molecular biology week 2 (9/5/22)

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S bacterial cells cause disease in mice, but R bacterial cells do not. Given that DNA is the transforming substance, which of the following would be expected to produce a transformation that would cause mice to become sick?

( rewatch lecture )

base composition varied between organism Lower orgaterm-18nisms varied G/C content (ex. clostridium= 0.27, e. coli = 0.5) Higher organisms rearranged between________ DNA can have variable composition

0.49-0.51 DNA

DNA as genetic material experiments

1) Griffith experiment demonstrated the transforming principle, converting non-virulent bacteria into virulent bacteria to kill mice. 2) Avery-McLeod-McCarty experiment demonstrated that DNA is the genetic material because degradation of DNA prevented bacterial transformation. 3) Hersy-chase experiment confirmed DNA is genetic material by only finding radioactive Phosphorous in bacteriophage DNA.

8 key features of the Watson-Crick Model for B-DNA

1. two polydeoxyribonucleotide strands twist about each other to form a double helix 2. phosphate and deoxyribose group from backbone on outside of the helix 3, Purines and pyrimidines base pair stacked inside the helix from planes perpendicular to helix axis 4. Helix diameter is 2.0 nm or 20 angstroms 5. Base pair are seperated by an average distances of 0.34 nm or 34 angstroms Structure repats itself after about 10 base pairs or every 3.4nm or 3.4 angstromes turn every 3.4 nm 6. Adenine always pairs to thymine and cytosine always pairs with guanine purine base pairing to a pyrimidine (A_T 2 H bonds, G-C 3H bonds) 7. Two strands are antiparallel 5' 3' /3' 5' 8. Presence of a major and minor group ( minor group is 1.2 nm 0r 12 angstroms, major groove 2.2 nm or 22 angstroms )

The 4th key feature of Watson and cricks model of B-DNA states Helix diameter is ____ nm or ___ angstroms

2.0nm or 20 angstroms

A -DNA was stable at ______% humidity


B-DNA was stable at ____% humidity


Chargaff's Rule

A=T and C=G

Central Dogma of Molecular Biology

DNA transcribed RNA translated protein

base composition

Expressed as fraction of base pairs G/C content =([G]+[C]/ all bases)

DNA as genetic material

Heat killed S cells purified so only transforming material remained

Who discovered DNA was the genetic material

Hershey and Chase

DNA transcribed into


Who discovered A DNA and B DNA

Rosalind Franklin

in 1928 what did Griffith study?

Streptococcus pneumoniae

Franklin and Wilkins

Used X ray diffraction to take pictures of DNA structure; discovered two forms of DNA


Used to measure dimensions of an atom 10^10

Rosalind Franklin

Woman who generated x-ray images of DNA, she provided Watson and Crick with key data about DNA


ability of an organism to cause disease

chargaffs rule defined __________ __________

base pairing

Our Double helix is complementary in nature meaning?

by reading the sequence of one strand know the sequence of the other 5'ATGC3' 3'TAGC5' Each strand can serve as a template for synthesis

RNA reverse transcribe into?

cDNA (complementary DNA)

S bacteria

capusule, smooth edges, killed mice

Polysaccharides are

complex carbohydrates

Watson and Crick models based on X-ray diffraction patterns they focused their attention B-DNA diffraction patterns they found the diameter was ___ nm and helical turn ____ n

diameter was 2.0 nm and helical turn 0.64 n

The 1st key feature of Watson and cricks model of B-DNA states two polydeoxyribonucleotide strands twist about each other to form a _________ _________

double helix

S cells _____ the mice in Griffith study


R bacteria

no capsule, rough edges, don't kill mice


obtained x ray diffraction patterns of extended DNA fibers observed that several characteristics appeared to change according to humidity

The 3rd key feature of Watson and cricks model of B-DNA states Purines and pyrimidines base pair stacked inside the helix from planes ____________ to helix axis


The 2nd key feature of Watson and cricks model of B-DNA states ______________ and ____________ groups from backbone on outside of the helix

phosphate and deoxyribose groups

streptococcus pneumonia virulence dependent on a __________ capuluse -protected the bacterium


RNA translated into ?

protein (tRNA, rRNA)

What did they do in the Avery (1944) experiment

purified the transforming material from S cells and added it t live R cells , disruption of cells, centrifugation precipitation allowed the cells and mixture incubate and grow on agar 1 out of every 10000 were S type took newly formed S cells and grew on a second agar surface 2nd agar plate S colonies bred more S colonies (did get th last of it about 26 minutes in)

R cells

rough cell bacteria that is not surrounded by a capsule and does not kill the mouse; does not cause pneumonia

What did Chargaff do?

showed the molar content of bases ( base composition)

DNA replication

the process of making a copy of DNA

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