MOAC Excel Lesson 6 Managing Worksheets

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three add move rename unhide flexibility subject effectively related

A new, blank Excel workbook has - worksheets. You can - to, delete from, and - and copy these worksheets as desired. You can also - worksheets and hide and - worksheets when you need to do so. The - to organize worksheets with similar - matter together in one file enables you to - and efficiently manage - data.

workbook unique Each subset number limited memory copy manage reorganize hiding search replace Cells

An Excel - should contain information about a - subject. - worksheet within a workbook should contain a - of information about that workbook. The - of worksheets that a workbook can contain is - only by the available - of your computer. You can - worksheets between workbooks, - and - sheets by - and unhiding worksheets, and use Excel's - tools to find and - information in a worksheet or workbook. To accomplish these tasks, use commands in the Home tab's - and Editing groups.

used viewed view arranged click worksheet data Hide hidden open taskbar mask view

Any worksheet can be - and - in a separate window in the workbook - by applying it to a new window. These new windows can be - so that you can work in them without having to - back and fourth on the - tabs. This is an important feature to use when comparing like sheets and -. If you click - in the Window group with one worksheet window open, the entire workbook is -. Excel remains -, but the - no longer displays the worksheet name. This feature allows you to quickly - confidential data from -.

Replace specific replace effective all visible saving scanning data need

The Find and - options let you locate - data quickly and, if necessary, - it with new data. These features are most - in large worksheets in which - of the data is not - on the screen, thus - you the time of - through vast amounts of - to find the information you -.

replace Replace dialog all character click time repeatedly Replace change multiple

To look for specific data and - it with other data, you can use the - tab on the Find and Replace - box. You can quickly find and replace - or some occurrences of a - string in a worksheet. Replacing data with the - of a button can save you the - of finding occurrences of the data and - keying replacement data. The - All command allows you to quickly - the contents of - cells.

multiple replace generic identify Renaming quickly data easier indicates

When a workbook contains - worksheets with data, it is helpful to - the - names Sheet1, Sheet2, and so on with names that - the data contained in each sheet. In the example, each of the worksheets contains information about one - in the School of Fine Arts. - the tabs with department names will allow you to - locate enrollment -. By naming worksheets, you make it so much - to locate enrollment data for any course in a department. Each worksheet name - the type of data contained in the sheet.

insert existing bottom insert end before tab insert Insert Cells

You can - one or multiple worksheets into an - workbook. The Insert Worksheet tab at the - of a worksheet was introduced in Excel 2007 as a new feature that allow you to quickly - a new worksheet at the - of the existing worksheets. To insert a new worksheet - an existing worksheet, select the worksheet - before the place where you want to - the new sheet and use the - command in the - group.

location Name designated active moving To effective large time data

You can key a cell - in the - box, press Enter, and Excel makes the - cell -. Another method of - to a specific cell is to use the Go - feature. The Find & Select and Go To features are most - in - worksheets where it can take a significant amount of - to scan numerous rows and/or columns to find the - you need.

bigger smaller screen zoom portion easier perspective identify spacing scale magnification greater 100% Freeze pane keep visible scrolls freeze labels headings clear represent

Excel's Zoom feature allows you to make a workbook appear - or - on your -. You can use this feature to - in on a - of a worksheet so that it appears larger and the data is - to read. You can zoom out to get a better - of the entire worksheet, making it easier to - formatting inconsistencies or problematic - or alignment. You can use the Zoom - on the Status bar to customize -. To zoom in (magnify), select a size greater than 100%; to zoom out (shrink), select a size less than -. The - Pane feature lets you freeze a -, which means that you - certain rows or columns - while the rest of the worksheet scrolls. You often want to - the row that contains column - and the column that contains row - so that it is always - what the data you see -.

blank hold needed delete

If a worksheet contains - worksheets or worksheets that - data that is no longer -, you can - the unnecessary sheets.

locate immediately visually quicker Select text find occurrences string bottom sequence field Find search case key search results

If you want to - a particular item of data that isn't - visible, you can scan the worksheet - to look for the needed data. A much easier and - way is to use the Find & - commands. When you enter the - or number that you want to - and click Find All, Excel locates all - of the search - and lists them at the - of the dialog box. A string is any - of letters or numbers in a -. The Options button on the - tab allows you to set additional parameters for the -. You can locate instances in which only the - (capitals or lowercase) matches the search string you - or the entire cell contents match the - string. More precise search strings create more concise -.

feature enter data same formatting grouped appear selected title cautious grouped accidentally sheets

In Excel, you can group worksheets, a - that allows you to - and edit - on several worksheets at the - time or apply - to multiple worksheets. When sheets are -, you can enter data in one worksheet and have it - in multiple worksheets in a workbook. When multiple worksheets are -, [Group] appears in the - bar at the top of the worksheet. Be -. When you change data in - sheets, you may - replace data on other -.

copy range another worksheet contain similar existing delete overwrite data retain formatting rebuild Home mouse shortcut delete existing new identified parentheses name left worksheet cursor icon active

Just as you can - data from one cell or - in a worksheet to - cell or range, you can copy data from one - to another within a workbook. For example, when a new worksheet will - information - to that contained in an - worksheet, you can copy the worksheet and - cell contents or - existing data with new -. When you copy a worksheet, you - the structure and - of the original worksheet so that you don't need to - it from scratch. You can copy a worksheet using the - tab's Format commands, the -, or the - menu. You can then - or overwrite the - data with new data. Notice that when you copy a worksheet, the - sheet is - as a copy by a number in - following the worksheet -. When you click and hold the - mouse button on the - tab, the - becomes a new worksheet - and an arrow appears next to the - worksheet tab.

named rearrange wish

Now that the worksheets in the Department Enrollments workbook are appropriately -, you can - them in any way you -. An alphabetical arrangement is a logical way to organize the worksheet in this workbook.

hide exclude printout sensitive apply procedure invisible contain print several Ctrl hide select individually

You may - columns and rows when you want to - particular columns or rows from a - or when you want to hide - or confidential information while you are working with other data in a worksheet. You can - the same - to hide (make a worksheet -) and unhide(make visible again) worksheets. For example, because the Interior Design worksheet does not - data at this time, you would hide that sheet if you wanted to - the entire workbook. You can hide - worksheets at the same time. To do so, hold down - and click the tab(s) of the sheet(s) you want to -. You cannot, however, - multiple worksheets in the Unhide dialog box' you must unhide worksheets -.

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