firm that sells commercial ERP and database products, provided Linux for free, selling high margin Linux support contracts for as much as five hundred thousand dollars. Oracle's motivation for this lies in:

using open source software to wean customers away from competitors

_____ underpins most cloud computing efforts because it can make computing more efficient, cost-effective, and scalable


Which of the following is one if the reasons why tech giants are behind the OSS movement?

- To ensure backward and forward compatibility with their products, to obtain interoperability with their products, to get you to cough up for more advanced versions by making basic versions open source, to become a leader in setting standards and coordinate the release of product revisions and improvements.

The acronym ____ represents one of the most common OSS stacks for many of the webs most popular applications


an example of an OSS is ....


_____ is the name of the popular server where you'll find millions of open source projects hosted and shared


In this could service a could computing service provider manages everything while you purchase, install, configure, and mange your own software- including operating systems, middleware, and applications


___ lets you bypass the cost and complexity of buying and managing physical servers and datacenter equipment. Each resource is offered as a separate service component, and you only pay for a particular resource for as long as you need it.


____ helps you reduce maintenance of on-premises data centers, save money on hardware costs, and gain real-time business insights. ___ gives you the flexibility to scale your IT resources up and down with demand. ___ also helps you quickly provision new applications and increase the reliability of your understanding IT basis.


____ is a type of cloud computing service that offers essential compute, storage, and networking resources on demand, on a pay-as-you-go basis


which one is not one of the hardware clouds?


In this cloud service the provider manages the HW and SW and with the appropriate service agreement, will ensure the availability and the security of the app and data as well


In this cloud service you rent the use of an app for your organization and your users connect to it over the internet usually with a web browser


In this cloud service, all of the underlying infrastructure, middleware, app software, and app data are located in the service providers data center


____ allows users to connect to and use cloud based apps over the internet. Common examples are email, calendaring and office tools.


____ allows your organization to get quickly up and running with an app at minimal upfront cost


A black swan event is an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected of a situation and has potentially severe consequences. Chose one that is least likely to be a black swan event A. Personal computer B. The rise of IoT C. The rise of cryptocurrency D. The rise of the internet


the scalability of a software product is defined as the ____

ability to be easily expanded to mange workload increases

Which is not one of the SaaS pricing tactics a. Per-user pricing b. Per-site pricing c. Tiered pricing d. Usage- based pricing e. Flat-rate pricing f. Per-feature pricing


Which of the following is not an implication of software industry going through some fundamental changes? a. Smaller firms access to beefy and sophisticated computing power that only giants had access to in the past b. Big techs concentrate more of their resources on developing proprietary software to ride through the wave c. Startups can scale quickly and get up and running with less investment capital d. Existing firms can leverage these technologies to reduce costs


Nespresso coffee machines are sold at cost and available at major retailers so anyone can buy them. But highly profitable coffee pods are only sold through Nespresso's owned sales channels, allowing them to absorb high margins. What is this an example of?

base product trap

A____ model describes that rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and capture value in environmental, social, corporate governance or other contexts


Which is not one of the major developments in software industry A. Proprietary to open source software B. On-premise to cloud computing C. Outsourcing to in-sourcing D. Waterfall to agile methodology


The term ___ is used as a metaphor for the internet


Which of the following is true about cloud computing?

cloud computing firms often have data centers that are not designed to pool and effectively manage computing resources

If an organization using a private cloud reaches 100 percent of its resource capacity, the overflow traffic is directed to a public cloud so there is no interruption of services. Such a configuration is known as ____


Which of the following should an organization consider when making make/buy/rent (SaaS) decisions for a given software system

competitive advantage, legal and compliance, skills, expertise, and labor, cost and time

____ is lightweight alternative to ___ that just puts an application and its own data and runtime in a logical container.

containerization, virtualization

A servitization trap locks in customers by providing supplemental services and solutions to their traditional product offerings. Which one is least likely an example? a. Free upgrade/update b. Free delivery/ download c. Free consulting/ training d. Free source code


Which of the following is not one of the software industry accelerators? A. Almost zero marginal cost B. Network effect C. High switching costs D. Easier vertical integration( taking direct ownership of various stages of it production process)


Cloud computing is the ____ of computing services by third parties over the internet to offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale


____ is software that allows a single computer to function as if it were several different computers, each running its own operating system and applications.


The fundamental models powering the software industry is under assault. Which is not such an assault? a. Form "license based" to " cloud based" b. From "proprietary" to " open source" c. From "actual" to "virtual" d. From " paid" to "free" e. From "shrink-wrapped" to "electric download"


This trap forces customers to use a product for a certain period of time specified in a contract. If the customer wants to exit the contract, he/she has to pay early termination fees. What trap is being described?

exit trap

Choose factors you would not consider when deciding on a Saas vendor a. Innovative b. Timely update and support c. Security and data recovery d. Cross-platform compatibility e. Scalability f. Degree of vertical integration


Which is not a revenue model for SaaS a. Freemium b. Ad-supported c. Add-on services d. Data monetization e. Subscription fee f. Donation


TRUE OR FALSE: Linux is one of the most used operating systems in desktop computers, but it can be found only in a tiny fraction of mobile phones, and consumer electronics


TRUE OR FALSE: Major business models for software businesses include "license based" and cloud based", which hold true for OSS and free software businesses


TRUE OR FALSE: Saas and the utility of computing style efforts differ widely in terms of benefits and risks they offer


TRUE OR FALSE: average variable cost always increases as the quantity of production increase


TRUE OR FALSE: firms that adopt as a service actually buy a systems software and hardware, so these systems become a fixed operating expense


TRUE OR FALSE: in serverless computing, there are no servers that runs the code


TRUE OR FALSE: one of the main reasons why firms choose OSS over proprietary software is demand from their employees who are early adopters of OSS


TRUE OR FALSE: one of the most obvious benefits of Saas to the subscriber is access to various OSS for free


TRUE OR FALSE: open Calendar is an open source e-mail software that competes with Outlook server


TRUE OR FALSE: software automating proprietary processes considered vital to an organizations competitive advantage are often excellent candidates for running via Saad efforts since Saas vendors have additional expertise on organizational functions gleaned from knowledge of working with a vast number of customers


TRUE OR FALSE; one area where open source software contributions have been virtually non-existent is in tools to support the massive file systems used in so called dig data projects


TRUE OR FALSE: with Saas, firms get the most basic offerings but can also do the most customization, putting their own tools on top

false, this is known as Iaas

what motivates a developer to contribute to open source software

fun and altruism

technology products with particularly strong security features are said to be____


A ___ site is a near duplicate of the original site of the organization, with full computer systems as well as complete backups of user data


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