MOCK TEST Pediatrics

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a. pull the student aside from the group and ask if the student is feeling self-destructive

A 17-year-old student with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and a history of self-abusive behaviors attends a transitional school-to-work program conducted by an OTA and an occupational therapist. During the vocational skills group, the student expresses feelings of hopelessness about the future and questions the point of participating in the program. The student asks to leave the group due to being too tired to concentrate as a result of sleepless nights. The occupational therapist asks the OTA to address the student's concerns while the therapist works with the other group members. Which action is BEST for the OTA to take in response to the student's statements? p.464 a. pull the student aside from the group and ask if the student is feeling self-destructive b. allow the student to leave the group after reminding the student to relay concerns to the guidance counselor c. support the validity of the student's feelings and encourage the student to remain in the group d. remind the student that in a work setting the norm is to work even if fatigued.

d. arrange for transportation to bring the client home

A 19 year old with diagnoses of dysthymic disorder and narcissistic personality disorder attends a vocational rehabilitation program. When the client arrives for the work adjustment group, the OTA notes that the client has an unsteady gait, slurred speech, and alcohol smelling breath. Which is the best action for the OTA to take in response to these observation? p526 a. include the topic of alcohol's effect on work performance in the scheduled group's session. b. refer the client to the social worker to discuss treatment options for potential alcohol abuse c. contact the client's parent's to transport the client home d. arrange for transportation to bring the client home

B. state vocational rehabilitation services

A 19-year old with spastic diplegia and an IQ in the range of 55-69 is graduating from a special education program. The student has been involved in transitional programming since the age of 14. The OTA collaborates with the OT and the student to complete a d/c plan to meet the student's post-secondary goals. Which of the following should the OTA recommend be included as a post d/c referral? A. a vocational rehabilitation workshop B. state vocational rehabilitation services C. a community college D. a transitional employment program

d. the parent's degree of anxiety

A 2 month old infant with bilateral hip dislocations is being discharged home from an acute pediatric facility. The OT and OTA have developed a home program for the parents of this first born child. Which is most important for the OT and OTA to access before instructing the parents in the details of this home program? p. 592 a. the child's insurance reimbursement plan b. the parent's level of formal education c. the family's home environment d. the parent's degree of anxiety

a. finger-feeding of O-shaped cereal

A 2 year old child received home care early intervention services. The OT intervention plan includes a goal to develop the child's pincer grasp. Which is the most appropriate activity for the OTA to work on with the child during an intervention session? a. finger-feeding of O-shaped cereal b. picking up marbles c. drawing with jumbo crayons d. stacking 1 inch cubes

b. neurodevelopmental

A 3 year old child with hypotonia presents with delayed motor milestones and immature grasping patterns. The OTA begins each session with preparatory activities and positioning. This includes quadruped weight bearing and shoulder girdle compression to promote muscle activity and postural alignment. Which frame of reference is the OTA primarily using during these interventions sessions? p 606 a. sensory integration b. neurodevelopmental c. motor learning d. acquisitional

b. Advise the parents to speak to their spiritual advisor or the social worker after the evaluation session

A 3 year old with recurring headaches and decreased gross and fine motor skills is hospitalized for a diagnostic workup. The OT completed a screening of the child and determined that the OTA should complete a standardized developmental assessment. Just prior to the scheduled OT evaluation, the parents have been told that the child has brain cancer. The parents are upset when they bring the child to OT. The OTA provides support. Which is the next best action for the OTA to take in response to this situation? a. cancel the evaluation session and refer the parents to their spiritual advisor or the social worker b. Advise the parents to speak to their spiritual advisor or the social worker after the evaluation session c. ask the supervising OT to participate in the session and spend it addressing the parent's acceptance of the diagnosis d. reschedule the evaluation for later in the day so that the parents can speak with their spiritual advisor or the social worker.

c. implement the facility's emergency procedure

A 3-year-old with severe congenital anomalies and irreparable cleft palate has a do not resuscitate (DNR) order. While being fitted for a molded seat for a wheelchair, the child stops breathing and turns blue. The OTA determines that the child has a brachial pulse. Which of the following is the FIRST action the OTA should take in response to the situation? p.463 a. inform the physician about the situation and the child's DNR order b. call the supervising OT to discuss the best reponse c. implement the facility's emergency procedure d. perform obstructed airway maneuver and monitor heart rate for 5 minutes

a. dressing the lower body

A 5 yr old child with spina bifida at the C7 level receives home based OT services. Which ability is most relevant for the OTA to focus on during intervention? p 623 a. dressing the lower body b. dressing the upper body c. playing tabletop games

a. playing tug of war

A 5-year-old attends an after school program for children with sensory processing disorders. intervention activities are designed to provide deep proprioceptive input. Which activity is most effective for the OTA to use during intervention? p. 573 a. playing tug of war b. drawing with crazy foam on a mirror c. finding objects in a paper bag d. finger painting

c. cutting simple figure shapes with scissors

A 5-year-old is referred to occupational therapy. Upon the completion of a standardized test evaluation, the OTA determines that the child demonstrates age appropriate cognitive and fine motor skills. Which activity would the child be able to complete at this developmental level? p.497 a. cutting long thin strips with scissors b. holding and snipping with scissors c. cutting simple figure shapes with scissors

a. assembling building blocks

A 6 year old begins prosthetic training with a right below elbow myoelectric prosthesis. To learn to operate the terminal device the OTA implements intervention using age appropriate play activities. Which activity is best for the OTA to first include during intervention? p.577 a. assembling building blocks b. squeezing a squeeze toy c. playing board games d. stacking 1 inch blocks

d. doing chair push ups before tabletop activities

A 6 year old child is referred to OT to improve fine motor skills. The student is having difficulty drawing simple shapes (circle, square, and triangle) and cutting a straight line with scissors. Which of the following activities is best to help develop the arches of the hand and increase hand strength to improve the student's ability to grasp a writing utensil or scissors? p 602 a. spelling words using 3D letter shapes b. identifying simples shapes with vision occluded c. completing a puzzle lying prone on the floor d. doing chair push ups before tabletop activities

c. break the project down into accomplishable segments and instruct the child to complete one segment at a time

A 6 yr old child receiving OT services refuses to work on any project except an airplane model that requires multiple steps for completion. The OTA and the OT have determined that the child would be unable to complete the model. Which should the OTA do during the next intervention session? p 622 a. allow the child to work on the model and provide maximum assistance as the child completes the project. b. explore with the child why completing the model is all the child wants to do and provide alternative project choices c. break the project down into accomplishable segments and instruct the child to complete one segment at a time d. explain to the child several reasons why the selected model is not the best choice for the child and provide alternative project choices.

d. Tethered cord

A 7 year old with complete spina bifida at the T10 level attends outpatient OT weekly. The child's parent reports that the child is losing bladder control. The OTA notes that the child shows a minimal decrease in strength of bilateral lower and UE and an increase in the equinovarus position of the feet. The OTA suspects that the child may have which of the following? p.554 a. Shunt malformation b. a recent growth spurt c. Arnold Chiari formation d. Tethered cord

c. playing card games

A 9-year-old girl with the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis is hospitalized in a small rural hospital. Currently, there are no other children in the hospital, and the hospital does not have a pediatric play area. The head nurse asks the OTA to suggest appropriate play activities that the hospital volunteers can do with the child. Which is the MOST age-appropriate activity for the OTA to suggest? p.501 a. dressing paper dolls b. coloring in coloring books c. playing card games d. cutting and pasting pictures onto cards

c. adjust stimuli that seem to influence the child's modulation of sensation d. during bathing, teach the child to use firm pressure and a soft cloth to wash self e. soften the child's clothing by repeated laundering and removing clothing tags

A child with a tactile defensive sensory modulation disorder attends a private early intervention clinic. The OTA collaborates with the OT and the child's parents to develop strategies and guidelines to help the child handle the symptoms of this disorder at home. Which are the best recommendations for the OT and the therapist to make to the parents? Select the 3 best responses. p. 504 a. avoid the use of swings and other moving equipment during play activities b. encourage the use of swings and other moving equipment during play activities c. adjust stimuli that seem to influence the child's modulation of sensation d. during bathing, teach the child to use firm pressure and a soft cloth to wash self e. soften the child's clothing by repeated laundering and removing clothing tags f. provide a variety of textures in the clothing the child wears

c. comply with the parent's request and discontinue providing sugary snacks

A child with attention deficit with hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and conduct disorder attends an after school program that utilizes sensory integrative and behavioral management approaches to achieve intervention goals. Snacks are provided and occasionally used as rewards. A parent insists that a child not be given any foods containing sugar. Which is the OTAs best response to this request? p.547 a. discontinue providing sugary snacks but continue their use as rewards in the behavioral management program b. provide the parent with recent research that refutes the link between sugar and problem behaviors c. comply with the parent's request and discontinue providing sugary snacks d. inform the parent that the OTA will discuss the issue withe the OT to determine the best course of action

d. the chid's ability to indicate when the diaper is wet or soiled.

A child with autism receives home care OT intervention services. The parent identifies a primary goal of developing the child's independent toileting skills. The child is completely dependent, and the parent reports not attempting toilet training for several years. The OTA collaborates with the occupational therapist to establish the first intervention goal for the child. Which behavior should this goal address? p.455 a. the child's ability to sit on the toilet with supervision b. the child's ability to verbally tell someone of the need to go to the bathroom c. the child's ability to nonverbally indicate the need to go to the bathroom d. the chid's ability to indicate when the diaper is wet or soiled.

c. a button switch that activates a CD player when the switch is pressed

A child with congenital anomalies has severe developmental delay. The child demonstrates motor and cognitive skills at the 9- month level. Which is the best adaptation for the OTA to use during the intervention to develop the child's visual and auditory awareness. p.561 a. a handheld rattle of the child's favorite cartoon character b. a wrist bracelet with blinking lights that makes noise when moved c. a button switch that activates a CD player when the switch is pressed d. a communication device that offer selections of yes and no

d. give a slight upward sweep of the index finger from the lower jaw to the lower lip

A child with developmental delay has poor oral motor control. Which of the following should the OTA do to facilitate lip closure? p.580 a. give pressure with the index finger under the jaw b. place food on a spoon and firmly place the spoon on the back part of the tongue c. place the thumbs on the lateral ends of the mandibles d. give a slight upward sweep of the index finger from the lower jaw to the lower lip

b. wear a cotton stockinet liner under the splint

A child with moderate arthrogryposis complains of profuse sweating when wearing bilateral night resting splints. Which of the following should the OTA suggest to the child? p 595 a. wear only one splint each night, rotating from left to right b. wear a cotton stockinet liner under the splint c. wear volar cock up splints instead d. wear a splint with several 1 cm perforations in the splinting materal

B. press a spoon down firmly on the center of the tongue

A child with spastic quadriplegic CP demonstrates a consistent gag reflex. Which technique should the OTA use to help inhibit this reflex? A. move a spoon from side to side on the tongue B. press a spoon down firmly on the center of the tongue C. stroke the tongue in a circular motion with a tongue depressor

c. have the child support the elbows on a table at chest height to don the t-shirt over the arms, then don over the head

A child with spinal muscle atrophy can no longer reach beyond 90 degrees of shoulder abduction and 90 degrees of shoulder flexion. The parents state that the child can no longer independently don or doff a T-shirt. Which is the BEST approach for the OTA to recommend the child use to don a T-shirt? p.490 a. place the T-shirt on the child's lap, have the child don the arms first, then don the head of the T-shirt b. have the child wear front opening shirts instead of T-shirts to eliminate the need to don shirts over the head c. have the child support the elbows on a table at chest height to don the t-shirt over the arms, then don over the head d. have the child lean to the right and don the right arm, repeat with the left arm, and then don the head of the t-shirt.

b. a key guard overlay

A high school senior with Friedreich's ataxia is working on developing keyboarding skills in a school-to-work transition program. During the initial session, the OTA observes signs of dysmetria. Which is the MOST appropriate adaptation for the OTA to recommend to increase the effectiveness of the student's keyboarding skills? p.491 a. an eye gaze input system b. a key guard overlay c. a voice activated input system d. a reduced size keyboard

b. chess club c. computer clubs f. public aquatic programs

A middle school aged child with osteogenesis imperfect reports feelings of low self esteem, social isolation, boredom and lethargy. The OTA collaborates with the child to identify resources for after school leisure activities to promote socialization and community participation. Which of the following activities is most beneficial for the OTA to explore with the child? select the best 3 responses p.550 a. team sports b. chess club c. computer clubs d. public park programs e. adapted horseback riding f. public aquatic programs

D. seat the student at a lunchroom table with one peer

A middle school student with Down Syndrome with moderate ID does not eat lunch during the school's lunch hour. Instead the student spends the lunch period socializing with peers. A 1:1 aide is not assigned to the student. Which is the first intervention the school based OTA should use to promote the activity of eating lunch? A. schedule the student's lunch to be in the classroom to limit distractions B. provide positive feedback for attending to eating at 10min intervals C. practice role playing lunch conversations in the classroom D. seat the student at a lunchroom table with one peer C. advise the family to

a. donning and doffing a variety of shirt types of personal preference

A middle school-aged child with right UE amelia attends occupational therapy to learn how to dress independently. Which of the following is most beneficial for the OTA to focus on during the intervention? p.548 a. donning and doffing a variety of shirt types of personal preference b. donning and doffing only shirts that can be donned overhead c. donning and doffing shirts that button in the front d. donning and doffing shirts with velcro tabs sewn on to replace buttons

c. firm pressure where the child can see the source of the stimuli

A preschool aged child is hypersensitive to touch. The OT and OTA plan intervention to help the child develop the ability to adequately modulate sensory stimuli. The therapist and the OTA use the sensory integration frame of reference to guide the intervention plan. Which technique is best fort the OTA to use with this child during the 1st intervention session? p. 592 a. fast brushing to the child's arms in a direction opposite hair growth b. lightly moving touch to the child's abdomen and extremities c. firm pressure where the child can see the source of the stimuli

c. a local community center for volunteer opportunities

A recent high school graduate diagnosed with depression and anorexia nervosa attends an evening work adjustment group for 90 min. each week. The client states that this group is the only activity engaged in outside of work. The OTA collaborates with the client to develop a plan to increase involvement in personally meaningful non-work activities. The client expresses interests in exercise and volunteerism and reports past roles to have included captain of the high school swim team, competitive tennis player, and volunteer in an after school activities program for young children. Which of the following is the best resource for the OTA to recommend the client explore? p. 516 a. a local fitness center for exercise classes b. the town swimming pool for open swimming sessions c. a local community center for volunteer opportunities d. an area soup kitchen for volunteer opportunities

c. evaluate the position of the student in the wheelchair and the device on the wheelchair

A school based OTA consults with a teacher regarding a nonspeaking student who uses a wheelchair and an augmentative communication device. The teacher reports that the student is making many errors on the communication device but that no difficulties have been observed when the student used the device in the past. Which is the MOST effective initial action for the OTA to take in response to the teacher's report? p.493 a. advise the teacher to contract the student's parents and recommend that they bring the child to a physician for an exam b. recommend a reassessment of the student's motor and communication abilities c. evaluate the position of the student in the wheelchair and the device on the wheelchair d. reposition the communication device

A. consult with the OT, team, and family to complete the IEPs for the remaining children.

A school based OTA is providing per diem coverage for an OTA on a disability leave. Upon reviewing the caseload, the OTA notes that 10 students have had evaluations completed during the past month. 5 of these students' individualized education plans (IEPs) have also been completed by the team and approved by their families. Which is the best initial action for the OTA to take as a contract practitioner? A. consult with the OT, team, and family to complete the IEPs for the remaining children. B. conduct independent evaluations of each child under the supervision of the schools's OT. C. implement the IEPs that have been established and approved under the supervision of the school's OT D. report to the supervisor of the contract agency that the school has failed to comply with IEP guidelines.

b. directly observe the student during a naturally occurring writing time

A school based OTA receives a referral for a student who has illegible handwriting, poor attending behaviors, questionable visual skills, and problems with pencil management. After speaking with the teacher, reviewing classroom work samples, and collaborating with the OT, which action should the OTA take next? p. 473 a. provide pencil grips and specialized paper as a trial to determine interventions b. directly observe the student during a naturally occurring writing time c. administer a standardized visual perceptual and visual motor assessment d. administer a standardized handwriting assessment

b. instructing the student and teacher in the use of energy conservation techniques during activities

A school-based OTA implements an intervention plan for an elementary school student who has cystic fibrosis. The individualized education plan (IEP) was developed during a meeting with the child's parents, teachers, and occupational therapist. The school nurse and dietitian also contributed to this plan. Which is the best primary focus for occupational therapy services for this student? p.529 a. Ensuring that the student's school lunches provide adequate nutrition and hydration b. instructing the student and teacher in the use of energy conservation techniques during activities c. monitoring the student for signs of fatigue, which may lead to cardiac and respiratory problems d. assessing the student for developmental delays, medical complications, and psychological status

c. provide activities to develop a radial palmar grasp

A toddler attends an early intervention program as a result of developmental delay. Over the past 2 weeks, the toddler has successfully completed the activities the OTA has provided in order to develop a palmar grasp. Which action should the OTA take next in response to the child's progress? p. 625 a. continue providing the child with the activities to refine the palmar grasp b. provide activities to develop an ulnar palmar grasp c. provide activities to develop a radial palmar grasp d. review the initial evaluation with the OT to determine new goals

c. provide activities to develop a radial palmar grasp

A toddler attends an early intervention program as a results of a developmental delay. Over the past two weeks, the toddler has successfully completed the activities the OTA has provided in order to develop a palmar grasp. Which action should the OTA take next in response to the child's progress? p.503 a. continue providing the child with activities to refine palmar grasp b. review the initial evaluation with the OT to determine new goals c. provide activities to develop a radial palmar grasp d. provide activities to develop an ulnar palmar grasp

C. advise the family to review all of the information to make an educated decision

A young adolescent with R hemiplegic CP demonstrates a strong flexor synergy of the hand. The child does not use the hand for grasp, pinch, or release and often maintains the thumb flexed in the palm. The orthopedic hand surgeon recommends a flexor tendon release followed by several weeks of hand therapy and splinting. The family is very anxious about surgery, and they ask the OTA what to do. Which is the OTA's best response? A. recommend that the family follow the surgical recommendations presented by the doctor B. suggest a preoperative course of intensive therapy and static and dynamic splinting C. advise the family to review all of the information to make an educated decision D. encourage the family to get a 2nd opinion from another surgeon. A. consult with the OT, team,

A. grade a series of scanning tasks that decrease in similarity to foster the transfer of learning. B. Ask the client to describe anticipated difficulties in finding items in a closet and a strategy to use to find items D. train the person in scanning strategies to locate a desired condiment in the refrigerator to put on a sandwich

A young adult incurred a left CVA, which has resulted in L visual neglect. The OT and the OTA collaborate to develop an intervention plan based on the dynamic interaction approach. Which interventions are best for the OTA to use when working with this person to address this deficit? Select the 3 best reponses A. grade a series of scanning tasks that decrease in similarity to foster the transfer of learning. B. Ask the client to describe anticipated difficulties in finding items in a closet and a strategy to use to find items C. teach the person how to use a daily planner to keep track of activities that need to be completed each day D. train the person in scanning strategies to locate a desired condiment in the refrigerator to put on a sandwich E. Work with the person on integrating both sides of the body during the completion of a morning grooming routine F. Provide the person with written instructions to complete IADLs such as laundry.

a. family role activity suggestions and potential adaptations

A young adult with a 10-year history of serious and persistent mental illness is being discharged home in 2 days. The client collaborates with the care coordination team to plan discharge with the client's primary family members. The team consists of a psychiatrist, a registered nurse, a social worker, an occupational therapist, and an OTA. The team conducts a predischarge family meeting to provide family members with information to assist them in supporting the client's recovery. What is the MOST relevant information for the occupational therapist and the OTA to provide to the client's primary family members in this meeting? p 498 a. family role activity suggestions and potential adaptations b. the therapeutic effects and potential side effects of medications c. advocacy strategies and consumer/family resources d. information on family dynamics and family support groups

b. Increasing trunk balance when placed in sitting

An 8 month old child with myelomeningocele at the L1 level shows cognitive function within normal limits. Which of the following activities would the OTA most likely focus on with this child during intervention? p.508 a. doffing sleeves of overhead shirts with assistance b. Increasing trunk balance when placed in sitting c. transitioning from sitting to supine and from supine to sitting

b. a narrow, shallow coated spoon

An OTA advises a parent of an 18 month old with developmental delays on techniques to facilitate feeding. The child has a reflexive bite. Which utensil is most beneficial for the OTA to recommend the parent use when feeding the child? p. 556 a. a deep bowled soupspoon b. a narrow, shallow coated spoon c. a traditional teaspoon d. a plastic spork

b. seizures

An OTA and OT are hired by a school system to implement an after school SI program. The therapist asks the OTA to conduct an in service for staff to explain the indications, contraindications and precautions for the use of SI approach. Which precaution is most important for the OTA to review. p594 a. self abusive behavior b. seiuzures c. somtodyspraxia d. hyper-responsiveness to sensory stimuli

b. the child's ability to attend to and complete a task

An OTA collaborates with the OT to plan individual and group activities for a child with oppositional defiant disorder. Which is most important for the OTA to address during group activities? p 617 a. the child's willingness to take on a variety of group roles b. the child's ability to attend to and complete a task c. the child's distorted body image d. the child's self regulation of energy and activity levels

c. tonic labyrinthine

An OTA completes a developmental screening for a newly referred one-year-old child. Afterwards, the OTA meets with the OT to discuss screening results. They determine that a more intensive developmental evaluation is needed. Which reflex would the child have demonstrated during the screening to support the need for further evaluation? p. 576 a. quadruped tilting b. labyrinthine/optical righting c. tonic labyrinthine d. landau

a. communicate effectively to develop a therapeutic relationship with the family

An OTA conducts an initial home visit to a family with a premature infant who at 4 months and 5 lbs has just been sent home. The child has multiple disabilities and has been evaluated by the OT. Which is the best primary goal for the OTA to work on with the family during this first session? p 603 a. communicate effectively to develop a therapeutic relationship with the family b. teach the family proper body mechanics for lifting the child c. teach the family assertiveness training to develop advocacy skills d. determine whether adaptive aids or positioning equipment is needed.

d. calmly remind the child of acceptable behaviors within a clinical setting.

An OTA constructs a splint for a middle school aged child who fractured the radius and ulna. The child becomes angry and pushes the OTA as the OTA attempts to mold the splint onto the child's arm. What should the OTA initially do in response to the child's behavior? p 625 a. ignore the behavior and continue with the splint construction b. end the session and document the child's behavior c. end the session and notify the parents of the child's behavior d. calmly remind the child of acceptable behaviors within a clinical setting.

c. Participate in a beginning level experiential course on handling skills with children with CP

An OTA employed in a pediatric clinic for children with cerebral palsy participates in a performance appraisal. The OTA's supervisor identifies handing skills as an area needing improvement. Which is the most effective way for the OTA to improve handing skills? p471 a. Observe an experienced OT using handling techniques with a diversity of children with CP. b. Complete an extensive literature review of EBP for children with CP c. Participate in a beginning level experiential course on handling skills with children with CP d. Attend a teleconference on handling skills for the child with CP

d. completion of a group collage about personal interests

An OTA implements a group for adolescents newly admitted to an eating disorders unit. Which activity is most beneficial for the OTA to use to develop the clients' task and social skills? p.570 a. discussion of reason for admission to the unit. b. cooking a three course dinner to be eaten family style c. watching a teen reality show and discussing problem scenarios d. completion of a group collage about personal interests

b. grade an activity of interest into achievable steps to facilitate successful completion

An OTA implements a transitional program for a 15 yr old high school student with a history of numerous school related failures. Which is the most important principle of intervention for the OTA to use with this student? p 615 a. utilize activities that are typically at the developmental level of a 12 year old to ensure successful completion b. grade an activity of interest into achievable steps to facilitate successful completion c. introduce several activities during each session and change them frequently to decrease boredom d. terminate the activity during a treatment session when there is difficulty with activity completion to eliminate frustration.

d. the presence of a positive STNR, which is abnormal and has reappeared after the TBI

An OTA initiates an intervention session with a child with a diagnosis of TBI. The child presents with extension of both UE and flexion of both LE following a stimulus of neck extension. When informing the supervising OT of this observation, which is most accurate for the OTA to state? p 626 a. the presence of a positive symmetrical tonic reflex (STNR) which is normal and not affected b. the presence of a positive asymmetrical tonic neck reflex (ATNR) which is normal and not affected c. the presence of positive ATNR, which is abnormal and has reappeared after the TBI d. the presence of a positive STNR, which is abnormal and has reappeared after the TBI

b. discussion of typical areas of concern addressed by OT practitioners

An OTA is scheduled to give a 1 hour presentation to support group of parents of infants with a diversity of developmental disabilities. Which of the following is the most important focus for the OTA's presentation? p. 484 a. demonstration of infant positioning techniques b. discussion of typical areas of concern addressed by OT practitioners c. demonstration of different types of developmental assessments d. discussion of the Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP)

c. incorporate 3 dimensional objects into play activities e. introduce tactile matching games using different shapes and textures to the class f. provide the child and classmates with toy musical instruments to form a class band.

An OTA is working with a preschool student who was born with congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection. As a result, the child has difficulty seeing. The child enjoys playing with classmates but has difficulty when the play activity is highly dependent on vision. Which of the following actions are best for the OTA to suggest to improve the child's play experiences with classmates? Select the three best responses. p 611 a. have the child read books in braille aloud b. train a classmate to guide the child during play activities c. incorporate 3 dimensional objects into play activities d. train a personal assistant to provide verbal cues during play activities e. introduce tactile matching games using different shapes and textures to the class f. provide the child and classmates with toy musical instruments to form a class band.

c. an online networking service that enables one to call, see and message with others in real time by using a webcam

An OTA is working with a teenager who is recovering from surgery to remove a brain tumor. The teen has been hospitalized for 2 months and exhibits a decline in cognitive functioning and muscle weakness. The client is receiving occupational therapy services to develop the skills needed to complete ADLs and other desired activities. Upon evaluation, the occupational therapist determined that the client is experiencing symptoms of depression, including anhedonia, social isolation, and poor sleeping patterns. During an intervention session, the OTA learns that the client is feeling socially isolated and missing friends and family members. Which activity is BEST for the OTA to integrate into intervention sessions to help the client communicate with and remain connected to friends and family? p.477 a. an online social networking service that enables users to send and read short messages of 140 characters b. an online service that allows users to pst interests and explore new ones by browsing what others have posted c. an online networking service that enables one to call, see and message with others in real time by using a webcam d. a business based networking service for which one creates a profile and is connected to others with similar professional interests.

a. ask the parents about their priorities for their child

An OTA is working with parents of a 5-year old child with developmental delays. The child is not self-feeding. The occupational therapist's evaluation of the child indicated that the child has potential to participate in this ADL. When talking to the parents about this possible goal, they indicate this is not a priority for them. Which action is best for the OTA to take in response to the parents' statement? p.474 a. ask the parents about their priorities for their child b. work on utensil use with the child without using food items c. explain the importance of self feeding to the child's independence d. refer the parents to on-line sources about the typical development of feeding.

C. continue with the planned activity and file an occurrence report upon return to the group home

An OTA leads a community integration group for individuals with mild ID who reside in a group home. During a travel training session, a member of the group slips while going up the stairs of a bus. The client quickly get up, pays the fare, sits down and jokingly states "Good thing I bounce well". Which action should the OTA take after assessing that the person is not injured? A. cancel the planned activity and return to the group home to file an occurrence report B. ask the bus driver to radio for an ambulance to obtain a medical assessment of the client C. continue with the planned activity and file an occurrence report upon return to the group home D. continue with the activity and ask the client to report the development of any symptoms related to the fall.

b. escort the student's to the nearest fire exit

An OTA leads a transitional planning group for high school students with conduct disorders. The school fire alarm goes off 5 min before the group's scheduled termination. There have been six false alarms during the past 3 days at the school. Several of the students laugh and say, "there it goes again". Which is the OTA's best response to this situation? p593 a. call the school's main office to determine the validity of this alarm b. escort the student's to the nearest fire exit c. continue with the group's planned wrap up, adding a discussion about the implications of false alarms d. escort the students back to their homeroom classrooms to await directions

c. a referral of the child to an optometrist

An OTA provides early intervention services to a 3 year old child with left spastic hemiplegia due to cerebral palsy. During a session, the OTA observes behaviors that seem to indicate the presence of visual deficits. In discussing these observations with the OT, which recommendation should the OTA make? p.519 a. the completion of a motor free visual perceptual assessment b. the completion of a developmental vision assessment c. a referral of the child to an optometrist d. a referral of the child to an optician

A. wiping tabletops

An OTA provides home based services to a child with developmental delays. The child picks up and puts away toys when reminded by the parents and mimics the parents when they dry dishes and fold clothes. The family has identified a goal of including the child in home management activities. Which activity should the OTA introduce next during intervention? A. wiping tabletops B. sorting laundry C. making a bed D. taking out trash

b. complete the scheduled session using airborne precautions

An OTA provides home care services to a neonate with significant developmental delays. 2 hours before the next scheduled home visit, the child's parent informs the OTA that one of the 3 older children has developed chickenpox. While the other children do not show signs of chickenpox, the parent expresses concern they they are contagious. Which is the OTA's best response to this situation? p624 a. cancel the scheduled session and reschedule after 2 weeks have passed b. complete the scheduled session using airborne precautions c. complete the scheduled session using standard precautions d. complete the scheduled session using droplet precautions

d. pretending to be an explorer crawling through caves

An OTA provides intervention for a 4 year old with developmental delays characterized by the persistence of primitive postural reflexes. The child demonstrates age appropriate cognitive skills. Which is the best play activity for the OTA to incorporate into the child's intervention? p595 a. spinning on a swing b. putting a puzzle together c. lying on the floor and playing a game of marbles d. pretending to be an explorer crawling through caves

a. finger feeding soft foods

An OTA provides intervention to develop independent feeding skills in an 18 month old child with significant developmental delays. The child can hold and suck on a cracker. The child has also mastered the ability to hold a spoon and bang it on the tray of the high chair. Which activity is best for the OTA to provide next during intervention. p.567 a. finger feeding soft foods b. scooping food and bringing it to the mouth c. taking cereal from a spoon held by the OTA d. bringing a filled spoon to the mouth

a. ask the parents if they have any concerns about positioning their infant

An OTA reviews the positioning protocol for a premature infant with severe spastic CP with the infant's parents. The protocol is in a written format. During the review, the OTA notices that the parents do not seem able to follow along with the protocol's text. Which action is best for the OTA to take initially in response to this observation? p512 a. ask the parents if they have any concerns about positioning their infant b. ask the parents if they can read and understand english c. include pictures of proper positioning in the protocol d. demonstrate proper positioning techniques

d . toys of different shapes, size and weights in a mixed arrangement on the table

An OTA uses a motor learning intervention approach to develop prehension patterns with a child recovering from a brain tumor. The OTA places small toys on a table and asks the child to pick up the toys and put them into a storage box that is also on the table. The OTA uses random practice during this activity. Which types and arrangement of toys are most effective for the OTA to provide according to the motor learning approach? p 524 a. toys that are exactly the same shape, size and weight in a mixed arrangement on the table. b. toys that are exactly the same shape, size and weight placed in a straight line on the table. c. age appropriate toys arranged in a developmental sequence according to the child's developmental age d . toys of different shapes, size and weights in a mixed arrangement on the table

a. provide frequent positive reinforcement for all desired behaviors

An OTA uses behavior modification techniques to help shape the behavioral responses of students with behavioral disorders. Which action is most consistent with this intervention approach? p.469 a. provide frequent positive reinforcement for all desired behaviors b. reprimand the students every time an undesirable behavior occurs c. allow each student enough time to self correct the undesirable behaviors d. encourage the teaching staff to tell the students which behaviors are correct and which are not

b. collaborate with the OT to survey the adolescents about their occupational performance

An OTA wants to develop an after school program for obese adolescents who have diabetes or who are at risk for developing diabetes. Which program development action should the OTA take first? p.522 a. obtain statistical data about adolescent obesity to support the need for the program to the school b. collaborate with the OT to survey the adolescents about their occupational performance c. collaborate with the OT to survey OTPs about services they provide to obese adolescents d. review the professional literature about programs for obese adolescents to obtain ideas for the program's activities.

a. evaluate the child's sensorimotor skills using a standardized evaluation

An OTA with established service competence completes a standardized early intervention screening of an 8 month old child. The results indicate that the child is able to sit independently by propping forward on both arms. The OTA collaborates with the OT to determine the next step to take in working with this child. Which is the best action for the OTA to complete next? p.499 a. evaluate the child's sensorimotor skills using a standardized evaluation b. inform the parents that the child exhibits typical behavior c. develop goals to improve sitting balance d. provide play activities to develop sitting balance

d. determine intervention goals in collaboration with the OT

An OTA working in a school has been asked to recommend technological devices for a student with severe spastic quadriplegia and dysarthria. Which action should the OTA take prior to recommending specific equipment? p.531 a. determine access capabilities in collaboration with the speech language pathologist b. identify funding source(s) in collaboration with the social worker c. obtain family support in collaboration with the psychologist d. determine intervention goals in collaboration with the OT

c. regular classroom while general education classes are in session

An OTA working in a school system must incorporate the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) into the program. In which location should the OTA provide intervention? p.494 a. regular classroom while general education classes are not in session b. special education classroom while other children with disabilities are present c. regular classroom while general education classes are in session d. private occupational therapy room designed for children with disabilities

d. tightly wrap the infant in a blanket.

An OTA working in early intervention meets with the parents of an infant who cries a lot and has difficulty being soothed. The parents are concerned that they are unable to comfort their child. Which is the most effective strategy for the OTA to recommend to the parents? p596 a.loosely wrap the infant in a blanket b. provide frequent and rapid changes in movement c. do nothing, as the infant's behavior is typical d. tightly wrap the infant in a blanket.

c. explain to the parents that the current diagnosis cannot be changed in order to receive reimbursement.

An OTA workings in an outpatient pediatric clinic has been seeing a child for SI deficits. After 12 treatments sessions, a denial letter for services has been received. The letter states that the diagnosis and the treatment do not meet the requirements of the policy. The parents who are aware of the denial want the OTA to change the child's diagnosis code in order to receive reimbursement. What is the best way for the OTA to respond? p600 a. collaborate with the OT to plan the child's d/c from OT and develop a home SI program for follow up by the parents b. encourage the parents to seek an alternative insurance carrier to receive improved coverage for services c. explain to the parents that the current diagnosis cannot be changed in order to receive reimbursement. d. encourage the parents to set up a payment plan with the clinic's accounting department

c. dynamic tripod grasp

An OTA works in a school system with a child with developmental delays. One of the goals of treatment is to develop prewriting skills. The child exhibits the ability to grasp a pencil proximally with crude approximation of the thumb, index and middle fingers and the ring and little fingers slightly flexed. The OTA collaborates with the OT to develop an intervention plan. Which grasp should be the focus for the implementation of intervention? p. 512 a. digital pronate grasp b. static tripod posture grasp c. dynamic tripod grasp d. palmar supinate grasp

b. walk a tongue depressor from the front of the tongue to its back

An OTA works on feeding with a toddler who has a hyperactive gag reflex. Which should the OTA do to decrease the gag reflex? p.460 a. have the child suck through straws of progressively longer lengths b. walk a tongue depressor from the front of the tongue to its back c. quickly ice the child's throat laterally d. have the child blow bubbles

a. add two more choices such as play and snack to the communication board

An OTA works with a child who has developmental delays and unintelligible speech to develop the child's functional communication skills using a communication board. The child has attained 100% accuracy in pointing to yes and no on the communication board in response to questions. The OTA and OT collaborate and determine that the child should be provided with the opportunity to expand communication skills. Which action should the OTA take to help gain this goal? p.589 a. add two more choices such as play and snack to the communication board b. reverse the positions of yes and no on the communication board to assure competence c. add the options of play, thirsty, hungry and TV to the communication board d. ask the OT to evaluate the child's ability to use a joystick to access a computer

b. the adolescent desires greater control over the environment

An OTA works with adolescents who are survivors of child abuse. OT interventions can be provided in groups or on an individual basis. Which of the following would indicate to the OTA that an intervention should be provided to an adolescent on an individual basis rather than in a group? p. 578 a. the adolescent wants more socialization experiences b. the adolescent desires greater control over the environment c. the adolescent needs an opportunity to gain situational perspective

B. provide hand over hand asst. to brush the child's teeth

An OTA works with an 8 year old with pervasive developmental disabilities in order to improve self care skills. In teaching the child to brush teeth, the OTA places the toothbrush in the child's hand and guides it to the mouth. To help the child learn to complete the activity the OTA uses the somatosensory system. Which of the following is most effective for the OTA to use next during intervention with this child? A. tell the child to brush up and down and provide verbal prompts B. provide hand over hand asst. to brush the child's teeth C. touch the child's hand to prompt hand to mouth movements D. instruct the child to follow a pictorial sequence card depicting toothbrushing

c. semirecliend with neck in neutral

An OTA works with the new foster parents of a 2-year old child diagnosed with major developmental delays and severe hypotonia. The OTA advises the foster parents to position the head in midline during feeding. Which additional positioning recommendations for feeding are BEST for the child? p.458 a. sitting with hips and knees at 90 degrees flexion, neck in neutral b. sitting with hips and knees at 90 degrees flexion, neck in extension c. semirecliend with neck in neutral d. semireclined with neck in extension

a. set up a chin operated bed side environmental control unit (ECU)

An adolescent incurred a C4 spinal cord injury. During the initial session, the patient refuses to speak to the OTA. The OTA supportively acknowledges the clients response. Which action should the OTA take next? p.552 a. set up a chin operated bed side environmental control unit (ECU) b. provide passive range of motion to prevent contractures c. explain what OT can offer the adolescent to adjust to decreased abilities d. ask the adolescent to tell nursing staff when personally ready for OT

a. replace snaps and zipper with velcro

An adolescent with Duchenne's muscular dystrophy can no longer close snaps or zip zippers on jeans. Which recommendation is best for the OTA to make for this client? p.544 a. replace snaps and zipper with velcro b. replace snaps and zippers with larger buttons c. use a zipper pull to zip jeans and leave the snaps unsnapped d. purchase elastic waist pants

c. establish community participation goals with the client

An adolescent with a complete spinal cord injury at C8 is a client at an outpatient rehabilitation center. The client has met all goals for functional performance in activities of daily living. Which of the following actions should the OTA do next? p 614 a. provide an obstacle course activity for the client to work on functional mobility b. discharge the client from OT with a referral to the local school based OT program c. establish community participation goals with the client

D. a joystick control

An adolescent with myelomeningocele (spina bifida) at the C8 level wants to access a new computerized play system. Which is the best adaptation for the OTA to recommend the adolescent use to access this system? A. a chin switch B. a tenodesis splint C. a dorsal wrist splint with a universal cuff D. a joystick control

a. a reevaluation of the client to be completed

An adolescent with spinal muscle atrophy shows decreased trunk balance and strength during intervention sessions.Upper extremity strength and ROM appear unchanged. When discussing these observations with the occupational therapist, which is the BEST recommendation for the OTA to make? p.457 a. a reevaluation of the client to be completed b. the client be referred to an orthotist for a soft spinal support c. the client be measured for a power wheelchair d. a trunk strengthening program be initiated with the client.

C. practice moving coins from the fingertips to the palm and then from the palm to the fingertips

An elementary school aged child holds a pencil with a tightly held static tripod grasp and forms letters at an average rate of speed. The child demonstrates the ability to write all class and homework assignments. Which approach is best for the OTA to recommend this child use to improve grasp? A. perform all written work with a larger pencil and jumbo crayons on a horizontal surface B. take a break every 15min while writing to open and close the hand several times. C. practice moving coins from the fingertips to the palm and then from the palm to the fingertips D. write all written work on a vertical surface, such as an easel or classroom wall board.

A. walking like an animal

An elementary school student is referred to OT develop handwriting skills. The students complains that the dominant hand hurts when writing. The student often tears the paper because of how hard the student presses. The student's teacher reports that the student is frequently observed playing rough with peers despite being asked to calm down. When implementing the intervention plan developed in collaboration with the OT, which activity is best for the OTA to use prior to handwriting? A. walking like an animal B. playing hop scotch C. jumping rope D. performing somersaults

a. Provide limited play choices using picture cards, encourage choosing, and give verbal praise when the child chooses an activity

An elementary school student with autism is referred to occupational therapy. One of the student's goals is to self-initiate goal-directed play to decrease the frequency of self-stimulating behaviors of hand waving and rocking. The student's verbal communication is impaired but the student compensates by using picture cards to let others know what is wanted or needed. Which of the following approaches to initiate self-play in the home environment is best for the occupational therapist to suggest to the student's parents? p.527 a. Provide limited play choices using picture cards, encourage choosing, and give verbal praise when the child chooses an activity b. Allow the child time to choose a play activity from several options and do not provide guidance to ensure self directed decision making c. Provide limited choices using picture cards and give verbal praise when the child participates in the chosen play activity d. Included the child in after school programs to socialize with other children and provide role modeling opportunities for typical play behaviors

d. recreational swimming

An elementary school-aged child with Duchenne's muscular dystrophy receives occupational therapy services. The family establishes a goal of maintaining the child's leisure and social participation. Which is the BEST activity for the OTA to recommend the family pursue with the child? p.496 a. electronic sports (Wii bowling) b. adapted little league baseball c. wheelchair basketball d. recreational swimming

b. 3 yrs old

An occupational therapy assistant education program provides an after school play program for typically developing children to help the OTA students understand development. The students observe a child who is beginning to use blunt scissors to snip paper. The child opens and closes the scissors and moves them in a controlled forward motion, but the child cannot cut circles or figure shapes. At which age are these behaviors typical? p 620 a. 2 yrs old b. 3 yrs old c. 4 yrs old d. 5 yrs old

c. recommend a prosthesis with a myoelectrically controlled hand

An older teenager with a congenital right, below-elbow amputation had never wanted a prosthesis. Now the teens wants a prosthesis "to look good at the prom and for going on dates." Which action would be most beneficial to meet the client's expressed needs? p.473 a. recommend a prosthesis with a cosmetic passive hand b. recommend a prosthesis with a voluntary opening hook c. recommend a prosthesis with a myoelectrically controlled hand d. recommend counseling to explore the client's sudden preoccupation with body image

a. set expectations that match and build upon each child's capabilities c. provide consistent directions and guidance f. reinforce developmentally appropriate behaviors

Children with a diversity of developmental disabilities participate in an after school play group that uses a behavioral frame of reference. The play group is conducted by Level I OTA students who are each partnered with a child to facilitate the development of play and social interaction skills. Which should the supervising OTA advise the students to do when working with their assigned child? Select the 3 best responses p 614 a. set expectations that match and build upon each child's capabilities b. speak loudly and repeat directions frequently c. provide consistent directions and guidance d. give detailed descriptions about the goals of each activity e. provide a diversity of sensory stimulation activities f. reinforce developmentally appropriate behaviors

c. 3-4 months

During an OT session, the OTA observes that a child bangs objects on a tabletop but has difficulty physically letting go of a toy upon request. The OTA documents these behaviors. Which developmental level would be most accurate for the OTA to report the child's observed behaviors indicate? p. 517 a. 9-10 months b. 7-8 months c. 3-4 months

a. shift

During an intervention session in a school, the OTA observes a young child turn the pages of a book. The OTA identifies this behavior as an example of an in-hand manipulation task. What task should the OTA report to the occupational therapist that the child is capable of performing? p. 538 a. shift b. simple rotation c. translation d. translation without stabilization

a. use common, everyday language to explain this functional relationship

In a school setting, a 6 year old child is referred to occupational therapy for interventions to develop skills for handwriting and engagement in other fine motor activities. During an individualized education plan meeting, the OTA explains how UE hypotonicity can influence handwriting and other fine motor activities. The OTA recommends having the child engage in home exercises prior to completing homework that requires handwriting. Which is best method for the OTA to use when discussing the relationship between muscle tone and handwriting with the child's parents? p.546 a. use common, everyday language to explain this functional relationship b. use medical terminology to emphasize the importance of the recommendations c. use the OTPF language to support OT's focus

b. A combination of biomechanical and sensory integration approaches

School based OTA working with child who has poor sitting posture, inefficient grasp, and excessive writing pressure on paper. The OTA collaborates with the OT and determines that the best intervention approach requires integration of more than one intervention model. Which approaches will most effectively address all the child's deficits? p.506 a. A combination of biomechanical and psychosocial approaches b. A combination of biomechanical and sensory integration approaches c. A combination of acquisitional and motor learning approaches d. A combination of psychosocial and neurodevelopmental appraches

B. focusing on the group tasks rather than the feelings of the participants

Several adolescents with behavior problems attend a school based after school program. They work at an egocentric cooperative level in a group dealing with issues related to school performance and peer pressure. Which of the following would be most likely for the OTA to observe the participants doing in the group? A. actively taking on roles such as energizer, coordinator, or opinion giver B. focusing on the group tasks rather than the feelings of the participants C. Making decisions with minimal to no supervision from the group leader D. performing group skills consistent with the developmental level of 15-18 years of age

d. ask the group members about their social concerns

The OTA works in a school setting with adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The need for a socials skills training group is identified. One activity that the OTA plans to use in the group is role playing. Which is the most effective way for the OTA to determine relevant scenarios for the role-playing activities? p.469 a. survey the teachers on social difficulties displayed in class b. survey parents on social difficulties they have observed in the adolescents c. review literature on adolescent social skills development d. ask the group members about their social concerns

d. exploring play activities for the parent to do with the children

The parent of two elementary school-aged children receives home care hospice services due to metastasized bone cancer. The client is in pain and has poor endurance and decreased muscle strength. The client requires moderate assistance with self-care and dressing. Which is the BEST intervention for the OTA to incorporate into sessions with this patient? p. 483 a. training in energy conservation techniques for self care and dressing b. training in joint protection for self care and dressing c. using biofeedback to reduce the client's pain d. exploring play activities for the parent to do with the children

B. redirect the child's energy into acceptable and safe play activities

The parent's of a 5 yr old with ADHD express difficulty managing the child's aggressive behavior toward older siblings. Which is the most effective strategy for the OTA to recommend to the parents? A. allow the child to vent aggressive feelings on a stuffed animal or doll B. redirect the child's energy into acceptable and safe play activities C. provide consistent punishment for aggressive behavior D. send the child to stay with a family member or close friend for an extended time out.

d. perform passive ROM to prevent contractures

The parents of a school aged child with Rett syndrome ask the OT for activities to do at home to help their child regain lost skills. Which of the following should the therapist advise the OTA to include in the home program for the parents to do with their child? p.579 a. encourage the child to use pressure distribution techniques b. use 4 step sequencing cards to increase attention c. give positive feedback for active ROM performance d. perform passive ROM to prevent contractures

a. Placing the infant in prone position for sleeping

The parents of an infant born at 32 weeks gestation are about to take the baby home after 4 weeks in the neonatal intensive care nursery. The OTA collaborates with the occupational therapist to provide pre-discharge family education. Which is the important for the OTA to advise the parents to avoid? p.561 a. Placing the infant in prone position for sleeping b. Placing the infant in the supine position for sleeping c. Using an infant swing with a head support for calming d. Presenting toys in midline with the infant in the prone position for playing

D. a group home with daily on site supervision

The transition plan for an 18 year old with developmental delay includes employment in a vocational rehabilitation (sheltered) workshop job setting. The student has set a goal to live independent of family. Which is the best living environment for the OTA to recommend for this student? A. an apartment in a subsidized housing project B. a group home with case managers available on call C. a supported apartment with a roommate D. a group home with daily on site supervision

c. a developmental group

To develop social interaction skills, an OTA implements a group program for students with ASD. Which group is best for the OTA to include in this program? p.581 a. a directive group b. a topical group c. a developmental group d. a task oriented group

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