Mitchell science final part 1

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The exchange of segments of DNA between the members of a pair of chromosomes

. acts as a source of variations within a species.

Which of the following is a vestigial structure?

. the human tailbone

Refer to the illustration above. Mitosis begins with the stage shown in diagram


Which of the following can adult reptiles and amphibians NOT do to avoid predators?

Breath under water.

The "father" of Taxonomy was

Carolus Linnaes

Why do the common names of organisms—like daisy or mountain lion—often cause problems for scientists?

Common names can vary among places and languages.

The synthesis (S) phase is characterized by

DNA replication.

The only species of wolf in Africa is found in


A cladogram is a type of diagram that shows

Evolutionary relationships among groups of animals based on similar structures

Charles Darwin is known the

Father of Evolution

Which of the following shows the correct sequence of the cell cycle?

G1 -S-G2 -M-C

The"father"of genetic was

Gregor Mendel.

.When scientists investigated the relationship between humans and apes, they noted that humans have 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) and apes have 48 chromosomes (24 pairs). Which human chromosome do scientists believe evolved from the combining of two chimp chromosomes?

Human chromosome 2

In order to cool the body during strenuous exercise, which two systems must work together

Integumentary and circulatory

What do viruses depend upon for their reproduction?

Living cells

Animals that are warm-blooded, have body hair, and produce milk for their young are grouped in the class


The male elephant seal weighs at least 1000lbs more than the female and has a long nose and thick neck. Males must fight each other for the right to breed the females and produce offspring. This would be a good example of which of the following?

Non-random mating.

The phenotype of an organism

The phenotype of an organism

A disease-causing agent is called

a pathogen.

The process by which a species becomes better suited to its environment is known as


One of the alternative forms of a gene that governs a characteristic is called

an allele.

Refer to the illustration above. The cell in diagram 1 is in


A most striking characteristic of animals that distinguishes them from the members of the other kingdoms is that members of the animal kingdom

are capable of more complex and rapid movements than members of the other kingdoms.

All the members of the kingdom Animalia

are heterotrophs. have cells without cell walls. are multicellular. All of the above

Two-thirds of all named species of animals are


One difference between plants and animals is that plants are

autotrophs and animals are heterotrophs.

Populations of the same species living in different places

become increasingly different as each becomes adapted to its own environment.

A male firefly tries to mate with a female firefly, but she does not recognize his ritual dance and is not interested. What is the term for this?

behavioral isolation

Linnaeus's two-word system for naming organisms is called

binomial nomenclature.

Refer to the illustration above. Both oft he parents in the cross are


Refer to the illustration above. The phenotype of the offspring indicated by box 3 would be


According to the Life video, a mammals most sophisticated weapon is their


The point at which two chromatids are attached to eachother in a chromosome is called a(n)


The heart and the blood vessels are separate organs that form the

circulatory system.

The chromosomes of bacteria

contain a single circular piece of DNA.

When species develop similar characteristics because they develop in the same environment, the process is known as

convergent evolution.

Which of the following does not provide new genetic combinations?


The amount of guanine in an organism always equals the amount of


The occurrence of the same blood protein in a group o f species provide evidence that these species

descended from a common ancestor.

Dogs and wolves are members of

different species. the same family. the same genus.

A change in the frequency of a particular trait in one direction in a population is a result of

directional selection.

When species have a common ancestor but evolve differently due to adapting to different environments the process is known as

divergent evolution.

The process by which two or more species are formed from a single original species is called

divergent evolution..

The largest division that a group of organisms can belong to is


The chromosomes in your body

exist in 23 pairs in all cells but gametes. each contain thousands of genes. form right before cells divide. All of the above

According to the Life video, most predator hunts for prey are


Cells that are not dividing remain in the

first growth phase.

When animals migrate from one area to another and join another population, this results in

gene flow.

If a forest fire destroys 70% of a native forest, the allele frequencies of the species that were living in the area will be affected by

genetic drift.

The actual genes present on chromosomes is referred to as an organism's ________, while the physical appearance of the organism is its __________.

genotype, phenotype.

A mountain range that separates two similar species of deer and prevents them from mating is an example of

geographic isolation.

A model of evolution in which gradual changes over a long period of time lead to biological diversity is known as


Homologous structures in organisms suggest that the organisms

have a common ancestor.

Refer totheillustrationabove.Thesimilarityofthesestructuressuggeststhattheorganisms

have a common ancestor.

Taxonomy is

he science of naming and classifying organisms.

We know viruses are not alive because

hey cannot perform metabolic functions. they cannot make proteins. they cannot reproduce on their own.. All of the above

Refer to the illustration above. The bones in the graphics are known as

homologous structures.

Transitional fossils give evidence of

intermediate forms between animal orders such as between reptiles and birds.

Chromatids are

joined strands of duplicated genetic material.

Vaccination against a viral disease involves injecting a person with

killed viruses or antigen from the virus.

Artificial selection differs from natural selection in that the selection of individuals to reproduce is done by _________ rather than by ____________.

man, nature.

Artificialselectiondiffersfromnaturalselectioninthattheselectionofindividualstoreproduceis done by _________ rather than by ____________.

man, nature.


many species share a common ancestor.

The function of the digestive system is to

mechanically break apart food. absorb nutrient materials chemically break down food.

Separation of homologues occurs during

meiosis I.

Structures found in eukaryotic cells but not in a bacterial cells are

nuclei. membrane-bound organelles. linear chromosomes. All of the above

Molecules of DNA are composed of long chains of nucleotides.


If a characteristic is sex-linked, it

occurs most commonly in males.

The largest predatory in the dolphin family is the


Natural selection is the process by which

organisms with traits well suited to their environment survive and reproduce at a greater rate than less well-adapted organisms in the same environment.

A female gamete is called a(n)


The major gas that is released to the atmosphere by plants is


According to the Life video Challenges of Life ,the ultimate challenge is to

pass your genes down to the next generation.

The actual genes present on chromosomes is referred to as an organism's ________, while the physical appearance of the organism is its __________.

phenotype, genotype.

Most scientists promote the model of evolution in which periods of rapid change are separated by periods of little or no change. This modes is called

punctuated equilibrium.

The hypothesis that evolution occurs at an irregular rate through geologic time is known as

punctuated equilibrium.

Evidence for evolution includes all of the following except

punctuated sedimentation.

The stomata are responsible for

regulating water loss.

Normal cells become cancer cells when

regulation of cell growth and division is lost. cells do not respond normally to control mechanisms. cells continue to divide without passing through G1. All of the above

Organisms well suited to their environment

reproduce at a greater rate than those less suited to the same environment.

Each level of classification is based on

shared characteristics.

A cloudogram show sevolutionary relationships among species based upon

similarities in DNA.

Natural selection causes

species that are better suited to their environment to produce a greater number of offspring in their lifetime.

A type of natural selection in which neither extreme is favored and the average form of a trait becomes more common is called

stabilizing selection.

A type of naturals election in which neither extreme is favored and the average form of a trait becomes more common is called

stabilizing selection.

Play among young mammals helps to prepare them for

stalking and hunting success later in life.

Refer to the illustration above. The cell shown in diagram 5 is in


Darwin conducted much of his research on

the Galápagos Islands.

According to the rules of binomial nomenclature, which of the terms is capitalized?

the genus name only

Mitosis is the process by which

the nucleus is divided into two nuclei.

Refer to the illustration above. An analysis of DNA from these organisms would indicate that

their nucleotide sequences (DNA) show many similarities.

All of the following are true about viruses except

they are living cells.

The loss of water by the leaves and stem of a plant is called


The phloem in a plant

transports sugars.

Most plants are


Before being able to move their bodies, a reptile must

warm themselves in the sun.

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