Module 2 Test

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1) What is the size of the (Click to select)?


Tumors may be divided into one of two categories. ________________ are an abnormal growth composed of multiple layers of abnormal cells that are localized to one tissue type.

benign tumors

Loss of function of proteins involved with checkpoints may result in uncontrollable growth which can lead to


a disease that is caused by the inability of the body to control the division of cells.


Appear as irregular shaped cells _____________

cancer cells

Cell are immortal due to the presence of the enzyme telomerase that continues to lengthen the ends of the telomeres _________________

cancer cells

Look different to surrounding cells due to large, dark nuclei _____________

cancer cells

in function of the organ will cause the organ system to shut down and __________ may occur


By disrupting the operation of the organs or by changing the body's fluids, these impacts prevent the body from functioning regularly or achieving __________________.


As the number of cancer cells ______________, they may spread and invade nearby tissues and organs, disrupting their physiological processes and their ability to survive.


Mitotic spindle fibers move chromosomes Chromosome line up in the middle of the cell


As the number of cancer cells grow, __________ changes occur in tissues or organs, impacting their role in homeostasis.


After a general physician makes the initial diagnosis of cancer, the actual staging of cancer is done by an (Click to select).


By answering these questions, the doctors are able to give a patient a (Click to select) and a plan of treatment.


Nucleus breaks down Mitotic spindle forms an attaches fibers to each chromatid


Second stage of mitosis


__________ is form of cancer management in which high-powered energy beams are used to kill cancer cells.

radiation therapy

During development, cells receive genetic information that allows them to become ______________, meaning they have a specific purpose in the body.


To determine the (Click to select) of cancer, the oncologist will answer the following questions using a variety of methods:


_______ breast cancer refers to cancer that has ___________ beyond the breast tissue and nearby lymph nodes and into other areas of the body.

stage 4, metastasized

____________ is the process of finding out how much cancer is in a person's body and where it's located.


Chromatids are where they belong on opposite sides of the cell To stop them from moving, nucleus is regrown around the DNA Mitotic spindle is broken down because it is not needed


fifth phase of mitosis


2) What is the degree to which it has invaded nearby (Click to select)?


Both capillaries and lymphatic vessels are part of the _______________ system of the body.


As a ______________ forms and grows, the tumor will take up space and start to press against the surrounding tissues and organs.


Failure to undergo apoptosis and the cell's ability to continue to divide without regulation will create a mass of cells called a ___________.


With no genetic control, the cells start to divide ________________ and the cells undergo more rounds of division than they normally would, making cells prone to replication errors.


are either prokaryotic (bacteria) or eukaryotic (animal, plant, fungi, & protist).


the body's ability to stay stable despite environmental changes


Which of the following describes how physicians stage a patient diagnosed with breast cancer? Select all that apply.

-The staging of breast cancer is the same method used for all other cancer types. There is no variation. -Staging helps describe where cancer has spread and whether it is affecting other parts of the body.Staging helps describe where cancer has spread and whether it is affecting other parts of the body. Correct -The lower the cancer stage of breast cancer, the more severe the form of cancer.The lower the cancer stage of breast cancer, the more severe the form of cancer. -Staging helps describe where a cancer is located.

Homeostasis is defined as __________. Select all that apply.

-utilizing negative feedback mechanisms to maintain internal conditions -maintaining a narrow range of internal conditions to optimize the body's performance -operating at the same set of conditions as the external environment

In order for cancer to develop, which of the following events must occur? Select all that apply.

A cell malfunctions and unregulated cell division occurs.A cell malfunctions and unregulated cell division occurs. Genetic material was copied without errors.Genetic material was copied without errors. Cell division is regulated. Genetic mutation causes a cell to lose its normal genetic programming and control mechanisms.

cells have the ability to

Acquire materials and energy. Respond to their environment. Reproduce. Maintain an internal environment. Adapt to their environment.

_____________ cells ignore the genetic programming that makes them specialized; they lose their function.


When examining the following graphs, the mortality rates for which cancers for both males and females have decreased since 1935?

Colon and rectumColon and rectum PancreasPancreas lung Stomach

First stage of mitosis


Which of the following correctly describes the process of angiogenesis? Select all that apply.

Promotes the growth of local capillaries to grow toward the tumor Correct Causes normal cells to release chemical signals to promote blood vessels to cancer cellsCorrect Allows for oxygen to reach the tumor Correct Allows for nutrients to reach the tumor


The majority of the cell's time; normal functions occur.

Which of the following is incorrect regarding cancer?

all of the above

Each chromosome has two copies Mitotic spindle fiber pulls one copy (chromatid) to the left side and another fiber pulls copy (chromatid) to the right side of the cell Chromatids are pulled apart to opposite poles


fourth phase of mitosis


These cancer cells will undergo ________________ and form new tumors in a different location.


A difference between cancer cells and normal cells is that cancer cells __________.

are less specialized and continue to divide because they no longer function as part of a tissue or organ

By ____________ channels like ducts, blood vessels, or lymphatic vessels, this _________________ disrupts the normal operations of the surrounding organs because it prevents the ability to transport materials.


______________ is a disease that begins with changes in the body at the ______________ level due to abnormal cells dividing in a disorderly manner.

cancer, cellular

For cells to become ____________ , cells have to undergo changes that make them different from other cells of the body.


Cancers are named based on which of the following?

cancers are named based on the types of tissues or organs they originate in

One, cancerous cells accumulate mutations that ignore the regulatory mechanisms of the cell cycle and ____________ instruct them to stop dividing and to die. Therefore, cancer cells do not have a ____________ lifespan.

cannot, fixed

______________ carry nutrients and oxygen to cells and also remove waste materials.


cell growth is also called

cell division

Each ____________ operates a biological factory and is specialized to carry out a _____________ set of instructions.

cell, specific

In other instances, the disruption of normal operations of an organ can lead to a change in the ______________ composition of the body's fluid.


•the stage in which two daughter cells are formed from the original one •Cell split into two. •After, cells re-enter interphase.


As a tumor forms, blood and nutrients will be directed away from the tumor in the body and toward the normal cells so homeostasis can still be maintained.


Although Stage 4 breast cancer is considered ___________ , current medical advances have provided a number of treatments that Stage 4 breast cancer may respond to and thereby extend the life of the patient for several years.


Two, cancer cells appear (Click to select) in shape, and the nuclei of cancer cells are distinctly different from normal cells. The large, dark nuclei of cancer cells are due to the accumulation of (Click to select).

irregular, DNA

When the genetic programming of a small group of cells becomes faulty, the cells start to ______________ their specialization.


As more mutations accumulate in a cell, there is a (Click to select) of function, and they no longer function as part of the surrounding tissue.


3) Is the cancer present in nearby (Click to select) nodes?


Cancer cells might have traveled through your ___________________ to different organs such as the lungs, heart, liver, or brain.

lymphatic system

_____________ are responsible for removing excess fluid from the tissues and participate in the ________________.

lymphatic vessels, immune response

Posing the greatest threat to our bodies, ____________ are composed of _____________________ cells that possess the ability to ________________ to other locations in the body.

malignant tumors, unspecialized, spread

If a _____________ tumor comes into contact with the transport system of the body, this allows for the movement of cancer cells from one area of the body to other locations in the body. The spreading of cancer cells to new areas in the body is called ________________.

malignant, metastasis

Third phase of mitosis


Cancer cells may develop the ability to migrate to other parts of the body and undergo the process of angiogenesis and form new tumors. This process is called __________ and represents a serious threat to the body.


4) To what extent has the cancer (Click to select) to other organs of the body?


the portion where cell division occurs; consists of mitosis and cytokinesis

mitosis phase

Stage 4 is the __________ advanced and life-threatening stage of breast cancer.


any changes to the nucleotide, misfolded proteins


If a cell accumulates _____________ and becomes less specialized, it no longer functions as part of the surrounding ___________ Benign tumors mutations unspecialized spread tissue .

mutations, tissue

Appear as small, regular-shaped cells _________________

normal cells

Have a fixed lifespan due to the length of the telomeres at the end of chromosomes _______________

normal cells

Look similar to surrounding cells since these cells are genetically identical _____________

normal cells

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