MKTG 4500 Quizzes

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d. Has gotten easier Direct sales and individual tracking have made it easier.

Compared to the past, relational marketing: a. Is now more difficult than it was b. Has eclipsed transactional marketing c. Relies more on intermediaries d. Has gotten easier

b. False The tag allows marketers to follow a single user, but also to look at overall interaction with a page, like number of visitors.

A tagged web page enables marketers to track how fast a webpage loads. a. True b. False

b. Homepage and site navigation, search, commerce, forms, and usability. These all relate to making the site perform efficiently for users with goals.

According to Google, the critical categories of mobile site design are: a. Homepage and site navigation, search, commerce, load time, and image size b. Homepage and site navigation, search, commerce, forms, and usability c. Navigation structure, metadata, search, form entry, and link placement d. Navigation structure, forms, search, usability, and metadata

d. Identify customers, differentiate them, interact with them, customize your contact This shows the importance of carefully considering customer needs before contacting them.

According to Rogers and Peppers, the steps in a CRM strategy are: a. Identify customers, customize contact, interact, revise b. Identify target audiences, develop appropriate contact types, execute, review c. Generate leads, identify customers, interact, develop relationship d. Identify customers, differentiate them, interact with them, customize your contact

d. Gather customer data, analyze data for needs and values, execute and refine emails, evaluate metrics These steps may be taken multiple times, especially as responses enable refined actions.

According to the Rogers and Peppers group, the email marketing process is as follows: a. Analyze target audience, design email campaign, create contact list, send emails b. Gather customer data, set campaign goals, develop actions and incentives, execute emails c. Develop campaign goals, collect customer data, execute campaign, review and revise d. Gather customer data, analyze data for needs and values, execute and refine emails, evaluate metrics

a. A message that can be reasonably assumed to be relevant to the recipient This is a best practice, but is not required.

According to the U.S. CAN-SPAM Act, all of the following are required EXCEPT: a. A message that can be reasonably assumed to be relevant to the recipient b. Clear heading information c. A valid street address d. An unsubscribe or opt-out option

a. Many target segment divisions. These cause confusion, so solutions like filters tend to work better.

All of the following can be aspects of effective website design EXCEPT: a. Many target segment divisions b. Large photos c. Consistent aesthetics d. Avoids jargon

d. Productivity is expected to be higher, but IT requirements will increase. This is why it may be harder for small businesses to move to the cloud.

As CRM moves to the cloud: a. Better analytics will be available, but the systems are more difficult to learn b. Costs will be higher, but there are better analytics available c. Costs will be lower, but security may be compromised d. Productivity is expected to be higher, but IT requirements will increase

b. False Customers on average check more than 10 pieces of content before making any contact with the seller.

B2B customers make their purchasing decisions based primarily on the content of the company website. a. True b. False

d. Support a longer purchase decision process. The B2B purchase decision tends to take longer and involve more steps.

Compared to content directed at the B2C market, websites for the B2B market should: a. Use more images b. Focus on the "choosers" rather than the "users" c. Use pages that target different customer segments d. Support a longer purchase decision process

a. True There are also integrated complete CRM tools that do more than just contact management.

Contact management software is a CRM tool. a. True b. False

a. True This means that the core experience will be present no matter what device is used.

Designers should create a mobile-appropriate bare-bones version of the site first, and then add features for the full-screen version. a. True b. False

b. False It can be 2 to 3 times the RIO on direct mail

Email marketing is cheaper than direct mail but offers a lower ROI. a. True b. False

b. False The Exposure stage uses only quantitative metrics.

In the Valid Metrics Framework, social media exposure is measured using qualitative metrics. a. True b. False

a. True With many metrics available, the company must decide which provide the best information to measure progress toward objectives.

KPIs help a company choose what metrics are most important in measuring performance on high-level goals and objectives. a. True b. False

b. False However, they are an effective tool because they have the potential to have short-term impact.

Loyalty programs are an effective tool for CRM because they have long-term impact. a. True b. False

b. False Marketers have frequently chosen this as a way to get fewer, better quality leads.

Marketers have largely been forced into opt-in permissions levels because customers prefer it. a. True b. False

a. True This allows advertisers to deliver messages at ideal times and places, based on things like time zone.

One new option in mobile email marketing is the use of geo-targeting. a. True b. False

d. Have a deadline They should also have a clear next action to take.

Promotions and discounting emails should: a. Include multiple offers b. Avoid repetition c. Avoid tactics used in direct marketing d. Have a deadline

b. False Responsive sites generally cost more to develop, but may cost less to maintain.

Responsive sites generally cost less than adaptive sites to develop. a. True b. False

b. False An app needs to provide more than just sales transactions to be successful.

Retail apps are successful in CRM because users find them an efficient way to make purchases. a. True b. False

a. True The company can segment visitors by features as varied as demographics, on-site behavior, and referral source.

Segmentation can help a company determine how different groups of people behave on a website. a. True b. False

b. False However, the techniques and platforms are different for B2B and B2C environments.

Social CRM is primarily expected to affect B2C customer relationships, not B2B CRM. a. True b. False

b. False Spam is not just an email problem; it affects metrics analysis when it enters comments fields or creates artificial page views.

Spam is primarily a problem because it erodes customer trust. a. True b. False

b. False An adaptive site detects the device and loads a different site depending on screen size.

The difference between a responsive site and an adaptive site is that a responsive site actually changes layout to accommodate different screen widths, while an adaptive site is designed so that the same layout works on all screen widths. a. True b. False

a. How companies can encourage permissions-based email by offering incentives and rewards For example, coupons and tips are provided alongside company information.

The example of Dreamfields Pasta shows: a. How companies can encourage permissions-based email by offering incentives and rewards b. The benefits of expanding email marketing even if it requires a greater initial outlay. c. How niche products help create community d. The dangers of emailing customers too frequently

b. False It should be in the upper left corner, but including it in the upper portion of the email is the most important overall.

The most important information in a marketing email should be placed in the upper right corner. a. True b. False

a. True More detailed or specific metrics may be gathered, but these are almost always included.

Typical metrics gathered from an email campaign are numbers delivered, opened, and clicked-through. a. True b. False

d. A way of seeing whether the site works the way the target audience expects. It can work perfectly but does not meet usability requirements if the audience expects it to act differently.

Usability testing is: a. A test of site performance b. A way to find out which messages work on your target audience c. A quantitative test of the site's performance d. A way of seeing whether the site works the way the target audience expects

a. True These objectives set up the tasks that will follow, which may be handled by different teams.

Website development should begin by developing site objectives based on marketing objectives. a. True b. False

d. Paid search Almost half of marketers said they could evaluate ROI from paid search well.

What channel and circumstance makes it easiest for marketers to measure ROI? a. Video advertising b. Retention of customers using social media c. Acquisition of customers using email marketing d. Paid search

c. Site activity

What do traffic metrics measure? a. User demographics b. Entry pages c. Site activity d. Page load times

d. Analytical CRM uses tools like CLV and develops models, while operational CRM focuses on tactics. These are related and overlap, but the outcomes and methods are different.

What is the difference between operational and analytical CRM? a. The customer database is the focus of operational CRM, but not of analytical CRM. b. Operational CRM relies on blast marketing, while analytical CRM targets individual market segments. c. Analytical CRM is part of the strategic CRM process and operational CRM is not. d. Analytical CRM uses tools like CLV and develops models, while operational CRM focuses on tactics.

a. Customer retention is likely to lead to higher CLV. Repeat and long-term customers tend to spend more, provide referrals, and buy related product lines.

What is the relationship between customer retention and CLV? a. Customer retention is likely to lead to higher CLV. b. Customer retention is less important than customer referrals for calculating CLV. c. Higher customer retention lowers the acquisition cost. d. The higher the CLV, the more money must be spent on customer retention.

a. Shopping cart abandonment. While this can be used as part of other measurements, a high abandonment rate might suggest that the site or checkout process presented a barrier.

Which metric might be tested as part of site usability testing? a. Shopping cart abandonment b. Number of page views c. Customer referrer d. Site down time

a. Cookies that transmit information to multiple metrics clients This is considered a significant violation of privacy.

Which of the following is NOT a type of cookie used on a web page? a. Cookies that transmit information to multiple metrics clients b. Cookies set by an ad serving firm c. Cookies used for only one visit d. Cookies that remain for a year

d. Email marketing presents a small but very reliable ROI. The estimated ROI is 4300%

Which of the following is NOT true about email marketing? a. Email marketing plays a big role in mobile marketing. b. Most marketers are planning to increase spending on email marketing. c. Email marketing methods are similar to direct mail. d. Email marketing presents a small but very reliable ROI.

a. Data permissions granted This metric is more commonly used when considering apps.

Which of the following is not a common video metric? a. Data permissions granted b. Number of shares c. Percent of video viewed d. Subscriptions

a. Similarity to other websites While looking at well-designed websites can help, their objectives and customers are not the same.

Which of the following is not something designers need to consider when designing website navigation? a. Similarity to other websites b. What visitors are trying to do on the site c. Fast page loads d. Not using too many fonts

b. False Almost all customers will pay more for better CX.

While customers will only use an app or site that provides a good CX experience, they are unwilling to spend more for it. a. True b. False

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