Module 2

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Discharge planning services- Patients have the responsibility to

1. be involved in the discharge planning process 2. ask questions or request clarification if instructions are unclear

Discharge planning services- as you go through your day be sure to:

1. document and report to your supervisor if your patient indicated a desire to talk to someone about the possibility of returning to the community. 2.document and report to your supervisor if your patient tells you he is uncertain, afriad, or unwilling to return to the community. 3. always document your patient's physical and mental abilities clearly and accurately discharge nears, talk to your client about what will happen next 5.if your patient or family indicate that more information is needed

In addition to keeping medical records private, patients have a right to:

1. expect privacy during their care. 2. be allowed to visit privately with friends or family members. 3. have private telephone conversations. 4. receive personal mail

the rights to understand billing and insurance- Patients have the responsibility to:

1. give necessary information for insurance claims 2. work with billing department when necessary.

the rights to understand billing and insurance- Patients have the right to:

1. know how much a particular treatment or service will cost and how much of this cost will come out of their pockets. the only exception to this right is in an emergency situation 2. review their own healthcare records if they want to. if they reD SOMETHING IN THEIR RECORD THAT THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND, THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO HAVE IT EXPLAINED TO THEM 3. receive detailed billing statements that outline exactly what is being charged. 4. dispute any charges they feel were not provided 5.receive the same quality of care- regardless of their ability to pay their healthcare bills.

what is decision making capacity?

1. understand the situation 2. knows what the options and consequences are. 3. can make a decision with understanding 4. can communicate his/her decision

Discharge planning services- Patients have the right to:

1.have access to professional staff to deliver discharge planning services 2. receive education, training, or counseling on how to perform self-care after being discharged. or if self care is not an option, the patient's family or primary caregiver must receive the training on how to care for the patient upon discharge. 3. be transferred or referred along with all necessary medical information, to appropriate facilities, agencies, or outpatient services, as needed for follow up care

patients have the responsibility to:

1.share any personal information that affects their health 2. respect the privacy of their healthcare workers


A Swedish word that means "advocate"; to serve the frail vulnerable elderly residents in long-term care facilities.


A cause of distress (as an unsatisfactory working condition or unfair labor practice) felt to afford a reason for complaint or dispute especially : a violation of a collective bargaining agreement usually by the employer.

Do Not Resuscitate (DNR)/ No Code

A code that instructs the health care team not to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if a patient's breathing stops or if the patient's heart stops beating.


A form of mistreatment by individuals resulting from inadequate attention, especially through carelessness or disregard for the needs of others.


A legal term that refers to a false, oral statement about an individual that harms his reputation or standing within the community


A legal term that refers to the making of false and malicious statements about a person in some type of print or writing. This can include false and malicious statements made in writing, printed on signs, or published on a public forum. Publishing defamatory statements or pictures through the media is an example.

Mandated Reporter

A person who, because of his or her profession, is legally required to report any suspicion of child/elder abuse or neglect to the relevant authorities. These laws are in place to prevent children/elders from being abused and to end any possible abuse or neglect at the earliest possible stage.

Informed Consent

A process for getting permission before conducting a healthcare intervention on a person, or for disclosing personal information. A health care provider may ask a patient to consent to receive therapy before providing it, or a clinical researcher may ask a research participant before enrolling that person into a clinical trial.

Policy and Procedure

A set of policies are principles, rules, and guidelines formulated or adopted by an organization to reach its long-term goals and typically published in a booklet or other form that is widely accessible.

Ethical Standard

A set of principles established by the founders of the organization to communicate its underlying moral values. This code provides a framework that can be used as a reference for decision making processes. These standards are an important part of an organization's culture.

Financial abuse

A type of abuse which includes having money or other property stolen, being defrauded, being put under pressure in relation to money or other property and having money or other property misused.

Psychological Abuse

Abuse that is also referred to as psychological violence, emotional abuse, or mental abuse, is a form of abuse, characterized by a person subjecting, or exposing, another person to behavior that may result in psychological trauma, including anxiety, chronic depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder.


Acronym that stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, a US law designed to provide privacy standards to protect patients' medical records and other health information provided to health plans, doctors, hospitals and other health care providers.

Aiding and abetting

Aiding and abetting is an additional provision in United States criminal law, for situations where it cannot be shown the party personally carried out the criminal offense, but where another person may have carried out the illegal act(s) as an agent of the charged, working together with or under the direction of the charged, who is an accessory to the crime.

Resident Council

An organization of people living together in a common place. The council represents residents' interests and provides a way for them to help make decisions on the way their home is operated. A council's most important and defining feature is that it is made up of residents, directed by residents, and works for residents.


An unlawful attack upon or touching of another person.


Any action that intentionally harms or injures another person.

Physical Abuse

Any intentional act causing injury or trauma to another person or animal by way of bodily contact. In most cases, children are the victims of physical abuse, but adults can also be victims,

Along with patient rights, patients have a responsibility to:

Ask for more information if they don't understand something


Concerned with preventing others from knowing about one's actions, thoughts, and communications. Privacy implies only that those who are not involved, though aware of the matter, are prevented from knowing the details.


Conduct that falls below the standards of behavior established by law for the protection of others against unreasonable risk of harm. A person has acted negligently if he or she has departed from the conduct expected of a reasonably prudent person acting under similar circumstances.

True or False: A person who serves as a health care power of attorney can make decisions about someone else's finances


True or False: Home care patients have a responsibility to clean their home before the caregiver arrives


True or False: Patients earn their rights after proving they can perform their responsibilities


True or False: an advance directive is particularly useful for those patients who can still comminicate


Bill of Rights (Patients'/Residents'/Clients')

Federal law requires that nursing home patients be given the same services and same level of care regardless of whether who is paying for it — Medicaid or otherwise. The federal "bill of rights" for nursing home residents is at 42 U.S.C. 1396r(c)(4)(A): "(4) Equal access to quality care.


Forcing or intimidating a patient to do something against his or her wishes.

Patients have the responsibility to:

Go to all scheduled doctor's appointments

health care proxy or agent

HCPOA- document is combined with a living will

What is an advance directive?

Its a document that outlines peoples preferences for medical care when in the future they are unable to communicate their wishes

the HIPPA law states that all healthcare workers must:

Keep every patient's personal health information private


Keeping what is said or written to oneself; private; not shared. The principle which protects the right of patients to expect that details of their medical conditions should be divulged only to those who need to know them for medical purposes.

Advanced Directive

Legal document signed before the diagnosis of a terminal illness, when the individual is still in good health, that allow you to spell out your decisions about end-of-life care ahead of time, should you become unable to make your wishes known. They give you a way to tell your wishes to family, friends, and health care professionals and to avoid confusion later on.

name 1 main type of advance directive:

Living will

Defamation of Character

Occurs when an individual's character or reputation is tarnished as a result of a fraudulent statement or action of another individual.

Social Services

Programs and services that improve the well-being of individuals, families, and communities.The California Department of Social Services supports programs which serve more than eight million people across our state. This work, accomplished everyday, provides stability, opportunity and promotes wellness in communities throughout California.

Involuntary seclusion

Separation of a resident from other residents or from his or her room or confinement to his or her room (with or without roommates) against the resident's will, or the will of the resident's legal representative.

Sexual Abuse

Sexual behavior or a sexual act forced upon a woman, man or child without their consent. This abuse includes abuse of a woman, man or child by a man, woman or child. It is an act of violence which the attacker uses against someone they perceive as weaker than them.

Legal Standard

Standards that are set forth in governmental laws. All the statutes and laws that lawyers point to are these standards.


The act of attempting to inflict physical harm or unwanted physical contact upon a person; a threat or attempt to commit such an action. It is both a crime and a tort and, therefore, may result in criminal prosecution, civil liability, or both.


The act of communicating false statements about a person that injure the reputation of that person


The act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities.


The act of stealing; specifically : the felonious taking and removing of personal property with intent to deprive the rightful owner of it.

False Imprisonment

The illegal confinement of one individual against his or her will by another individual in such a manner as to violate the confined individual's right to be free from restraint of movement.


The principles and regulations established in a community by some authority and applicable to its people, whether in the form of legislation or of custom and policies recognized and enforced by judicial decision.

True or False: "comfort care" is the term for measures that help dying clients be more comfortable and without pain


True or False: Patients have a right to dispute any charges for care they feel was not provided


True or False: Patients have the right to complain and to expect a reasonable response to the complaint


True or False: Patients have the right to know your name and title before you provide care


True or False: advance directives help people have control over their health care decisions when they can no longer speak for themselves


True or False: patients should be allowed to refuse care if they wish but be sure to document the situation and let your supervisor know


True or False: physical restraints may be a violation of patient rights


True or False: the patient self-determination act is a national law that requires that advance directives be discussed with every vlient who is addmitted to your facility/agency


True or False: you should let your supervisor know if your patients are asking questions about their illnesses, treatments, or medications


Verbal Abuse

When someone repeatedly uses words to demean, frighten, or control someone.

living will

a type of advance directive that usually tells a doctor not to use extra-ordinary means to keep someone alive if he or she is terminally ill

Terminal illness

an illness that will lead to death in spite of all medical treatments, Medical care may slow the disease but will not stop it

Patients have the responsibility to:

ask for more information if they don't understand something

Patients have the right to:

be informed of the privacy practices of the healthcare provider which outline how their medical information is used, shared, and protected. Decide who can have access to their personal records and how much information is used, shared, and protected. expect confidentiality from every healthcare worker who provides care. expect healthcare employees will only have access to the information they need to provide care. For example, dietary aides should not have access to laboratory results that have no effect on the dietary needs of the patient.

How can client participate in grooming?

brush hair or teeth, wash face, wash self after being helped into tub

Patients have the right to: blank treatments and services

change their mind about

How can client participate in Dressing?

chose clothing, get dressed

The patient bill of rights DOES NOT give patients the right to:

do whatever they want, whenever they want

Health care power of attorney

document that allows people to pick someone they trust to make decisions about their medical care if they aren't able to make the decisions themselves

Power of attorney

document that designates another person to make decisions for someone who can no longer make his own decisions regarding business or financial decisions

The purpose of the patients bill of rights is to:

ensure patients are treated equally and ethically in all healthcare situations

True or False: a living will is not legal unless it was written by a lawyer


True or False: assisted suicide is legal in all 50 states as long as the person agrees to it in a living will


True or False: people who have advance directives will automatically have a "DNR" order if they enter the hospital


Patients have the responsibility to:

follow the plan of care that they help create

How can client participate in walking?

get up and down from a seated position and walk


hospice care involves caring for terminally ill people and their families. it includes help from doctors, nurse, nursing assistants, social workers, therapists, chaplains, and volunteers

vegetative state

irreversible condition in which a person is able to breathe on his/her own but can no longer think or communicate with others.

Patients have the right to: have an advance directive, such as a

living will

Heroic Theraoy

means the same thing as life sustaining therapy

patients have the right to refuse care but you should

notify your supervisor

advance directive (AD for Short)

oral or written instructions about a person's future medical care, primarily used when people are terminally ill and cannot speak for themselves

How can client participate in exercise?

participate in range of motion exercises and stretch

assisted suicide

suicide is considered "assisted" when a person ends his or her life with the help of a doctor or other person.

How can client participate in bathroom activities?

take self to commode, wipe perineal area after toileting


the forcible confinement or control of a subject, as of a confused, disoriented, psychotic, or irrational person; it may be either physical or chemical. Restraint of any kind is used only when the patient's behavior presents a danger to himself or herself or another person. It is never used for the convenience of staff or as a substitute for conscientious nursing care.

Brain Death

the person needs a machine to breathe

Advance care planning

the process of preparing for one's death such as advance directives and an explanation sheet with specific wishes for treatment and comfort care.

Patients have the right to

their own care

Life-Sustaining Therapy

these are medical treatments that prolong a person's life. example breathing machines, feeding tubes, intravenous fluids

How can client participate in eating?

they can prepare foods, feed self using fork or spoon)

True or False: honor any advance directive


True or False: people with alxheimer's disease can complete advance directives if they still have the decision-making capacity to express their wishes for end-of-life care


True or False: you should help your patients follow any exercise plans that have been set up by them by a physical or occupational therapist


True or False: you should help your patients understand any information you give them


Are advance directives for everyone?



you probably know that this stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and that it is a technique for stimulating a stopped heart.

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