MSA Group #4 Notes,workbook and chapter review

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Three joints Biceps Brachii

1.humeroulna (elbow) 2.radioulna(forearm) 3.glenohumeral (shoulder)

Brachial Artery

A continuation of the axillary artery, runs between the biceps and triceps brachii on the medial side of arm

Palpable position of coracobrachialis

ABDUCTING the shoulder and opening up the axilla brings the belly of the carocobrachialis to a superficial and palpable position


Actions of the Biceps Brachii supinate forearm flex elbow flex shoulder

Triceps all heads action

All heads extend at the humeroulnar joint

Accessibility to the Triceps

Aside from its proximal portion which is deep to the deltoid the Triceps are superficial and easily accessible

Tendon of the Longhead Biceps Brachii

Because of the biceps tendons being situated in the inter-tubercular groove of the humerus it can be difficult to truly isolate

The brachial artey can be located on the medial side of the arm between which two muscles

Biceps Brachii and Triceps Brachii

Primary muscle of forearm supination

Biceps Brachii it dives into the inner elbow to attach at the radius allowing this muscle to be the primary muscle of the forearm supination

The thin sheet of fascia extending from the distal biceps brachii is called the

Bicipital Aponeurosis


Bone of the arm Proximal end articulates with the scapula to form the G/H joint Distal end joins ulna and radius at the elbow

Which muscle is a strong elbow flexor located deep to the biceps brachii


Which muscle runs the length of the forarm but does not cross the wrist joint


When do you use your Brachialis

Bringing food from plate to mouth picking up load of books caring baby in car seat carrier

When do you use your Biceps Brachii

Carrying a heavy book, using a srewdriver to tighten a screw,carrying an infant cradled position

Palpate Brachioradialis

Client flexing elbow against resistance thumb towards ceiling palpate superficial belly,can use a pencil grip to grasp muscle


Cone shaped area commonly called the armpit Has four walls lat wall (biceps brachii, coracobrachialis) posterior wall (subscapularis and latissimus dorsi) anterior wall (pectoralis major) medial wall (ribcage and serratus anterior)

Flexion of the Elbow

Contracts Biceps

Origin Coracobrachialis

Coracoid process of the scapula

Longhead of Triceps crosses over

Crosses over the Teres major and Under the Teres minor

Biceps Brachii tendon

Deep to the Humerus

Brachialis location

Deep to the biceps brachii

Following the biceps brachii belly proximally it becomes deep to which muscle


Brachialis Origin

Distal half of the anterior surface of the humerus

Triceps Longhead actions

EXTEND the shoulder at the glenohumeral joint ADDUCT the shoulder at the G/H joint

What action could you ask your client to perform to feel the contraction of the longhead of the triceps brachii

Extend the elbow against resistance

Brachioradialis action

FLEX the elbow at the humeroulnar joint ASSIST pronate/supinate forearm

Coracobrachialis actions

FLEX the shoulder at G/H joint ADDUCT the shoulder at G/H joint

Brachialis Action

Flex elbow at the humeroulnar joint

Brachialis primary action

Flex the elbow at the humeroulna joint

G/H joint capsule

Has fluid


Has two joints Humeroulnar Humeroradial

Locating the Longhead of Triceps

Helpful hint it is the only band of muscle on the posterior arm that runs superiorly along the proximal and medial aspect of the arm

Trochlear notch

ICE Cream scoop, locks out the elbow

Locating Coracobrachialis

In anatomical postion the coracobrachialis is deep to the pectoralis major and anterior deltoid and lies anterior to the axillary artey and brachial plexus. Location Medial side of humerus and axilla


Is a weak elbow extensor,located lateral to olecranon process ,Superficial and triangular shaped

Biceps Brachii Actions

KARATE MOVE , Supinate forearm,Flex elbow, Flex shoulder

Which head of the biceps brachii passes through the intertubercular groove?


Three origins of the Triceps Brachii

LONGHEAD infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula LATERALHEAD posterior surface of proximal half of the humerus MEDIALHEAD posterior surface of distal half of the humerus

How can you position the shoulder to bring the belly of the coracobrachialis to superficial postion

Laterally rotate and abduct the shoulder at 45'

Passive abduction of the shoulder would

Lengthen the coracobrachialis

Triceps 3 heads

Longhead,Lateralhead, Medialhead all three heads converge into a thick distal tendon proximal to the elbow

Insertion Coracobrachialis

Medial surface of mid humeral shaft

To outline the distal tendonof the triceps brachii which bony landmark do you want to locate

Olecranon process

Triceps Insertion

Olecranon process of the ulna

Triceps Brachii location

Only muscle located on the posterior arm

lengthen the brachialis

Passive extension of the elbow would lengthen the brachialis

Shorten the Brachioradialis

Passive flexion of the elbow would shorten the brachioradialis

Lengthen the supinator

Passive pronation of the forearm would length the supinator

Shorten the pronator teres

Passive pronation of the forearm would shorten the pronator teres

To locate the belly of the coracobrachialis from which muscle would you slide off and into axilla

Pectoralis major

In anatomical position the coracobrachialis is deep to which two muscles

Pectoralis major and anterior deltoid

This muscle is an anatagonists to both the biceps brachii and supinator

Pronator teres

Palpate Brachialis

Shake hands and flex elbow to 90' Flex against resistance to isolate edges of biceps belly to distinguish brachialis from it

Sub acromial Bursa

Sizable fluid filled sac two major sections Lateral helps acromion and deltoid glide over head of humerus and medial cushions the coracoacromial ligament

Brachioradialis location


Biceps Brachii lies where

Superficially on the anterior arm

The longhead of the triceps brachii weaves between which two muscles before attaching at the infaglenoid tubercle

Teres Major and Teres minor

Strong elbow flexor Brachialis

The brachialis is a strong elbow flexor that lies deep to the biceps brachii on the anterior arm and the brachialis is the biceps best friend

Head of the Ulna

The head is the superficial knob visible along the posterior medial side of the wrist it can disrupt the placement of a watchband

Head of the Radius

The head of the radius is distal to the humerus lateral epicondyle.It is the pivoting point for supination and pronation of the forearm

Coracocromial ligament

The ligaments that project the rotator cuff tendons and subacromial bursa from direct trauma is formed by the

Shaft of the Ulna

The long straight shaft of the ulna extends from the olecranon process to the head of the ulna and has a superficial palpable edge that runs along the forearms posterior medial aspect

Triceps longhead

The longhead extends off the infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula weaving between the teres major and minor

Styloid Process of the Ulna

The styloid process of the ulna is located at the distal end it is sharp and more pronounced supercial a tooth like projection posterior/medial side of wrist

Triceps lateralhead

The triceps lateral head lies superficially beside the deltoid

Triceps Medialhead

The triceps medialhead lies mostly underneath the longhead

Brachial artery and plexus

There are several important vessels which pass through the axillary region,Includes the brachial artery and brachial plexus nerves.

Brachialis Insertion

Tuberosity and coronoid process of the ulna

Biceps Brachii Insertion

Tuberosity of the radius and Aponeurosis of biceps brachii

Biceps Brachii Origin

Two Origins Shorthead coracoid process of the scapula Longhead supraglenoid tubercle of scapula

Supra condylar ridges of the humerus

Two ridges that extend proximal from the respective epicondyles of the humerus. * both serve as attachment sites for the forearm muscles

Styloid process of the radius

allows the bending of the arm while holding a cup Beer drinking motion

Palpate Biceps Brachii

ask client to flex elbow, shake hands and alternate, pronate and supinate forearm

Palpating medial to distal tendon of which muscle can help you locate the pronator teres

biceps brachii

Compression or Impingement of Brachial plexus

can create a sharp shooting sensation down the arm. If this occurs immediately release and adjust postion posteriorly

Coracoclavicalar ligament

composed of two smaller ligaments, trapezoid and conoid together they provide stability for the acromioclavicular and form a bridge between the scapula and clavicle

Coracobrachialis tubular muscle

coracobrachialis is a small tubular muscle located in the axilla sometimes known as the armpit muscle it is a secondary flexor and adductor of the shoulder

Between which two bony landmarks can the coracoclavicular be located

coracoid process and clavicle

Bicipital Aponeurosis

exploring the distal tendon of the biceps you may notice a smaller tendon like band that expands off it medially this is the bicipital aponeurosis

To bring the coracoacromial ligament closer to the surface

extend the arm

How can you position the arm to bring the subacromial bursa forward

extend the shoulder

What would you do if your client feels a sharp shooting sensation down arm while palpating the axilla

immediately release and adjust position and reassess


is superficial on the lateral side of the forearm, it is the only muscle that runs the length of the forearm but does not cross the wrist joint

Passive extension of the shoulder would

lengthen the biceps brachii

Passive pronation of the forearm would

lengthen the biceps brachii

Passive flexion of shoulder would

lengthen the triceps brachii

Pronator Teres

located on the anterior surface of forearm, tucked between brachioradialis and forearm flexors. Antagonists to the biceps brachii and supinator.


location deep to forearm extensors, on lateral side of the elbow. Supinates the forearm at the radioulnar joints

Contraction of Triceps

lying prone the triceps contract as the slbow is extended

Radius and Ulna

make up the bones of the forearm ulna superficial and palpable edge that extends from elbow to wrist radius Thumb Side is lateral to the ulna and partially buried in muscle

Forearm Pronation/Supination

pronation and supination of the forearm is created by, the radius pivoting around the ulna at the proximal and distal radioulna joints

Brachioradialis Origin

proximal 2/3 of the lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus

Palpate Brachioradialis

resisted flexion of the elbow causes brachioradialis to visibly protrude on the forearm and become readily palpable

Pronator Quadratus

small capable pronator muscle, fibers run transverse, location anterior surface of wrist, deep to flexor tendons

Brachioradialis Insertion

styloid process of the radius

Name everyday actions which biceps brachiis' ability to supinate the forearm would be handy

turning doorknob tighting a cap digging sand

When do you use Brachioradialis

turning doorknob or screwdriver, whisking cream in a bowl, hoisting a toddler out of a crib

Coracoacromial ligament

unlike most ligaments which hold two bones together, this ligament attaches the scapulas' acoracoid process to its acromion

When do you use your coracobrachialis

weightlifting doing bench press reaching around opposite side of face to scratch ear In martial arts a forearm block

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