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PR Communication specialist Knowledge transfer Absorptive capacity

- need to know how to communicate, write interesting content, social media use, multimedia use, creativity - how organizational units gain knowledge from other units to enhance innovation and performance Better performance if occupying central network positions that provide access to the new knowledge developed by other units - capacity of an organizational unit to learn- often reflected in the organizations investment in the units research and development

High-context culture Low-context culture

- people rely on situational cues to ascribe meaning to situations when they are communicating with others -> covert and implicit messages, high nonverbal comm., reserved, limited emotional expression, time = open and flexible, process > product ex. asia, middle east, africa, south america - rely mainly on written and spoken words and develop shared meanings from the literal words that are used --> simple clear explicit messages, verbal comm., visible emotions, time is organized, finite, end result = important ex. US, germany, switzerland, Scandinavian countries

managerial behaviors: Task behavior Relations behavior Change behavior

- plan short-term activities, clarify task objectives and role expectations, monitor operations and performance - provide support and encouragement, recognition, develop skill, consult, empower - monitor external environment, propose strategies, encourage innovative thinking, take risks

how to give constructive crisism four Rs more tips staircase

- positive comments regarding situation in question, praise for persons strong points, give criticism, remind person of strong points, offer support in areas for improvement and leave on positive note - respond- say thank you, record- details , reflect- on it later, react- act on it - listen carefully without interupting, avoid objections, ask questions to gain clarity and understanding, discuss implementation of the solutions - deny- what problem?, defend - wouldnt understand, explain- i know but i did it bc, understand- i see what you talking about, change- this is what im going to do about it

Organizational communication improving it through training

- process where people stimulate meaning in the minds of other people by verbal / nonverbal messages in context of a formal organization- manager's ability to communicate effectively = important Social glue tying organizations together - Public speaking (change in tone to capture attention), writing, customer service (listen and meet needs of customers), interpersonal communication (interact w/ diff communication styles- role play exercises)

Reverse culture shock

- realization that time has moved on and things have not stood still while the expatriate was away from the home office; may judge their own home culture

four dimensions of CQ pt2 Motivational CQ Behavioral CQ

- refers to persistence and goal setting for cross-cultural interactions; cultural adaptation; encourages people to interact with others who are culturally different from themselves - ability to adjust to others' cultural practices;can communication verbally and nonverbally culturally

four dimensions of CQ pt1 Cognitive CQ Metacognitive CQ

- refers to self-awareness and ability to detect cultural patterns; cultural judgment; culture general knowledge and context specific knowledge - refers to the cognitive processing necessary to recognize and understand expectations appropriate for different cultural situations

Netiquette Social networking Cyberslacking

- rules on how to be polite in email, must have - social media, must remember everyone has access to what you post, blogs = popular for marketing - challenge for organizations, using internet for personal reasons during work hours (shopping)

Global mindset

- set of individual attributes that enhance a manager's ability to influence others who are different from them - Lower global mindset- consider interactions with people from other cultures frustrating and intimidating - Higher global mindset- finds diversity interesting and not intimidating

sociologist culture def national culture

- shared by almost all members of a social group, older members of the group pass it on to younger members, shapes behaviors/ structures one's perception of the world - media, travel, tech, transportatio, edu, bus are factors that change it - language, religious customes customs, archistecture, history, world view/ priorities, family, geography, food, gender = influencers in producing culture

Collectivism individualism

- social organization is tight and people are loyal to their in-group / organization --> needs/ goals of group over individual, group conforminty and commitment maintained at expense of personal interest, interconnectedness b/w ppl, social rules = selflessnes, putting community needs ahead, decisions = consensus, best for society, families and communties = central role ex. asia, central america, south america, middle east, africa - social org is loose and people care for themselves and immediate family --> concered with consequences of actions for them selves, needs/ wishes of individual over group, group commitment = as self benefit, autonomy, initiative, creativty, personal/ individual privacy and authority in dec. making

Knowledge management

- systematic and integrative process of coordinating organization-wide in pursuit of major goals - generating, storing and retrieving info; related to organizational effectiveness

Organizational development

- theories from psychology are applied to the workplace to help managers solve problems field theory examines the forces driving change and compares them to forces restraining change


- used to facilitate and improve managers' decision-making processes in many ways, facilitates critical thinking in two ways - quantitatively assess employee motivation tactics, evaluate resource allocation decisions, test the security of their computing networks, and design customer-friendly websites


- what went well... , even better if.. what went well... -traditional- two doses of positive feedback, sandwiching negative or ciritical feedback - lots of bread: weak - losts of ego stroking, other person may not even hear negative feedback - wrap- ask what they think about performance, ask if you could share your impressions as well, have discussion about it, critque and discussion intertwined - open faced- significant amount of critical feedback, ego stroking at the end - all meat- just critical message


Chief Compliance Officer- functions as an independent and objective body that reviews and evaluates compliance issues/concerns within the organization. - ensures the Board of Directors, management and employees are in compliance with the rules and regulations of regulatory agencies and that behavior meets the company's standards. - Develops & reviews & updates standards of conduct to ensure continuing relevance in providing guidance to management & employees. - Ensures proper reporting of violations or potential violations to duly authorized enforcement agencies as appropriate. - Establishes and provides direction and management of the compliance hotline.


Chief HR Officer in HR Dept- oversees all HR management in areas such as succession planning, training and development, and talent management - Implementing HR efforts that effectively communicate the firm's strategic vision. - Developing strategic recruiting and retention plans to meet the human capital needs of the corporation. - Developing comprehensive compensation and benefit plans to employees that fall within the company's budget.


Chief Marketing Officer and Marketing Department- oversees all marketing initiatives within a company; include product management, product pricing, advertising and promotions, and customer service; responsible for: - Increasing product revenue. - Preparing the overarching marketing strategy for the company, including brand, product placement, and advertising - Managing the marketing budget. - Handling media/press coverage


Chief financial officer in finance dept- responsible for all administrative, financial, and risk management operations of the company; take a broad look for the financial future of the company; responsible for - Developing financial and tax strategies. - Arranging for debt and equity financing. - Personally reviewing and approving all financial records. - Reporting risk issues to the audit committee. - Ensuring the company is within all legal and regulatory requirements.

external communication

flows b/w employees inside the organization and with a variety of people outside the organization; involves customers, suppliers, managers, in other companies, government officials and residents of local community

Evidenced based management

making decisions about the management of employees, teams, or organizations through the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of four sources of information (scientific literature emperical studies, organizational internal data, practioners' professional expertise, stakeholders' values and concerns) - improves a leader's decisions through disciplined application of the most relevant and current scientific evidence

Decisional roles

managerial roles involving the use of information - Entrepreneur- Focusing on innovation and change within the organization; solving problems, generating new ideas, & implementing them. - Disturbance handler- Managing conflict by taking corrective action; help mediate disputes within it - Resource allocator- optimizing resource allocation to different competing needs within the organization; allocating funding as well as assigning staff and other organizational resources - Negotiator- Managers need to engage in important negotiations within their team, department, or organization

Interpersonal roles-

managerial roles that involve providing information and ideas - Figurehead- Representing an organization and performing ceremonial duties - expected to be source of inspiration - Leader- Motivating subordinates to achieve their goals and objectives - manage performance and responsibilities - Liaison- Maintaining horizontal chains of communication; communicate with internal and external contacts; network effectively

Critical thinking

process of learning by questioning everything - The elements of thought (reasoning) - The intellectual standards that are applied to the elements of reasoning - The intellectual traits associated with a cultivated critical thinker that result from the consistent and disciplined application of the intellectual standards to the elements of thought

Public relations

vital part of maintaining the organization's image and of communicating its message to its customers, investors, the media, and the public. - Developing strategies, campaigns, and initiatives to improve public perception of the company. - Maintaining effective working relationships with local and municipal government officials and media representatives. - Responding to information queries from media and the general public. - Creating and launching Internet web pages.

Communication apprehension

when someone is uncomfortable communicating with others- creates problems for success as managers Affects communication between two people, within teams, during meetings or when giving presentations

Time management strategy II

Set goals and make action plans S - specific M - measurable A - attainable R - relevant T - time based

Time management strategy IV

The 80/20 Rule (Pareto's Principle) 80% of your results come from only 20% of your actions. What are you spending your time on? Are you focusing on the 20% of activities that produce 80% of the results in your life?


The CEO = liaison between the board of directors and the management of the company; the "face" of the company to shareholders and media; responsibilities of the CEO include: - Communicating on behalf of the company to investors, employees, and the general public. - Leading and overseeing both long and short term plans in accordance with the company's standards and goals. - Ensuring that internal controls and effective communications systems between departments are in place. - Ensuring that the company maintains high standards of corporate citizenship and social responsibility wherever it does business.

Time Management Strategy V

The Urgent/Important Matrix Spend time on things that are IMPORTANTand not just urgent. - Important - activities that lead to achieving your goals and have the greatest impact on your life. - Urgent - activities demand immediate attention, but are often associated with someone else's goals rather than your own. - important and urgent = crisis - important and not urgent = goals and planning - not important and urgent = interruptions, maintence, routine tasks - not important and not urgen = distractions

Electronic communication

- email & text messages = primary mode for communicating in organizations; Negatives- (frequent checking = stress and overload, miscommunication of emotion occur in email, distracting)

Time management strategy III

Develop an "Action Plan" Step by step plans of how you are going to accomplish your goal. What are you going to do to reach your goal? They allow you to break your goal down into smaller, more manageable portions and give you the chance to make progress towards your goals.

star pitch

- A structured manner of responding to a behavioralbased interview question by discussing the specific situation, task, action, and result of the situation you are describing. - situation: Describe the situation that you were in or the task that you needed to accomplish, describe a specific event or situation, not a generalization of past, give enough detail, previous job/ event - task: goal working toward, objective, explain what trying to dp - action: describe actions took to address situation with appropriate amount of detail, keep focus on YOU, specific steps, particular contribution - results: outcome of actions, what happened, how, accomplishments, learned

Email communication

- Advantages- free messaging, easy referencing, quick message delivery, multimedia messages, environmental, less expensive, flexibility, automated, globalized, simplicity, easy referencing - Disadvantages- poor privacy, virus infection, spamming, lacks cordality, distracting, overlooked, addiction, passwords, rumors, misunderstanding, distracting - When- need to get in touch with someone hard to reach, info is not time-sensitive, send someone an electronic file or attachment, need to distribute info to a lot of people, need a written record of the communication - When not to- long and complicated, difficult convo - Email tips- keep it short, meaningful titles and one per topic, watch CCs reply all, proofread, no chain letters, avoid over-flagging, know audience

Theory x & theory Y

- Theory x leaders- pessimists assume that people are basically lazy, don't like to work, and avoid responsibility Tend to micromanage, give directives, hover - Theory y leaders- optimists assume that people are internally motivate, like to work and will accept responsibility Believe employees will always do their best Allow you to create own route to solution

Relationship (masc v fem)

- a focus on people over material things - Masc- assertive, strive to acquire money and things - Fem- value in caring for one another and quality of life

EBM steps

- Asking (translating a practical issue or problem into an answerable question) - Acquiring (Systematically searching for and retrieving the evidence) - Appraising (Critically judging the trustworthiness and relevance of the evidence) - Aggregating (Weighing and pulling together the evidence) - Applying (Incorporating the evidence into the decision-making process) - Assessing (Evaluating the outcome of the decision taken)

Cross cultural adjustments

- Assimilation- relinquishing old heritage and adopting new culture - Separation- maintaining heritage culture excluding new culture relations - Marginalization- rejecting both cultures - Integration - maintaining heritage culture and adopting new culture

What a manager must do well:

- Efficiency- doing things rigjht, the max utilization of the organization's resources to attain its mission, responsibility of frontline operating managers **Doing more with less** - Effectiveness- doing the right things, to achieve results and accomplish the goals, concern of the top management team


- Global Leadership and organizational behavior effectiveness - Goal- to provide an in-depth examination of the relationship of cultural values to leadership and organizational effectiveness - Refined and extended the Hofstede cultural value framework and identified nine cultural concepts 9 = power distance, uncertainty avoidance, humane orientation, institutional collectivism, in group collectivism, asseritveness, gener egalitarianism, future oritentation, performance orientation

3 dimensions of the global mindset - global psych capital, global social capital, global intelectual capital

- Global psychological capital—the feeling or affective aspect of the global mindset. A manager with strong psychological capital is willing to engage in a global environment and has a positive attitude toward diversity. Reflects a positive and constructive attitude towards diversity of thought and action - Global social capital—the behavioral aspect of the global mindset. A manager with strong global social capital acts in a way that helps build trusting relationships with people from other parts of the world - broad and diverse network of both internal and external ties - Global intellectual capital—the cognitive aspect of the global mindset. A manager with strong global intellectual capital knows a lot about the global business in their industry and its broader macro environment, making it easier for them to analyze, digest, and interpret this information

Five learning disciplines

- Personal mastery- is competence plus the discipline of continually clarifying and deepening our personal vision, of focusing our energies, of developing patience, and of seeing reality objectively. - Mental models- deeply ingrained assumptions, generalizations, or even pictures and images that influence how we understand the world and how we take action. - Building shared vision- is the sharing of a long-term view of the future that is uplifting and encourages experimentation and innovation. - Team learning- is aligning and developing teams to generate results they want. People on the team act and learn together. They grow rapidly from team interactions. - Systems thinking- learning from experience, understanding cause and effect.

CEO characteristics (6)

- Process large, open-ended workloads under tight time pressure - Managerial activities are relatively short in duration, varied, fragmented and often-initiated - Prefer action and action-driven activities and dislike paperwork Prefer verbal communication - Maintain relationships primarily with their subordinates and external parties - Limited involvement in execution of work, though they initiate many decisions

Ethics Disruptive change Sustainability

- The separation of the core values of business decision-makers from ethical principles resulted in risky activities that often resulted in corporate scandals. (Douglas McGregor) - change that alters the markets for an organization's products - concerned with the well-being of future generations and in particular with irreplaceable natural resources—as opposed to the gratification of present needs which we call well-being

Mission statement Vision statement

- a statement of the purpose of a company and its reason for existing ex. CVS Health Should tell you what the company intends to do, how they plan to do it, and who they intend to do it for "We provide expert care and innovative solutions in pharmacy and health care that are effective and easy for our customers" - written in present tense not future, describes what we will feel, hear, think, say & do as if we had reached our vision now, are summarized with powerful phrase ex. CVS emphasis on the commitment of the corporations, commitment to people "We strive to improve the quality of human life"

Time management time wasters

- ability to use one's time effectively or productively Importance- make sure you have time for all important activities, to give structure to your days and weeks, to assist in setting goals and in determining priorities - Stress Anxiety Burnout Procrastination Perfectionism Lack of planning Unexpected events Depression Ignoring natural tendencies Emails & social media Losing track of time Ineffective studying Disorganization Bad habits Television

mngmt process pt1 planning organizing

- aligning goals with the overall mission of the organization Knowing how to allocate resources and determine which responsibility must be given to which employee,m having ability to set realistic goals and timelines for completion Continuously check on team's progress and make adjustments when necessary; communication with team - delegating responsibilities for task accomplishment Managing internal processes and structures; assigning employees/ teams to specific tasks; keeping everyone on track Managers should ensure employees requirements to accomplish their jobs are met; be able to reorganize in response to organizational change

Hawthorne studies

- changing the environment (hypothesis- more comfy environment = decreased productivity) Led to a focus on the role of human behavior in organizations - Hawthorne effect- refers to positive responses in attitudes and performance by employees when observers pay attentions Human element in organizations more important than previously thought, workers want attention improved employment arrangements Led to a focus on the role of human behavior in organizations - Experiment- changing the environment and determining productivity, changing the reward (bonus) and determining productivity - Result- being watched = more productive, equality = more important than money (money and enviro doesn't motivate) Human element matters most; what motivates people is the most important

Self initiated expatriates Repatriation

- choose to go abroad and assigned expatriates (AEs) are offered the opportunity by their organization - reentry to the organization after expatriate assignment, transition when the expatriate has completed the international assignment and returns home Some have culture shock when returning home, some can adapt well; Communication and validation are key for successful repatriation


- customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group; the characteristics of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts - Observable- behaviors (words and actions which are apparent to the casual observer) - Not observable- interpretations (how we feel the core values should be reflected in specific situations in daily life like work/ socializing) - Core cultural values- hard to change - Cultural values affect managers and how they make decisions

cultural retooling Expatriate

- deep conflict (awk), ambivalence (adjusting), authencitity (natural engaging - only stays in the foreign country for a certain period and plans to return to their home country eventually, although there are some who never return to their country of citizenship; failur e= costly for org

Power distance low power distance: High power distance

- deference to authority - People prefer that power be equally distributed in an egalitarian way - people accept power difference and respect authority

Cultural tightness-looseness Cultural tightness Cultural looseness

- defined as a the strength of social norms and degree of tolerance of these norms - produces order, efficiency, conformity and resistance to change - associated with social disorganization, deviance from social norms, innovation and being open to change

Cultural intelligence (CQ)

- defined as an individual's capabilities to function and manage effectively in culturally diverse settings Assesses strengths and weaknesses, undergoes training in cross-cultural interactions and applies to real life situations to build confidence

Organizational behavior Organizational culture Learning organization

- defined as the study of individuals and their behaviors at work. (Kurt Lewin) - the norms, behaviors, and values that create the unique environment of an organization - a group that fosters continual learning for employees while encouraging new and expansive patterns of thinking. Can facilitate organizational change by having workplace that is flexible and innovative

Uncertainty avoidance

- degree to which people in a country prefer structured over unstructured situations - Low- people tolerate uncertainty and ambiguity- take risks; greater tolerance for variety of opinions, less rule oriented, more risks, accept change - High- people feel threatened by uncertainty and ambiguity; risk averse and create rules to create stability, emphasize laws, regulations, controls designed to reduce uncertainty

Prototype Stereotype

- describes something that is an example/ model for identical things to be made in the near future- exhibiting desirable characteristics/ behaviors; based on an actual example or model, include specific details, learned about firsthand - describes things repeatedly attributed to one group of people Based on generalized characteristics and attributes, influence a range of possibilities, learned about secondhand

Culture shock coping with it

- distress experienced by a traveler from the loss of familiar patterns of social interaction - pinpoint specific time, define situation, list behaviors of others, list own behaviors, list expected behaviors from people in own culture in same sitch, reflect on underlying value in culture that prompts behavior expectation

dos and donts of a killer presentation virtual presentation

- dont: Take too long on intro, Speak too slow or too dramatic, Emphasize how important you are, Refer to your source too much, Crowd your slides, Use jargon, Give too much background and details, Fail to check timing, Sound like your tlak is mesmorized, Forget to make eye contact - do: Frame story, Plan delivery, Develop stage presence, Plan AV - be brief, be simple, think production, be specific, connect, synchronize, be early

cross-cultural communication must know guidelines 7 nonverbal comm. types that differ globally

- exchange of info b/w indiv and organizations belonging to diff cultures; --> found that cultural values affected communication competence and performance; Words in some countries translate to weird things in other countries; Difference in language = barrier to communication, but easy to learn about other cultures to form better communication - Guidelines, Non Judgemental, tolerance for ambiguity (be open to new enviro), respect (correct mannerisms from cultures), personalizing knowledge and perception, Displaying empathy (put yourself in other's shoes), Taking turns - Eye contact, Touch, Gestures, Physical space, Facial expressions, Head movements, Posture, Paralanguage (changing in pitch, accent, volume)

Public relations

- generate positive publicity for organization and enhance the reputation of the org; Communications, director, Social media influencer, Press secretary, Bloggers, Press releases - about influencing, engaging and building relationships with key stakeholders to shape and frame public perceptions of organization; strategic communication process builds mutual beneficial relationships b/w organizations and publics

Team Group

- group of individuals who work together to produce products or deliver services for which they are mutually accountable Work on team goals, frequent team meetings, members are interdependent, members accountable to team, performance greater than sum of individual contributions, effectiveness defined by team - number of people located near one another or part of the same classification Work on individual goals, monthly staff meetings, members are independent, embers accountable to the manager, performance measured by individual output, effectiveness defined by manager

Multinational corporation Globalization

- has facilities and other assets in at least one country other than its home country; Such companies have offices and/or factories in different countries and usually have a centralized head office where they coordinate global management - changes in business that have resulted in the need for a worldview for managers Global business requires the management and leadership mindset of explorers, must know how to motvate people who speak diff languages, diff cultural contexts, diff senstiites and habirs, deal with multicultural teas

Video Conferencing nonverbal communication

- important communication mode at workplace, advantageous because able to discern emotions through tone of voice/ facial expressions - use of visual cues like body language, posture, distance, eye contact, facial expressions, touch and voice Can decipher messages through facial expressions

hostede cultural values orientation

- individualism/ collectivim, uncertainty avoidance, powerdistance, masc/ fem - focuses on degree of society's long-term devotion to tradtional values --> long term = look to future value thrift, persistence and tradition; --> short term = present, change = accepted more readily, commitments don't represent impediments to change

What managers do

- know your customers (talk to customers often) Who your target customers are and how to reach them - know your products and services (play the role of a customer) - know your company and its processes (read all of the written policies and procedures of the organization) - prepare your business plan (explain current position and future goals of the organization) What you want to do and where you want it to go - monitor and control (ensure that the controls in the organization are in place) Oversee valuable resources - Decide and act (don't procrastinate, but don't risk making bad decisions) Make and do decisions - inform (share info with employees) Knowing companies, products; communication is key Target audience, who needs to know info and how - manage people (make consistent, transparent and well- informed decisions) - manage relationships with organizations owners/ shareholders (build positive relationships with owners) Ineffective decisions due to friendships within workplace - keep focus on the future (read the business plan every month) Lose focus on future = lose competitive advantage etc

jargon trigger words

- language peculiar to a particular trade, profession or group- used in organizations, can be confusing to those outside of organization Words in IT world can mean different things in real world - phrases and words that result in communication breakdowns Telling people what to do, ultimatums, labeling people, characterizing person's motives Emo trigger words- stupid, impossible, obviously, etc

Active listening

- listening to people in a reactive, active, sensitive, accurate, empathetic, non judgemental way increases satisfaction of conversation and job performance Pay attention to them, eye contact, tone of voice, facial expressions, body language, clarify - Three components: 1. Moderate to high nonverbal involvement 2. Reflects speaker's message using verbal paraphrasing 3. Asks questions that encourage seekers to elaborate

One way communication Two way communication

- manager sends a message and it is received by employees, no way to know if the message was received correctly - manager sends a message to employees and allows for questions to be asked so feedback is received by the manager

mngmt process pt2 Leading Controlling

- motivating employees to accomplish tasks Managers command their team daily and during periods of change, must communicate to followers about new policies Involves projecting a strong sense of direction and leadership when setting goals; being fair with employees and the organization - monitoring tasks and taking corrective action as needed constantly monitor employee task performance, team performance, and operational process efficiency, assessing the quality of all; addressing any corrections that need to be made, monitoring financial health of organization


process of info being exchanged b/w individuals through system of symbols, signs or behavior

10 elements of effective email

1. Salutation - use "dear" 2. Honorific - be respectful, call them professor, NO ms, mrs, mr 3. Name- put their name 4. Meaningless nicety- "i hope you are doing well" be polite 5. Remember how they know you- something distinctive about you they would know to put face to name 6. Real reason for email- concise what you need, no excuses, excessive detail or demands 7. Check syllabus and notes before asking, ask classmates 8. Ensure that you have read the syllabus and notes and clarify with them "it says blank so should I blank" 9. Super polite restatement- "if you could lmk at your earliest convenience, i would really appreciate it" 10. Sign off "best, thank you, sincerely" Follow up- gently follow up - Things to include- say you are a student in the class, say class name, section number on what days it meets, ask question, get to point, ask how you want help from professor Why it matters- a skill that you can take in real world, getting so many emails it's important you know how to actually contact them

presentation - 4 steps

1. plan- who is your audience, why are they there, what is your goal, how long will it be, where will it take place --> business card test (make sure it fits on back of bus card so its not too long) --> intro- get attention, main theme - content, summary/ conclusions- key message --> dont read of script, pay attention to tones, transitions, dont be egotistical, dont use complicated words to sound smart 2. prepare- personal notes, visuals, handouts --> avoid karaoke, over-writing, busy slides; consider bullets instead of sentences, drip feed, choose font well, color, complimentary images, consistency --> Conceptualizing and framing what you want to say = vital Start to end, consider relevance, quick intro convince audience to care about topic Specific examples, unique contributions, details, narrative talk 3. practice- craft is slow to develop, quick to diappear; more you practice better you feel; practice room, technology, speaking , everything 4. presenting- make eye contact, smile, speak (project, confidence, enunciate, turn on, passion), dont repreat words on slide, dont move too much

globe cultural dimensions - power disance, uncertainty avoidence, institutional collectivism

1. power distance- degree to which members of a collective expect power to be distrubuted equally 2. uncertainty avoidance- extent to which a society, org, or group relies on societal norms, rules and procedures to alleviate unpredictability of future events 3. institutional collectivism- degree to which organizational and societyal institutional practices encourage and reqard collective distrubution of resources and collective action

globe cultural dimensions pt2 - in group collectivism, gender egalitarianism, assertiveness, future orientation, performance orientation , humane orientation

4. in-group collectivism- degree to which individuals express pride loyalty and cohesiveness in their organizations/ families 5. gender egalitarianism- degree to which a collective minimizes gender inequality 6. assertiveness- degree to which individuals are assertive, confrontational and aggressive in relationship with others 7. future orientation- extent to which a collective encourages future- oriented behavuors such as delaying gratification, planning and investing in the future 8. performance orientation- degree to which group encourages and reqards group members for performance improvement and excellence 9. humane orientation- degree to which the group rewards inividuals for being fair, altruistic, generous, caring and kind to others


Chief technology officer & Info Technology Dept- responsible for overseeing all technical aspects of the company; works with executive management to grow the company through the use of technological resources. - Monitors technological resources and ensures control of IT and IO departmental budgets. - Conducting research and case studies on leading edge technologies and determining if they are suitable for the company's growth. - Evaluate and identify appropriate technology platforms for delivering the company's services. - Collaborating with the appropriate departments to assess and recommend technologies that support company organizational needs and privacy/compliance requirements.

Time management strategy 1

Knowing what is important to you and what your priorities are allows you to put those things first as you schedule your time, and therefore guides the way you manage your time. - Determining priorities- Determining your priorities is a process of deciding which of several options or tasks is most important. It involves deciding that one thing is more important than another

Knowledge Dept

With more info available than ever before in today's business world → must find ways to not only deal with info, but store effectively - Not all data is presented in a clear manner - some of it is highly structured (computations done on a machine) - some is unstructured (common information exchanged). - Must efficiently manage all data so that it can be easily accessed and used by the corporation

Risk management

advises organizations on any potential risks to the profitability or existence of the company; identify & assess threats, put plans in place for if things go wrong and decide how to avoid, reduce or transfer risks - Analyzing risks and identifying, describing and estimating the risks affecting the business. - Conducting audits of policy and compliance to standards, including liaison with internal and external auditors. - Carrying out processes such as purchasing insurance, implementing health and safety measures and making business continuity plans to limit risks and prepare for if things go wrong


anyone who owns a share of stock in a corporation; don't hold any actual positions in the company, have special rights through the Corporate Bylaws and the Shareholder's Agreement. - receives a stake of ownership in the company and residual income in the form of dividends. - The main power of the shareholders= must be on the board, and that the shareholders can elect/fire board members. Shareholders with more stake in the company can exert significant influence on executives. - The corporate bylaws state when the corporation will hold annual meetings, where the meetings will take place, and voting requirements. - In cases where the bylaws and shareholder's agreement are conflicted, the shareholder's agreement generally takes precedence.

Scientific management

approach was the study of how workers moved as they performed their work to improve productivity (Frederick Taylor) asseses work processes to determine methods of effective productivity in the workplace

Informal roles

are managerial roles that involve processing information - Monitor- Collecting information concerning the organization and short-listing relevant information; look for relevant changes in enviro - Dessimentor- Sharing relevant information with subordinates; communicate key info to others - Spokesperson- Maintaining protocol and sharing information with outsiders; speak for organization and transmit info about organization and goals to people outside it

Advertising department

creates and manages department budgets, oversees all advertising functions; provides the written content, images and graphics for ads. - Planning the advertising, including which type of media to advertise in (radio, television, print, online, billboards). - Measuring ad effectiveness, and making the necessary changes if needed. - Consulting with customers to determine how to improve market share and sales. - Recommending creative concept revisions according to the client's needs and preference


efficiently and effectively coordinating the planning, leading, organizing, and controlling of an organization department or function so that the outcome(s) contribute to meeting organizational goals and objectives

Upward communication

flows from bottom up and essential (5 types) - Problems (subordinate employees notify managers of difficulties in performance) - Suggestions (improvements/ solving problems) - Performance reports (higher level managers meet objectives related to performance and production) - Grievances and disputes (employees direct complains/ disputes to supervisors and managers to resolve) - Financial accounting reports (budge reports travel from bottom to top) Does Not always flow nicely b/c failure to respond, defensiveness and negative attitudes (managers to employees), time and location (physical separation = long time lags) - Improving- implementing an open door policy (inviting), building surveys and exit interviews into organizations culture (seeking feedback), prioritizing participative management (enabling employees to participation in decision making) listening to the grapevine

Downward communication

flows through chain of command from C-suite execs to employees at the operating level (four categories) - Strategy (high level personnel communicate goals / objectives to low-level employees) - Procedure (uniform guidelines- employee handbooks or instructional manuals) - Feedback (achieving org. Goals and meeting expectations, high level employees provide lower levels with feedback) - Socialization (social communications used to reinforce organization's values, recognize exceptional effort, build rapport among team members)

Horizontal communication

focuses on coordinating shared functions, activities, tasks, projects, within/ across departments (3 types) - Intradepartmental problem solving- members of same department communicate to coordinate systems management - Interdepartmental coordination- departments work tg to manage joint projects/ tasks w/ organizational system - staff advice to line departments- specialists in functional areas communication w/ managers to offer support

Core values

fundamental beliefs of the organization Support the vision, dictate behavior, shape the culture, reflect what the company values; essence of company's identity: principles beliefs/ philosophy of values Ex. CVS: innovation, collaboration, caring, integrity, accountability

Legal department

headed by the General Counsel will usually oversee all legal and external affairs matters including litigation, investigations, compliance, mergers and acquisitions, contract matters and international trade issues. - Always being up to date with all relevant information to help the CEO make legal, informed decisions, while also mitigating risk. - Being able to react efficiently in "crisis situations" such as lawsuits, government investigations, and subpoena requests. - Monitoring what happens in Washington D.C. with respect to legislative, administrative, and regulatory policy matters. - Advising managers and executives regarding issues such as contracts, intellectual property, risk management, and insurance

Innovation Dept

imperative for a company to always be evolving to adapt to all forms of changes in modern bus world whether on large scale global shift or a change in consumer trends - must design, research, develop, analyze and suggest new marketing concepts as well as strategies. - Coordinate new product/service to keep up with consumer wants. - Perform as strategic partner to head innovation of influence change and new processes.

Board of directors

in any corporation the job of the board is to assess the overall direction and strategy of the business, absolute top of the corporate chain and responsibilities include - Recruiting, training, supervising, and firing executive level management positions, such as CEO, CFO, and COO. - Providing the vision and direction for the company. - Fiduciary responsibility in regards to both the company's assets and the investments of shareholders.

Company specifics/ goal

in today's business world, no two companies are the same and each company is governed by its own specific mission statement, set of values & short/ long term goals

Shannon- weaver model of communication

model of the dynamics of the two party communication process - Sender- selects a specific message can be nonverbal ex. preparing new policy for employee consisting of written outline of policy - Encoding- transformation of message into signal, sent over communication channel from transmitter to receive Ex. manager transmits new policy to all employees via email - Chanel- medium that transmits the message, influenced by institutional conditions and situational conditions Choice of communication medium effects attitudes and behaviors of receiver - Decoding- receivers decode message sent through channels by translating what is seen/ heard Not perfect due to noise (communication barrier that affects message interpretation like language barrier) - Receiver- person who receives message


not direct employees of a corporation, but they are parties that are affected either directly or indirectly by the corporation's success. - Vendors, distributors, suppliers, business partners - Not employed by organization but rely on it for future business transactions - Shareholders are stakeholder, stakeholders are NOT always shareholders

Communication network

pattern of interaction that determines who communications with whom (centralized or decentralized) - Centralized networks- contain a person who is in center of the communication channel, info has to pass through them before going to any other member - Decentralized networks- members of organization can communicate with anyone; employees have equal communication access to all others

Sales department

plays a pivotal role in achieving sales targets and generating revenue for an organization through effective planning. responsible for: - Maintaining sales volume, product mix, and selling price by staying updated with supply and demand, changing trends, economic indicators, and competitors. - Identifying and contacting prospective customers. - Delivering effective sales presentations to potential and existing business partners. - Closing deals with customers

Accounting department

responsible for recording all cash flows both in and out of the company. They focus on day-to-day operations. cash flow ex: - Billings, accounts receivable, payroll, taxes - Monitors lines of credit given to customers and audits all internal financial statements before they go to the CFO for final approval. - determines the exact cost to make each unit of a product or service, calculates the expenses to run the business, and projects the ultimate expense per unit of a product based on different sales volumes.

Feedback importance

shannon weaver model factors in a feedback loop (allows for one to know that message was not received)

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