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QN=1 Economic, technological, and cultural forces are all ________ in the stimulus-response model of buyer behavior. a. buyer responses b. Stimuli c. components of the buyer's decision process d. buyer characteristics e. buying attitudes


QN=10 A ________ consists of the activities people are expected to perform according to the persons around them. a. motive b. role c. lifestyle d. life cycle e. tradition


QN=11 A buyer's decisions are influenced by ________ such as the buyer's age and life-cycle stage, occupation, economic situation, lifestyle, and personality and self-concept. a. personal characteristics b. reference groups c. perceptions d. attitudes e. psychographics


QN=12 People change the goods and services they buy over time because of the two changing factors of ________. a. belief and attitude b. perception and personality c. age and life-cycle stage d. self- concept and learning e. family and tradition


QN=13 ________ is a person's pattern of living as expressed in her psychographics, including her activities, interests, and opinions. a. Personality b. Culture c. Lifestyle d. Motive e. Social class


QN=14 All of the following make up a person's lifestyle EXCEPT ________. a. AIO dimensions b. interests c. dissonance-reducing buying behavior d. opinions e. work


QN=15 A customer's lifestyle can be measured by using the AIO dimensions. What does AIO stand for? a. Activities, Interests, Opinions b. Achievement, Involvement, Organizations c. Accommodation, Investment, Orientation d. Acknowledgements, Interests, Observations e. Adoptions, Interests, Occupations


QN=37 Which of the following is the final stage in the new product adoption process? a. awareness b. adoption c. evaluation d. acceptance e. trial


QN=16 Researchers have found that a number of well-known brands tended to be strongly associated with one particular trait, such as Jeep with "ruggedness." Which of the following terms would a marketer use to describe a specific mix of human traits that may be attributed to a particular brand? a. brand perception b. product image c. brand personality d. brand concept e. brand equity


QN=17 Many marketers use the self-concept premise that people's possessions contribute to and reflect their identities; that is, "we are what we have." According to this premise, consumers ________. a. buy products to support their self-images b. do not identify with brand personalities c. are affected by subconscious motivations d. are attracted to products that expand their existing attitudes e. conduct the information search


QN=18 A person's buying choices are influenced by four major psychological factors. Which is NOT one of these factors? a. motivation b. perception c. alternative evaluation d. learning e. beliefs and attitudes


QN=19 A ________ is a need that is sufficiently pressing to direct a person to seek satisfaction. a. stimulus b. perception c. culture d. motive e. tradition


QN=2 The marketer wants to understand how the stimuli are changed into responses inside the consumer's ________, which has two parts. First, the buyer's characteristics influence how he or she perceives and reacts to the stimuli. Second, the buyer's decision process itself affects the buyer's behavior. a. Culture b. black box c. Belief d. Lifestyle e. social class


QN=20 According to Freud's theories, people are ________ many of the psychological forces shaping their behavior. a. unaware of b. self-conscious of c. aware of d. status-driven about e. self-analytical about


QN=21 What is the LEAST pressing in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs? a. physiological needs b. social needs c. esteem needs d. self-actualization needs e. safety needs


QN=22 ________ is the process by which people select, organize, and interpret information to form a meaningful picture of the world. a. Personality b. Perception c. Selective grouping d. Learning e. Self-actualization


QN=23 People cannot focus on all of the stimuli that surround them each day. A person's tendency to screen out most of the information to which he is exposed is called ________. a. selective retention b. selective distortion c. selective attitude d. selective attention e. selective perception


QN=24 People tend to interpret new information in a way that will support what they already believe. This is called ________. a. selective retention b. selective distortion c. selective attitude d. selective attention e. selective perception


QN=25 People forget much that they learn. They tend to retain information that supports their attitudes and beliefs. This is called ________. a. selective retention b. selective distortion c. selective attitude d. selective attention e. selective perception


QN=26 ________ describes changes in an individual's behavior arising from experience. a. Lifestyle b. Learning c. Perception d. Cognitive dissonance e. Attitude shift


QN=27 When consumers are highly involved with the purchase of an expensive product and they perceive significant differences among brands, they most likely will undertake ________. a. habitual buying behavior b. complex buying behavior c. reflective buying behavior d. dissonance-reducing buying behavior e. variety-seeking buying behavior


QN=28 When consumers are highly involved with the purchase of an expensive, infrequent, or risky purchase but see little difference among brands, they most likely will undertake ________. a. habitual buying behavior b. complex buying behavior c. reflective buying behavior d. dissonance-reducing buying behavior e. variety-seeking buying behavior


QN=29 When customers have a low involvement in a purchase but perceive significant brand differences, they will most likely engage in ________. a. complex buying behavior b. dissonance-reducing buying behavior c. habitual buying behavior d. variety-seeking buying behavior e. brand conviction buying behavior


QN=3 Each culture contains smaller ________, or groups of people with shared value systems based on common life experiences and situations. a. aspirational groups b. reference groups c. subcultures d. membership groups e. social networks


QN=30 The buying process starts with ________, in which the buyer recognizes a problem. a. need recognition b. information search c. product awareness d. product interest e. alternative evaluation


QN=31 The consumer can obtain information from any of several sources. Which of the following is NOT one of these types of sources? a. personal b. commercial c. attitude d. public e. experiential


QN=32 The information sources that are the most effective at influencing a consumer's purchase decision are ________. These sources legitimize or evaluate products for the buyer. a. commercial b. public c. experimental d. personal e. attitudinal


QN=33 Blake is in the process of buying a new car. He is highly involved in the purchase and perceives significant differences among his three favorite models. Blake's next step is most likely to be ________. a. postpurchase behaviour b. alternative evaluation c. opinion leadership d. cognitive dissonance e. purchase decision


QN=34 After the purchase of a product, consumers will be either satisfied or dissatisfied and engage in ________. a. variety-reducing behaviour b. alternative evaluation c. post-purchase behaviour d. product expectations e. information search


QN=35 The relationship between the consumer's expectations and the product's ________ determines whether the buyer is satisfied or dissatisfied with a purchase. a. perceived performance b. brand personality c. recognition d. consumer market e. service quality


QN=36 Consumers learn about new products for the first time and make the decision to buy them during the ________. a. need recognition stage b. adoption process c. evaluation process d. trial process e. quality assessment


QN=38 A shoe company uses ads featuring the members of a country music band with the hope that the band's fans will see them wearing the company's shoes and want to wear the same shoes. The shoe company is hoping that fans of the band view the band as a ________. a. membership group b. reference group c. status symbol d. subculture e. lifestyle


QN=39 Rashmi Singh always knows about the trendiest fashions. She actively shares her knowledge with a wide group of friends and colleagues about where to shop for cutting-edge fashion at great deals, and her advice is often followed. Rashmi is an example of a(n) ________. a. upper middle b. membership group c. opinion leader d. brand personality e. experience source


QN=4 ________ are society's relatively permanent and ordered divisions whose members share similar values, interests, and behaviors. a. Social classes b. Cultures c. Reference groups d. Subcultures e. Lifestyles


QN=40 Shane Sudendorf is an active member of her sorority, two intramural teams, and a service organization at her college. She also actively participates on two online social networks, posting information about her day along with her thoughts on music, food, fashion, and culture. From this description, which of the following is the best way to describe Shane? a. an opinion leader b. a status symbol c. a laggard d. a Potential Rebounder e. a brand ambassador


QN=41 There is a trend in the United States toward rediscovering the flavor of regional cooking and the use of locally grown ingredients. People are choosing to spend hours in the kitchen using only the freshest ingredients to recreate local culinary traditions. This change in ________ is one of the reasons the number of farmers markets in the United States has increased by 70 percent in the last eight years. a. selective distortion b. subculture c. lifestyle d. personality e. life cycle


QN=42 A Harley-Davidson motorcycle can make you feel like "the toughest, baddest guy on the block." Harley-Davidson promotes its motorcycles with images of independence, freedom, and power. Harley-Davidson has created a(n) ________. a. attitude b. life-cycle stage c. brand motivation d. brand personality e. brand self-image


QN=43 Mark has long supported the actions and decisions of his city's mayor. However, many recent news stories have raised questions about the ethics of the mayor's programs and initiatives. Mark doubts that the mayor, in whom he has such faith, could behave unethically, and Mark tends to distrust the information in the media. Mark continues to support the mayor. It is most accurate to say that Mark has engaged in ________. a. selective distortion b. selective attitude c. selective retention d. selective attention e. perceptual defense


QN=44 Juana looked at her September issue of O magazine and did not see anything of interest. After her mother was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, she found the issue extremely interesting because it offered advice on how to help people who are suffering from this problem. The issue became quite interesting to Juana due to ________. a. subliminal messaging b. status factors c. selective attention d. shifting self-concept e. unconscious motivations


QN=45 Stephanie and Jamal attended a sales seminar. Both left the seminar with differing opinions about what was important to implement in their jobs. Both used the information in different ways, according to what each already believed was important. They have engaged in ________. a. selective distortion b. selective attitude c. selective retention d. selective attention e. perceptual defense


QN=46 George is buying his first house. He has found two houses that he thinks he likes. He is highly involved in the purchase and perceives significant differences between these two houses. George will likely undertake ________. a. variety-seeking buying behaviour b. complex buying behavior c. opinion leadership d. dissonance-reducing buying behavior e. marketing myopia


QN=47 Pat thought he had received the best deal on his new car. Shortly after the purchase, Pat started to notice certain disadvantages of his new car as he learned more about other cars available. Pat is experiencing ________. a. postpurchase culture b. selective perception c. postpurchase dissonance d. purchase decision e. information evaluation


QN=48 For the past 10 years Bill and Margaret Kennedy have saved money to go to the Super Bowl should their team, the Chicago Bears, ever win the NFC championship. This is the year, and several tour companies offer attractive, but very similar, packages to the game. They want to be certain to choose the best one. Bill and Margaret are most likely to exhibit ________. a. complex buying behaviour b. dissonance-reducing buying behavior c. habitual buying behaviour d. variety-seeking buying behavior e. brand familiarity buying behaviour


QN=49 Carrie tends to purchase various brands of bath soap. She has never been loyal to a specific brand; instead, she does a lot of brand switching. Carrie exhibits ________. a. dissonance-reducing buying behaviour b. complex buying behavior c. habitual buying behaviour d. variety-seeking buying behavior e. brand familiarity buying behaviour


QN=5 Family is one of the ________ factors that influence consumer behavior. a. cultural b. social c. personal d. psychological e. business


QN=50 Donna wants to buy a new coat. During the ________ stage of her purchase process she will ask her friends to recommend a store and/or a style of coat. She will search the newspaper for coat sales, and she will visit nearby stores to see what is available in her price range. a. need recognition b. information search c. evaluation of alternatives d. purchase decision e. postpurchase behaviour


QN=51 Robert has taken up bicycle riding as a hobby and as a way to maintain his physical stamina. He understands he will need to drink adequate water when he is bike riding. He wants to buy a hydration system. Having gathered a great deal of information, he has decided to compare three systems: Waterbags for Roadies, Supertanker Hydropacks, and Fast Water. Robert is in the ________ stage of his purchase decision. a. problem recognition b. evaluation of alternatives c. product choice d. postpurchase evaluation e. information choice


QN=52 Leona purchased two bottles of wine from vineyards in Australia. When asked her opinion of the wine, she said the burgundy wine tasted like alcoholic grape juice, but the Chablis had a crisp taste that she really enjoyed. These statements were made during the ________ stage of the purchase decision. a. information search b. situational analysis c. alternative evaluation d. purchase decision e. postpurchase behavior


QN=53 Cameron loves to know about and purchase the most up-to-date technological gadgets. Among his friends, he is almost always the first to own the newest electronic product. Often the products that Cameron buys become adopted by large groups of consumers, but occasionally Cameron will purchase a product that is adopted by only a small portion of the population. To which of the following adopter groups does Cameron belong? a. innovator b. middle upper c. early majority d. late majority e. laggards


QN=54 Which of the following would a marketer be LEAST likely to do to encourage habitual buying behavior? a. dominate shelf space b. run frequent reminder advertising c. keep shelves fully stocked d. stress several key points in ad copy e. focus on visual imagery and symbols in ad campaigns


QN=55 An invitation to go skiing for the weekend forced Donna to look at her current wardrobe. She decided she needed a much warmer coat. Donna was in which stage of the purchase decision? a. product evaluation b. situational analysis c. need recognition d. problem screening e. information search


QN=56 Lexus works to keep customers happy after each sale, aiming to delight the customer in order to gain a customer for life. In this pursuit, Lexus is focused on which step of the buyer decision process? a. need recognition b. information search c. evaluation of alternatives d. purchase decision e. postpurchase behavior


QN=57 Bob's job description had been changed. The rationale for the changes made no sense to Bob when they were explained. Bob continued to perform most of his job duties as usual. He has engaged in ________. a. subliminal attention b. selective attitude c. selective interpretation d. selective attention e. perceptual defense


QN=58 A marketer of hair care products targeted at African American women created an advertising message that told the women their hair could be worn any way they wanted as opposed to wearing it straight. The message suggested the women did not need to conform to the mainstream media definition of beauty. It is most accurate to say that this ad was based on an understanding of ________. a. social class b. the family life cycle c. self-concept d. lifestyle e. sensory marketing


QN=59 Shane Sudendorf is an active member of her sorority, two intramural teams, and a service organization at her college. She also actively participates on two online social networks, posting information about her day along with her thoughts on music, food, fashion, and culture. From this description, which of the following is the best way to describe Shane? a. an opinion leader b. a status symbol c. a laggard d. Potential Rebounder e. a brand ambassador


QN=6 ________ are people within a reference group who, because of special skills, knowledge, personality, or other characteristics, exert influence on others. a. Opinion leaders b. Habitual buyers c. Social networkers d. Stealth marketers e. Laggards


QN=60 Relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, divisibility, and communicability are all examples of ________. a. alternative evaluations b. dissonance-reducing buying behaviors c. product characteristics that influence rate of adoption d. individual differences in innovation e. postpurchase behaviors


QN=7 Many companies, such as JetBlue and Sony, enlist everyday consumers who are enthusiastic about their brands to become ________, brand ambassadors who share their passion for a company's products with large circles of friends and acquaintances in return for insider knowledge and other rewards. a. leading adopters b. brand evangelists c. direct marketers d. direct sellers e. innovators


QN=8 Companies that use brand ambassadors are participating in ________. a. opinion leading b. traditional marketing c. buzz marketing d. direct marketing e. values marketing


QN=9 The ________ is the most important consumer buying organization in society; the roles and influences of different members have been researched extensively. a. family b. social class c. membership group d. subculture e. reference group

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