MPO exam 2

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Strengthening a behavior by offering pleasing reward is:

positive reinforcement

variable ratio->

slot machines

What are some recommended approaches for creating change when one's job is low on hygiene or motivating factors?

Ask for new work assignments, Change jobs, Talk with manager

The competing values framework identifies which of the following fundamental types of organizational culture?

Clan Adhocracy Hierarchy Market

What are two common means for timing the administration of positive reinforcers?

Intermittent reinforcement Continuous reinforcement

Which of the following are advantages of paying employee wages above the market average?

It attracts skilled workers. It helps retain top talent. It generates increased job satisfaction. It encourages increased productivity.

Which of the following statements about the behavioral approach to measuring performance are true?

It provides specific guidance and feedback for employees. Its results have high validity.

Which of the following statements describe key jobs?

Key jobs are common to many organizations. Key jobs have relatively stable content. Key jobs are known as benchmark jobs.

Practical guidelines derived from socialization research include which of the following? New hires are positively affected by formalized socialization procedures Socialization tactics can reinforce ethical behaviors Different techniques are appropriate for different people at different times New hires should be socialized in the same way

New hires are positively affected by formalized socialization procedures Socialization tactics can reinforce ethical behaviors Different techniques are appropriate for different people at different times

Job performance management systems that bring out job performance that is in line with the strategies, goals, and culture of the organization is said to have ______.

Strategic congruence

Five important criteria for evaluating a performance management system

Strategic congruence validity reliability acceptability specificity

Which of the following is an advantage of the attribute approach?

The methods are easy to develop

Which of the following are drawbacks of the comparative approach?

The validity and reliability of the ratings are modest at best the rankings provide little useful information to those being evaluated

Which of the following statements about approaches to measuring performance is true?

There is no best approach to measuring performance

Which of the following are advantages of using an intermittent reward schedule?

There is significant motivation to continue until the reinforcer is obtained. There is a predictable and clear relationship between the behavior and reinforcer. There is a considerable and consistent motivation to perform over time.

Which of the following reflect companies with an adhocracy culture? They are highly responsive to marketplace changes They are rigid, inflexible and slow to respond They emphasize creation of new products and services They focus externally and value flexibility

They are highly responsive to marketplace changes They emphasize creation of new products and services They focus externally and value flexibility

Some scholars using cognitive evaluation theory believe which of the following regarding extrinsic and intrinsic motivation?

They argue that monetary rewards might increase extrinsic motivation but decrease intrinsic motivation.

Managing the timing of the reinforcement will likely enhance the effectiveness of positive reinforcement


True or False: Mixed- standard scales were developed as trait oriented scales


What is a key risk of neglecting to integrate subcultures within high- risk industries?

a failure to interpret and implement safety measures

An administrative procedure used to measure internal job worth is called _______.

a job evaluation

When deciding on specific pay levels, organizations often consult ______.

a market pay survey

Which factors can influence a company's ability to adhere to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) pay regulations? (Select all that apply.)

a shifting labor market inequity in compensation based on gender and race changing demographics of the workforce

In addition to salary, what is a major component of a typical CEO compensation package?

a stock plan

The likely reason many managers doubt the effectiveness of performance appraisal systems is that ______.

appraisal systems are rarely modified

Employees typically view their compensation in terms of which of the following?

as it relates to the pay of their colleagues as a way of evaluating their relationship with the organization as a sign of status and success

Managers who attempt to define which behaviors employees have to exhibit in order to effectively complete their job are using the ______ approach to performance management

behavioral (BARS)

Effective performance evaluations systems should measure ________.

behaviors and objectives

What motivates corrective action in equity theory?

cognitive dissonance

The undervaluation of women's jobs has been combated through the policy of ______.

comparable worth

Tran is a manager and must measure the performance of his employees. The method he uses requires him to analyze the performance of each employee against each other. Tran is using the _____ approach.


The theories that focus on identifying the factors that motivate employees are known as _____ theories


When a reward is given every time a target behavior occurs, it is known as a(n) ________ , Correct Unavailable reinforcement schedule


Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) compensation issues will likely remain in the spotlight because of the ______.

decrease of white males in the workforce

When a performance measure does not measure all aspects of performance, it is considered _______.


The form of organizational justice that reflects the perceived fairness of how rewards are allocated is:

distributive justice

The pay-setting approach that uses the pay policy line to derive pay rates for both key and nonkey jobs ______.

does not use actual market rates for key jobs

Pay, promotions, challenging assignments, participation in decision making are all considered outputs in Adam's Element of ______ theory


The theory that explains how people strive for fairness in social exchanges is _____ theory


Which term describes the idea that not all individuals prefer an equal ratio of outputs to incomes?

equity sensitivity

The concept that suggests people evaluate the fairness of their situations by comparing them with others is called ______.

equity theory

Vroom's _____ theory requires that all three of the elements must be high for motivation to be high


When considering employee compensation, ______ theory is focused on the effects of incentives.


Which of the following are design features that potentially help differentiate pay-for-performance programs? (Select all that apply.)

frequency of payout payment method ways of measuring performance

Job enlargement is also known as ______ loading the job


A colleague receives a significant reward for work you accomplished together, but you do not receive a similar reward. What impact might that have on you?

inconsistent future performance loss of motivation

Reinforcement theory states that you can:

increase desired behaviors by providing pleasing consequences strengthen desired behaviors by withdrawing a displeasing consequence

What happens when a principal has imperfect information concerning the degree to which the agent is pursuing and achieving the principal's goals?

information asymmetry

Fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, and variable interval are four subcategories of ______ reinforcement schedules.


If two individuals give a person's job performance approximately the same evaluation, the performance measure has ________.

interrater reliability

With the pay-setting approach that uses the pay policy line to derive pay rates for both key and nonkey jobs, the pay of all the jobs is linked directly to the number of job evaluation points, which ______.

introduces a greater degree of internal consistency

One advantage of the comparative approach to measuring performance is that ______.

it effectively differentiates employee performance

One advantage of the comparative approach to measuring performance is that _______

it effectively differentiates employee performance

Promoting high intrinsic motivation by designing jobs with the five core job characteristics is the goal of which approach to job design?

job characteristics model

Any set of activities that involve the alteration of a specific job activities to improve the quality of employee job experience and the motivation is called

job design

Communication, documentation, and organization maintenance are several of the basic purposes of an organization's performance _________ system


According to some critics, when it comes to pay, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) regulations obstruct ______.

market forces

The approach that places the greatest emphasis on external comparisons is achieved by basing pay on ______.

market surveys

Defining relevant performance dimensions, developing statements that represent good, average, and poor performance, and then mixing those statements with statements from other dimensions on the actual rating instrument are the steps involved in creating ______ scales.

mixed standard

It is important to pay high performers an amount they believe is equitable in order to ______ them.

motivate attract retain

The psychological mechanisms that guide the direction, intensity, and persistence of one's behaviors or thoughts are known as:


According to McClelland's acquired needs theory, which needs involves the desire to maintain social relationships and join groups?

need for affiliation

The acquired needs in McClelland's acquired needs theory include the:

need for power need for achievement need for affiliation

Hunger or thirst are examples of physiological deficiencies that arouse behavior known as ________.


Select the three levels of organizational culture observable artifacts basic underlying assumptions espoused values external environment

observable artifacts basic underlying assumptions espoused values

In order to make high performance more likely in the future, employers are well advised to ______.

offer a monetary reward for high employee performance

Skinner labeled behavior that is learned when one acts on the environment to produce desired consequences ______ behavior


The set of implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks about, and reacts to its various environments is called

organizational culture

What are the key elements of equity theory?

outputs, inputs, comparison of the ratio of outputs to inputs

Formal statements in an organization are those about organizational:

philosophy, mission, vision, values, and materials

Fixed ratio ->

piece rate pay

variable interval->

pop quizzes

The three acquired needs stated in Mclelland's theory are the needs for achievement, affiliation, and ______


The general categories of motivation theories include:

process theories and content theories

One of the most important factors that influences the price of a good or service is the cost of ______, which includes labor costs.


Cutting the pay of two top executives at Carnival Cruises because of major accidents and mishaps is the form of behavior modification known as _______.


The process of weakening an undesired behavior by the contingent presentation of something displeasing or the withdrawal of something positive is:


According to the law of effect, rewards make responses ______.

recur in the future

Advantage of using a pay grade system in planning employee compensation is that it ______.

reduces the administrative burden of setting separate pay rates for hundreds of jobs permits greater flexibility in moving employees from job to job without raising concerns about, for example going from a job having 230 job evaluation points to a job with 215 job evaluation points

By paying higher labor costs than its competitors, a company can achieve which of the following?

retain valued employees draw better workers to produce higher-quality products than competitors encourage desired employee behaviors

Placing jobs in broader bands of classification gives managers the opportunity to ______.

reward high performers with merit increases

The job design that moves employees from one job to another is job ______


Which of the following are considered part of an employee's total compensation?

salary stock options paid vacation

Which of the following are provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) as they relate to employee pay? (Select all that apply.)

sets a minimum wage for jobs provides for a training wage calls for time-and-a-half pay for hours exceeding 40 hours a week

When a manager ranks the employees within his or her department from the best to the worst performers, it is called ______ Simple ranking Alternation ranking Paired comparison Forced distribution

simple ranking

A performance measure that does a good job of telling employees what is expected of them and how to meet those expectations is said to have a high level of _____.


The quantifiability of a goal is known as goal_____


What type of positive reinforcement is being used if a manager decides to recognize the early successful completion of a project and gives employees the afternoon off as a reward?

spot reward

The results approach assumes that _______ can be eliminated from the process of measuring the results of a work group.


Employee performance can be measure at the ______ level

unit individual organizational

Undesirable behavior can be reduced by:

using punishment

Which of the following are pay-setting approaches that vary in the relative importance they give to external and internal comparisons? (Select all that apply.)

using the pay policy line using pay grades using market survey data

The second level of organizational culture is espoused ________.


The concept of reducing the number of job levels within an organization in order to gain flexibility in job assignments is called _______.


Once behaviors have been defined, the behavioral approach requires managers to assess how well ______.

employees exhibit them

When thinking about the consequences of pay decisions, managers should keep in mind that employees often ______.

evaluate their pay relative to other employees

Which of the following kinds of occupations are typically exempt from Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) coverage?

executive positions professional positions administrative positions outside sales positions certain "computer employees" positions

The type of pay comparison that focuses on what employees in other organizations are paid for similar jobs is called ______ equity.


Ignoring an undesired behavior until it disappears is known as _______.


The activities that involve alteration of specific jobs or sets of interdependent jobs to improve employee experience and motivation are known as ______ _________

job design

The job design method that offers an employee the opportunity to experience achievement, recognition, and stimulating work through vertical loading is:

job enrichment

In developing a pay structure, pay survey data and job evaluation data are commonly available for ______.

key jobs

The top- down design method that creates jobs that are very simplified and repetitive is scientific ______


According to agency theory, the likely agent of a business owner would be a(n) ______.


Labor market competition reflects how ______.

many workers are available relative to the number of jobs available

Rewarding employees who have perfect attendance records with a check for $100.00 is an example of:

positive reinforcement

The distance between the maximum and minimum pay within a pay grade is known as the _________ spread.


Which of the following are examples of comparative approaches?

ranking paired comparison forced distribution

Consistency in performance and being free from random error is a measure of _______


Job enrichment is the job design method that uses ______ loading to improve motivation.


According to many CEOs, corporate _____ is the key to making a company one of the best


Disadvantages of the attribute approach to measuring performance include which of the following?

Employees evaluated by these methods are generally not accepting of the feedback The validity and reliability of the methods are generally low

Scientific management designs jobs based on which of the following?

Experimentation Reason Systematic Observation

Select the four functions of organizational culture Organizational Identity Sense- making device Collective commitment Sustainability Social System stability

Organizational Identity Sense- making device Collective commitment Social System stability

Which of the following statements are true about agents in large, modern corporations? (Select all that apply.)

Owners (principals) and managers (agents) are usually different people. Agents are expected to act on behalf of principals.

Which of the following statements about labor market competition is true?

Shortages and surpluses influence pay levels

The theory that there is a purposeful if-then link between a target behavior and a consequence is:

Skinner's operant theory

Advantages of the results approach to measuring performance include which of the following?

The approach minimizes subjectivity and provides quantifiable indicators of performance. It links an individual's results with the organization's strategies and goals. Managers and employees are generally accepting of the approach.

True/False: Many work organizations use fixed schedules rather than variable interval schedules of reinforcement.


When using behaviorally anchored rating scales, organizations seek to define performance dimensions by ______.

developing behavioral anchors associated with different levels of performance

The theory that can be used to predict behavior in any situation where there is a choice between two or more alternatives is:

expectancy theory

Skinner concluded that behavior is:

respondent and operant

In a software company that caters to the federal government it would be most appropriate for which of the following positions to be paid at the highest percentile?

VP of software engineering

When workers take an assignment in a foreign country, they often experience different socialization activities that other newcomers.This affects which of the following for those expatriates? job satisfaction long term success ability to return to their home countries short term promotions

job satisfaction long term success

The behavioral approach is best suited to evaluating ______.

less complex jobs

Though a behavioral observation scale offers managers important insights, it can also require more information than ______.

managers can process

Which of the following increase with increasing incentive intensity?

motivation the chance of unintended consequences the possibility of undesirable outcomes

In the use of an objectives method for measuring performance, ______.

employees should set goals that are linked to organizational goals

Specialized language such as slogans and acronyms are useful for culture change because

employees will easily remember and repeat them

Which of the following can be influenced by promotions and pay raises?

employees' intentions of quitting employees' emotional well-being employees' perception of fairness

Pay plans are used in part to do which of the following?

energize employee behavior direct employee behavior sustain employee behavior control employee behavior

The phase of organizational socialization that occurs before an individual actually joins an organization is

Anticipatory socialization

Organizational values that have become so taken for granted over time that they become assumptions that guide organizational behavior are called:

Basic underlying assumptions

When a graphic rating scale provides rankings at a number of different points, it is known as a(n) _______ scale


Which of the following statements about the results approach to measuring performance is true?

Objective measurements can be contaminated and deficient.

David McClelland's theory about the drivers of employee behavior is the:

acquired needs theory

For the modern corporation, ownership is nearly always separate from ______.


A performance management system designed with a strong quality orientation can be expected to do the following

-Emphasis an assessment of both person and system factors in the measurement system -Emphasis that managers and employees work together to solve performance problems -Involve both internal and external customers in setting standards and measuring performance -Use multiple sources to evaluate persona and system factors

According to Skinner's operant theory, contingent consequences control behavior in one of four ways:

1. Positive reinforcement 2. Negative reinforcement 3. Punishment 4. Extinction

A company may pay a training wage to an employee under the age of 20 for up to ______ days.


Who formulated the theory that motivation is a function of five basic needs: physiological, safety, love , esteem, and self actualization?

Abraham Maslow

Donaldo just went through his performance evaluation. His manager gave him timely and complete feedback about areas needing improvement and training available to help him. Donaldo disagreed with his manager's assessment and decided not to make any changes to his work performance. Donaldo's reaction fits with which criterion of performance measure?


Specificity is relevant to which of the following aspects of performance management? Customer service Achieving strategic goals Managerial aptitude Employee Development

Achieving strategic goals Employee development

True or false: Market forces provide the most inefficient means of pricing and allocating people to jobs.


In which of the following ways does pay affect an organization's strategic goals?

It can help align employees' interests with those of the organization. It influences the kind of employees attracted to the organization. It has an impact on employees' attitudes and behaviors.

The question that asks "How much do I value the outcomes I will receive by achieving my performance goals?" represents which element of Vroom's expectancy theory?


Which of the following statements are true? What is best for the agent is always best for the principal. What is best for the agent may not be best for the principal. What is best for the manager is always best for the principal. What is best for the manager may not be best for the principal.

What is best for the agent may not be best for the principal. What is best for the manager may not be best for the principal.

Employee compensation requires scrutiny because it is typically ______.

a significant organizational cost

Specificity is relevant to which of the following aspects of performance management?

achieving strategic goals employee development

McClelland's theory, developed in the 1940s, proposed that employee behaviors are driven by three _____ needs


Though behaviorally anchored rating scales have disadvantages, such as that they _______.

can bias information recall

Unlike key jobs, nonkey jobs ______.

cannot be valued or compared through market surveys

Which of the following characteristics concerning pay-for-performance programs may help increase the probability that the program has the intended effects and decrease the probability of unintended consequences and problems? (Select all that apply.)

careful alignment with human resource strategy careful alignment with organizational strategy balancing of objectives

Employees notice how some employees get paid differently, and their perceptions of ______ will influence their behaviors.


Thorndike's observations that led to the law of effect were that behavior with ________ , Correct Unavailable consequences tends to be repeated.


The attribute approach to performance management is most frequently done with

graphic rating scales

The strength of the relationship between pay and performance is known as ______.

incentive intensity

Select all of the characteristics that are influenced by motivation intensity of behavior or thought similarity of behavior or thought direction of behavior or thought persistence of behavior or thought

intensity of behavior or thought direction of behavior or thought persistence of behavior or thought

When only some, not all, instances of a target behavior are reinforced, it is called ______ , Correct Unavailable reinforcement.


David McClelland's theory states that employee behavior is driven by:

needs we acquire as we live our lives

Jaime is on time for work every day now because her manager yelled at her when she was late. Now that she is on time, her manager doesn't yell at her. This is an example of

negative reinforcement

Strengthening a desired behavior by removing a displeasing consequence is:

negative reinforcement

The process by which a person learns the values, norms and required behaviors which permit him to participate as a member of the organization is called

organizational socialization

Equity theory uses a comparison of the ratio of ______ to ________

outputs; inputs

In agency theory, a business's principal is typically a(n) ______.


Another term for comparable worth is ______.

pay equity

A mathematical expression that describes the relationship between a job's pay and its job evaluation points is called the ______.

pay policy line

Benchmarking against product market and labor market competitors is typically accomplished through the use of ______.

pay surveys

The ______ approach to performance management involves managing objective measures of outcomes of a job or work group.


Which core job characteristic measures the extent to which the job affects the lives of other people within or outside the organization

task significance

According to equity theory, people compare

their output-to- input ratio to that relevant others

Which of the following are characteristics of basic underlying assumptions? they are highly susceptible to change they reflect employee's core beliefs about the company they guide the behavior of an organization they are taken for granted over time

they reflect employee's core beliefs about the company they guide the behavior of an organization they are taken for granted over time

Why might a company choose an open office layout?

to foster collaboration and innovation

Thorndike's observations that led to the law of effect were that behavior with ______ consequences tends to disappear.


When a performance measure assesses all relevant aspects of performance, and only the relevant aspects of performance, that measured test is considered


The reinforcement schedules that produce the strongest behavior that is most resistant to extinction include:

variable interval schedules variable ratio schedules

Which of the following are the first two steps in the performance management process?

1. Identify the company's goals and objectives 2. Identify and develop performance measures for key performance dimensions

Whose theory states that contingent consequences, such as positive reinforcement and punishment, control behavior?

B.F Skinner

Which of the following statements about the process of performance management is true?

Effective performance management is a process

What are the values that employees actually exhibit based on their observations of what occurs on a daily basis?

Enacted values

What are the six purposes of an organization's performance management system?

Strategic, Administrative, Developmental, communication, organizational maintenance, and documentation

Companies with a(n)_____ culture have an external focus and value flexibility.


Which of the following focuses on how employee compensation can be used to align the divergent interests and goals of an organizations' various stakeholders?

agency theory

Most nonexempt employees are paid ______.

an hourly rate

The concept that wages affect worker productivity is called the ______ theory.

efficiency wage

Which of the following statements about resolving conflicts between market pay surveys and job evaluation is true?

An organization must weigh its objectives and select the most appropriate strategy.

What type of company culture resembles family type organizations where collaborations are encouraged with trust and support among employees?


The characteristics of jobs that an organization values and chooses to pay are called ______.

compensable factors

Jordan sells on commission and is paid for every sale. This is an example of a:

continuous reinforcement schedule

Which of the following aspects of an organization do executives typically influence substantially? (Select all that apply.)

culture tone performance

Which of the following problems can result from a job-based pay structure?

decreased lateral job movement a growing bureaucracy top-down decision making is reinforced

What may be factors that give rise to agency costs?

principals and agents who have goal incongruence principals and agents who have information asymmetry

Which of the following is an example of negative reinforcement?

probationary periods for new hires

When Lindsay was late three times in two weeks, her manager told her that her pay would be docked by the amount of time she was late. This is an example of:


The performance management approach that involves a preventative approach to errors, continuous improvement, and a customer orientation is known as a(n) ______ approach


Mechanisms for changing organizational culture

1. Formal Statements 2. Design of physical space, work environments, and buildings 3. Slogans, language, acronyms, and sayings 4. Deliberate role modeling, training programs, teaching, and coaching by others 5. Explicit rewards, status symbols, and promotion criteria 6. Stories, legends, or myths about key people and events 7. Organizational activities, processes, or outcomes 8. Leader reactions to critical incidents and organizational crises 9. Rites and rituals 10. Work flow and organizational structure 11. Organizational systems and procedures 12. Organizational goals and criteria throughout employee cycle (hire to retire)

Observable artifacts that can be present in a firm's culture are:

Acronyms Manner of Dress Awards Myths and stories told about the organization Published lists of values Observable rituals and ceremonies Special parking spaces Pictures and images hanging on walls

When managers look over a list of employees, decide who is best and cross that name off the list, decide who is the worst employee and cross that name off the list, and then repeat the process, this is known as ______ ranking simple alternation forced distribution personal


What is the name of the three phases in Daniel Feldman's Organizational Socialization model are ______ socialization, ______ and change and _______.

Anticipatory; Encounter; Acquisition

Extrinsic motivation is dependent on rewards that are under the control of ______.

an external source

When used well, pay plans have ______.

an incentive effect

Needs are defined as physiological or psychological deficiencies that:

arouse behavior

The main influence of compensation is on instrumentality, which can be described as the perceived link between ______.

behaviors and pay

The acceptability of a performance measure is determined, in part, by the extent to which the employees _____.

believe the performance management system is fair

The process by which an organization compares its own practices against those of the competition is called _____.


fixed interval->

bi- weekly paychecks

An organization that effectively competes in the product market is able to sell its goods and services at a quantity price that will ______.

bring a sufficient return on investment

Although most employers rely on fixed interval reinforcement schedules, some examples of effective variable rewards include:

celebrations of milestones variable bonuses for achieving major goals spot rewards

The ______ phase of the organizational socialization process requires employees to master important tasks and roles and to adjust their work group's values and norms.

change and acquisition

Which of the following steps are part of the attribute approach?

defining a set of desired traits evaluating whether individuals possess certain desired traits

Which methods should managers use to determine the needs of their employees?

employee surveys and one- on- one meetings

The most widely used metric for defining pay structures is by ______.

jobs and associated responsibilities

After a company has decided the kind of performance it expects from employees, it must develop ________.

ways to measure performance

Organizations compete in the labor market, so they should consider their employees not just as a cost but also as a(n) ______.

resource that provides returns

Skinner labeled unlearned reflexes, or stimulus-response connections __________ behavior.


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