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Reliability: women

.58 -.91

Reliability: men

.67 - .92

MMPI-2 Interpretation Procedure

1. Completion time 2. Score and plot the profile 3. Organize the scales & ID codes Type 4. Determine the profile validity 5. Determine the overall level of adjustment 6. Describe sx's , bx, and personality characteristics 7. Provide dx impression 8. Elaborate on treatment implications and recommendations

Paragraph 1: Self-Perception

1. somatic concerns 2. damage self concept, depression/ self-critical 3. Little insight/needs attention/psychologically invested in physical complaints 5. Stereotypically male or female 7. Rumminative/insecure/ self-critical/ must be perfect L. Cannot admit to minor flaws 9. Unrealistic self-apraisal

What is the test age for the MMPI-2?

16 yrs of age depending on the maturity level.

Paragraph 3: Affect/Emotion

2. Sad/hopeless/guilty, anxious 8. Emotional alienation/distorted emotional expression 3. Distress expressed physically or indirectly 6. Anger/Resentment/Overly sensitive 7. Anxiety/tension 9. Emotional/lability/irritability/hostility F. General indicator of emotional distress 8. Acute psychological turmoil 2/9- Suicide potential (2=hopelessness) (9=energy) 9/2 does not equal suicide

How many items need to be completed for the MMPI-A test to be valid? Test Age?

350 items on the the MMPI-A test need to be completed.

Paragraph 2: Perception of Others

4. Antisocial practices/family & Authority Problems 6. Suspicious, angry, & hostile 9. Social/outgoing/dominant/superficial relationship 0. Social Introversion withdrawal/shyness 7. Interpersonal anxiety 8. Alienation

How long does one have to complete the MMPI-2? How long for the test to be invalid?

90 min on avg. less than 60 it is invalid.

Content Scales

As valid as clinical scales. Are one dimensional; easier to interpret than clinical scales, increases incremental validity of clinical scales, divided into 4 clusters (internal sx's, external aggression, negative self-views, general problem areas)

Hi L/K, Low F?

Attempting to deny problems/underreporting; Trying to seem favorable; chronic issue w/ personality ; Defensive; see the world as good or bad

T score of 41-55


Critical Items

Clinicians may also wish to evaluate meanings of content related to specific items the client has endorsed by investigators critical items

Why shouldn't you administer the MMPI-2 at home

Dissimilar from the norm sample testing conditions and might alter the result. Clients might consult others to determine which answers to make. The clinician cannot be aware of possible conditions that might compromise reliability and validity. No assurance that they took the protocol.

L-scale - Lie

Extent to which a client is trying to describe himself in unrealistic positive manner; individuals lie about even minor flaws (i.e. never get angry, never dislike anyone, etc. ) overly favorable. High Scores on L (T = 65) Person is describing self in an overly favorable light due to conscious deception. Person is describing self an overly favorable light due to an unrealistic view of himself or herself; may be inflexible, unoriginal, and unaware of the impressions he or she makes on others; perceives world in a rigid, self-centered manner. Poor insight due to denial of flaws. Low tolerance to stress. Poor candidates for psychotherapy. Extremely high scores would suggest that such persons are ruminative, extremely rigid, and will Groth-Marnat, Gary (2009-10-20). Handbook of Psychological Assessment (p. 235). Wiley. Kindle Edition.

Paragraph 5: Perceptual Accuracy

F. Endorsement of infrequently endorsed, possibly psychotic items 8. Alienation/disorganized or disturbed 6. Suspiciousness/mistrust 9. Possible delusions & or hallucinations 2. See things through a negative lens

F is between Low L and Hi K?

Has appropriate resources to deal with life problems, Currently not experiencing high stress.

T score 66-75


When should you use the MMPI-A?

If they are living at home, however if they are relatively mature, use the MMPI-2.

VRIN- Variable Response Inconsistency

Indescriminate responding; measures number of similar items which should be answered in the same direction. Answers in opposite directions indicate inconsistent responses; If F high w/high VRIN, test is likely invalid. If T-scores are higher than 80 then it is invalid. Moderate (MMPI-2 70-79; Indiscriminate responding; profile should be considered invalid and should not be interpreted (especially if F is also high).

What is the standard error of measurement from scale to scale?

Is 2-3 points.

When testing AA with the MMPI-2 what should you consider

It is important for clinicians to continually be aware of any possible culturally relevant factors (effects of discrimination) that may cause unique elevations in an individual AA profile

Paragraph 4: Coping/ Defenses

K. General defensiveness 1. Preoccupation with health/ somatic issues 3. Denial of emotional distress 5. Overly or rigidly M or F 6. Hypervigilance/overactivity/ unrealistic optimism 0. Overcontrol 4. Substance Abuse

Special code types

Left side of scale: neurotic; right side; psychotic 123: conversion V: if 2 is high, person may be sick/needy, organic brain syndrome, if 2 is low person is defensive

K-scale - Correction

Looks at underreporting or the endorsement related to the L scale. Also measures overly positive responses; more effective with individuals who are more intelligent and psychologically sophisticated; measures ego defensiveness and guardedness also; high ego defensiveness in K is indicator of false responses on other sclaes also; College graduate students tend to score high. High Scores on K (T = 65 or 70) Person is attempting to describe self in an overly favorable light, denying difficulties. May have aswered false to all items (naysaying; check TRIN and VRIN). If profile is considered valid, persons are presenting an image of being in control and functioning effectively, but they will overlook any faults they might have. Likely to have poor insight and resist psychological evaluation, limited benefit from psychotherapy. Intolerant of nonconformity in others, may perceive nonconformists as weak. Use of denial, poor insight, unaware of the impression he or she makes on others. Shy, inhibited, low level of social interaction, Low Scores on K Fake bad profile, exaggeration of pathology (check F, Fb, F1, and F2). In an otherwise valid profile, client might be disoriented and confused, extremely self-critical, cynical, skeptical, dissatisfied, and have inadequate defenses. Poor self-concept, low level of insight. Low scores among adolescents are not uncommon and may reflect a greater level of openness and sensitivity to their problems, consistent with their undergoing a critical self-assessment related to establishing a clear sense of identity.

T score below 40


Discuss the Empirical criterion method?

Many of the items identified by the scales are psychologically obscure , do not relate to scale, answers were "empirically" chosen because individuals representing clear obvious traits of relative scale more commonly answered one way or another on these items. refers to an approach to test Development that emphasizes the selection of items that discriminate between normal individuals and members of different diagnostic groups, regardless of whether the items appear theoretically relevant to the diagnoses of interest.

MMPI-Psycometric properties- What is the Mean score and SD?

Mean=50 SD=10

F Scale- Infrequency scale

Measures extent to which person answers in a deviant manner; less than 10% of population; can either be true pathology or "faking bad;" (symptom exaggeration) index to test taking attitudes, personality variables, and psychopathology measurements. Ethnic group members/political extremists may score high here. T scores > 80 could be malingering. low scores on the F are socially conforming, may have faked good, High Scores on F (approximating T = 100; fake bad cutoff for inpatients = 100, cutoff for outpatients T = 90, cutoff for nonclinical settings T = 80; cutoff for MMPI-A = 79), Extremely high F (100+); may possibly accurately reflect psychopathology, but this will correspond with possible hallucinations, delusions of Moderate Scores (T = 70-90) Attempt to draw attention to distress as a "cry for help" (and are in need of assistance). Unconventional and unusual thoughts, may be rebellious, antisocial, and/or having difficulties in establishing a clear identity. Slightly elevated (T = 65 to 75) and person does not seem to be pathological, he or she might be curious, complex, psychologically sophisticated, opinionated, unstable, and/or moody.

Fb Scale-Infrequency Psychopathology

Measures items answered infrequently even by psychiatric population. This looks at how the person is responding in the back part of the testing. High Fb (and F1 and F2; T = 90 for nonclinical settings and 110 for clinical settings) Possible exaggeration of psychopathology (see considerations under "F Scale").

T score of 56-65


F is between Hi L and low K

Naive/ unsophisticated; trying to seem good, not affected by stress, uneducated, low SES, Poor tx prognosis

Cultural/Age Issues/Differences

Not normed by age or ethnic group; only gender; can be administered by age 16; standardized on a vare small ethnic group, AA score higher on F, 8, 9. AA were found to have identical scores with whites when the SES was removed. Most differences between groups are explained by moderator variable and not actual pathology. Future research should include within group differences (degree of group identification, acculturation, language, perceived minority status, degree of perceived discrimination). Adolescents were found to score high in energy/actng out ( more likely to be an indicatior of age)

Limitations of the MMPI-2

Not standardized to effective represent ethnic groups (Af, Amer, Nat, Asian, Hisp.), requires 8 greade reading level, cannot distinguish, cutoff score was lowered from 70 to 65, only moderately reliable, time consuming & too many questions, overlapping scales items, too much inter correlation, poor variables, not all codes well defined, not intended to make psychiatric dx

??/Cs - Cannot Say

Number of items unanswered; 30 or more test is invalid; This could be due to reading, language difficulties,Intellectual Disability, indecision, confusion, paranoia

Why is there so much overlap among the scales

Overlap is due to the original comparison of groups with different clinical population. It is due to the expectation that important relationships would be expected across similar constructs/variables.

If the test taker takes longer than 2 hours to complete the test what does this mean?

Possible psychological disturbance/depression/psychosis, obsessive indecision, below avg IQ, reading level, education, cerebral impairment

Hypochondriasis (Hs)

Scale 1- Concern w/ illness, level of preoccupation with health issues- high scores= excessive bodily concerns, may seem selfish, narcisistic, Pessimistic outlook towards life. Low scores indicate they are free of somatization. if T>80 then they may have conversion disorder,

Social Introversion (Si)

Scale 10: Uncomfortable around people, withdrawn, lacks confidence, shy. High scores indicate they are socially introverted. Very insecure and uncomfortable in social situations and tend to be shy, timid, reserved, and retiring. Low scores indicate they are very sociable and extroverted.

Depression Scale (D)

Scale 2- Measures pessism, self-devaluation, and poor morale. High scores indicate feeling blue, unhappy, dysphoric, pessismistic about the future. Low scores are indicative of those that do not experience much tension, anxiety, and guilt or depression.

Hysteria scale (Hy)

Scale 3 - Reflects an avoidance and somatization of interpersonal pain. Denial of problems and a lack of social anxiety. High scores: react to stress and avoid responsibility through the development of physical symptoms, headaches, stomach discomfort. Low scores do not worry excessively about their health, do not present somatic symptoms.

Psychopathic Deviate Scale (Pd)

Scale 4- charts a disposition toward amoral and asocial behavior. It also reflects deficits of empathy, family conflict, unsocialized behaviors and problems with authority. High scores have difficulty incorporating values and standards of society into their lives, low scores tend to be conventional, conforming, and accepting of authority.

Masculine/Feminine Scale (MF)

Scale 5- Measures the balance of masculine versus feminine gender identification. Stereotypes/relating to masculine/feminine interests. High scores indicate that they may be going against their assigned gender role.

Paranoia (Pa)

Scale 6- includes ideas of reference, mistreatment, and persecution. Trust, suspiciousness, vengeful, argumentative, life is unfair. High scores: may exhibit frankly psychotic bx, have disturbed thinking, delusions of persecution or grandeur, and ideas of reference. Low scores indicate have narrow interests, tend to be insensitive and unaware of the motives of other people. Shy, secretive and withdrawn.

Psychasthenia (Pt)

Scale 7- Reflects the level of obsessiveness, anxiety, and tension, fears, overreacts. High scores: experience psychological turmoil and discomfort, feel anxious, tense, and agitated. Low scores indicate free the individuals are free of disabling fears and anxieties, are self-confident, are perceived as warm, cheerful and friendly.

Schizophrenia (Sc)

Scale 8- Distorted, social/emotional alienation, shy, aloof, confused. A wide range of strange beliefs, unusual experiences, and special sensitivities. high scores indicate they are under acute situational stress, may have an identity crisis.Low scores indicate individuals tend to be friendly, cheerful, good natured, sensitive, and trustful.

Hypomania (Ma)

Scale 9: Euphoric, easily excited, irritable, cyclic behavior, denial. High scores indicate manic episode including excessive, purposeless activities, accelerated speech, hallucinations, delusions of grandeur. Low scores are characterized by low energy and activity levels.

Harris-Lingoes Subscales Rules for Interpretation

Should only be interpreted if clinical scales are elevated above 65.

MMPI-Psychometric properties-temporal stability and internal consistency

The MMPI-2 has moderate levels of temporal stability and internal consistency.

How is the MMPI-2 applied?

The MMPI-2 is used to clarify mental status, determine hospitalization, evaluate treatment, employment evaluations, parent competence, personal injury, most used assessment, highly endorsed by APA


The empirically derived supplementary scales can also be used to both refine the meanings of the clinical scales and add information not included in the clinical scales.

How many items are on the MMPI-A? Age? Grade Level?

There are 478 items on the MMPI-A test. Age: 14-18, Reading: is 4th grade

How many items are on the MMPI-2?

There are 567 items

How many items are needed to be completed by test taker for the test to be valid?

They need to complete 370 items for the test to be valid

TRIN- True Response Inconsistency

True False Bias; They are not considering their choices.Measures number of items which should be measured in the same manner. Over score of 80 is likely invalid.

S- Scale - Superlative

Used with K/L to identify individuals who attempt to appear overly virtuous/good. used in employment screenings; measures human goodness, denial of anger/irritability, patience, denial of moral flaws.

What is a measure strength of the MMPI-2

Validity studies have been major strength of the MMPI, with high incremental validity.

T score of - 76 or higher

Very high

Strengths of the MMPI-2

can be used to aid critical/clinical questions (faking, severity/difficult of Sx), rich source of overall info about client, most widely researched/used test; lots of info on it, very meaningful in clinical information, translated into more than 50 languages, used across the world

Hi F, low L/K?

client admit to personal/emotional problem, may be asking for actual help, good tx prognosis

Low Scale scores

may represent strengths and these strengths might correspond in an opposite direction of the interpretations for the high scores.

FBS - Fake Bad Scale

used to detect personal injury claimants who exaggerate their difficulties. High FBS (moderately indicative if raw score = 22, more strongly indicated by a raw score = 28) Fake bad/malingering. Raw scores of 28 or higher reduce the possibility of false positives.

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