Module 4

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what are symptons of panic disorder

1) change in behavior as a result of worry about panic attacks 2) commonly occuring panic attacks 3) unexpected panic attacks

what physiological responses to stress are exaggerated in PTSD sufferers?

1) elevated heart rate 2) increased secretion of epinephrine 3) increased secretion of norepinephrine

what are the exclusionary criteria for a diagnostic of derealization

1) hallucinogenic vision quests 2) alcoholic intoxiation 3) acid trip

what are inheritable factors that make an individual more vulnerable to PTSD?

1) low levels of cortisol 2) abnormalities in brain response to emotional stimuli

In hoarding, people show what characteristics

1) show emotional attachments to their possessions 2) imbue their possession with human characteristics 3) equate their possessions with their identity

according to the cognitive-behavioral theory, individuals with OCD have trouble turning off their negative, intrusive thoughts for what reasons

1) they believe they should be able to control all thoughts 2) they may be depressed or anxious much of the time 3) they may have a tendency toward rigid, moralistic thinking

what are criteria of the PTSD subtype with prominent depersonalization

1) they feel detached from their body 2) it is not the result of another medical condition 3) they expereince unreality of their surroundings

according to the congitive behavioral theory, indivudals with OCD have trouble turning off their negative intrusive thoughts for what reaosns

1) they may have a tendency toward rigid, moralistic thinking 2) they may be depressed or anxious much of the time 3) they believe they should be able to control all thoughts

What should you do if you suspect that a person you know is suicidal?

Acknowledge the person's feelings in a nonjudgmental way

_______ stress disorder or PTSD may develop when an individual is exposed to the threat of death, to actual or threatened serious injury, or sexual violation.


In _____ _______ disorder, symptoms caused by traumas arise within 1 month of exposure and last no longer than 4 weeks.

Acute stress

In ______ __________ disorder, symptoms caused by traumas arise within 1 month of exposure and last no longer than 4 weeks.

Acute stress

Sherry was walking home one evening when she was mugged. Several weeks later she began having flashbacks of the mugging and refused to walk down that street. Fortunately, these symptoms only lasted about three weeks. Sherry appears to be suffering from...

Acute stress disorder

Which of the following people in the United States are LEAST likely to have had a major depressive episode in the past year?

Adele, aged 66

Who is more likely to develop PTSD?

Chantelle, an African American female who lives in a metropolitan area.

Which of the following statements is true about the different treatments for mood disorders? a. Drug therapy has been found to be more effective in treating people with chronic depression than when used in combination with psychotherapy. b. Behavioral, cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal, and drug therapies appear to be about equally effective in treating most people with depression.

Behavioral, cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal, and drug therapies appear to be about equally effective in treating most people with depression.

3rd symptom:

Behavioral: less active, less productive

According to the ___ point of view, the lack of positive reinforcement elicits the symptoms of low self-esteem, guilt & pessimism.


______ which are used to quickly reduce panic attacks and general symptoms of anxiety, also are addictive and have significant withdrawal symptoms.


Which of the following has proven to be most reliably effective in the treatment of insomnia?


_______ which are used to quickly reduce panic attacks and general symptoms of anxiety, also are addictive and have significant withdrawal symptoms.


________ work quickly to treat panic disorder but can be addictive and lead to withdrawal symptoms.


What drugs are used to treat childhood anxiety disorders, including separation anxiety?

Benzodiazepines, antihistamines, antidepressants

Prevalence of Bipolar Disorders:

Between 1 and 1.5% of adults in the world at any given time

Age of onset of bipolar disorders?

Between 15 and 44 years

Depression with ______ features involves strange behaviors that may range from complete lack of movement to excited agitation.


Rachel has been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. Because she has major speech disturbances but is otherwise almost "frozen" in place, she meets the criteria for the subtype of...

Catatonic features

____ occurs when the brain does not send the signal to breathe to the respiratory system.

Central sleep apnea

What are psychological or cultural factors that contribute to separation anxiety disorder?

Controlling parents, critical parents, emotionally intrusive parents

Adults with social anxiety disorder describe their parents as...

Controlling, critical, and overprotective

People's style of ______ with a trauma may influence their vulnerability to PSTD.


People's style of ________ with a trauma may influence their vulnerability to PTSD.


People with depression have been found to have high levels of the hormone _______ indicating that their bodies overreact to stress.


The drug buproprion is useful in treating which of the following problems? (Select all that apply.)

Cravings Hypersomnia Inattention

Diagnosing UD - Criteria

Criteria 1: Major depressive episode (marked by 5+ symptoms lasting 2 or more weeks (in extreme cases, symptoms include psychosis. Ex. Hallucinations, delusions) Criteria 2: No history of mania

What areas of the brain show differences between people with PTSD and those without PTSD?

Hippocampus, amygdala, prefrontal cortex

Which of the following statements about cardiovascular disease is true?

Historically, far more men than women die of cardiovascular disease.

A disorder in which people show emotional attachments to their possessions is called...


In the DSM-5, OCD is given its own category along with which of the following disorders? (Select all that apply.)

Hoarding Trichotillomania Body dysmorphic disorder

The World Health Organization (2012) has said that more people die worldwide from suicide than they do from ______.


The World Health Organization (2012) has said that more people die worldwide from suicide than they do from_______.


In vagus nerve stimulation, a small electronic device is implanted -------------------

In vagus nerve stimulation, a small electronic device is implanted under the patient's skin in the left chest wall.

Kyle and Jamel both served in Iraq together. Kyle suffered PTSD as a result of the horrors he had seen, but Jamel did not. They were in a situation which caused an undue amount of stress to them. Kyle experienced what compared to Jamel?

Increased secretion of norepinephrine

Kyle and Jamel both served in Iraq together. They were in a situation that caused an undue amount of stress to them. Kyle suffered PTSD as a result of the horrors he saw, but Jamel did not. Kyle experienced which of the following compared to Jamel? (Select all that apply.)

Increased secretion of norepinephrine

Which of the physiological responses to stress are exaggerated in PTSD sufferers? (Select ail that apply.)

Increased secretion of norepinephrine Elevated heart rate Increased secretion of epinephrine

What physiological responses to stress are exaggerated in PTSD sufferers?

Increased secretion of norepinephrine, elevated heart rate, increased secretion of epinephrine

What is true about the cognitive explanation of social anxiety disorder?

Individuals with social anxiety disorder tend to notice potentially threatening social cues and misinterpret them in self defeating ways, individuals with social anxiety disorder focus on negative aspects of social interactions, individuals with social anxiety disorder have excessively high standards of their social performance

Biological treatments for social anxiety disorder include which of the following drugs? (Select all that apply.)


Emotional Symptom of Depression:

feeling miserable, empty, humiliated

What are exclusionary criteria for a diagnosis of derealization?

hallucinogenic vision quest, alcoholic intoxication, acid trip

The physiological changes of the fight or flight response result from the activation of what systems controlled by the hypothalamus?

the adrenal cortical reductive system, the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system

Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy (ISRT) for people with bipolar disorder combines

interpersonal therapy; behavioral techniques

Which of the following behavioral theories has been useful in explaining the reinforcement of phobias?

operant conditioning

Sociocultural theories propose:

that UD is greatly influenced by the social structure in which people live.

The ruling in Barrett v. United States (1977) established:

that temporary insanity created by the voluntary use of alcohol or drugs did not qualify a defendant for acquittal by reason of insanity.

The two systems activated during the fight-or-flight response are _____.

the autonomic nervous system and the adrenal-cortical system

animal type natural environment type situational type blood-injection-injury type

what are the categories of phobias according to the DSM-5?

relaxation and breathing exercises relaxation and breathing exercises while experiencing panic symptoms during the session challenging catastrophizing thoughts systematic desensitization therapy

what are the cognitive behavioral therapies for panic disorders

SSRIs SNRIs Norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor tricyclic antidepressants MAOIs

what are the drug therapy for depressive states in biological treatments?

strong and consistent linkage

what are the genetic factors in the biological theory of bipolar disorder?

Lithium and anticonvulsant and atypical antipsychotic medications

what are the mood stabilizers used in bipolar disorders in biological treatments?

dysregulation of the dopamine system

what are the neurotransmitter factors in the biological theory of bipolar disorder?

greater sensitivity to rewards increased stress-both positive and negative disruptions in routines

what are the psychological contributors in the biological theory of bipolar disorder?

1. altered structure and functioning of the amygdala and prefrontal cortex 2. basal ganglia shows abnormal response to rewards in the environment

what are the structural and functional brain abnormalities in the biological theory of bipolar disorder?

1. hospitilization 2. community-based crisis intervention programs 3. drug therapy (lithium or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) 4. psychological therapies

what are the treatments for a suicidal person

pay very close attention to their bodily sensations and misinterpret them in a negative way engage in catastrophic thinking, exaggerating symptoms and their consequences

what do people prone to panic attacks tend to do?

brain seizure is induced by passing electrical current through the patient's head

what is the Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) that is used in biological treatments?

sexual assault

what is the most common trauma leading to PTSD

interoceptive awareness

Heightened awareness of bodily cues that signal a coming panic attack

Which of the following behavioral theories has been useful in explaining the reinforcement of phobias?

Operant conditioning

1. repeated re-experiencing of the traumatic event (flashbacks) 2. persistent avoidance of situations, thoughts, or memories associated with the trauma 3. negative changes in thought and mood associated with the event 4. Hypervigilance and chronic overarousal

What are the 4 symptoms of PTSD

1. Natural disasters 2. human-made disasters 3. traumatic events 4. sexual assault

What are the 4 traumas leading to PTSD?

1. exposing clients to what they fear in order to extinguish that fear 2. challenging distorted cognitions that contribute to symptoms 3. helping clients reduce stress in their lives

What are the goals when treating PTSD?

they focus on negative aspects of social interactions and evaluate their own behavior harshly; they are their own worse enemy

What is probably the main reason behind social anxiety disorder?

Almost _____ of people with a specific phobia never seek treatment.

90 percent

Julie has been diagnosed with ornithophobia—the fear of birds. For her treatment, her therapist makes her sit in a room filled with caged birds for several hours. Which behavioral treatment in being used in this situation?


The physiological changes of the fight-or-flight response result in activation of two systems controlled by the _____.


Virginia is very aware of her bodily cues that signal a panic attack. This heightened awareness is known as _____.

interoceptive awareness

Fear is maladaptive when...

it is greatly our of proportion to the threat.

Biological theories of obsessive-compulsive disorder have focused on a circuit in the brain involved in:

regulating primitive urges

to help client gain control of their bodily cues, one may want to seek out __________ and ____________ exercises while experiencing panic symptoms

relaxation, breathing

A ______ describes seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, or smelling things that are not real.


low serotonin + high norepinephrine =


When dysthymic disorder leads to major depressive disorder, the sequence is called:

"double depression"

A study of adults in rural Mexico found that among underprivileged Latino communities, particularly women, _____ expresses the anger and frustration of "being at the bottom" and provides temporary release from the everyday burdens of life.


The 3 broad phases of Interpersonal therapy are, 1. assessing the magnitude & nature of the individuals depression. 2nd phase is the therapist & client collaborate in formulating a treatment plan that focuses on the primary problem.

& the 3rd phase the therapist carries out the treatment plan using a combination of techniques like self-exploration, support, education & feed back focusing on the here & now. This has shown to be significantly ___ effective than cognitive-behavioral therapy & medications. More.

What are the symptoms of depression?

(Symptoms may differ dramatically from person to person 5 main areas of affected functioning

Befriending (treatment for UD socio):

- a prevention-focused intervention - assigned "buddy" visits and interacts with person - provided the social support to individuals vulnerable to depression and the likelihood of depression is reduced!

Which of the following are true gender differences of people with diagnoses of schizophrenia?

-women have a better prognosis than men -women are hospitalized less

It is estimated that delusional disorder affects __ percent of the population.


Statistically, who of the following are more likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia?

-alan, born and raised in NYC -steve, born and raised in Manhattan -Chelsea. born and raised in LA

Tess, who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, has no facial expression, cannot purposely plan and execute actions, and is not interested in socializing with others. Which of the following terms best apply to Tess?

-asociality -avolition -restricted affect

Which of the following are true?

-delusions can occur with bipolar disorder -delusions can occur with depression

Which of the following are positive symptoms of schizophrenia?

-disorganized speech -hallucinations -delusions

People with schizophrenia can at times displays:

-disorganized speech -problems caring for themselves -disorganized thinking

Which of the following neurotransmitters are thought to be implicated in schizophrenia?

-dopamine -serotonin -GABA

Difference Between Unipolar and Bipolar Mood Disorder: Bipolar:

-earlier onset - equal prevalence among men and women - responds best to lithium carbonate

Which of the following are hypotheses for why there are gender differences in the course of schizophrenia?

-estrogen may be implicated -males may be at higher risk during prenatal brain development because it is slower in males

Which of the following are components of restricted affect?

-flat tone of voice -lack of facial expression -less communicative gestures -avoidance of eye contact

Which of the following are best classified as self-deceptions rather than delusions?

-i will qualify for the Olympics -i will be a published author -i might win the lottery

Which of the following are true of the schizophrenogenic hypothesis?

-it has been discredited -it stated that mothers caused schizophrenia -it was put forward by early psychodynamic theorists

Which of the following are true of tardive dyskinesia?

-it is a neurological disorder -it is the result of the use of the phenothiazines -it is often irreversible

Which of the following are true of the community mental health movement?

-it was initiated by President Kennedy -It involved halfway houses and group homes -It consisted of efforts to reintegrate the mentally ill back into their communities

Which of the following are features of catatonia?

-lack of response to instructions -not speaking -odd rigid or poses that may be held for a long time

Which of the following periods represent the most common time of the onset of psychotic disorders?

-late teens -early adulthood

Difference Between Unipolar and Bipolar Mood Disorder: Unipolar:

-later onset - more prevalent among women - responds to antidepressant drugs: SSRIs and tricyclics

Which of the following are components of expressed emotion?

-overinvolvement -hostility -high criticism -low warmth

Which of the following are negative symptoms of schizophrenia?

-restricted affect -avolition

Which of the following are psychotic disorders?

-schizoaffective disorder -schizophrenia -schizophreniform disorder

Which of the following are side effects of the newer atypical antipsychotic medications?

-seizures -weight gain -sedation -sexual dysfunction

Which of the following are components of the biological theories on schizophrenia?

-structural and functional brain abnormalities -genetic transmission -prenatal exposure to viruses -history of birth complications -neurotransmitter abnormalities

Which of the following are true of the phenothiazines?

-they are typical antipsychotics -they block dopamine receptors -they were developed in the early 1950s

Which of the following are typical of self-deception but not typical of delusions?

-thoughts are likely to be wrong but are not impossible -the thoughts might be considered occasionally -the person acknowledges that he or she might be wrong

Which of the following have given us information on genetic contributions to schizophrenia?

-twin studies -adoption studies -family studies

Within the United States, percent of the population will develop schizophrenia at some time in their lives.

1 to 2

Negative Thinking (4 components):

1. Maladaptive Attitudes/Core Beliefs 2. Cognitive Triad 3.

4 phases of treatment over fewer than 20 sessions for UD: (cognitive)

1. increase activities and elevate mood 2. challenge automatic thoughts 3. identify negative thinking and biases 4. change primary attitudes

Research has shown that the life expectancy of a person with a diagnosis of schizophrenia is __.

10 years shorter than that of people without schizophrenia

There are 100 randomly selected people sitting in a room. According to current prevalence rates, how many are likely to have social anxiety disorder?


Interpersonal therapy IPT, Uses time-limited psychotherapy lasting between ___ & ___ weeks for treating people with major depressive disorder, based on the assumption that interpersonal stress induces an episode of depression in a person who is genetically vulnerable to this disorder.

12 & 16 weeks.

Each year, ____ percent of teenagers in the United States seriously consider suicide.


What percentage of teen-agers seriously consider suicide in the US each year?


In the United States, which of the following age groups is more likely to have had a major depressive episode in the past year?

18- to 29-year-olds

Antidepressant medications take from ___ to ___ weeks to work or before a client's symptoms begin to lift.

2 to 6

Approximately ___ % of the population will develop persistent depressive disorder, dysthymia, in the course of their lives.


Some estimates point out that suicide attempts are how many times as common as completed suicides?

20 times

As many as ______% of youth will experience an episode of depression before the age of 20.


As many as _____ of youth will experience an episode of depression before the age of 20.


Approximately __ percent of people do not respond to typical antipsychotic medications.


Panic attacks are estimated to occur in ______% or more adults.


panic attacks are estimated in __________% or more adults


Native Americans suicide rate in the US

2nd highest

Bipolar disorder has a lifetime prevalence rate of ___ in the US population.


The average age of onset for major depressive disorder is ___ years old.


African Americans suicide rate in the US

3rd highest

Hypomanic episodes are less extreme & last

4 consecutive days, & is present most of the day, nearly every day, as opposed to a week like manic episodes.

Once depression has subsided, the client should continue to take medication for at least:

4 or 5 months.

Bipolar rapid cycling

4 or more times a year & meet criteria for manic, hypomanic or major depressive disorder.

Rapid Cycling:

4+ episodes within a 1 year period

Family history studies reveal that the heritability of panic disorder is _____.

43 to 48 percent

Monozygotic twins of people diagnosed with bipolar disorder are ______ times more likely to have the disorder than people in the general population are.

45 to 75

The concordance rate of schizophrenia for monozygotic twins is __ percent.


About ______ % of the US population has a diagnosable seasonal affective disorder.


How Common is Unipolar Depression?

5-10% of the US pop experiences severe unipolar depression each year. an additional 3-5% experience mild depression ~17% of the world pop experience UD rates have been increasing since 1915 In almost all countries, women are 2 times as likely as men to experience UD lifetime prevalence: 26% of women vs. 12% of men rates hold true across socioeconomic classes and ethnic groups

How Common is unipolar depression?

5-10% of the US pop experiences severe unipolar depression each year. (an Additional 3 to 5 % experience mild depression) !17% of the world pop experiences unipolar depression at some time in their lives rates have been steadily increasing since 1915 In almost all countries, women are twice as likely as men to experience severe unipolar depression (lifetime prevalence: 26% of women vs. 12% of men) These rates hold true across socioeconomic and ethnic groups

Antidepressant drugs reduce depression in about _____ percent of people who take them.

50 to 60

Antidepressant drugs reduce depression in about _______ of people who take them.


As many as _____ of people who experience a first episode of depression will experience subsequent episodes.


In general, depression rates are quite low in those over the age of 65, except that they increase in those over the age of ______.


Research has found that _____% of people who commit suicide have diagnosable mental disorder.


What fits Durkheim's concept of altruistic suicide?

A parent who saves his child from a car but dies, a suicide bomber

Which of the following occurs in the third and fourth stages of sleep?

A pattern of slow waves of 1 to 2 hertz

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder

A depressive disorder in children who exhibit chronic and severe irritability & have frequent temper outbursts 3 or more times a week, for at least a year in at least 2 settings. Onset must be before 10 but not before 6.

Which of the following statements is true of mood disorders?

A diagnosis of cyclothymic disorder requires that the person alternates between cycles of hypomania and moderate depression.

Euphoric mood

A feeling state that is more cheerful & elated than average, possibly even ecstatic.


A form of depression that is not severe enough to be diagnosed as major depression.

Which of the following is the greatest risk factor for suicide in older adults? a. The loss of a loved one b. A history of psychological problems

A history of psychological problems

Major Depressive Disorder

A mood disorder in which a person experiences acute but time limited, in the absence of drugs or a medical condition, significantly depressed moods, feelings of worthlessness, and diminished interest or pleasure in most activities.

Bipolar disorder

A mood disorder involving manic episodes which are intense & very disruptive experiences of heightened mood, possibly alternating with major depressive episodes.

4th component (Automatic thought):

A steady train of unpleasant thoughts that suggest inadequacy and hopelessness - i am ugly - ill end up alone - im not good enough

What are side effects from taking lithium?

Abdominal pain and kidney dysfunction

What are inheritable factors that make an individual more vulnerable to PTSD?

Abnormalities in brain response to emotional stimuli, low levels of cortisol

bipolar disorder brain

Abnormality in the activation of the striatum of the basal ganglia

Which of the following is a heritable risk factor for PTSD?

Abnormally low cortisol levels

Nervios, chronic anxiety like symptoms, encompasses what symptoms?

Absent mindedness, presence of intrusive worries, stomach problems

Which ethnic or racial group has the highest rates of PSTSD in the United States?

African American

Which of the following statements is true about cross-cultural and gender differences in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms?

African Americans have higher rates of PTSD compared to whites, Hispanics, and Asian Americans.

Neurotransmitters (NTs):

After finding a relationship between low norepinephrine and UD, early researchers expected to find a . link between high norepinephrine and mania This theory is supported by some research studies; ***bipolar disorders may be related to overactivity of norepinephrine

________ is the experience of intense fear about something outside of the house.


In terms of brain abnormalities, what are structures associated with bipolar disorder?

Amygdala and prefrontal cortex

In terms of brain abnormalities, what brain structures are associated with bipolar disorder?

Amygdala and the prefrontal cortex

Anderson was on the fifth floor of the World Trade Center on 9/11 when the towers were hit by the terrorists directed airplanes. Maximilian was watching the tragedy on TV in his home in Norwich, CT. As a result of the tragedy, Anderson developed PTSD; Maximilian did not. The explanation for this is...

Anderson's close proximity to the event

Albert commits suicide because he lost his job in the steel plant and is confused as to his role in life. According to Durkheim, what type of suicide best describes Albert's?


Compared to major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder has a stronger, equal, weaker or no reported pattern of genetic inheritance?

Answer: A stronger reported pattern of genetic inheritance. Heritability of 60%

Matilda has been on top of the world for the pas week. She feels invincible and that she can do no wrong. She is working on solving the world's major problems and is sure she can come up with an answer. She has had very little sleep over the last few days. Matilda is likely suffering from ____.

Answer: Bipolar disorder.

___ disorder symptoms are more chronic and less severe than those of bipolar disorder but do include both manic and depressive symptoms.

Answer: Cyclothymic.

The essential element of a ___ disorder is an unusually elevated sad mood, known as dysphoria.

Answer: Depressive.

What contributes to the biopsychosocial perspective for understanding why people commit suicide?

Answer: Exposure to life stresses. Distorted cognitive processes. And a genetic predisposition.

Acute, but time-limited, periods of depressive symptoms are indicative of ____ disorder.

Answer: Major Depressive disorder.

2. Individuals develop feelings of grandiosity and elation or become hyper energetic as an unconscious defense against sinking into gloom and despair. This is the explanation for bipolar disorder from which perspective?

Answer: Psychoanalytic.

According to the ___ perspective, individuals develop depressive disorders in response to stressful life events.

Answer: Sociocultural

According to psychoanalytic theory, people with depressive disorders. A. unconsciously felt that their mothers never loved them. B. suffered a loss early in life. C. suffered from maladaptive assumptions learned in childhood. D. suffered from earned helplessness.

Answer: suffered a loss early in life that affected them at a deep, intrapsychic level.

What areas of the brain have been implicated in depression through imaging?

Anterior cingulate, prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, amygdala

Which of the following statements is true of the biological treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)?

Antidepressant drugs affecting serotonin levels help reduce symptoms of OCD

What are drugs used to treat childhood anxiety disorder, including separation anxiety?

Antihistamines, antidepressants, benzodiazepines

Fear becomes _______ when it persists long after the threat has subsided.


Fear can result in an _______ when a person engages in maladaptive behaviors in response to a threat.

Anxiety disorder

Pamela describes herself as nervous and on edge. Sometimes she gets tearful. Her therapist believes that her symptoms warrant a diagnosis of major depressive disorder. Which subtype would Pamela fall under?

Anxiety features


Area of pharmacology that examines the role of genetics in drug response.

Which of the following is the most common explanation given by researchers for the low rate of depression among older adults?

As people age, they develop adaptive coping skills and a psychologically healthier outlook on life.

The subtype of major depressive disorder with _______ features refers to an odd assortment of symptoms such as hypersomnia, weight gain, and a long standing pattern of sensitivity to interpersonal rejection.


According to the cognitive perspective, people with social anxiety disorder engage in what safety behaviors to reduce their anxiety?

Avoid eye contact, avoid social situations

____ involves denying that you are ill or are facing other obvious stresses.

Avoidance coping

Who theorized 4 integrated cognitive components of depression with Negative Thinking?


Negative thinking:

Beck theorizes 4 interrelated cognitive components of depression:

Clients learn to make changes in their environments, are taught necessary social skills & encouraged to become involved in rewarding activities in ___ therapy for depressive disorders.


The ______ approach emphasizes that specific phobias occur because the response is learned.


The ______ theory of depression suggests that life stress leads to depression because it reduces the positive reinforcers in a person's life.


The ________ theory of depression suggest that life stress leads to depression because it reduces the positive reinforcers in a person's life.


______ therapy for mood disorders involves increasing positive reinforcers and decreasing aversive experiences.


_______ therapy for mood disorders involves increasing positive reinforcers and decreasing aversive experiences.


In the method known as ___ ___ for depression, the clinician helps clients identify activates associated with positive mood.

Behavioral Activation.

Children with separation anxiety disorder may inherit a trait called...

Behavioral inhibition

Anne's therapist is interested in structuring opportunities for Anne to have increased positive reinforcement in her life and decreased aversive experiences. Her therapist most likely adheres to the...

Behavioral perspective

Clients are encouraged to become involved in rewarding activities, learn to make changes in their environments & are taught necessary social skills in ___ for depressive disorders.

Behavioral therapy

When clinicians treat bipolar disorder, psychoeducation & ___ intervention occur.


What causes UP? (Biological View) continued 3:

Biochemical factors * endocrine system hormone release - people with depression have been found to have abnormally high levels of cortisol - released by the adrenal glands during times of stress * people with depression have been found to have abnormally high MELATONIN secretion - "Dracula hormone" released in 'darker' winter months to decrease activity levels and energy demand

What causes UP? (Biological View) continued 1:

Biochemical factors * NTs: SEROTONIN and NOREPINEPHRINE * in the 1950s, medications for high blood pressure were found to increase depression - some lowered serotonin, others lowered norepinephrine - led to "discovery" of effective antidepressant medications * it is likely not just one NT or the other - a complex interaction is at work

The _____ perspective for OCD suggests there may be abnormalities in the prefrontal cortex that contribute to the symptoms.


Interpersonal and social rhythms therapy (ISRT) is an enhancement of interpersonal therapy designed specifically for people with a diagnosis of _____ disorder.


Interpersonal and social rhythms therapy (ISRT) is an enhancement of interpersonal therapy designed specifically for people with a diagnosis of ______ disorder.


The 2 types of mood disorder in which mood alterations are the primary characteristic are ___ disorder & ___ disorder.

Bipolar & Cyclothymic.

Quentin has been severely depressed for the last two weeks. However, he now feels mildly ecstatic. He is more energetic than normal, & this has lasted for about 4 days before leveling off into more normal behavior. What is probably the best diagnosis of Quentin's behavior?

Bipolar (II) 2 disorder

Two major categories of Bipolar disorder are:

Bipolar 1 & Bipolar 2

2 kinds of Bipolar Disorder:

Bipolar I Bipolar II

Quentin has been severely depressed for the last two weeks. However, he now feels mildly ecstatic. He is more energetic than normal and this has lasted for about four days before leveling off into more normal behavior. What is probably the best diagnosis of Quentin's behavior?

Bipolar II Disorder

The criteria used in the DSM 5 to identify major depressive episodes, manic episodes & hypomanic episodes were changed in order to help distinguish ___ from attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Bipolar disorder.

Clinicians diagnose people who have manic episodes, even if they've never had a depressive episode, as having

Bipolar. An individual must experience a manic episode in order for a clinician to diagnose the person with bipolar disorder.

What are categories of specific phobias?

Blood injection injury type, Natural environment type, animal type

People with _______ are excessively preoccupied with a part of their body they believe is defective.

Body dysmorphic disorder

Perry is convinced that his nose is huge and misshapen. It is not. He measures it every day and has made an appointment to see a plastic surgeon to see about getting a "nose job." Perry is suffering from....

Body dysmorphic disorder

Men with body dysmorphic disorder appear to be more concerned with...

Body hair, body build, genitals

1. From the biological perspective, which of the following statements are true about bipolar disorder?

Brain scan and testing suggest that people with bipolar disorder have difficulties in attention, memory, and executive functioning. The gene involved in bipolar disorder is the "piccolo" gene. Bipolar has an even stronger pattern of genetic inheritance than major depressive disorder. Est. heritability of 60%

Which medication used to treat mood disorders may also be used to treat cravings associated with smoking cigarettes?




What is a serious side effect of anti-epileptic medications?

Can cause birth defects if taken while pregnant

Whenever Cameron ate a popular restaurant he sat in the farthest table diagonally away from the door. Upon leaving, a car backfired and Cameron yelled "hit the deck" and dropped to the sidewalk. Cameron is experiencing what symptoms?

Chronic arousal, hypervigilance

Whenever Cameron ate at popular restaurant he sat in the farthest table diagonally away from the door. Upon leaving, a car backfired and Cameron yelled, "hit the deck" and dropped to the sidewalk. Cameron is experiencing what?

Chronic arousal, hypervigilance

Which of the following observations is true about chronic insomnia?

Chronic insomnia is more frequent in women than in men.

When two or more suicides or suicide attempts are non randomly bunched in space or time, scientists refer to this as a suicide ______.


Alyssa's new psychologist explains to her that the primary treatment goals for her are to change her negative patterns of thinking and to develop problem solving skills. The psychologist is reflecting the goals of ....

Cognitive Behavior therapy

What is associated with Aaron Beck?

Cognitive behavior therapy; the negative cognitive triad

The two goals of ______ therapy are to change negative thinking patterns and problem solve.

Cognitive behavioral

When using _____ ______ therapy clients learn how to recognize anxious thoughts and develop coping strategies.

Cognitive behavioral

Angelica suffers from separation anxiety. She has learned to relax when briefly separated from her parents. Gradually, the number and duration pf separations increase. This is an example of...

Cognitive behavioral therapies

The type of therapy that focuses on discovering and challenging negative thinking is....

Cognitive behavioral therapy

What treatment is particularly used for social anxiety disorder?

Cognitive behavioral therapy

In research studies comparing tricyclic antidepressants to cognitive behavioral therapy,

Cognitive behavioral therapy appears to be considerably better at preventing relapse after treatment ends

4th symptom:

Cognitive: hold negative opinion of themselves blame themselves for unfortunate events

Della's grandmother sees things very differently than Della. The explanation for this is that each grew up in unique historical time. This is referred to as a ______ effect.


Which of the following are symptoms of panic disorder? (Select all that apply.)

Commonly occurring panic attacks Unexpected panic attacks Change in behavior as a result of worry about panic attacks

While Candy was sitting in a dimly lit movie theater she developed a panic attack. The next time, she entered the theater she began to associate the theater with her panic symptoms. As a result she decided not to go to that theater again. Candy is engaging in...

Conditioned avoidance response

What are techniques of cognitive-behavioral therapy?

Conducting time limited therapy sessions; focusing on specific problems; encouraging clients to set goals; encouraging clients to make decisions

Diagnosing Bipolar Disorders:

Criteria 1: Manic episode * 3+ symptoms of mania lasting 1 week+ (In extreme cases, symptoms are psychotic) Criteria 2: History of mania If currently experiencing hypomania or depression

A person with ______ disorder chronically alternates between periods of hypomania and depression.


Adults with ____ disorder meet the criteria for a hypomanic episode many times over the span of 2 years, over those 2 years they have numerous periods of depressive symptoms but never meet the criteria for a major depressive episode.


_____ disorder symptoms are more chronic and less severe than those of bipolar disorder but do include both manic and depressive symptoms.


According to the DSM 5, a trauma is constrained to what events?

Death, serious injury, or sexual violation

What are biological treatments for mood disorders?

Deep brain stimulation; electroconvulsive therapy; medications; repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation; vagus nerve stimulation

A ______ is a belief that has no basis in reality.


Which disorders mimic major depressive disorder & must be ruled out before a diagnosis of major depressive order can be made?

Delusional disorder, schizophrenia & schizoaffective disorder.

Shelia tells her therapist that she believes that the CIA is watching her, has tapped her phone and inserted electrodes into her head to monitor her thinking. What is Shelia experiencing?


Experiences of feeling detached from one's mental processes or body is called....


Mackenzie felt herself leaving her body and observing her body playing with her cat. Mackenzie may be experiencing...


3rd component (Errors in thinking):

Depressed people also make errors in thinking including: - arbitrary inferences - minimization of the positive and magnification of the negative - overgeneralization

The cardinal symptom of _______ is low mood that is out of proportion to any cause.


Which of the following is true of the link between depression and the risk of recurrent heart attacks and mortality in individuals with coronary heart disease (CHD)?

Depression doubles the risk

What causes UP? (Behavioral View):

Depression results from changes in rewards and punishments * as life changes, we experience a decrease in or loss or rewards * research supports the relationship between the number of rewards received and the presence or absence of depression * social rewards are especially important

What causes UD (Behavioral View):

Depression results from changes in rewards and punishments * As life changes, we experience a decrease in or loss rewards * Research supports the relationship between the number of rewards received and the presence or absence of depression * social rewards are especially important

Studies on ethnic and racial differences in depression have shown that African Americans have lower _____ rates but higher _____ rates.

Depression; anxiety

Treatments for Bipolar Disorder: Lithium Therapy:

Discovered in 1949, lithium is a metallic element occurring as mineral salt - it is extraordinarily effective in treating bipolar disorders and mania - determining the correct dosage for a given patient is a difficult process * too low = no effect + too high = lithium intoxication


Discrete, stable & Measurable genetic processes or mechanisms not apparent to the naked eye that explains how an organism's genetic code influences its observable characteristics or phenotypes.

Which disorder is characterized by severe & recurrent temper outbursts & irritability & must have had its onset before the age of 10?

Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder.

In the behavioral technique called _______, a person is intensely exposed to his or her feared object until the anxiety is extinguished.


What neurotransmitter is thought to be implicated in bipolar disorder?


What example represents the syndrome of complicated grief?

Doreen's husband died two and half years ago and her daughter is worried about her attitude that life is meaningless.

What would be objects of fear someone with situational type phobia?

Driving a car, tunnels, elevators

People with blood injection injury type phobias are likely to experience a _______ in heart rate and blood pressure.


Treatments for UD (biological) Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) continued 2

ECT is clearly effective in treating unipolar depression (studies find improvement in 60-70% of patients) The proedure seems particularly effective in cases of severe depression with delusions although effective, the use of ECT has declined since the 1950s due to the memory loss caused by the procedure and the emergence of effective antidepressant drugs

rejection sensitivity

Easily perceiving rejection by others; interpersonal theory

Which of the following are true in regard to ECT? (Select all that apply.)

Electric current is passed through the brain. It results in decreases in metabolic activity in several regions of the brain. There are a series of treatments.

bipolar 1 disorder

Elevated, expansive or irritable mood lasting more than one week and additional symptoms: grandiosity, racing thoughts, impulsivity, rapid speech, increase in activities, decreased need for sleep. Full mania, may or may not have depression

Which of the following people coined the term dementia praecox?

Emil Kraepelin

What are the Symptoms of Depression?

Emotional Motivational Behavioral Cognitive Physical

In addition to the physiological responses to a threat, what responses also occur?

Emotional, cognitive, behavioral

1st symptom:

Emotional: feeling "miserable," "empty," "humiliated"

What are techniques of cognitive behavior therapy?

Encouraging clients to set own goals, conducting time limited therapy sessions, focusing on specific problems, encouraging clients to make decisions

In the behavioral technique called ________, a person is intensely exposed to his or her feared object until the anxiety is extinguished.


In systematic desensitization for PTSD, the client does which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

Establishes a fear hierarchy of thoughts and feelings that create anxiety regarding the trauma Imagines the traumatic event vividly to replace the actual exposure Uses relaxation techniques to quell the anxiety

An effective cognitive behavioral approach for OCD is

Exposure and response prevention

True or False: Children are not diagnosed with bipolar disorder.


What causes UD (Biological POV) Genetic Factors:

Family pedigree, twin, and adoption studies suggest that some people inherit a biological predisposition. Relatives of those with depression have higher rates of depression compared with members of the general pop Twin studies demonstrate a strong genetic component: * rates for (MZ) = 46% * rates for (DZ) = 20%

Which of the following are symptoms of social anxiety disorder? (Select all that apply.)

Fear of being judged Full panic attack Confusion

What are symptoms of social anxiety disorder?

Fear of being judged, full panic attack, confusion

What are more likely to create severe disruption in a person's daily life?

Fear of meeting new people

Which of the following are negative side effects of taking SSRIs? (Select all that apply.)

Feeling "jittery" Increased suicidal thought Gastrointestinal symptoms


Feeling that the future is bleak and there is no way to make it more positive

According to biological theories, ______ are three to four times more likely to have a phobia than those of people without phobias.

First degree relatives

Which of the following are basic components of behavior therapy for phobias? (Select all that apply.)

Flooding Systematic desensitization Modeling

What are basic components of behavior therapy for phobias?

Flooding, systematic desensitization, modeling

Ruminative response style

Focusing on what is wrong and on negative emotions rather than problem-solving; cognitive theory

Bipolar 1:

Full manic and major depressive episodes - most sufferers experience an alternation of episodes - some experience mixed episodes

One reason there may be a ______ difference in terms of suicide is that more than half of men who kill themselves use firearms.


_______ anxiety disorder occurs when people feel anxious most of the time without knowing why they feel anxious.


What causes UP? (Biological View):

Genetic factors: * family pedigree, twin, and adoption studies suggest that some people inherit a biological predisposition * relative of those with depression have higher rates of depression compared with members of the general pop * twin studied demonstrate a strong genetic component: rate for identical (MZ) twins: 46% rate for fraternal (DZ) twins: 20% * adoption studies have also implicated a genetic factor in cases of severe unipolar depression

treatments for UD (sociocultural):

George Brown * 300 english women in poverty level * only 1 out of 5 women who reported a severe event became depressed * vulnerability factors: increased the probability that a woman would become depressed IF AND ONLY IF she experienced a severe event: - absence of an intimate, confiding relationship -having several young children @ home - lacking employment away from home - loss of her mother @ an early age

Which of the following statements are true about the biological factors that contribute to separation anxiety disorder? (Select all that apply.)

Girls, more than boys, tend to be at greater risk for inheriting anxiety disorders. Children inherit a trait called behavioral inhibition. Children with separation anxiety disorder tend to have family histories of anxiety and depressive disorders.

Which of the following would be an example of a situational type phobia? (Select all that apply.)

Going through tunnels Riding in elevators Driving a car

Which of the following argued that parents (particularly mothers) of children who develop schizophrenia put their children in double binds?

Gregory Bateson

Research has identified a syndrome called complicated ________ that occurs in about 10-15% of bereaved people and involves the feeling that life is empty and meaningless.


_____ provide people with explicit information about how to engage in positive health-related behaviors and with opportunities to do so in increasingly challenging situations.

Guided mastery techniques

What is involved in the fight or flight response?


Who of the following are statistically at an increased risk of suicide?

Hope, who is epileptic Lilly, who is a domestic abuse victim Devon, whose wife just died

A person who is suicidal requires immediate care and sometimes ______ if they are a danger to themselves or others.


Which of the following symptoms are present when a person has a diagnosis of major depressive disorder with atypical features? (Select all that apply.)

Hypersomnia Weight gain Long-standing pattern of sensitivity to interpersonal rejection

Raymond usually sleeps 12 hours at a stretch but then wakes up feeling sleepy. He also falls asleep during team meetings in his office. This has been going on for months now, and is putting his career in jeopardy. Which of the following conditions is Raymond probably suffering from?


_____ is a condition in which blood flows through vessels with excessive force, putting pressure on vessel walls.


Bipolar II:

Hypomanic episodes and major depressive episodes

The physiological of the fight or flight response result in activation of two systems controlled by the...


In behavioral activation, these behaviors occur:

Identifying activities associated with positive mood, record-keeping of frequency of engaging in rewarding activities & setting weekly small goals that gradually increase frequency of rewarding activities.

To be diagnosed with major depressive disorder, you must display these symptoms

If a person experiences depressed mood or loss of interest in usual activities, and at least four other depressive symptoms for at least two weeks, and these symptoms are severe enough to interfere with the person's ability to function in everyday life, the person meets the criteria for

What maladaptive assumptions do people with GAD make according to the cognitive perspective?

Ill fall apart if I fail this test, I always expect the worst, I must prepare myself at all times for any possible danger

In hoarding, people show what characteristics?

Imbue their possessions with human characteristics, equate their possessions with their identity, show emotional attachments to their possessions

An individual who has insomnia at least three nights per week for at least three months is likely to be diagnosed with ______.

Insomnia disorder

Interpersonal & ___ rhythm therapy IPSRT is a biopsychosocial approach to treating people with bipolar disorder that proposes that relapses can result from the experience of stressful life events, disturbances in circadian rhythms & problems in personal relationships.

Interpersonal & *Social* rhythm therapy; the goal is to increase stability in a client's social rhythms paying close attention to daily routines including timing of events & the stimulation that occurs with them.

Carolyn has chronic difficulty getting along with her parents, her friends and her co workers and she is depressed about it. Which theory does this example illustrate?

Interpersonal theory

__ therapy is A therapeutic relationship to modify clients feelings, attitudes, behavior using a systematic approach including manuals to guide them in applying the method that has ___ broad phases.

Interpersonal therapy, 3.

What are major focuses of interpersonal therapy?

Investing in new relationships; learning better ways of communicating; discussing role transitions

Ion activity:

Ions, which are needed to send incoming messages to nerve endings, may be improperly transported through the cells This improper transport may cause neurons to fire too easily (mania) or to resist firing (depression) (there is some research support for this theory)

Which of the following symptoms of PTSD are typically treated by SSRIs or benzodiazepines? (Select all that apply.)

Irritability Nightmares Sleep problems

What are symptoms associated with bipolar diagnosed in children and adolescents?

Irritability and temper tantrums

What ae symptoms of a manic episode?

Irritability with others; risky or impulsive behavior; extreme self confidence

What are symptoms often displayed by children with depression?

Irritability, failure to gain expected weight

Which of the following is true about the verdict of "guilty but mentally ill"?

It has been adopted by some states as an alternative to the verdict of "not guilty by reason of insanity."

What are diagnostic requirements for persistent depressive disorder in adolescents and children?

It has to persist for at least one year, mood can be depressed or irritable

Which of the following statements are true about the behavioral component of CBT in the treatment of social anxiety disorder? (Select all that apply.)

It involves exposing the clients to anxiety-producing situations. Therapists may role play anxiety-producing situations with clients. Therapists may teach the clients relaxation techniques.

Which of the following statements are true about the cognitive component of CBT in the treatment of social anxiety disorder? (Select all that apply.)

It involves identifying negative cognitions the clients have about themselves. It involves identifying negative cognitions the clients have about social situations. It involves the therapists teaching the clients how to dispute their negative cognitions.

Which of the following are true of the new disorder in the DSM-5 known as disruptive mood dysregulation disorder?

It involves temper outbursts out of proportion in intensity and duration to a situation. It can be diagnosed in children over the age of 6.

Which of the following statements is true about "taijin-kyofusho"?

It is in line with the Japanese emphasis on deference to others.

What are criteria of the PTSD subtype with prominent depersonalization?

It is not the result of another medical condition, they feel detached from their body, they experience unreality of their surroundings

What is true of vagus nerve stimulation?

It is used to relieve depression, it is an electronic device, surgical implantation is required

What is true in regard to ECT?

It is used to treat depression; there are a series of treatments; electric current is passed through the brain

Which of the following are advantages of taking lithium for bipolar disorder? (Select all that apply.)

It leads to fewer relapses of mania and depression. It reduces suicide risk.

What is true about the impact of exposure to chronic stress during childhood?

It makes a child more vulnerable to PTSD

Which of the following statements is TRUE about the impact of exposure to chronic stress during childhood?

It makes a child more vulnerable to PTSD.

What best describes psychomotor retardation, which may be a prominent feature in depressive disorders?

Lack of energy; feeling fatigued; having more accidents

Which two of the following people in the United States are most likely to have had a major depressive episode in the past year? Select both correct answers.

Lawrence, aged 19 Emily, aged 27

The _____ _______ behavioral theory was formulated by Seligman and states that the type of stressful event most likely to lead to depression is something that is uncontrollable and leads to low motivation and passivity.

Learned helplessness

Cognitive psychological theory of depression

thinking controls and maintains depression

cyclothymic disorder

Less severe but more chronic bipolar condition

What best describes the mechanism of action of SNRIs?

Levels of serotonin are affected, they have a slight advantage over SSRI, in preventing relapse, levels of norepinephrine are affected

Treatments for Unipolar Depression (Behavioral Therapy):

Lewinsohn's theory tied a person's mood to his/her life rewards. He developed a behavioral therapy for UD: - reintroduce clients to pleasurable activities and events - use a pleasant events schedule and activities schedule - appropriately reinforce their depressive and non-depressive behaviors - use a contingency management approach - help them improve social skills

What symptoms are part of the syndrome known as ataque de nervous.?

Lies as if dead, loss of consciousness, sensation of needles in body parts

______ therapy may help reduce seasonal affective disorder by resetting circadian rhythms, natural cycles of biological activity that occur every 24 hours.


What is a mood stabilizer used to treat bipolar disorder?


What symptoms are present when a person has a diagnosis of major depressive disorder, with atypical features?

Longstanding pattern of sensitivity to interpersonal rejection, hypersomnia, weight gain

Which of the following may be inheritable factors that make an individual more vulnerable to PTSD?

Low levels of cortisol Abnormalities in brain response to emotional stimuli

What may be inheritable factors that make an individual more vulnerable to PTSD?

Low levels of cortisol, abnormalities in brain response to emotional stimuli

What are biological factors in suicide?

Low levels of serotonin; evidence from twin studies; genetic abnormalities

This apparent contradiction is addressed by the "permissive theory" about mood disorders:

Low serotonin may "open the door" to a mood disorder and permit norepinephrine activity to define the particular from the disorder will take

An important difference in people with PTSD and those without PTSD is..

Lower levels of cortisol when not exposed to a trauma

Belinda has been warned not to mix her antidepressant medication with certain over-the-counter drugs. She has also been told to watch her consumption of aged cheese, red wine, and beer. Belinda's is most likely taking _____.


Alan works as a wine taster and has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. When his doctor considers what medications to use for Alan, he rejects _____ because of its interaction with red wine.


Diagnosing UD: - Two diagnoses to consider:

Major Depressive Disorder: Criteria 1 and 2 are met Dysthymic Disorder: Symptoms are "mild but chronic" * Experience longer-lasting but less disabling depression * consistent symptoms for at least 2 years

The DSM-5 recognizes subtypes for major depressive disorder. A person who has at least three symptoms of mania but does not meet the full criteria for a manic episode is diagnosed with...

Major depressive disorder with mixed features

Criteria 1:

Major depressive episode Marked by five or more symptoms lasting two or more weeks in extreme cases, symptoms include psychosis, Ex. hallucinations, delusions, etc.

CRF signals the pituitary gland to secrete adrenocorticotropic hormone which is the body's...

Major stress hormone

Beck's 1st:

Maladaptive Attitudes/Core Beliefs: Self-defeating attitudes are developed during childhood ex. "life sucks and then you die" beck suggests that upsetting situations later in life can trigger further rounds of negative thinking

What is a key difference between adaptive fear responses and maladaptive anxiety responses?

Maladaptive responses are out of proportion to the threat, whereas adaptive responses are appropriate to the situation.

What does DBT focus on?

Managing negative emotions; controlling impulsive behaviors; increasing problem solving skills

As opposed to people with bipolar disorder, people who are diagnosed with a depressive disorder of some kind experience only depression and not ______.


What is the difference between mania and hypomania?

Mania is much more severe than hypomania.


Mania with less severe symptoms

Another term for bipolar was....

Manic depression

Matilda has been on top of the world for the past week. She feels invincible and that she can do no wrong. She is working on solving the world's major problems and is sure she can come up with an answer. Matilda is most likely experiencing....

Manic episode

Which of the following is true of Internet-based health interventions?

Many behavioral interventions of this nature aim to increase people's exercise and improve their diet.

Which of the following statements about panic disorder is true?

Many people with panic disorder feel ashamed of it and try to hide it from others.

Hector suffers from feelings of guilt, is not interested in much of anything and has prominent depressive symptoms. Because of this, his psychologist has decided that he meets the criteria for the ______ features subtype of major depressive disorder.


When faced with distress, what population is more likely to use alcohol?


Why are mood disorders important?

Millions of people suffer from them Economic costs of mood disorders $40 billion annually (2003 estimate)

What are basic components of behavior therapy for phobias?

Modeling, flooding, systematic desensitization

The ______ neurotransmitters have been implicated in bipolar disorder as well as in major depressive disorder.


A new disorder added in the DSM 5 is disruptive ______ dysregulation disorder. This describes a child age 6 or older who shows immature and inappropriate temper outbursts that are out of proportion to reality.


A new disorder added in the DSM-5 Is disruptive ________ dysregulation disorder. This describes a child age 6 or older who shows immature and inappropriate temper outbursts that are out of proportion to reality.


People with GAD report experiencing _______, even when compared to people with major depression.

More intense negative emotions

2nd symptom:

Motivational: lack drive, initiative, spontaneity 6-15% of those with severe depression commit suicide

Some people -- often adolescents -- injure themselves by cutting, burning, or puncturing in a way that is considered non suicidal. This practice is known as...


What causes UD (Biological POV) Biochemical factors:

NTs: serotonin and norepinephrine in the 1950s, meds for high blood pressure were found to increase depression. (some lowered serotonin, others lowered norepinephrine) (led to "discovery" of effective antidepressant medications It is likely not just one NT or the other - a complex Endocrine System hormone release * People with depression have been found to have abnormally high levels of cortisol - Released by the adrenal glands during times of stress * People with depression have been found to have abnormally high melatonin secretion ("Dracula hormone" release in 'darker' winter months to decreases activity levels and energy demand

In studies on ethnic and racial differences in depression, extremely high rates of depression have been found in _____.

Native Americans

Marnie has a fear of heights, a fear that stemmed from falling down a deep embankment near her home. Marnie has which type of specific phobia?

Natural environment type

Marnie has a fear of heights, a fear which stemmed from falling down a deep embankment near her home. Marnie has which type of specific phobia?

Natural environment type

What are symptoms of PTSD?

Negative changes in thought and mood associated with the event, repeated re-experiencing of the traumatic event, persistent avoidance of situations associated with the trauma

By avoiding the feared stimulus that causes a phobia, the individual's anxiety is reduced. This behavior is perpetuated because of...

Negative reinforcement

Cassandra has a spider phobia. Every time she sees a spider she screams and runs away from it. This avoidance behavior always occurs because it reduces her anxiety. This is an example of...

Negative reinforcement

Adults with social anxiety disorder describe their parents as having what characteristics?

Negative, critical, controlling

A chronic anxiety like disorder common to Latino communities, particularly among the poor and uneducated is known as...


Which of the following age-groups spend the maximum sleeping time in REM sleep?

Newborn infants

What symptoms of PTSD are typically treated by SSRIs or benzodiazepines?

Nightmares, sleep problems, irritability

Criteria 2:

No history of mania

What is true about the causes of mood disorders?

Norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine have all been implicated in depression; first degree relatives of people with major depression are two to three times more likely to have depression than people without the disorder; people with depression tend to show elevated levels of the hormones cortisol and CRH

Broad based suicide prevention programs may be harmful in that they may make suicide appear to be _______.


Who is credited with discovering that there is a physiological basis for the ancient theory that laughter is good medicine?

Norman Cousins

A ______ is a recurrent, persistent, and anxiety provoking thought, urge, or image that an individual experiences as intrusive or unwanted.


An _________ is a recurrent, persistent, and anxiety provoking thought, urge, or image that an individual experiences as intrusive or unwanted.


In some cases of _______, treatment may be neurosurgery or deep brain stimulation.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Which of the following involves repeated episodes of upper-airway blockage during sleep?

Obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome

Jamel was an EMT for many years, before he became a teacher a year ago. During his time as an EMT, he responded to a number of situations where serious accidents happened to people. At the time, he was not seriously affected by this, but recently he has started to have nightmares and flashbacks of accidents. Jamel may be experiencing...


Catrecia was physically abused during her childhood. As a result, her biological stress response may have been permanently altered. This may make her more vulnerable to which of the following throughout her life? (Select all that apply.)

PTSD Any anxiety disorder Depression

Catrecia was physically abused during her childhood. As a result, she may have had her biological stress response permanently altered. This may make her more vulnerable to what throughout her life?

PTSD, depression, any anxiety disorder

For the clinician to assign a diagnosis of _______ disorder, one would have to experience more than one attack within a month from the first one.


While driving on a dark road, Zack begins to feel physical discomfort, intense feelings of being overwhelmed, and shortness of breath. Zack is experiencing a ______ attack.


What is true about anxiety disorders in elderly?

Panic disorder is relatively rare in older life, physicians generally prescribe antianxiety medications when treating older adults for anxiety, anxiety is one of the most common disorders among older adults

Which of the following is true about the integrated model of panic disorder?

Panic disorders seem to develop as a result of a biological vulnerability to a hypersensitive fight-or-flight response.

Which of the following occurs during repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation?

Patients receive repeated, high-intensity magnetic pulses to the brain.

What person is statistically least likely to be depressed?

Paula, a retied postman, aged 70

body dysmorphic disorder

People are excessively preoccupied with a part of their body that they believe is defective but that others see as normal or only slightly unusual

Which of the following statements are true about the cognitive factors that contribute to panic attacks? (Select all that apply.)

People exaggerate symptoms of their bodily sensations. People pay very close attention to bodily sensations. People misinterpret bodily sensations.

What are the Symptoms of Mania?

People in a state of mania typically experience dramatic and inappropriate rises in mood 5 main areas of affected functioning: (same groups of depression with different defined symptoms) Emotional Motivational Behavioral Cognitive Physical

Genetic Factors:

People may inherit a biological predisposition to develop bipolar disorders Twin Study Data: - identical (MZ) twins= 40% likelihood - fraternal (DZ) twins and sibling = 5 to 10% likelihood - general pop = 1% likelihood genetic linkage studies have examined the possibility of "faulty" genes

What is true about the cognitive factors that contribute to panic attacks?

People misinterpret bodily sensations, people exaggerate symptoms of their bodily sensations, people pay very close attention to bodily sensations

Suicide prevention programs are most likely to target which of the following groups?

People who are at immediate risk of suicide

According to Durkheim's classification system, egoistic suicide is committed by...

People who lack social contracts, feel alone in an unsupportive world, are alienated

What is true of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)?

People who undergo unilateral ECT still experience memory problems.

Socio Evidence:

People with depression ecperience a greater number of stressful life events during the month just prior to the onset of their symptoms Researchers have also found links between depression and culture, gender, race, and social support

Because of the variable nature of bipolar disorder, additional treatments may be necessary.

People with psychotic symptoms may need anti-psychotic medication, rapid cycling may need an anticonvulsant medication & depressive episodes may need antidepressant medication.

The diagnosis of _____ ______ disorder is new to the DSM-5 and refers to a mood disorder lasting at least 2 years in adults and involving depressed mood most of the day for most days during this period.

Persistent depressive

What are the main aspects of hoplessness depression?

Pessimistic casual attributions, fear of not being able to cope

What are the main aspects of hopelessness depression?

Pessimistic causal attributions, fear of not being able to cope

___ is the use of genetic testing to determine who will & will not improve with a particular medication.


What is Freud's contribution to the cause of phobias?

Phobias result when unconscious anxiety is displaced onto a neutral or symbolic object

5th symptom:

Physical: headaches, dizzy spells, general pain, weight gain/loss, sleep disturbance

The events that cause acute stress disorder may lead to a disorder known as _____ ________ stress disorder.

Post traumatic

_______ dysphoric disorder is diagnosed in women who regularly have significant increases in distress during the week before the onset of menses.


Margie is usually pleasant & agreeable, but each month, like clockwork, there are consecutive days when she is highly irritable, moody & anxious. Margie most likely has which disorder?

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder aka PMDD

Roxanna is terrified of spiders and snakes. Her fear developed easily and is probably the result of...

Prepared classical conditioning

When does the onset of social anxiety disorder tend to develop?

Preschool years, adolescence

What are areas on which cognitive behavioral therapies for body dysmorphic disorder focuses?

Preventing compulsive responses to those "defective" body parts, challenging clients' maladaptive assumptions, exposing them to feared situations concerning their bodies

Treatments for Bipolar Disorder: Adjunctive Psychotherapy:

Psychotherapy alone is rarely helpful for persons with bipolar disorder Lithium therapy is also not always effective alone - 30% of patients don't respond, may not receive the correct does, or may relapse while taking it As a result, clinicians often use psychotherapy to supplement lithium (or other medication-based) therapy

Ari's psychotherapist has diagnosed Ari with major depressive disorder with ______ features because Ari is experiencing hallucinations and delusions along with his depressive symptoms.


Ari's psychotherapist has diagnosed Ari with major depressive disorder with ________ features because Ari is experiencing hallucinations and delusions along with his depressive symptoms.


Eleanor has auditory hallucinations along with her major depressive disorder. She would be diagnosed with which subtype?


People with agoraphobia often fear which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

Public transportation Crowded places Open spaces

People with agoraphobia often fear what?

Public transportation, crowded places, open spaces

Clinicians diagnose people who have four or more episodes of major depression, mania, hypomania, or mixed symptoms with the _____ cycling form of the disorder.


Learned Helplessness (con):

Recent versions focus on attributions - internal attributions that are globval and stable lead to greater feelings of helplessness and possibly depression - ex. "it's all my fault [internal]. i ruin everything [global] and i always will [stable] if people make other kinds of attributions, this reaction is unlikely

What causes Bipolar disorders?

Recently, biological research has produced some promising clues new insights have come from research into NT activity, ion activity, and genetic factors

What training is a behavioral technique that helps individuals gain control over the bodily reactions involved in panic attacks?


To help clients gain control of their bodily cues, one may want to seek out ______ and _____ exercise while experiencing panic symptoms.

Relaxation and breathing

Treatments for Bipolar Disorder: Lithium Therapy con 1:

Researchers fo not fully understand how lithium operates they suspect that it changes synaptic activity in neurons, but in a different way than antidepressant drugs (while antidepressant drugs affect a neuron's initial reception on NTs, lithium seems to affect a neuron's second messengers) another theory is that lithium corrects bipolar functioning by directly changing sodium and potassium ion activity in neurons

Which individual is most likely to develop PTSD?

Robert, who avoids problems by drinking heavily

Which individual is most likely to develop PTSD?

Robert, who avoids problems by drinking heavily.

What causes UP? (Biological View) continued 2:

Role of NTs * CATECHOLAMINE HYPOTHESIS (not enough catecholamines, especially NOREPINEPHRINE) - tricyclics (increase norepinephrine, also serotonin) * INDOLAMINE HYPOTHESIS (not enough SEROTONIN) - SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) Current view: complex interactive effects - Abnormalities in serotonin, catecholamines, GABA, and acetylcholine Mania: excess of norepinephrine

The ______ response theory, a cognitive theory, focuses more on the process of thinking than on the content of thinking as a contributor to depression.


Mae sits and ruminates about her life daily. She has no motivation to make changes in the areas of her life that are bothering her. She spends a great deal of time focusing on how badly she feels. According to cognitive theorists, which theory is most likely to apply to this situation?

Ruminative response styles theory

Sleep Interests Guilt Energy Concentration Appetite Psychomotor Suicidal ideation


Venlafaxine and Duloxetine are the generic names of two _____.


Biological treatments for social anxiety disorder include...


What would be a treatment for GAD?

SSRI, Antianxiety medications, antidepressant medications

What are used in the treatment of panic disorder?

SSRI, SNRI, tricyclic

What is used to treat depression and/or bipolar disorder?

SSRI, tricyclic antidepressants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors

What are drug treatments for depression?

SSRI; SNRI; MAO Inhibitors

Gerald has been diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). He has been taking his medicine regularly, but has begun to experience side effects such as constipation and drowsiness. Which drug is he most likely taking for his symptoms?


Which of the following biological treatments has been successful in dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms such as nightmares, irritability, and sleep problems?

SSRIs and benzodiazepines

The criteria for major depressive disorder with _______ pattern refers to at least two years when major depressive disorder occurs during a particular time of year, usually winter, and improves at other times of the year.


What can trigger PTSD or acute stress disorder?

Seeing someone die, serious car accident, terrorist attack

Which of the following are components of CBT in treating separation anxiety disorder? (Select all that apply.)

Self-talk Relaxation exercises Challenging cognitions that feed their anxiety

According to anxiety ______ theory, people who develop panic disorder have heightened responsiveness to the presence of carbon dioxide in the blood.


Franklin often refuses to attend school. He worries that something will happen to his mother if he is not home. He often feigns sickness so he does not have to attend school. Franklin may be experiencing...

Separation anxiety disorder

Nonsuicidal Self-injury

Significantly injuring oneself without the intention to die, for attention

Which of the following are negative side effects of MAOIs? (Select all that apply.)

They can lead to a fatal rise in blood pressure when ingested with aged cheese, red wine, and beer. They can cause liver damage. They can cause weight gain.

When activated by the hypothalamus during the fight-or-flight response, the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system acts directly on which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

Smooth muscle Internal organs

______ ________ disorder is when an individual has anxiety, feelings of humiliation, and other anxiety provoking behaviors about being watched by other people.

Social anxiety

Tureen avoids having conversation with others, refuses to eat or drink at the Mall Food Court, and will not sign his name on the credit slips. He exhibits the symptoms of...

Social anxiety disorder

Which of the following statements is true about social phobia?

Social phobia often co-occurs with mood disorders, other anxiety disorders, and avoidant personality disorder.

_______ theorists have focused on how differences in social conditions of different groups can lead to depression.


_______ theorists have focused on how differences in the social conditions of different groups can lead to depression.


What best describes people with diagnosis of depression in terms of sleep and appetitive changes?

Some people sleep more, some less; some eat more, some less

Which of following is true about the "not guilty by reason of insanity" verdict?

Some states require that people who receive the verdict should only be institutionalized for the same length of time they would have served if they had received prison sentences.

Jackie has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder because she experiences both depression and mania. What best describes Jackie's mania?

Speaks rapidly in a quick fire fashion; emptied her checking account by going on a clothes buying spree; believes that she will write the great American novel over the weekend

A ______ phobia is when an individual experiences intense and marked fear of a particular object or situation


A ________ phobia is when an individual experiences intense and marked fear of a particular object.



State of breathless euphoria or frenzied energy

Nervios, chronic anxiety-like symptoms, encompasses which of the following symptoms? (Select all that apply.)

Stomach problems Absent-mindedness Presence of intrusive worries

Which of the following would be considered fearful natural events for a diagnosis of natural environment type phobia? (Select all that apply.)

Storms Heights Water

What would be considered fearful natural events for a diagnosis of natural environment type phobia?

Storms, heights, water

When clients with PTSD cannot tolerate exposure to their traumatic memories, the following procedure is used:

Stress inoculation therapy

Socio Assumption:

Stress triggers a vulnerability

When clients with PTSD cannot tolerate exposure to the traumatic experience, what form of treatment may be warranted?

Stress-inoculation therapy

What appears from the research to be a psychosocial contributors in bipolar disorder?

Stressful situations; changes in body rhythms; changes in routines; sensitivity to reward

It is very difficult to do research on ______ because reporting by family and friends may be selective and because it is relatively rare.


___ is a self-inflicted destructive act with explicit or inferred intent to die.


______ is a self inflicted destructive act with explicit or inferred intent to die.


What are considered suicidal behavior?

Suicide attempt; plan development; suicidal ideation

Which of the following is true of suicide in older adults? a. European American males over the age 65 are at the highest risk for suicide. b. Suicide rates among older people are highest in the first year following the loss of a loved one.

Suicide rates among older people are highest in the first year following the loss of a loved one.

suicide cluster

Suicides or attempted suicides are nonrandomly bunched together in space or time and are likely to affect people who: Knew the person who committed suicide Are linked to the suicide by media exposure

Suicide Contagion

Survivors who become suicidal may be modeling the behavior of the friend or admired celebrity who committed suicide

Cognitive Response Styles and Gender:

Susan Nolen-Hoeksema The way in which a person responds to the onset of a depressed mood will determine it's duration

Without treatment, the mood episodes tend to _____ for people with either type of bipolar disorder

Symptoms of Mania:

An effective behavioral method for treating a specific phobia is _______ desensitization.


What appears to be symptoms associated with bipolar diagnoses in children and adolescents?

Temper tantrums, irritiability


Tendency to act on one's impulses rather than inhibiting them

Beck's 2nd:

The Cognitive Triad: negative thinking often takes 3 forms negative demeaning views of: 1. oneself 2. the world - current experience 3. the future

How does social support relate to depression?

The availability of social support seems to influence the likelihood of depression Rates of depression vary based on marital status (interpersonal conflict could factor) Isolation and lack of intimacy also are key factors (Research shows that depressed people who lack social support remain depressed longer than those who have a supportive spouse or warm friendships

The rate of suicide is under reported due to:

The difficulty of establishing cause of death as intentional rather than unintentional.

Major depressive disorder:

criteria 1 and 2 are met

Which of the following statements is true about biological therapies for PTSD?

The evidence for the effectiveness of biological treatment of PTSD is mixed.

Which of the following are DSM-5 criteria for specific phobias? (Select all that apply.)

The fear or anxiety is persistent, typically lasting 6 or more months. The phobic object or situation is actively avoided or endured with marked fear or anxiety. The phobic object or situation almost always provokes immediate fear or anxiety.

What are DSM 5 criteria for specific phobias?

The fear or anxiety is persistent, typically lasting six or more months, the phobic object or situation is actively avoided or endured with marked fear or anxiety, the phobic object or situation almost always provokes immediate fear or anxiety

What is true about the biological factors contributing to panic disorder?

The fight or flight response is poorly regulated in people who develop panic disorder, panic disorder runs in families

_____ requires the defense to prove that the defendant was insane at the time of the crime, as opposed to requiring the prosecution to prove that the defendant was sane at the time the crime was committed.

The insanity defense reform act

According to cognitive theory, which of the following statements is true about people diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)?

They believe that worrying can help them avoid bad events by motivating them to engage in problem solving.

Which of the following statements is true of suicide in adolescents and children? a. Rates of suicide among children and teenagers have more than doubled since 1994. b. The spike in adolescent suicide rates since 2004 have been attributed by some experts to the FDA warning regarding the use of SSRIs by youth.

The spike in adolescent suicide rates since 2004 have been attributed by some experts to the FDA warning regarding the use of SSRIs by youth.

What is true about PTSD?

The symptoms can be moderate and permit normal functioning, mild and permit normal functioning, immobilizing, causing deterioration in their social lives

Unipolar depression continued:

The term "depression" is often used to describe general sadness or unhappiness. This usage confuses a normal mood swing with a true clinical syndrome Clinical depression an bring severe and long-lasting psychological pain that may intensify over time

Treatments for Bipolar Disorder: Adjunctive Psychotherapy: con:

Therapy focuses on medication management, social skills, and relationship issues few controlled studies have tested the effectiveness of psychotherapy as an adjunct to drug therapy for severe bipolar disorders growing research suggests that it helps reduce hospitalization, improves social functioning, and increases clients' ability to obtain and hold a job

What is true regarding the drugs used to treat panic disorder?

They are psychologically and physiologically addictive, they have significant withdrawal symptoms

Which of the following statements is true about individuals with seasonal affective disorder (SAD)?

They do not experience mood changes as a result of psychosocial events, such as regularly being unemployed during the winter.

Individuals may have a biological vulnerability to a hypersensitive fight-or-flight response. However, they will not develop panic attacks or panic disorder unless they do which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

They engage in catastrophizing thinking about their physiological symptoms. They engage in interoceptive conditioning. They feel they cannot control their symptoms.

Which of the following features are true of college students who have contemplated or attempted suicide?

They have been depressed. They have been lonely. They have had problems with their parents.

Which of the following are the benefits of SSRIs? (Select all that apply.)

They have fewer difficult-to-tolerate side effects. They have positive effects on a wide range of symptoms that co-occur with depression.

Which of the following statements are true regarding the drugs used to treat panic disorder? (Select all that apply.)

They have significant withdrawal symptoms. They are physiologically addictive. They are psychologically addictive

According to the cognitive behavioral theory, individuals with OCD have trouble turning off their negative, intrusive thoughts for what reasons?

They may have a tendency toward rigid, moralistic thinking, they believe they should be able to control all thoughts, they may be depressed or anxious much of the time

What is true of the tricyclic antidepressant class of drugs?

They were among the first drugs developed to treat depression, they are used less frequently today, they are fatal in overdose, they have a lot of side effects

Which of the following are true of light therapy? (Select all that apply.)

This therapy resets circadian rhythms. Light therapy may decrease melatonin production. Light therapy influences hormone production. Light therapy influences neurotransmitter production.

What are the goals of cognitive-behavioral therapy in treating depression?

To change negative and hopeless patterns of thinking while helping the individual develop more effective life skills

A disorder in which people pull their hair out is called...


A disorder in which people pull their hair out is called....


True or False? In most cases, manic and depressive episodes eventually subside, only to recur at a later time.


True or False? Generally, when episodes recur, the intervening periods of normality grow shorter and shorter.


True or False? Most people with a mood disorder experience depression.

True The pattern is called unipolar depression

True or False? Some people experience periods of depression that alternate with periods of mania

True This pattern is called bipolar depression

What causes UD (Cognitive):

Two Main Theories: * Negative thinking * Learned helplessness

Diagnosing Unipolar Depression:

Two criterias

Diagnosing Unipolar Depression (continued):

Two diagnoses to consider: 1. Major depressive disorder 2. Dysthymic disorder

What causes UP? (Cognitive View):

Two main theories: 1. Negative thinking 2. Learned helplessness

People receive a diagnosis of recurrent major depressive disorder if they have:

Two or more major depressive episodes with an interval of at least 2 consecutive months without meeting the criteria for major depressive episode.

What does Freud believe about phobias?

Unconscious anxiety that is displace onto a neutral or symbolic object

Hermoine has a severe fear of snakes. According to Freud, her phobia was caused by...

Unconscious anxiety that is displaced onto a neutral or symbolic object

Zack has a recurrent thought about the need to clean out the refrigerator. Zack's persistent thought, or urge, may be classified as ________.

Unreasonable, obsession, irrational

The _____ _______ model for anxiety disorder discusses that the regions of the brain are involved in the disorder.

Vulnerability stress

In which of the following cases might a state ignore a person's right to refuse treatment?

When the person is manic or psychotic

Because serotonin activity often parallels norepinephrine activity in UD, theorists expected that MANIA would also be related to high serotonin activity

While no relationship with HIGH serotonin has been found, bipolar disorder may be linked to LOW serotonin activity, which seems contradictory

Antidepressant drugs: Tricyclics:

While searching for meds for schizophrenia, imipramine was found to improve depression about 60-65% of patients find symptom improvement (med must be taken for at least 10 days before such improvement is seen) Tricyclics are believed to reduce depression affective NT "reuptake" of norepinephrine and serotonin. Today tricyclics are prescribed more often than MAOIs - they do not require dietary restrictions - some patients show higher rates of improvement than on MAOIs

Some studies suggest that youth with bipolar disorder have abnormalities in the _____ matter of their brain, the tissue that connects various structures in the brain and transmits messages between them.


What object did Little Albert come to fear in the famous Watson and Raynor study?

White rat

Which of the following is true about the prevalence of bipolar disorder?

Women and men are equally likely to develop bipolar disorder.

In terms of gender differences in depression, what is true?

Women are twice as likely as men to have diagnoses of depressive disorders.

Is the prevalence of the disorders the same across socioeconomic classes and ethnic groups?


What causes UD (Biological POV) Roles of NTs:

`Catecholamine hypothesis (not enough Catecholoamines, especially norepinephrine) Tricyclics (increase norepinephrine, also serotonin) Indolamine hypothesis (not enough serotonin) SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors Current View: complex interactive effects Abnormalities in serotonin, catecholamines, GABA, and acetylcholine Mania: excess of norepinephrine

Janelle is terrified of needles and the sight of blood. When she was younger, she had to have several stitches because of a bicycle accident. The cut on her forehead was deep and bled profusely. At the sight of blood, Janelle feels her blood pressure and heart rate drop, and on one occasion, she even fainted. Janelle is most likely suffering from _____.

a blood-injection-injury type phobia

Which of the following best reflects the thinking of researchers in terms of the neurodevelopment of schizophrenia and the role of perinatal hypoxia?

a genetic predisposition for schizophrenia interacts with perinatal hypoxia to produce schizophrenia

the following contribute to the biopsychosocial perspective for understanding why people commit suicide:

a genetic predisposition, exposure to life stresses & distorted cognitive processes.

In Watson's experiment with Little Albert, the unconditioned stimulus was ______.

a loud noise

Jeremy has been irritable and impatient with other people, claims that he will find a cure for cancer, and is attempting to get family members to invert their money in his plan. Most likely, the best description of what is happening with Jeremy is _____.

a manic episode

Bradley was 12 years old when lightning struck his home. Now he becomes very anxious every time the sky darkens. If a storm begins, he exhibits panic symptoms and frantically searches for an area in the house where he feels safe. Bradley is most likely suffering from _____.

a natural environment type phobia

When June was 7 years old, she and her mother were stuck in an elevator. Several other people were in the elevator as well. The elevator became hot and stuffy, and breathing became difficult. June remembers experiencing shortness of breath, palpitations, and dizziness. Now June refuses to ride elevators. When she is with other people, she makes excuses to use the stairs. June is probably suffering from _____.

a situational type phobia

Second-Generation antidepressant drugs:

a third group of effective antidepressant drugs is structurally different from the MAOIs and Tricyclics - mostly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) these drugs act only on the NT serotonin

the greatest biological factor contributing to GAD may be associated with

abnormalities in GABA

Asociality should be diagnosed only when the person has __.

access to welcoming family and friends but has no interest in socializing

An assessment of how people sleep can be obtained using a wristwatch-like device called a(n) _____, which records movement.


Emotional Symptoms of Mania:

active, powerful emotions in search of outlet

In the __ phase of schizophrenia, the symptoms must be consistently and actively present for at least 1 month.


Research has shown that first and second generation immigrants have a higher incidence of __ than individuals from their ethnic group who have been in the country longer or people native to their countries.

acute schizophrenia

Two months ago, Mark's mother passed away unexpectedly. Since her death, he has been unable to function at school, has lost interest in extracurricular activities, and gets agitated easily. Mark may be exhibiting the symptoms of _____.

adjustment disorder

Which of the following disorders consists of emotional and behavioral symptoms such as depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, or antisocial behaviors that occur within three months of the experience of a stressor?

adjustment disorder

the disorder in which behavioral and emotional symptons arise within three months of the experience of a stressor and is not a stress disorder is

adjustment disorder

The stressors leading to _______ disorder can be of any severity while those leading to ________ disorder are, by definition, extreme.

adjustment, acute stress

the stressors leading to ______ disorder can be of any severity, while those leading to __________ disorder are, by definition, extreme

adjustment; acute stress

Which of the following cultures has the lowest rates of depression among most age groups?

african americans

Ruth is afraid of being in large open spaces. She is especially worried that she will not be able to leave the area if she begins to panic. Ruth is most likely experiencing _____.


An agitation that causes people to pace and be unable to sit still is called __.


Which of the following describes slowed motor activity, an expressionless demeanor, and monotonous speech?


When the fight-or-flight response is caused by an immediate stressor, the response is useful and then subsides. This adaptation is called:


When a person closes his or her eyes and relaxes, the brain waves characteristically show a regular pattern of 8 to 12 hertz. These waves are known as:

alpha waves

Prior to the DSM 5, OCD was considered...

an anxiety disorder

Studies of people with depressive disorders have shown what in the amygdala portion of the brain?

an enlargement and increased activity

Zack has a recurrent thought about the need to clean out the refrigerator. Zack's persistent thought or urge may be classified as _______. (Select all that apply.)

an obsession unreasonable irrational

A loss of interest in everything in life is called _____.


A person who experiences major changes in their relationship to society may experience severe social role disorientation. According to Durkheim's theory of suicide, this person may be at risk of committing _____.

anomic suicide

After working for a company for 25 years, Anna loses her job on account of company cutbacks. She has had difficulty finding a job largely because of her age. She has become deeply depressed. According to Émile Durkheim, Anna is most likely at risk of committing _____.

anomic suicide

The atypical __ drugs work on both positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia and do not usually cause neurological side effects.


Studies of children who suffer from extreme irritability & angry outbursts indicate the children are a t risk of developing ___, & ___ disorders when they reach adulthood.

anxiety & depressive disorder.

Fear can result in a(n) _____ when a person engages in maladaptive behaviors in response to a threat.

anxiety disorder

Sally believes that the bodily symptoms she experiences during a panic attack have harmful consequences. This is known as _____.

anxiety sensitivity

Charles has been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. Because he also exhibits anxiety symptoms, he would fit DSM5 diagnosis of depression with ______ _______.

anxious distress

Charles has been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. Because he also exhibits anxiety symptoms, he would fit the DSM-5 diagnosis of depression with...

anxious distress

The combination of major depression and anxiety is so common that the authors of the DSM-5 introduced the subtype of _____.

anxious distress

Which of the following would be most useful in treating blood-injection-injury phobias?

applied tension technique

Research results regarding the heritability of phobias _____.

are mixed

People diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD):

are often excessively worried about almost all situations

Research has shown that interpersonal therapy is....

as effective as behavioral, cognitive-behavioral, and drug therapies in the treatment of depressive disorders

Mentally ill women are _____ mentally ill men to commit violent acts toward others.

as likely as

The term __ refers to a lack of interest in social relationships, including an inability to empathize and form close relationships.


People in Latino cultures report a syndrome known as _____, which might include trembling, heart palpitations, a sense of heat in the chest rising into the head, difficulty moving limbs, loss of consciousness, memory loss, paresthesia, chest tightness, dyspnea, dizziness, and faintness.

ataque de nervios

Regarding symptoms of schizophrenia, the term __ is used to describe a lack of initiative.


When compared to people without PTSD, the resting levels of cortisol among people with PTSD tend to...

be lower

When they do occur, depressions in older people tend to...

be severe, chronic, and debilitating

The ____ approach emphasizes that specific phobias occur because the response is learned.


Children with separation anxiety disorder may inherit a trait called _____.

behavioral inhibition

children with separation anxiety disorder may inherit a trait called

behavioral inhibition

learned helplessness theory

behavioral theory that is uncontrollable negative events may lead people to feel helpless, leading to passivity

In addition to the physiological responses to a threat, what responses occur?

behavioral, cognitive, emotional

The _____ drugs such as Xanax, Librium, Valium, and Serax provide short-term relief from anxiety symptoms but have side effects and addictiveness that preclude long-term use.


Jacob has been diagnosed with panic disorder without agoraphobia. He was taking his medication regularly until recently. Since discontinuing his medication, he is experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms and rebound of anxiety symptoms. Which medication was Jacob most likely taking?


Which of the following suppresses the central nervous system and influences functioning in the GABA, norepinephrine, and serotonin neurotransmitter systems?


depression brain abnormalities

bigger or more active amygdala

Which of the following theories have been integrated into a model to explain the factors associated with panic disorders?

biological and cognitive

The integrated model of panic disorder connects

biological and psychological factors.

There are no consistent differences in the prevalence of _______ disorder among ethnic groups or across cultures.


Some people experience periods of depression that alternate with periods of mania

bipolar depression

Research comparing CBT & CT to other psychological or medication support it's greater effectiveness both in short & long-term, particularly for moderate or mild depressive disorders but also can be an effective intervention for clients with ____ disorder.


Which of the following phobias is more likely to run in families?

blood-injection-injury type phobias

interceptive conditioning

bodily cues that occurred at the beginning of previous panic attacks become conditioned stimuli signaling new attacks

To help gain control of their bodily cues, a client may want to use _____ and ______ exercises while experiencing panic symptoms.

breathing relaxation

In __ psychotic disorder, individuals have symptoms of schizophrenia for 1 month or less.


The ___ hypothesis of suicidal describes 3 aspects of resilience.


The stressors that lead to adjustment disorders...

can be of any severity

Which of the following statements is true of tricyclic antidepressants?

cardiac arrhythmia in those with heart problems

The term __ describes disorganized behavior that reflects unresponsiveness to the world.


Marja, a person diagnosed with schizophrenia, sometimes wildly agitated for no apparent reason. The best description of this is __.

catatonic excitement

Individuals suffering from depression with _____ show strange behaviors ranging from a complete lack of movement to excited agitation.

catatonic features

According to biological theories of obsessive-compulsive disorder, impulses are carried to a part of the basal ganglia called the _____, which allows the strongest of the impulses to flow through to the thalamus.

caudate nucleus

Chronic elevated levels of cortisol in the hippocampus may:

cause chronic arousal of the body's stress response.

What are goals for the treatment of PTSD?

challenge distorted cognitions that contribute to the symptoms of PTSD, reduce stress in the lives of the clients, exposure to the feared trauma in order to extinguish that fear

Which of the following explanations has been given for the age-based variation in the risk for depression?

changing social values

Which of the following is least likely to cause post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?

child birth

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder is earmarked for

children who might be diagnosed with Bipolar. Rather than developing Bipolar, they are at risk of developing depressive and/or anxiety disorders when they reach adulthood.

In the 1950s, an effective drug treatment for schizophrenia was introduced. It was __.


With regard to mood disorders, exposure to ___ stress can lead to more persistent feelings of hopelessness.


The drug buproprion is useful in treating...

cigarette craving

Morris was held in a mental health facility against his will. Such an action is called _____.

civil commitment

Damien's family often remarks on how Damien uses language. He has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and might say something like "I will buy a sky high pie and cry." The best description of this is that it is __.


According to Mowrer's two-factor theory, __________ leads to the fear of the phobia and ________ helps to maintain it.

classical conditioning; operant conditioning

Aaron Beck and Neil Rector (2005) suggest that fundamental difficulties in attention, inhibition, and adherence to rules of communication lead people with schizophrenia to try to conserve their limited __ resources.


Some studies suggest that IPT is nearly as effective as _______ therapy for treating depression


Models of treatment for depression are increasingly moving toward the application of ___ ____ techniques.

cognitive behavioral

A person with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, when assessed neuropsychologically, may show deficiencies in intellectual ability, attention, memory, and processing speed. These are __.

cognitive deficits

Beck defined negative thoughts that lead to depressed emotions as the ___ ___: a negative view of the self, the world, & the future.

cognitive triad

Mason's therapist is having him keep a diary of his experiences of hearing voices in an attempt to provide a reality check for Mason, who has a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Which perspective does his therapist's technique fall under?


Terrence has been seeing a therapist for his recurrent panic attacks. His therapist teaches him relaxation techniques to help him gain control over his anxiety symptoms. Terrence is also taught to identify the thoughts that are intrusive and aggravate his symptoms. He is encouraged to note these thoughts in a daily journal. Terrence's therapist is most likely using _____ to treat his panic disorder.

cognitive-behavioral therapies

In _____, individuals can practice their feared behaviors in front of others while the therapist coaches them in the use of relaxation techniques.

cognitive-behavioral therapy in a group setting

___ ____ has received the strongest support for interventions in mood disorders.


Clinicians who practice ___ ___ therapy also called cognitive therapy, work with their clients to try to change the nature of their thought process so that they will be less depressed.

cognitively based therapy; it is an active collaboration between the client & the clinician.

Historical changes that may have put more recent generations at higher risk for depression than previous generations are referred to as ____ effects


In the two world wars and the Korean War, PTSD symptoms were know as _____. (Select all that apply.)

combat fatigue syndrome shell shock war zone stress

altruistic suicide

committed by people who believe that taking their life will benefit society

egoistic suicide

committed by people who feel alienated from others

anomic suicide

committed by those who experience severe disorientation from society

What are symptoms of panic disorders?

commonly occurring panic attacks, change in behavior as a result of worry about panic attacks, unexpected panic attacks

Avoidance coping has been linked to:

compromised recovery of function following surgical procedures.

_____ are repetitive behaviors or mental acts that an individual feels he or she must perform.


Premenstrual dysphoric disorder aka PMDD

condition associated with severe emotional and physical problems that are closely linked to the menstrual cycle

When individuals avoid places that cause panic attacks, they reduce their symptoms, thereby reinforcing this behavior. This is called _____.

conditioned avoidance behavior

Watson and Raynor did an historic study in which they

conditioned fear using classical conditioning techniques

Watson and Raynor did an historic study in which they...

conditioned fear using classical conditioning techniques

Suicide _____ is the term used to describe the phenomenon of people who model their suicidal behavior after that of an admired friend or celebrity who committed suicide.


The hypothalamus activates the adrenal-cortical system by releasing _____, which signals the pituitary gland to secrete _____, the body's "major stress hormone."

corticotropin-release factor; adrenocorticotropic hormone

People with depression have been found to have high levels of the hormone _____ indicating that their bodies overreact to stress.


Which of the following hormones is often used as a measure of stress?


A person with _____ disorder chronically alternates between periods of hypomanic symptoms and periods of depressive symptoms.


Which of the following is true of the difference between cyclothymic disorder and bipolar disorder?

cyclothymic disorder is less severe and more chronic than bipolar disorder


death from injury, poising, or suffocation where there is evidence that the injury was self-inflicted

Abdullah has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. When he discovers that the store across from his apartment is closing, he is certain that he caused the closure by not shopping there. What type of delusion is this?

delusion of reference

A person diagnosed with __ disorder has delusions that have lasted for at least 1 month but has no other symptoms of schizophrenia.


Symptoms of schizophrenia can be confused with symptoms of autism spectrum disorders. Schizophrenia can be differently diagnosed if ___.

delusions and/or hallucinations are present

Mackenzie felt herself leaving her body and observing her body playing with her cat. Mackenzie may be experiencing


Beck's 3rd:

depressed people also make errors in thinking including: 1. arbitrary inferences 2. minimization of the positive and magnification of the negative 3. overgeneralization

Lewinsohn's model

depressed people have a low rate of "response contingent positive reinforcement behaviors" that increase in frequency as the result of performing actions that produce pleasure.

low serotonin + low norepinephrine =


Mood Disorders:

depression and mania

Two Key emotions on a continuum:

depression and mania

How are culture and depression related?

depression is a worldwide phenomena that varies from culture to culture, but the experience of symptoms differs Ex. non Westerners report more PHYSICAL (rather than psychological) symptoms. As cultures become more western, symptoms shift

Which of the following is the name for depression in which the physiological symptoms of depression are particularly prominent?

depression with melancholic features

People with bipolar disorder experience both the lows of ________ and the highs of ________. They describe their life as an emotional rollercoaster

depression; mania

according to the behavioral theory of depression:

depressive behaviors often are reinforced by the sympathy and attention they bring about in other people.

What disorder best describes periods of symptoms in which an individual experiences an unusually intense sad mood?

depressive disorder.

major depressive disorder

depressive symptoms lasting TWO WEEKS OR MORE

separation anxiety disorder

developmentally inappropriate and excessive distress and fear when separated from primary caregivers

_____ was developed to treat people with borderline personality disorder, who frequently attempt suicide.

dialectical therapy


difficulty getting rid of items that leads to accumulation of things that clutter and congest active living areas

According to a study by Gould et al., asking teenagers about thoughts of suicide ____ put the idea in their heads.


High and low levels of which substance are thought to be implicated in bipolar disorder?


Several studies suggest that dysregulation of the _____ system contributes to bipolar disorder.


When dysthymic disorder leads to major depressive disorder, the sequence is called:

double depression

Enrique got arrested with a small amount of cocaine and now has been sent to courts that focus specifically on such offenders. He has most likely been sent to _____.

drug courts

Behaviorally oriented clinicians believe that ___ is an essential component of therapy & assign ___ exercises that encourage clients to make gradual behavioral changes, which will increase the probability that they can achieve their goals, & thus feel rewarded.

education & homework

adjustment disorder

emotional and behavioral symptoms occur in response to a stressor of any severity less severe than acute stress disorder or PTSD. This person does not meet criteria for acute stress disorder or PTSD

An early discovery from neuroimaging brains of those diagnosed with schizophrenia was __.

enlarged ventricles

Seasonal Pattern:

episodes vary with the seasons

Gender Ratio of Bipolar Disorder:

equal among women and men Women may experience more depressive and fewer manic episodes than men Rapid Cycling is more common in women

In systematic desensitization for PTSD, the client does what?

establishes a fear hierarchy of thoughts and feelings that create anxiety regarding the trauma, imagines the traumatic event vividly to replace the actual exposure, uses relaxation techniques to quell the anxiety

Janie's house was broken into and the perpetrator brutally attacked her. Since the attack, she has been overly cautious and watchful. The smallest noise startles her. If someone looks at her "strangely," she becomes very anxious. Janie is most likely:

exhibiting hyper vigilance and chronic arousal

Janie's house was broken into and the perpetrator brutally attacked her. Since the attack, she has withdrawn from family and friends. Janie is most likely:

experiencing emotional numbness and detachment

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a consequence of:

experiencing extreme stressors

reformulated learned helplessness theory

explains how cognitive factors might influence whether a person becomes helpless and depressed following a negative event; cognitive theory

Compared to Asians and Asian Americans, European Americans benefit more from:

explicit forms of seeking social support.

exposure and response prevention

expose client to obsession or fear and prevent compulsive behavior, allows client to see that thoughts themselves are not harmful

One of the therapeutic techniques that is used for body dysmorphic disorder is _____.

exposure and response prevention

an effective cognitive-behavioral approach for OCD is

exposure and response prevention

_____ involves repeatedly exposing the client to the focus of an obsession and preventing compulsive responses to the resulting anxiety.

exposure and response prevention therapy

congitive behavioral treatments for OCD except

exposure of the compulsions

In exposure and response prevention therapy, repeated exposure to the content of the obsession:

extinguishes the client's anxiety about the obsession

True or False: A historical treatment for schizophrenia was insulin coma therapy. People would be given massive doses of insulin until they went into a coma. When they emerged, they were much improved.


True or False: The DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia require that a person have at least four symptoms, one of which must be delusions, hallucinations, or disorganized speech.


True or false: Suicide contagion occurs when clusters of suicides occur in a short period of time.


True/False: Hallucinations involve only hearing (hearing voices) or seeing (seeing things).


Major Depressive Episode, An episode characterized by at least 5 symptoms of:

feelings of intense hopelessness, low self-esteem and worthlessness, extreme fatigue, dramatic changes in eating and sleeping behavior, inability to concentrate, and greatly diminished interest in family, friend, and activities for a period of 2 weeks or more.

_____ refers to a set of physical and psychological responses that help us fight threats or flee from them.

fight-or-flight responses

Determining what is relevant and what is not and/or distinguishing real from unreal are often tasks that a person with a diagnosis of schizophrenia has difficulty with. This is best described as __.

filtering deficits


focus is on how depression affects different socioeconomic groups

Interpersonal psychological theory of depression

focus is on how difficulty in relationships affects depression

Behavioral psychological theory of depression

focus on the role of uncontrolled stressors

dialectical behavior therapy

focuses on managing negative emotions and impulsive behaviors

Men are _____ than women to complete suicide.

four times more likely

Depressive disorder

general category of mood disorders in which people show extreme and persistent sadness, despair, and loss of interest in life's usual activities.

Judith worries daily about whether her husband made it safely to work, how her children are getting on in school, what she should cook for dinner, and if the family will be satisfied with the meal she prepares. Judith is sluggish most of the time, and has trouble concentrating on positive things. Judith is most likely suffering from:

generalized anxiety disorder.

It is probable that multiple ______ abnormalities contribute to depression.


Adoption studies have addressed the question of nature versus nurture in schizophrenia, and they indicate that __ plays an important role.


Beck stated UD results from

habitual negative thinking often triggered by an upsetting situation


has the opposite effect

In the treatment of depression, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs):

have positive effects on many co-occurring symptoms.

Which of the following environmental, social, and psychological factors increases an individual's vulnerability to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?

having experienced the traumatic event first-hand

Physical Symptoms of Depression:

headaches, dizzy spells, general pain, weight gain/loss, sleep disturbance

Physical Symptoms of Mania:

high energy level - often in the presence of little to no rest

European Americans suicide rate in the US


The group with the ____ suicide rate in the United States is European Americans.


cohort effects

historical changes put recent generations at higher risk for depression; sociocultural theory

Cognitive Symptoms of Depression:

hold negative opinion of themselves blame themselves for unfortunate events

The World Health Organization (2012) has said that more people die worldwide from suicide than they do from ______


The cognitive variable that has most consistently predicted suicide is...


Which cognitive variable has most consistently predicted suicide?


Sara feels as though every aspect of her life is dismal. She has a pessimistic attitude toward her family, friends, and important events in her life. She views everything on the dark side, and she does not believe that positive thinking is useful in her situation. Sara is most likely exhibiting _____.

hopelessness depression

at least 4 weeks

how long does separation anxiety disorder have to persist to be diagnosed?

Studies show that individuals with narcolepsy lack cells in the hypothalamus that secrete a neurotransmitter called _____, which promotes wakefulness.


Treatments for UD (socio) couples therapy:

if marriage is conflictual, a type of couples therapy, called behavioral marital therapy (BMT) focus is on developing specific communication and problem-solving skills If marriage is conflictual, BMT is as effective as other therapies for reducing depression

Functioning in a person with a diagnosis of schizophrenia __.

improves in both men and women with age

The personality characteristic that seems to predict suicide best is...


Most people who develop bipolar disorder do so....

in late adolescence and early adulthood

Antidepressant drugs:

in the late 1950s two kinds of drugs were found to be effective: - monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) - Tricyclics in the 1980s "second-generation" drugs were developed

The police have charged Tracy with first-degree murder. She has exhibited an inability to understand her situation and to participate in her defense. Tracy is most likely:

incompetent to stand trial.

premenstrual dysphoric disorder

increase in distress during the premenstrual phase

Which of the following is NOT a therapeutic family intervention for those diagnosed with schizophrenia?

increasing the amount of expressed emotions

Where do the majority of people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia live?

independently or with families

People with a/n ___ attachment style have a greater risk for developing depressive disorders in adulthood.


Bemporad proposed that ___ attached children become preoccupied with the need to be loved by others.


A heightened awareness of bodily cues is called...

interceptive awareness

A heightened awareness of bodily cues that may signal a coming panic attack is called....

interceptive awareness

The reformulated learned helplessness theory focuses on people who habitually explain negative events by causes that are:

internal, stable, and global.

when certain bodily cues have occurred at the beginning of panic attacks and have become conditioned stimuli signaling new attacks, this is known as

interoceptive conditioning

people who are prone to panic attacks seem to have a heightened awareness of bodily cues that may signal a coming panic attack. this phenomenon is called

introceptive awareness

The criteria for a hypomanic episode are similar to those of a manic episode except that hypomania...

involves a shorter duration and are not sever enough to interfere with daily functioning.

Cyclothymic disorder

involves alternations between dysphoria & shorter, less intense & less disruptive euphoric states called hypomanic episodes; about 4 days. A mild form of Bi-polar II Disorder with hypomania and mild depression.

The notion of "diminished capacity" is most closely aligned with the _____ rule.

irresistible impulse

Which of the following symptoms are most often displayed by children with depression? (Select all that apply.)

irritability failure to gain expected weight


is effective in treating & preventing recurrence of manic episodes.

Teresa has been severely depressed and has demonstrated suicidal tendencies. Based on the criteria for involuntary commitment, Teresa:

is imminently suicidal and will most likely be held in a psychiatric facility.

An individual who lacks the capacity to understand information, to think rationally about alternative courses of action, to make good choices, and to appreciate one's situation as a criminal defendant:

is likely to be judged incompetent to stand trial.

Studies of children who have been abused show that their biological response to stress is

is often either exaggerated or blunted.

Some people who experience manic episodes stop taking lithium because

it interferes with the euphoria at the beginning of a manic episode.

Motivational Symptom of Depression:

lack drive, initiative, spontaneity 6-15% of those with severe depression commit suicide

One of the earliest behavioral formulations of theories of depression regards the symptoms of depression as resulting from

lack of positive reinforcement.

Which of the following represents the usual time of onset for schizophrenia?

late teen or early adulthood

The term "insanity" is a:

legal term as opposed to a psychological term.

Behavioral Symptom of Depression:

less active, less productive

In the brain, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin are found in large quantities in the _____.

limbic system

When used individually, the behavioral techniques seem to be of only _______ help


Stewart has been warned by his psychiatrist not to miss any of his medication-check appointments. The drug he is taking can be lethal if not monitored properly. Which of the following drugs is Stewart most likely taking?


The medication most consistently shown to reduce the risk of suicide is _____.


Which of the following is NOT a treatment for schizophrenia?


_____ can cause diabetes, hypothyroidism, and kidney dysfunction and can contribute to birth defects if taken during the first trimester of pregnancy.


Treatments for Bipolar Disorder: Lithium Therapy con:

lithium provides improvement for 60% of manic patients - most patients also experience fewer new episodes while on the drug - lithium may be a prophylactic drug, one that actually prevents symptoms from developing lithium also helps those with bipolar disorder overcome their depressive episodes

People with panic disorder show dysregulation of norepinephrine systems in an area of the brainstem called the:

locus ceruleus.


low, sad state in which life seems dark and overwhelming


low, sad state in which life seems dark and overwhelming

Rates of suicidal thinking among college students are about the same as their age related peers; however, rates of suicide attempts are ______.


An important difference in people with PTSD and those without PTSD is

lower levels of cortisol when not exposed to a trauma

An important difference in people with PTSD and those without PTSD is _____.

lower levels of cortisol when not exposed to a trauma

an important difference in people with PTSD and those without PTSD is

lower levels of cortisol when not exposed to a trauma

If a person experiences depressed mood or loss of interest in usual activities, and at least four other depressive symptoms for at least two weeks, and these symptoms are severe enough to interfere with the person's ability to function in everyday life, the person meets the criteria for _____.

major depressive disorder

Marissa has been severely down in the dumps for the last several weeks. She is not eating, socializing & most mornings she has trouble getting up. This occurred once before about four months ago & lasted for 2 months. Marissa is probably suffering from:

major depressive disorder.

Broad-based suicide prevention or education programs do not tend to be very helpful and might even do harm because they:

make suicide appear quite common, which may cause students to believe that it is an understandable response to stress.

Almost 90 percent of the people who are acquitted after pleading the insanity defense are _____, and two-thirds are _____.

male; White

Psychoanalytic explanations of bipolar disorder propose that ___ episodes are defensive responses though which individuals stave off feelings of inadequacy, loss & helplessness.


The most significant problem with the behavioral theory of phobias is that:

many people with phobias cannot identify traumatic events that triggered them.

suicide attempts

may or may not end in death

One problem in studying medication effectiveness is the lack of __.

medication compliance

Which of the following is true in regard to language deficits in those with schizophrenia?

men have more than women

Some states have developed _____, in which judges who specialize in working with mental health and social service professionals review the cases of offenders with mental disorders and divert offenders into treatment and rehabilitation.

mental health courts

Behavioral activation

method for depression, based on behaviorist principles, the clinician helps the client identify activities associated with positive mood. Client sets goals that gradually increase the frequency & duration of these activities.

persistent depressive disorder

milder depressed mood for most of the day for at least two years

People with bipolar II disorder experience episodes that meet the criteria for major depression, but have:

milder episodes of mania known as hypomania.

Drake has a fear of dogs. As part of his therapy, Drake must first observe his therapist petting a dog and then, when instructed, must do the same. Which behavioral treatment is most likely being used in this situation?


The _____ neurotransmitters have been implicated in bipolar disorder as well as in major depressive disorder.


Schizophrenia tends to have a __.

more benign course in developing countries

People with GAD report experiencing ______, even when compared to people with major depression.

more intense negative emotions


most suicides involve a _____

Motivational Symptoms of Mania:

need for constant excitement, involvement, companionship

Cassandra has a spider phobia. Every time she sees a spider, she screams and runs away from it. This avoidance behavior always occurs because it reduces her anxiety. This is an example of _____.

negative reinforcement

June has been avoiding riding elevators since she was 7 years old. When she is with other people, she makes excuses to use the stairs and feels relief upon avoiding elevator rides. June's fear of elevators is being maintained by _____.

negative reinforcement

2nd component (Cognitive Triad):

negative thinking often takes 3 forms: negative, demeaning views of: 1. oneself 2. the world 3. the future

negative cognitive triad

negative thoughts about the self, the world, and the future; cognitive theory

One major difference between hypomania and mania is that the symptoms of hypomania:

no hallucinations or delusions

Harvey was found to be so mentally incapacitated at the time he murdered his wife that it was determined he could not conform to the rules of society. Consequently, he should be found:

not guilty by reason of insanity.

If a phobia develops as a result of a child seeing their parent demonstrate severe fear of an object, the child may develop a phobia as a result of...

observational learning

an _______ is a recurrent, persistent, and anxiety-provoking thought, urge, or image that an individual experiences as intrusive


_____ are thoughts, images, ideas, or impulses that are persistent, that uncontrollably intrude upon consciousness, and that cause significant anxiety or distress.


Which of the following is a true statement about obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)?

obsessive thoughts are distressing to people with OCD

Lee is a high school teacher. He has difficulty grading his papers because he constantly checks and rechecks the students' answers. He fears that he has made a mistake in the calculations. Lee's checking routines are not limited to his students' work. He also checks the locks on his classroom door several times before leaving school, and performs these kinds of rituals at home as well. Lee is most likely exhibiting:

obsessive-compulsive disorder

Freud's theory of phobias is detailed in a 150-page case history of a little boy named Hans. Freud explained Hans's phobia with which of the following processes?

oedipus complex

Whenever Robert faces difficult issues that cause anxiety, he begins to drink to the point of inebriation. This makes him vulnerable fro developing PTSD because...

of is avoidant coping strategy

people with panic disorder

often fear they have a life threatening illness

The idea that there are degrees of depression ranging from very mild to quite severe reflects the idea that disorders occur....

on a continuum

Available studies suggest that about ____ admissions to inpatient psychiatric facilities in the United States is involuntary.

one in four

Antidepressant drugs: Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs):

originally used to treat TB, doctors noticed that the medication seemed to make patients happier the drug works by slowing down the body's production of MAO - MAO breaks down norepinephrine - MAOIs stop this breakdown from occurring blood pressure may rise to a potentially fatal level if one eats foods with tyramine (cheese, bananas, wine) while taking MAOIS

The term perinatal hypoxia refers to __ deprivation at birth of in the first few weeks before or after birth.


Which diagnosis is most likely when panic attacks that are not usually provoked by any particular situation become a common occurrence, leading one to begin to worry about having the attacks and change behaviors as a result?

panic disorder

Which of the following scenarios is token economy used in the treatment of schizophrenia?

patients in a hospital are given wooden discs that they can trade for candy

Theorists who argue that phobias can develop through observational learning posit that:

people learn phobic behaviors by modeling the behaviors of others

Angela gave birth to her son a week ago. Because she has symptoms of major depressive disorder, she is given this diagnosis with ____ onset


If a person experiences depressed mood plus two other symptoms of depression for at least two years, and during the two years has not been without depressive symptoms for more than two months, the person is most likely to be diagnosed with _____.

persistent depressive disorder

In the DSM-5, dysthymic disorder falls under the diagnosis _____.

persistent depressive disorder

generalized anxiety disorder

persistent, uncontrollable worry about most things including minor everyday events

Adults with ____ depressive disorder have, for at least 2 years, a milder course of depressive symptoms than those associated with major depressive disorder.


Unipolar depression:

person has no history of mania mood returns to normal when depression lifts

When Nick sees a spider, he becomes paralyzed with fear. This is an example of an ______.


What is Freud explanation for phobias?

phobias result when unconscious anxiety is displaced onto a neutral or symbolic object

What are the typical antipsychotics most effective in treating?

positive symptoms of schizophrenia

2 controversial additions to the DSM 5 in mood disorders was

premenstrual dysphoric disorder & people with major depressive symptoms due to bereavement will receive a psychiatric diagnosis.

Objects such as spiders and snakes, which were life-threatening to humans throughout history, appear to be the most common type of phobias. It is suggested that phobic development occurs quickly to these objects because of _____.

prepared classical conditioning

The idea that people learn to fear or avoid selected objects or situations that are vestiges of evolutionary history, and individuals are biologically prepared to quickly associate fear responses with certain objects is called _____.

prepared classical conditioning

The DSM 5 defines a manic episode as "increased activity or energy, lasting at least 1 week and

present most of the day, nearly every day."

The __ phase of schizophrenia is the phase that occurs before the acute phase.


Fluctuations in _____ levels might cause imbalances or dysfunction of the serotonin or GABA systems in females, leading to panic attacks.


which hormone may be a contriubuting factor in the development of a panic disorder



prolongs the depressed mood (women are more likely to)

Behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, and interpersonal therapy are all _______ therapies.


If someone is unable to tell the difference between what is real and what is not, they are experiencing __.


The broad category of the mental illness known as __ includes a set of disorders in which people experience a distorted perception of reality and impairment in thinking, behavior, affect, and motivation.


Until the past 3 decades, people with bipolar disorders were destine to spend their lives on an emotional roller coaster

psychotherapists reported almost no success antidepressant drugs were of limited help these drugs sometime triggered manic episodes

Along with somatic interventions, treatment for treatment-resistant depression should also include


International studies show that nations spend up to 3 percent of their health care budgets treating people with __ disorders.


The DSM-5 uses a schizophrenia spectrum to classify __ disorders.


The term brief __ disorder is a diagnosis that clinicians use when a person develops symptoms of psychosis that do not persist past a short period of time.


Clinicians diagnose people who have 4 or more episodes of major depression, mania, hypomania or mixed symptoms with the ___ cycling form of the disorder.


Cognitive theorists suggest that people who experience panic attacks engage in all of the following behaviors EXCEPT:

reasoning that the attack is only a temporary response

hair pulling disorder

recurrent pulling out of hair resulting in noticeable hair loss, called trichotillomania

skin-picking disorder

recurrently picking scabs or places on the skin, creating significant lesions that often become infected and cause scars

When used in combination of 2+ techniques, as Lewinsohn had envisioned, depressive symptoms are effectively ______


Janie's house was broken into and the perpetrator brutally attacked her. Since then, she has been dreaming about the attack and often wakes up screaming and crying. According to Janie, she feels as though she is reliving the attack in each dream. Janie is most likely:

reexperiencing the trauma

Which of the following is the theory that explains how cognitive factors might influence whether a person becomes helpless and depressed following a negative event.

reformulated learned helplessness theory

Which of the following is an example of a compulsion?

repeatedly check the locks on all doors


repetitive behaviors or mental acts that an individual feels he or she must perform

The "file drawer problem" phenomenon occurs when

researchers file away results that fail to establish significant benefits & only publish positive results.

After a person has experienced the acute phase of schizophrenia, they may enter the __ phase.


anterior cingulate cortex plays an important role in _____.

responses to stress

Research on bipolar patients has shown that some brain centers maybe hypersensitive to...


Which of the following rights is not recognized in some states and in most states can be overruled in many circumstances?

right to refuse treatment

Behaviorally oriented clinicians also use instruction, modeling, coaching, ___ ____, & rehearsal sometimes in a real world setting.

role playing

The ______ response theory, a cognitive theory, focuses more on the process of thinking than on the content of thinking as a contributor to depression.


Which of the following diagnoses is most appropriate for a person with a mood disorder and psychotic symptoms?

schizoaffective disorder

In 1955, one out of two beds in mental hospitals was occupied by a person with a diagnosis of __.


Which of the following best describes Bleuler's perspective on schizophrenia?

schizophrenia involves the breaking of associative threads

A person with a diagnosis of __ has a lifetime pattern of odd beliefs and behaviors.

schizotypal personality disorder

The criteria for depressive disorder with ______ pattern refers to at least 2 years of experiencing and fully recovering from major depressive episodes.


Research has found that influenza is a significant factor in the prenatal effects of the development of schizophrenia, particularly during the __.

second trimester

Which stage of pregnancy is the crucial period for central nervous system development?

second trimester

Which of the following is NOT believed to be a factor in nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI)?

self punishment

1st component (Maladaptive Attitudes/Core Beliefs):

self-defeating attitudes are developed during childhood Ex. "life sucks and then you die" Beck suggest that upsetting situations later in life can trigger further rounds of negative thinking

Individuals' beliefs that they can engage in the behaviors to attain goals are known as:

self-efficacy beliefs


sense of great unhappiness or dissatisfaction

A heightened need for approval combined with easily perceived rejection is a characteristic of some depressed people known as rejection ____


According to what is called anxiety _____ theory, people who develop panic disorder have heightened responsiveness to the presence of carbon dioxide in the blood.


according to anxiety_________ theory, people who develop panic disorders have heightened responsiveness to the presence of carbon dioxide in the blood


Many studies have found a link between low levels of the neurotransmitter _____ and suicide.


Both depression and coronary heart disease (CHD) are linked to genes that alter the functioning of the:

serotonin system

Changes in the ovarian hormones, estrogen and progesterone, affect the _____ and _____ neurotransmitter systems.

serotonin; norepinephrine

bipolar 2 disorder

severe depression, not full manic stage

Cyclothymic Disorder symptoms are more chronic and less

severe than those of bipolar disorder, & never without these symptoms for more than 2 months at a time.

which treatments are increasingly being preferred for the treatment of depression?

short-term psychodynamic therapy & cognitive behavioral therapy.

People with panic disorder _____.

show dysregulation of norepinephrine systems in the locus ceruleus

Cognitive Symptoms of Mania:

show poor judgement or planning especially prone to poor or no planning

UD cog con:

since 1970s, hundreds of studies have shown that cognitive therapy helps UD around 50-60% of clients show near elimination of symptoms Also effective within a group therapy format

Conroy constantly rips off scabs he sees on his body, often causing infections and scars. Conroy is probably suffering from...

skin picking disorder

sympathic division of the automatic nervous system acts directly on

smooth muscle and interal organs

According to the prepared classical conditioning theory, Rachel is more likely to be afraid of which of the following?


In recent years, there has been increasing interest in psychological and _____ contributors to new episodes in people with bipolar disorder.


Anna is terrified of speaking in public. She always finds an excuse to avoid public speaking or gets someone to speak for her. Once Anna had a full-blown panic attack when her boss called on her unexpectedly to speak at a meeting. Anna is most likely exhibiting symptoms of:

social anxiety disorder

The term __ __ refers to the idea that a person with a diagnosis of schizophrenia winds up being driven into poverty

social drift

According to the ___ perspective, individuals develop depressive disorders in response to stressful life events.


A __ type of delusional disorder usually involves a person believing that they have a medical condition that they do not have.


Ruth has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and believes that arms have shortened considerably. Which of the following best describes this?

somatic delusion

a ________ phobia is when an individual experiences intense and marked fear of a particular object or situation


The schizophrenia __ is a continuum of psychotic disorders that are similar to but not as severe as schizophrenia.


Which of the following are the most common objects of animal-type phobias? (Select all that apply.)

spiders snakes

The second stage of sleep includes _____________ short runs of rhythmical responses of 12 to 16 hertz.


People diagnosed with schizophrenia are more likely to be born in the __ months of the year.



state of breathless euphoria and frenzied energy

One factor that researchers have discovered is that a person with a diagnosis of schizophrenia is more likely to relapse if he or she experiences __.



stress hormone released by adrenal glands

when clients with PTSD can not tolerate exposure to their traumatic memories, the follwing procedure is used

stress inoculation therapy

Bipolar disorder is often associated with

substance abuse

Adults with social anxiety disorder describe their parents as overprotective, controlling, negative, and critical. Research has shown...

such retrospective accounts could be incorrect, to date, we lack perspective studies of the family environments of people who develop social anxiety disorder

suicide ideation

suicidal thoughts

When two or more completed or attempted suicides are nonrandomly bunched in space or time, it is known as a(n) _____.

suicide cluster

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) sufferers may report _____ about having lived through a traumatic event.

survivor guilt

Dysthymic disorder:

symptoms are "mild but chronic" experience longer-lasting but less disabling depression consistent symptoms for at least 2 years

A disadvantage to the drug therapy approach for social phobia is that _____.

symptoms tend to return after stopping treatment

A disadvantage to the drug therapy approach for social phobia is that...

symptoms tend to return after stopping treatment

a disadvantage to the drug theapy approach for social phobia is that

symptons tend to return after stopping treatment

Tomasso is at his therapist's office. The therapist asks him to imagine walking up to the building that contains the room that caused him to have a panic attack. He then imagines going into the building, followed by going up to the door of the feared room. This component of CBT is an example of _____.

systematic desensitization

behavioral inhibitions

temperament makes children shy, fearful, and irritable as toddlers

Research suggests that violent behavior among mentally ill women:

tends to be underestimated by clinicians.

In exposure and response prevention therapy, by preventing a person from engaging in compulsive behavior:

the client learns that not engaging in the compulsive behavior does not lead to a terrible result.

Treatments for UD (biological) Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) continued

the discovery of ECT's effectiveness was accidental and based on a fallacious link between psychosis and epilepsy (1st major form of treatment) the procedure has been modified in recent years to reduce some of the negative effects (patients are given muscle relaxants and anesthetics before and during the procedure) Patients generally report some memory loss

Second-Generation antidepressant drugs con:

the effectiveness of these drugs is on par with the tricyclics yet they tend to be preferred because: - clinicians often prefer these drugs bc it is harder to overdose on them than on other kinds of antidepressants - there are no dietary restrictions like there are with MAOIs - they have fewer side effects than the tricyclics these drugs may cause some undesired effects of their own, like a reduction in sex drive

A decrease in suicide rates among adolescents since the mid 1990s is thought to be due to...

the increased use of anti depressants

What differentiates flooding from systematic desensitization?

the intensity of exposure to the feared stimuli

what is true about neuroimaging findings regarding people with PTSD and those who do not have PTSD

the medial prefrontal is less active in people with more sever symptons

Children with a genetic predisposition toward anxiety or who are behaviorally inhibited may not develop a specific phobia, unless:

the parenting they receive worsens their anxiety

A theory that explores how cognitive factors might influence whether a person becomes helpless and depressed and also focus on casual attributions is...

the reformulated helplessness theory

The rate of suicide is underreported due to...

the stigma against suicide is a great incentive for labeling a death anything but a suicide

O'Connor v. Donaldson (1975) established:

the unconstitutionality of confining a nondangerous individual.

Treatments for UD (biological) Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT):

the use of ECT was/is controversial it is now used frequently but only in severe cases Ex. Jax Mayo Clinic The procedure consists of targeted electrical stimulation to cause a brain seizure - the usual course of treatment is 6-12 sessions spaced over 2-4 weeks - treatment may be bilateral or unilateral

The diagnosis of depression in older adults is complicated because:

their symptoms often occur in the context of medical illnesses.

Learned Helplessness:

theory asserts that people become depressed when they think that: - they have no control over the reinforcements in their lives They themselves are responsible for this helpless state Based on Seligman's lab research with dogs

When older people attempt suicide,

they are usually more successful

According to cognitive-behavioral theories of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), all of the following are true about people diagnosed with OCD EXCEPT:

they believe that having intrusive thoughts means they are going crazy, but they do not equate having the thoughts with actually engaging in the behaviors.

Treatments for UD (socio) Interpersonal Therapy (IPT):

this model hold that 4 interpersonal problems may lead to depression and must be addressed: * Interpersonal loss * Interpersonal role dispute * Interpersonal role transition * Interpersonal deficits

Research on depression medications has found that it works best on...

those with severe and chronic depression

Elton, who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, believes that whatever he thinks is immediately transmitted to the Internet for everyone to know. The best description of this is __ __.

thought broadcasting

Adair has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and believes that his landlord sits outside his apartment building and causes him to have blasphemous thoughts. Which of the following best describes this?

thought insertion


thoughts, urges, or images that are persistent and intrusive; they are uncontrollable and unwanted and cause significant anxiety or distress

Goal of cognitive therapy:

to help clients recognize and change their negative thinking

When people with depression look at the world through a negative cognitive ____, their negative thinking both causes and perpetuates their depression.


True or False: Negative symptoms of schizophrenia are less responsive to medication than positive symptoms


True or false: OCD is often treated with medications.


True or false: Using medication to treat panic disorder shows the same effectiveness as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).


true or false: Discontinuing antidepressant use during the first 6 to 9 months after symptoms subside seems to double the risk of relapse in severe depression.


According to Freudian theory, phobias develop when:

unconscious anxiety is displaced onto a neutral or symbolic object

Symptoms of panic disorders include....

unexpected panic attacks, change in behavior as a result of worry about panic attacks, commonly occurring panic attacks

Most people with a mood disorder experience only depression

unipolar depression * person has no history of mania * mood returns to normal with depression lifts

Behavioral therapies for phobias _____.

use exposure to the feared stimulus

Which of the following anticonvulsants tends to produce the fewest side effects?


Behavioral Symptoms of Mania:

very active - move quickly; talk loudly or rapidly key word: flamboyance!

The statement "often, the link between the obsession and the compulsion is the result of 'magical thinking'" means that the person with OCD believes that repeating a behavior a certain number of times will:

ward off danger to themselves or others

epidemiological studies have shown high rates of schizophrenia among persons whose mothers __.

were exposed to viral infections while pregnant

medication affecting serotonin and norepinephrine systems most people experience a relapse of symptoms when drug therapies are discontinued

what are the biological treatments for panic disorders

Because Mary Jo experienced major depressive disorder about three weeks after her daughter, Lisa, was born, the subtype that best describes her situation is...

with peripartum onset

Clint has been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. Because his depression has typically occurred during the winter months and it improves during the other seasons, the best subtype for Clint is....

with seasonal pattern

Dennis has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and recently told his mother that the dog has been removing thoughts from his head. This is an example of thought __.


According to the DSM 5, in experiencing trauma, an individual must...

witness the trauma, know someone close to them who experienced the trauma, directly experienced the trauma

A nationwide study found that _____ who had a history of child sexual abuse were 2 to 4 times more likely to attempt suicide than those who did not.


_____ to experience mild depressive symptoms and severe depressive disorders.

women 2x more likely than men

_____ to be diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and most of the other anxiety disorders including panic disorder, social phobias, and generalized anxiety disorder.

women are more likely than men

Under the negative cognitive triad, people with depression have negative views of their:

world, themselves, and the future.

Negative thinking in depression:

you pick out a single negative detail and dwelling it exclusively, tainting everything else.

If you have a sibling who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, you are at greatest risk for the disease yourself if the sibling is __.

your monozygotic twin (identical)

Hypervigilance is an example of what type of characteristic that can be symptomatic of an anxiety disorder.


Who is more likely to develop PTSD?

Chantelle, an African American female who lives in a metropolitan area

True or false? Post Traumatic stress disorder usually occurs within a month of the traumatic experience.


______ anxiety disorder occurs when people fell anxious most of the time without knowing why they feel anxious


Nervios, chronic-anxiety-like symptoms, encompasses what symptoms?

1) stomach problems 2) absent-mindedness 3) presence of intrusive worries

Zack has a recurrent thought about the need to clean out the refrigerator. Zack's persistent thought, or urge may be classified as

1) unreasonable 2) irrational 3) an obsession

Freud's theory of phobias is detailed in a 150-page case history of a little boy named Hans. In his study, little Hans's behavior was representative of which phobia?

Animal-type phobia

What are responses to a threat?

Anticipation of harm, sense of dread, running away

Fear becomes ______ when it persists long after the threat has subsided.


People in Latino cultures report a syndrome known as _________. which is more common among recent trauma victims.

Ataque de nervios

In addition to the physiological responses to threat, what other responses occur?

Cognitive, behavioral, emotional

Which of the following treatments is most effective in preventing relapse in clients with panic disorders?

Cognitive-behavioral therapies

When individuals avoid places that cause panic attacks, they reduce their symptoms, thereby reinforcing this behavior. This is called...

Conditioned avoidance response

Which of the following is an example of an obsession?

Constantly thinking about cleanliness and contamination

Experience of unreality of one's surroundings is called...


Which of the following statements is true about acute stress disorder?

Dissociative symptoms are common. Feeling detached from one's body can occur. Reduced awareness of surroundings can occur.

Whenever Cameron ate at a popular restaurant, he sat in the table farthest away diagonally from the door. As he was leaving the restaurant, a car backfired and Cameron yelled "Hit the deck" and dropped to the sidewalk. Cameron is experiencing which of the following symptoms? (Select all that apply.)

Hypervigilance Chronic arousal

When activated by the hypothalamus during the fight or flight response, the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system acts directly on what?

Internal organs, smooth muscle

Fear can become an anxiety disorder when one responds with _______ in response to a threat.

Maladaptive behaviors

Which of the following environmental and social factors place an individual at risk for PTSD? (Select all that apply.)

Severity of the trauma Duration of the trauma Availability of social support

According to the DSM-5, a trauma is constrained to what events?

Sexual violation, serious injury, death

panic attacks

Short but intense periods during which people experience many symptoms of anxiety

The physiological changes of the flight or flight response result from the activation of which systems controlled by the hypothalamus?

The adrenal-cortical system, the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system

The two systems activated during the fight or flight response are

The autonomic nervous system and the adrenal cortical system

Which of the following are criteria of the PTSD subtype with prominent depersonalization symptoms? (Select all that apply.)

The person feels detached from their body. The person experiences unreality of their surroundings. It is not the result of another medical condition.

stress-inoculation therapy

Therapists teach clients skills for overcoming problems that: Increase stress Result from PTSD

applied tension technique

Treatment of phobias that Increases blood pressure and heart rate keeping people from fainting when confronted with the feared object

negative reinforcement (behavioral theory of phobias)

reduction of anxiety reinforced by the avoidance of the feared object

In ___________ ______________ disorder, symptoms caused by traumas arise within 1 month of exposure and last no longer than 4 weeks

acute stress

Tina and her parents live on a farm where field mice are very common. One night, a mouse crawled on Tina while she was sleeping. The experience frightened Tina so badly that she now avoids any situation where she might come across a mouse. She always checks her bed carefully each night. Tina is most likely exhibiting behaviors related to _____.

an animal-type phobia

Freud's theory of phobias is detailed in a 150-page case history of a little boy named Hans. In his study, little Hans's behavior was representative of which phobia?

animal-type phobias

Fear becomes ___________ when it persists long after the threat has subsided.


A predictor of vulnerability to PTSD is _____.

available social support

____________ work quickly to treat panic disorder but can be addictive and lead to withdrawal symptons


Most phobias develop during


prepared classical conditioning (behavioral theory of phobias)

conditioning of fear to certain objects or situations


consequences of experiencing EXTREME stressors

_____ is a process in which different facets of one's sense of self, memories, or consciousness become disconnected from one another.


One of the therapeutic techniques that is used for body dysmorphic disorder is

exposure and response prevention

True or false: Posttraumatic stress disorder usually occurs within a month of the traumatic experience.


Allison is starting a new job and is feeling scared and extremely uncertain about her performance. This unpleasant feeling is referred to as _______.


Trudy's mother is afraid of bees. Her mother always screams and runs away every time she sees them. Trudy, seeing her mother's response, also runs and screams every time she sees a bee. In this case, Trudy's behavior can be explained by which theory?

observational learning

acute stress disorder

occurs in response to traumas similar to those involved in PTSD, diagnosed when symptoms arise within 1 month of exposure to the stressor and last no longer than 4 weeks

Whenever Robert faces difficult issues that cause anxiety, he begins to drink to the point of inebriation. This makes him vulnerable for developing PTSD because...

of his avoidant coping strategy

whenever Robert faces difficult issues that cause anxiety, he begins to drink to the point of inebriation. This makes him vulnerable for developing PTSD because

of his avoidant coping strategy

According to cognitive-behavioral theories of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), compulsions develop largely through _____.

operant conditioning

social anxiety disorder

people become anxious in social situations and are afraid of being rejected, judged, or humiliated in public


people fear places where they might have trouble escaping or getting help if they become anxious

Patrick is a Vietnam War veteran who has a recurring nightmare of being on the frontline. Any sound that remotely resembles gunfire makes him anxious. Although he has been suffering for years with this problem, he now decides to seek treatment. His psychologist has suggests that he identify the thoughts and situations that evoke anxiety and rank them. His psychologist begins to help him work through each situation by using relaxation techniques. This technique is called:

systematic desensitization

In Japan, the term _____ describes an intense fear of interpersonal relations and is characterized by shame about and persistent fears of causing others offense, embarrassment, or even harm through one's personal inadequacies.


All of the following statements are TRUE about PTSD, EXCEPT:

the symptoms of PTSD can be undetected for the duration of the disorder.

anxiety sensitivity

unfounded belief that bodily symptoms have harmful consequences

the __________ ___________ model for anxiety disorder discusses that the regions of the brain are involved in the disorder

vulnerability stress

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