MLA Format

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How should you set off a quotation that is more than four lines?

Indent it by one inch.

How do you format a book title?

Italicize it.

Upper RIGHT corner: Running header

Last name & page number


Modern Language Association

What is MLA?

Modern Language Association which creates guidelines for student research papers and projects.

Does MLA require a title page?


Where the period goes after an in-text citation.

Outside the parenthesis

Do not put quotations around:

Paraphrased facts that are in your own words.

What is the rule for MLA guidelines for citations?

References in the text must clearly acknowledge sources on the list of works cited. Identify the location of the borrowed information as specifically as possible.

What are in-text citations?

Used in the text, contains author's last name and page number(s) when given. If the author's name is unknown, use the article title instead.

What is a hanging indent?

Used on the Works Cited when all lines after the first line are indented half an inch.

When do I cite?

Whenever you summarize, paraphrase, or directly quote another author or source.

A _____________ is the list of the sources you actually used in your paper.

Works Cited

Margins should be:

one inch

How should the Work Cited page be arranged?


On a works cited page, what lines are indented?

After the first for each cite, every line is indented.

How are three or more authors cited in-text?

(First author's last name + et al + page #).

How do I utilize citations?

1. Brief in-text citation (parenthetical citation) within the body of the essay. 2. List of full bibliographic citations on the Works Cited page.

Font size

12 point

What is a summary?

A brief statement that captures the main ideas of your source.

What is a paraphrase?

A restatement of the source's information in the writer's own words.

What is MLA style?

A system of citing sources.

(Jones 54). Is an example of?

An in-text citation.

What is the Works Cited page?

Appears at the end of the paper on its own page. Everything referenced must appear here in alphabetical order.

A ______________ is a list of all sources you used in the research you did to write your paper.


How are book titles formatted?

Book titles are italicized (or underlined when handwritten).


Centered, no bold, no italics, not underlined, 12 point font

A research report does NOT have these

Characters, plot, setting

DO NOT indent the first line of the citation on the Work Cited list.

Correct. Indent citation lines AFTER the first line. It's the opposite of paragraph indentation.

Where is the best place to do research?


Use quotation marks around:

Direct quotations

Line spacing

Entire essay is double spaced.

In-text citation

Fact/info source's last name or abbreviated article or book title in parenthesis at the end of a sentence plus page number if applicable.

Paraphrased facts that are in your own words should be written:

In normal font

Upper LEFT corner: header

Student Name Teacher Name Class Due Date

What is a direct quotation?

The author's or source's exact, word-for-word account taken and used in another writer's work. Use quotation marks must be used around it.

How do I punctuate an in-text citation?

The period follows the parenthesis at the end of the citation.

How are article or chapter titles formatted?

These appear in quotation marks.

.edu, .org., .gov

These are generally trustworthy website extensions.

ads, click bait, and crazy fonts and colors

These are indicators of websites that may NOT have trustworthy information.

Font type/style

Times New Roman

Why should I cite?

To acknowledge and credit sources for their role. Failure to give proper credit and acknowledging sources leads to plagiarism, which is cheating and stealing of ideas.

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