A plan expressed in numerical terms
Which of the following is the best way to overcome control resistance?
Encourage employee participation.
Which of the following is a form of operations control?
Postaction control,Screening control,Preliminary control
_____ control is aimed at ensuring that an organization is maintaining an effective alignment with its environment and moving toward achieving its strategic goals.
screening form of operational control ____
takes place during the transformation of inputs into outputs
A capital expenditure budget shows _____.
the costs of major assets such as a new plant, machinery, or land
A position in organizations that helps line managers with their control activities
financial statement
A profile of some aspect of an organization's financial circumstances
control standard
A target against which subsequent performance will be compared
Preliminary control
Attempts to monitor the quality or quantity of financial, physical, human, and information resources before they actually become part of the system
The following are all advantages to budgeting
Budgets facilitate effective control.Budgets help maintain records of organizational performance. Budgets can facilitate cooperation and coordination between departments.
Which budget would most likely show an organization's major asset costs, such as heavy machinery or land?
Capital expenditures budget
Structural control
Concerned with how the elements of the organization's structure are serving their intended purpose
strategic control
Control aimed at ensuring that the organization is maintaining an effective alignment with its environment and moving toward achieving its strategic goals
Which of the following is true regarding global organizations utilizing a centralized system?
Each unit around the world is responsible for frequently reporting results to headquarters.
What are the four steps of the control process?
Establish standards, measure performance, compare performance to standards, and determine need for action.
Strategic control
Focuses on how effectively the organization's strategies are succeeding in helping the organization meet its goals
Which of the following units would be accounted for in a nonmonetary budget?
Hours of labor
Which of the following is an important aspect of organizations that strategic control focuses on?
Human resources,Technology,Leadership
The following are all basic purposes of control
Minimize costs. Cope with organizational complexity.Adapt to environmental change.
Which operational control focuses on inputs to the organizational system?
Preliminary control
Which of the following could be an antecedent to organizational resistance to control?
Rewards for inefficiency, Too much accountability,Inappropriate focus
Which operational control focuses on how inputs are being transformed into outputs? / Relies heavily on feedback processes during the transformation process
Screening control
Which type of control focuses on how effectively the organization's corporate, business, and functional endeavors are succeeding?
Strategic control
Laura is the controller of Master Tractor Ltd., an international tractor supply and equipment company with distribution outlets located in 18 countries. She is evaluating Master Tractor's organizational design, improving the "fitness" of the company's structural controls with existing structural performance. Which of the following conditions calls for Laura to use a decentralized control system?
The company relies on group norms and a strong organizational culture.
The regulation of organizational activities in such a way as to facilitate goal attainment
A profit budget shows ____
anticipated expenses for the organization during the coming time period.
The goal of ____ is employee compliance; The organizational design of it is a tall structure with top-down influence.
bureaucratic control
The two extremes of structural control are:
bureaucratic control and decentralized control.
operations control
concerned with the processes that the organization uses to transform resources into products or services
The need for ____ calls for a centralized approach to strategic control.
Financial control
control of financial resources as they flow into the organization (such as revenues and shareholder investments), are held by the organization (e.g., working capital and retained earnings), and flow out of the organization (like employee salaries and operating expenses).
Maria is the controller for a specialty spice company. She has been analyzing the company's various financial statements, and she has some concerns regarding the company's ability to make the interest payments on its loans. What type of ratio should she calculate to fully assess this aspect of the company's financial health?
Control systems tend to be most effective when they are:
flexible, accurate, timely, and objective.
LWC Co. publishes a weekly magazine. The editorial team is required to meet an exact deadline every week in order to secure the guaranteed press time. As a result, they are not always able to follow all leads or check facts in the stories they run. While the magazine does come out on time every week, it tends to have errors that could have been avoided. The control system at LWC suffers from _____.
inappropriate focus
Which of the following is a purpose of control?
limiting the accumulation of error, coping with organizational complexity, adapting to environmental change
preliminary form of operational control ____
regulates inputs prior to operational transformation
postaction form of operational control ____
regulates outputs after operational transformation.
Which of the following is the best description of bureaucratic control?
An approach to organization design characterized by formal and mechanistic arrangements
Which of the following is the best description of decentralized control?
An approach to organization design that uses informal and organic arrangements
Operations control
Focuses on the processes that the organization uses to transform resources into products or services
Postaction control
Monitors the outputs or results of the organization after the transformation process is complete