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numbers of whales killed from most to least

1,000,000 sperm, 500,000fin, 350,000 blue, 250,000 humpback

How many marine mammals choke or get tangled in plastic debris?


The Protection Act States

1972 in response to depletion of whales by commercial whaling and dolphin bycatch in Pacific tuna fisheries, Taking of marine mammals is prohibited, Need permits, No import or export, NMFS responsible for enforcing

By what year did the whaling industry nonviable?


Bycatch Fishing Gear

300,000 whales and dolphins annual more pinnipeds, caught in drift nets which were formerly 30 miles long

Marine Debris

80% of all marine litter comes from land wind or washed by rain off highways and city streets down streams and rivers out to sea, lasts between 400 to 1000 years

Order of Whales Hunted

America: N. Right Whale, Sperm, Humpbacks (stocks depleted in 1900s then moved on to blue and larger fin whales), then once depleted sei whales, once depleted then rorquals and minke in 1970s

Herman Melville

American writer whose experiences at sea provided the factual basis of Moby-Dick (1851), considered among the greatest American novels. He was on board of the cushnet and son of a survivor of the essex


An increased concentration of a chemical within an organism over time

What is the primary cause of mortality in N. Atlantic Right Whales?

Basque whalers over hunted them

Tursiops truncatus

Bottlenose dolphin

The convention for the regulation of whaling

Built in 1931 as stocks declined inspired the IWC that managed stocks of whales


Certain types can be used to get information on dive depth, duration, water temperature and salinity, light levels, and sound exposure.

Bottlenose Dolphins

Cosmopolitan distribution (10-32° C water), Except polar and subpolar, Coastal habitats, Puts in contact with humans, Most captive dolphins are Tursiops truncata

There have been 200,000-300,000 of these seals killed per year since 1990 to justify concerns about competition between seals and fisheries.

Harp and Grey seals

Resident Killer Whales

Highly Vocal hunters Near shore, specialize herding and feeding on fish, seasonal migration of salmon, hunt cooperatively in large social groups, southern residents endangered

Norse Norwegian whalers

Hunted walruses, small cetaceans and larger whales from boats (first people), introduced laws about ownership and distribution of whale carcass, hunting techniques lancing bows with bacteria.

What was the internationally recognized authority on managing whale stocks?

IWC International Whaling Commission

Coastal morophyte

In harbors, bays, lagoons, estuaries, and river mouths, distribution varies, moms and calves closest to inshore, adolescents a little further out and adults without calves further still, small groups about 20avg


International Union for Conservation of Nature

Blunt Headed Dolphins

Irrawaddy, coastal brackish and freshwater of asia, snubfin newly recognized, rissos

Whale hunting biblical reference

Jonah and the whale, God wanted him to preach to gentiles but he boarded a ship instead and then was swallowed by a sea monster

MMPA 1972

Marine Mammal Protection Act: one of the reasons it was created was because of the tuna fisheries and bycatch of so many dolphins

Why are marine mammals susceptible to contaminants such as DDT and PCB'

Marine mammals are susceptible due to their consumption of fish

Dolphin Habitat

May differ between individuals in a population, may change depending on time of day, tidal state (may use to travel during specific tides), reproductive status (mothers and calves may stay inshore or sheltered), food supply, weather conditions

Indopacific (tursiops adunctus)

More slender and smaller, longer beak, usually spots on underside, Maybe more than one species

American Capital of Whaling

Nantucket in New England, in 1690 hired a whaler to teach towns people how to hunt and by 1700 most inhabitants hunted; most taken were Coastal Northern Right Whales

Teeth are only found in the upper jaw of:

Narwhal and some beaked

Group Hunting

Net Benefits: More efficient capture of large dangerous prey, Increased, capture success increased encounter rate

By the 9th century who identified over 23 different whale species?


cultural transmission

Occurs in 3 ways: 1.)Spread of novel and complex behavior among members of the same generation 2.)humpback males learning songs from other males, mother and calf. 3.) female killer whale teaches calf to strand feed, occurs between members of a group regardless of generation

In the 70s Nixon Administration

Passed marine mammal act; in the 80s save the whales campaign

Odontocete Feeding Methods

Primarily homodont teeth (all the same), Eat prey whole: fish, squid, crustaceans

Bottlenose Size

Range 6- 12.5ft - Warmer = smaller • Weigh 300-1400 lbs - Sexually dimorphic (males larger)


Right whale hunters, whale watch towers, whale meat fish, started commercial whaling

Delphinus delphis

Short-beaked common dolphin

Maternal Groups

Some stay with mothers for life, Sons never leave, but mate with females outside of group, Daughters eventually become independent

Many whales were decimated at the height of whaling. Which of the following whales numbered around 1,000,000 individuals before whaling commenced?

Sperm Whales

In America in 1712

Sperm Whaling started and shore whaling was moved to deep sea whaling

Who was the main driver behind the changes seen from early whaling to modern whaling and made it his life's vocation to develop whale fisheries?

Svend Foyn

Male Coalitions

Synchrony, herding females, battles

US Endangered Species Act

The Endangered Species Act of 1973 instructs federal agencies to carry out programs to conserve endangered and threatened species and to conserve the ecosystems on which these species depend.


The increase in chemical concentration in animal tissues as the chemical moves up the food chain

mark recapture photo ID

Track same individual over time (days to years), Abundance estimates, Primarily for species that aggregate over specific times of the year, Capture and mark a random sample from population, the closer the population is to your sample size, the more of the same individuals will be recaptured

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)

Trade responsible for decline of numerous species, Appendix I: threatened with extinction or may become threatened by trade, Appendix II: not yet threatened by trade but may become so, Appendix III: list of species that are indistinguishable

T/F Calves younger than 10 years of age are rarely seen swimming more than a few lengths away from pod family


What did the Intertropical Tuna Commission due to reduce dolphin fatalities?

Tuna label dolphin friendly, bycatch reduction scheme, limits on dolphin mortality, included observers


Used for lamps, lubricants for machinery, soaps, varnish, cosmetics


Used for oil


Used like we use plastic, corsets

Killer Whale Behavior

Vocalizations depend on prey type, Transients silent, Residents, highly vocal, Each maternal lineage has a dialect, Calls help to individuals, coordinate behavior, signal behavior state and location, Mother/calf calls

In the mid 20th century, how did the attitude towards whales change in the West?

Whales were considered sentient, special beings flipper, fish an untaxable as oil


a carving (or engraving) on whalebone, whale ivory, walrus tusk, etc., usually by American whalers

What technology allowed whalers to exploit the negatively buoyant whales, such as the rorquals?

a tube inserted into the carcass to inflate with air


a waxlike substance that originates as a secretion in the intestines of the sperm whale, found floating in tropical seas and used in perfume manufacture.

Describe the whaling process

aim for the lungs (heart is too deep and brain too protected), the whale then aspirates its own blood, slumps back, goes into a fleury of swimming in circles, vomits fish, then dies

How do fishing technological advancements impact marine mammal bycatch?

alarm bells and longer lines to try to prevent bycatch

What was the most valuable product from sperm whale?


What is Grindradrap?

an annual event in the Faroe Islands in Denmark where pilot whales are hunted and killed in massive amounts

More Controlled Killing

annual culling of fur seals in South Africa and Namibia, large scale killing of small cetaceans in Japan to protect fisheries, bounties on gray and harp seals in Canada since 19000

Orcinus glacialis

antarctic killer whales that eat penguins, travel very far distances from Antartica to Brazil, slightly transient, eat penguins and fish

NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service) Proposal

kill 85 CA sea lion/year to protect endangered Columbia River salmon and steelhead

Less than 5%

killer whales in the wild have bent over dorsal fins but all in captivity due


killer whales, pilot whales, blunt headed dolphins, right whale dolphins, beakless dolphins, short beaked dolphins, humpback dolphins, long beaked dolphins, bottlenose dolphins

solitary dolphin problem

live alone and choose to interact with people, interactions become frequent, habituation, may become dominant with people

Which of the following trends are found with respect to contaminant loads in marine mammals?

loads are lower in adult females due to offloading babies

Pilot Whales

long finned (melas) and short finned (macrohyncus species), boomerang shaped flippers, large social groups, short fin found in subtropical long in polar, trained by navy to retrive military equipment, deep divers, eat squid

Encephalization Quotient

mass of the brain to mass of the animal


means bottlebeaked, distinctive coloration, short beaks; atlantic white sided and pacific white sided and white beaked dolphins

Human consumption of whale meat polluted with heavy metals and organochlorines poses an extreme health risk as it is associated with:

mental retardation, parkinsons disease


noninvasive, listen and carry out playback sounds

International Union for Conservation of Nature

numerous domestic governmental bodies and environmental and animal welfare nongovernment agencies that produce Red Lists.

Other Threats to Marine Mammals

oil spills and dispersants, respiratory issues if inhaled, sewage hepatitis outbreak, climate change, open areas accessible to humans

Why did the tuna fisheries have such an impact on spinner and spotted dolphin populations?

over 500k dolphins were caught via bycatch for tuna and severely depleted spinner dolphins and caused extinction of spotted dolphin populations

Lagenorhyncus obliquidens

pacific white sided dolphins

Which of the following cetaceans have exhibited mass stranding due to navy sonar exercises, have been by caught, and are susceptible to pollution such as mercury, cadmium, and organochlorines?

pilot whales

Tuna Fisheries

purse seine nets introduced in 1959 to catch yellowfin in tropical pacific caught dolphins

Roger Payne

recording of humpback whale songs

Which odontocete has large square melons, long, thin beaks, reduced dorsal fins, large pectoral flippers, and often limited eyesight?

river dolphins

Red Lists

scientifically based assesments of the conservation status of plant and animal species.

Bycatch reduction scheme in 1992

set limits on dolphin mortality for each tuna vessel, observers

In 1859 the first steam driven whaling ship was built. Why was this significant?

ships were no longer dependent on wind for travel and could travel faster

Transient Killer Whales

silent hunters, tend to travel in smaller groups, they're physically larger, move in larger areas, hunt marine mammals

biopsy darting measures

species, stock , mating, trophic levels, contaminents, mating patterns

What whale that became particularly sought after due to the high oil yields from an organ in their head?

sperm whale

American Whaling

started with John Smith but he was not successful, so in 1630 they searched their beaches for stranded whales, 1650s they actively sent boats out

Long Beaked Dolphins

stenella and steno, delphinus

What are the possible explanations for why dolphin population have not recovered from the tuna fisheries?

still chased, herded, encircled by boats; undereported, separated from mom, targeted several times, fleeing stress response

whale tendons

surgical thread, tennis raquets

In Aug 1819

the essex was struck down by a humpback whale and their ship sank and left them in their life boats

Sperm competition

the male that produces the most sperm increases the likelihood that his will impregnate, large testicles

Mark recapture analyses need which of the following data to calculate abundance estimates?

the number of animals originally captured, of animals recaptured and of repeat sightings during recapture

Why was whale meat important during the Middle Ages on holy and feast days?

their meat was considered fish and therefore edible on those days

What hunting method was used by Norse whalers that led to whales succumbing to septicemia and beaching?

they shot the whales with cross-bows coated in a culture of the bacterium Clostridium

What tactic did whalers use to make adults easier to capture?

they targeted the calves

Why does the government allow controlled killing of marine mammals such as seals and sea lions?

threatens fisherman's livelihoods because they are fishing the same food, seals and sea lions damage fishing gear when they steal, seals may be vectors that harbor parasites that could infect cod and other fish

Contaminents accumulate more in?

top level of carnivores; it increases cancer, suppress immune systems and cause reproductive impairment

active fishing gear

trawls, purse seines

In Washington on October 2017

trump excluded 25 perilous species not qualified for endangered list, impacts walruses

Right Whale Dolphin

two species, longer and more serpentine than other dolphins, sloping melon and no dorsal fin, were sometimes mistaken for right whales because of finless back, black darkside, white underside

Whale Blood

used for fertilizer, sausages

line transect surveys

used to how many animals in a large area at any given time and can be carried out by a ship or plane


used to monitor acoustics of animal and environment, diving behaviors with pitch and roll


very high risk of extinction in near future

What was spermaceti oil used for?

was used to lubricate clockwork e.g.chronometers, used as medicine and cosmetics, was a clean burning oil

US Whaling Stopped

went into early decline in 1920s and 1930s

False Killer Whales

• "Blackfish" Smaller, more slender than killer whales, threats are hawaiian lonline fishery's, they are primarily found off of HI and Gulf of Mexico in subtropical waters, they eat squid, fish, and occass. marine mammals, found in deeper waters, some in shallow, navy sonar tracking exercises


• DNA, pesticides, metals, stress hormones, viruses, bacteria, Formerly detect by biopsy, Stress important to understand how does collection techniques impact whales


• False killer whale and bottlenose hybrid, fertile, sealife park in HI, observed hyrbids in captivity and the wile with others like atlantic, white sided, rough tooth, and rissos


• Folding increases surface area, taken as indicator of intelligence, delphinids have more folding than humans, also found in humpback and other whales, special spindle neurons that are arranged like islands promote speed of connection

Offshore BND morophyte

• Larger group sizes (up to a 1000) • Pelagic fish and squid • Move long distances: patches of prey in open ocean • Found on edge of continental shelf & shelf break

comparing dolphins minds to terrestials

• Marine mammals may have duplication of neurological across halves - Ability to rest one side of brain while resting, Sensory systems primarily accoustic


• Promiscuous: sperm competition possible • Dominance Hierarchies, Sexual maturity in males 9-14 yrs, females 5-13yrs, Calving year round or seasonal, Nursed 12-18 months, but, may stay with mom, up to 3 years to learn skills, Calve every 3-6 years

Offshore Killer Whales

• Smaller than residents and transients, Larger groups than residents (20-100), Wide ranging distribution in deeper offshore waters from Alaska to CA, Piscivorous, genetically distinct, can travel up to 1000 of miles, appear to be more related to residents

evidence of dolphins intelligence

• Tool use, linguistic ability and self awareness, John Lilly and Lou Herman researchers, taught sign language and computer generated sound language, they could understand simple language and syntax, culture behaviours passed on and maintained by social learning, vocal dialects of killer whales

Killer Whales

• White patch near eyes, white ventral patch, gray saddles, slippers large and rounded, sexually dimorphic with males larger, straight dorsal fins


• distinct forms: coastal and offshore, Different behaviorally and ecologically

problems with EQs

• dont take blubber into account - Doesnot require neurological control • Like ranking people's EQ's of different countries , Since we have a high proportion of obesity ours would be lower!

bent over dorsal fins

- Diseased, injured might cause a reduction in nutrient uptake and blubber thickness, less submerged in water

What was the blue whale unit?

1 blue whale = 2 fins or 2.5, humpbacks, or 6 seis

Russian Arctic bone carvings

indicates humans have been hunting whales for 3,000 years

photo identification

*non invasive, *home ranges and multiple associations are involved in identifying. *reproductive rates, longevity, gender analysis *parental care and foraging behaviors *drawbacks: not all species can be identified because they don't surface as often, or they're too fast, no markings, travel in groups

land based surveys

*noninvasive studies behavior and movement patterns need to watch from elevated view

pit tag

invasive used to identify species

90% of the catch in Japan's hunting of small cetaceans were:

Dalls Porpoises

Dolphins have an:

EQ 3.24-4.56


EQ 7

Importance of whaling in america?

athleticism of harpooning (honor to hit it), first floating factories, financial support of independence of colonies allowing to rip away from mother country

how was harpooning a form of athleticism?

back breaking, could pass out, deep periods of inactivity punctuated by brief periods of extreme activity, true aim on tiny boat, tossed around, while trying to hit a moving arget


ban of nets longer than 1.6 miles

Dolphin pods formed

based on sex, age, reproduction, relation, past members

Which group would be best described as the early masters of whaling in the 7th and 8th centuries, using watch towers and launching small boats when a whale was sighted. This group also exported meat to the rest of Europe.


Which whale spends a majority of their time at depth, superficially resemble large dolphins, and have few to no teeth?

beaked whales


beakless and short beaked dolphins that include the Commersons, Hector's, Heaiside, Chilean Dolphins

Why did Pilgrims use local natives to butcher and process carcasses of whales that they had caught?

because it was a smelly and unpleasant job because they thought it was beneath them, exchange for alcohol and metals

whale skin

bootlaces, handbags,

Dolphins mating

both males and females mate with several females and males, same sex sexual behavior common, males 9-14 years, female 5-13yrs

What was developed to detonate upon hitting a whale?

cannon fired explosive harpoon

Diatoms of DA

causes brain lesions in the hippo. brain responsible for learning and memory, symptoms are tremors, incessant scratching, seizures, anorexia, aggressive behavior, it does not bioaccumulate its a trophic transfer, is excreted in the urine and feces of fish, in the gut of fish when the mammal eats it

Flipper in 1964

changed public perspective and at the same time they were killed in tuna fisheries

Whale watching negative effects

changes their behavior, injured or killed, habituation

Sperm Oil

cleaner burning not as smoky, high yields due to spermaceti organ in head, oil used for machinery, less likely to gum up the workings, used in medicines and cosmetics, but most valuable from them ambergis

critter cam

invasive, underwater behavior

whale connective tissue

jello, photo film

In 1986 the Whaling moratorium prevented the whaling of which species?

commercial whaling of cetaceans: blue whale unit

What factors led to whaling becoming less profitable?

decreasing whale stocks, availability of cheaper vegetable and mineral oils, oil well


deplete prey species of cetaceans, 70% of worlds commercial fish overexploited, by catch fishing gear

What three ways do fisheries impact cetaceans?

depletion of food supply, possible contaminants, by catch netting

guidelines for whale watching

distance of 150-300ft, speed restrictions, nothing about feeding or touching them

How did the Right whale get it's name?

doesn't sink when harpooned, slow moving and has coastal distribution, high yield of oil due to blubber, & full, long baleen plates

in 1990...

dolphin friendly labels were created and tuna caught by other methods

Largest group of odontocetes


Japanese whalers

drive fisheries dolphins, hunted all whales, taji net dolphins,

Sea Otters effected later by domoic acid

due to DA becoming part of the benthic food web later as it sinks

Why were the Basque flags predominantly red or orange?

dyed with feces

A new form of whaling existed in Taiji in 1677 that involved:

entangling whales before harpooning them

1975 Project Ahab

environmental group Green peace protests of nuclear materials and anti-whaling

Japan drive fisheries

existed at least as early as 3200bc

Critically endangered

extremely high risk of extinction in the near future

Drive fisheries in Japan are a relatively recent occurrence (past few hundred years) as there is no evidence in the archeological past that they engaged in this activity.


The Inuit have hunted cetaceans for over 4,000 years.

false over 2,000

why was whale hunting a miserable existence?

filthy, back breaking, away from family, cramped unhealthy conditions, pests, parasites, sea sickeness, scurvy, away from family and friends, degrading doggish labor

Describe how the bomb lance developed in the 1840's changed whaling.

first major revolution in whaling technology, an explosive harpoon fired from a large shot-gun like weapon, made whaling more perilous, could bowl a man over from the recoil, less accidents sleigh ride

passive fishing gear

gillnets kill more than active gear

Order of whaling techniques

hand harpoons and lances with small boats, bomb-lance that could be launched, in 1859 steam ships, 1863 svend whaling schooner, Foyn developed floating method carcas , 1869 svend created cannon-fired


high risk of extinction but in the medium term future

Why do contaminents effect marine mammals?

high trophic levels, large blubber layer, long lived, possible correlation between high levels and various negative physilogical phenomena

Whaling in the 1900's

hydrogenation of oil allowed for oil to be used for soap and margarine, in 1925 first factory ship produced where whales could be processed on ship and no longer on shore

European whaling stopped

in the 1960s leaving just Russia and Japan whaling

ship strikes

increased in the 1950s volume of shipping speed and speed of ships, high sped ferries, whale watching vessels

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