MKT201 Consumer Behavior CHAP 8, 9, 10 and 11

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1) A number of specific decision roles are played when a collective decision must be made. The person who brings up the idea or need is the ________. A) initiator B) gatekeeper C) influencer D) buyer


1) A typical antecedent state that a consumer might encounter as he or she approaches the purchase environment is ________. A) time pressure B) sales interactions C) product disposal D) point-of-purchase stimuli


10) When a buying center composed of assorted specialists is organized to gather a lot of information and evaluate possible purchases in a high-risk situation, the strategy in use is most likely ________. A) new task B) straight rebuy C) modified rebuy D) innovative rebuy


11) What type of information search is a female customer engaged in when she scans the newspaper ads every day for new information on fashions, even though she isn't thinking of buying anything anytime soon? A) prepurchase search B) ongoing search C) internal search D) delayed search


13) People often make decisions on the basis of a mental accounting. One facet of this accounting is making a decision based on the way a problem was posed. This is called ________. A) framing B) the sum-cost fallacy C) loss aversion D) positioning


14) According to a recent survey, the majority of women worldwide want what kind of families? A) smaller families B) larger families C) extended families D) nontraditional families


14) Under ________, utility is defined in terms of gains and losses. A) prospect theory B) heuristics C) hyperopia D) Zipf's law


15) Home shopping parties may activate a risky shift or ________, in which the individual at the party may get so caught up in the party spirit that he orders products that he would normally not purchase. A) deindividuation B) didactic shift C) polarity D) inner-self


15) In general, people from which of the following cultures have typically been shown to wait the most patiently while standing in a long line? A) Asian B) French C) American D) Italian


17) According to information found in the text, shopping is an activity that can be performed for either utilitarian or ________ reasons. A) hedonic B) tangible C) functional D) moral


18) Many factors contribute to conformity. The Japanese are noted for valuing collective well-being and group loyalty over individual needs. Which of the following conformity factors best explains this behavior? A) cultural pressures B) commitment C) group size D) susceptibility to interpersonal influence


18) Which of the following is the best example of a hedonic shopping motive? A) A consumer shops to "hang-out" with friends at a local mall. B) A consumer shops because he is angry. C) A consumer shops to provide food for survival. D) A consumer shops because she is discouraged and depressed.


19) If a couple is responsible for raising two children and must also care in some way for their aging parents, the couple is a member of the ________ generation. A) sandwich B) laggard C) responsiveness D) backward boomer


19) Which of the following is considered a limitation of e-commerce? A) expensive to order and then return B) lack of real-time pricing C) lack of reasonable delivery times D) lack of price information


21) According to the principle of least interest, the person who is least ________ has the most power in a relationship. A) committed to staying in the relationship B) susceptible to interpersonal influence C) susceptible to cultural pressures D) afraid of sanctions against nonconforming behavior


23) Glenn found a stray cat and "adopted" it. If Glenn is typical of the majority of Americans, how will he come to view himself in relationship to the cat? A) Glenn will see himself as a father figure and may refer to himself as "Daddy" when talking to the cat. B) Glenn will keep the cat fed, but will otherwise generally ignore the animal. C) Glenn will find himself increasingly resentful of the cat because of the extra expense and time that is required to care for a pet. D) According to statistics, Glenn will probably abuse the animal because it did not cost him anything.


23) Which of the following statements most accurately describes homophily? A) Homophily is the degree to which a pair of individuals is similar in terms of education, social status, and beliefs. B) Homophily is the degree to which a pair of individuals is similar in terms of monetary wealth. C) Homophily is the degree to which a pair of individuals is similar in terms of ethnicity. D) Homophily is the degree to which a pair of individuals is similar in terms of sexual orientation.


24) FLC models relate to ________. A) how families change over the length of a marriage and the number of children B) the federal government's method of controlling the growth of B2B commerce C) the federal government's regulation of rental living conditions D) how the size of family units has changed over the last 100 years


27) The zones of abandonment, alteration, and accommodation are all ________ zones. A) customer expectation B) total quality management C) disposal option D) point-of-purchase


28) A ________ rule means that a product with a low standing on one attribute cannot make up for this position by being better on another attribute. A) noncompensatory decision B) lexicographic C) compensatory decision D) conjunctive


29) The strength of weak ties in a social system is demonstrated by their ________. A) bridging function B) social contagion C) surrogate roles D) diffusion of responsibility


3) A customer buying an unfamiliar product which carries a fair degree of risk would most likely engage in what type of problem solving? A) extended problem solving B) limited problem solving C) habitual problem solving D) recognition problem solving


30) Which of the following is NOT one of the three distinct children markets? A) gatekeeper market B) influence market C) primary market D) future market


31) A hot and thirsty customer buys a cool drink and finds it very satisfying. He then buys another drink even though he had not initially planned on buying two and even though he is no longer thirsty. This is an example of ________. A) purchase momentum B) rational decision making C) behaviorally influenced purchase D) inertia


32) Susan is trying to select the right tour. She is going to Scotland but can't make up her mind what she wants to do when she gets there. There are so many variables including cost, the weather, and Susan's desire to see the village her grandmother called home. Susan's problem emphasizes the importance of the ________ in designing an effective hospitality-marketing program for the tourism industry. A) experiential perspective B) behavioral influence perspective C) purchase momentum phenomenon D) rational perspective


34) Kent is a loyal Coca-Cola drinker. As a college student, he averages about six Cokes a day. He even prefers Coke to water. However, today when he passes a vending machine in his dorm, he buys a new flavor of soft drink called Big Red. Which of the following most accurately explains his behavior, given the facts about Kent's previous behavior? A) Kent is variety seeking. B) Kent is brand switching. C) Kent is involved in extended problem solving. D) Kent is influenced by peer pressure.


39) Jeff had collected a nice wardrobe before graduating from college. All of his friends considered him "well dressed." After the first day at his new job, however, Jeff immediately went out and replaced most of his clothes with what was considered to be professional dress clothing. Jeff had just experienced the power of a new ________. A) reference group B) private luxury C) avoidance group D) brand community


39) Mary and Steve have lived together since college and don't really intend to marry in the immediate future. Researchers would most likely refer to Mary and Steve's living arrangement as ________. A) POSSLQ B) DUOCOUPLE C) liveins D) boomerangs


4) Reference group effects are stronger for purchases that are ________. A) socially conspicuous B) mostly unseen by others C) necessities D) made frequently


4) When is a consumer most likely to engage in extended problem solving? A) This decision mode is most common when the decision is related to the person's self-concept and there is a high degree of risk. B) This decision mode is most common when the decision is related to the person's past behavior and product reinforcements. C) This decision mode is most common when acceptable products are already contained within the consumer's evoked set. D) This decision mode is most common when the decision is related to products that are considered to be low self-concept involvement.


40) Coca-Cola is an example of a(n) ________ product because it has come to characterize an entire category of soft drinks. A) exemplar B) criteria C) heuristic D) evoked


40) Samuel is on his weekly trip through the grocery store. When he sees a jar of cinnamon in the spice aisle, he remembers that he is out of cinnamon. Cinnamon is not on his grocery list. Samuel has just experienced which of the following buying situations? A) unplanned buying B) impulse buying C) demand-enhanced buying D) planned buying


42) Ellen was asked to fill out a questionnaire. She described herself as more likely to engage in exercise, more likely to go out to bars and restaurants, and as consuming more alcohol than people in other age groups. Which of the family life cycle categories would Ellen best fit? A) young bachelors and newlyweds B) families with young children C) families with older children D) older couples without children


42) George wanted to increase impulse purchases in his store. Which of the following promotional strategies would be most effective for George to use? A) He should place point-of-purchase displays close to the items that he wants to market. B) He should buy more advertising space in local newspapers. C) He should hire a new salesperson. D) He should post testimonials about the quality of his products in highly traveled locations.


42) Phillipe is a member of a small Harley-Davidson motorcycle club. They meet once a week to ride and talk about their bikes. This club might exert a ________ influence on Phillipe as he decides which model of bike to buy for his girlfriend. A) comparative B) normative C) selective D) legitimate power


45) Jennifer and Ted have been married about six months. One of Jennifer's complaints about Ted's behavior during their brief marriage is that he seems to make all the decisions when the couple has to purchase high-risk or expensive durables (such as furniture or a new car). Ted is making ________ decisions. A) autonomic B) syncretic C) synoptic D) consensual


45) Jeremy liked to gamble. He and his friends would travel several times a month to a local casino. If Jeremy could not find someone to travel with, he would go by himself. He noticed after a few months that he wagered more when he was with his friends than when he was alone. Jeremy's behavior is an example of ________. A) risky shift B) decision polarization C) social loafing D) capitalization


46) Casinos make their interiors very plush and expensive looking knowing that gamblers who would be reluctant to make a $10 bet in average surroundings would gladly make $100 wagers in luxurious surroundings. Which of the following best explains the gamblers' behavior? A) Mental accounting emphasizes the extraneous characteristics of the choice environment even if the results are not rational. B) Most people are unaware of the true risk of making certain decisions and believe that a larger wager has higher odds of winning. C) The luxurious surroundings increase the probability of classical conditioning through mere exposure, which results in behavior that is not rational. D) The functional risk of gambling is decreased in luxurious surroundings, leading gamblers to wager more.


47) A small company, Craig Inventions, produced a pill that had the nutrient value of a healthy breakfast. The company put the product on the market as a substitute for breakfast for busy people. The product failed. Craig Inventions then marketed the pill as a diet product and it became very successful. What does the example best demonstrate? A) The company did not position the product well. It was difficult to convince consumers that a pill was a breakfast on the superordinate level, however, it did appear to fit appropriately within the superordinate category of diet pills. B) The company confused a subordinate level with a basic level of categorization, which led to the company's failure to identify the product's most important competitors. C) The company confused a superordinate level with a subordinate level of categorization. D) The determinant attributes between diet pills and breakfast was not sufficiently strong.


48) Stephanie loves flea markets and garage sales. She spends most of her Saturday mornings going from one to another. About once a month, she holds her own garage sale just to get rid of some of the items she purchased during the month. Stephanie is actively engaged in ________. A) lateral cycling B) divestment cycling C) freecycling D) underground cycling


49) Propinquity is a factor that is related to the power of a reference group. How will it influence the relative power between a membership group and an avoidance group? A) Propinquity should make membership groups much stronger than avoidance groups. B) Propinquity should make membership groups and avoidance groups equal in potential power. C) Propinquity should make membership groups weaker than avoidance groups, because the motivation to distance oneself is increased with closeness. D) Propinquity will have no influence on either membership groups or avoidance groups.


50) According to the expectancy disconfirmation model, a product that is promoted as being better than it really is will create problems with customers even if its innate quality is already high. The customer will be dissatisfied if the expectation falls outside of the zone of ________. A) accommodation B) alteration C) abandonment D) the gemba


6) If a consumer admires the qualities of another person and copies his or her behaviors, the person that is copied is said to have ________ power. A) referent B) informational C) legitimate D) coercive


6) Others who are present in a consumer's physical and social environment when purchases are made are called ________. A) co-consumers B) by-standers C) purchase competitors D) challengers


7) If a new product increases the ideal state of a customer without changing her actual state, then a(n) ________ has been created. A) opportunity B) search C) accident D) need


8) Most Americans will state that they are always rushed for time even though many people have opportunities for leisure. This perception is referred to as ________. A) time poverty B) the leisure paradox C) psychological time D) down time


10) Political candidates who get the most media exposure are more likely to win an election because of the effect of ________ in determining one's set of referents. A) propinquity B) mere exposure C) group cohesiveness D) reference bias


11) A ________ orientation dimension distinguishes between people who prefer to do one thing at a time and those who have multitasking timestyles. A) social B) polychronic C) planning D) temporal


12) A nuclear family is defined as ________. A) one parent and at least one child B) two parents and at least one child C) two generations of a family plus one renter D) three generations of a family


14) The psychological dimension of time or how it is experienced is an important factor in what mathematical study? A) polychronic activity B) queuing or queuing theory C) temporal tasking D) physical metrics


14) When members of a group come together with a certain attitude, that attitude becomes more extreme after the group discusses it. This effect is called ________. A) social loafing B) decision polarization C) responsibility diffusion D) capitalization


15) George was born in 1960. He is a member of what generation? A) Generation X B) the baby boomers C) the baby boomlet D) the lost generation


16) The pressure to conform that escalates as more and more group members "cave in" is called the ________ effect. A) polarization B) bandwagon C) loafing D) homophily


16) Which of the following countries has a birth rate closest to 2.0? A) Spain B) the United States C) Greece D) Germany


17) A(n) ________ refers to a set of beliefs and the way we organize those beliefs in our minds. A) mental accounting B) knowledge structure C) rational perspective D) influence perspective


19) Consumers who are confident in themselves and do not seek peer approval for their behaviors are said to be ________. A) snobbish B) role-relaxed C) deindividuated D) insulated


19) ________ are dimensions used to judge the merits of competing options. A) Evoked sets B) Evaluative criteria C) Levels of abstraction D) Product comparisons


2) Having too many choices in the marketplace is referred to as ________. A) purchase dilemma B) consumer hyperchoice C) pseudo-choice D) secondary demand


21) A store environment that has been made to resemble a living room where customers can relax, hang out with friends, or even learn is referred to as a(n) ________. A) marketscape B) being space C) mindscape D) activity space


21) Which of the following has led an increasing number of men and women ages 18 to 24 to return home to live with their parents? A) increasingly difficult college entrance requirements B) the shrinking job market C) shifting cultural attitudes toward nontraditional families D) the growing number of extended family living situations


22) A marketing manager who wants to identify opinion leaders for her product category should do which of the following? A) She should find government officials who use the product. B) She should find socially active persons who are intensely interested in the product category and who are similar to other customers. C) She should find intellectuals who can write and speak well so that communication will be facilitated. D) She should look for people who stand out in a crowd.


22) According to the theory called ________, a company can make money if it sells small amounts of items that only a few people want. A) feature creep B) the long tail C) Zipf's Law D) neuromarketing


22) ________ is the conscious designing of retail space and its various dimensions to evoke certain effects in buyers. A) Serenity spacing B) Atmospherics C) Market-landscaping D) Store image


24) People who post to Web sites offering user reviews are typically not paid for their time and contributions. However, they can gain recognition for good recommendations. This reward system is known as the ________. A) noncompensatory rule B) reputation economy C) long tail D) consideration set


24) Recent research on opinion leadership has called into question the traditional view that there is such a thing as a(n) ________ opinion leader. A) heterophilous B) generalized C) polymorphic D) monomorphic


25) One of the most important in-store factors is the salesperson. This influence can be understood in terms of ________ theory, which stresses that each participant gives something to the other and hopes to receive something in return. A) gestalt B) exchange C) risk-aversion D) abundant supply


25) ________ spend less than average on most products and services because their households are small and their incomes are low. A) DINKS B) Twentysomethings C) Thirtysomethings D) Seniors


26) Families have alternatives in purchasing. In a(n) ________ purchase decision, the group agrees on the desired purchase, differing only in terms of how it will be achieved. A) accommodative B) consensual C) contemplative D) authoritarian


26) The tendency for people to prefer products from their own culture rather than those of another culture is called ________. A) xenophobia B) ethnocentrism C) ethnographics D) altruism


27) Which of the following most accurately describes one of linguist George Kingsley Zipf's findings in the 1930s? A) People prefer English titles on products ten-to-one over other titles. B) The word "the" occurs about twice as often as the word "of" in the English language. C) People prefer short words rather than long words in advertising. D) The word "sex" should be left out of marketing promotions.


28) A sociometric network analysis is likely to study all of the following EXCEPT which one? A) referral behavior B) the selection of key informants C) the tie strength between members of a network D) communication in social systems


28) With respect to socioeconomic status, ________ families make more joint decisions than other types of family units. A) lower-class B) middle-class C) higher-class D) ultra-high class


29) The Japanese believe that successful total quality management can be achieved by going to the one true source of information called the ________. A) sori summit B) gemba C) domo grazi D) third eye


3) Which of the following is an example of utilitarian influence? A) An individual seeks information about various brands from a professional. B) An individual's decision to purchase a particular brand is influenced by the preferences of family members. C) An individual feels that the purchase of a particular brand will enhance the image others have of her. D) An individual seeks brand-related knowledge and experience from friends, neighbors, colleagues, and relatives who have reliable information about the brand.


3) ________ marketers specialize in meeting the needs of organizations such as corporations, government agencies, hospitals, and retailers. A) Consumer B) Business-to-business C) Filter-down D) Horizontal


31) In general, advertising is more effective when it ________ than when it ________. A) tries to create new product preferences, reinforces our existing product preferences B) reinforces our existing product preferences, tries to create new product preferences C) relies upon word-of-mouth tactics, relies upon viral marketing tactics D) relies upon viral marketing tactics, relies upon word-of-mouth tactics


31) ________ socialization is the process by which young people acquire skills, knowledge, and attitudes relevant to their functioning in the marketplace. A) Sex-role B) Consumer C) Role D) Cognitive


33) Consumers who participate in social networking are more likely to consider themselves as ________ than are those who do not use online social networks. A) media recipients B) media broadcasters C) members of an aspirational group D) members of a reference group


34) When Maria began work again after having a child, she was surprised at how much more she had to do. Before she had her child, she only had to take care of her husband and herself-now she has a baby! She just never seems to have enough time to please everyone and get her work done. Which of the following terms is most closely associated with Maria's dilemma? A) social pressure B) time poverty C) monochronic dimension difficulties D) mismanagement of personal space


35) According to the ________ perspective, under the right circumstances a group of people is smarter than the smartest people within the group. A) mere exposure phenomenon B) wisdom of crowds C) deindividuation D) normative influence


37) What is guerrilla marketing? A) the use of hidden attacks on the competition by creating false news releases, negative WOM, and industrial sabotage B) the use of promotions that use unconventional locations and extensive word-of-mouth campaigns C) the use of a monster attack on all sources of media so that a promotion is seen and heard simultaneously, no matter where a customer turns D) when large displays such as balloons and searchlights are used at the retail site


38) Sheila believes she is a practical consumer. She is always on the lookout for better ways to order her life and make housework easier. New products that promise to help with these tasks catch her eye. However, she sometimes makes mistakes by buying products that do not deliver on their promises to do the work required. Considering the above description, Sheila could be prone to which of the following types of perceived risk? A) Monetary risk B) Functional risk C) Social risk D) Psychological risk


39) Julie Morgan loves to go into Springer's Old Country Gifts. It always smells like a field of spring flowers. The lighting gives all the products a warm glow, and the mood music is just perfect for casual browsing. After her visit to the store, Julie is always in a better mood. Springer's Old Country Gifts has attracted Julie with its ________. A) store position B) atmospherics C) subliminal cues D) in-store displays


40) Which of the following reference group influence forms is most associated with the following situation? Carl knows that Bert has had experience with various types of motor oils because Bert is a mechanic for a large Cadillac dealership. Carl asks Bert to compare his brand against Quaker State. Bert tells Carl that Quaker State can't be beat for performance and durability. A) coercive influence B) information influence C) utilitarian influence D) value-expressive influence


41) Steven has an urge to buy a Dove ice cream bar when he enters the neighborhood convenience store. What would be the best term to describe Steven's buying situation? A) unplanned buying B) impulse buying C) demand-enhanced buying D) planned buying


42) Mel Howard is determined to make his used car lot a successful business venture. One of the cornerstones of his sales strategy is to make every used car appear as if it just rolled off the assembly line. His cars are clean, clean, clean! Mr. Howard is relying on which of the following signal forms to send a "signal of quality" to his customers? A) demonstration signal B) product signal C) promotional signal D) design signal


43) Every summer, thousands of bikers converge on Sturgis, South Dakota, filling up every campground, motel, and hotel within miles of the city. This annual meeting is an example of a gathering of a ________. A) normative clan B) consumer tribe C) maven network D) virtual storefront


43) The Smith family is trying to decide on a vacation destination. Mom wants to go to the big city to shop, Dad wants to go to the beach to relax, and the two teenage kids want to go to Orlando, Florida, where the action is. Because no one can agree on where to go, Dad makes the decision (because he is paying for it), and the Smiths go to the beach. This is an illustration of which of the following types of purchase decisions? A) consensual purchase decision B) accommodative purchase decision C) contemplative purchase decision D) assumptive purchase decision


46) Dale and Patty Johnson have been married for fifteen years. Dale works in a meat packing plant and Patty works part time as a clerk in a fast-food restaurant. Who is most likely to be the family financial officer? A) Dale B) Patty C) They are both equally likely. D) If Patty is working, then she is, but when she is not, then Dale is.


47) Amanda thought she had been cheated by a local car dealership. She was so upset that she created a Web site to share her story with the world. What is the most likely result of Amanda's action? A) Most readers will think that Amanda is a little nutty and ignore her Web site. B) Amanda's Web site will decrease the credibility of the dealership's ads and will influence potential buyers to stay away from the dealership. C) Even if it is read extensively, Amanda's Web site will have little effect on how people see the dealership or Amanda. D) The Web site will actually increase sales at the dealership by giving the company free publicity.


47) Simtec believes in supplying the highest quality in engineering equipment and controls. To make sure that its products fit the needs of its consumers, the company sends researchers into the field to examine consumer needs and to see exactly how consumers use equipment to solve problems. The company then follows up with phone calls and emails to provide clients with information about what has been seen on the job site. With respect to practice in TQM, Simtec is following a practice called ________. A) "going to the mat" B) "going to the gemba" C) "going to the garden" D) "saving face"


48) A consumer could recognize a problem as either an opportunity or a need. How would promotions differ between those emphasizing opportunities and those emphasizing needs? A) Promotions emphasizing needs should attempt to increase the consumer's ideal state, while promotions emphasizing opportunities should simply give locations where the products can be found for purchase. B) Promotions emphasizing opportunities should attempt to increase the ideal state, while promotions emphasizing needs should give locations where the products can be purchased. C) Promotions emphasizing needs should increase the ideal state, while opportunity promotions should attempt to decrease the ideal state. D) Promotions emphasizing needs should decrease the ideal state, while promotions emphasizing opportunities should provide buying locations.


49) Jack works for the state government. The state is concerned because the receipts from sales taxes are much lower than the projections, even though the projections of population, salaries, and unemployment have been right on target. Jack does a detailed study and finds that much of the underestimation of sales tax revenue is most likely due to ________. A) a general decrease in prices B) increased lateral cycling in an underground economy C) an increase in product disposal rates D) an increase in product quality


49) Kelly and Paul are authoritarian parents. Of the following types of purchase decisions, which are they LEAST likely to use with their children? A) accommodative B) consensual C) autonomic D) task specialization


5) A consumer who uses a few simple decision rules to arrive at a purchase decision is using which of the following? A) routine response behavior B) limited problem solving C) graduated response behavior D) extended problem solving


5) The capacity to alter the actions of others is referred to as ________ power. A) publicity B) social C) second-order D) behavioral


50) Ellen stated that she would marry a millionaire. She applied a heuristic in judging men. They must wear expensive shoes and have an expensive automobile. What type of decision rule was Ellen applying in her search for a millionaire husband? A) lexicographic rule B) elimination-by-aspects C) conjunctive rule D) weighted additive rule


6) Like end consumers, organizational buyers are influenced by both internal and external stimuli. Which of the following is an example of an organizational buyer's internal stimuli? A) the nature of the organization B) the buyer's willingness to take risks C) the technological environment's impact on the organization D) the economic environment's impact on the organization


7) If a fireman told you to leave your apartment, you would comply because the fireman has ________ power. A) information B) legitimate C) expert D) reward


8) The ________ influence is the reference group influence that helps the consumer make decisions about specific brands or activities. A) normative B) comparative C) selective D) coercive


8) When a B2B buyer purchases the same product over and over without modification, the buying strategy is known as a(n) ________. A) old task B) straight rebuy C) modified rebuy D) new task


9) A simple rule for moving through the problem recognition stage of consumer decision-making is that the greater the difference between the ideal and actual states, ________. A) the less likely that a problem will be recognized B) the greater the likelihood that a problem will be recognized C) the more sensitive the consumer is to frustrated needs D) the less sensitive the consumer is to frustrated needs


1) A(n) ________ is an actual or imaginary individual or group conceived of having significant relevance upon an individual's evaluations, aspirations, or behavior. A) opinion group B) demographic group C) reference group D) focus group


1) The first stage in the consumer decision-making process is ________. A) information search B) evaluation of alternatives C) problem recognition D) product choice


10) Which dimension of psychological time includes the categorization of "time for me"? A) temporal orientation dimension B) planning orientation dimension C) social dimension D) polychronic dimension


10) ________ is the process by which the consumer surveys his or her environment for appropriate data to make a reasonable decision. A) Problem recognition B) Evaluation of alternatives C) Information search D) Product choice


12) A consumer is most likely to engage in ________ when she is in a good mood or when she is uninvolved in other activities. A) inertia B) extended problem solving C) variety seeking D) mental accounting


12) A study found that women who engage in extensive information search and comparison shopping were most likely to select which of the following metaphors to express their perspective of time? A) Time is a pressure cooker. B) Time is a river. C) Time is a map. D) Time is a feast.


13) If at least one person lives at an address, this person and any other occupants of the address are considered to be a(n) ________. A) extended family B) nuclear family C) household D) mixed dwelling


13) The ________ a group is, the more likely members are to engage in social loafing. A) more homogeneous B) smaller C) bigger D) less homogeneous


18) What is the popular title given to couples who have double incomes and have no kids? A) boom-babies B) fastlaners C) DINKS D) MUPPIES


20) An older child who moves out of the family house and then returns to live with parents once again is called a ________. A) javelin child B) rebounder kid C) boomerang kid D) failed child


20) Attributes actually used to differentiate among choices are called ________ attributes. A) evaluation B) search C) determinant D) segmentation


23) In a(n) ________, consumers participate in the production of the products or services they buy. A) pop-up store B) minipreneur shop C) activity store D) mindscape


23) What type of cybermediaries are intelligent agents? A) They are travel agents who answer questions online. B) They are people who can help computer users with problems they encounter when trying to shop online, contacts are direct and in-person. C) They are sophisticated software programs that use collaborative filtering technologies to learn from past user behavior in order to recommend new purchases. D) They are search engines specifically designed for online marketing and other forms of e-commerce.


24) In-store shopping has become extremely important in today's highly competitive retail environment. It has been estimated that about ________ of supermarket purchases are decided in the aisles as consumers shop. A) one-quarter B) one-half C) two-thirds D) four-fifths


25) A mental or problem-solving shortcut to make a purchase decision is called a(n) ________. A) determinant B) detail rule C) heuristic D) experience rule


27) Several research methods are used to study reference groups and opinion leadership. ________ methods trace communication patterns among members of a group. These techniques allow researchers to systematically map out the interactions that take place among group members. A) Reputational B) Behavioral C) Sociometric D) Geodemographic


27) Studies show that mothers are working more and doing less housework. Fathers are working less and doing more housework. What is the best way to explain this trend? A) age gentrification B) income reversal C) gender convergence D) decision blurring


28) The aim of total quality management is to ________ and increase quality. A) reduce dissatisfaction B) simplify disposal C) reduce errors D) promote recycling


3) Which of the following is considered a postpurchase process? A) the shopping experience B) mood C) consumer satisfaction D) shopping orientation


30) When using the ________ rule of decision-making, a consumer evaluates brands on the most important attribute, but specific cutoffs are imposed. A) lexicographic B) elimination-by-aspects C) conjunctive D) compensatory


31) People who live off others' discards to make a political statement against corporations and consumerism are called ________. A) lateral cyclists B) freecyclers C) freegans D) divesters


32) The steps that consumers practice to gradually distance themselves from things they treasure so that they can sell or recycle them are called ________. A) recycling instincts B) tangential cycling C) divestment rituals D) underground reinvestments


32) Which of the following is NOT one of three basic themes of complaint Web sites recently identified in a study of such Web sites? A) injustice B) identity C) legitimacy D) agency


33) Jason loves to go to Borders Bookstore in the evening. In addition to looking at books, he is able to meet interesting people in the store's coffeehouse, where local artists perform soft jazz. Because the other consumers in Borders might affect Jason's purchases, we call them ________. A) shopping partners B) peers C) co-consumers D) clients


33) Jeff is tired of the numerous breakdowns and peeling paint on his old car. When Jeff begins to actively think about his car in this way, which of the following consumer decision-making process steps is Jeff going through? A) information search B) evaluation of alternatives C) problem recognition D) product choice


34) Rick and his decision team purchase office equipment that will be used by the entire organization in the next month. This is an example of which of the following forms of decision making? A) individual decision making B) syncratic decision making C) collective decision making D) synoptic decision making


35) Michelle Roberts has a tough job at PJK Tile. She has to examine information from vendors and decide which of these vendors (and their proposals) should be presented to her company's purchasing group. No one at PJK Tile sees more information on vendors than Michelle. Which of the following roles does Michelle fulfill for PJK Tile? A) initiator B) influencer C) gatekeeper D) buyer


35) Wynona was impulsive. Her friends accused her of being calculating, but she thought of herself as simply an analytical thinker. She wanted what she wanted and tomorrow could take care of itself. Researchers would classify her as being hedonic and a variety-seeker. Which of the following time metaphors would best capture Wynona's perspective of time? A) Time is a pressure cooker. B) Time is a map. C) Time is a feast. D) Time is a mirror.


36) Every time Sue Samuels comes in from a long selling trip, she always makes sure to give reports to all her colleagues on knowledge she has gained and experiences she had while on the road. She has found that her "information tips" are a great way to set the stage for decision-making that she would like to go her way. Based on her actions, what role is Sue playing in her organization? A) initiator B) gatekeeper C) influencer D) user


36) Mona feels that she is moderately knowledgeable about foreign films. Her friend Kim admits to knowing almost nothing about these films, while her other friend Wanda has just finished a class in foreign films with the highest grade in the class. Of the three friends, who is most likely to seek the most information about a new foreign film being shown on campus before deciding to see the film? A) Wanda B) Kim C) Mona D) Both Mona and Kim will seek more information than Wanda.


36) The perception of time is different in different cultures. It would likely be most accepted for employees to be paid by the hour in a culture with which of the following perceptions of time? A) circular time B) procedural time C) linear time D) occasion time


36) Which of the following is an example of the power of crowds that can be tapped and magnified by social networking sites? A) guerilla marketing B) social loafing C) shopmobbing D) serial reproducing


37) Of the following products, which one would typically carry high psychological risk for the average consumer? A) a lawn mower B) a kitchen blender C) an expensive mink coat D) a world cruise


37) Pam Henry is a purchasing agent for MicroTel. Each Tuesday she places an order for ten boxes of photocopier paper with her supplier, but each week the size and quality of the paper is different due to shifting consumer demands. In this example, Pam is participating in which of the following buying situations? A) new task B) straight rebuy C) modified rebuy D) innovative rebuy


38) Mary Jo has been on a roll. She made straight "A's" in school, was elected to the Student Senate, found a new boyfriend, and discovered that she will be getting a new car in about two weeks. Based on information found in the text, these positive occurrences will have an impact on Mary Jo, therefore, when Mary Jo reads and processes ads in her favorite magazines, she will process the ads with ________. A) more careful scrutiny B) less interest C) less elaboration D) greater concentration on price


38) ________ refers to the strategy of getting visitors to a Web site to forward information on the site to their friends in order to make still more consumers aware of a product. A) Foot-in-door marketing B) Guerrilla marketing C) Viral marketing D) Demand-based marketing


4) A ________ includes a buyer, a seller, a product or service and other factors, such as how the physical environment makes one feel. A) postpurchase process B) purchase process C) consumption situation D) psychological situation


40) Carlos and Mirabelle have three children and live in Spain. Which of the following best expresses how they will be treated in Spanish society? A) Spain feels that its population is too large. Carlos and Mirabelle will be asked to voluntarily limit the size of their family. B) Spanish families are traditionally very large. Carlos and Mirabelle will be shunned by older relatives for not having a large family. C) The Spanish government is encouraging people to have more children. Carlos and Mirabelle might receive subsidized utilities and other benefits from the Spanish government. D) They will fit into the society without notice because they are right at the Spanish norm for family size.


41) Justin has always had an intense interest in steam engines. He has one of the largest collections of pictures and facts about steam engines in the Unites States. He decides to share his interest with others by becoming a cybermediary. Of the following choices, which is the best description of what Justin will do as a cybermediary? A) Justin will sell his services to help others organize their own computer programs related to steam engines. B) Justin will market software featuring steam engines. C) Justin will organize a user group online for steam engine enthusiasts. D) Justin will join a user group created by others to get more information about steam engines.


44) Chet meets each Wednesday night at Borders Bookstore with a small group of computer enthusiasts. The group calls itself X-Hackers because at one time all of these select members were hackers. Today, members of the group have similar values and have pledged to stop computer hacking. Which of the following membership group factors best describes the uniqueness of the group? A) propinquity B) mere exposure C) group cohesiveness D) organizational culture


44) Jason remembers that the last time he bought a store brand trashcan, it fell apart in about two months. Without even looking at the store brand on this shopping trip, Jason buys a national brand for a little more cash. Which of the following models most accurately summarizes Jason's behavior? A) the cognitive recognition model B) the quality versus value model C) the expectancy disconfirmation model D) the product rejection model


44) Julie wants to go back to school. It will cost a lot of money and affect Jeff, her husband. They sit down together and work out a plan that will allow Julie to finish her degree. This is an example of a(n) ________ decision. A) autonomic B) power-linked C) syncretic D) family-flow


45) Chen Lo used a decision rule that says, "only buy well-known brand names" when selecting a set of golf clubs. He did not look at price, the store, or even discounts when purchasing clubs. Chen Lo's purchasing pattern is an example of a consumer using a ________ rule. A) habitual decision rule B) compensatory rule C) noncompensatory rule D) conjunctive rule


46) Sam and Jackson have just returned from a Houston Astros game at the new Astros ballpark. The ballpark really impressed them. What really caught their attention, however, was the unique way that Coca-Cola sold its products. There were roving teams of "Cola Buddies" moving throughout the crowd during the game. These teams were passing out "free coupons" for Cokes, souvenir cups, dugout passes, and free tickets to next week's game. Sam and Jackson will always remember how great their day at the ballpark was and will certainly choose Coca-Cola when given the opportunity. This is an example of which of the following communication strategies? A) foot-in-the-door marketing B) viral marketing C) guerrilla marketing D) demand-based marketing


46) Sergio thought he was cheated by the owners of a small business from which he bought part of his retail supplies. He wrote a warning on the Internet and posted it in every consumer advocate site that would accept it. Sergio is taking what course of action with his discontent? A) voice response B) private response C) third-party response D) fourth-party response


47) Meredith works hard to keep her family together in this fast-paced world. She coordinates visits with relatives, calls and writes often to her parents and grandparents, and makes sure her husband remembers all significant birthdays and anniversaries. In this example, Meredith is primarily responsible for the continuation of the family's ________. A) grapevine system B) socialization C) kin-network system D) juggling lifestyle


5) Many factors have been identified to distinguish organizational and industrial purchase decisions from individual consumer decisions. Which of the following is NOT one of those distinctions? A) Purchase decisions made by companies frequently involve many people. B) Organizational and industrial products are often bought according to precise, technical specifications. C) Impulse buying in organizational purchasing is a common occurrence because of sales stimulation from direct salespeople. D) Decisions are often risky.


50) Of the following, parental yielding is most likely to happen in a family with ________ parents. A) authoritarian B) neglecting C) indulgent D) autonomic


7) Which of the following is an unpleasant psychological state? A) density B) arousal C) crowding D) expectancy


9) A group composed of people that the consumer actually knows is called a(n) ________ reference group. A) aspirational B) tribal C) membership D) group


9) A study was conducted in different countries measuring how fast people walk and how long it takes postal workers to sell a stamp. The fastest country in the world was found to be ________. A) Mexico B) Germany C) Switzerland D) Syria


AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity 17) Research has shown that the percentage of American women of childbearing age who define themselves as voluntarily childless is ________. A) about the same as it was ten years ago B) about the same as it was five years ago C) rising D) declining rapidly


11) A good definition of an extended family unit is ________ living together. A) one parent and at least one child B) two parents and at least one child C) two generations of a family plus one renter D) three generations of a family


11) Which of the following is an example of a new kind of avoidance group that has grown in popularity through the Web? A) virtual communities of consumption B) shopmobs C) consumer tribes D) antibrand communities


12) One of the chief reasons for the phenomenon of the risky shift effect is ________. A) decision polarization B) degeneration hypothesis C) regeneration hypothesis D) diffusion of responsibility


13) Which of the following cultures is likely to see time as cyclic? A) American B) German C) Swiss D) Hispanic


15) As a customer's product knowledge increases, what typically happens to the amount of search conducted by the consumer? A) It will continually increase. B) It will continually decrease. C) It will decrease, and then increase as the customer becomes more knowledgeable. D) It will increase, and then decrease as the customer becomes more knowledgeable.


16) The alternatives actively considered during a consumer's choice process are his or her ________ set. A) inert B) evoked C) evaluative D) consideration


16) Two dimensions of emotional states determine if a shopper will react positively or negatively to a consumption environment. These two dimensions are best described as being ________. A) pleasure and pain B) avoidance and satisfaction C) deal making and arousal D) pleasure and arousal


18) Jamie is considering ordering a dessert for lunch. Before she decides on the kind she prefers, she must decide whether to get a fattening or nonfattening dessert. This decision relates to which of the following levels of abstraction of dessert categories? A) superordinate level B) ordinate level C) subordinate level D) basic level


2) According to the consumer behavior model presented in the text, the ________ includes the shopping experience, point-of-purchase stimuli, and sales interactions. A) antecedent state B) postpurchase process C) cognitive process D) purchase environment


2) Reference groups influence us in three ways. These ways include informational, utilitarian, and ________ dimensions. A) reputational B) descriptive C) knowledge D) value-expressive


2) ________ buyers are people who purchase goods and services on behalf of companies for use in the process of manufacturing, distribution, or resale. A) Individual B) Consumer C) Global D) Organizational


20) Innovative merchants have turned to retail theming to provide new ways to stimulate and encourage consumers during their shopping experience. A retailer that uses a simulated outdoor environment (such as a fishing pond with real fish) to attract outdoor enthusiasts to the retail store is using a ________ theme. A) marketscape B) cyberspace C) mindscape D) landscape


20) Young teenagers who conform to group pressure because they believe they will be punished by the group for nonconforming behaviors are motivated by ________. A) social loafing B) the principle of least interest C) group unanimity D) fear of deviance


21) Directories and portals, Web site evaluators, forums, fan clubs, and user groups are all forms of ________. A) Web retailers B) cybercash C) design groups D) cybermediaries


22) Americans spend more on ________ than they do on for toys for their children. A) candy B) music C) doughnuts D) pets


25) The opinion leader referred to as a(n) ________ is actively involved in transmitting marketplace information of all types. A) surrogate consumer B) innovator C) market analyst D) market maven


26) A(n) ________ is a marketing intermediary retained by a consumer to guide what that consumer buys. A) market maven B) opinion leader C) mass media specialist D) surrogate consumer


26) Which of the following do consumers primarily look for in products? A) color and style B) price and warranty C) quality and warranty D) quality and value


29) If a couple follows the synoptic ideal in decision-making, the couple ________. A) acts as independent purchasing agents serving each person's individual needs B) acts independently but with a common goal in place C) argues about decisions, but eventually reaches some form of majority view D) makes joint decisions with a common purpose


29) When the ________ rule of decision-making is used, the brand that is the best on the most important attribute is the one selected. A) elimination-by-aspects B) conjunctive C) compensatory decision D) lexicographic


30) During ________, one consumer exchanges something she owns with someone else for something she owns. A) profit cycling B) renewing C) disposal casting D) lateral cycling


30) Product information that is transmitted by individuals to individuals is called ________. A) independent analysis B) product shuffle C) reactance formation D) word-of-mouth


32) ________ parents are likely to censor the types of media their children consume and also tend to have negative views about advertising. A) Neglecting B) Synoptic C) Indulgent D) Authoritarian


33) A child's stage of ________ reflects his ability to comprehend concepts of increasing complexity. A) sex-role socialization B) consumer socialization C) role differentiation D) cognitive development


34) Social networking is an integral part of what many call ________, which is like the Internet on steroids. The key change is the interactivity among producers and users. A) the Jobber Station B) the mega Web C) the inner Web D) Web 2.0


35) Les just bought a megaphone of root beer. As he drinks from the giant cup, he eventually becomes full. One of his friend's comments, "If you don't stop drinking that stuff, you will get sick." Les replies, "Hey, I bought it and I am not going to waste one drop of it." Les's behavior could best be described by which of the following mental biases? A) loss aversion B) hyperopia C) risk positioning D) the sunk-cost fallacy


37) Jason works as a building engineer at a large hotel. The hotel management has been receiving complaints about the elevators. Guests think they have to wait too long for an elevator. Jason realizes that the elevator cannot be made to go any faster with the current technology available to the hotel. What should he do? A) He should put up notices by the elevators at each floor reminding guests that the elevators are as fast as any in that market. B) He should put up notices by the elevators apologizing for delays. C) He should put clocks with second hands by each elevator so that hotel guests would not psychologically distort time. D) He should install mirrors near the elevator banks, moving consumers' focus to checking their appearance rather than evaluating the wait time.


38) Wang Lin lives with his parents and siblings, as well as his grandparents and one uncle. Wang Lin lives with what is called a(n) ________ family. A) nontraditional B) universal C) nuclear D) extended


39) What would be the categorization level for a taco sold in a fast-food restaurant? A) superordinate level B) medium level C) basic level D) subordinate level


4) Business-to-business marketing often involves more of an emphasis on personal selling than on advertising or other forms of promotion. Which of the following is the chief reason for this emphasis? A) Personal selling is more cost-efficient than advertising. B) Personal selling is more time-efficient than advertising. C) Organizational buyers do not respond to advertising or promotions. D) Organizational buyers typically require more face-to-face contact with sellers than end consumers do.


41) Kimberly has been contacted eight times in the last week by a pushy telemarketer. She made the mistake of showing some interest in the product being sold and has not had much luck in getting rid of the caller. Which of the following forms of power is being exercised by the telemarketer? A) expert power B) referent power C) reward power D) coercive power


41) Tyler returned home after college to live with his parents. This was to be a temporary arrangement. however, days became months and months became three years. Tyler's dad wonders if he will ever move out and get his own apartment. Tyler is part of an increasing trend called ________. A) drop-out kids B) DINKS C) failure "Xers" D) boomerang kids


43) What is the primary purpose of point-of-purchase stimuli? A) to change the atmospherics of a store B) to give consumers something to eat C) to increase the sense of "fun" that customers can experience while shopping D) to increase the likelihood of impulse buying


43) When Japanese cars first became popular in the United States, some drivers of domestic cars placed bumper stickers on their vehicles that stated "Hungry? Eat your foreign car." These stickers encouraged people to support local workers and keep the balance of trade between Japan and the United States more toward an American advantage. The attitude expressed by the stickers is called ________. A) national inertia B) lexicographic determinism C) stereotyping D) ethnocentrism


44) Latrell finds that every time he goes to select athletic shoes, he always buys the same brand. In fact, he doesn't even remember trying on any of the other competitive brands even though some of these brands have attractive styles and prices. Latrell's purchase decision process has become one of less and less effort. Latrell's decision process is an example of ________. A) cognitive dissonance B) information discrimination C) ineptness D) inertia


45) If Xerox inflates the time it will take for a service rep to visit, then has the rep arrive a day earlier, the customer will be suitably impressed. This is a technique which emphasizes the use of ________. A) over inflating B) under managing C) bad estimation D) managing expectations


48) Mindi heard that rubbing olive oil on her feet would help her to avoid those painful cracks that sometimes appear on her heel. Mindi is no foot expert, but she is willing to try this remedy on the off-chance that it might work. Which of the following would best explain Mindi's response to word-of-mouth information? A) She is coerced into action. B) She is totally dependent on word-of-mouth information. C) She is being influenced by social persuasion theory. D) She is unfamiliar with the product and is therefore likely to be persuaded by word-of-mouth information.


48) Which of the following findings would most strongly support the theory that gender convergence is increasing in American married couples? A) Partners in married couples are increasingly making autonomic decisions about transportation. B) Partners in married couples are making fewer consensual purchase decisions about clothing. C) Partners in married couples are making fewer accommodative purchase decisions about vacations. D) Partners in married couples are increasingly making syncretic decisions about furnishings for the home.


49) What is a major distinction between customers who purchase a product because they are brand loyal and those who purchase by inertia? A) the cost of the product B) the social risk of the product C) whether the purchase is made after a compensatory or noncompensatory decision process D) whether the customers hold a very positive or weak attitude toward the product


5) The day reconstruction method requires a respondent to ________. A) dispose of any unused product during a specified period of time B) keep a record of everything he or she recycled C) try to remember what he or she did a month ago on the same day of the week D) keep a diary of everything he or she did during the day


50) What do social loafing and decision polarization have in common? A) Group decisions become more extreme, so that individuals who are naturally lazy become even more so. B) Some people do not pay their "fair share," which causes groups to polarize into smaller groups. C) Both effects show how individualism is maintained even within groups that exert considerable peer pressure. D) Both are examples of how individuals and groups of people behave differently within larger groups than they would behave as individuals.


6) ________ occurs whenever the consumer sees a significant difference between his or her current state of affairs and some desired or ideal state. A) Information search B) Evaluation of alternatives C) Evaluation of the evoked set D) Problem recognition


7) In many organizations, more complex organizational decisions tend to be made by a(n) ________ in which different individuals play different roles in the decision-making process. A) value chain B) purchasing network C) information blog D) buying center


8) If a consumer's ideal state was very near to his or her actual state, which of the following best describes the degree of problem recognition that would be occurring? A) opportunity recognition B) need recognition C) search recognition D) no problem recognized


9) Many companies are finding that it's both cost efficient and productive to call on outsiders from around the world to solve problems their own researchers can't handle. The Internet provides a great mechanism for assembling the solutions. A new term to describe this form of outsourcing is ________. A) netsourcing B) B2B sourcing C) problem sourcing D) crowdsourcing


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