MIS301 Final Exam

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- If Facebook is going to continue to grow and give away its services for free, it needs to make money somehow. - The bulk of Facebook's revenue comes from _________________. - For Facebook, the size of the firm's market has created a money-gushing bonanza. - Firms face two key challenges when advertising on social media: content adjacency and user attention.


- Operating System: Software that controls the computer hardware and establishes standards for developing and executing applications. - __________________: Desktop applications, enterprise software, utilities, and other programs that perform specific tasks for users and organizations.


- Lower costs and financial risk mitigation - Faster deployment times and variable operating expense - Scalable systems - Higher quality and service levels - Remote access and availability - Limits development to a single platform - Tighter feedback loop - Ability to instantly deploy bug fixes and product enhancements - Lower distribution costs - Greater accessibility - Reducing software piracy

Benefits of SaaS

The collections, storage, and analysis of extremely large, complex, and often unstructured datasets that can be used by organizations to generate insights that would otherwise be impossible to make.

Big Data

- _______________ Intelligence: a term combining aspects of reporting, data exploration and ad hoc queries, and sophisticated data modeling and analytics. - Analytics: a term describing the extensive use of data, statistical and quantitative analysis, explanatory and predictive models, and fact based management to drive decisions and actions. - Machine Learning: a type of artificial intelligence that leverages massive amounts of data so that computers can act and improve on their own without additional programming.


- ___________________: use of cloud computing to provide excess capacity during periods of spiking demand. It is a scalability solution that is provided as an overflow service, kicking in as needed. - Black Swans: events that cannot be predicted but can cause an impact. Scalable computing resources can help a firm deal with spiking impact from Black swan events.


Provides a place where the gear from multiple firms can come together where the peering of Internet traffic can take place. Equipment connecting in colos could be high-speed lines from ISPs, telecom lines from large private data centers, or even servers hosted in a colo to be closer to high-speed Internet connections. - Less than a decade ago, 80 milliseconds was acceptably low latency, but now trading firms are pushing below one millisecond into microseconds, and soon, nanoseconds. - But also recognize that this kind of automated trading comes with risks. Systems that run on their own can move many billions in the blink of an eye, and the actions of one system may cascade, triggering actions by others.

Colocation Facility

________________ Hardware: physical components of information technology, which includes the computer and the following peripherals: - Storage devices - Input devices - Output devices Software: computer program or collection of programs. - precise set of instructions that tells hardware what to do.


- _______________: single table or a collection of related tables. - Database Management Systems: software for creating, maintaining, and manipulating data. - Structured Query Language: a language used to create and manipulate databases.


Job title focused in directing, performing, or overseeing activities associated with a database or set of databases.

Database Administrator

____________ Subscriber Line: Broadband technology that uses the wires of local telephone network. - Speeds vary depending on the technology deployed. - Limitation: uses standard copper telephone wiring that lacks the shielding used by cable.


- _______________ Computing: a form of computing where systems in different locations communicate and collaborate to complete a task. - Server: program that fulfills the request of a client. - Client: software program that makes requests of a server program.


__________ name service: internet directory service that allows devices and services to be named and discoverable. - Distributed database that looks up host and domain names and returns the actual IP addresses for them.


________________ also has concerns related to: - Competing for user time with services that promote private sharing. - Balancing user privacy with the potential for delivering products that are lucrative. - Whether Facebook can remain one of the Internet's most successful and influential firms.


_________________ was started by Mark Zuckerberg, a Harvard drop-out. -Even after deleting a jaw dropping two billion fake accounts, roughly one in every five people on the planet has a Facebook account. - The firm's daily traffic is three times larger than the viewership of the Super Bowl. - Accounts for the largest share of the most popular activity on the most widely used computing devices. - Apps account for 30% of US mobile Internet use. - 85% of Facebook users come from abroad.


Sheryl Sandberg (Facebook COO) is often depicted as the person who runs the place. - The coach, the seasoned mentor, the drill sergeant, the billionaire - Sandberg came to Facebook from Google. - In just 3 years she helped Facebook: Increase users ten-fold. Devise a sales organization that can serve a customer base ranging from the Fortune 100 to mom and pop stores. - Sheryl Sandberg is a powerful speaker and a leading advocate for increasing the ranks of women in senior management, and her book on the topic, Learn In, became a bestseller.

Facebook's Copilot

"To make the world more open and connected." - From a social network initially targeted at college students, Facebook has become a relentlessly advancing and evolving force, occupying large swaths of user time and expanding into all sorts of new markets.

Facebook's Mission

- The firm's founding duo, Sergey Bin and Larry Page, are billionaires. - Within 6 years of the IPO, ____________ had become one of the twenty most profitable firms in the United States and was the youngest firm on the list, by a wide margin. - Market capitalization: value of a firm calculated by multiplying its share price by the number of shares.


- ____________ earns by pairing Internet surfers with advertisers. - Advertising drives profits and lets the firm offer most of its services for free. - Voted as one of the best firms to work for in the United States. - Variety of ___________ services (most are free) encourage users to spend more time on ____________, leading to more advertising opportunities for ___________.


____________ has evolved into Alphabet, a diverse holding company investing in a wide-ranging array of potentially high-impact endeavors.


- Google offers a suite of tracking and analysis tools via a service it calls ______________ ________________. - The basic service is offered free to websites of all sizes, with premium offerings and support available for a fee. - Using analytics, a content provider can collect statistics on the following: Website or app's traffic. Traffic sources. User behavior on site, sales and advertising success. Social media analysis. - _____________ _______________ has more than 80% market share.

Google Analytics

- Allows phones to replace much of the "stuff" inside your wallet. - It can be used to pay for goods, store gift cards, collect and redeem coupons and special offers, and manage loyalty programs. - Will leverage near field communication: short range communication standard for contactless payments and transactions. - Can prompt you to use a loyalty card of gift card if you have one.

Google Pay

- Acquired this for $1 billion. - Turned the potential rival into an asset for growth and another vehicle for Facebook. - Since the acquisition, has continued to operate a separate brand, tripling its user base the year following acquisition. - Now sports usage numbers larger than Twitter and Snapchat.


More is spent on _____________ ads than any other form of advertising, and this is expected to rise for the foreseeable future.


_____________ Service Provider: Organization or firm that provides access to the internet. - Providers connect to one another, exchanging traffic and ensuring that messages can get to any other computer that's online and willing to communicate. The internet was designed to be redundant and fault-tolerant- if one network, connecting wire, or server stops working, everything else should keep on running.


Last Mile: Technologies that connect end users to the Internet. The last-mile problem refers to the fact that these connections are usually the slowest part of the network. Internet Backbone: High-speed data lines that interconnect and collectively form the core of the Internet. Amdahl's Law: System's speed is determined by its slowest component. Broadband: High-speed Internet connections. Bandwidth: Network transmission speeds that are expressed in some form of bits per second.

Last Mile

- __________: open source software operating system. - Source code for OSS products is openly shared. - Can be changed and redistributed by anyone. - Seen by some firms as a threat that undermines their economic model.


_________ Balancing: Distributing a computing or networking workload across multiple systems in order to avoid congestion and slow performance. Fault Tolerance: Systems that are capable of continuing operation even if a component fails.


- ______________ Learning: software that contains the ability to learn or improve without being explicitly programmed. - Deep Learning: a type of machine learning that uses multiple layers of interconnections among data to identify pattern and improve predicted results. - Neural Network: examines data and hunts down and exposes patterns in order to build models to exploit findings. - Expert Systems: leverages rules or examples to perform a task in a way that mimics applied human expertise. - Genetic Algorithms: model building techniques where computers examine many potential solutions to a problem.


_____________ seeks to compromise a computing system without permission. Methods of infection: - Viruses: infect other software or files. - Worms: take advantage of security vulnerability to automatically spread. - Trojans: attempt to sneak in by masquerading as something they're not. Goals of malware: - Botnets or zombie networks: used in click fraud, sending spam, to decipher accounts that use CAPTCHAs. - Malicious adware: installed without full user consent or knowledge, later serve unwanted advertisements.


- ____________ Costs: the costs associated with each additional unit produced. - Open Source Software: software that is free and where anyone can look at and potentially modify the code. - Cloud Computing: replacing computing with services provided over the Internet. - Software as a Service: a form of cloud computing where a firm subscribes to a third-party software and receives a service that is delivered online. - Virtualization: technology that can make a single computer behave like many separate computers. Helps consolidate computing resources and creates additional savings and efficiencies.


- Data Warehouse: a set of databases to support decision making in an organization. - Data ________: database or databases focused on addressing the concerns of a specific problem or business unit. - Structured for fast online queries and exploration. - Collects data from many different operational systems.


__________________: A Pillar Business Building Facebook's Future - Zuckerberg claims messaging is "one of the few things that people actually do more than social networking" - Facebook Messenger platform allows firms to build artificial intelligence powered chatbots that interact with customers. - Facebook Messenger has also become a payments platform, allowing users to send and receive money with their contacts. - Facebook has introduced a platform that allows developers to build their products that integrate directly via Messenger.


- Mobile users spend an estimated 86% of their time in apps and only 14% on the Web. - Individual, specialized apps draw users away from Google. Kayak and TripAdvisor for travel. Shazam for music. Amazon for shopping. - App owners are becoming even more useful advertisers with the rise of deep linking: A link that takes a user to a specific webpage, or launches an app ad brings up a unique location rather than just launching the app.

Mobile Apps and the Challenge for Google

_____________ Address Translation: Conserves IP addresses by mapping devices on a private network to single internet-connected devices that acts on their behalf. - Helps delay the impact of the IP address drought. - Only long-term solution is to shift to new IP scheme.


When the value of a product or service increases as its number of users expands.

Network effects

- Facebook's $2 billion purchase is a long-term bet at keeping the firm at the vanguard of computing's evolution. - Prototype form at the time of acquisition, it's essentially a computing screen that you strap to your face. Two very high resolution displays fill ski goggle life gear with a wraparound image covering your field of vision. - Zuckerberg has said, "Strategically we want to start building the next major computing platform that will come after mobile."

Oculus VR

Three factors are driving _________ ad growth trends: - Increased user time online. - Improved measurement and accountability. - Targeting: enables a firm to spend money only on its best prospects. Impressions help advertisers gauge an advertisement's effectiveness/ - Impressions: each time an ad is served to a user for viewing.


Facebook's __________ ____________, continues to project Facebook's influence beyond the site itself. - Allows developers to link Web pages and app usage into the social graph. Offers website operators the choice to accept a user's Facebook credentials for logging in. Allows firms to make their sites more personalized by leveraging its data. The measures allow Facebook membership to increase in value by: - Enhancing network effects - Strengthening switching costs - Creating larger sets of highly personalized data to leverage

Open Graph

When separate ISPs link their networks to swap traffic on the Internet. - Takes place at neutral sites called Internet exchange points.


- Bad Apples: Rogue employees who steal secrets, install malware, or hold a firm hostage. - Social Engineering: Cons games that trick employees into revealing information or performing other tasks that compromise a firm. - ______________: Cons executed using technology, in order to acquire sensitive information or trick someone into installing malicious software. - Spoofed: Email transmissions and packets that have been altered to forge or disguise their origin or identity. - Zero Day Exploits: New attacks that haven't been clearly identified and haven't been incorporated into security screening systems.


- ____________: products and services that allow for the development and integration of software products and other complementary goods. - Application software performs the work that users and firms are directly interested in accomplishing. - Desktop Software: applications installed on a personal computer, typically supporting tasks performed by a single user. - Enterprise Software: applications that address the needs of multiple users throughout an organization or work group. - Software Package: software product offered commercially by a third party. - Enterprise Resource Planning: software package that integrates the many functions of a business: Sales and inventory Manufacturing and purchasing Human Resources Order Tracking and Decision Support


_________________ in advertising on social networks: - Content adjacency: concern that an advertisement will run near offensive material, embarrassing an advertiser and/or degrading their products or brands. - An IDC report suggests that it's because of content adjacency that "brand advertisers largely consider user-generated content as low-quality, brand-unsafe inventory" for running ads. - Dispelling concerns hinges on a combination of evolving public attitudes toward content adjacency issues in social media, as well as better technology and policing of the content in which ads appear.


The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has called for: - Greater transparency and user control in online advertising. - Opt-in when collecting sensitive data. (program that requires customer consent) Google allows users to: - See all the categorizations assigned to a browser's tracking cookie. - Remove categorizations, or add interest to improve ad targeting. - Install a cookie or plug-in that opts them out of interest-based tracking. Opt-oout: enroll all customers by default, but allow them to discontinue participation if they want to. Plug-in: extends the feature set or capabilities of another application.

Profiling and Privacy

Facebook published a set of application __________________ interfaces: Programming hooks, or guidelines, published by firms that tell other programs how to get a service to perform a task such as send or receive data.


_______________ Language: provides the standards, syntax, statements, and instructions for writing computer software. - Integrated Development Environment: an application that includes an editor, a debugger, and compiler, among other tools. - Scripting Languages: programming tool that executes within an application.


- Search engine marketing: designing, running and optimizing search engine ad campaigns. - Keyword advertising: advertisements targeted based on a user's query. Advertisements bid on the keywords used to trigger the display of their ad. - Linking advertising to purchasing intent makes Google's ads highly valuable. - Pay per click: advertisers do not pay unless someone clicks. - Top performing ads are measured by considering the: Maximum CPC an advertiser is willing to pay. Advertisements quality score. (a broad measure of ad performance) Factors determining an ad's quality score: - Click through rate: number of users who clicked an ad dividend by the number of times the ad was delivered. - Overall history of click performance for the keywords linked to the ad. - Relevance of an ad's test to the user's query. - Automated assessment of the user experience on the landing page. (web page displayed when a user clicks on an ad)

Search Advertising

___________ Breaches Factors that can amplify a firm's vulnerability of a breach: - Personal issues - Technology problems - Procedural factors - Operational issues Constant vigilance regarding security needs to be: - Part of one's individual skill set. - A key component in an organization's culture.


_______: Identifies resources on the Internet along with the application protocol needed to retrieve it. Often used interchangeably with "Web address." Protocol: Enables communication be defining the format of data and rules for exchange. - Hyper transfer protocol: application transfer protocol that allows web browsers and web servers to communicate with each other. - SMTP, or simple mail transfer protocol, which is a server to hold e-mail. - FTP: Application transfer protocol that is used to copy files from one computer to another.


- Organic or natural search: search engine results returned and ranked according to relevance. - PageRank: algorithm to rank websites. - Search engine optimization: process of improving a page's organic search results. - Link fraud: creating a series of bogus websites, all linking back to the pages one if trying to promote. Also called "spandexing" or "link farming." - Spiders, web crawlers, software robots: traverse available websites to perform a given task. Spiders discover documents for indexing and retrieval. - Cache: temporary storage space used to speed computing tasks. - Deep web: internet content that cannot be indexed by search engines. - Server farms: network of computer servers running software to coordinate their collective use.

Understanding Search

- Google paid $1.65billion for what was then just a 20 month old startup. - In terms of query volume alone, is the Internet's second largest search engine. - Is increasing its revenue and growth: Now "rents" hundreds of TV shows and movies at prices ranging from $0.99 to $3.99. A deal withe the NFL. Branded musics streaming service.


- _____________ Reports: provide regular summaries of information in a predetermined format. - Ad hoc reporting tools: puts users in control so that they can create custom reports on an as-needed basis by selecting fields, ranges, summary conditions, and other parameters. - Dashboards: heads up display of critical indicators that allows managers to get a graphical glance at key performance metrics. - Online Analytical Processing: takes data from standard relational databases, calculates and summarizes that data, and then stores the data in a special database called a data cube. - Data Cube: special database used to store data in OLAP reporting.


Finding huge markets or dramatic cost savings to boost profits and continue to move its stock price higher. Criticisms: - Accusations of sub par wages draw union activities. - Poor labor conditions at some of the firm's contract manufacturers. - Demand prices so aggressively low that suppliers end up cannibalizing their own sales at other retailers.

Challenges Abound

- ______________ Data Interchange: set of standards for exchanging messages containing formatted data between computer applications. - Extensible Markup Language: tagging language that can be used to identify data fields made available for use by other applications. New generation of more-flexible technologies. - JSON: a popular data interchange format. Is a technology standard often used to format data when being sent or received via APIs.


- Firmware: software stored on nonvolatile memory chips. - _____________ Systems: special-purpose software designed and included inside physical products.


- ________________: scrambling data using a code, thereby hiding it from those who do not have the unlocking key. - Key: code that unlocks encryption. - Brute Force Attacks: exhausts all possible password combinations to break into an account. - Public Key Encryption: two key stem used for securing electronic transmissions. - Certificate Authority: trusted third party that provides authentication services in public key encryption schemes.


- Google's server setup is _________-_____________: capable of continuing operation even if a component fails. - Colos (colocation facilities): warehouse-sized facilities where telecom companies come together to exchange traffic. Help to make the Internet function as a network of networks.


- Hacker: A term that may be applied to either someone who breaks a computer or to a particularly clever programmer. - White Hat Hackers: Uncover computer weaknesses without exploiting them. - Black Hat Hackers: Computer criminals who exploit a system's weakness for personal gain. - Hacktivists: Protester seeking to make a political point by leveraging technology tools, often through system infiltration, defacement, or damage. - Griefers or trolls are malicious pranksters.

Hacker: Good or Bad?

Zuckerberg has declared Internet access to be a "______________ ____________." His explicit goal is "to make sure that actually, literally every single human being on Earth has an Internet connection." Why are so many offline? Three reasons: - Data is too expensive for many of the world's poorest citizens. - Services aren't designed for emerging market use by populations who need ultra-low bandwidth services that run reliably on very low-end or old, recycled hardware. - Content is not compelling enough to draw upon non-users.

Human Right

The global mapping of users and organizations and how they are connected.

Social graph

Most SaaS firms earn money via a usage-based pricing model similar to a monthly subscription. Other SaaS firms: - Offer free services that are supported by advertising - Promote the sale of upgraded or premium versions for additional fees - Compete directly with the biggest names in software

Software in the Cloud

Major scale advantages in search and network effects in advertising. - Dominance helps grow a data asset for service improvement. Multiple ad networks make it easier to shift business between firms. - Google must offer superior value to retain advertisers. Facebook's ad network may pose an especially worrisome threat, as some suggest that Facebook's profile contains accurate demographics than Google collects. Switching costs for search users are incredibly low.

Strategic Issues

In order to keep the ideas humming Facebook regularly rotates ________________ staff. Every 18 months employees are required to leave their teams and work on something different for at least a month. - Getting people into new groups helps the firm's geniuses more broadly share their knowledge, generates idea flow, and prevents managers from developing fiefdoms. - The firm also runs legendary hackathons, all-night sessions with one key rule: no one is allowed to work on what they normally do.


- _______________ Processing System: systems that record a transaction or some form of business related exchange, such as a cash register sale, ATM withdrawal or product return. - Transaction: any kind of business exchange. - Loyalty Card: system that provides rewards in exchange for consumers, allowing tracking and recording of their activities. Enhances data collection and represents a significant switching cost.


_______________ Control Protocol: Works at both ends of internet communication to ensure a perfect copy of a message is sent. Internet Protocol: Routing protocol that is in charge of forwarding packets on the internet.


_________ Datagram Protocol: Operations instead of a TCP in applications where delivery speed is important and quality can be sacrificed. VoIP: Transmission technologies that enable voice communications to take place over the INternet and private packet-switched networks.


The ___________ ____________________ problem and the difference between Google and Facebook. - While users go to Google to hunt, they go to Facebook as if they were going on a hike-they have a rough idea of what they'll encounter, but this often lacks the easy to monetize, directed intent of search. Google only charges text advertisers when a user clicks through. No clicks? The ad runs at no cost to the advertiser. Many of the ads you'll see on Facebook and related properties are for discovery or awareness building rather than a stated intent to purchase.

User attention

____________ _______________ are investor groups that provide funding in exchange for a stake in the firm and a degree of managerial control. The earlier a firm accepts VC's money, the more control investors can exert. - Facebook's growth left VCs eager to back the firm. - Early backers ceded control. Zuckerberg maintains majority of voting rights in the public company, virtually guaranteeing his control over the firm.

Venture Capitalists

- __________________: a type of software that allows a single computer or cluster of connected computers to function as if it were several different computers. - Containers: a type of virtualization that allows for shared operating systems for more resource savings and faster execution. - Virtual Desktops: running an instance of a PC's software on another machine and delivering the image of what is executing to the remote device.


- Possible slower growth putting pressure on stock price. - Need to pursue large, risky new markets. - Microsoft may pose Google's most significant conventional threat. - Google has been investigated for antitrust violations. - Investing heavily in methods to promote wider Internet access. - Google Glass has struggled to achieve consumer acceptance.

What Google Faces

- Mobile messaging posed a bigger threat than smartphone photo sharing, so Facebook ended up writing an even bigger check. - Had emerged as the global leader in mobile messaging. - Numbers were 12 to 64 times ahead of Facebook for mobile messaging. - Facebook bought for $19 billion.


Studying the firm provides a context for understanding: - Network effects and platforms - Partnerships - Issues in the rollout of new technologies - Privacy - Ad models - Business value of social media - Differences between desktop and mobile markets

Why study Facebook?

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