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the economic value of mining in the us is about

$2.5 trillion

Mining accounts for approximately ______ of the US economy


you have to remove 30 tons of waste to mine 10 tons of ore. the density of the waste is 40 cubic yards/ton. Find the overall stripping ratio in cubic yards per ton

4 yd/ton

use the following table to calculate the average grade of the deposit


three pieces of equipment are used in a given operation. the availability of each piece has been determined to be 90%, 80%, and 70% during a typical shift. the availability of the operation will be approximately


in the us, about how many nonfuel minerals do we have


which of these key federal agencies routinely has at least one inspector at each mining operation multiple times per year and in large mines this agency often has at least one inspector on site nearly every single day


what happens when the oxygen balance is too high

NOx production

A major trade association in the mining industry is

National Stone, Sand, and Gravel Association (NSSGA)

a labor union found at many unionized mine sites is

United Mine Workers of America (UMWA)

which of the following is true

a lode is a hard rock vein

weight strength

a measure of the explosive energy

what is the difference between a mineral resource and a mineral reserve

a resource is a potentially feasible deposit and a reserve is that portion of the deposit that can be mined economically at a point in time

which of the following statements is true

a significant amount of capital must be available first to open a mine and an engineering study is done before the opening of the mine

which of the following is false

an act is a bill that's been passed by the legislature but has not yet been signed into law

free face

an unconfined face through which the blasted material can move freely

match the rank of coal to its descriptors

anthracite- hard, brittle, black, shiny called hard coal bituminous- looks shiny and smooth but close look shows many layers subbituminous- looks dull lignite- known as brown coal

match the coal rank to its descriptors

anthracite- this is the highest rank of coal bituminous- rank of coal characterized by a heating value and is the most common type of coal used in electricity generation in US subbituminous- not the greatest in the heating value department, but not the worst of the four lignite- lowest grade of coal with least amount of carbon

the owner of a patented claim can use the land for

any legal purpose

this type of mining method can be referred to as a secondary method and used when the first mining method has reached its economic limit

auger mining

why is it necessary to calculate an area or volume of influence

because the sample from each drill will represent a different portion of the orebody based on its location

match the activities to the correct stages of mining

beneficiation activities- exploitation leaving area free of safety and environmental hazards- reclamation preparing for extraction of the ore/material- development finding geologic anomalies- prospecting a problem in risk management- exploration

the general mining law of 1872 defined locatable minerals as the types of minerals that could be claimed under the law

cinnabar copper silver gold

In the US, which fuel minerals do we mine

coal, uranium

after years of hucksters and shysters attempting to sell worthless mineral deposits, major mining countries developed rigorous standards to ensure that conflicts of interest are clearly disclosed, the individuals doing the study meet certain minimum qualification, and to ensure

common definitions are used in reporting technical information

identify the true statements regarding drilling for the purpose of sampling an orebody

cores provide additional detail on the structural features of the deposit not available with cuttings cuttings are useful to determine the grade of the ore

what are some things that blasters must do properly to ensure a successful blast outcome

correct mixing of the blasting agent at the hole (if batch loaded) proper loading procedures if theres water in the hole

the main purpose of the feasibility study is to

decide if the mine should be built or not

during the exploration stage the goal is to

define the deposit in as much detail as is practicable

which type of study would be completed to facilitate the purchase of equipment


what is the first factor in determining the mining method


the cutoff grade has been calculated for a specific mine, however the cutoff grade will change in the future if

dilution increases recovery in the processing plant increases the selling prices of the refined product increases

a loading machine that can only dig at a level below the level at which it is sitting is known as


which of the following activities is not necessarily part of the unit operations for softer ores

drill or blast

what are some things that drillers must do properly to ensure a successful blast outcome

drilling the hole at exactly the specified angle controlling the depth or length of the hole

according to the NI 43-101, a qualified person must be attributed to the information. this person is defined as

engineer or geoscientist with at least 5 years experience in mining and in good standing with a professional organization

mining companies are not legally bound to comply with administrative regulations and will not face civil or criminal action for noncompliance


the general mining law of 1872 is still controversial today because it allows for the depletion of the supply of valuable minerals


the most likely choice of material handling in an underground mine using a continuous mining cycle is

flexible conveyor train

drillability factor and powder factor are two important metrics for monitoring the performance of your operation. choose the best way to represent these factors

ft-drilled/ton of material and lb-explosive/ton of material

what are the three common components to industrial explosives

fuel oxidizers stabilizers

choose true statements about unpatented claims

gives the right to explore and mine only valid during active work land can be reverted back to the public domain

the most likely choice for materials handling in an underground mine with large openings using a conventional mining cycle is

haul truck

the rank of a coal is based on what

heat value percent fixed carbon

acme mining company has just moved into your small, scenic community. which of the following ideas might the company employ to build a positive relationship with the people and community in which they are located

hold an acme mine community day with a cookout, mine tours, and an explanation of sound mining practices

a loading machine that has the ability to load above, below, or at the same level at which it is sitting is known as

hydraulic excavator

if selectivity is important for a surface mining operation which loading machine is the best choice in the following list

hydraulic excavator

continuous haulage includes

hydraulic slurry conveyers

which statement about us mining laws is true

in most cases, if a state's regulation is less protective than the corresponding federal regulation, then a mine will be required to comply with the federal regulation

the amendment to the general mining law of 1872 known as the mineral leasing act of 1920 made a very important change to the 1872 law

it removed several minerals from the list of those that could be classified as locatable under the original law

Choose the common causes for why oxygen balance is lost

lack of confinement poor quality control at the batch mixing truck

rights to prospect, explore, and mine for minerals that are not classified as locatable on public lands are conveyed by

leasing the land from the bureau of land management

continuous mining machines are not commonly used to mine


a type of an underground caving mining method is


critical density

maximum density at which the explosion might not propogate

surface mining is divided into two classes

mechanical and aqueous

match the following terms with the definition

mineral resource- a concentration of ore in the earth's crust of sufficient size that may be economically recoverable measured mineral resource- high confidence in the estimate based off of sufficient sampling to ensure geologic and grade continuity between holes indicated mineral resource- reasonable confidence that estimate is accurate, but hole spacing too wide to confirm grade and geologic continuity inferred mineral resource- limited sampling and low confidence in what's there- the estimate comes from extrapolation mineral reserve- the portion of the mineral resource that can be mined economically in time proved mineral reserve- the portion of a measured mineral resource that can be mined economically in time

mining and subsequent mineral processing challenges can be determined by looking at what characterisitics

mineralogy and genesis of the orebody

critical diameter

minimum diameter of the explosive column to sustain the detonation or deflagration; determines size of the hole we drill

what is not an advantage of continuous mining methods

more employees

which of the following are unit operations

none of the answers

what is the fundamental difference between a maceral and a mineral

one is organic and the other is inorganic

if you've acquired the rights to mine on private land, what mineral rights are automatically transferred tp you

only agreed upon minerals

bulk strength

product of density and weight strength of the explosive; is indicative of the explosive energy in the hole

choose the answer that shows the 5 stages of mining in the correct order

prospecting, exploration, development, exploitation, reclamation

what must you do if you find historically or culturally significant items of structures on the land on which you have the right to mine

protect findings

the goal in this mining method is to remove large slabs that can be machined to use in architectural application


match the activities to the correct stages of mining

returning to the mine site to its original condition- reclamation using mining equipment to extract the ore- exploitation using accumulated knowledge to narrow the search- prospecting estimating the quantity of the orebody- exploration conducting a feasibility study- development

choose the industrial minerals from this list

salt talc phosphate trona

choose the industrial minerals from the list

salt trona talc phosphate

factors that determine the mining method include

size of orebody topography attitude shape of orebody

rotary drag bits are generally best suited for drilling in

soft materials

match the ore to the mining method used to mine the ore

solution- uranium room and pillar- salt quarrying- marble open pit- copper

an example of passive ground support is the use of

steel arches

in the diagram of a drift face the holes that would be placed in section b should be labeled as


in the diagram of a drift face the holes that would be placed in section c should be labeled as


what are some viable structures for directing airflow for good ventilation in underground mines

stoppings curtains auxiliary fans

what is the difference between supported and unsupported methods of mining

supported methods require extensive supported measures. unsupported methods typically rely on minimal articial support depending on the ore

the majority of minerals are mined by

surface methods

which federal us agency is responsible for administering the general mining law of 1872

the bureau of land management

as related to mining, important acts within the category of environmental protection laws are

the clean water act the endangered species act


the depth of the drill hole below the floor


the distance between holes


the inert material placed in the top (front) of the hole

the cutoff grade has been calculated for a specific mine. however, the cutoff grade will change in the future if

the selling price of the refined product increases dilution increases recovery in the processing plant increases

why is it important to understand the mechanical properties of the mined material before it is mine

the strength of the ore generally affects the choice mining method

choose the correct statement

title 30 contains regulations related to the mineral resources

the most important outcome of a good sampling plan is

to acquire accurate estimates on the size and grade of the deposit

what is the goal if mineral processing

to concentrate the minerals of interest to beneficiate the valuable components of the ore to liberate the minerals of interest

why is knowledge of the geology associated with the target mineral useful

to give you an idea of the shape of the orebody so that you can design effective sampling

what is the purpose of a stabilizer as a component to an industrial explosive

to improve handling of the explosive

currently there are fewer than ten uranium-mining operations in the US


laws are passed by the government, may have provisions with which mining companies must comply, and often direct administrative agencies to develop specific regulations to govern how the laws will be enforced


the real difference between a probable mineral reserve and a proved mineral reserve is the degree of certainty in the resource estimate


true or false? to be most efficient and to avoid delays due to shuttle cars, a continuous miner might dump its load onto the mine floor


what makes an explosive a permissable explosive

used according to the required practices certified by USBM

which of the following is an advantage of emulsions or slurries over ANFO

water resistance

mechanical mining methods rely on mining the ore

with machinery equipment to extract and break down the ore

A labor union engages in many activities, including:

working with companies on matters of mutual interest advocating for the interests of its members

a trade association engages in many activities including

working with congress on proposed legislation that would affect its members providing technical services of broad interest to its members

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