Motivation and Emotions Exam 3

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"Failure as a challenge" means that the meaning of failure is a(n): a. attributional phenomenon that raises an energizing reactance response. b. danger signal to our well-being that needs to be taken seriously. c. opportunity for learning and personal growth. d. second chance to prove one's otherwise uncertain ability level.

opportunity for learning and personal growth.

The "hot seat technique" is a therapeutic strategy to help people learn how to be more: (a) compassionate (b) empathic (c) integrated (d) optimistic


According to the broaden-and-build theory of positivity, people flourish when they experience what ratio of positive emotions to negative emotions in their daily life? (a) 1.5 to 1 (b) 2 to 1 (c) 2.5 to 1 (d) 3 to 1

3 to 1

Who wrote the following: "The organism has one basic tendency and striving—to actualize, maintain, and enhance the experiencing self." (a) Anna Freud (b) Sigmund Freud (c) Abraham Maslow (d) Carl Rogers

Carl Rogers

Which of the following is not one of the themes proposed by Maslow's need hierarchy? (a) Needs arrange themselves in the hierarchy according to potency or strength. (b) Needs vary in how innate they are, as some are innate and others are learned. (c) Needs in the hierarchy are fulfilled sequentially, from lowest to highest. (d) The lower the need in the hierarchy, the sooner it appears in development.

Needs vary in how innate they are, as some are innate and others are learned.

________ is a way of receiving information and feelings such that neither is repressed, ignored, filtered, or distorted by wishes, fears, or past experiences. (a) Empathy (b) Integrative functioning (c) Love (d) Openness


What is the most important contribution that Weiner's attributional analysis makes to the study of emotion? a. Cognitive appraisals play at least as important a role as does physiological reaction. b. Emotion is a motivational phenomenon. c. People can experience different emotions to the same outcome. d. The physiological and cognitive systems interact to produce emotion.

People can experience different emotions to the same outcome.

According to those who study the functions of emotions, which of the following statements is most true? (a) Emotions disrupt and disorganize behavior. (b) Emotions make it difficult for the person to cope optimally with the situation at hand. (c) The functions of some emotions are more important, behaviorally speaking, than are the functions of other emotions. (d) There is no such thing as a "bad" emotion.

There is no such thing as a "bad" emotion.

Which of the following statements is the most accurate? (a) Contemporary emotion research largely discounts the biological and cognitive approaches and instead focuses on a social-cultural approach. (b) The biological approach provides a better, more accurate, perspective on understanding emotion than does the cognitive approach. (c) The cognitive approach provides a better, more accurate, perspective on understanding emotion than does the biological approach. (d) Together, the cognitive and biological approaches provide a comprehensive picture of the emotion process.

Together, the cognitive and biological approaches provide a comprehensive picture of the emotion process.

facial behavior has an innate, unlearned component. (a) Contemporary emotion research largely discounts the biological and cognitive approaches and instead focuses on a social-cultural approach. (b) The biological approach provides a better, more accurate, perspective on understanding emotion than does the cognitive approach. (c) The cognitive approach provides a better, more accurate, perspective on understanding emotion than does the biological approach. (d) Together, the cognitive and biological approaches provide a comprehensive picture of the emotion process.

Together, the cognitive and biological approaches provide a comprehensive picture of the emotion process.

The essential question investigated by those who study positive psychology is: (a) How can unconscious intentions be discovered and then used productively? (b) How long can people live? (c) How many emotions do human beings have? (d) What can be?

What can be?

According to a biological view of emotion, about how many different emotions are there? (a) two—love and hate (or life and death) (b) a small number—between 2 and 10 (c) 25—as represented by the 5 x 5 emotion grid (d) an almost limitless number

a small number—between 2 and 10

Humanistic psychology is mostly about: (a) discovering human potential and encouraging its development. (b) resolving psychological conflicts and overcoming psychological addictions. (c) studying the healthy aspects of the psychological unconscious mind. (d) conducting a scientific study of feelings and perceptions.

discovering human potential and encouraging its development.

Which facial expression of emotion is described by the following: nasalis wrinkles the nose; zygomaticus raises the cheeks; orbicularis oris raises the upper lip. a. anger b. disgust c. fear d. interest


An _____ expectation is a person's estimate of how likely it is that he or she can act in a particular way; whereas an _____ expectation is a person's estimate of what will happen once the person carries out that behavior. a. antecedent; effort b. efficacy; outcome c. effort; antecedent d. outcome; efficacy

efficacy; outcome

Seeking out challenges, exerting effort, being fully engaged and experiencing flow in what one is doing, acting on one's true values, and feeling fully alive and authentic describes: (a) emergence of the self (b) eudaimonic well-being (c) holism (d) self-definition

eudaimonic well-being

The _______ component of emotion gives emotion its communicative aspect. (a) bodily arousal (b) feelings (c) sense of purpose (d) expressive


The purpose of the cross-cultural investigations that tested whether human beings display similar facial expressions of emotion regardless of cultural/national differences was to demonstrate that: a. facial behavior has an innate, unlearned component. b. facial behavior has a learned, voluntary component. c. some cultures express positive emotions clearly but negative emotions only vaguely. d. some cultures are more emotionally expressive than are other cultures.

facial behavior has an innate, unlearned component.

According to Buck's proposition that emotions are the readout of motivational states, motives energize and direct behavior, while emotions: (a) also energize and direct behavior, but in a much more potent fashion than do motives. (b) channel undirected behavior into goal-directed behavior. (c) facilitate or inhibit that behavior. (d) all of the above

facilitate or inhibit that behavior.

Who is the most susceptible to the illusion of control phenomenon? a. depressed individuals in situations that allow high or very high actual control b. depressed individuals in situations that allow little or no actual control c. nondepressed individuals in situations that allow high or very high actual control d. nondepressed individuals in situations that allow little or no actual control

nondepressed individuals in situations that allow little or no actual control

The person who experiences increased heart rate and decreased skin temperature is probably feeling: a. anger. b. disgust. c. fear. d. guilt.


In the Cultivating Compassion intervention, researchers developed the CCT (Compassion Cultivating Training) program to help members of a community cultivate a greater capacity for compassion. Level of worry: (a) decreased for both the control and experimental participants. (b) increased for controls and decreased for experimental participants. (c) were unchanged for the control participants and higher for the experimental participants. (d) for the control group were unchanged, while the experimental participants reported significant decreases in worry.

for the control group were unchanged, while the experimental participants reported significant decreases in worry.

Unlike emotions, moods: (a) are situation-specific in that we seem to have a mood for every different situation. (b) emanate from significant life situations and the appraisal of their significance. (c) function mostly to bias cognitions and what the person thinks about. (d) last for seconds or perhaps minutes.

function mostly to bias cognitions and what the person thinks about.

Positive conditional regard is: (a) giving love and affection for obedience and achievement. (b) love (c) offering support to another person. (d) taking away love and affection for disobedience and failure.

giving love and affection for obedience and achievement.

The fundamental assertion of positive psychology therapy is that: (a) early childhood trauma blocks the person's capacity, even willingness, for personal growth. (b) good mental health requires more than the absence of mental illness. (c) to thrive, people need to seek pleasure and the absence of problems (i.e., hedonic well-being). (d) to thrive, people often need to put on the equivalent of rose-colored glasses and see only the good side of life.

good mental health requires more than the absence of mental illness.

People who are optimistic in their youth tend to be ________ in their older ages. (a) disillusioned (b) happy (c) mindful (d) narcissistic


Compared to people in neutral moods, people who feel good (i.e., experience positive affect): (a) are less competitive and more individualistic. (b) experience greater self-consciousness and care markedly about what others think of their performances. (c) have greater access in memory to happy thoughts and positive memories. (d) provide more detailed answers to solve or answer problems.

have greater access in memory to happy thoughts and positive memories.

The cognitive foundation underlying personal empowerment is: a. high enculturation. b. high reactance. c. high self-efficacy. d. high self-esteem.

high self-efficacy.

Which theoretical traditions are consistent with a humanistic approach to motivation? (a) behaviorism (b) holism, Gestalt psychology, and existentialism (c) incentives, drives, and arousal (d) objectivism and logical positivism

holism, Gestalt psychology, and existentialism

During failure feedback, mastery-oriented individuals generally focus on: a. their bad luck. b. how much they would benefit from assistance, such as coaching or social suterm-23pport. c. how they can remedy the failure. d. their low ability.

how they can remedy the failure.

Helplessness is: a. caused by the failure to construct pre-performance implementation intentions. b. dependent on self-efficacy. c. innate. d. learned.


Greater mindfulness tends to: (a) improve one's temperament. (b) lessen one's defensive tendencies toward distortion and suppression. (c) promote one's tendency to offer positive conditional regard to others. (d) translate one's social definition into a self-definition.

lessen one's defensive tendencies toward distortion and suppression.

According to Dweck and Repucci (1973), helpless-oriented children tend to quit in the face of failure because they tend to make _____ attributions to explain their failures. a. high-ability b. low-ability c. high-effort d. low-effort


A ______ refers to a hardy, resistant portrayal of the self during encounters with failure. a. fundamental attribution style b. fundamental motivational orientation c. mastery motivational orientation d. reactance motivational orientation

mastery motivational orientation

Victor Frankl's logotherapy addresses the pursuit of which virtue central to positive psychology? (a) altruism (b) enjoyment (c) flow (d) meaning


Compassion can be learned, as through engaging in exercises such as: (a) causality orientation training (b) facial expression of emotion training (c) meditation training (d) organismic valuing training

meditation training

Most people are: (a) emotionally miserable (b) happy 99% of the time (c) high in mindfulness (d) mildly happy most of the time

mildly happy most of the time.

In learned helplessness experiments with human beings, the verbalization of "so why try" is the prototypical expression of the _____ deficit. a. affective b. cognitive c. emotional d. motivational


Internalization of "good and bad" and "right and wrong" learned from our parents: (a) moves the person away from basic needs such as love and belongingness. (b) moves the person away from the organismic valuation process. (c) moves the person toward becoming a fully functioning individual. (d) produces congruence between the actualizing tendency and the self-actualizing tendency.

moves the person away from the organismic valuation process.

A(n) _______ is the personal tendency to explain why bad events happen to the self by using attributions that are unstable and controllable. a. depression-prone explanatory style b. helpless explanatory style c. optimistic explanatory style d. pessimistic explanatory style

optimistic explanatory style

When you blink or squint your eyes, which of the following muscles are activated? a. corrugators b. depressors c. orbicularis oculi d. orbicularis oris

orbicularis oculi

The ________ is an innate capacity to judge for oneself whether a specific experience is growth-promoting or growth-debilitating. (a) congruence process (b) Jonah Complex (c) organismic valuation process (d) self

organismic valuation process

The most frequent source of a person's day-to-day emotion is: a. external sources of information that conflict with one's prior beliefs. b. other people. c. success-failure outcomes. d. unconscious memories.

other people.

When participants were asked to rate possible intrinsic goals and extrinsic goals and then, 20 minutes later, were asked to rate how important these two categories of goals were to them, the results showed that during the second (20 minutes) later: (a) participants integrated their intrinsic and extrinsic goals into one single goal category. (b) participants increased their ratings of how important the intrinsic goals were to them. (c) participants increased their ratings of how important the extrinsic goals were to them. (d) all of the above

participants increased their ratings of how important the intrinsic goals were to them.

Expectancy best predicts ________, while value best predicts ________. a. mastery motivation, self-efficacy b. self-efficacy, mastery motivation c. choices, performance d. performance, choices

performance, choices

The antecedent that most strongly determines the strength of a person's efficacy expectation is: a. personal behavior history. b. verbal persuasion. c. vicarious experience. d. physiological state.

personal behavior history.

According to an attributional analysis of emotion, attributing a negative outcome to an external and uncontrollable cause generates the emotional reaction of: a. anger. b. fear. c. guilt. d. pity.


Which of the following parenting styles is most likely to lead children to experience pressure-driving functioning, emotional suppression, and a tendency to self-aggrandizement after success and self-criticism after failure: (a) autonomy support (b) laissez-faire (c) positive conditional regard (d) negative conditional regard

positive conditional regard

Positive psychology investigates: (a) amotivation. (b) overt measurable behaviors, not subjective experiences. (c) positive subjective experiences, such as creativity. (d) the ongoing intrapsychic clashing of mental forces.

positive subjective experiences, such as creativity.

According to appraisal theories, which emotion would a person experience following these three appraisals of an emotional situation? An important goal was at stake; the goal was attained; the self was the causal agent in bringing the positive outcome to fruition. a. gratitude b. hope c. liking d. pride


The appraisal, "Is this situation relevant to my well-being?", constitutes a(n) _________ appraisal. a. outcome-driven b. primary c. secondary d. tertiary


Validation-seeking individuals strive to: (a) create opportunities for personal growth, learning, and self-improvement. (b) prove their self-worth, competence, and likeability. (c) reject controlling conditions of worth imposed upon them by parents and society. (d) reject stereotypical identities imposed upon them by society.

prove their self-worth, competence, and likeability.

In the face of an uncontrollable event, a person who copes actively and expresses assertive emotions such as frustration and anger is showing a _____ effect to that event. a. displacement b. helpless c. hopeless, but not helpless d. reactance


In his study with undergraduates solving anagrams, Mikulincer (1988) found that an exposure to one unsolvable anagram produced a(n) _____ effect, while exposure to four unsolvable problems produced a(n) _____ effect a. helpless; reactance b. immediate helplessness; delayed helplessness c. immediate reactance; delayed reactance d. reactance; helpless

reactance; helpless

In his study with undergraduates solving anagrams, Mikulincer (1988) found that an exposure to one unsolvable anagram produced a(n) _____ effect, while exposure to four unsolvable problems produced a(n) _____ effect. a. helpless; reactance b. immediate helplessness; delayed helplessness c. immediate reactance; delayed reactance d. reactance; helpless

reactance; helpless

A(n) _____ involves both a cognitive search through available coping options and a prediction of whether each option will or will not be successful in managing the stressor. a. coping response b. emotional disruption c. primary appraisal d. secondary appraisal

secondary appraisal

Which of the following would Maslow classify as a "growth" need? (a) belongingness (b) esteem (c) self-actualization (d) all of the above


Causality orientations reflect ________ in the personality. (a) desire for control (b) identity and/or self-concept (c) internalized social roles (d) self-determination


When sad, a person is motivated to take the action necessary to overcome or reverse the sense of failure or separation just experienced. What dimension of emotion does this illustrate? (a) bodily arousal (b) feelings (c) sense of purpose (d) significant life event

sense of purpose

According to Lazarus's theory of emotion, the primary appraisal of failing to live up to an ego ideal leads in a reliable way to the emotional experience of: a. anger. b. disgust. c. sadness. d. shame.


Lazarus's theory of emotion is a cognitive-motivational-relational one. What does it mean to say that the theory is relational? Relational means that emotion arises from one's relationship: a. with ongoing motivational states. b. with cognitive activity. c. with other people. d. to environmental threats and benefits.

to environmental threats and benefits.

Of the following emotion regulation strategies, which is generally recognized as the least effective strategy? (a) reappraisal (b) situation modification (c) situation selection (d) suppression


A strong sense of efficacy allows a performer to remain highly ___, even in the face of situational stress and problem-solving dead-ends. a. outcome-focused b. reactance-focused c. self-conscious d. task-focused


All cognitive emotion theorists endorse the position that: a. emotion activation arises from a felt tendency to approach or avoid the stimulus event. b. emotion activation arises from the combination of cognitive and biological events. c. the appraisal, not the stimulus event itself, causes emotion. d. the stimulus event, not the appraisal, causes emotion.

the appraisal, not the stimulus event itself, causes emotion.

What did Lazarus's view of emotion add to Arnold's? a. the idea that cognitive appraisals play at least as important a role as does physiological reaction b. the idea that each discrete emotion involves its own unique appraisal c. the idea that emotion is a unitary phenomenon d. the idea that the physiological and cognitive systems interact to produce emotion

the idea that each discrete emotion involves its own unique appraisal

Which of the following quotations best represents an outcome expectation? a. "Do it." b. "I can do it." c. "I have what it takes to do this." d. "What I do will work."

"What I do will work."

You might hear a person who is experiencing learned helplessness saying each of the following except: a. "I feel low; depressed." b. "I failed, but it wasn't my fault." c. "No matter why I tried, nothing seemed to work." d. "Why try?"

"Why try?"

After how many trials of failure on a new task will a person's active, effortful coping be the greatest? a. 0 failures b. 1 failure c. 4 failures d. 8 or more failures

1 failure

According to appraisal theories, which emotion would a person experience following these four appraisals of an emotional situation? An important goal was at stake; the goal was lost; another person blocked my goal attainment; and the loss was undeserved/illegitimate. a. Anger b. disgust c. distress or sadness d. hate


Which facial expression of emotion is described by the following: corrugators drawn in and down; orbicularis oris presses lips firmly together. b. Anger c. disgust d. fear e. interest


In a cognitive view of emotion, which of the following statements is most true? a. Appraisals cause feelings, and feelings cause emotions. b. Appraisals of environmental events cause emotion. c. Emotions cause appraisals. d. Life outcomes cause emotions.

Appraisals of environmental events cause emotion.

Which one of the following happiness exercises is not a recommended approach to therapy within positive psychology therapy? (a) Avoid the daily mistake (b) identification of signature strengths (c) gratitude visit (d) three good things in life

Avoid the daily mistake

Which of the following is the best explanation of why feeling good because of positive affect generates so many positive outcomes (a) Being in a good mood influences biology, like serotonergic brain pathways. (b) Being in a good mood influences cognition, like memory and judgment. (c) Being in a good mood suppresses negative affect that would otherwise generate negative outcomes. (d) Being in a good mood suppresses negative emotions like fear from rising to a threshold of awareness.

Being in a good mood influences cognition, like memory and judgment.

Which of the following is the best explanation of why feeling good because of positive affect generates so many positive outcomes? (a) Being in a good mood influences biology, like serotonergic brain pathways. (b) Being in a good mood influences cognition, like memory and judgment. (c) Being in a good mood suppresses negative affect that would otherwise generate negative outcomes. (d) Being in a good mood suppresses negative emotions like fear from rising to a threshold of awareness.

Being in a good mood influences cognition, like memory and judgment.

___ refers to the actual, objective relationship between a person's behavior and the environment's outcomes. a. Behavior b. Cognition c. Contingency d. Helplessness


_____ follow(s) secondary appraisals. a. Coping responses b. Parasympathetic nervous system activation c. Primary appraisal d. Sympathetic nervous system activation

Coping Responses

The _________ muscle(s) lie beneath the eyebrows. a. Corrugator b. depressor c. frontalis d. zygomaticus


Which of the following is not taken as evidence that emotions are biologically generated events? (a) Emotion is a social construct. (b) Emotions sometimes occur automatically and involuntarily. (c) Emotions have a very rapid onset (d) We sometimes act emotionally even before we are aware of our emotional experience.

Emotion is a social construct.

_______ are short-lived psychological-physiological phenomena the present efficient modes of adaptation to changing environmental demands. (a) Arousal states (b) Drives (c) Emotions (d) Insights


Which of the following is not taken as evidence that emotions are biologically generated events? (a) Emotions are often difficult to verbalize. (b) Emotions occur in infants and children. (c) Electrical stimulation of the brain can cause an emotional reaction. (d) Emotions can only be found in the human species.

Emotions can only be found in the human species.

In considering how motivation and emotion relate to one another, which of the following statements is most accurate? (a) Emotions function as one type of motive. (b) Emotions and motivation are so similar that it makes sense to treat them as synonyms. (c) Motivation is more sensitive to changes in the environment, while emotion is more sensitive to changes in the person. (d) Motivational states act as an ongoing readout about the person's emotional experience.

Emotions function as one type of motive.

In considering how motivation and emotion relate to one another, which of the following statements is most accurate? (a) Emotions function as one type of motive.(b) Emotions and motivation are so similar that it makes sense to treat them as synonyms.(c) Motivation is more sensitive to changes in the environment, while emotion is more sensitive to changes in the person.(d) Motivational states act as an ongoing readout about the person's emotional experience.

Emotions function as one type of motive.

Which of the following positive psychology exercises has empirical research shown to be the most effective in increasing happiness and in decreasing depression? (a) Becoming exercise (b) Gratitude visit (c) One step forward (d) Value the self

Gratitude visit

With which of the following statements would Maslow most likely disagree? (a) Growth needs are relatively weak, fragile needs. (b) Growth needs are stronger in potency than are deficiency needs. (c) Humans possess a number of innate needs. (d) Only about 1% of the population ever reaches self-actualization

Growth needs are stronger in potency than are deficiency needs.

Which one of the following best represents Lazarus's concept of primary appraisal? a. Can I cope with this situation? b. Is this event a personal threat? c. What was the outcome—a success or a failure? d. What will happen next?

Is this event a personal threat?

According to Lazarus, a(n) _________ appraisal, which occurs immediately following stimulus exposure, involves an estimate of whether one has anything at stake in the stimulus encounter. a. Primary b. secondary c. tertiary d. outcome-driven


According to Lazarus, a(n) _________ appraisal, which occurs after some reflection, involves an estimate of whether one can do anything to cope with a potential stressor. a. primary b. secondary c. tertiary d. outcome-driven


Which of the following relations represent a person's efficacy expectations? a. Action Control b. Action Outcomes c. Self Action d. Self Control

Self Action

________ is an inherent developmental striving. It is a process of leaving behind defenses and moving toward autonomous self-regulation. (a) Identity (b) Internalization (c) Self-actualization (d) Self-esteem


In the social sharing of emotion, which of the following statements is the only false one? a. Social-affective sharing helps the sharer categorize the emotional episode as a generally positive one or as a generally negative one. b. Social-affective sharing yields little benefit beyond temporary relief from the negative affect. c. Social sharing of emotion is the norm, not the occasional exception, in emotional experience. d. Social sharing of emotion tends to bring the sharer and listener closer together.

Social-affective sharing helps the sharer categorize the emotional episode as a generally positive one or as a generally negative one.

_____ individuals accept external definitions that pressure them to identify with stereotypical identities and ways of behaving that are appropriate for their social group. (a) Fully functioning (b) Self-actualizing (c) Self-defined (d) Socially defined

Socially defined

________ is considered by humanistic psychologists as the "forward thrust of life". (a) Causality orientation (b) Organismic valuing (c) Self-definition (d) The actualization tendency

The actualization tendency

Value is defined as: a. a mental state of the future. b. extent of effort applied to the task. c. the gradient for success. d. The perceived attractiveness of a task.

The perceived attractiveness of a task.

Pessimistic explanatory style has been linked to: a. academic success. b. victory in presidential elections. c. acute social judgment. d. academic failure.

academic failure.

According to research on the weak version of the facial feedback hypothesis, which of the following conclusions is most valid? a. Exaggerating facial feedback can exaggerate an emotional reaction. b. Suppressing facial feedback can suppress an emotional reaction. c. The contribution of facial feedback to emotional experience is small relative to that of other factors. d. all of the above

all of the above

Strong self-efficacy beliefs are associated with all of the following except: a. altering attributions from external to internal. b. allowing problem solving to remain task-focused and thinking to remain efficient rather than erratic. c. predicting how much effort a performer exerts in the face of adversity. d. quieting doubt during failure or rejection.

altering attributions from external to internal

The illusion of control is an attributional phenomenon that, over time, fosters: a. a pessimistic explanatory style. b. an optimistic explanatory style. c. depression. d. learned helplessness.

an optimistic explanatory style.

In Buck's two-system view of emotion, the biological system is relatively _____ in the evolutionary history of human beings, while the cognitive system is relatively _____. (a) important; unimportant (b) unimportant; important (c) ancient; new (d) new; ancient

ancient; new

According to an attributional analysis of emotion, attributing a negative outcome to an external and controllable cause generates the emotional reaction of: a. anger. b. fear. c. guilt. d. pity.


Which of the following sequence of events best describes Arnold's appraisal view of emotion? a. action emotion appraisal b. appraisal emotion action c. emotion action appraisal d. emotion appraisal action

appraisal emotion action

According to ethologists, who study the smile, smiles: (a) are mostly ways to communicate our private feelings of joy to others in a public way. (b) are emotionally motivated. (c) occur more frequently in humans than in nonhuman animals. (d) are socially motivated.

are socially motivated.

Which emotion regulation strategy is described in this example: Facing a threatening or boring situation, the person starts to think of something else. (a) attentional focus (b) reappraisal (c) situation modification (d) suppression

attentional focus

In the humanistic tradition, the two fundamental directions for healthy development are: (a) autonomy and heteronomy. (b) autonomy and openness. (c) autonomy and socialization. (d) heteronomy and openness.

autonomy and openness.

The motivation to exercise personal control in one's life is predicated on the person's: a. belief that positive outcomes can be achieved even in uncontrollable situations. b. belief that he or she has the personal capacity to produce favorable results. c. high self-esteem. d. passivity in low-control situations but activity in high-control situations.

belief that he or she has the personal capacity to produce favorable results.

People socially share their emotions with others primarily to: a. better regulate those emotions. b. create a positive social impression. c. gain a social advantage (if someone might harm or threaten them) d. gain greater social status (greater respect from others).

better regulate those emotions.

Which of the following group of theorists would be most likely to agree with this statement: "Emotions emanate from subcortical processing and may or may not include cortical involvement." (a) biological emotion researchers only (b) cognitive emotion researchers only (c) both biological and cognitive emotion researchers (d) neither biological nor cognitive emotion researchers

biological emotion researchers only

In the discussion on the cognition versus biology debate on emotion, the textbook concludes that: (a) more evidence supports the biological view. (b) more evidence supports the cognitive view. (c) neither view is correct, and emotion research needs a third view. (d) both views are correct, but they emphasize different aspects of the emotion process.

both views are correct, but they emphasize different aspects of the emotion process.

The differential reaction to failure shown by a mastery-oriented versus a helpless-oriented individual is most pronounced and obvious during tasks that are: The differential reaction to failure shown by a mastery-oriented versus a helpless-oriented individual is most pronounced and obvious during tasks that are:

challenging, where success is not guaranteed

Reappraisal involves: (a) changing the meaning of a situation. (b) redirecting one's attention, as with either distraction or rumination. (c) repeating an emotion a second time after its first initial experience. (d) thinking twice about one's emotional response.

changing the meaning of a situation.

The most important single theme that emerges from Plutchik's chicken-and-egg analysis of the cause of emotion is: (a) biological determinants are primarily, but not exclusively, responsible for emotion. (b) cognitions do not directly cause emotions any more than biological events do. (c) cognitive determinants are primarily, but not exclusively, responsible for emotion. (d) that since biological responses come first, they should be the most important element in the cause of emotion.

cognitions do not directly cause emotions any more than biological events do.

Which of the following group of theorists would most likely agree with this statement: "Before emotion can occur, a person engages in a meaning interpretation of the event to evaluate its importance or relevance to personal well-being." (a) biological emotion researchers only (b) cognitive emotion researchers only (c) both biological and cognitive emotion researchers (d) neither biological nor cognitive emotion researchers

cognitive emotion researchers only

In the social sharing of emotion, which aspect is closest to a type of therapy in terms of helping the person best alleviate emotional distress and cope better with the emotional situation? a. affective sharing b. cognitive sharing c. communicative sharing d. perspective sharing

cognitive sharing

To socialize children and adolescents, adults sometimes attempt to create in children and adolescents "internal compulsions" to do what the adult wants them to do and believe. This socialization strategy is called: (a) conditional regard. (b) heteronomous socialization. (c) organismic validation. (d) unconditional regard.

conditional regard.

For a person with little self-efficacy and much self-doubt, task difficulties and setbacks usually open the door to the experience of: a. a mix between confusion and increased resolve that makes performance ambivalent. b. confusion and anxiety that spiral performance toward disaster. c. increased determination to do well during a second encounter with the task. d. resolve to improve performance or do better the next time.

confusion and anxiety that spiral performance toward disaster.

The _______ is characterized by a relative insensitivity to inner guides and closer attention to behavioral incentives, cues, and pressures that exist in the environment. (a) autonomy causality orientation (b) congruent personality structure (c) control causality orientation (d) fully functioning individual

control causality orientation

To the extent that people rely on external guides (e.g., social cues, incentives) to initiate and regulate their behavior in a habitual or personality-like way, they have a(n): (a) actualizing tendency. (b) autonomy causality orientation. (c) control causality orientation. (d) self-esteem.

control causality orientation.

In Buddhist thought (as expressed by the Dalai Lama), which are the three most destructive emotions? (a) anger, greed, and lust (b) craving, agitation, and hatred (c) fear, anger, and greed (d) love, hate, and fear

craving, agitation, and hatred

In their studies in which participants judged how much control they had in a low-control situation, Alloy and Abramson concluded that: a. depressed individuals made accurate judgments of control while nondepressed individuals overestimated their control. b. depressed individuals overestimated their control while nondepressed individuals made accurate judgments of control. c. depressed individuals underestimated their control while nondepressed individuals made accurate judgments about their control. d. both depressed and nondepressed individuals made accurate judgments about their control.

depressed individuals made accurate judgments of control while nondepressed individuals overestimated their control.

Humanistic theorists emphasize that human beings are motivated to: (a) develop their full potential. (b) find ways to merge intimately and completely with another person or with other people. (c) reduce anxiety. (d) resolve unconscious conflicts from childhood that would otherwise undermine self-actualization.

develop their full potential.

According to the facial feedback hypothesis, facial feedback does one thing, namely: a. emotion activation. b. emotion balancing. c. emotion cueing. d. emotion filtering.

emotion activation.

In the chicken-and-egg debate over whether emotions are caused primarily by biology or by cognitions, the conclusion reached by the text is that: (a) biology is the cause of emotion, while cognition is the after-effect. (b) cognition is the cause of emotion, while biology is the after-effect. (c) emotion is a complex interactive chain of events. (d) emotion intensifies over time to the point that the original cause of the emotion is not important to knowing the emotion's eventual end-state.

emotion is a complex interactive chain of events.

The number of different emotions a person can distinguish within his or her own experience is called: a. appraisal. b. attribution of emotion. c. emotion knowledge. d. emotional complexity.

emotion knowledge.

When a person automatically mimics another's emotional expression and begins to synchronize his or her own emotion with the other person's in terms of expression, vocalization, postures, and movements, what emotional phenomena has occurred? a. emotional contagion b. emotional contact c. emotional reversal d. emotional sociology

emotional contagion

In Kraut and Johnston's study of bowlers, the researchers found that bowlers were much more likely to smile when they _____ than when they _____. (a) made a bad bowling score; made a good bowling score (b) made a good bowling score; made a bad bowling score (c) engaged their friends; made a good bowling score (d) made a good bowling score; engaged their friends

engaged their friends; made a good bowling score

In the second phase of the Seligman and Maier (1967) experiment with dogs in the shuttle box, dogs in the _____ condition(s) during phase 1 of the experiment were able to learn how to terminate the shock. a. aversive shock b. escapable shock c. inescapable shock d. high shock

escapable shock

The following statement describes _____: The individual perceives himself as having characteristics a, b, and c and feelings u, v, and w, but that same person publicly expresses characteristics d, e, and f and feelings x, y, and z. (a) congruence (b) fully functioning individual (c) incongruence (d) self-actualization


People often try to control their emotions. The first opportunity within any emotional episode to control that emotion is to: (a) change a cognitive reaction into a biological one. (b) intentionally redirect attention with the situation, as with distraction. (c) intentionally select into which situation you put yourself. (d) suppress it—take a deep breadth or try to inhibit a facial expression.

intentionally select into which situation you put yourself.

The motivation for a person with an autonomy causality orientation revolves around: (a) intrinsic motivation and identified regulation. (b) introjected regulation and identified regulation. (c) extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation. (d) extrinsic motivation and introjected regulation.

intrinsic motivation and identified regulation.

Which of the following is not one of the four core components of emotion? (a) bodily arousal (b) feelings (c) sense of purpose (d) significant life event

significant life event

According to humanistic psychology, the everyday choice of following one's inner nature or following cultural priorities is not a neutral one. People generally follow social preferences and priorities because: (a) following social messages predicts adjustment, while following inner guides predicts maladjustment. (b) following social messages corresponds with high interpersonal competence, while following inner guides corresponds with low interpersonal competence. (c) social messages are strong, while inner guides are subtle. (d) social messages are reliable and valid, while inner guides are unreliable and invalid.

social messages are strong, while inner guides are subtle.

According to Plutchik's analysis of emotion, which of the following does not contribute to the mix of experience that causes emotion? (a) arousal (b) cognition (c) facial expressions (d) social roles

social roles

Compared to people in a neutral or negative mood, people under the influence of positive affect are significantly more likely to: (a) go to religious services. (b) vote in primary elections. (c) order nonfat, decaf pumpkin-spice lattes. (d) solve problems in a creative way.

solve problems in a creative way.

The more people strive for validation, the more likely they are to: (a) develop high self-esteem and high self-concept certainty. (b) keep depression at bay, especially in potentially uncontrollable environments. (c) persist at a task with strong effort and with positive emotion. (d) suffer high anxiety during social interaction.

suffer high anxiety during social interaction.

The finding that heart rate and skin temperature increase for one emotion (e.g., anger) but decrease for another emotion is an important finding because it _______ of emotion. a. supports the James-Lange theory b. refutes the James-Lange theory c. supports Cannon's criticism of the James-Lange theory d. refutes Cannon's criticism of the James-Lange theory

supports the James-Lange theory

When one student who doubts his computer skills watches another student cope very well with the demands of a computer, the first student's efficacy expectation rises. The student's increased efficacy expectation was due to the influence of: a. outcome feedback. b. personal behavior history. c. social contagion. d. vicarious experience.

vicarious experience.

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