MLA Format

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How do you mark a short quote?

Quotation marks

What order should references be in on a work cited page?

Alphabetical by author last name

How do you mark an in-text citation?

Author last name and page number in parentheses after the quote

Where should the title be?

Centered above the body of the paper

In order, what 4 things go in the heading?

First and last name, Teacher's name, Class, and the Date

For general paper set up, what should be the setting for Margins, Font Size, Font Style, and Spacing?

Font Size =12 pt. Font Style = Times New Roman. Space = Double Space

How do you mark a long quote?

In a block indented an extra inch

How do you write the title of a long work in your paper?


What does MLA stand for?

MLA Stands for Modern Lagnuage Association

Should you have a title page?


How do you write the title of a short work in your paper?

Quotation marks

What are the characteristics of the title?

Standard capitilization (first letter of the main words capitalized) NO underlining, NO italics, NO quotation marks, NO all caps, NO change in the color, and NO extra spacing

What is MLA style used for?

The MLA style specifies guidelines for formatting manuscripts and using the English language in writing papers in English and History

Where should the heading be?

Top left corner

What should be in the top right corner of each page?

Your last name and a page number

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