Module 5: Infant, Child, Adolescent Reading Assign.

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Baby should be developmentally ready before trying their first foods:

- Sit up without support (in a high chair or lap) - Has good head control. - Open mouth for a spoonful of food and swallow it without gagging or pushing it back out. - Reach for and grasp food or toys and bring them to their mouth. - Opens their mouth and leans forward when food is offered.

What are good practices to promote dental health?

- brush after every meal - see dentist every SIX months - eat cheese as a snack

Nutrient Needs for Adolescence

- calcium levels increase to 1,300 mg/day - iron needs increase - vitamin A is critical - Vitamin D - Fiber and potassium

Which of the following are likely reasons why many college students gain weight?

- frequent alcohol consumption - stress - lowered BMR - lack pf physical activity

Which of the following are recommended strategies for feeding kids? (Question)

- make meal times fun - introduce one new food at a time, in small amounts - pair new foods with things they like - have them choose one new food to try each week - eat meals together as a family = encourage kids to eat with their friends - assist with meal preparation - positive reinforcement - Avoid television during meals

What are the common symptoms of iron deficiency in kids?

- poor test grades - difficulty concentrating

Recommendations for toddlers 12 months and older:

- regulate mealtimes and snacks - milk - offer a variety of foods - offer whole grain>refined grains - include protein - limit salty foods and sugary snacks - wean from bottle 12-15 months - avoid choking hazards - limit juice intake <4 ounces - regular water intake - avoid sweetened or caffeine beverages - caution with dietary supplements

Parents SHOULD DO to prevent picky eaters:

- reintroduce new foods - avoid distractions at mealtime - eat together as a family - give kids choices - parents should model healthy eating behaviors - NO JUNK FOOD - don't off dessert or unhealthy choices - don't force kid to eat - try raw vegetables with dip - make mealtime fun! - pair foods with other liked foods - provide positive reinforcement - include kids in the preparation

Food allergies are estimated to affect about

1 in 13 children Most common: milk, eggs, shellfish, soy, nuts, and wheat

The best time to wean a young child from a bottle is:

12 months

When should cow's milk be introduced into an infant's diet?

12 months of age

When do children's appetite decrease?

18 months due to them growing at the fast rate they did as infants.

An infant should not consume solid foods before:

4 months

It is recommended to start with foods:

6 months: iron-fortified cereal (rice, oat, barley, or multi-grain) 7-8 months: infant cereals, meat, or other protein, fruits, vegetables, grains, yogurts, cheeses. 12 months: formula is no longer needed; breastfeeding mothers have a choice to continue or not

Parents should AVOID (for picky eaters):

Catering the menu to only favorite foods Only serving child-friendly foods, which can limit variety in the diet Always asking what they want to eat Pressuring or forcing a child to eat Offering food outside of scheduled meal and snack time

Dietary Guidelines for Kids

Consume a variety of fruits and vegetables Consume whole grains Fat-free and low-fat dairy products A variety of protein foods Limit calories from solid fats and added sugars Reduce sodium intake

What is the most likely behavior that leads to dental caries in children?

Consuming carbohydrate foods that stick to the teeth.

"On-Demand" Mindset

Examples: sit-down meals and snacks in the toddler years. This change in pattern prevents constant grazing and means that children come to the table hungry, ready to enjoy a nutritious meal. Examples: Families should sit down for meals together so that toddlers can learn that part of the joy of eating is enjoying time with others.

Restricting sugar intake usually helps cure hyperactivity among most kids.


Which of the following nutrients are many teens lacking in their diet?


What experiences occur for male and females during puberty?

Girls tend to gain body fat to prepare for reproduction, while teenage boys experience more significant muscle and bone development.

Anaphylaxis Shock

In which the body goes into shock. Your blood pressure drops suddenly, and your airways narrow. This can block breathing and lead to death if not treated immediately with an injection of epinephrine. - Space new foods at least 2-3 days

The primary treatment for obesity includes:

Incorporate healthy food choices and exercise and allow them to grow into their weight.

What is the current recommendation with introducing finger foods to an infant or toddler?

Introduce soft finger foods between 7-11 months of age

No matter if the infant receives breastmilk or formula, which nutrient should be provided in foods after six months of age?


What nutrient is most important in infant formula to ensure proper growth and development of an infant?


What is the best way to prevent nursing bottle syndrome?

Limit consumption of carbohydrate-containing drinks before or during sleep to prevent cavity formation.

Signs and symptoms of iron deficiency in children or teens:

Pale complexion Behavioral problems Tiredness and Weakness Cravings for non-food items like clay, dirt, chalk, or ice (pica) Brittle hair or nails Difficulty Concentrating Poor academic performance

Due to a lack of fruits and vegetables, many teens do not consume adequate amounts of:


Which of the following snacks would be best for a child's teeth?

Raw apple slices

What formula is a good alternative to one made with cow's protein?


Children should be able to decide how much they want to eat.


How can a parent of a fully breastfed infant know if the baby is getting enough milk to drink?

They have at least 6-8 wet diapers daily

"Food Jags"

This is when the child only wants to eat the same thing over and over. Once again, this is normal for young children. The solution is to continue offering new foods before letting them have their favorite

Nutrient Required from birth to six months: BREASTFED

Vitamin D

Nutrients Required from six months to one year: BREASTFED

Vitamin D, Iron, and Fluoride

Which of the following beverages should toddlers be given throughout the day?


When does World Health Organization recommend babies begin eating solid foods?

at 6 months while receiving either break milk or formula - starting too soon may increase of obesity

Nursing Bottle Syndrome

baby bottle tooth decay - the sugar in milk will feed bacteria and invite tooth erosion - clean baby's mouth! with wet cloth, etc. - don't let baby sleep with bottle!

Which of the following is a distinct symptom of alcohol overdose?

bluish color of the skin

Which of the following are recommended for good dental hygiene among toddlers and kids? Check all that apply.

brush after meals eliminate bottles snack on cheese sticks Consume 2 cups of unflavored milk daily

Substitutes of breastmilk/formula to be AVOIDED

cow's milk goat's milk plant-based beverages like soy milk homemade infant formula watered-down formula

Foods that should be avoided during the first year:

cow's milk plant based beverages juice or sugar sweetened beverages honey unpasteurized dairy products/juices raw or uncooked meat or eggs foods with added salt or sugar

Studies show that school academic performance is improved by:

eating breakfast

Which of the following is associated with academic success among college students?

eating breakfast

Obese kids are encouraged to:

get at least one hour of physical activity daily

Toddlers who drink too much cow milk:

have a greater risk of iron deficiency anemia, which can cause deficits in brain development. This is referred to as milk anemia. do not drink more than 24 ounces! limit serving to 2-3 servings per day

Which of the following is a typical diet habit of college students?

high intake of fast foods

Nutrients Required from six months to one year old: FORMULA FED

iron and fluoride

What risk is likely in a child who consumes more than 3 cups of cow's milk daily?

iron deficiency anemia

What solid food is best to start feeding an infant?

iron-fortified infant cereal

Suggested finger foods 7-11 months:

pasta smalls pieces of well-cooked vegetables and potatoes pea size bites of soft meat soft fruits (banana) dry unsweetened cereal

Which of the following is appropriate to give to an 8-month-old infant?

pasteurized yogurt

What are the most common food allergies in children?

peanuts eggs shellfish organic cow's milk

When can cow milk be introduced?

until at least 12 months of age because it contains high concentrations of protein which can stress newborn's immature kidneys - could also irritate and intestine lining, leading to blood loos - lack iron, vitamin C, and other nutrients

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