MOT Final Exam CH. 8-10

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The saga of the Lord's ark among the Philistines

Amos, tells Israel that the Lord brought the Philistines from Caphtor, just as he brought Israel out of Egypt. They formed a Pentapolis with each city becoming a city-state, consisting of a "royal city" ruling over other regional villages, and in league with the other Philistine cities.


Became king after Hezekiah (also his father). Did evil in the Lord's eyes. He rebuilt the shrines his father destroyed, set up altars for Baal, made a sacred pole, bowed to the stars in the sky and worshipped them. He burned his own son alive .


Became king after his father Amon (son of Manasseh), He was 8 years old when he became king. Cleaned out the temple full of Baal idols and religious objects. Got rid of pagan priests and all who worshipped Baal or any other gods. Tore down the shrines.


Became king of Judah in the third year of Israel's King Hoshea. Ruled 29 years. Destroyed the shrines, smashed sacred pillars and cut down the sacred pole, crushed the bronze snake that Moses made

The rules for the king from Deuteronomy 17 and how well David and Solomon obey these rules.

David breaks the law of trusting in the Lord While Solomon breaks all of them

At least 5 of Elisha's miracles and their purposes.

Dividing the waters of the Jordan; Elijah's spirit rests on him and he is a miracle worker. Healing of the water; God purifies and is merciful Death from Bears; Turning away from the Lord's prophet. Filling the Valley w/ water; Covenant faithfulness of the Lord The Widow and the Filling of the Olive Jars; demonstrate privately God's grace.

Cyrus's policy regarding former Babylonian captives

Freed and to go home and rebuild their temple

The Temple Sermon

Given by Jeremiah- people are convinced that God would never allow anything to happen to his temple. Jeremiah corrects them- God destroyed his own dwelling place before (at Shiloh) God can do just fine without a temple. Second he says God wants people who act with Justice rather than oppressing the vulnerable. Third - God is about to "do a Shiloh" and destroy his own house and send them into exile.

Those who went into exile in 597 BCE, both in general, and the specific king and prophet named in this chapter

Jerusalem is exiled by King Nebby. King of Judah is Jehoiachin and the prophet is Ezekiel. Nebby spares the city, but takes all the leaders and things of value out of the city.

Nehemiah's role of Prayer

Not just the presence of prayer, but its variety -Long Prayers that speak on History -An unspoken prayer of the heart -A report prayer in a certain situation -Words directed to God in the narrative, but not identified as prayer Actions and Prayers must coexist together, not alone

What happens at Mount Carmel and the significance of this event

Obadiah and Elijah tested to see which god would answer and strike down the altar (Baal vs. Yahweh) and obviously Yahweh won and Baal and his followers were silenced.


King of Persia. First Persian emperor. Gave permission to the exiled Jews in Babylonia to return to their land Judah. Authorizes the rebuilding of the Lord's temple. Returns the Jerusalem temple equipment, which had been taken away from the Babylonians.


King of South Judah, serious about serving the Lord, rids the land of Idols, removes male prostitutes from Temple, cuts down the image of Asherah and burns it, major downfall: Relies on a political alliance with Syria.


King of South Judah. During his reign plunged back into worshipping other gods (shrines and places to worship) and they have male prostitutes in the temple. Also Egypt attacks and takes all the treasures of the temple (including the ark)


One of the leaders of the community and Judah's governor. He and Jeshua rebuilt the altar in order to resume offering sacrifices. Helped build the foundation of the temple as well. He is also chosen by God to be put in charge

The Two Sticks

Message by Ezekiel- Two sticks, one for Judah and one for Joseph- God wants to put both sticks together and make one nation. God gives many " I will" statements. In sum, the Lord plans to start all over with his people and bring them back to the land, unite them.


Mighty Empire in the North, Conquered Northern Israel and sent them into Exile. Fell to Babylon.

The Instructional Scroll

Moses'. It was found during the renovation, possibly some form of The Book of Deuteronomy. Failure to obey the words of God's Instruction mediated by Moses and the prophets leads to the downfall of Israel.


Rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem governor of persian Judah

The rules for Israel's king from Deuteronomy 17 and the principle(s) of these laws.

Rule 1: Limited Horses: a king is not to have too many horses. The horses were used for pulling chariots and later, for mounted cavalry. It's a warning against militarism. Rule 2: Limited Wives: Numerous women would cause the king's heart to turn toward other gods. Not to gain its strength or security through political maneuvers. Rule 3: Limited Wealth: That the king must learn to rely on God even economically. Rule 4: Trust the Lord: rely on the Lord and lead the nation trusting in God.


STUDY FIGURE 10.2 (Assyria, Ninevah, Babylon, Samaria, Jerusalem, Judah, Carchemish, Persian Gulf, Euphrates, Tigris


Sardis, Babylon, Susa, Nile River, Euphrates and Tigris, Indus River, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Caspian Sea, Black Sea, Great Sea

three stories leading to the loss of Saul's dynasty.

Saul's Sacrifice (13:1-15): Everyone is curious at what Samuel has been doing and where he has been. Saul waited for him for 7 days and then offers sacrifices any before going into war. When Samuel sees this, he is furious. Then an argument breaks out that seems to be fair both sides. Saul's Hasty Decisions (14:1-46): 1) he stops the priest's inquiry of the Lord and sends troops into battle without his, but not God's directions. 2) He puts a curse on anyone in the Israelite army who stops to eat anything. Jonathan, who is unaware of Saul's instructions, does so anyway, then Saul now wants to murder his own son. 3) Ordered to put the Amalekites under the ban and he totally does the opposite thing. Saul's Battle against the Amalekites (15:1-35): Ordered to put them under the ban (DESTROY EVERYTHING!!!) but does not follow. He spares the king, best sheep, cattle, calves, lambs and anything of value for sacrifices to the Lord. God is pissed and regrets making Saul king of Israel.


Served the Lord under Eli. Spokesperson for the Lord to Eli for his family's wickedness. Also has the role of a prophet. He appoints his own sons to be judges. Told to give Israel a king.

How Solomon deals with his political rivals.

Solomon's efforts in diplomacy and sealing treaties by marrying women from royal families in other countries. Solomon has married seven hundred "royal" wives and three hundred "secondary wives."

Joash ( Johoash )

Spared in his Grandma's purge of the royal Family (Athaliah's), Came to the throne at the age of 7, collects money to repair the temple, makes it so that the money has to go straight to the craftsmen. Like Asa used holy objects to bribe Syria not to destroy them .

Jeroboam's actions to secure his throne and the nation

Started out as a state official in Solomon's government. Promoted to supervise all the work gang of Joseph's house. 10 pieces of Ahijah's torn robe was given to him symbolizing "The Lord is giving taking the kingdom out of Solomon's hands and giving ten pieces to you." If Jeroboam trusts in the Lord, then the Lord will establish the nation of northern Israel and Jeroboam's dynasty (11:37-38)


The Bronze Snake that Moses made in Exodus. When snakes came to bite you, you would have to look at the Bronze Snake to be healed and not die.

Chapter 10: The dates for the following persons (their reigns) and events.

The Exodus 1290 Saul 1040-1000 David 1000-960 Solomon 960-925 Division of the Kingdom 922 Fall of North Israel to Assyria 722

The position toward the monarchy and rationale for each (1 Sam. 8): the people, Samuel, and God.

The people demand for a king since Samuel has grown old and his sons are not good leaders. (1 Sam. 8:5-6) Samuel is offended by the rejection of the people and his sons. God says to Samuel, "It is not you they are rejecting, it is I," and to not be offended. Samuel tells the people "a truckload of disappointment and anger on the people" - Pemberton. (8:11-18) The Lord tells Samuel to tell the people to anoint a king and then Samuel sends the people away to their homes. (8:22)


The scattering of a population outside its homeland.

The findings of our investigation of southern Judah regarding the stability of the government, the spiritual.

They experienced political stability as a result of the national commitment to the Lord's selection of David's dynasty The experienced spiritual stability when 4 Kings come and lead reformation within Judah (Asa, Jehoash, Hezakiah, and Josiah) Before the kings had been doing "evil in the Lord's"

The Propaganda for the Assyrian War Machine (in general, not in specific terms)

They used fear to keep cities and nations under submission and keep them from rebelling aka gruesome reports of what they did to other cities.

Chapter 8: Hannah's story and her gift.

Unable to conceive children. Pours old heart to God in full submission. God allows her to bear children. Offers Samuel to the Lord as her gift in order to have the ability to bear children.


a country preacher in Judah, he says what is wrong with Judah starts at the top: upper class, the rich,the powerful, leaders, etc. Those upper people are paying no attention to the poor and oppressed. The Leaders-all of them-have failed the people, the nation, and God.


a kingdom east of Babylon 500-350 BCE, powerful empire


a movement of people who are devoted to following the teachings of Yaweh in the Hebrew bible, THE TORAH


a prophet, a priest, was married, in Judah


lived in Anathoth, a prophet, a priest, called into service at a young age, In Judah, directed not to marry


the first centralized place for worship in ancient Israel, with the tabernacle and the ark of the covenant


the term for a follower of Yaweh after the exile, follows the teachings of the Torah

The consequences for Solomon's failures and the two concessions God makes for the sake of David.

~ The end of the united monarchy. (1 Kings 11:11-13). God will tear away the kingdom from him and give it to one of his subordinates. (1) The Lord determines to hold off the division until after Solomon dies (2) The Lord will allow David's family to keep one tribe, their own tribe of Judah - essentially, the southern half of the kingdom (1 Kings 11:12-13)

Nehemiah's reaction to the news about Jerusalem's walls?

"I wept. I mourned for days, fasting and praying before the God of heaven." Nehemiah 1:4. Confesses his, his family's, and God's chosen people's sins.


(605 BCE) Babylon wins a decisive victory that kicks Egypt back to the Nile River and finishes off what little was left of Assyria

The Date and Significance of the Battle of Carchemish

(605 BCE) Nebuchadnezzar led the Babylonian army in a surprise attack on the Egyptian and the remaining Assyrians. The Babylonian victory was decisive , driving the Egyptian army away and destroying what was left of Assyria. Huge Turning point.

Conditions in post-exilic Jerusalem

-Economic conditions are terrible -those who were the leaders and have been in exile are those who posses political power -Who was an Israelite?...Nobody is an israelite.

Two major themes in the Book of Hosea. Be able to write a short paragraph on Hosea.

1. Israel worshiping other gods 2. judgement is coming

The three rebuilding projects for those who return to the land

-The Wall -The Temple -The People

The different reactions to to the laying of the temple foundation and the factors behind each reaction

-The old priests and Levites who saw the temple's foundation before it was destroyed wept loudly. -Those who rebuilt it praised, sang, and danced loudly.

The offer of the people already in the land, why it is rejected, and the consequences

-Those from what was northern Israel offered to help rebuild the temple. -Because of the Diaspora, nobody really knows how to identify who the Lord's chosen people really are, so those from the north were rejected. -Active opposition takes place and was successful for sixteen years delaying the reconstruction of the temple.

Identity the opposition Nehemiah faces in rebuilding the walls

-Verbal assaults (2:19, 4:1-3) -Threat of physical attack (4:7-8, 11-12) -Take out the leader: Attempted assassination (6:1-4) Attempted false accusations (6:5-9) Attempted character assassination (6:10-14)

The Three Things that happen to Jerusalem in the conquest of Babylon in 587 BCE

-destroying and burning the temple important structure -tearing down the wall that surrounds and protects the city -exiling even more people, leaving only the poorest of the poor

The three indictments against Israel made by the author

1. Political Turmoil Due to... (to sum it up, it is a perpetual lack of trust in the Lord)/Political stance towards Assyria 2. Corrupt Spiritual Leadership 3. Refusal to Listen to the Lord's Prophets

Three Stories leading to David's Rise in Saul's Court.

1. Samuel attends a dinner party and rejects David's older brothers as heirs to the king but anoints him instead. 2. David plays the lyre for Saul to calm the evil spirit that is tormenting him 3. David fights Goliath

The three stories leading to Saul's rise to the monarchy

A Private Anointing (9:1-10:16): The anointing is between Saul and Samuel. They do not tell anyone after this happens. Saul is evasive and does not tell his uncle after he questioned what happened between them. A Public Selection at Mizpah (10:17-27): Saul did not attend this event... but the rest of the Israelites casted "lots" to help them decide on who to be king. Because of the result of the lots, Saul is chosen to be king. Why was he hiding among the baggage at this time though...? Saul Leds the Army to Rescue Jabesh-Gilead (11:1-15): After proving himself in battle, some are ready to kill those who doubted Saul earlier in the selection. Saul stops them and then brings the people to Gilgal to "Renew the kingship" and then he was officially made king of Israel.


A kingdom in the South, became a mighty nation for a brief period of time, Conquering South Judah (586 BCE) and sending its people into Exile. Fell to Persia

Valley of Dry Bones

A vision of Ezekiel. He sees a valley of dry bones, bones that are totally dead with no sign of life. Lord asks " Mortal, can these bones live?" and he replies "only you know". The Lord directs Ezekiel to prophesy into the bones and bring them alive. Translation: this is the story of all of Israel - God is bringing the nation back to life.


Egypt, Judah, Jerusalem, Red Sea, Carchemish, Ninevah, Babylon, Persian Gulf, Tigris and Euphrates

Be able to list at least 5 good and bad things that David does (each event should be distinct, not different parts of the same story).

Good: David and Abishai go together to find Saul (1 Sam. 26:6) David spared Saul's life (1 Sam. 26:9-11) Saul blesses David (1 Sam. 26:25) David anointed King in Hebron (2 Sam. 2:1-4) David defeats the Philistines (2 Sam. 5:17-25) Bad: Steals Saul's spear and water jug (1 Sam. 26:12) David taunts Abner (1 Sam. 26:14-16) David kills the Amalekite (2 Sam. 1:14-15) David ordered the execution for Rechab and Baanah (2 Sam. 4:12) Impregnated Bathsheba (2 Sam. 11:1-5)

The prophets who get the temple project moving again

Haggai and Zechariah.

Chapter 9: The six eras of David's Life

Harmony (1 Sam. 16:1-18:5) Uncertainty (1 Sam. 18:6-20:42) On the Run (1 Sam. 21:1-31:13) King of Judah (2 Sam. 1:1-4:12) King of all Israel (2 Sam. 5:1-10:19) Succession Narrative (2 Sam. 11:1-1 Kings: 2:11)

Second Isaiah

Isaiah 40-55, chapters that address the end of the exile.


Josiah's third son. King of Judah. Rebels against Babylon-again. Nebby comes back and unleashes his wrath, Jerusalem is in trouble - it is sieged and walls are broken through by Babylon. He is captured and forced to watch his sons killed, which is the last thing he ever sees.

The Four Kings of Judah who led reformation movements

King Asa King Jehoash King Hezekiah King- Josiah


King of Assyria. Was very brutal and grisly in the ways he killed the people he captured. Judah had to deal with him.


King of Babylon. Attacked Jerusalem during Zedekiah's rule. Sent his army and destroyed Jerusalem.


King of Babylon. Attacked Jerusalem during Zedekiah's rule. Sent his army and destroyed Jerusalem.

Province of Yehud

Persian province, roughly equivalent to the land of the nation of Judah.


Prophet God uses to speak to the community to rebuild the temple.


Prophet that God used to communicate through. God reminded the Jews of their ancestors rebelling against Him and how God wants them to come back and draw near to God again.


Prophet under King Hezekiah in Judah, speaks to the exiles, speaks to people living in Jerusalem during Persian era

The nature of the Prophetic word about the future

To encourage a change before punishment comes or to encourage faithfulness so that God's Word develops as promised. God would constantly send one prophet after another trying to get Israel right while still respecting their dignity of free choice, but Israel still refused to listen.

The geographical location of Judah/Israel and the significance of this Location

To the east of the Arabian Desert and to the west of the Mediterranean Sea, which blocked direct movement west or east. Perfect location. But the problem with that is that every single empire wanted that land.


Wife of King Jehoram, Mother Queen of Judah. When she came into power she led the massacre of everyone in the royal family including children, only one escapes- Johoash. She is outside the Dynasty line of David

Be able to list both wise and foolish things that Solomon does.

Wise: Beginning of Reign he prays for Wisdom. Builds a temple for the Lord Asks the Lord to pay attention to prayers offered toward the temple. Foolish: Building projects result in slave labor Cannot pay King Hiram of Tyre with food so he gives him twenty cities Overall decimates Lord's commandments about horses, riches, wives.

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