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unit price

the price or cost of one unit ex: box gallon yard

Enterprise resource planning

the worlds largest and most complex ES; they focus primarily on the internal operations of an organization and they integrate functional and cross-functional business processes ex:Finance and Accounting

Productivity Tools

these assist normal office work; include word processors, spreadsheets, presentation tools, file/database software, etc

Twisted Pair Cable

this type of tangible media has a low bandwidth and is used for telephones

Coaxial Cable

this type of tangible media has a moderate bandwidth and is used for music, voice, video, etc

goods receipt document

this verifies that the specified goods have been received

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) File Sharing

used to locate and download files from any online computer through Internet using applications such as Limewire

Goods Receipt Document

verifies that the specified goods have been received

my maps

web 2.0 product that provides tools which users can make mods to maps provided by google


Adherence to both the letter and the intent of relevant laws and regulations

What is an example of B2C? [Chapter 7, page 198, moderate] a. desk b. manual c. tax return d. CD


Domain Name

IP address expressed in natural language

Database Administrator (DBA)

Job title focused on directing, performing, or overseeing activities associated with a database or set of databases

Explicit Knowledge

Knowledge that is readily codified, such as the knowledge in a magazine or book. Example: The definition term what is a mid-ocean ridge

customer lifetime value (CLV)

The present value of the likely future income stream generated by an individual purchaser


The use of the internet and the web to transact business. It digitally enabled commercial transactions between and among organizations and individuals

data integrity

accuracy of data


any business exchange


binary digit (a 0 or 1)

Composite Key

combination of fields that serve as a primary key


refers to identifying and retrieving relevant electronic information to support litigation efforts


refers to the ability of a site to increase in size as demand warrants

Solid State Disk

storage media that does not have latency time

Chapter 6 moderate p. 168 1. What is a methodology where developers would create a system based on a set of requirements and then test and debug it with little attention to any reproject analysis or developmental design? A) build-and-fix model B) waterfall model C) evolutionary model D) logical data model

answer a

IEEE 802.11

a family of wireless protocols known as Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity); supports wireless communication within 100 meters of router

Primary Key

a field by which records are uniquely identified; each record in the table must have a unique key value (found in a Relational Model)

Entity -

a generalized lass of people, places, or things for which data is collected, stored, and maintained

Instant messaging

a method that allows two or more people to communicate online using the internet


a network based on web technologies that links selected resources of a company's intranet with its customers, suppliers, or other business partners

Local area network (LAN)

a network that connects computer systems and devices within a small area, such as an office, home, or several floors in a building

Personal area network (PAN)

a network that supports the interconnection of information technology within a range of 33 ft or so

Browser Parasite

a program that can monitor and change the settings of a user's browser


a program that processes HTTP protocol; receives, displays, and processes HTML documents and transmits responses

Secure Sockets Layer (Ssl)

a protocol that secures communications between the client and the server

hot site

a remote processing center, run by a commercial disaster-recovery service, that provides equipment a company would need to continue operations after a natural disaster.


a repository database that supports management decision making; holds current information (+ ____???)

Customer Relationship Management (Crm) System

a repository of customer information that records all of the contacts that a customer has with a firm and generates a customer profile available to everyone in the firm with a need to "know the customer"

Virtual private network (VPN)

a secure connection between two points on the internet


a semiconductor that can represent binary code's two states

Software as a service (SaaS) -

a service that allows the folks to subscribe to software online by paying a monthly fee, or by their amount of usage, or per-use, of however in the world they dream up

Voice-to-text service

a service that captures voice mail messages, converts them to text, and sends them to an email account

Digital subscriber line (DSL)

a service that delivers high-speed internet access to homes and small businesses over the existing phone lines of the local telephone network

Accessibility Rules

a set of design objectives that ensure disabled users can effectively access your site


a set of expectations that consumers have when consuming, or thinking about consuming, a product or service from a specific company

Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol(TCP/IP)

a set of important and related protocols where ______ ensures packets arrive accurately and in proper order and ______ ensures efficient delivery of packets from node to node

Business Model

a set of planned activities designed to result in a profit in a marketplace

Business Strategy

a set of plans for achieving superior long-term returns on the capital invested in a business firm

Brand Strategy

a set of plans for differentiating a product from its competitors, and communicating these differences effectively to the marketplace

Privacy Policy

a set of public statements declaring to your customers how you treat their personal information that you gather on the site


a set of rules and standards for data transfer

Telecommunications protocol

a set of rules that governs the exchange of information over a communications medium

Ip Multicasting

a set of technologies that enables efficient delivery of data to many locations on a network

Digital signal

a signal that represents bits

Radio frequency identification (RFID)

a technology containing circuity that allows recording of information about a product

unified communications

a technology solution that provides a simple and consistent user experience across all types of communications such as instant messaging, fixed and mobile phone, email, voice mail, and web conferencing


a telecomm. Device that uses the physical device address in each incoming message on the network to determine to which output port is should forward the message to reach another device on the same network

Metropolitan area network (MAN)

a telecommunications network that connects users and their devices in a geographical area that spans a campus or city

Wide area network (WAN)

a telecommunications network that ties together large geographic regions

Broadband communications

a telecommunications system in which a very high rate of data exchange is possible

Private branch exchange (PBX)

a telephone switching exchange that serves a single organization


a temporary storage space to speed up IP address mapping by avoiding nameserver visits

Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs)

a text-based listing of common questions and answers

Certification Authority (Ca)

a trusted third party that issues digital certificates


a type of LAN where a single computer controls the network


a type of eavesdropping program that monitors information traveling over a network

Value-Added Networks (VANs)

a type of network with enhanced services offered by outside vendors; provide reliability, management, and maintenance of networks for an organization

System Software

a type of software that enables applications to run on a computer and that manages components and devices

One-to-many relationship

a type of table relationship where one item in a table is linked to many items in the other table

Near field communications (NFC)

a very short-range wireless connectivity technology designed for cell phones and credit cards


a virtual, private pathway over a public or shared network from the VPN client to the VPN server

friction-free commerce

a vision of commerce in which information is equally distributed, transaction costs are low, prices can be dynamically adjusted to reflect actual demand, intermediaries decline, and unfair competitive advantages are eliminated

analog signal

a wavy signal. a modem converts the computer's digital into analog signals that can be transmitted over dial-up Internet connections.


a way of formatting pages with embedded links that connect documents to one another, and that also link pages to other objects such as sound, video, or animation files


a work arrangement whereby employees work away from the office using personal computers and networks to communicate via email with other workers and to pick up and deliver results

Which application allows sharing of flashcards and wiki notes, communication with classmates, and helps you find a tutor? a. b. Twitter c. Survey monkey d. Photobucket


Which of these is not an advantage for doing business online? a. expansion of niche marketing opportunity b. cheaper electronic transactions c. decreased competition due to niche markets d. none of the above

answer c


intentionally disrupting, defacing, or even destroying a site


an independent digital electronic marketplace where suppliers and commercial purchasers can conduct transactions


an indication that a web browser is using the SSL/TLS protocol to ensure secure communication


an object-oriented programming language from sun Microsystems based on C++ that allows small programs to be embedded within an HTML document

Word Processors

an office productivity application that is used to create text documents

Virtual private network (VPN)

can be an alternative to creating a LAN; utilizes the internet (a public network), to simulate a ________ that only authorized users can access

Application Suite

collection of management systems that offer an enormous amount of functionality and cover most of the standard business processes of a company


combination of output from two or more web sites into a single user experience


computing devices that connect networks and exchange data between them

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

connect a company's ERP system to those of its customers

Graphical user interface (GUI) -

icons instead of text. Like modern day windows

channel conflict

in e-commerce a conflict that may result between a manufacturer that wants to sell products directly to consumers and the retailers in the existing sales channels

price conflict

in e-commerce a conflict that may result when manufacturers offer products at prices lower than those available through existing sales channels

Customer Co-Production

in the Web environment, takes customization one step further by allowing the customer to interactively create the product

server tier

in the three tier architecture the tier that consists of computers tha run web servers to generate web pages and other data in response to requests from browsers.

web 2.0

loose cloud of capabilities, technologies, business models, and philosophies that characterize the new and emerging business uses of the Internet.

System administrator

manages an organization's computer operating systems; must ensure that operating systems work together, support business requirements, and function properly

Enterprise Resource Planning system (ERP)

manages daily operations and facilities planning

Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)

manages overall relationships with materials suppliers

Selecting -

manipulating data to eliminate rows according to certain criteria

Many-to-many relationship

many items in a table are linked to many items of the other table


marketing over the telephone; caller has large database of consumer data

Supply chain management

monitoring, controlling, and facilitating supply chains; logistics

Operating system (OS)

most important program on the computer; recognizes input, sends output to screen, keeps track of files, runs applications, and manages memory


most powerful computers at any given time; often used by government


multiple duplicate devices and paths in a network


physical components of computers and related electronic devices

Cable Modem

piggybacks digital Access to the Internet on top of the analog video cable providing television signals to a home

Advertising Networks

present users with banner advertisements based on a database of user behavioral data

systems analysis and design

process of creating and maintaining information systems (systems development)

Centralized processing

processing alternative in which all processing occurs at a single location or facility

Distributed processing

processing alternative in which computers are placed at remote locations but are connected to each other via a network

Database management system (DBMS)

program used to build databases, populate a database with data, manipulate data in a database

Application-specific software

programs designed to perform specific jobs

General-purpose application software

programs that serve multiple purposes; this usually comes as packaged software


provide a sort of heads-up display of critical indicators, letting managers get a graphical glance at key performance metrics

drill down

providing great details about purchase orders; is possible bc all the data are stored in a common database and therefore can be accessed as and when they are needed

Extensible markup language (XML)

the markup language for web documents containing structured information, including words, pictures, and other elements

Machine Language

the only language that hardware understands; it consists of long strings of 0s and 1s

Database Administrator (DBA)

the person responsible for managing the database; sets user limits for access to data in the database

Data cleanup -

the process of looking for and fixing inconsistencies to ensure that data is accurate and complete

Personal productivity software -

the software that gets all that done.

Hypertext markup language (HTML)

the standard page description language for web pages

Counterintelligence -

the steps an organization takes to protect information sought by "hostile" intelligence gatherers


the study of measurable biological or physical characteristics


the targeting of marketing messages to specific individuals by adjusting the message to a person's name, interests, and past purchases


this is random access memory; it is a volatile form of Internal memory


this is read-only memory; it is a nonvolatile form of internal memory


this is something that links the operating system with the hardware


this is the field or column in a Relational Model

Universal Serial Bus (USB)

this is the port that connect flash drives to a computer or other device


this is the row in a Relational Model

Enterprise sphere of influence -

this is the sphere of influence that supports the firm in its interaction with the environment


this is the table of records in a Relational Model

Structured Query Language (SQL)

this is the top choice for DBMSs; it's an international standard, has easy-to-remember and intuitive commands


this part of an entity relationship diagram identifies entities


this part of an entity relationship diagram indicates the mandatory fields


this part of an entity relationship diagram indicates the optional fields


this part of an entity relationship diagram indicates the relationship between entities


A small bit of data, usually created by programs running on the server, stored on the client machine, and passed back and forth in the HTTP request and response. e.g., When shopping on Amazon, this is created to store the name of the visitor (consumer)on the client machine.

2. Knowledge work Activities include all of the following EXCEPT: [Chapter 3, pg. 57, Figure 3.1, Moderate] a) Discovery b) Transformation c) Analysis d) Integration


Web 2.0

A set of applications and technologies that allows users to create, edit, and distribute content; share preferences, bookmarks, and online personas; participate in virtual lives; and build online communities

Authentication Procedures

include the use of digital signatures, certificates of authority, and public key infrastructure

smart card

a plastic card similar to a credit card that has a microchip. normally requires a PIN


a powerful personal computer that is part of a network

Data Mining

a set of analytical techniques that look for patterns in the data of a database or data warehouse, or seek to model the behavior of customers

Transaction Processing System (TPS)

a system that records transactions and processes transactions

customer lifetime value (CLV)

The present value of the likely future income stream generated by an individual purchaser.


a field whose values identify records; used to retrieve records (found in a Relational Model)

asymmetrical digital subscriber line (adsl)

dsl lines that have different upload and download speeds

data redundancy

duplication of data

Accounting information system

receives information from transaction processing systems (TPSs); automatically routes purchases to accounts payable; automatically routes sales to accounts receivable

Transaction processing systems (TPS)

records any transaction

Direct Access

records are organized by physical address on the device; a record can be accessed randomly

Transaction Log

records user activity at a Web site


routes data packets to the next node on the path to the final destination

Inventory turns

the number of times the business sells its inventory per year


the process of writing programs


array of components that work together to achieve goal or goals (it does so by accepting input, processing it, and producing output in an organized manner)

Market Creator

builds a digital environment where buyers and sellers can meet, display products, search for products, and establish a price for products


"Systems Applications and Products", pioneered the packaged applications approach

What advantage does a lower tier country have over a higher tier in terms of outsourcing? a. Increased population size leads to higher competition for incoming jobs b. Greater education opportunities makes individuals more attractive to potential employers c. Lower labor costs, so more jobs will be brought into the country rather than removed d. Higher numbers on "e-readiness" rankings means that the country is likely to become technologically advanced in the near future


What structure is most commonly used in e-commerce transactions? a. N-tier b. Fat client c. 2-tier d. Thin client


Unstructured Decision

A decision is characterized by uncertain data or information and for which there may be no known method for arriving at a solution. Example: You are late for work and you see stopped traffic ahead due to an accident scene. Will a longer, alternative route be quicker?

Internal Stakeholder

A person, or entity within the system boundaries that has an interest and an influence on how a business will function in order to succeed;

Amdahl's Law

A system's speed is determined by its slowest component.


A web protocol that provides the rules used by browsers and servers as they communicate requests for data and responses between each other.

Which of the following is NOT an example of a business-to-consumer (B-2-C) transaction website? a. b. c. d.

ANSWER: c FROM: Chapter 7, page 197 DIFFICULTY: medium

Expert System

An IS that can capture and store the knowledge of a human expert, so that the organization can permanently store and share that knowledge. Example: Heuristic DENDRAL (later shortened to DENDRAL) was a chemical-analysis expert system. The substance to be analyzed might, for example, be a complicated compound of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen. Starting from spectrographic data obtained from the substance, DENDRAL would hypothesize the substance's molecular structure. DENDRAL's performance rivaled that of chemists expert at this task, and the program was used in industry and in academia.

Point-To-Point Tunneling Protocol (Pptp)

An encoding mechanism that allows one local network to connect to another using the Internet as the conduit

fiber to the home (FTTH)

Broadband service provided via light-transmitting fiber-optic cables


Broadband technology that uses the wires of a local telephone network.


Broadly refers to high-speed Internet connections and is often applied to "last-mile" technologies.

Which of the following is a social messaging utility? (bonus application, moderate) a. pandora b. gin system c. twitter d. teradata

C. Twitter

6. Which of the following is NOT one of the three parts of a feasibility study? [chapter 6, slide 5, hard] a. Technical Analysis b. Organizational Analysis c. Stakeholder Analysis d. None of the Above e. All of the Above


7. Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD), is a model used in what kind of design? [chapter 6, page 171, moderate] a. Data Warehouse b. File Processing c. Relational Database d. Querying e. Communications


Public Key Infrastructure (Pki)

CAs and digital certificate procedures that are accepted by all parties


Code Division Multiple Access, cannot support voice and data simultaneously

The World is Spiky

Coined by Richard Florida, the counter-perspective to Thomas Friedman's flat world, indicating that there are still large disparities between global economies (or, spikes of commerce)


Creating wholes from parts and allows you to discover trends or patterns that seem to explain the past and the present, and may suggest courses of action likely to favorably influence the future. Example: You typically synthesize the results of an analysis to develop potential solutions for a problem.

Fourth Generation E-commerce

Current model of e-commerce that supports automatic interaction between applications

Enterprise Wide System

Def: An information system that ingrates and standardizes processes, and centralizes the storage and management of data of a business with the goal of increasing operational efficiencies in business processes Ex: Business's deployment of a enterprise resource planning system

Business Intelligence (TPS)

Def:A process that enables business leaders to make better decisions for gaining competitive advantage through the intelligent use of data and information in decision

Purchase Requisition

Document that identifies the material needed, the quantity needed, and the date it is needed

5. Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of file systems? [chapter 5, slide 9, moderate] a. Data Redundancy b. Data Dependence c. Data Inaccessibility d. Poor File Management e. Data Independence


Third Generation E-commerce

E-commerce that supports electronic transactions - for example, Paypal

risk avoidance

Eliminating the possibility of a risk's occurrence


Enables companies to acquire certain ES functionalities without physically installing software on their servers

Salesforce Automation

Equips traveling salespeople with information technology to improve productivity


Fiber to the Home, fastest last mile technology


Improve wireless reception


Insight derived from experience and expertise


Internet communication lines that have speeds in excess 256 kbps. dsl and cable modems have access

risk transfer

Moving risk to someone who is more able to deal with it such as a contractor


Operations that require a great deal of processing power

Communications Hardware

Provide the physical connection between a computer and a local network Example:Network Interface Card (NIC), Modems

Web Application Server

Software programs that provide specific business functionality required of a Web site


Web browser with a graphical user interface (GUI) that made it possible to view documents on the Web graphically


a telecomm. Hardware device that converts communications signals so they can be transmitted over the communication media


any undesirable situation


fiction that one phase of sdlc can be completed in its entirety and the project can progress without any backtracking to the next phase of sdlc


formed when firms permit outsiders to access their internal TCP/IP networks

System Testing

involves testing the site as a whole, in a way the typical user will use the site

Unit Testing

involves testing the site's program modules one at a time

Security Audit

involves the routine review of access logs (identifying how outsiders are using the site as well as how insiders are accessing the site's assets)

viral marketing

method used in web 2.0 in which users spread news about products and services

Cloud Computing

model of computing in which firms and individuals obtain computing power and software over the Internet


offers consumers two or more goods for one price

First mover

organization that is first to offer a new product or service; usually results in superior brand name, better technology, more experience, or critical mass

Network Service Provider (Nsp)

owns and controls one of the major networks comprising the Internet's backbone


private network of networks


problems from established guidelines

Targeted marketing

promotes to people most likely to purchase products

public key/private key

special version of asymmetric encryption that is popular on the Internet.

Customer relationship management

systems connect a company's ERP system to those of its customers

Customer Relationship Management Systems (CRM)

systems for managing relations with customers

Price Dispersion

the difference between the highest and lowest prices in a market

Computer aided design (CAD)

tools to create, modify, and store designs and drawings electronically

analysis paralysis

when too much time is spent documenting project requirements

Digital Signature (E-Signature)

"signed" cipher text that can be sent over the internet

Which of the following is an application on Facebook? [Bonus Application presentation, Easy] a) Pandora b) Meeting Wizard c) iLike d) Google Calendar

C) iLike

Which of the following is not one of the benefits for B2C e-commerce for consumers? a.Lower Prices b.Shop 24/7 c.Improved customer service d.Consistent high Download Speeds e.None of the above

Answer (e)

online analytical processing (OLAP)

Data used in OLAP reporting is usually sourced from standard relational databases, but it's calculated and summarized in advance, across multiple dimensions, with the data stored in a special database called a data cube

8. Ron Swift is the Vice-president of Terabyte Inc. (guest speaker presentation, moderate) a. True b. False

False, Teradata

Public Key Cryptography

Two mathematically related digital keys are used: a public key and a private key. The private key is kept secret by the owner, and the public key is widely disseminated. Both keys can be used to encrypt and decrypt a message. However, once the keys are used to encrypt a message, that same key cannot be used to unencrypt the message


Type of malicious code that can be covertly installed on a computer when attached to the Internet. Once installed, the bot responds to external commands sent be the attacker

True/false: the most common network architecture is the client/server architecture.

TRUE; A client runs an application that accesses information from a server. The client initiates requests and the server responds.


a software application that stores records and attributes

Database Management System (Dbms)

a software application used by organizations to create, maintain, and access database


a standardized means for coordinating an activity between two or more entities


a variable that provides properties for an html tag


a web 2.0 advertising product from google. vendors agree to pay a certain amount to google for use of particular search words which link to the vendor's site


a TCP/IP network located within a single organization for purposes of communications and information processing

virtual private network (VPN)

a WAN connection alternative that uses the internet or a private internet to create the appearance of a private point to point connections.

network of leased lines

a WAN connection alternative. communication lines are leased from telecommunication companies and connected into a network.

Asynchronous communications

a form of communications where the receiver gets the message after some delay - sometimes hours or days after the message is sent

Diffserv (Differentiated Quality Of Service)

a new technology that assigns levels of priority to packets based on the type of data being transmitted


a plan that describes the structure of the database including names and sizes of fields, identification of primary keys, relationships

access point

a point in a wireless network that facilitates communication among wireless devices and serves as a point of interconnection between wireless and wired networks.


a program used to obtain information such as a user's keystrokes, e-mail, instant messages, and so on


a project started by the U.S. Department of Defense in 1969 as both an experiment in reliable networking and a means to link DoD and military research contractors, including many universities doing military-funded research

Post Office Protocol 3 (Pop3)

a protocol used by the client to retrieve mail from an Internet server


a regional Gigabit Point of Presence, or point of access to the Internet2 network, that supports at least one gigabit (1 billion bits) per second information transfer

Data Dictionary

a repository of information about the data and its organization

What is the last stage of an IS life cycle where the system loses its value? a. Retirement b. Transition c. Inception

a) Retirement


allows devices to communicate within 10 meters; transmits voice and data; considered PAN technology

Virtual Private Networks (Vpn)

allows remote users to securely access internal networks via the Internet, using the Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)

Digital Accumulating Balance Payment System

allows users to make micropayments and purchases on the Web, accumulating a balance for which they are billed at the end of the month

Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity)

also referred to as 802.11b, 802.11a (Wi-Fi5), and 802.16 (WiMAX). Wireless standard for Ethernet networks with greater speed and range than Bluetooth

11. Which of the following is NOT a B2B business model? (Chapter 7, slide 33, moderate) a. Exchange b. Community c. One-to-one d. Company-centric

Answer: b

8. Businesses often used client-scripting for: (Chapter 8, page 235, difficult) a. Persistent data b. Web holding c. Form controls d. Data validation

Answer: d

information asymmetry

Any disparity in relevant market information among parties in a transaction


Division of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that coordinates cyber incident warnings and responses across government and private sectors


amplifies or regenerates signals

4. True or false: Analysis is creating wholes from parts. (Chapter 3, slide #10, easy)

FALSE; synthesis

True of False: The First Generation of E-Commerce is the most advanced, including dynamic content and complex automation.


Purchase Order

an agreement to purchase the stated material, for the stated price, under the stated terms

wireless spectrum

Frequencies used for communication. Most mobile cell phone services have to license spectrum. Some technologies (such as Wi-Fi) use unlicensed public spectrum.

Internet Explorer

Microsoft's Web browser

Relational Database

Most common standard for expressing databases, whereby tables are related based on common keys


Outsourcing that occurs in the same country as a business. e.g., PayPal for eBay users is an example of a payment gateway.

Tablet Computer

PC in the form of a thick writing tablet that recognizes handwriting

Second Generation E-commerce

Phase of e-commerce that introduced dynamic content on the Web - for example, a web page that shows updated news stories

risk deferral

Postponing exposure to risk until circumstances are more favorable or resources are available to address the risk


Program (typically a marketing effort) that requires customer consent. This program is contrasted with opt-out programs, which enroll all customers by default.


Raw facts and figures

asymmetric encryption

an encryption method whereby different keys are used to encode and to decode the message.

Advanced encryption standard (AES)

an extremely strong data encryption standard sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology based on a key size of 128-bits, 192 bits, or 256 bits

True/False Mass customization and personalization are two types of customization used in e-commerce


Web Content Management System (Wcms, Webcms)

Used to create and manage Web content

User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

Works as a TCP stand-in for web transmissions, e-mail, and application downloads


Worldwide network of computer networks built on common standards

What is an IS consultant? a. An experienced individual that is trained to analyze and advise a client in order to help the client make the best possible choices. b. A person who fixes computers c. A person who is in charge of the technology department at a Computer Store d. A person who designs software


onboard NIC

a built in NIC


a computer connected directly to a backbone

Replicated database -

a database that holds a duplicate set of frequently used data

Output Device

a device that delivers results of computer processing; examples include monitors, printers, and speakers

beta program

a prerelease version of software, used for testing

security threat

a problem with the security of an information system or the data therein caused by human error, malicious activity or natural activities


a terminal emulation program that runs in TCP/IP

social networking

connections of people with similar interests

Query-Driven Data Mining

data mining based on specific queries


e-commerce sale between companies and govt orgs


ease of expanding a system

web farm

facility that runs multiple web servers.

perimeter firewall

firewall that sits outside the organizational network. first device the Internet traffic encounters


large collection of related records


networking hardware that connects two networks


process of brand creation

ieee 802.11 protocol

widely used today enables access within few hundred feet

Strategic Information system (SIS)

an information system that helps seize opportunities; company-wide and crosses departments

Lifestyle Group

an integrated pattern of activities, interests, and opinions

5. Which is not involved in a feasibility study? a. technical analysis b. financial analysis c. organizational analysis d. Inception

d. Inception


maintaining vast amounts of data and information

Free-on-board (FOB)

is the point which ownership of the material in the shipment legally transfers from one company to the other; shipping point-ownership switches to the buyer as soon as shipment is sent, destination-ownership does not change until the material has been delivered

data mining

is the process of using computers to identify hidden patterns in (and to build models from) large data sets Key areas where businesses leverage data mining include: Customer segmentation Marketing and promotion targeting Market basket analysis

In a database, each table has an individual key called the ____________. a. Foreign Key b. Map Key c. DBMS Key d. Primary Key

d. primary key

Sequential Storage

data is organized one record after another; one must read through all records that are stored prior to the desired record

linking -

data manipulation that combines two or more tables using common data attributes to form a new table with only the unique data attributes

Entity-relationship (ER) diagrams -

data models that use basic graphical symbols to show the organization of and relationships between data

Presentation tools

develop impressive presentations quickly

hypertext markup language (HTML)

language that defines the structure and layout of web page

Data warehouse

large database that usually stores transactional records

service pack

large group of fixes that solve low-priority software problems

Transport Services And Representation Standards Layer

layer of Internet architecture that houses the TCP/IP protocol

Network Technology Substrate Layer

layer of Internet technology that is composed of telecommunications networks and protocols

maintenance phase

fifth/final phase of sdlc which developers record requests for changes, and fix failures by means patches, service packs, and new releases.


legal tender defined be a national authority to represent value

Bargaining power

leverage to influence buyers and suppliers; achieved by being major competitor or eliminating competitors; uses purchase volume as leverage over suppliers

Online Catalog

list of products available on a Web site

Internet Service Provider (Isp)

firm that provides the lowest level of service in the multi-tiered Internet architecture by leasing Internet access to home owners, small businesses, and some large institutions


group of bits transmitted together; they are transmitted independently, and may be routed through different paths


group of fixes for high-priorit failures that can be applied to existing copies of a particular product.

test plan

groups of sequences of actions that users will take when using new system

network interface card (NIC)

hardware component on each device in a network that connects the device's circuitry to the communications line

suite application

have the advantage of containing most of the business processes needed to run a company in a tightly integrated package

Debit Card

immediately debits a checking or other demand-deposit account

Joint Table

composite of tables

Processing Center (Clearinghouse)

institutions that handles verification of accounts and balances

supplier relationship management

manage the overall relationships with the materials suppliers; contain functionality to manage the quotation and contracts process


measures how much data can be transferred over a communications medium within a fixed period of time; is usually expressed in bits per second (bps), kilobits per second (Kbps), megabits per second (Mbps),or gigabits per second (Gbps)


more powerful microcomputer used for CAD, CAM, and scientific applications


process of taking extraordinary measures to reduce a system's vulnerability.


process whereby an information system identifies a user by requiring the user to sign on with a username and password

Flash Memory

rewritable memory chip that holds content without power; allows fast access time; is relatively immune to shock or vibration

Ad Server

server designed to deliver targeted banner ads

Mail Server

server that provides e-mail messages

Productivity tools

software applications that improve productivity

Master production schedule

specifies how production capactity is to be used to meet customer demands

data administration

staff function that pertains to all of an organization's dat assets. set data standards, develop policy, provide for data security

process-level information

status information Status of a purchase requisition / order (PO history) How much time does it take on average? Per material? Per vendor? Which vendors are prompt? Who habitually delivers late? What do we buy most often? From with vendor(s)?

human safeguards

steps taken to protect against security threats by establishing appropriate procedure for users to folow for system use

Domain Name System (Dns)

system for expressing numeric IP addresses in natural language

Decision support System (DSS)

system that SUPPORTS decision making; extrapolates data to predict outcomes...answers "what if?"

Geographic Information System (GIS)

system that is used to tie data to physical locations

Expert system (ES)

system that supports knowledge-intensive decision making; uses artificial intelligence techniques

Middleware Services Layer

the "glue" that ties the applications to the communications networks, and includes such services as security, authentication, addresses, and storage repositories


the ability to identify the identity of a person or entity with whom you are dealing on the Internet

key performance indicators

the current state of a process is measured against a standard definition of what is expected

Electronic data interchange (EDI)

the direct computer-to-computer exchange between two organizations of standard business transactions, such as orders, shipment instructions, or payments

User interface -

the element of the operating system that allows you to access and command the computer system

Netscape Navigator

the first commercial Web browser

beta testing

the process of allowing future system users to try out the new system on their own.

Web 2.0

the web as a computing platform that supports software applications and the sharing of information between users

Transmission control protocol (TCP)

the widely used transport-layer protocol that most internet applications use with IP

component design phase

third phase in sdlc in which developers determine hardware and software specifications, design the database, design procedures, and create job descriptions for users and operations personnel

Intangible Media

this is a category of communications media that includes Microwave radio technologies

Crow's feet

this part of an entity relationship diagram identifies "many"

Microwave Radio Technologies

this type of intangible media has about the same bandwidth as coaxial cable (moderate)

business intelligence

) combines reporting, data exploration and ad hoc queries, with sophisticated data modeling and analysis

ES Process

1.) Execute the Process 2.) Capture and Store Process Data 3.) Monitor the Process


A language for encoding the information so that a variety of IT devices, mainly Web browsers, can display it.

Table or file

A list of data, arranged in columns (fields) and rows (records)

Supply Chain

A network of facilities and distribution options that performs the functions of procurement of materials, transformation of these materials into intermediate and finished products, and the distribution of these finished products to customers.

Wide Area Network (WAN)

A network that connects computers which cover entire regions, countries, and even overseas, often collections of smaller networks, that require connection technology to cover the greater distances.


A programming language that allows programmers to create interactivity and active content on the client computer, thereby saving considerable load on the server

data cube

A special database used to store data in OLAP reporting


A special kind of output created by a business process that is then returned from the system ("fed back") in order to control the system's future inputs, processes, and outputs.

An extranet is a collaborative network that uses Internet technology to link businesses with their customers. [chapter 7, slide 46, moderate] a.True b.False

A. True

True/False: The IS project involves two things.

ANSWER: false FROM: Chapter 6 slides: slide 5 DIFFICULTY: medium

risk acceptance

Accepting risk and having contingency plans in place

IADD Model

Acronym for Investigate, Analyze, Decide, and Do. It is a model for problem solving in a knowledge organization.

10) How many generations of E-Commerce have there been? (chapter 8) (slide 4) a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

Answer = C

12. is used to: [bonus application presentation,, easy] a. Make personalized flashcards b. Create a personalized font c. Find your favorite music artists d. Look at and organize your pictures


Anyone outside of a company can access the 'best practices' data of a company a. True b. False

B. False

Which of the following is not a stage of IS development? A. Inception B. Retirement C. Motivation D. Construction

C. Motivation

C2C e-commerce

Consumers selling to other consumers

What is the primary language for creating Web pages? A. HTTP B. URL C. JavaScript D. HTML


Which of the following are NOT one of the four primary components of a typical e-commerce site? A. The Merchant Account B. The Payment Gateway C. The Shopping and Ordering System D. The Customer Account E. The Security System

D. The Customer Account

Transaction data

Data connected to a specific instance (quantity, date shipped)

Data Mart

Def:Data set, often a scaled-down data warehouse, usually tailored to the needs of a specific group within a organization Ex: A business's data specifically geared to the support of their marketing group

Master Data

Define the key entities with whom an organization interacts, such as customers and suppliers

Column or field

Defines the data that a table can hold

Packaged Applications

Generic software that can be used by many companies


Global System for Mobile Communications, most common 3G standard simultaneously

systems analysts

IS professionals who understand both business and technology


Physical space you visit in order to transact

I/O Intensive

Requires input/output operations rather than heavy-duty processing power

Customer Relationship Management system (CRM)




last-mile technologies

Technologies that connect end users to the Internet. The last-mile problem refers to the fact that these connections are usually the slowest part of the network.


The digital enabling of transactions and processes within a firm, involving information systems under the control of the firm

Knowledge Work

The intellectual activities that people perform upon data, information, and knowledge in order to discover business options. Example: A student who studies from a book, takes notes in class performs this activity toward his classes.

World Wide Web

The most popular service that runs on the internet; provides easy access to web pages


The process of transforming plain text or data into cipher text that cannot be read by anyone other than the sender and the receiver. The purpose of encryption is (a) to secure stored information and (b) to secure information transmission

public switched data network (PSDN)

a WAN connection alternative. network of comps and leased lines developed and maintained by vendor that leases time on the network to other orgs.

Data dictionary -

a detailed description of all the data used in the database


a given or fact


a message to the database requesting data from specific records and/or fields


a series of instructions to a computer to execute processes


a standard group of eight bits

Session Key

a unique symmetric encryption key chosen for a single secure session

The language that guides the display of a requested page: a) HTML b) HTTP c) XML d) WWW


2. When discussing memory, ROM is used to control the start up process whereas RAM is temporary and lost when the computer shuts down. [chapter 2, slide 6, easy] a) true b) false

a) true


airline company that entered a formerly hurting market with great success


an individual who intends to gain unauthorized access to a computer system


benign program installed on computer without user knowledge and keeps track of actions, keystrokes etc.,


bill for the material shipped which is sent to accounting for payment

Critical mass

body of clients that is large enough to attract other clients

A ______ decision is one that involves some uncertainty or doubt about the outcome of it. a) structured b) unstructured c) semistructured d) relatively structured

c) semistructured

Business Objectives

capabilities you want your site to have


component of larger system

Who is charged with the governance of most IT and IS in most businesses? a. CFO b. CAO c. CEO d. CIO

d) CIO

Enterprise data modeling -

data modeling done at the level of the entire enterprise

System Software

deals with essential operations between the user and computer such as managing memory resources, loading/copying/deleting files, encompasses compilers and interpreters


e-commerce sales between a supplier and consumer/retailer

personal identification numbers (PIN)

form of authentication whereby a user supplies a number that only he knows

Black Hats

hackers who act with the intention of causing harm

Chief technology officer (CTO)

has similar duties as CIO

Vertical Scaling

increasing the processing power of individual components


public internet

Hardware Platform

refers to all the underlying computing equipment that the system uses to achieve its e-commerce functionality


refers to different methods by which goods can be distributed and sold

denial of service (DOS)

security problem in which users are not able to access an IS; can be caused by human errors, natural disasters, or malicious activity

Digital Checking Payment System

seeks to extend the functionality of existing checking accounts for use as online shopping payment tools

Flash Drives

small storage devices that connect via USB

Middleware -

software that allows different systems to communicate and exchange data

data layer

stores information (your contacts)


subset of cultures that form around major social differences

Computer-based Information system

system with one or more computers at center

product life cycle management

systems help companies administer the processes of research, design, and product management

Computer aided manufacturing (CAM)

systems that instruct machines how to manufacture parts and assemble products

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (Smtp)

the Internet protocol used to send mail to a server


the complexity and content of a message

Workgroup sphere of influence -

the sphere of influence that affects the workgroup

Distance learning

the use of telecommunications to extend the classroom

user tier

tier in three tier architecture that consists of computers that have browsers that request and process web pages

Loading Phase

transfer files to data warehouse; 3rd phase of transferring data to data warehouse

Physical Design

translate the logical design into physical components


translates communication signals from analog to digital and vice versa

biometric authentification

use of personal physical characteristics to authenticate users


web 2.0 product from google that searches an org's we site and inserts ads that match content on that site; when users click those ads google pays the org a fee


what is produced by the information system; includes devices such as printers and speakers


within the hacking community, a term typically used to denote a hacker with criminal intent

Command-based user interface -

you gotta type in there what you want the thing to do. There ain't no icons, graphics, or none of that kinda like old school DOS

P2P e-commerce

Use of peer to peer technology, which enables internet users to share files and computer resources directly without having to go through a central web server, in e-commerce

brook's law

"adding more people to a late project makes the project later"

White Hats

"good" hackers who help organizations locate and fix security flaws

data mining critical conditions

1 The organization needs clean, consistent data 2 The events in the data should reflect current and future trends

9) Match the following: 1. B2C a. Online equivalent of retail store as well as other services 2. B2B b. Use of online auctions like eBay or Yahoo! Auctions 3. B2G c. Electronic payment of taxes as well purchasing licenses 4. C2G d. Electronic exchanges between companies 5. C2C e. Online sales to government agencies as well as online Payment of taxes

1a, 2d, 3e, 4c, 5b

Which country is not apart of the 'Three 'I'?' 1) Israel 2) Ireland 3) India 4) Indonesia

4) Indonesia

Which of the following are network benefits: 1) efficient communication 2) effective resource management 3) complete, accurate, reliable, recent, and timely information 4) expanded marketing and customer service capabilities 5) all of the above

5) all of the above

data mart

: A database or databases focused on addressing the concerns of a specific problem

data warehouse

: A set of databases designed to support decision making in an organization

Neural network

: Examines data and identifies patterns in models for prediction and control. (Simulates the functioning of the brain.)

Which of the following is not one of the four primary components of a typical e-commerce site? [chapter 8, slide 24, hard] a) The account payable system b) The merchant account c) The payment gateway d) The security system



A Collection of data stored on a computer and organized based on one of several schemes that are designed to make the data collection easy to search and manage. Ex: Sales Force uses this to keep track of millions of clients and their information, which it then rents out to companies like E-trade who use this information.

Management Information System


Merchant Account

A bank account that allows merchants to receive the proceeds of credit card purchases.

LAN (Local Area Network)

A computer network confined to a relatively small geographic area.


A computing device that connects networks and exchanges data between them.

Systems Development Life Cycle (Sdlc)

A methodology for understanding the business objectives of any system and designing an appropriate solution


A unique address for each page that indicates the location of a document, either on the Internet or on local network or machine.

Pretty Good Privacy (Pgp)

A widely used e-mail public key encryption software program

12. Mr. Swift presentation focused on using IS to _________________ [Guest Presentation, Moderate] a) Increase Profitability and Growth across Business Organizations b) Promote team-building across Business Organizations c) Synchronize IT components across Business Organizations d) None of the above


6. The four essential ingredients of System Analysis and Design (SAD) includes which of the following: [Chapter 6, pg. 163, Hard] a) Methodology b) Project Management c) Elaboration d) Construction


3. Which of the following networks covers a very small space that ranges from the size of a human body to a small office? [Chapter 5, pg. 121, Moderate] a) PAN b) WAN c) MAN d) Internet


Which application presented in class allows you to chat and participate in video messaging with other(s) online for free? [Application presentation, easy] a. Pandora b. Skype c. Evite d. Centsports


True/False: The Random Access Memory RAM contains instructions that are not meant to be changed or changed only infrequently.

ANSWER: False; ROM FROM: Chapter 2 slides: slide 6 DIFFICULTY: medium

Enterprise Information Security

An ongoing, strategic business process of risk assessment and management that helps to ensure safe business operations and the availability, confidentiality, and integrity of an enterprise's information resources.

Information System (IS)

An organized collection of people, information, business processes, and information technology designed to transform inputs into outputs, in order to achieve a goal. For Example: MIS (management information system): Through processing and reporting features, a MIS provides times information to decision makers.

8) 'the capacity a country has to participate in the global digital economy' is _____. (From chapter 9) (slide 13) a. e-commerce b. e-readiness c. IIS (International Information Systems d. None of the above

Answer = B

E-Commerce includes__________. a. all types of computer networks b. all types of transactions c. none of the above d. both a and b

Answer D

Trojan Horse

Appears to be benign, but then does something other than expected. Often a way for viruses or other malicious code to be introduced into a computer system

Electronic exchanges between companies are considered which type of E-Commerce transaction? A. Business to consumer (B2C) B. Business to business (B2B) C. Consumer to consumer (C2C) D. Business to government (B2G)


5. A ___________________ study determines whether a project is technically and economically possible? [Chapter 6, pg. 157, Easy] a) Practicality b) Feasibility c) Possibility d) Developmental


In general, the Functional Organizational structure is more flexible than both the Decentralized and Matrix structures? (Ch. 4.2, pg 93) A.) True B.) False


Order the following from most complex to least complex: (Ch. 5 Presentation, Slide 4) A. PDA, embedded processor, supercomputer, mainframe B. Mainframe, server farm, personal computer, embedded processor C. Personal computer, server farm, mainframe, super computer D. Personal computer, PDA, server farm, supercomputer

B.) Mainframe, server farm, personal computer, embedded processor

5. Stakeholders may be which of the following: (Chapter 4, Slide 4 of Chapter 4 Powerpoint, easy) a) internal only b) external only c) both internal and external d) none of the above

Both internal and external

Which of the following is not involved in the project management triangle? A. Resources B. Time C. Efficiency D. Scope


Which of the following is not an affect of using E-commerce? [Chapter 7, page 202, moderate] a. Enhancing collaboration b. Multiplying market niches c. Changing marketplace drivers d. Increasing barriers to entry


7. _______________________ refers to cutting corners in areas such as testing, documentation, and design tasks, during rushed projects. [Chapter 6, pg. 180, Moderate] a) Silver Bullet Syndrome b) Feature Creep c) Inadequate Design d) Shortchanged Quality


What is the primary language for creating web pages? A. URL B. HTTP C. XML D. HTML


What is a disadvantage for using Pandora? A. You can't stop a song you don't like from playing. B. You can't pick a specific genre to listen to. C. You have to listen to the whole song before going to the next one. D. None of the Above.

D. None of the Above

Which of the following members of the Computer Hierarchy is the strongest/fastest in terms of its relative processing power? (Ch. 5.1, pg 120) A. Personal Digital Assistant B. Server Farm C. Personal Computer D. Mainframe E. None of the above. All are equal.

D.) Mainframe

Three-way Match

Data in vendor invoice, purchase order, and goods receipt must match for payment to be sent to vendor


Data presented in a context so that it can answer a question or support decision making

Data Encryption Standard (Des)

Developed by the National Security Agency (NSA) and IBM. Uses a 56-bit encryption key

Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Executive who leads the organization's information and technology efforts, ensures proper and secure use of all the organization's information resources, understands both business and technology, and communicates IS goals and aligns them with business strategies.

1. The largest number of memory chips in your computer is in the form of ROM. [Chapter 2, pg. 30, Easy] a) True b) False


True/false: CPU speed is measured by its clock speed in millions of cycles per second (megahertz).

FALSE; billions (gigahertz)

True/false: a process is a recognizable whole that consists of a collection of interrelated parts that interact with each other to transform inputs into outputs in order to achieve a goal.

FALSE; system

A business can use automating to learn new ways to increase or transform its capabilities and find better ways to manage its resources [Chapter 4, page 102, moderate]. a. True b. False


TRUE or FALSE: Lower prices, greater searchability, ability to touch, feel, and smell products to purchase, and fast download speeds are all benefits of B2C E-Commerce.


True or False: Explicit Knowledge is Knowledge that is within people that they gain through experience, insight, and discovery


True or False: Ron Swift's company, Teradata, helps clients by providing newer communications technology. (speaker presentation, moderate)


6. Mr. Ron Swift gave a presentation about TerraData, a company that specializes in the creation of databases. [guest speaker presentations, medium]

False; Datawarehousing


Field used to relate tables in a database

9. What generation of e-commerce is characterized by increasing integration with external partners over the Web and allowing increased transactions between two web partners? (Chapter 8, page 227, moderate) A. First generation B. Second generation C. Third generation D. Fourth generation

Fourth generation

People-Policy-Technology Framework

Framework that specifies the interaction of people, policy, and technology in an organization in order to mitigate risk and ensure security.

Product Lifestyle Management (PLM)

Help companies administer the processes of research, design, and product management; carry a product from the drawing board to manufacturing

Domain Name Service (DNS)

Hierarchical system of nameservers that maps host-domain name combinations to IP addresses

Detective Controls

Implemented to reduce risk by discovering when preventive controls have failed and providing notification that action must be taken. Example: bank customers receive an email when their PIN numbers have been changed, just to be sure they in fact initiated the change.

Status Information

Information that can relate either to a particular transaction or to the process in general

1)Who does Philip Grossman work for? [Grossman presentation, medium] InterContinental Hotels Group Teradata Solutions Enterprise Information Technology Support The University of Georgia

InterContinental Hotels Group


LAN protocol using coaxial or Cat 5 or 6 twisted pair cable

Table or File

List of data, arranged in columns and rows

Drill Down

Looking back through the steps of the procurement process from the data stored in a common database

Project Time

Managing and estimating the duration of the project, developing an acceptable schedule, and managing the project to ensure timely completion

Cert Coordination Center

Monitors and tracks online criminal activity reported to it by private corporations and government agencies that seek out its help


Network transmission speeds, typically expressed in some form of bits per second (bps).


New IP scheme that will increase the possible address space to 2^138 addresses

Logical Data Model

One of the two most commonly used models for designing the organization of a relational database. It translates the ERD into a diagram of the tables in a database. For example, in order to apply the ERD, the e-voting system uses a this type of model, which specifies the fields that the database will store.


Outsourcing to a business partner located outside your country but in the same general geographic area as your business. e.g, A company in Atlanta outsources to a company in Chicago.


Phone company copper, no shielding, signals degrade with distance, popular in densely populated cities of Europe and Asia

First Generation E-commerce

Precursor to web-enabled e-commerce, featuring simple static content on the Web - for example, a web page with content that doesn't change

Utility Software

Provides additional tools to maintain and service your system (many of the tasks associated with the tools are now included in the OS). Example:For Security purposes: • Antivirus, Firewall, and Spyware

Systems analyst

Researches, plans, and recommends software and systems choices; responsible for developing cost analyses, design considerations, implementation timelines, and feasibility studies

IP (internet protocol)

Routing protocol that is in charge of forwarding packets on the Internet.

Functional Business Area

SERVICES WITHIN A COMPANY THAT SUPPORT MAIN BUSINESS; includes accounting, finance, marketing, and human resources

B2b Service Provider

Sells business services to other firms


Sharing analyses, ideas, and solutions with others. Example: In order to have a successful team, you must effectively communicate ideas, solutions, and analyses.

Purpose of Info systems


True/false: A query is a specially structured request to a database to locate a desire set of records (Field Guide B).


2. ________ knowledge is knowledge that is within you and is gained through experience, insight, and discovery. (Chapter 1, Slide 6 of Chapter 1 Powerpoint, easy) a) tacit b) experimental c) explicit d) implicit


Mass Customization

The ability to create custom products or services on-demand Ex. or where you can custmize your own car and have it delivered to a dealer in your area


The electronic and mechanical components that can be seen and touched. For Example: Computer Monitor, Transistor, keyboards, etc.


The finding of data, information, and knowledge relevant to a task, problem, issue, opportunity, and etc. Example: Before writing a research paper, you must search for answers to questions and for information and facts


The global network cooperating computer networks that use the same rules for sending and receiving information. Example: When a user requests a web access to a URL


The knowledge work activity that requires you to organize the results from discovering activities Example: The phonebook is an example of transformation. It organizes names, addresses, and phone numbers.

Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

The traditional term for the time it takes to build an IS from inception through transition to use of the system. Stages: Pre-Inception, Inception, Elaboration, Construction, Transition, Production, and Retirement. For example, a systems analyst may find that there is a need for an information system to be developed and take the necessary steps to be sure a high-quality system is put in place.


This refers to the strategic decision made by a business to bring various services or functions back in-house, or keep them in-house, rather than globally source them. e.g,. A company in Atlanta, Georgia outsources to a company in Montreal, Canada.

voice over Internet protocol (VoIP)

Transmission technologies that enable voice communications (phone calls) to take place over the Internet as well as private packet-switched network

12. A business model defines how a company will meet the needs of its customers while making a profit. a. True b. False


True or False: When data remain on the client machine for a period of time, this is a persistent cookie.


1. Which of the following applications, demonstrated in class, is a social networking site in which "tweets" update your friends based on "what you are doing". (bonus application presentation, easy) a) skype b) centsports c) twitter d) rotten tomatoes e) none of the above


2)Which of the following applications was presented that lets you update what you are doing and 'follow' what others are doing? [Class Presentation, easy] Pandora Photobucket Facebook Twitter


Content Provider

distributes information content (news, music, videos, artwork) over the web

Psychographic Research

divides a market into different groups based on social class, lifestyles, and/or personality characteristics

web page

documents encoded in HTML that are created, transmitted, and consumed during the world wide web

Which of the following is not a phase of IS development? (Chapter 6: Slide 14 Medium) a. Inception b. Construction c. Transition d. Retirement e. None of the Above

e) None of the Above

10. An organized collection of people, business processes, information, and information technology that creates business value by capturing, sharing, creating, storing and transforming data across cultural environments is________________. [Chp. 9 p. 270, moderate] a) spreadsheet b) business collection c) company-centric business model d) business value collection e) global information system

e) global information system

Security Organization

educates and trains users, keeps management aware of security threats and breakdowns, and maintains the tools chosen to implement security

Scale Economies

efficiencies that arise from increasing the size of a business


efficiency of HUMAN resources; improves when fewer workers are required to achieve the same goal


elimination of one or more middle layers of the supply chain

ieee 802.16 protocol

emerging new technology also known as wimax enable broadband access for fixed nomadic and portable applications.

Horizontal Scaling

employing multiple computers to share the workload

Digital Wallet

emulates the functionality of a regular wallet by authenticating the consumer, storing and transferring value, and securing the payment process from consumer to merchant

symmetric encryption

encryption method whereby same key is used to encode and decode the message

Late mover

enters the market later than other competitors; can be viewed as advantage; implements latest available technologies; not burdened with legacy systems


entity that provides goods and services at a stated price, prices and arranges for the delivery of the goods, but never takes title of the goods

Local Area Network (LAN)

established by a single organization and shared among employees; includes both client-server and peer-to-peer LAN

Authorization Management System

establishes where and when a user is permitted to access certain parts of a Web site

Rule-Based Data Mining

examines demographic and transactional data of groups and individuals at a Web site and attempts to derive general rules of behavior for visitors

Switching costs

expenses incurred when customer stops buying from one company and starts buying from another


facts or conclusions that have meaning within context


fake blog created solely to raise the search engine rank of affiliated Web sites

Checking Transfer

funds transferred directly via a signed draft or check from a consumer's checking account to a merchant or other individual

Registration Forms

gather personal data on name, address, phone, ZIP code, e-mail address, and other optional self-confessed information on interests and tastes

Database model

general logical structure; answers concerns such as how records are stored in the database and how relationships between records are established

packaged applications

generic software that can be used by many companies

Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)

handheld computer; smart phones took this over

Broadband Internet Access

high-speed last mile technologies

Malicious Code (Malware)

includes a variety of threats such as viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and bots

Industry Consortia

industry-owned vertical marketplaces that serve specific industries

Opinion Leaders (Viral Influencers)

influence the behavior of others through their personality, skills, or other factors

Applications Layer

layer of Internet architecture that contains client applications

hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)

layer-5 protocol used to process web pages

point of presence (POP)

location at which a line connects to a PSDN network


magnetic disks, magnetic tapes, optical disks, DVDs, and flash memory (allow for permanent _______)


malware that is designed to spread from computer to computer

Joining -

manipulating data to combine two roe more tables


marketplace extended beyond traditional boundaries and removed from a temporal and geographic location

price elasticity

measure of the sensitivity in demand to changes in prices.

Packet switching

message broken into packets


networked computer dedicated to common functions that the client computers on the network need

Value Web

networked trans-business system that coordinates the value chains of several firms

Unfair Competitive Advantage

occurs when one firm develops an advantage based on a factor that other firms cannot purchase

Service Provider

offers services online

cost feasibility

one of four dimensions of feasibility

World Wide Web

one of the Internet's most popular services, providing access to over 50 billion Web pages


one of the internet's high-speed, long-distance communications links

Hypertext Markup Language (Html)

one of the next generation of GMLs that is relatively easy to use in Web page design. HTML provides Web page designers with a fixed set of markup "tags" that are used to format a Web page

File Transfer Protocol (Ftp)

one of the original Internet services. Part of the TCP/IP protocol that permits users to transfer files from the server to their client computer, and vice versa


personal computers, notebook computers, and handhelds; what students use


process by which orgs use web 2.0 technologies such as user-generated content to involve their users in the design and marketing of their products

system conversion

process of concerting business activity from old system to the new

Transaction Broker

processes transactions

Decentralized processing

processing alternative in which processing devices are placed at various remote locations

web server

program that processes HTML protocol and transmits web pages on demand


protocol that establishes the connections among sending and receiving Web computers and handles the assembly of packets at the point of transmission, and their reassembly at the receiving end

canned reports

provide regular summaries of information in a predetermined format. They're often developed by information systems staff and formats can be difficult to alter

Licensed Software

provides limited permission to use the software

aggregate or process level

relating to multiple instances of the process over time; the company uses this information to understand how well it is executing each step in the process as well as how the entire process is operating over time

instance-level of process

relating to one execution of the procurement process

composite applications

rely on web services to send and receive data between and among ES and execute newer and more specific processes than are found in the standard ES

cold site

remote processing center that provides office space, but no computer equipment, for use by a company that needs to continue operations after a natural disaster

Syntax -

rules associated with a programming language. So it dictates the symbols and stuff and order to convey it to the computer

technical safeguards

safeguards that involve the hardware and software components of an information system

requirements analysis phase

second phase in the sdlc in which developers conduct user interviews, evaluate existing systems, determine new forms/reports/queries, identify new features and functions, including security, and create and data model

Price Discrimination

selling products to different people and groups based on their willingness to pay

Automated Response System

sends e-mail order confirmations and acknowledgements of e-mailed inquires

Video Server

server that serves video clips


shapes basic human values, wants, perceptions, and behaviors

Social Shopping

sharing product choices with friends online

3D Geographic Software

similar to virtual reality, used to develop three-dimensional models of geographical locations; essentially is a Geographic Information System


single piece of information about entity; can hold images, sounds, video clips; example includes "cell" in Excel

Dial-up connection

slower type of connection through modem, usually no faster than 56 Kbps

universal standards

standards that are shared by all national around the world

email spoofing

synonym for phishing, a technique for obtaining unauthorized data that uses pretexting via email.

Network operating system (NOS)

systems software that controls the computer systems and devices on a network and allows them to communicate with each other

Public network service

systems that give personal computer users access to vast databases and other services, usually for an initial fee plus usage fees


technology that allows for two-way communication between merchant and customer

Voice mail

technology that enables users to send, receive, and store verbal messages for and from other people around the world


tend to have slightly better functionality, but come with the added cost of integrating with other applications and systems; typically isolated to one process or part of a process and have evolved from departmental applications


the ability to control the use of information about oneself


the ability to create a new object by replicating the characteristics of an existing (parent) object

Implementation Plan

the action steps you will take to achieve the security plan goals

Uniform Resource Locator (Url)

the address used by a Web browser to identify the location of content on the Web

System Architecture

the arrangement of software, machinery, and tasks in an information system needed to achieve a specific functionality

Core Product

the core benefit the customer receives from the product

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (Tcp/Ip)

the core communications protocol for the internet


the discrete units into which digital messages are sliced for transmission over the Internet

application layer

the functionality ex:the ability to exchange messages with others

Kernel -

the heart of the operating system which controls the most critical processes

Transposition Cipher

the ordering of the letters in each word is changed in some systematic way

Customer Acquisition Costs

the overall costs of converting a prospect into a consumer


the period of time between a purchase and actual payment for the purchase

Operating system -

the set of programs that controls the hardware, and interfaces with the applications

Universal Computing

the sharing of files, information, graphics, sound, video, and other objects across all computer platforms in the world, regardless of operating system

Documentation -

the text that describes that helps the user operate the system. Describes the program

information density

the total amount and quality of information available to all market participants

Barriers To Entry

the total cost of entering a new marketplace

Clickstream Behavior

the transaction log that consumers establish as they move about the Web


the transmittal of data and information from one point to another; allows for communication over large distances

Systems thinking

thinking of an organization in terms of subsystems; powerful management approach that creates a framework for problem solving and decision making

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

this accepts instructions and data; decodes and executes instructions; and stores results (output) in memory

Application program interface -

this allows applications to make use of the operating system

Tangible Media

this is a category of communications media that includes twisted pair cable, coaxial cable, and optical fiber

Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

this is a preferred method of conducting e-commerce and is less costly than VANs

Bar Codes

this is found on products and packages and it stores encoded information; this is not a source, but its reader is

Optical Fiber

this type of tangible media has a high bandwidth and is used for things like a Blue Ray Player


transmitted images and speech; brings together meetings that could be thousands of miles apart; produces lots of savings


two companies combining services; makes product more attractive; reduces costs; provides one-stop shopping

Workgroup -

two or more individuals that work on a project to achieve a common goal

unshielded twisted pair (utp) cable

type cable used to connect computer, printer, switches, and other devices on a LAN. has four pairs of twisted wire

optical fiber cable

type cable usend to connect computer, printers, switches, and other devices on a LAN. core surrounded by cladding. light signal reflected in glass core

Peer-to-peer LAN

type of LAN where no central device controls communications

parallel installation

type of system conversion in which the new system runs in parallel with the old one for a while. expensive

pilot installation

type of system conversion in which the organization implements the entire system on a limited portion of the business

System Functionalities

types of information systems capabilities you will need to achieve your business objectives

Field -

typically a name, number, or combination of characters that describes an aspect o a business object or activity

Internet Protocol (IP) Address

unique identifying address for every device connected to the internet

IP number

unique numerical identification for a network device

mobile commerce (m-commerce)

use of wireless digital devices to enable transactions on the web

organizational data

used to define the organizational structure of the business and they rarely change over time

Organizational Data

used to define the organizational structure of the business, and they rarely change over time

Data mining

uses large data warehouses to find trends and shopping habits of various demographic groups

dsl (digital subscriber line) modem

uses voice telephone lines with a dsl modem; it operates so that the signals do not interfere with voice telephone service. faster that dial up

Strategic advantage

using strategy to maximize company strengths

Brand Leveraging

using the power of an existing brand to acquire new customers for a new product or service

Acceptance Testing

verifies that the business objectives of the system as originally conceived are in fact working

Site Management Tools

verify that links on pages are still valid and also identify orphan files

Application Layer

what the application allows you to do (create formula or charts, compose an essay)

Programming languages -

what you use to write a program to tell the computer what to do


when a firm purchases or leases a Web server (and has total control over its operation) but locates the server in a vendor's physical facility, communications lines, and the machinery


when someone pretends to be someone else with intent of obtaining unauthorized data.

Law Of One Price

With complete price transparency in a perfect information marketplace, there will be one world price for every product

TCP (transmission control protocol)

Works at both ends of most Internet communication to ensure a perfect copy of a message is sent

Object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) -

a DBMS capable of manipulating audio, video, and graphical data


a business event, usually entered as input

Attribute -

a characteristic of an entity

Secure Negotiated Session

a client-server session in which the URL of the requested document, along with the contents, contents of forms, and the cookies exchanged, are encrypted

Electronic product code (EPC)

a code on an RIFD tag that provides more information than the universal product code (UPC); information may include date of manufacturing, plant location, expiration date, destination

Data mart

a collection of data focusing on a particular subject or department (+______________s???)

Transaction Fee Revenue Model

a company receives a fee for enabling or executing a transaction

Application service provider (ASP) -

a company that provides software support, and they provide the hardware to make it happen over a network

Application Service Provider (Asp)

a company that sells access to internet-based software applications to other companies


a computing device located between a firm's internal and external networks that prevents unauthorized access to or from the internal network.

Customer Profile

a description of the typical behavior of a customer or a group of customer at a Web site

Data model -

a diagram of data entities and their relationships

Business Plan

a document that describes a firm's business model

purchase requisition

a document that identifies the material needed, the quantity needed, and the date it is needed; is created when the quantity is reduced to some predetermined level

Primary key -

a field or set of fields that uniquely identifies the record


a file inserted within an e-mail message

Cascading style sheet (CSS)

a file or portion of an HTML file that defines the visual appearance of content in a web page

packet-filtering firewall

a firewall that examines each packet and determine whether to let the packet pass.

internal firewall

a firewall that sits inside the organizational network


a free Operating System based on UNIX and that is Open Source Software

Data administrator -

a nontechnical position responsible for defining and implementing consistent principles for a variety of data issues


a process in which the site is compared with those of competitors in terms of response speed, quality of layout, and design

Electronic document distribution

a process that enables the sending and receiving of documents in a digital form without being printed (although printing is possible)

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)

a security protocol that offers significantly improved protection over WEP


a situation where there are no differences among products or services, and the only basis of choosing products is price

Database administrator (DBA) -

a skilled IS professional who directs all activities related to an organization's database


a small, pre-built chunk of code that executes automatically in your HTML Web page; capable of performing a wide variety of tasks

Consumer Behavior

a social science discipline that attempts to model and understand the behavior of humans in a marketplace

Web Services

allow companies to integrate several client-server applications and mashups by sending and receiving data among an ES

ad hoc reporting tools

allow users to dive in and create their own reports, selecting fields, ranges, and other parameters to build their own reports on the fly

Computer telephony integration

allows computer to use telephone lines as input; caller ID can be used to locate customer data

Asymmetric DSL

allows different upstream and downstream rates


an application that enables workers to collaborate in real time over Web; this includes integration of multimedia technology and Web technology, allows for remote collaboration, eliminates travel times and facilitates expression and exchange of ideas

Database approach to data management -

an approach whereby a pool of related data is shared by multiple application programs

Traditional approach to data management -

an approach whereby separate data files are created and stored for each application program


an architecture in which multiple computer platforms are dedicated to special functions such as database management, printing, communications, and program execution


an internal corporate network built using internet and world wide web standards and technologies; used by employees to gain access to corporate information


an international telephone standard for digital communication that offers guaranteed delivery at 1.54 Mbps

General Public License (GPL)

anyone can use and make modified versions, but cannot sell modified versions for profit


applications that are typically isolated to one process or part of a process and have evolved from departmental applications


apps that match buyers and sellers by using e-commerce version of a standard, competitive-bidding auction process

three-tier client-server

architecture separates these layers into three separate components presentation layer application layer data layer

Three-Tier Client Server

architecture that consists of three components: presentation layer, application layer, and data layer

three-tier architecture

architecture used by most e-commerce server applications

expert systems

are AI systems that leverage rules or examples to perform a task in a way that mimics applied human expertise. Expert systems are used in tasks ranging from medical diagnoses to product configuration


are a heads-up display of critical Indicators that allow managers to get a graphical glance at key performance metrics

Genetic algorithms

are model building techniques where computers examine many potential solutions to a problem, iteratively modifying (mutating) various mathematical models, and comparing the mutated models to search for a best alternative.

An information technology is: a) people or organizations that have both an interest in and an influence on the creation, implementation, or operation of an IS b) the physical components, typically hardware, software, and connectivity, that make up an IS. c) a choice made from one or more alternatives to follow or avoid some course of action. d) a positive return on the investment of resources that is created through the effective and efficient integration of an organization's people, information, information technology, and business process

b) IT: the physical components, typically hardware, software, and connectivity that make up an IS. Technology enables processes to perform the steps they were designed to accomplish.

9. Hypertext organizes content into units that are connected using associations called: a) Chains b) Links c) Blocks d) Strands

b) Links

True or False: A tangible benefit is difficult to measure in monetary terms. a) true b) false

b) false

1. The first server-side programming technology was named ____________ and was programmed using ___________ (Programming Language). (Chapter 8, pg. 239, Difficult) a. Common Gateway Interface; PHP b. Common Gateway Interface; PERL c.; PERL d. PHP; PHP

b. Common Gateway Interface; PERL

4) What is the smallest type of processor? [Chapter 5, Page 119, moderate] a) Mainframe b) Embedded Processors c) Personal Computer d) Personal Digital Assistant

b. Embedded Processors

11. An e-commerce system is composed of one layer, or tier, that depends on what components are used. [Chapter 8, PowerPoint slide 19, Easy] a. True b. False

b. False

ROM is associated with short-term memory storage. [chapter 2, slide 5, easy] a. True b. False

b. False

7) A global perspective is a worldwide approach to business that seeks to create persistent data in an economic world. [chapter 9, page 265, moderate] a. TRUE b. FALSE

b. False - seeks to create business value

Software for which the code is freely available to anyone is: a. Proprietary b. Open c. Reference d. Productivity

b. Open

The two types of memory are _______, which is short-term memory; and _______, which is long-term memory. a. ROM; RAM b. RAM; ROM c. RIM; REM d. REM; RIM


9. Which of the following is NOT an organizational response to risk? [Chapter 9, pg. 277, easy] a. Risk deferral b. Risk behavior c. Risk transfer d. Risk avoidance

b. Risk behavior

A USB flash drive is an example of [ Chapter 2, slide 7, easy]: a. Software b. Storage c. RAM d. ROM

b. Storage

An example of a good managed through B2C transactions would be: (Chapter 7, pg. 198, Moderate) a. Office furniture b. iTunes song c. Virus protection software d. Fishing license application and fee

b. iTunes song

How is a DBMS organized? Put the following in order (from smallest to largest): file bit record field character database

bit, character, field, record, file, database

Hierarchy of data -

bits, characters, fields, records, files, and databases

Touch Screen

both an input and output device; often used at kiosks; allows users to navigate and select by touching the screens

presentation layer

browser; you connect to many systems(websites) that provide a variety of capabilities (e-mail, information sharing)

software as a service (SAAS)

business model whereby companies provide services based on their software, rather than providing software as a product. software as a service is example of web 2.0


buying and selling goods and services through the Internet

web services

by using these companies could now integrate several client-server applications and create an enterprise mashup

4. What knowledge work activity will help you answer questions and gain understanding through a thoughtful investigation and examination to the available data, information, and knowledge? a. Synthesis b. Transformation c. Analysis d. Discovery

c. Analysis

2) What does CARROTS stand for? [Chapter 3, Page 67, easy] a) Complete, Available, Reliable, Relevant, Objective, Timely, Structure b) Communication, Accurate, Reliable, Relevant, Organized, Timely, Source c) Complete, Accurate, Reliable, Relevant, Objective, Timely, Source d) Communication, Analysis, RAM, ROM, Objective, Timely, Synthesis

c. Complete, Accurate, Reliable, Relevant, Objective, Timely, Source

Shopping Cart Database

captures all the item selection, purchase, and payment data


changing the delivered product or service based on a user's preferences or prior behavior


circuit board containing the CPU and primary memory

systems development life cycle (sdlc)

classical process to develop information systems

Transformation Phase

cleanse and modify the data format; 2nd phase of transferring data to data warehouse


communication technologies are used to support the four data processing functions (receive input, process data, display information, store data, transfer data)

Supply chain

consists of procurement of raw materials, processing materials into goods, and delivering goods

Relational Model

consists of tables (independent of each other, but can be related to one another); is based on relational algebra; includes record, attribute, and relation

Fiber-Optic Cable

consists of up to hundreds of strands of glass or plastic that use light to transmit data

Source Data Input Devices

copy data directly from sources such as bar codes, credit cards, and checks

File/Database management tools

create and manipulate local or shared databases

Extraction Phase

create files from transactional database; 1st phase of transferring data to data warehouse

12. Which of the following applications, demonstrated in class, serves as a free, online social networking and micro-blogging service that enables users to "follow" celebrities and even President Barack Obama: a) Pandora b) iLike c) Facebook d) Twitter e) None of the above


Disadvantages of file systems include all of following EXCEPT: a. Data Inaccessibility b. Poor File Management c. Data Dependence d. Data Overwrite

d) Data Overwrite

A computer network that is spread out over a large geographic area is known as a: a) CAN b) LAN c) PAN d) WAN

d) WAN

7. Selling your record collection on E-bay is a form of what type of E-commerce transaction? [Chapter 7, pg. 199, medium] a. Business to Consumer (B2C) b. Consumer to Government (C2G) c. Business to Government (B2G) d. Consumer to Consumer (C2C)

d. Consumer to Consumer (C2C)

circuit switching

dedicated channel (circuit) is established for the duration of the transmission

Value Proposition

defines how a company's product or service fulfills the needs of customers

master data

defines key entities in an organizations ex:products, customers, vendors/suppliers; data changes frequently

organizational data

defines the organizational structure of the business

Revenue Model

describes how the firm will earn revenue, produce profits, and produce a superior return on invested capital

Logical Design

describes the flow of information at your e-commerce site, the processing functions that must be preformed, the databases that will be used, the security and emergency backup procedures that will be instituted, and the controls that will be used in the system

System Design Specification

description of the main components in a system and their relationship to one another

Customer relationship management (CRM)

designed to support any and all relationships with customers; supports the three areas of marketing, sales, customer service

Software development tools

develop software with little knowledge of programming languages

Optical Mark Recognition

devices detect positions of marks or characters

Input Hardware

devices that provide one interface between the internal processes of an IS and its environment. Example: Scanning devices (barcode scanners), Pointing devices (mouse), keyboards

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

devices try to interpret handwritten and printed text

access device

devices typically special purpose computers that connect network sites. the particular device depends on the line used and other factors.

last mile problem

difficulty in getting the capacity of fast optical-fiber transmission lines from the street in front of buildings into the homes and small biz around

Private Industrial Networks

digital network designed to coordinate the flow of communications among firms engaged in business together


displacement of market middlemen who traditionally are intermediaries between producers and consumers by a new direct relationship between manufacturers and content originators with their customers

Primary Key

A field that holds a unique value for each record. Example: An individuals Social Security Number is unique to every individual, and no two people would have the same SSN at one point.

Foreign Key

A field that is a primary key in one table, but included in a second table to relate, or link, the two. Example: If an access file has a table about people's birthdays that cross-references to the primary key of people's SSN of another table, the SSN which is being referenced would be considered this type of key to the table which is about birthdays.

Agile Development

A methodology where a team develops software in short development cycles or increments to allow for continuously changing requirements. For example, a team goes through the entire development process several times as new requirements are found. This provides for a less formal, constricting method than the Waterfall approach.

Evolutionary Model

A model where developers first investigate, specify, and implement an important core part of the system with minimal functionality, and then the team tests and evaluates this version of the system to plan for the next version. For example, a project team works with customers to build a prototype, in which they work with in order to understand the business requirements. The team continues to revise and enhance the prototype until the system is complete.

Waterfall Model

A model with a designed set of phases where a new phase begins only after acceptably completing the preceding phase, causing development activities to move downstream through the phases in a formal, detailed manner. A team goes through the development of a system in strict phases, in which they only agree to move on when everyone is satisfied with the work from that phase.

Knowledge Worker

A person who uses information, information systems, and information technology to create business value for organizations. Example: A professor who teachers from a book, explains concepts and terms, and grades quizzes on a computer would be considered this type of person.

External Stakeholder

A person, or entity in the environment that has an interest and an influence on how a business will function in order to succeed

Stakeholder Analysis

A portion of the feasibility study that includes the evaluation of stakeholder opinions and attitudes of a project. To do this, a company creates a list of its most influential customers in order to figure out how a system will effect them along with the degree of impact that each customer has on the project.


A private, organization-wide computer network that is typically based on Internet protocols, providing a set of services for distributing private information and data throughout the company that only authorized employees can access from any physical location. Can range in size from a LAN to a WAN.


A programming language created by Microsoft to compete with Java


A programming language invented be Netscape that is used to control the objects on an HTML page and handle interactions with the browser


A programming language invented by Microsoft to compete with JavaScript

Active Server Pages (Asp)

A proprietary software development tool that enables programmers using Microsoft's IIS package to build dynamic pages

3 trends of networking technologies

1). Broadband telephony 2). Radio Frequency Identification 3). Convergence of Digital Technologies

3 phases of transferring data from a transactional database to a data warehouse

1). Extraction Phase 2). Transformation Phase 3). Loading Phase

Column or field

: A column in a database table. Columns represent each category of data contained in a record (e.g., first name, last name, ID number, data of birth)

expert systems

: Leverages rules or examples to perform a task like a human expert would.

1. A knowledge that is readily codified is ________. a. explicit knowledge b. initial knowledge c. tacit knowledge d. knowledge work e. all of the above


1. Which of the following is NOT an input in the IPO model? [chapter 1, slide 13-14, moderate] a. Business Value b. Information c. Knowledge d. Data e. Decisions


11. What does Ron Swift's company, TeraData, specialize in? [guest speaker, Ron Swift, presentation, easy] a. Data Warehousing b. Business Process Management c. Marketing Processes d. Data Modeling e. Relational Databases


8. An extranet is a collaborative network that uses Internet technology to link businesses with their customers. [chapter 7, slide 46, moderate] a. True b. False


Discerning the feasibility of an Information System involves which of these analyses? a. Technical Feasibility b. Geographic Feasibility c. Commercial Feasibility d. Production Feasibility


Structured Decision

A decision that can be programmed. It is routine or repetitive and the necessary data are complete and certain Example: You are driving and see that the traffic light has turned red so you slow down.

Semi-structured Decision

A decision that is not fully structured but still can be attained with the use of information, reasoning, and partly objective thinking to some extent. Example: The traffic light turning green and an emergency vehicle with the sirens on now call for a semi-structured decision on your part.

Feasibility Analysis

A detailed investigation of a proposed development project, to determine whether is is technically and economically possible. For example, an organization may look at return on investment, net present value, internal rate of return, and payback period in order to see if a proposed system is financially acceptable.

Transaction Processing System (TPS)

An information software system that enables transactions and captures and processes transaction data to make them available to the organization Example: An ATM keeps track of individual customers and their account balances/transfers/transactions

Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP)

An information system that integrates and standardizes processes, and centralizes the storage and management of data of a business with the goal of increasing operational efficiencies in business processes Example: When a customer contacts a company salesperson, he is able to obtain all the necessary information including the customer's contact info, product data, and products forecasted availability. They can access all the functional units of the company through common data storage

Service Oriented Architecture

An infrastructure that supports the full-scale use of Web Services Example: Basically a set of services that work together that are created in a manner that allows them to be used in many different business domains. Can also help companies make use of disparate (non-connected) programs.


An integrated server-side environment for developing interactive Web applications


An interconnected network of thousands of networks and millions of computers linking businesses, educational institutions, government agencies, and individuals

Which of the following is the correct acronym for examples of server-side technologies discussed in class? a.GCI, PHP,, Java script b.GCI, PHP, HTML c.HTML, URL, Java servlets d.GCI, PHP,, Java servlets e. GCI, PHP

Answer (d)

5) Which of the following is an advantage of In-house development of IS. (Chapter 6, page 161, Table 6.2) (Medium) a. Firm retains complete control of the project b. Generally lower time and costs c. Distraction of in-house IS from other duties d. Firm loses some control of project

Answer = A

11) Which Quest Speaker Presentation main job is to Consolidate data for an enterprise and to make decisions better, faster and more reliable? (Guest Presentation,Slide 3) (medium) A. Mr. Philip Grossman Intercontinental Hotels Group B. Mr. Swift TeraData C. Mr. Matthew Gonzales EITS D. None Of the Above

Answer = B

4) Arrange the following in order from largest processing power to the least. (Ch. 5 pg. 120) (easy) A.) Personal Computer B.) Mainframe C.) Server Farm D.) Embedded Processor

Answer = B, C, A, D

3) Which of the following business organizations tends to have slow responses to changes in business environments? (ch. 4 ph. 93) (hard) A.) Matrix B.) Decentralized C.) Functional D.) None of the above

Answer = C

9) A small bit of data stored on the client machine that is passed back and forth to a web server is a ______. (chapter 8) (slide 14) a. byte b. file c. cookie d. message

Answer = C

1) Which of the following is NOT an IS type? (ch. 1 pg. 14) (Moderate) A) Transaction Processing System B.) Management Information System C.) Decision Support System D.) Employee Management System

Answer = D

12) Complete the following sentence: When using for free online betting, you are given ____ to start with and can cash out after you reach at least ____.... ( presentation) (hard) A. $1 ; $25 B. $1 ; $20 C. 10 cents ; $25 D. 10 cents ; $20

Answer = D

7) True or False: web-crawlers is a special software that a spreadsheet uses to gather outside information from the internet (Chapter 8, page 242, paragraph 2 , Difficulty) (Easy)

Answer = False, web-crawlers are a special software used by a search engine to gather information into their database for retrieval

2) Storage is usually much slower to access than memory. (ch. 2 pg. 35) (easy) A.) True B.) False

Answer = True

8. Match each device with their appropriate category. [Chapter 2, pages 29-35, easy] Column A Column B 1. Scanning Device a) Processing Hardware 2. Printer b) Memory 3. RAM c) Input Hardware 4. Central Processing Unit (CPU) d) Output Hardware

Answer: 1-C, 2-D, 3-B, 4-A

9. Which of the following is not considered one of the common functional information system? [chapter 5, page 143, moderate] a) Statistical IS b) Human Resource IS c) Accounting IS d) Manufacturing IS

Answer: A

HTTP drops connections between client and server after processing a request. a) True b) False

Answer: A

_____________ is a knowledge work activity that requires you to organize the results from discovery activities. a. Transforming b. Analysis c. Synthesis d. None of the Above (Chapter 3, slide # 4, moderate)

Answer: A

3. How much does is cost to create your own font on [Bonus Application Presentation, hard] A)$1 B)$10 C)$15 D) it's free

Answer: B

6. What provides a language for encoding the information so a variety of IT devices can display it? [chapter 2, slide 17, easy] a) Uniform Resource Locator (URL) b) Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) c) Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) d) TCP/IP

Answer: B

What is an open system business model? a) A model in which management power is pushed down through the system b) A model in which inputs and outputs are transformed through constant environmental interaction c) A model in which databases store information on the entities involved with the business process d) None of the above

Answer: B

1. __________ are identified most strongly with a 'home country,' and __________ go beyond this model to a more 'borderless' view of global operations. [Chapter 9, page 269, medium] A) Unilateral Companies, Multinational Companies B) Transnational Corporations, Multinational Companies C) Multinational Companies, Transnational Corporations D) Unilateral Companies, Global Corporations

Answer: C

7. What does ROM stand for? [Chapter 2, page 30, moderate] A. Random Only Memory B. Read Options Memory C. Read Only Memory D. Rolling Option Memory

Answer: C

True or False: Data Redundancy is a disadvantage of file systems. (Chapter 5, slide # 9, easy)

Answer: True

10. Nearshoring is outsourcing to a business partner located outside your country but in the same general geographic area as your business. (Chapter 9, page 267, easy) a. True b. False

Answer: a

4. A database management system(DBMS) is used for: (Chapter 2, page 40, moderate) a. Designing, creating, updating, and querying data. b. Creating documents composed of text, images, and supporting graphics. c. Managing personal information such as to-do lists, schedules, and electronic mail. d. Performing general calculations and analyses, such as financial analysis, budgeting, and forecasting.

Answer: a

E-commerce is the use of information systems, technologies, and computer networks to carry out Transactions in order to create or support the creation of Business Value.[Chapter7,Slide4,Moderate] a. True b. False

Answer: a

What Company did guest speaker Ron Swift work for?[Guest Speaker Ron Swift, Bioinfo, Easy] a. Teradata Corporations b. CNN Consultants c. Xabyte Inc. d. None of the above

Answer: a

What is information on a Web page that may change depending on a number of factors? (Ch.8, pg.227, moderate) a. Dynamic content b. Static content c. Persistent data d. A cookie

Answer: a

12. Which of the following is a project that is working on replacing the basic protocols that make the Internet possible? This includes increasing the number of available IP addresses and improvements to routing and network configurations. [Chapter 8, page 252, hard] a). Next-Generation Internet b). Web 2.0 c). Internet2 d). Web services

Answer: a- Next Generation Internet

5. Match the following networks to the size of the corresponding network. (Chapter 5, slide 6, easy) Column A: Column B: a. PAN A. Large geographic area b. LAN B. Small office c. WAN C. Global d. Internet D. Building

Answer: a-B, b-D, c-A, d-C

1. According to Mr. Swift's presentation, which is NOT one of the many analytical applications? (Mr. Swift's presentation, slide 34 of 56, difficult) a. Propensity to buy b. Propensity to save c. Propensity to respond d. Propensity to default

Answer: b

2. Using the analogy CARROTS as a knowledge worker, the letters stand for Completeness, Accuracy, Reliable, Responsive, Objective, Timely, and Source. (Chapter 3, Slide 15, easy) a. True b. False

Answer: b

What was the first life cycle model to gain wide acceptance among system developers? (Ch. 6, pg. 168, easy) a. Evolutionary model b. Waterfall model c. Logical Data model d. Exchange model

Answer: b

Strategic sourcing involves forming a short-term relationship with another company and then setting prices through negotiation. [true/false, chapter 7, p. 214, easy] a. True b. False

Answer: b [false] it should be a long-term relationship

1. Google uses a small collection of the world's cutting edge servers to handle search queries : [Mr. Phillip Grossman, guest speaker, moderate] A. True B. False

Answer: b) False, they use a collection of many, inexpensive computers.

3. Which is an example of automating? [chapter 4, slide 21, page 105, moderate] a. Using subscription data to forecast demand and to better schedule inbound logistics and outbound activities. b. Using online subscription for newspaper to reduce printing and handling costs of paper-based, mailed subscription forms. c. Using transaction data to understand subscription process d. Developing a unique competency for delivering targeted content to various customer segments as identified by demographic and subscription data.

Answer: b.

12. Which of the following is not a music application? (Bonus application, easy) a. Pandora b. iLike c. Skype d. All are music applications

Answer: c

3. The spiral model of the book goes in this order from lowest to highest: (Chapter 1, Slide 3, easy) a. Business partners, organizational, individual b. Organizational, individual, business partners c. Individual, organizational, business partners d. None of the above

Answer: c

6. Prices that are set through negotiation in a long-term relationship with a company known to the buyer is known as: (Chapter 7, slide 32, difficult) a. Spot buying b. Outsourcing c. Strategic sourcing d. Consumer relation negotiation

Answer: c

What is general formula for how a business is to use computer networks and information systems to compete in a global marketplace? (Ch.7, 204, moderate) a. Mobile commerce b. Procurement c. E-commerce strategy d. Privacy policy

Answer: c

What was the promotion code given to UGA students for [bonus application presentation, moderate] a. myuga2 b. myuga5 c. uga5 d. uga2

Answer: c

2. A primary competitor of Twitter would be? [Application presentation, Twitter, difficult] a) Microsoft b) StarPound c) Facebook d) IBM

Answer: c) Facebook (In its use of live feeds)

10. A type of programming that uses continuous testing, simple coding by pairs of developers, and close exchanges with users to build systems quickly? [Chapter 6, page 171, medium] a). Crystal Family b). Scrum c). Extreme d). Targeting Resources

Answer: c- Extreme Programming

What is a form of knowledge management that tries to capture and store the knowledge of a human expert? [chapter 5, slide 25, page 133, moderate] a. Relational database management systems (RDBMS) b. Structured Query Language (SQL) c. ExpertSystem d. Middleware

Answer: c.

Leadership and Management of a business are directly accountable to its owners for proper operation and financial control of the organization is? (Ch.9, pg. 261, moderate) a. IT governance b. Global perspective c. Global sourcing d. Corporate governance

Answer: d

11. A ____________ is a set of procedures and philosophies that a company adopts to handle individually identifiable private information. [Chapter 7, page 205, easy] a). E-commerce Strategy b). Data Security c). Business Model d). Privacy Policy

Answer: d- Privacy Policy

The knowledge work activity that an employee would need to use when finding weekly sales data for a company and its competitors is... [chapter 3, slide 5, page 63, easy] a. Analysis b. Transformation c. Communication d. Discovery

Answer: d.

The OS software performs a/some main task[s]. What are/is they/it? [multiple choice, chapter 2 page 38, difficult] I. Managing the hardware and software resources of a computer II. Providing a stable and consistent interface between application and programs and the hardware. III. Provides additional tools that you can use to maintain and service your system. a. I b. I & III c. II d. I & II e. I, II, & III

Answer: d; III relates to utility software.

Common Gateway Interface (Cgi)

A set of standards for communication between a browser and a program running on a server that allows for interaction between the user and the server

Security Policy

A set of statements prioritizing the information risks, identifying acceptable risk targets, and identifying the mechanisms for achieving these targets


A single table or a collection of related tables


A technology that uses radio waves to automatically identify objects. Consists of a tag that can transmit a unique serial number to a tag reader. Used for tracking items.


A term used to brand wireless local-area networking devices. Devices typically connect to an antenna-equipped base station or hotspot, which is then connected to the Internet. Wi-Fi devices use standards known as IEEE 802.11, and various version of this standard (e.g., b, g, n) may operate in different frequency bands and have access ranges.


A type of scam in which a spam emails are sent out by a seemingly real entity (e.g., Bank of America, UGA) asking recipients to follow a link that appears legitimate (but is not) and enter private information (such as credit card numbers, bank account information, SSNs, passwords, and other sensitive information).

The guest speaker Ron Swift, from the Teradata Corporation, addressed the following during his lecture: [Guest speaker, moderate] a. data warehousing, life-cycle management, advantages in using I/S b. client technology support, management for desktops and computer labs, free UGA computer resources c. importance of DIK (data, info, knowledge), differences between hardware and software, the value chain d. I/S consulting, technologies involved with consulting, careers in I/S consulting


True/False: A stakeholder is a person who has an interest and an influence on how a business will function in order to succeed. Stakeholders are only those people who are internal relative to the business.

ANSWER: False; they can be internal or external. FROM: Chapter 4, page 87 DIFFICULTY: easy

True/False: Hypertext markup language (HTML) is the primary language for creating Web pages.

ANSWER: True FROM: Chapter 8 slides: slide 10 DIFFICULTY: easy

True/False: Philip Grossman (IS Consulting) said that travel played a large role in the life of an IS Consultant.

ANSWER: True FROM: Guest Speaker DIFFICULTY: easy

You use an ATM. The number you type to indicate the amount of money you want to receive is what type of device? a. input b. output c. All of the above d. None of the above

ANSWER: a FROM: Chapter 2 slides: slide 3 DIFFICULTY: medium

Mass customization means: a. The ability to provide good customer service b. The ability to create custom products or services on-demand c. A marketing message that a business personalizes for each potential customer's interests d. All of the above e. None of the above

ANSWER: b FROM: Chapter 7 slides: slide 17 DIFFICULTY: hard

The acronym C.A.R.R.O.T.S, used to remember the important characteristics of useful data, information, and knowledge, is short for: a. Codifiable, Available, Reliable, Relevant, Objective, Timely, Safe b. Complete, Accurate, Reliable, Receivable, Open, Timely, Source c. Complete, Accurate, Reliable, Relevant, Objective, Timely, Source d. Complete, Available, Reliable, Relevant, Open, Timely, Safe e. Codifiable, Accurate, Reliable, Receivable, Objective, Timely, Source

ANSWER: c FROM: Chapter 3 slides: slide 15 DIFFICULTY: medium

Which of the following applications is NOT a communication network? a. Facebook b. Gin System c. Mytypeface d. Twitter

ANSWER: c FROM: Student application DIFFICULTY: medium

True/False: The LAMP acronym, an increasingly popular set of technologies used in the solution stack of technologies, stands for Linux/ActiveX/MySql/Perl, PHP, or Python.

ANSWER: false FROM: Chapter 8, page 240 DIFFICULTY: hard

Which of the following is a FALSE statement regarding outsourcing? A. Internal staff provides project oversight B. Firm loses some control of project because outsourcer has some decision making authority C. Generally higher time and cost D. Requires good contracts and oversight

C. Generally higher time and cost

Ron Swift showed a "Customer Lifecycle Management" diagram and listed the key events. Fill in the blanks according to his chart. (teradata presentation, slide 23) 1. Birth 2. Graduation 3. 4. Marriage 5. Remarriage 6. 7. Divorce 8. 9. Retirement 10. A. New Job, Children, Child Leaving, Death B. Engagement, Separation, Child Leaving, Death C. New Job, Separation, Death, Child Leaving D. none of the above

C. New Job, Separation, Death, Child Leaving

What are the two important outputs of a business process? A. Inputs and Ouputs B. Data and Knowledge C. Products and Services D. HTML and HTTP

C. Products and Services

Realizing that some risks are unavoidable, and making sure there are contingency plans in place is an example of what organizational response to risk? (Chapter 9, Page 277) A. Risk deferral B. Risk transfer C. Risk acceptance D. Risk avoidance E. None of the above are correct

C.) Risk acceptance

What is the function of Teradata? a. Provide secure internet networks for client corporations b. Streamline the link between online customers and client products c. Process data on both potential and already-existing customers for client companies d. Storage of non-essential data into a data warehouse for later access


Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of leasing an IS? [chapter 6, slide 11, hard] a) No competitive advantage b) No control over features c) Can get bad contract d) Requires IS staff with time and development knowledge e) Dependence on vendor


Which of the following is not an information characteristic of the CARROTS model? [chapter 3, slide 15, moderate] a) Accurate b) Timely c) Objective d) Synthesis e) Complete


Which of these is not an advantage of e-commerce transactions? a. Higher information density b. Customization c. Global outreach d. Personal Interaction


Which one of these is a search engine? [Chapter 7, page 211, easy] a. Google b. Yahoo c. MSN d. all of the above


10. A small bit of data, usually created by programs running on the server, stored on the client machine, and passed back and forth in the HTTP request and response is a(n) (Chapter 8, page 235, moderate) A. persistent data B. scripting language C. cookie D. applet


3. True or false, to be technically feasible means that the technology to do something exists and is accessible? [Chapter 6, slide 6, moderate] A. True B. False

Correct answer: A

4. E-commerce involves what interfaces for customer transaction? [Chapter 7, slide 4, easy] A. Internet B. Telephone C. Face to face bargaining D. Both A & B

Correct answer: D

5. What are "links"? [Chapter 8, slide 8, moderate] A. The interior processes of a computers CPU B. The way people do business over the internet C. Chains used to securing servers D. The connections between units of information that have been put together by hypertext.

Correct answer: D

10. Nearshoring is business done with partners... [chapter 9, page 267, easy] a. In the same country. b. A far distance outside the country. c. Outside the country, but in the same geographic region. d. No partners are used.


Open Office is what type of program? a. Data Management b. Presentation c. Word Processor d. Spreadsheet


What is software that links applications that use dissimilar software or hardware platforms? [Chapter 5, page 136, easy] a. Application software b. web service c. middleware d. ERP


What is the function of the Interorganizational System? a. Streamline the interaction between the business itself and its suppliers b. Provide additional accountability to each level of the value chain c. Automates the comparison of the purchase order, receipt of goods, and invoice d. Encourage efficiency between each member of a matrix system


Which of the following computer types has a large relative processing power with a purpose of organizational processing? [chapter 5, slide 4, hard] a) Server Farms b) Supercomputer c) Mainframe d) Personal Computer (PC) e) Embedded Processors


Which of the following is NOT a component of project management? [Chapter 6, page 175, moderate] a. Time management b. Quality management c. Budget management d. Project scope management


Which of the following is not one of the 7 phases of IS development? [chapter 6, slide 13, moderate] a) Inception b) Elaboration c) Analysis d) Construction


Which of the following types of application software is used for performing general calculations, such as financial analysis, budgeting, and forecasting? [Chapter 2, page 40, easy] a. Database management system b. Document preparation software c. Electronic spreadsheet software d. Document preparation software


Which one of the following is not a type of Information System? [Chapter 1, page 14, easy] a. TPS (Transaction Processing System) b. DSS (Decision Support System) c. SIS (Security Information System) d. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) e. MIS (Management Information Systems) f. ERP (Enterprise Resource Management Systems)


XML stands for __________________. [chapter 8, slide 37, easy] a) eXternal Media Language b) eXternal Multi-Locator c) eXtensible Markup Language d) eXtremely Moderate Language


Which of the following is not a type of global sourcing: [Chapter 9, pg. 267, Hard] a) Onshoring b) Nearshoring c) Outsourcing d) Offshoring


4. Which of the following categories of computer hierarchy represents the type of computer with the LEAST processing power at any given time? [Chapter 5, pg. 120, Table 5.1, Easy] a) Server Farms b) Supercomputer c) Personal Digital Assistant d) Server Farm


6) Match the types of e-commerce with their most accurate description. (Chapter 7, Page 197, Table 7.1) (Medium) a. Business-to-consumer (B2C) b. Business-to-business (B2B) c. Business-to-government (B2G) d. Consumer-to-government (C2G) e. Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) 1. Electronic exchanges between companies 2. Electronic payment of taxes as well as purchase of various types of licenses 3. Use of Online auctions like eBay or Yahoo! Auctions 4. Online sales to government agencies, as well as electronic payment of taxes 5. Online equivalent of the retail store as well as other services

Answer= (A,5) (B,1) (C,4) (D,2) (E,3)

Match the following with it's correct definition: [chapter 3, slide 14, easy] a.Decision b.Structured Decision c.Semi-structured Decision d.Unstructured Decision i.A choice that involves some uncertainty or doubt about the outcome of it. ii.A choice about actions to take (or not to take) in a given decision. iii.A choice that can be programmed; it is routine or repetitive. iv.A choice that involves a significant amount of uncertainty about the outcome associated with a choice.

Answers: a) iii., b) ii., c) iv., d) i.

9. Match the four generations of E-commerce: (Chapter 8, slide 4, moderate) Column A: Column B: a. First generation A. Integration with externat partners b. Second generation B. Dynamic content c. Third generation C. Static content d. Fourth generation D. Ability to support transactions

Answers: a-C, b-B, c-D, d-A

Matching: Applet Plug-In ActiveX technology A. A small software module that can work with the browser. B. A small program that a browser can download and execute. C. Used for sharing information among different technologies.

Applet-B Plug-In-A ActiveX technology-C

hypertext transfer protocol (http)

Application transfer protocol that allows Web browsers and Web servers to communicate with each other.

Internet Address

Internet address expressed as a 32-bit number that appears as a series of four separate numbers marked off by periods, such as

Web Services

Internet applications that obtain or process data from a requesting application and then deliver the data back in XML format as a response Example: are useful in situations where all people involved use different data formats. An analogy is international organizations using a common language

Java Server Pages (Jsp)

Like CGI and ASP, a Web page coding standard that allows developers to dynamically generate Web pages in response to user requests

Payment Gateway

Links an e-commerce site with the banking network. e.g., National Merchant Bancard is a merchant account for available for people to use when receiving payments from people who purchased items from them on ebay.

Extract, Transform, Load (ETL)

Def: A process in database usage and especially in data warehousing that involves: • Extracting data from outside sources • Transforming it to fit operational needs (which can include quality levels) • Loading it into the end target (database or data warehouse)

Data Mining

Def: A set of techniques for finding trends and patterns in large sets of data. These tools can incorporate advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and provide aids for data visualization


Def: An exchange of goods or services (value) between two or more parties (business, individual, or a combination of the two) the create a relationship between parties Ex: A customer using a bank ATM to withdraw money. Transaction between the customer and the bank


Def: Recognizing that executing business processes also creates new data and information and that the organization may then process this new data to improve its decision making and to change or improve the process itself. Ex:The information a business gains from automation. This data is used to improve the business process.


Def: The use technology instead of knowledge workers, to perform tedious or repetitive tasks. This may help a business complete a task with more speed, economy, consistency, and/ or possibly accuracy Ex: Instead of meeting a travel agent to plan a vacation, customers can complete the process of reservations on-line


Def:Using IT to help a business acquire or continue a competitive advantage over their competitors by adjusting how the company does business Ex: Walmart uses the information received from their RFIDs, and they are therefore able to provide products to their customers for a lower price


Definition: a marketing message that a business customizes for each potential customer's interests, based on his or her searching, browsing, or buying habits Example: Web sites, like use personalization to make recommendations after you register and share information with them

Business to Business E-Commerce Transaction

Definition: electronic exchanges between companies Example: Two companies exchanging virus protection software, mailing lists, or product information

Business to Government E-commerce transaction

Definition: online sales to government agencies, as well as electronic payments of taxes Example: Businesses sending document conversation from hardcopy to goverment in web-based form

Information Density

Definition: the quality and quantity of information about products and services of interest to the buyer Example: product or service reviews, price comparisons, and product guides on web sites, like or, provide valuable information to consumers

Preventive Controls

Designed to prevent increased exposure to risk by stopping some action or process before it occurs. Example: requiring UGA students to change their MyID passwords once a semester.

RAM (Random Access Memory)

Hardware that stores data only until it is no longer needed, or until the computer is shut down. It is a type of data storage, when you load software like Microsoft office applications the CPU loads the software instructions and loads them into the main memory. The CPU stores the text that you are typing in this special memory, and goes away when you shut the computer down.

ROM (Read Only Memory)

Hardware that stores instructions and data that only special devices can alter. In a computer, this memory holds the instructions used to control the startup processes (booting up). Example, This type of memory is a type of data storage that is included in devices like calculators and digital cameras. When you boot it up the memory comes back because the memory holds the instructions used to control the startup process.

9. What are the four primary components of a typical e-commerce site are: [chapter 8, slide 24, moderate] a. The shopping and ordering system b. The merchant account c. The payment gateway d. The security system e. All of the above


What types of industries are using MIS to help their business grow? [Swift presentation, page 10 ppt, easy] a. Retail b. E-Commerce c. Travel d. Casino e. All of the Above


What are the four primary components of a typical e-commerce site are: [chapter 8, slide 24, moderate] a.The shopping and ordering system b.The merchant account c.The payment gateway d.The security system e.All of the above

E. All of the above


ELIMINATING AND REBUILDING OPERATIONS FROM THE GROUND UP; often involves new machinery and elimination of management layers; frequently involves information technology

status information

ES can quickly retrieve this in case of an exception; providing reports and responding to specific queries

Composite Applications

ES of customer data + ES of Google Maps = Composite App


ES of customer data + ES of Google Maps = mashup

Bleeding edge

FAILURE OCCURRING BECAUSE OF COMPANY TRYING TO BE ON LEADING EDGE; no prior experience from which to learn; implementation costs are greater than anticipated; technology ends up losing money for company

True/false: There are two types of firmware, or software built into chips: utility software and application software.

FALSE; System software, which is comprised of operating system and utility software, and application software.

internet backbone

High-speed data lines provided by many firms all across the world that interconnect and collectively form the core of the Internet.

Denial Of Service (Dos) Attack

Flooding a Web site with useless traffic to inundate and overwhelm the network

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Focus primarily on the internal operations of an organization, and they integrate functional and cross-functional business processes

Genetic algorithms

Follow a mathematical approach of genetics and evolution. Examine many potential solutions to a problem, iteratively modifying them and keeping the best solutions to mate further.

System Software

Includes any software required to control the hardware components and to support the execution of application software Example:Operating software: Microsoft Windows, Utility software: Firewall

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

New technologies that could help link, or integrate, many different client-server systems together in new and valuable ways

Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)

One of the two most commonly used models for designing the organization of a relational database. This indicates the entities, as well as how they are related, for which an IS will store data. For example, an e-voting system uses this diagram to indicate the voter and candidate information, who they relate to each other, and how an information system can store them most efficiently.


Outsourcing that results from a partnership with a business in a far-distant country from the home office. e.g., The national insurance group, Farmers Group, insources IT processors to avoid the costs of outsourcing. e.g., A company from Atlanta outsources to its business partner in Tokyo, Japan.

BRIC Countries

Refers to four countries with quick growing economies: Brazil Russia India China

Instance-Level Information

Related to one particular instance of the process, a specific order requisition

Dynamic Page Generation

The contents of a Web page are stored as objects in a database, rather than being hard-coded in HTML. When the user requests a Web page, the contents for that page are then fetched from the database

data - information - knowledge

The continuum from 1) unprocessed facts and figures without any added interpretation or analysis to 2) data that has been interpreted so that it has meaning for the user to 3) a combination of information, experience and insight that may benefit the individual or the organization.


The data source contains data that are appropriate and current for the time frame during which the data are needed. Example: Can a forecast of yesterday's weather be considered timely information in deciding what to wear today? Since the information is not timely, it cannot be used in the present time.


The data source contains data that is correct. Example: Your course schedule shows a class starting at 11P.M. Is it wrong? The information is inaccurate, the user could miss their class.


The data source contains data that is unbiased. Example: Could you consider information found the Web site of a political party to be impartial? Online political options tend me be bias, and unreliable.


The data source contains the entire range of data you need. Example: A new team member's phone number is 555-1212. Do you need an area code? The information is no use since it is incomplete.

IT Governance

The distribution of IT decision making rights & responsibilities among enterprise stakeholders, and the procedures and mechanisms for making and monitoring strategic decisions regarding IT.


The knowledge work activity that will help you answer questions and gain understanding through a thoughtful investigation and examination of the available data, information, and knowledge. Example: When you are trying to figure out how to add business value to your company, you may perform stage of your company to gain a better understanding of the situation.

relational databases

The most common standard for expressing databases, whereby tables (files) are related based on common keys

Advanced Encryption Standard (Aes)

The most widely used symmetric key encryption algorithm. Offers 128-, 192-, and 256-bit keys

IS Integration Problem

The problem of combining all of the disparate technologies into a single, overall system. So pretty much trying to combine different types of software that do not go together to make them work as a system. Example: If you create a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel and create a chart from the data, then copy/paste the chart to Open office's presentation tool, then updating the chart would be a hassle because the programs can't be integrated. Where as if you paste that same chart to MS Powerpoint correctly, when the data on the spreadsheet is changed, the chart on the presentation can be updated with the click of a button.

Systems Analysis and Design

The process of completing an IS project, which involves the four essential ingredients: people, methodology, management, and tools. Failure of any one of the four areas can cause a whole project to come crashing down. For example, even if the tools are adequate, the people are committed, and the methodology is understood, a project can fail if there is no central management to bring the requirements together.

Key Performance Indicators

The standard definition of what is expected of a process

C2C E-Commerce Transactions

The use of information systems, technologies, and computer networks by individuals and organizations to carry out transactions in orde to create or support the creation of business value Ex. Online auctions like eBay or Yahoo auctions

Mobile Commerce

The use of laptops, mobile telephones, and personal digital assistants (PDA's) to connect to the Internet and Web to conduct many of the activities normally associated with e-commerce while on the go. Ex.Using your iPhone to place a bid for an item on eBay or to make an online bill payment

8. Match the following E-commerce generations with their descriptions: [Chapter 8, Slide 4, medium] a. First A. Increasing integration with external partners on the Web including allowing transactions between web applications. b. Second B. Growth in businesses' ability to support transactions on the Web. c. Third C. Static content such as company information, online marketing, and company brochures. d. Fourth D. Dynamic content where Web page changes depending on a number of factors such as time and date, user profile, or browser location

a) C b) D c) B d) A

12. Put the following computer types in order, from largest to smallest size of relative processing power. [chapter 5, page 120, difficult] I. Supercomputer II. Personal digital assistant III. Server farms IV. Personal computer V. Embedded processor VI. Mainframe

a) I. Supercomputer, VI. Mainframe, III. Server farms, IV. Personal Computer, II. Personal digital assistant, V. Embedded processor

What is the name of out sourcing by a company to another country? a. Offshoring b. out-housing c. in-housing

a) Offshoring

What does SAD stand for? a) Systems Analysis and Design b) Systems and Design c) Systems Account Programming d) Strategy Analysis and Design

a) Systems Analysis and Design

Is the following statement true or false: The governance of Information Technology includes the distribution of Information technology decision-making rights and responsibilities among enterprise stakeholders. a) True b) False

a) True

3. Match the following with it's correct definition: [chapter 3, slide 14, easy] a. Decision b. Structured Decision c. Semi-structured Decision d. Unstructured Decision i. A choice that involves some uncertainty or doubt about the outcome of it. ii. A choice about actions to take (or not to take) in a given decision. iii. A choice that can be programmed; it is routine or repetitive. iv. A choice that involves a significant amount of uncertainty about the outcome associated with a choice.

a) ii. b) iii. c) i. d) iv.

In Matt Gonzales's presentation, he mentioned that there is discounted software available for UGA students online : a. True b. False

a) true

. If a global company wanted their computer networks in the U.S. to be connected to their computer networks in Japan, they would need to use a ___________. (Chapter 2, Slide 14 of Chapter 2 Powerpoint, moderate) a) PAN b) WAN c) LAN d) CAN


Competitive advantage

WHEN THERE IS SOMETHING THAT YOUR CUSTOMERS CAN NOTICE THAT YOU DO BETTER THAN YOUR COMPETITORS; achieved when a for-profit company increases market share and increases profits significantly

Full-duplex channel

a communications channel that permits data transmission in both directions at the same time (like two simplex-channels)

Reverse 911 services

a communications solution that delivers emergency notifications to users in a selected geographical area

Sales Revenue Model

a company derives revenue by selling goods, information, or services

Subscription Revenue Model

a company offers its users content or services and charges a subscription fee for access to some or all of its offerings

Advertising Revenue Model

a company provides a forum for advertisements and receives fees from advertisers

Affiliate Revenue Model

a company steers business to an affiliate and receives a referral fee or percentage of the revenue from any resulting sales


a company that supplies products and services directly to individual businesses

Real-Time Customer Service Chat Systems

a company's customer service representatives interactively exchange text-based messages with one or more customers on a real-time basis

First-Mover Advantage

a competitive market advantage for a firm that results from being the first into a marketplace with a serviceable product or service


a computer program that has the ability to replicate or make copies of itself, and spread to other files


a concept related to the number of users or the volume of operations that a given hardware/software combination can manage


a consortium of more than 200 universities, government agencies, and private businesses that are collaborating to find ways to make the Internet more efficient

Smart Card

a credit-card size plastic cards with an embedded chip that stores personal information; can be used to support mobile wireless e-commerce payments

Distributed database -

a database in which the data can be spread across several smaller databases connected via telecommunications devices

Relational model -

a database model that describes data in which all data elements are placed in two-dimensional tables, called relations, which are the logical equivalent of files

Data Warehouse

a database that collects a firm's transactional and customer data in a single location for offline analysis

Data warehouse -

a database that collects business information from many sources in the enterprise, covering all aspects of the company's processes, products, and customers

Object-oriented database -

a database that stores both data and its processing instructions


a device that combines data from multiple data sources into a single output signal that carries multiple channels, thus reducing the number of communications links needed and therefore, lowering telecommunications costs

Digital Certificate

a digital document issued by a certification authority that contains the name of the subject or company, the subject's public key, a digital certificate serial number, an expiration date, an issuance date, the digital signature of the certification authority, and other identifying information

Chat room

a facility that enables two or more people to engage in interactive conversations over the internet


a feature that enables users to access information by clicking text or graphics

Key -

a field or set of fields in a record that is used to identify the record

Foreign Key

a field that is common to two tables; it is used to link the tables; this field is a primary key in one table and a ________ in the other (in a Relational Model)

first mover

a firm that is first in a particular area and that moves quickly to gather market share

Synchronous communications

a form of communications where the receiver gets the message instantaneously, when it is sent

Predictive analysis -

a form of data mining that combines historical data with assumptions about future conditions to predict outcomes of events, such as future product sales or the probability that a customer will default on a loan


a good or service for which there are many dealers supplying the same product, and all products in the segment are essentially identical

Entity Relationship Diagram

a graphical representation of all entity relationships

Object-oriented database management system -

a group of programs that manipulate an object- oriented database and provide a user interface and connections to other application programs

Database management system (DBMS) -

a group of programs that manipulate the database and provide an interface between the database and the user of the database and other application programs

point to point protocol (PPP)

a layer-2 protocol used for networks that involve just two computers.


a less-expensive, lowpower, and simpler form of radio network operating in the 2.4 GHz band and other bands that allows small appliances and sensors to talk with one another

Access control list (acl)

a list that encodes the rules stating which packets are to be allowed through a firewall and which are to be prohibited

Perfect Market

a market in which there are no competitive advantages. All firms have equal access to all factors of production

Extensible Markup Language (Xml)

a markup language specification developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that is designed to describe data and information

content streaming

a method for transferring multimedia files over the internet so that the data stream of voice and pictures plays more or less continuously without a break, or very few of them; enables user to browse large files in real time

Radio Frequency Identification (Rfid)

a method of automatic identification that uses short range radio signals to identify objects and users

Concurrency control -

a method of dealing with a situation in which two or more people need to access the same record in a database at the same time

Packet Switching

a method of slicing digital messages into packets, sending the packets along different communication paths as they become available, and then reassembling the packets once they arrive at their destination

Client/Server Computing

a model of computing in which powerful personal computers are connected in a network together with one or more servers

dial-up modem

a modem that performs the conversion between analog and digital in such a way that the signal can be carried on a regular telephone line

Internet Message Access Protocol (Imap)

a more current e-mail protocol that allows users to search, organize, and filter their mail prior to downloading it from the server

wide area network (WAN)

a network that connects computers located at different geographic locations

Business strategy

a plan to help an organization outperform its competitors; often done by creating new opportunities, not beating rivals

Virtual private network (VPN)

a private network that uses a public network (usually the internet) to connect multiple remote locations

Augmented Product

a product with additional benefits to customers beyond the core benefits embodied in the actual product


a program that allows you to check the connection between your client and the server

frame relay

a protocol that can process traffic in the range of 56kbps to 40 mbps by packaging data into frames

File transfer protocol (FTP)

a protocol that describes a file transfer process between a host and a remote computer and allows users to copy files from one computer to another

asynchronous transfer mode (atm)

a protocol that divides data into uniformly sized cells, eliminates the need for protocol conversion and can process speeds 1 to 156 mbps. can support both voice and data communication

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) Software -

a set of integrated programs that manage a company's vital business operations for an entire multisided global organization. (It basically it's a set of programs that manage stuff like finance and logistics and trash like that

Front-end processor

a special-purpose computer that manages communications to and from a computer system serving hundreds or even thousands of users

Nice Applications

a specific function that is part of a best-of-breed application

Data mart -

a subset of a data warehouse

electronic funds transfer (EFT)

a system of transferring money from one bank account directly to another without any paper money changing ands


a system that combines video and phone call capabilities with data or document conferencing

Admahl's Law

a system's speed is determined by its slowest component or the "last mile"


a technique for gathering unauthorized information in which someone pretends to be someone else.

Digital Envelope

a technique that uses symmetric encryption for large documents, but public key encryption to encrypt and send the symmetric key

Permissive Model

a type of licensing model where anyone can use and sell modified versions of the software

Wireless LANs (WLANs)

a type of network that offers advantages such as easier installation, more scalable, and more flexible

Application Software

a type of software that accomplishes a specific task; examples include excel or word

Search engine

a valuable tool that enables you to find information on the web by specifying works that are key to a topic of interest, known as keywords

Analog signal

a variable signal continuous in both time and amplitude so that any small fluctuations in the signal are meaningful

planned data redundancy -

a way of organizing data in which the logical database design is altered so that certain data entities are combined, summary totals are carried in the data records rather than calculated from elemental data, and some data attributes are repeated in more than one data entity to improve database performance

Wireless mesh

a way to route communications between network nodes by allowing for continuous connections and reconfiguration around blocked paths by "hopping" from node to node until a connection can be established

Web log (blog)

a web site that people can create and use to write about their observations, experiences, and feelings on a wide range of topics


a wireless communications specification that describes how cell phones, computers, etc, can be interconnected over distances of 10-30 ft at a rate of about 2Mbps

Infrared transmission

a wireless communications technology that operates at a frequency of 300 GHz and above that requires line-of-sight transmission and operates over short distances - such as a few yards

ultra wideband (UWB)

a wireless communications technology that transmits large amounts of digital data over short distances of up to 30 ft using a wide spectrum of frequency bands and very low power

4. A transactions is a unite of work that has the four characteristics of: a) Atomicity, Isolation, Consistency, and Durability b. Atomicity, Creation, Isolation, and Depth c. Depth, Control, Internal Monitoring, and Appropriation d. Durability, Control, Stability, and Speed

a) Atomicity, Isolation, Consistency, and Durability

Open Source Software

Software for which the programming code is freely available to anyone who wishes to download it over the Internet. The only requirement is that any change a programmer makes to the code must also be made freely available to other persons. Example:The Linux Operating System

Proxy Server (Proxy)

Software server that handles all communications originating from or being sent to the Internet, acting as a spokesperson or bodyguard for the organization

Productivity Software

Software used by knowledge workers to work with data, information, and knowledge Example: Microsoft Office, Database management system, Microsoft PowerPoint

instance-level information

Status of a purchase requisition / order Has a requisition been acted on? Has a PO been created and sent Have goods been received for the requisition / order? When? Where are the goods? If received, has an invoice been received? Paid? If not received, when can we expect the goods?

Knowledge Management System

Systems that provide tools for working both tacit and explicit knowledge. Example:Using artificial intelligence to recognize patterns in stock prices.

True/false: an information system is an organized collection of people, information, business processes, and information technology, designed to transform inputs into outputs, in order to achieve a goal.


Central Processing Unit (CPU)

The brain of the computer. It has two components: ALU(Arithmetic Logic Unit) that performs calculation and CU(Control Unit) that controls the flow of operations. This hardware takes instruction from the memory and runs them.

Information Technology (IT)

The branch of knowledge that deals with the uses of hardware, software, and networks to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and retrieve information. For Example: Computers, cell phones, PDAs, etc.

Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)

data remains digital through entire transmission; there are two types of this that include asymmetric and symmetric

transaction data

data that is the result of day-to-day transaction: who, what, when, where, from, how much

Payment Terms

define how the company is to pay the vendor

payment terms

define how the company is to pay the vendor; payment is due either the date the company receives the invoice or the date it receives the shipment, whichever is later. If the company fails to make the payment within the specified terms then the supplier might add a finance charge

master data

define the key entities with whom an organization interacts such as customers and suppliers ex:name, address, contact person and are used repeatedly in executing processes


delays in messages caused by the uneven flow of information packets through the network

Output Devices

deliver information from the computer to the user; examples are monitors and printers

Digital Subscriber Line (Dsl)

delivers high-speed Access through ordinary telephone lines found in homes or businesses

Authorization Policies

determine differing levels of access to information assets for differing levels of users

Access Controls

determine who can gain legitimate access to a network

Desktop publishing tools

develop items for publication, such as pamphlets, newsletters, cards, calendars, etc

symmetrical digital subscriber line (sdsl)

dsl lines that have the same upload and download speeds

Collaborative Software/Groupware

enables communication between team members and helps them to share data, information, and knowledge Example: Google Docs is a good example, but more simple things like email and electronic calendars are examples as well

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

enables rapid transactions and payments; used in a variety ways such as at gas station pumps or to track/locate items in warehouses

Substitution Cipher

every occurrence of a given letter is replaced systematically by another letter


exists whenever one participant in a market has more resources than other participants

Gigabit Ethernet

faster Ethernet connection of one Gbps or greater

Grey Hats

hackers who believe they are pursuing some greater good by breaking in and revealing system flaws

Multimedia Software

handles many different types of data; often used in education, training exercises, and compiling and integrating data for business situations


high-bandwidth fiber-optic cable that transports data across the Internet

Internet backbone

highest speed channels


highlighted text or graphics in a web document that, when clicked, opens a new web page or section of the same page containing related content


hiring an outside vendor to provide the services you cannot perform with in-house personnel

Internet Exchange Point (Ixp)

hub where the backbone intersects with local and regional networks and where backbone owners connect with one another

According to Peter Drucker, knowledge workers are people who: a) are at the heart of the new economy b) require a good deal of formal education c) require the ability to acquire and to apply theoretical/analytical knowledge d) require a habit of continuous learning e) all of the above

e) all of the above

The business environment, one of the most important factors influencing a business, consists of: a) customers b) suppliers c) competitors d) governments e) all of the above

e) all of the above

non-merchant companies

e-commerce companies that arrange for the purchase and sale of goods without ever owning or taking title to those goods

Two-Tier Architecture

e-commerce system architecture in which a Web server responds to requests for Web pages and a database server provides backend data storage

Multi-Tier Architecture

e-commerce system architecture in which the Web server is linked to a middle-tier layer that typically includes a series of application servers that perform specific tasks as well as to a backend layer of existing corporate systems

What are the four primary components of a typical e-commerce site are: [chapter 8, slide 24, moderate] a. The shopping and ordering system b. The merchant account c. The payment gateway d. The security system e. All of the above

e. All of the above

Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of file systems? [chapter 5, slide 9, moderate] a. Data Redundancy b. Data Dependence c. Data Inaccessibility d. Poor File Management e. Data Independence

e. Data Independence

10) Which of the following is a result of the new technologies used in today's form of e-commerce? [Chapter 7, slide 12, easy] a) Universal standards b) Higher information density c) Customization d) Ubiquity and accessibility e) All of the above

e. all of the above


emerging technology based on the IEEE 802.16 standard. design to deliver the "last mile" and could replace cable and dsl

Transactive Content

results from the combination of traditional content, such as articles and product descriptions, with dynamic information culled from product databases, tailored to each user's profile

One-To-One Marketing

segmenting the market based on a precise and timely understanding of an individual's needs, targeting specific marketing messages to these individuals, and then positioning the product vis-à-vis competitors to be truly unique

Supply Chain

sequence of activities involved in producing and selling products or services (for products includes marketing, purchasing raw materials,etc & for services includes marketing, monitoring customer portfolios, etc)

Computer programs -

sequences of instructions for the computer

Procurement Process

series of steps that a company takes to obtain or acquire necessary materials, aka "requisition-to-pay" process

Database Server

server designed to access specific information with a database


serves as an entrance to another network

Psychological Profile

set of needs, drives, motivations, perceptions, and learned behaviors


set of rules governing communication between computers; the most important set of ________ for telecommunications and networks is called TCP/IP

Collaborative Filtering

site visitors classify themselves into affinity groups characterized by common interests; products are then recommended based on what other people in the group have recently purchased

Community Provider

sites that create a digital online environment where people with similar interests can transact (buy and sell goods); share interests, photos, and videos, communicate with like minded people, and receive interest-related information

electronic exchange

sites that facilitate the matching of buyers and sellers

operating system

software includes specialized "..." software needed to execute operations from the applications on the hardware and custom applications

Online analytical processing (OLAP) -

software that allows users to explore data from a number of perspectives


software that enables OS to control a device

Web Server Software

software that enables a computer to deliver Web pages written in HTML to client computers on a network that request this service by sending an HTTP request

Packaged Software

software that is ready to install from external storage media such as CDs

E-Commerce Merchant Server Software

software that provides the basic functionality needed for online sales, including an online catalog, order taking via an online credit card processing

Workgroup application software -

software that supports teamwork whether in one location or around the world. This encourages teamwork with software called groupware of collaborative software


software tool that searches the web for information such as products and prices

Proprietary Software

sold/licensed for profit; source code is private and not available; user purchases license to use software from developer (ex: Apple, Microsoft, Internet Explorer)


special-purpose computer that interconnects the computer networks that make up the Internet and routes packets to their ultimate destination as they travel the Internet


special-purpose computer that moves network traffic from one node on a network to another


special-purpose computer that receives and transmits data across a network

Web services

standards and tools that streamline and simplify communication among web sites for business and personal purposes

data safeguards

steps taken to protect databases and other organizational data by means of data administration and database administration

Chief security officer (CSO)

supervises security of information system; usually reports to chief information officer (CIO)

Just in time manufacturing

suppliers ship parts directly to assemply lines as needed; avoids warehousing costs

Help desk technician

supports end users in their daily use of IT; often provides help via telephone

Enterprise Resource Planning Systems

systems that occur inside the walls of business and mainly serve managers in monitoring and modifying business practices; also supports the planning of shipping resources such as personnel, funds, raw materials, and vehicles.

Supply Chain Management Systems (SCM)

systems that support the sequence of activities involved in producing and selling products or services and are linked to become one large IS providing information on any stage of a business process.

Personal sphere of influence -

the sphere of influence that serves the needs of an individual user. Basically improves the quality and amount of work they can do. This is the information system

ieee 802.3 protocol

the standard, also called ethernet


the strategies and actions firms take to establish a relationship with a consumer and encourage purchases of its products or services


the study of communicating with light waves


the total number of users or customers an e-commerce business can obtain


the traditional telephone modem connection, now operating at 56.6 Kbps

Service-oriented architecture (SOA) -

this is kinda what middleware has developed into a people got better at all this stuff. It basically allows users to interact with systems, and systems to interact with other systems. They really go together more or less

Magnetic Strips

this is on credit cards and store encoded data; this is not a source, but its reader is

Time to market

time between generating an idea for a product and completing a prototype


to misrepresent oneself by using fake e-mail addresses or masquerading as someone else

cable modem

type modem that provides high-speed data transmission using cable television lines. always on

Wide area network (WAN)

type of network that is a far-reaching system of networks composed of LANs or MANs; may be public or private

IP spoofing

type of spoofing whereby an intruder uses another site's IP address as if it were that other site

phased installation

type of system conversion in which the new system is installed in pieces across the organization

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)

uses internet connection to conduct telephone conversations; includes flat monthly charge instead of per call charge

Object-oriented database model

uses object-oriented approach for the database structure

Distributed Denial Of Service (Ddos) Attack

using numerous computers to attack the target network from numerous launch points


viruses, worms, trojan horse, spyware, and adware

Web browser

web client software such as internet explorer, firefox, and safari used to view web pages

Customer service

web provides automated service 24/7, includes FAQs, tracking systems, maintenance of customer profiles

Feature Creep

when developers add extra features that were not part of a project's initial requirements

Closed Loop Marketing

when markets are able to directly influence the design of the core product based on market research and feedback from the market

Personal area network (PAN)

wireless network designed for handheld and portable devices; used by one or two people; transmission speed is slower; max distance is about 10 meters


A communications protocol developed under the US Department of Defense to internetwork dissimilar systems. Example: Being able to access the WWW and using ISP(Internet Service Providers) to see the information and data.

Structured query language (SQL):

A language used to create and manipulate databases

row or record

A row in a database table. Records represent a single instance of whatever the table keeps track of (e.g., student, faculty, course title)

Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (S-Http)

A secure message-oriented communications protocol designed for use in conjunction with HTTP. Cannot be used to secure non-HTTP messages

Business Process

A series of steps that an organization needs to perform in order to transform inputs into their main outputs (products and services).

6. The _____ usually leads to the organization's information and technology efforts, especially as it relates to the creation of business value. (Chapter 9, page 264, moderate) a. CEO b. CIO c. CFO d. COO


Network Interface Layer

responsible for placing packets on and receiving them from the network medium

Database administrator (DBA):

Job title focused on directing, performing, or overseeing activities associated with a database or set of databases

Two basic types of networks

LANs and WANs are...

4. Which of the following introduces uncertainty into the individual decision-making process?(Chapter 3, Slide 14 of Chapter 3 Powerpoint, moderate) a. structured decision b. unstructured decision c. semi-structured decision d. uncertain decision


taken private

The process by which a publicly held company has its outstanding shares purchased by an individual or by a small group of individuals who wish to obtain complete ownership and control.


The set of instructions that direct information technology hardware. Example: Firewall, database management system, electronic spreadsheet software


When separate ISPs link their networks to swap traffic on the Internet.

Data Layer

Where the application stores your work (hard drive or flash drive)

Match the following [Field Guide A, pgs 305-315, moderate]: Column A Column B a.RAM A. Input device b.USB Port B. Memory c.Printer C. Storage d.Webcam D. Output Device

aB, bC, cD, dA

Magnetic-ink Character Recognition (MICR)

detects magnetic ink on checks

Output Hardware

devices that convert IT-processed information into a form usable by knowledge workers (or other machines). Examples: Printers, speakers, controllers

Wireless NIC (WNIC)

devices that enable wireless networks by communicating with wireless access points.


e-commerce sales between companies

Material requirements planning (MRP)

inventory control; determines when inventory needs to be restocked; can predict future need based on demand forecasts

schedule feasibility

one of four dimensions of feasibility

canned reports

provide regular summaries of information in a predetermined format

niche solutions

provided by smaller ISVs who build on top or in between suites and best-of-breed applications to address very specific business processes in companies


refers to any communication technology that permits clients to play streaming audio and video files at acceptable speeds—generally anything above 100 Kbps

Mainframe Computers

store large amounts of data and business transactions; most businesses use this type of computer

Internal Memory (Primary Memory)

stores data and instructions before and after CPU processes them; includes RAM and ROM

Off the shelf -

stuff that you can buy that does what you need it to do, even though it's not custom fitted to every aspect. So you don't have the terminology unique to your organization necessarily or stuff like that. But it's a whole lot less expensive, and easier to implement


technique for exchanging messages encoded in XML. SOAP sits on top of any available transport protocol as HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP

Automating uses technology to perform tedious or repetitive tasks faster, cheaper, more consistently, and with greater accuracy. [chapter 4, slide 21, moderate] a) True b) False


The applications and allow one to both make and view flashcards online. [bonus application presentation, easy] a) True b) False


The sequence of first-generation e-commerce activities provides what type of network? [Chapter 8, page 228, moderate] a. Client/Server b. Static content c. Dynamic content d. Java


__________ is a marketing message that a business personalizes for each potential customer's interests based on searching, browsing, or buying habits, e.g. [chapter 7, slide 16, moderate] a) Personalization b) Mass customization c) Customization d) All of the above e) None of the above


Company Centric Business Model

A business model for when a company is either a seller to many other companies (one-to-many) or a buyer from many other companies (many-to-one). e.g., A restaurant buys products from multiple companies to function. For example, food products, cleaning products, and the kitchen equipment are all purchased from different companies by the one restaurant.

World Wide Web

A collection of Internet software applications and standards that allows us to transfer text, images, audio, and video. (Makes it easy to publish info so it is accessible to knowledge workers and trading partners) Example:Logging onto Google, searching and finding information on the web

Application Software

A complete, self-contained program, or set of programs, for performing a specific job Example: Microsoft Word


A detailed sequence of actions that, when followed, will accomplish some task Example:Instructions for assembling a model airplane


A field or combination of fields used to uniquely identify a record, and to relate separate tables in a database. Examples include social security number, customer account number, or student ID

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

A software system to help businesses connect with customers and their divers and changing eeds. Integrates data collection, transformation, storage, and analysis of customer transaction data including purchases, service requests, and other forms of customer contact. Example: An example of a company who uses a customer relationship management system is E-Trade; Michael Krompegal's talk


A user interface that organizes and presents information in a way that is easy to read. For example, a product might obtain information from the local operating system in a computer, from one or more applications that may be running, and from one or more remote sites on the Web and present it as though it all came from the same source.

Value Chain

A view of business organization as a connected series of activities each of which adds value or supports the addition of value to the firm's goods or services. With this perspective, every action that the organization takes is either a primary activity or a support activity

8. ________ are software tools that search the Internet for page and sites and store the results in a database of a search engine? [Chapter 8 pg. 242, Moderate] a) web crawlers b) gateways c) shopping carts d) payment systems


2. T/F: IS Consultants work with 1 or 2 small companies. [Guest Speaker Presentation, Philip Grossman, easy]

Answer: False

The network interface card (NIC) is a type of communications hardware. [Ch.2, Pg.35, easy] a. true b. false

ANSWER: A (TRUE); provides the physical connection between the computer and a local network

7. A stakeholder analysis should begin as part of the feasibility study and should be continued during the course of the project. (Chapter 6, slide 9, moderate) a. True b. False

Answer: a

Which of the following provides financial information to the organization's financial managers? a. Accounting IS b. Financial IS c. Marketing IS d. Human Resource IS e. Manufacturing IS


4. If a company wanted it's decision making to occur lower in its organization system and closer to the customer, which organization structure would it choose? [chapter 4, slide 12, hard] a. Functional b. Decentralized c. Matrix d. Linear


This adds insight and ethics to the data-information-knowledge continuum A. Knowledge B. Data C. Wisdom D. Information


2. Which of the following is an example of input hardware? a. printer b. network interface card c. microprocessor chip d. keyboard e. both a and d


B2C e-commerce

Online businesses selling to individual customers

B2B e-commerce

Online businesses selling to other businesses

Sarbanes Oxley

Passed in 2002, a law that holds a company's executive officers personally responsible for providing accurate public financial information to investors. Law is relevant to IS because company's financial records are stored in information systems.

Workflow Management System/ Business Process Management

Supports activities that several departments of the organization may carry out by supporting and automating workflow Example: An example could be a online product order--steps include order placement, validation of both customer credit and availability of inventory, payment processing and order fulfillment. At each step in the workflow, information and documentation are needed and generated




The data source contains data that are dependable and consistent with data from other comparable data sources. Example: An unsolicited e-mail offers to share millions of dollars with you. Is this reliable? Receiving unreliable information could lead to misuse of your personal information.


The data source contains data that can be applied to today's problems and objectives. Example: Is an article on IS operations dated Dec. 1, 1999 about the Y2K problem relevant to today's problems? Since the newspaper is irrelevant, it does not bring forth a great deal of information.

Record -

a collection of related data fields

File -

a collection of related records

Software suite -

a collection of single application programs packaged in a bundle (kinda like office)

Voice over internet protocol (VoIP)

a collection of technologies and communications protocols that enables your voice to be converted into packets of data that can be sent over a data network such at the internet, a WAN or LAN

world wide web

a collection of tens of millions of server computers that work together as one in an internet service using hyperlink technology to provide information to billions of users


a combination of devices (or nodes) connected through a communication media; any device that can transmit and receive on a ________ can be part of a _________.

Match the hardware components with their definition. [chapter 2, slide 3, moderate] Column A a. Processing b. Memory c. Input d. Output e. Storage Column B A. provides the interface used to retrieve information from a device B. stores data, information, and instructions for the long term C. directs execution of instruction and the transformation of data D. provides the interface used for data entry into a device E. temporarily stores data and instructions before processing

aC, bE, cD, dA, eB


ability to scramble and encode messages; uses specific _________ keys shared only between sender and receiver

Stored-Value Payment System

account created by depositing funds into an account and from which funds are paid out or withdrawn as needed

Accumulating Balance Payment System

account that accumulates expenditures and to which consumers makes periodic payments

three-way match

accounting retrieves the corresponding purchase order and goods receipt documents and compares them to the invoice to make sure they all match

Cost accounting systems

accumulate data about costs involved in producing specific products

Competitive Advantage

achieved by a firm when it can produce a superior product and or bring the product to market at a lower price that most, or all of its competitors

Network administrator

acquires, implements, manages, maintains, and troubleshoots networks; implements security

encryption algorithms

algorithms used to transform clear text into coded, unintelligible text for secure storage or communication. common used are DES, 3DES, AES

MAC address

also called physical address. a permanent address given to each network interface card (NIC) at the factory

Hash Function

an algorithm that produces a fixed-length number called a hash or message digest

Digital Cash

an alternative payment system development for e-commerce in which unique, authenticating tokens representing cash value are transmitted from consumers to merchants

Virtual Reality (VR)

an application that mimics sensory reality using software; simulates sight, hearing, and touch

Chapter 7 easy p. 209 2. Which of the following is not a key to keeping strong passwords? A) using upper- and lowercase characters B) change your password regularly C) use at least eight characters D) choose a common name that is easy to remember

answer d

Internet service provider (ISP)

any company that provides internet access to people or organizations

Globalization does not do which of the following: a) stimulate economic growth b) lower prices for goods and services c) strengthens local communities d) destroys jobs in advanced countries

c) strengthens local communities

key escrow

control procedure whereby a trusted party is given a copy of a key used to encrypt database data


converts documents into images; this saves paper

modem (modulator/demodulator)

converts the computer's digital data into signals that can be transmitted over telephone or cable lines

Compiler -

converts the programmer's code into binary digits that make up machine-language

E-Procurement Firm

creates and sells access to digital electronic markets


creating multiple versions of information goods and selling essentially the same product to different market segments at different prices

Rapid prototyping

creating one-of-a-kind products to test design in three dimensions

system definition phase

first phase of the sdlc in which developers with the help of eventual users, define new system's goals and scope, assess its feasibility, form a project team and plan the project


forwards data packets across two or more distinct networks toward their destinations, through a process known as routing

implementation phase

fourth phase in the sdlc in which developers build and integrate system component, test the system, and convert to the new system


framework, or approach, to obtaining an advantageous position

Open Source Software

free source code; developed through voluntary collaboration of programmers; source code is available to public (ex: FireFox, Linux)

Open-source software -

freely available to anybody and you can modify it

Campus Area Networks (Can)

generally, a local area network operating within a single organization that leases access to the Web directly from regional and national carriers

Project Management Tools

help plan projects and track progress

Market research

helps discover populations and regions that are most likely to purchase product


internet communication lines that have transmission speeds of 56kbps or less. a dial up modem provides narrowband access

Strategic Resourcing

involves forming a long term relationship with another company and then setting prices through negotiation Ex. A company's large-scale computer purchases over time

Returns Process

involves physically shipping any damaged, incorrect, or incomplete products back to the vendor and verifying that the vendor sends a replacement shipment

Channel Conflict

occurs when a new venue for selling products or services threatens to destroy existing venues for selling goods


occurs when a person gains unauthorized access to a computer system.


occurs when unauthorized programs invade a computer system and replace legitimate programs.

network effect

occurs where users receive value from the fact that everyone else uses the same tool or product

Independent Software Vendors (ISVs)

offer highly specialized niche applications for various industries and functions


offers users powerful web search tools as well as an integrated package of content and services all in one place

Ad hoc reporting tools

put users in control so that they can create custom reports on an as-needed basis by selecting fields, ranges, summary conditions, and other parameters


putting a value on goods and services

Input Devices

receive signals from outside of computer and transfer them into the computer

Market Opportunity

refers to the company's intended marketspace and the overall potential financial opportunities available to the firm in that marketspace


refers to the fact that the server does not have to maintain an ongoing, dedicated interaction with the client

Row or record

represents a single instance of whatever the table keeps track of

Credit Card

represents an account that extends credit to consumer, permits consumers to purchase items while deferring payment, and allows consumers to make payments to multiple vendors at one time

Complementary Resources

resources and assets not directly involved in the production of the product but required for success, such as marketing, management, financial assets, and reputation


resources can be expanded or upgraded to provide increased power

Database Management Systems (DBMS)

software for creating, maintaining, and manipulating databases

Network-management software

software that enables a manager on a networked desktop to monitor the use of individual computers and shared hardware (such as printers), scan for viruses, and ensure compliance with software licenses

Rich internet application

software that has the functionality and complexity of traditional application software, but does not require local installation and runs in a web browser

10/100/1000 ethernet

type of ethernet that conforms to the IEEE 802.3 protocol and allows for transmission at rate of 10, 100, 1000 mbps

unauthorized data disclosure

when a person inadvertently releases data in violation of policy

purchase order

when the purchasing department receives the requisition, it selects a suitable supplier and creates this; is an agreement to purchase the stated material, for the stated price, under the stated terms.

packing list

when the vendor sends the shipment, a delivery document will accompany it; includes data about the purchase order for the shipment, the dates when the purchase order was filled and shipped, and the persons involved in preparing the order and details of the items in the shipment ex:weight and quantity

Data item -

the specific value of an attribute

7. ______ refers to the strategic decision made by a business to bring various services or functions 'back-in-house'(Chapter 9, page 266, hard) a. Global sourcing b. In-sourcing c .Onshoring d. Nearshoring e. Offshoring


11. This group handles unique aspects of the project. a. Project management b. Analyst c. Specialist d. Public Relations


Project Resources

Identifying and managing all the materials, resources, and people needed in order to complete a project effectively

Project Scope

Identifying and managing all the tasks required to complete a project

Corrective Controls

Implemented to remedy a situation in which risk is realized; meant to prevent repeated recurrence. Example: ATM card is disabled when bank customer fails to change PIN by specified deadline.


Computers on a network running server software that provides resources to other computers on the networks.


Computers on a network that is running client software that request services from the servers.


Concept related to the number of users or the volume of operations that a given hardware/software combination can manage

Half-duplex channel

a communications channel that can transmit data in either directions, but not simultaneously

Simplex channel

a communications channel that can transmit data in only one direction


(eXtensible Markup Language) a language similar to HTML that emphasizes the structure and meaning of data; is used primarily to transfer and store data, and interpret what data is. Ex: A website that displays a company and information about a company in a table using tags to identify the data.

T1 and T3 Lines

point-to-point dedicated digital circuits provided by telephone companies


pointer on a web page to another web page

Business Intelligence Systems (BI)

***Systems that glean relationships and trends from raw data to help organization compete better

Trends in IS

*Growing power/decreasing cost of computers *Growing capacity/decreasing costs of data storage devices *Increasing variety/ingenuity of computer programs *Available, reliable, affordable, and fast communications links to Internet *Internet Growth *Increasing computer literacy of the workforce


proces of transforming clear text into coded unintelligible text for secure storage or communication


process of a group of colleagues meeting and collaborating to generate creative solutions and new ideas

plunge installation

(direct installation) system conversion in which the organization shuts off the old system and starts the new system

systems development

process of creating and maintaining informtaion systems (systems analysis and design)


process of locating and fixing program errors

___ is the buying at market prices determined by supply and demand from someone that the consumer does not know. A. Spot buying B. Strategic sourcing C. One-to-one market buying D. E-commerce

A. Spot buying

Match the following functions with their respective objectives: 1. project scope management 2. time management 3. cost management 4. quality management a. Preparing a budget and managing the costs of the project to stay within budget. b. Identifying and managing all the tasks required to complete a project. c. Ensuring that the finished project satisfies its defined goals. d. Estimating the duration of the project, developing an acceptable schedule, and managing the project to ensure timely completion.

ANSWER: 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c FROM: Chapter 6, page 175 DIFFICULTY: easy

Web 2.0

An industry-led group is seeking to define what will make successful the next generation of Web applications and companies. e.g., The web applications allow users to control their own data.

Sql (Structured Query Language)

An industry-standard database query and manipulation language used in relational databases

2. ROM is associated with short-term memory storage. [chapter 2, slide 5, easy] a. True b. False


A merchant account is a company that provides a network to process encrypted transactions from a merchant's Web site. [chapter 8, slide 27, moderate] a) True b) False


If you are having a problem with a computer on campus you should not call EITS. [guest speaker presentation, easy] a) True b) False


This is a special form of output created by a business process that is returned to the system A. Value Chain B. Feedback C. Support Activities D. Competitive Advantage


What is a major limitation of Surf-the-Channel? a. Quality of videos significantly reduced as compared to purchased videos b. Links are user-posted, so they are not guaranteed to be accurate or safe c. Site only uses illegal video sites as clients d. Site requires entry of sensitive data over a non-secure HTML connection


What is the function of server-side programming? a. What the server displays on the monitor of the user's computer, rather than the HTML code b. When programs run on the Web server rather than the computer itself to promote dynamic interaction c. When the server encrypts sensitive information input from the user's computer d. When a programmer actively writes code for use on a server or website


Which type of application allows users to send invitations for parties along with sending reminders? [student presentation, moderate] a. Meeting Wizard b. Evite c. Pandora d. Facebook Marketplace


9. HTTP standardized the rules for transferring data from user to user (over a secure connection) over the Internet. [Chapter 8, pg. 228, Easy] a) True b) False


How much does it typically cost to have your handwriting made into a font? ( Presentation) A. Nothing, it's free B. $10 C. $5 D. $7

B.) $10

Google runs its services on a couple of supercomputers. (Phillip Grossman Presentation) A.True B. False

B.) False

The World is Flat

Coined by Thomas Friedman, a perspective that globalization has helped even the playing field among global economies (thus, "flattening" the world)

data mining uses

Collaborative filtering Customer churn Fraud detection Financial modeling Hiring and promotio


Componenet of an ES, used to store data associated with the ES


Component of an ES, includes specialized operating system software and custom applications


Component of an ES, physical mainframe of computers

Digital Systems

Computers and related devices that use the binary system (two digits)

Internet Protocol Suite

Consists of : Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Internet Protocol (IP)

What would be an example of the impact e-commerce technologies have on business today? (Chapter 7, Page 200) A. Compliance B. Higher information density C. Ubiquity and accessibility D. Both B and C are correct E. None of the above are correct

D.) Both B and C are correct

Data Warehouse

Def: A means of storing and managing large amounts of data for information access, typically composed of data from one or more transaction databases. Consist of data that has been cleaned and restricted to fit the model and to support queries, summary reports, and analysis Ex: A business's collection of data on finance, sales, customer service, manufacturing, and such.

Presentation Layer

How you interact with the application (using menus, typing selecting)

Tacit Knowledge

Knowledge that is within people that they gain through experience, insight, and discovery. Reading, movies, life experiences, and experiences of others contribute to this type of knowledge. Example: Perhaps if your parents are mad at you, you would use your experience and see what has worked in the past to get you on your parents' good side once again.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

Law mandating that health care providers and related agencies must protect patients' privacy. Relevant to IS because patients health records are increasingly stored in electronic records systems which may imply some concern for the privacy of patient data.

B2C E-Commerce Transaction

Online equivalent of the retail store as well as other services. Ex.Using the Apple iTunes store to purchase songs and movies

Database management systems (DBMS)

Sometimes called "database software"; software for creating, maintaining, and manipulating data

TRUE or FALSE, Based on Ron Swift's presentation, a company 'segments' their customers in order to achieve greater costs savings and sales.


Internet Marketing

Using the Web-as well as traditional channels- to develop a positive, long-term relationship with customers, thereby creating a competitive advantage for the firm by allowing it to charge a higher price for products or services than its competitors can charge

Storage Hardware

Various hardware media and devices used to contain large amounts of data and instructions for the long term. They retain data and instructions even after shutting down the computer. Example: Computer hard drive, the diskette, CDs and DVDs, and USB flash memory

Merchant Account

a bank account that allows companies to process credit card payments and receive funds from those transactions

Character -

a basic building block of information, consisting of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numeric digits, or special symbols

E-Commerce Business Model

a business model that aims to use and leverage the unique qualities of the internet and the world wide web

Data definition language (DDL) -

a collection of instructions and commands used to define and describe data and relationships in a specific database


a collection of interconnected networks, all freely exchanging information

shared workspace

a common work area where authorized project members and colleagues can share documents, issues, models, schedules, spreadsheets, photos, and all forms of information to keep each other current on the status of projects or topics of common interest

Internet protocol (IP)

a communication standard that enables traffic to be routed from one network to another as needed

Which of the following is NOT an input in the IPO model? [chapter 1, slide 13-14, moderate] a. Business Value b. Information c. Knowledge d. Data e. Decisions

a. Business Value

What does Ron Swift's company, TeraData, specialize in? [guest speaker, Ron Swift, presentation, easy] a. Data Warehousing b. Business Process Management c. Marketing Processes d. Data Modeling e. Relational Databases

a. Data Warehousing

3) The business process transforms what? [Chapter 4, Page 89, moderate] a) Inputs to Outputs b) Outputs to Inputs c) Inputs to Inputs d) Outputs to Outputs

a. Inputs to Outputs

3. Which computer type has the largest and fastest relative processing power? (Chapter 5, slide #4, moderate) a. Supercomputer b. Mainframe c. Personal Computer d. Embedded Processors

a. Supercomputer

12. Businesses use mass customization and personalization to create business value based on a customization oriented approach to e-commerce. [Chapter 8, E-commerce PowerPoint slide 15, Moderate] a. True B. False

a. True

An extranet is a collaborative network that uses Internet technology to link businesses with their customers. [chapter 7, slide 46, moderate] a. True b. False

a. True

The company that Ron Swift, who gave a presentation in class, works for, Teradata, consolidates a single source of data for decision-making from an enterprise view of the business. [guest speaker presentation, moderate] a. True b. False

a. True

6. What application allows you to enter a blog feed in 140 characters or less? a. Twitter b. Stumble Upon c. iLike d. Surf the Channel

a. Twitter


programs installed on user's computer without user knowledge or permission. watches activity and produces pop-up ads


an office productivity application that is used to store numbers and perform complex mathematical, statistical, and financial analysis functions

Data modeling

analysis of an organization's data and identification of the data relationships; a proactive process; this develops a conceptual blueprint of the database


another name or the IEEE-802.3 protocol, ethernet is a network protocol that operates at Layers 1 and 2 of the TCP/IP-OSI architecture.

Web Client

any computing device attached to the Internet that is capable of making HTTP requests and displaying HTML pages, most commonly a Windows PC or Macintosh


any deceptive, online attempt by a third party to obtain confidential information for financial gain

Telecommunications medium

any material substance that carries an electronic signal and serves as an interface between a sending device and a receiving device

Key (Cipher)

any method for transforming plain text to cipher text


arises when more than one solution to problem exists


available just about everywhere, at all times

Utility programs -

programs that help to perform maintenance or correct problems wit hat computer system

Chief information officer (CIO)

responsible for all aspects of information system; often a corporate vice president

7) A project is said to be what when the technology is available to solve the problem and a company is technically capable of acquiring and using the technology? [Chapter 6, Slide 6, Moderate] a. Technically Feasible b. Technically Available c. Financially Feasible d. Organizationally Feasible e. Technically Operationable

a. technically feasible

11) A stakeholder analysis should begin as part of the feasibility study and should be continued during the course of the project. [Chapter 6, slide 9, medium] a) True b) False

a. true

Match the following: a. packet b. router c. ping d. ping of death e. proxy server f. firewall 1. type of attack on a computer that involves sending a malicious ping to a computer 2. a formatted unit of data 3. hardware & software to guard a computer against unauthorized access when connected to a network 4. hardware & software to route/forward packets 5. a server that services the requests of its clients by forwarding request to other servers 6. a computer network tool used to test whether a particular host is reachable across a network

a2, b4, c6, d1, e5, f3

Role of enterprise systems in the procurement process

aggregate information How is the process doing? Execute the Process Create Purchase Requisition Create Purchase Order Receive Shipment Receive Invoice and Send Payment Capture and Store Process Data Monitor the Process Instance-Level Information Flow Process-Level Information Flow

Intellectual Property

all forms of human expression that can be put into tangible medium such as text, cd's or on the web

Shopping Cart

allows shoppers to set aside desired purchases in preparation for checkout, review what they have selected edit their selections as necessary, and then actually make the purchase by clicking a button


allows voice and phone systems to travel over the internet

Risk Assessment

an assessment of the risks and points of vulnerability

Uniform resource locator (URL)

an assigned address on the internet for each computer

Library Effect

an attempt to appeal to consumers on the basis of the total number of products offered

Wired equivalent privacy (WEP)

an early attempt at securing wireless communications based on encryption using a 64- or 128-bit key that is not difficult for hackers to crack

Data encryption standard (DES)

an early data encryption standard developed in the 1970s that uses a 56-bit private key algorithm

Industry Structural Analysis

an effort to understand and describe the nature of competition in an industry, the nature of substitute products, the barriers, to entry, and the relative strength of consumers and suppliers

Data mining -

an information-analysis tool that involves the automated discovery of patterns and relationships in a data warehouse


an integrated application containing some or all features from several applications; provides enhanced features for the end user


an integration of several client-server applications; rely on web services to send and receive data between and among ES

Electronic data interchange (EDI)

an intercompany, application-to-application communication of data in a standard format, permitting the recipient to perform a standard business transaction, such as processing purchase orders


an international telephone standard for digital communication that offers guaranteed delivery at 45 Mbps

Web auction

an internet site that matches buyers and sellers

Internet service provider (ISP)

an isp provides users with Internet access. gives them an address, gateway, passes communication, collect money on your behalf


an object about which an organization chooses to collect data such as people, events, and products

What is the ability of a nation to move towards an economy that relies more on computer technology? a. Globalization b. E-readiness c. Strategic Technology d. ITC

b) E-readiness

1. Which guest speaker discussed IS consulting in which an experienced individual advises a client on the best choice of IS system for his business? [guest speaker presentation, easy] a) Matthew Gonzales b) Philip Grossman c) Ron Swift

b) Philip Grossman

8. ____________ is the ability to buy a site license online and then download one copy, which can be burned on CDs and reduces organizations' cost and time. [Chp. 7 p. 216] a) Travel b) Software c) Financing d) Banking e) Leasing

b) Software

Hard drive, CDs/DVDs, flash drive are all examples of ________. a. Memory Hardware b. Storage Hardware c. Communications Hardware d. System Software

b) Storage Hardware

______ is a knowledge work activity that involves thoughtful investigation and examination of the available data, info, and knowledge. a) synthesis b)analysis c)communication d) transformation

b) analysis

The basic unit of the binary number system, a convenient number system that only uses the digits 1 and 0, is: a) a byte b) a bit c) a character d) none of the above

b) bit (base two)

8) Give an example of event-driven marketing (Guest speaker presentation Ron Swift, medium) a. Business takes notice that a client has graduated from college b. Businesses utilize targeted email- relevant offers that motivate clients to take action. c. Business' clients are segmented into groups- such as 'quality oriented', 'low income', and 'family oriented'. d. Both a and b

b. Businesses utilize targeted email- relevant offers that motivate clients to take action.

The first server-side programming technology was named ____________ and was programmed using ___________ (Programming Language). (Chapter 8, pg. 239, Difficult) a. Common Gateway Interface; PHP b. Common Gateway Interface; PERL c.; PERL d. PHP; PHP

b. Common Gateway Interface; PERL is used to: [bonus application presentation,, easy] a. Make personalized flashcards b. Create a personalized font c. Find your favorite music artists d. Look at and organize your pictures

b. Create a personalized font

The application presented in class, Typeface, is useful for doing what? [bonus application presentation, easy] a. Uploading and sharing pictures and videos b. Creating a font based on one's own handwriting c. communicating with other members via email d. writing and publishing essays online to be read by members e. none of the above

b. Creating a font based on one's own handwriting

Database administrator (DBA)

responsible for databases and data warehouses

8) When developing an IS, which method takes the longest time and has the highest cost, but provides a competitive advantage? a. Acquistion b. Building c. Stealing d. Leasing

b. building

The integration between Business and Technology creates which of the following: a. A network b. Business value c. A Knowledge Worker d. Megabyte

b. business value

Transport Layer

responsible for providing communication with the application by acknowledging and sequencing the packets to and from the application

6) The process of scrambling a message so that it is meaningful only to the person holding the key is: [Chapter 8, page 246, moderate] a. Secure Gateway Provider b. Encryption c. E-Commerce d. Secure Socket Layer

b. encryption

SSL (Secure Socket Layer)

protocol that allows a client and a server to communicate in a way that prevents eavesdropping ,message forgery, or tampering. e.g., OASIS uses a this to prevent forgery of personal information from the students such as bank account numbers and social security numbers.

2. An example of a good managed through B2C transactions would be: (Chapter 7, pg. 198, Moderate a. Office furniture b. iTunes song c. Virus protection software d. Fishing license application and fee

b. iTunes Song

9) Which of the applications demonstrated in class is an online service that allows users to download and share music? [Bonus application presentation, easy] a) Pandora b) ilike c) Evite d) Both a and c

b. ilike

10) Dynamic content, where a web page changes depending on a number of factors such as time and date, user profile, or browser location emerged in which generation of ecommerce? a. First Generation b. Second Generation c. Third Generation d. Fourth Generation

b. second generation

One frequently used way of _________ is bringing together different pieces of data and information in order to form a complete picture of the situation. a) analysis b) discovery c) synthesis d) transformation

c) synthesis


protocol that provides the Internet's addressing scheme and is responsible for the actual delivery of the packets

secure socket layer (SSL)

protocol that uses both asymmetric and symmetric encryption.

What is E-Commerce? a. to buy and sell over the internet b. use of information systems, technologies, and computer networks to carry out transactions in order to create or support the creation of business value c. when people go to a store and buy something d. only buying products that start with the letter "e"

b. use of information systems, technologies, and computer networks to carry out transactions in order to create or support the creation of business value

What does the acronym "CARROTS" stand for? a. Complete; Associated; Reliable; Random; Overt; Timely; Sustainable b. Creative; Accurate; Reliable; Relevant; Opportunity; Timely; Substance c. Complete; Accurate; Reliable; Relevant; Objective; Timely; Source d. Creative; Associated; Reliable; Relevant; Opportunity; Timely; Source


Issuing Bank

bank that actually issues credit cards and processes transactions

Symmetric Key Encryption (Secret Key Encryption)

both the sender and the receiver use the same key to encrypt and decrypt the message

Technology Convergence

building several technologies into a single piece of hardware; examples include cell phones, xbox; digital cameras connected to internet, etc

business-to-business commerce

businesses must purchase most of their materials directly from other companies according to business requirements; ex: B2B commerce requires a standardized process for buying and selling commercial goods and also for transferring funds to pay for those goods in an efficient manner


buying and selling of goods and services over public or private computer networks

Spot Buying

buying at market prices determined by supply and demand from someone that the consumer does not know Ex. Companies engage in this type of buying to purchase goods. Those goods include gas, paper and cleaning supplies

11. In Mr. Phillip Grossman's presentation, he described two real-world examples of the type of work a consultant in his field would be asked to do. In his Sprint PCS example, he explained that Sprint wanted to reduce the handling time on their call center calls to save money. The task required an analysis of all systems and processes that supported the call center, and the solution included improved information architecture and a _____________________________________ solution. a) database efficiency b) Information Technology management c) content/ knowledge management d) customer care


7. Which of the following fits the description of a Common Gateway Interface or GCI? [Chp.8 p. 239] a) Script embedded within a webpage along with its HTML b) Able to run a servlet or small Java program on a server c) Program that can be written using just about any computer language d) Component of Microsoft's family of software development technologies e) Includes server codes that can separate the code from its content

c) Program that can be written using just about any computer language

3. A bank who installs an ATM with the expectation of using technology to perform certain tasks with greater efficiency is an example of...[chapter 4, slide 21, moderate] a) informating b) transforming c) automating d) updating

c) automating

Data is... a) when a person combines information with judgement b) adds insight and ethics to the data-information-knowledge continuum c) raw, unorganized facts, numbers, pictures, and so on.

c) data: raw, unorganized facts, numbers, and so on; data has to be organized in a way usable by the knowledge worker

9.The use of information systems, computer networks, and technologies by people and organizations to carry out transactions in order to create or support the creation of business value is _____________. [Chp.7 p. 197, easy] a) a-commerce b) electronic data interchange (EDI) c) e-commerce d) knowledge worker e) automating

c) e-commerce

5. Which of the following is an application on a popular networking site that can be used to list items and services for sale? [bonus application presentation, easy] a. Stumbleupon b. Twitter c. Facebook Marketplace d. Group Identification Network (GIN)

c. Facebook Marketplace

5) ________ protocol is the standardized rules for exchanging data over the web. [Chapter 8, page 228, moderate] a. HTML b. ISP c. HTTP d. FTP


12) Which of the following are NOT parts of the IS Project? [Chapter 6, slide 5, moderate] a) Technical Analysis b) Financial Analysis c) Management Analysis d) Organizational Analysis

c. Management Analysis

If a company wanted it's decision making to occur lower in its organization system and closer to the customer, which organization structure would it choose? [chapter 4, slide 12, hard] a. Functional b. Decentralized c. Matrix d. Linear

c. Matrix

Nearshoring is business done with partners... [chapter 9, page 267, easy] a. In the same country b. A far distance outside the country c. Outside the country, but in the same geographic region d. No partners are used

c. Outside the country, but in the same geographic region

Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD), is a model used in what kind of design? [chapter 6, page 171, moderate] a. Data Warehouse b. File Processing c. Relational Database d. Querying

c. Relational Database

Which of the following is NOT one of the three parts of a feasibility study? [chapter 6, slide 5, hard] a. Technical Analysis b. Organizational Analysis c. Stakeholder Analysis d. None of the Above e. All of the Above

c. Stakeholder Analysis

Search engines are used for the first time in what generation of e-commerce? [chapter 8, April 21st lecture, easy] a. First b. Second c. Third d. Fourth e. Fifth

c. Third

transport layer security (tls)

protocol using both asymmetric and symmetric encryption that works between levels 4 and 5 of TCP-OSI protocol architecture

Which one of the following applications that was shown in class is used as an online studying device? a. Ilike b. Pandora c. Flashcard DB d. Study Pro e. None of the Above

c. flashcard DB

custom applications

provide capabilities needed to complete specific tasks such as filling a customer order

Application Layer

provides a wide variety of applications with the ability to access the services of the lower layers

Symmetric DSL

provides high speed in both directions for short-distance communications

Database Approach

provides powerful mechanism for managing and manipulating data where data is organized as entities

11) Which of the following is NOT one of the Four Dragons? a. Singapore b. Taiwan c. Thailand d. Hong Kong

c. thailand

Packing List

provides the details about the materials contained in the shipment (quantity, weights) dates when filled and shipped, people involved in preparing the order

Shareware and freeware -

cannot modify source code, but it is very inexpensive or maybe even free


changing the product, not just the marketing message, according to user preferences

HTML tags

codes that let the web browser know how to format text - as a heading, as a list, or as body text - and whether images, sound, and other elements should be inserted


collect and introduce data to system


collection of captured bot computers


collection of computers that communicate with one another over transmission lines


collection of related fields


collection of related records


collection of various applications that perform multiple interrelated functions; includes Microsoft Office, Lotus SmartSuite,, ThinkFree


column or group of columns that identifies a unique row in a table. a number used to encrypt data


combined storage of data and relevant procedures to process it; allows object to be "planted" in different data sets

Manufacturing resource planning (MRP II)

combines MRP with other related activities to plan the entire manufacturing process; uses master production schedule


combines the functionality offered by Ping and Tracert


combining resources to produce output that exceeds the sum of outputs of the separate resources by themselves; Greek "work together"

Notebook Computer (laptop)

compact personal computer powered by rechargeable battery

Business-to-business Commerce (B2B)

companies must purchase most of their materials directly from other companies according to business requirements

Routing Algorithm

computer program that ensures that packets take the best available path toward their destination

commerce server

computer that operates web-based programs that display products. support online ordering, record and process payments and interface with inventory-management applications

Process-Level Information

concerned with the purchasing process on an overall level, across multiple instances aggregated over a period of time

Supply Chain Management

connect a company's ERP system to those of its suppliers

Access point (hotspot)

connection between wireless device and a wired network; allows internet access within range of equipment

Supply Chain Management (SCM)

connects a company to other companies that supply the materials it needs to make its products

Local Area Network (LAN)

connects computers that reside in a single geographic location


connects one LAN to another LAN using the same telecommunications protocol

Customer Retention Costs

costs incurred in convincing an existing customer to purchase again

Visual Programming Languages

create graphical screen objects by selecting icons from a palette

graphics programs

create intricate graphical images and manipulate digital photographs


creates and maintains Web site

11. Dr. Meredith Belbin has developed a system of nine widely accepted team roles. Which of the following answer choices is NOT one of those roles? [chapter 4, page 112-3, moderate] a) Monitor-evaluator b) Teamworker c) Implementer d) Reviewer Finisher e) Completer Finisher

d) Reviewer Finisher

5. A web service obtains or processes data from a sending application and then delivers the data over the network using a standard data format called: a. SQL b. HTML c. Java d. XML

d) XML

Which statement below is NOT a "pro" of globalization? a. Lower prices for goods and services b. Stimulates economic growth c. Creates jobs d. Moves work to countries with fewer labor and environmental regulations


1) A business is an organization with one or more people who...[Chapter 1, Page 5, easy] a) Decide on one or more goals to pursue b) Work together to locate and organize resources c.) Create processes in order to achieve the desired goal or goals d.) All of the above

d. All of the above

Which one is NOT a disadvantage of File Systems? a.Data redundancy b.Data inaccessibility c.Poor file management d. Database administrators

d. Database administrators

10. Which of the following is not a phase of the life cycle that an information system goes through? [Chapter 6, PowerPoint presentation slide 14-15, Moderate] a. Construction b. Transition c. Elaboration d. Diagnosis e. Retirement

d. Diagnosis


refers to either hardware or software that filters communication packets and prevents some packets from entering the network based on a security policy

User Profile

refers to the nature of customer requests and customer behavior at a site


one of several route-tracing utilities that allow you to follow the path of a message you send from your client to a remote computer on the Internet

Single-user license -

one user can use it, usually only on one computer

Direct Reference Groups

one's family, profession or occupation, religion, neighborhood, and schools

Indirect Reference Groups

one's life-cycle stage, social class, and lifestyle group

Economic order quantity (EOQ)

optimal quantity of a raw material that minimizes overstocking and saves cost, without missing production deadlines


part of VR; allows users to simulate changes in the environment using VR devices


part of VR; user senses that she/he is surrounded by the simulated environment

malware definitions

patterns that exist in malware code.


pen-like device used to enter data through a touch screen

drive-by sniffer

people who take computers with wireless connections through an are and search for unprotected wireless networks in an attempt to gain free INternet access or to gather unauthorized data.


perform other OS functions such as hardware diagnostics, disk check, and file sorting

Data processing

performs calculations on input

merchant companies

in e-commerce companies that take title to the goods they sell. they buy goods and resell them

web storefront

in e-commerce web based app that enable customers to enter and manage their orders


in markup language such as HTML and XML, notation used to define data element for display or other purposes

database tier

in the three tier architecture the tier that runs the DBMS and receives and processes SQL requests to retrieve and store data

user generated content (UGC)

in web 2.0 data and information that is provided by users.

returns process

involves physically shipping any damaged, incorrect, or incomplete products back to the vendor and verifying that the vendor sends a replacement shipment

Model-Driven Data Mining

involves the use of a model that analyzes the key variables of interest to decision makers

data mart

is a database focused on addressing the concerns of a specific problem (e.g., increasing customer retention, improving product quality) or business unit (e.g., marketing, engineering).

Online analytical processing (OLAP)

is a method of querying and reporting that takes data from standard relational databases, calculates and summarizes the data, and then stores the data in a special database called a data cube

procurement process

is a series of steps that a company takes to obtain or acquire necessary materials: create requisition, create and send purchase order, receive shipment, receive invoice, send payment

data warehouse

is a set of databases designed to support decision making in an organization. It is structured for fast online queries and exploration; may aggregate enormous amounts of data from many different operational systems.

item total

is the cost of the specified quantity of material on each line


is the extensive use of data, statistical and quantitative analysis, explanatory and predictive models, and fact-based management to drive decisions and actions

Affiliate program

linking to other companies and rewarding the linker for click-throughs

Bill of materials (BOM)

list of all raw materials and subcomponent demands to produce a product

database administration

management, development, operation, and maintenance, of the database so as to achieve the org's objectives.

Projecting -

manipulating data to eliminate columns in a table

Permission Marketing

marketing strategy in which companies obtain permission from consumers before sending them information or promotional messages

Parallel Processing

multiple processors running simultaneously (aka multiprocessing)

Electronic Billing Presentment And Payment (Ebpp) System

new form of online payment systems for monthly bills


new technology standard for short-range wireless communication under 10 meters

Traditional File Approach

no mechanism for tagging, retrieving, or manipulating data; has program-data dependency, high data redundancy, and low data integrity

Credit Card Association

nonprofit association that sets standards for issuing banks

independent software vendors (IVS)

offer highly specialized niche applications for various industries and functions ex:vendavo is a small ISV that produces a pricing management tool to assist retailers in maximizing profit for retail sales

Merchant Server Software Package (E-Commerce Server Suite)

offers an integrated environment that provides most or all of the functionality and capabilities needed to develop a sophisticated, customer-centric site

Midrange Computers

often act as servers within organizations or through the Internet

Affiliate Marketing

one Web site agrees to pay another Web site a commission for new business opportunities it refers to the site

Proprietary software -

one and done stuff. You write it just for you, and it does specifically what you need it to do

Competitive intelligence -

one aspect of business intelligence limited to information about competitors and the ways that knowledge affects strategy, tactics, and operations

organizational feasibility

one of four dimensions of feasibility

technical feasibility

one of four dimensions of feasibility

Industry Structure

refers to the nature of the players in an industry and their relative bargaining power

Online Stored Value Payment System

permits consumers to make instant, online payments to merchants and other individuals based on value stored in an online account

Competitive Environment

refers to the other companies operating in the same marketspace selling similar products

Product differentiation

persuading customers that your product is better than competitors'; usually achieved through advertising and customer experience

Free-on-Board (FOB)

point at which ownership of the material in the shipment legally transfers from one company to another

transaction data

reflect the day-to-day activities of an organization; is constantly changing ex:when a company sends a purchase order to a vendor this transaction data is generated: dates, quantities, prices, delivery location

Relational Databases

represent data as two-dimensional tables with records organized in rows and attributes in columns; data within different tables can be flexibly related as long as the tables share a common element

Internet Layer

responsible for addressing, packaging, and routing messages on the Internet

Actual Product

the set of characteristics designed to deliver the product's core benefits


technique used for obtaining unauthorized dat that uses pretexting via email

service-oriented architecture

technologies that could help link, or integrate many different client-server systems together in new and very valuable ways

product quality assurance (pqa)

testing of a systems. test plan, automated test programs

Cipher Text

text that has been encrypted and thus cannot be read by anyone other than the sender and the receiver


the ability to ensure that an e-commerce site continues to function as intended


the ability to ensure that e-commerce participants do not deny (i.e. repudiate) their online actions


the ability to ensure that information being displayed on a Web site or transmitted or received over the Internet has not been altered in any way by an unauthorized party


the ability to ensure that messages and data are available only to those who are authorized to view them

Domain -

the allowable values for data attributes


the area of actual or potential commercial value in which a company intends to operate

Feature Set

the bundle of capabilities and services offered by the product or service

Backward Compatibility

the capability to work with older hardware or software

Data manipulation language (DML) -

the commands that are used to manipulate the data in a database

Worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiiMax)

the common name for a set of IEEE 802.16 wireless metropolitan area network standards that support different types of communications access

Computer network

the communications media, devices, and software needed to connect two or more computer systems or devices

Brand Equity

the estimated value of the premium customers are willing to pay for using a branded product when compared to unbranded competitors

Information Requirements

the information elements that the system must produce in order to achieve the business objectives

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (Http)

the internet protocol used for transferring Web pages


the manipulation of data, usually with the goal of producing information

Electronic Mail (E-Mail)

the most-used application of the Internet. Uses a series of protocols to enable messages containing text, images, sound, and video clips to be transferred from one Internet user to another


the process by which VPNs transfer information by encapsulating traffic in IP packets over the internet


the process of converting an original message into a form that can only be understood by the intended receiver

Business intelligence -

the process of gathering enough of the right information in a timely manner and usable form and analyzing it to have a positive impact on business strategy, tactics, or operations

Viral Marketing

the process of getting customers to pass along a company's marketing message to friends, family, and colleagues


the process of setting up the ES so it can support the work of a business


the process whereby an information system approves a user by checking the user's password

Demand Curve

the quantity of goods that can be sold at various prices

Channel bandwidth

the rate at which data is exchanged over a telecommunications channel, usually measured in bits per second

Firm Value Chain

the set of activities a firm engages in to create final products from raw inputs

Value Chain

the set of activities performed in an industry or in a firm that transforms raw inputs into final products and services


the software vendor can spread the cost of software development across many of its customers and thereby reduce the purchase price of the ES for each company; modified purchased package applications to suit their particular needs; generated significant cost savings9

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