MTS 7G 100'S

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List three ITER categories.

Initial Update COR

Who has initial approval authority of a TPP?

Initial approval authority for a TPP is the Curriculum Control Authority (CCA).

Discuss the three variations of a course hierarchy which can be developed within the ILE.

Instructor Led Training (ILT) IMI Module NeL-LMS delivered ILT Lesson IMI Module NeL-LMS delivered

List the three types of training materials provided by the ILE.

Instructor-led training, interactive multimedia instruction, and blended.

Discuss Equal Opportunity programs and include possible actions and responsibilities of an instructor.

Instructors should provide equal opportunities for both genders to serve in leadership roles and ensure both genders actively participate in learning activities. This effort ensures all students have the chance to do complex technical work.

Describe the evaluation of instructors in laboratory/classroom/facilitated environments.

Instructors teaching in class and lab will be evaluated in both environments. The number of evaluations conducted should approximate the ratio of lessons taught in each.

List the primary basis for which OCCSTDS are used.

OCCSTDS are the basis for implementing and supporting actions for manning, distribution, training, and advancement.

Discuss the purpose of Occupational Standards (OCCSTDS).

OCCTDS are statements of the minimum skills required of Navy enlisted ratings as established by primary (resource/warfare) sponsors.

List the responsibility of OPNAV

OPNAV - OPNAV provides policy for implementing and supporting the Department of the Navy Strategic Goals regarding Human Resources, Education, and Training. Specifically, OPNAV will strive to improve the quality of our military and civilian work force through fact-based, innovative systemic changes affecting recruitment, training, and quality of life.

who approves implementation of a TPP: Submitted to NETC requiring additional resources of offset

OPNAV approves TPP implementation requiring offsets.

Explain the hierarchical structure of work.

Occupation: Family of Jobs with common set of skills Job: Duties and Tasks in an occupation Duty: Set of related tasks Task ( Behavior, Condition, Standard, ORM, Delivery, KSATR) Sub-Task: Major part of a task Step: Major part of a sub-task

Describe the use of each test instrument as they relate to knowledge and performance tests : True or False

True or false test items provide only two answers.

When is a FEA performed.

Typically performed after the JDTA has been conducted

Explain the use of each of the following: Update CASREP

UPDATE CASREP contains information similar to that submitted in the INITIAL CASREP and/or submits changes to previously submitted information.

Discuss the instructor qualification process.

Upon completion of formal instructor training and immediately upon arrival at the instructor Assignment, Learning Centers will direct a formal process to certify their new instructors to Ensure proficiency in two areas: Instructional technique and technical knowledge.

Discuss where to find the procedures for handling and storing classified training materials.

Use classified material only when absolutely necessary. Review OPNAVINST 5510.1 Series to ensure compliance with marking and handling requirements for classified material.

Explain the roles and responsibilities for each: Deputy Chief of Naval Operations

Validate impact and equities of acquisition, modernization, and configuration management on total resources; plan, program, and budget for sustainment, serve as single manpower resource sponsor, coordinate with USMC.

Explain the roles and responsibilities for each: OPNAV N15

Validate individual training requirements, NTSP - serve as lead in TRPPM/MPT, NTSPCs and other NTSP-related forums.

Explain the roles and responsibilities for each: Director, Total Force Requirements Division(OPNAV N12)

Validate preliminary ship/squadron manpower documents and coordinate programming and budgeting; validate both officer and enlisted Occupational Classification Systems; coordinate with OPNAV 15 and USMC to ensure equities and requirements are met.

Discuss Special Course Indicator Code.

Voluntary Training. Formal high-risk training that is designated as "voluntary" per the resource sponsor and curriculum control authority, and, therefore, identified by a special course indicator code of "A" or "D" in the corporate enterprise training activity resource system, as per reference (g), as voluntary.

How often is the MTO data gathered and in what format is this data sent.

Weekly MTO Report, via Navy Message

Discuss what Drop on Request "DOR" is and the procedures for conducting one

When any student in a voluntary, as identified in reference (g), high-risk training course desires to quit or "DOR," the student need only make such intentions known. The student will be immediately and expeditiously removed from the training area. A written summary of action taken is entered in the student's service record and a copy is maintained in the command's permanent records

Define the following sections of a remediation program: Retest

When the trainee does not achieve a test's minimum passing grade, the retest may cover the portion of the test the trainee had difficulty with or the entire test. This decision should be based on the degree of difficulty the trainee had with the test.

Define the following sections of a remediation program: Setback

When the trainee does not achieve a test's minimum passing grade, the retest may cover the portion of the test the trainee had difficulty with or the entire test. This decision should be based on the degree of difficulty the trainee had with the test.

Discuss during performance test design how the skill learning objective criticality is determined.

Will be developed using job sheets. Problem sheets are normally not used as a means of performance assessment, but may be used to evaluate achievement of less critical learning objectives. Criticality of performance points to the need for selecting tasks for training that are essential to job performance, even though the tasks may not be performed frequently. The following levels of criticality (high = 3, moderate = 2, and low = 1) will be useful when determining criticality of performance: High - value of 3. Skill is used during job performance. Moderate - value 2. Skill influences job performance. Low - value 1. Skill has little influence on job performance.

Discuss Core Unique Instructor Training.(CUIT)

(High-Risk only). CUIT is designed to prepare the instructor to teach in a high-risk course. The content of this training will vary from course to course, but it must include all items of high-risk, which require special attention. Familiarization with basic tenants of high-risk training and safety will include mitigation, protocol, and policy. For Core Unique Training, the items must apply universally to all sites where the course is taught. NETCINST 5100.1 (series) provides amplifying guidance on high-risk training and shall be applied

Discuss the difference between Voluntary and involuntary courses.

(a) Voluntary Training in which a Sailor has voluntary enrolled and has the ability to Drop On Request and return to his/her original rating. (b) Involuntary Training in which a Sailor is enrolled thru the accession training or follow-on specialty skills school.

Prior to routing the FEA to the CCA, for approval, send the FEA Approval Request to the Requirements Sponsor, and receive the Requirements Sponsor Approval for concurrence and attach both documents to the FEA.

A BCA is a structured methodology to facilitate its decision-making process. It is a continuous process from conception of an alternative or solution to implementation.

Discuss the use of a Course Identification Number (CIN).

A CIN is a unique number identifying a formal Navy Course. Format: X-999-9999 or X-9X-9999. CIN consists of three pieces of data. The first piece of data is the Functional Commander and identifies the organization having functional control of a course. The second piece consists of two or three characters, representing the Skill Defense Group. The third segment consists of four numbers assigned by a cognizant responsible Command and is the Sequence Identifier.

List five examples of a MTO.

A command has a quota for a student who does not report for a course and the command does not provide a replacement A command cancels a granted quota in four or fewer working days prior to a course's convening without providing a replacement. A student does not meet course prerequisites. (I.e. does not have needed waiver or not able to produce required documentation for medical screening, weapons qual, domestic violence compliance, etc. A student is absent from the course of instruction to the extent that he/she cannot obtain credit for the course. A student cannot obtain credit for the course of instruction due to the command recall of the student.

Explain the purpose to pilot a course.

A pilot serves to validate a Curriculum and its Supporting Materials. The Pilot Course Develop Phase includes formal approval of the course for instruction and placing it on line.

In a remediation program, discuss what the primary and secondary goal is.

A remediation program's primary goal is to motivate and assist trainees in achieving the critical learning objectives of a course by providing additional instructional study time. A second goal of remediation is to remove barriers to learning. Because trainees learn in different ways, it may be necessary to use different methods of remediation to realize the most effective results.

What is the primary purpose of NRTC?

A self-study package designed to help a student acquire Navy professional or military knowledge in preparation for an advancement exam. The package normally consists of a course text and a set of course assignments, and may be delivered in printed or digital form or both. Some NRTC's require the member to obtain the existing manual, instruction, or an off-the-shelf commercial textbook.

Explain the triggers that may cause a targeted JDTA.

A targeted JDTA encompasses a specific work area within an occupation. It can be used to address new work requirements resulting from, but not limited to: (see 106.4 and 106.6 above).

How many Acquisition Categories (ACAT) does the NTSP process govern?

ACAT I through ACAT IV.

Discuss when an Academic Review Board (ARB) may be convened.

ARBs will be convened when all other means of academic counseling, remediation, and an initial academic setback have failed to improve student performance. The initial academic setback may result from an academic counseling session and be directed by the course supervisor. Additional academic setbacks must be directed by the ARB.

Define the following sections of a remediation program: Academic Review Boards(ARB)

ARBs will be convened when other means of academic counseling, remediation, and an initial academic setback have failed to improve trainee performance. The initial academic setback may result from an academic counseling session and be directed by the CS. Additional academic setbacks must be recommended by the ARB and approved by the DOT. Examples of when an ARB may be necessary include the following: • Trainee's course average falls below minimum passing grade. • Trainee is unable to achieve the objectives after counseling, remediation, retesting, and an initial academic setback. • Trainee's performance is below expected academic progress. • Trainee fails to achieve the objectives after an academic setback on those same objectives.

List and discuss the triggers for developing, revising, or canceling a course.

Addition of a new training course Revision to a training course that changes the instructional strategy or delivery method. Revision to a training course that changes course length. Revision to a training course which increases resource requirements. Deletion of a training course. Transfer of a training course between CCAs. Addition or deletion of a training course (Course Data Processing (CDP))

Describe the use of each test instrument as they relate to knowledge and performance tests : Validation of Test instruments

After test instruments have been constructed, and before hey are actually assembled into a test, the content must be validated.

Describe the type of TPPs housed in SERENA.

All Learning Center TPPs, new, revised, modified, and deactivated. SERENA has the Capability to archive and provide a suspense location for TPPs requiring offsets and the Resource sponsor has not been identified.

Discuss the purpose of the Emergency Action Plan (EAP) and how often must it be reviewed for accuracy of information. Identify the periodic requirements for fully exercising the EAP. How often is it to be fully exercised?

An internal plan to be implemented immediately upon advent of a mishap to aid involved persons and to control and/or safeguard the scene. This plan will be developed for all high risk training evolutions and must include at a minimum: primary and alternate communications, telephone numbers, radio channels, call signs, locations of emergency response personnel, locations of emergency equipment, equipment shutdown procedures, muster site and methods to maintain control of the scene, non-affected personnel, and all immediate emergency procedures. The EAP should be a simple checklist or sequential list of responses of expected and immediate actions by personnel in control of the event to aid and extract mishap victims from the scene. Conduct quarterly procedural walk-through(s) and fully exercise and validate emergency action plans (EAPs) annually. Include all emergency response agencies, where practicable.

Explain the preparation process of a JDTA to include: Documents

Announcement Message, JDTA Agenda Message, Completion Report Message within 30 days of conclusion.

Explain the preparation process of a JDTA to include: Messages

Announcement Message, JDTA Agenda Message, Completion Report Message within 30 days of conclusion.

State and describe four TRR messages.

Annual TRR Schedule Message provides LC and stakeholders with a long-range schedule for planning. Released 30 days prior to Oct 1 of each year and outlines the course name, type and month . TRR Announcement Message: 90-days prior to the date of the TRR details the purpose of the TRR as well as course(s), CIN(s), tentative agenda, date, and location, as well as requests for SME input as well as participants and additional agenda proposals. TRR Agenda Message: Release 60-days prior to date of TRR. Updates and confirms data from Announcement message. TRR Action Chit Message: Summarizes the TRR, date completed, links to CoP, lists quick wins, requests sponsors provide POA&M and provides POC information.

State the roles and responsibilities of the Course Curriculum Model Manager for an effective testing program:

Approves test design, maintains master test item bank.

Describe six factors that must be considered in planning instructional delivery.

Articulation Grammar Rate of Speech Pauses Inflection Force (of delivery)

State the five steps of the five-step questioning technique.

Ask (State the question) Pause Pick (Call on a student by name) Listen (Comment on answer) Emphasize correct answer

Describe the use of each test instrument as they relate to knowledge and performance tests : Assignment Sheet

Assignment sheets are designed to direct the study or homework efforts of trainees.

Discuss periodic requirements for safety stand-downs

At a minimum, commands shall conduct one safety stand-down per year. Additional safety stand-downs may be warranted at the discretion of the commanding officer.

State and discuss the three parts of a learning objective.

Behavior: What the student will be able to do as a result of a learning experience. Consists of subject / object / verb. Condition: The aiding and limiting factors imposed upon the student in satisfying the performance requirements of the objective. From memory if not specified in TLO. Standard: What degree of proficiency will be required to perform the behavior 100% if not stated in the TLO.

State and discuss the importance of body movement as an important part of successful communication.

Body movement reinforces, emphasizes, and clarifies verbally expressed ideas.

Discuss Site Augment Plans

CCA Develop Site Augment Plans with unique training situations, as required, for high-risk courses. CCA Submit Negative Augment Plan as required. Instructional Management. LSO in conjunction with DETs/LSs/Participating Activities are assigned the following responsibilities: Ensure instructors are certified to instruct utilizing safety requirements, precautions, and safeguards relative to the course(s) they teach. This includes the completion of CUIT and Site Augment plan if required. Provide or arrange for the required training

Discuss what a CTTL gives the curriculum developer.

CTTL is the building block of the course and will be used to develop the learning objectives and all other course materials. Provides a list of Duties and Tasks to be trained in a course. A CTTL describes duties/tasks that support the course mission, and job-related duties and tasks that will be performed by the end of the course. CTTLs are also used to develop Learning objectives, Instructional strategies (Delivery Method, Pre-instructional Activities, Presentation, Participation, Testing), techniques, and methodologies.

Explain the use of each of the following: Cancellation CASREP

Cancellation (CANCEL) CASREP is submitted upon commencement of an overhaul or other scheduled availability period when equipment, which has been the subject of casualty reporting, is scheduled to be repaired. Outstanding casualties which will not be repaired during such availability shall not be cancelled and shall be subject to normal follow-up casualty reporting procedures as specified.

Describe the use of each test instrument as they relate to knowledge and performance tests : Case Study

Case studies should be used when posing a complex issue, when a comprehensive understanding of material is required.

Explain the purpose of Casualty Reporting (CASREP).

Casualty Report (CASREP) has been designed to support the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) and fleet commanders in the management of assigned forces. The CASREP also alerts the Naval Safety Center for incidents which are crucial in mishap prevention. The effective utilization and support of U.S. Navy units and organizations require an up-to-date, accurate operational status for each unit. An important part of operational status is equipment casualty information. The reporting of casualties results in operational commanders and support personnel being advised of the status of significant equipment malfunctions which may result in the degradation of a unit's readiness.

Discuss the functionality of Corporate Enterprise and Training Resource Activity System (CeTARS).

CeTARS is a Navy-wide automated information system designed to manage and support the Navy training effort. CeTARS collects, compiles, and provides training managers and higher echelons of the Navy (e.g., OPNAV, NRC, BUPERS) with student and course information.

State and discuss the characteristics of a good oral question.

Clarity of Meaning: Do not use trick phrases. Ensure the question being presented convey the true or intended meaning. Make questions brief, limiting them to one thought, not to confuse the student. State questions clearly and in a conversational tone. Level of instruction: Use simple words, grammar which is correct, and complete sentences. Use words students can understand. Use of an interrogative: Be sure to use the interrogatory at the beginning of your question so that the students know immediately when a question is being asked

Explain the final stages of a BCA: Review and Approval

Clearly presents the reader with whom and how the business case has been resolved and approved. Also contains the final outcome of the business case - if approved, the evidence of approval is included; if not approved, documentation of the decision is provided.

Explain the preparation process of a JDTA to include: Post JDTA

Collect output data, CCA presents JDTA report to requirement Sponsor for validation.

State and discuss the purpose of an effective communication process.

Communication is the exchange of thoughts, opinions, and information through speech, writing, nonverbal cues, signs and images. The communication process consists of a sender, a message, a delivery vehicle, and a receiver.

Describe the use of each test instrument as they relate to knowledge and performance tests : Completion

Completion test items are free response test items in which the trainees must supply the missing information from memory.

Explain the roles and responsibilities for each: SYSCOMS

Comply with OPNAVINST 4000.57 as well as other relevant directives and processes for fielding or installation of new systems equipment or software to include the "one book". Empower PMs with the authority and responsibility for programming and budgeting of the acquisition process to acquire, modernize, and maintain configuration management of the total training system as an integral support element of the assigned weapon system. Validate that HSI, job task analysis, and manpower analysis results are certified by the technical authority and approved in the analysis of alternatives (AoA) prior to commencing design and development and are justified by subsequent updates of the NTSP during SETRs. Serve as new acquisition PQS model manager and transfer responsibilities to the TA.

State and discuss the four basic learning styles.

Concrete learners: prefer an experienced based approach to learning. They rely heavily on their own feelings and personal judgments. Active Learners: prefer to learn by becoming involved with the subject and taking an active step by step approach. They learn best from small group discussions, structured exercises, and problem solving approaches. A trial and error way of learning appeals to them. Reflective Learners: like to observe and reflect (make comparisons and contrasts) before drawing conclusions. They learn best from lectures, films, and reading. Reflective learners prefer to play the role of the impartial observer while watching others. Abstract Learners: prefer a theory based, analytical approach to learning. They learn best from lectures by experts, theoretical reading, case studies, and activities that require solitary thinking. Abstract learners like to find the "theory" behind the subject matter and analyze the approach to discover what concepts are involved. Abstract = Twenty percent retained Abstract and reflective = Fifty percent retained Abstract, reflective, and concrete = Seventy percent retained Abstract, reflective, concrete, and active = Ninety percent retained

State the periodicity of conducting a TRR.

Conducted on Learning Center Courses of Instruction within a 60-month cycle, unless triggering event occurs requiring more frequency.

Explain the use of each of the following: Correction CASREP

Correction (CORRECT) CASREP is submitted when equipment, which has been the subject of casualty reporting, is repaired and back in operational condition.

List the responsibility of CCMM

Course Curriculum Model Manager (CCMM) - Course Curriculum Model Manager (CCMM) is assigned the responsibility for developing, revising, and maintaining a course of instruction. For courses taught at only one site, the CCMM duties will be perform by the LS where the course is taught. For courses taught at two or more LSs, the CCA will designate the CCMM.

Identify the ten sections of a testing plan.

Course Data Course Roles and Responsibilities Course CourseWaivers Test Development Test Administration Course Tests and Test Types Grading Criteria Remediation Test and Test Item Analysis Documentation

Discuss who is responsible for ensuring accuracy of data with CeTARS.

Course Supervisor has responsibility to ensure data within CeTARS is accurate.

What are the two types of testing methods used in testing?

Criterion-Referenced Test: Assesses whether required level of skill or knowledge is met. Norm-Referenced: Estimates individual skill or knowledge in relation to a group norm (e.g., Navy Advancement Exams).

Identify who determines what curriculum development model will be used for curriculum modifications within your learning environment.

Curriculum Control Authority.

Discuss the items developed in Develop Phase.

Curriculum materials, which include the following Lesson Plan (LP) Trainee Guide (TG) Test Items Instructional Media Material (IMM)

NRTC is designated for revision or development, state the functionality of the following: Defense Automated Printing System (DAPS)

DAPS links with NETPDTC and NLL and provides the customer the document ordered.

State the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders for the TRR process implementation and execution:

Designated person within the community responsible for training requirements under TRR review.

State the roles and responsibilities of the Curriculum developer for an effective testing program

Designs and develops the testing plan, admin guides, and the tests.

Discuss the outcome of the Instructional Media Design Package (IMDP) during the design phase.

Detail and demonstrate the design intent for each module and lesson within a course and to describe how the course will achieve the intended learning.

Explain the roles and responsibilities for each: Training Support Activity (TSA)

Develop and implement the TSIP, in coordination with the TA to meet the resource sponsor established RFT date. Develop training solutions, curriculum, courseware and content. Conduct the FEA and develop the PQS.

Explain the role of NETC as it pertains to OCCSTDS:

Develop and implement training to meet the needs of the warfare sponsors utilizing OCCSTDS as training objectives in the preparation of TTA, curricula and feedback systems.

Discuss the relationship between CeTARS and CANTRAC.

Discuss the relationship between CeTARS and CANTRAC.

Discuss Diversity and include possible actions and responsibilities of an instructor

Diversity: According to the Department of the Navy Diversity Statement, dated August 27, 2007: "The term diversity encompasses not only the traditional categories of race, religion, age, gender, and national origin, but also all the different characteristics and attributes of individuals that enhance the mission readiness of the Department of the Navy and strengthen the capabilities of our Navy Total Force."

State the roles and responsibilities of the JDTA Coordinator for the JDTA process implementation and execution:

Drafts Announcement, Agenda, and Completion Report messages; oversees, liaisons, maintains documentation, inputs documentation onto MNP JDTA CoP Website.

Explain the role of Navy Manpower Analysis Center (NAVMAC) as it pertains to OCCSTDS:

Ensure SMS surveys are conducted and OCCSTDS are issued in a timely manner and coordinated with the appropriate NTRR event schedule(s).

Explain the role of Fleet and Type Commanders as it pertains to OCCSTDS:

Ensure participation in the Navy Skills Management System (SMS) and the appropriate NTRR event. Also, review proposed OCCSTDS for validity and pay-grade responsibility.

State the roles and responsibilities of the LC DOT for an effective testing program:

Ensures testing program(s) are conducted, oversees development of testing plans

State the roles and responsibilities of the Course Supervisor for an effective testing program

Ensures, monitors, and validates admin, security, and test item analysis.

Describe the use of each test instrument as they relate to knowledge and performance tests : Essay

Essay test items require trainees to answer a question with a written response.

Discuss Evaluation Process.

Establish an evaluation program that assesses high-risk instructors in classroom and laboratory or field settings on a recurrent basis, in percentages commensurate with the amount of time spent instructing in those environments.

Define the following sections of a remediation program: Drop from training and attrites

Every effort will be made to help trainees succeed. However, there are times when the trainee is clearly unsuited,unable, and/or unwilling to complete the course. If this occurs, the trainee is dropped from training. Trainees dropped from training may be classified as an academic drop, nonacademic drop, or disenrollment. Trainees who are discharged from the Navy will be classified as attrites.

Explain the roles and responsibilities for each: Training Agent (TA)

Execute approved training system sustainment requirements at RFT date in accordance with references (r) and (t). The TA may expressly provide for the delegation of TA responsibilities within its chain of command. (2) Execute follow- on training requirements of the approved training system. (3) Execute responsibilities of PQS model manager after fleet introduction, per reference (1).

Explain the correlation of a Formal Course Review (FCR) and the TRR process.

FCR is focused on the schoolhouse versus the Center and serves to validate the TRR effort and ensure the schoolhouse course managers and stakeholders are properly executing the training requirements and correctly utilizing the systems that have gone through the TRR process.

Identify the required periodicity for conducting FCRs per current NETC guidance.

FCR will be conducted on an annual, biennial, or triennial cycle as determined by the CCA. In no case shall the formal course review cycle exceed three years. The CCMM will schedule, monitor, and regulate the FCR. Regardless of the cycle, a FCR should always be conducted shortly before and in preparation for an TRR.

Explain the process for findings for submission during a FCR.

Findings are assessment results of a FCR. Review team publishes the findings and establishes timelines for corrective action. Learning Site formally responds per approved POA&M.

Explain the roles and responsibilities for each: Fleet Forces Command (FFC)

Fleet Forces Command (FFC): Validate and prioritize fleet training program. (2) Provide policy, guidance, oversight, and programmatic resources for fleet training, per reference (x). (3)Provide guidance to subordinate activities to participate in the NTSP development and review process.

Explain the preparation process of a JDTA to include: Stakeholders

Fleet Forces Command , OPNAV 15, TYCOM, Enlisted Community Manage, SYSCOM, Technical Warrant Holder, Class Squadron, NETC.

State and discuss the four purposes of oral questioning.

Focuses attention Arouses interest in subject matter Drills students on subject matter Stimulates students to think

What documents are contained in the final Training Course Control Document (TCCD)?

Front Matter Curriculum Outline of Instruction. Annexes.

List the minimum sections of a Trainee Guide.

Front Matter. Instruction Sheets. 48

List the minimum sections of a Lesson Plan.

Front Matter. Lesson Topics.

Discuss what type of courses are considered "high-risk

High-Risk Training. All basic or advanced, individual or collective training in a traditional or non-traditional environment which exposes the crew, staff, students and/or assets to the potential risks of death, permanent disability, or loss during training.

Explain the roles and responsibilities for each: Program Managers (PM)

Identify, plan, budget, and submit all system and resource requirements, including the development of the NTS and coordinate current and future FY cost estimates and priorities for training solutions with OPNAV (N1S). Include MPT resource requirements in the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution system. Document training planning in an NTSP. Liaison with other program executive officers (PEDs), PMs, TAs, and NAVMAC for programs that may interface with the new development and modernization. Advise the other PM(s), via the chain of command, of any unresolved issues. (There are over 40 tasks PMs are responsible for in the acquisition process).

Explain these parts of the five step process as they apply to ORM:

Identifying hazards Assessing hazards Making risk decisions Implementing controls Supervising

List usable course source data to be used when the primary course source data is not available or has not been created.

If JDTA data is not available then curriculum developers will bridge the absence of JDTA data using data elements from a combination of: Occupational Standards (OCCSTDs), CTTL, PPP Table, and a COI.

State and discuss five ways of learning.

Imitation: Students observe the behavior of others (primarily the instructor) and imitate that behavior. Even without direct reinforcement of the repeated behavior, learning still occurs. Trial and error: Also called discovery learning, trial and error is learning by doing. Hands-On experience is how some students learn and are able to achieve success sooner. The instructor is instrumental in setting the proper example for the student, resulting in fewer errors. Association: A comparison of past learning to new learning situations, association is a mental process which serves as a reference point for students. New problems are easier to comprehend and solve when there is a similar element which can be remembered from past experiences. Insight: Insight is the understanding that the whole is more than just the sum of the parts. To learn by insight, the learner grasps the way the elements of a problem situation are connected. It is unplanned discovery of a solution to a problem, often called the "ah-ha" phenomenon, resulting from a mental reorganization of ideas and concepts rather from simple "trial and error". Transfer: The process of applying past learning to new but somewhat similar situations. This is an important process in Navy technical training because the training environment can rarely duplicate the actual job environment. If possible, use of the actual equipment the student will use in the fleet should be used for training.

State the roles and responsibilities of the LS CO/OIC for an effective testing program

Implements testing plan, designates Testing Officer(s), designates the course supervisor.

Explain where the non-selected for formal training E-4 and below Occupational Standards are to be trained.

In "other" training environments (such as, but not limited to, individual and unit on-board training (OBT), on-the-job training (OJT), proficiency training, etc.

Explain where the remaining E4 and below OCCSTDS, that are not selected to be taught in "A" school, should be taught, e.g., in which other training environments?

In "other" training environments (such as, but not limited to, individual and unit on-board training (OBT), on-the-job training (OJT), proficiency training, etc.

List and describe the five gates/thresholds for NTSP submittal?

In addition to the gated review process, final NTSPs are required by the earlier date of the following: Six years prior to training system initial operational capability (IOC) if military construction (MILCON) is required. Three years prior to IOC if a major defense acquisition program or a major system (ACAT I or II) training device (TD) research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) is required. Three years prior to IOC for a major defense acquisition program or for major system follow-on TDs. Prior to initial operational test and evaluation (IOT&E) operational evaluation. Three months prior to IOC for rapid acquisition programs such as NDI, COTS, RDC, AAP, and JUON programs

Discuss what Training Time Out "TTO" is and the procedures for conducting one

In any situation when students or instructors express concern for personal safety or a need to clarify procedures or requirements, they shall call a "TTO." Training will immediately cease until the situation or condition is returned to a safe state. Then and only then will training resume.

Discuss the instructor disqualification factors and process.

Instuctors failing to maintain original screening requirements as well as instructors receiving unsatisfactory evaluations shall be disqualified. Individuals considered unsuitable for continued Instructor duties per reference (d) shall be reclassified (NEC 9502 removal process and reassignment); additionally cognizant Learning Centers (LC) will have the authority to establish what constitutes disqualification of their instructors. When appropriate, LCs may re-qualify individuals when deficiencies have been corrected or standards met by cognizant LC guidelines.

Explain how cost benefit impacts a BCA.

Insures the reader can easily understand and compare the initial and on-going expenditures to the expected financial and non-financial benefits (tangible and intangible) for each viable alternative.

Discuss the purpose of the Evaluate Phase.

Internal assessment of training methods, materials, and external feedback of performance of graduates in the fleet.

Discuss the process of piloting a test.

It is a review process to assess test reliability and validity and make corrective adjustments before actually collecting data from the target population. It includes: Review by SMEs, piloting by CCMM and forwarded to LSO for approval, testing trainees who are in the end stages (test results not to count), surveying trainee test results, using test item analysis and survey to improve the test instrument.

Discuss the Instructor's responsibilities to students

It is the instructor's responsibility to help students resolve conflicts that may arise from those outside influences. The instructor is in a unique position to identify persons who may be experiencing conflict. Since the instructor interacts with students on a frequent basis, he should be able to notice changes in a student's performance or behavior then take steps to help. It is also his responsibility to Teach effectively, set a good example for students to follow, and resolve conflicts, which can hinder training. Fraternization: You must be aware of the Navy's policy on fraternization, OPANVINST 5370.2 (series) and individual command policy, particularly as it applies between you and your students. Be especially careful in your personal associations, particularly with regard to interactions with students. Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment is unacceptable conduct that undermines the integrity of the instructor-student relationship. The Navy has a policy of zero tolerance of sexual harassment, per the SECNAVINST 5300.26 (series) and individual command policy. Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination involving unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when the following occurs: • Submission to or rejection of such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of a person's job, pay, or career. • Submission to or rejection of such conduct by a person is used as a basis for career or employment decisions affecting this person. • Such conduct interferes with an individual's performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment. Diversity: According to the Department of the Navy Diversity Statement, dated August 27, 2007: "The term diversity encompasses not only the traditional categories of race, religion, age, gender, and national origin, but also all the different characteristics and attributes of individuals that enhance the mission readiness of the Department of the Navy and strengthen the capabilities of our Navy Total Force."

Describe how strategic alignment is important in a BCA.

It provides the reader with an understanding of how the initiative aligns with the overall business plan of the Navy and how it may impact other initiatives. It identifies the level of impact (high, medium, low) the initiative has on achieving its goals.

Discuss the three methods of remediation available to instructors: Iteractive

Iterative Remediation involves one-on-one mentorship or SME engagement of each major objective area that the trainee is having difficulty with using a total recall approach using one ora combination of: text, lab material, flashcards, mentor question and answer sessions To complete iterative remediation the trainee must complete a minimum of 20 questions per each objective area with a minimum score of 80 percent and/or successfully complete two practice exercises or scenarios per each objective area.

State the primary course source data for creating test items.


Describe the use of each test instrument as they relate to knowledge and performance tests : Job sheet

Job sheets direct the trainees in the step-by-step performance of a practical task they will encounter in their job assignment.

State and discuss the three qualities of an efficient and effective instructor.

KNOWLEDGE: Be thoroughly familiar with the subject matter being taught (Subject Matter Expert). Know more an=bout the subject than what you teach. Conduct training to meet the needs of the Navy, not individual members. Know basic instructional strategies and techniques. ABILITY: Professional Ability; Leadership skills planning and organizing, optimizing use of resources delegating authority, monitoring progress and results, disciplining and rewarding. Instructional ability; be efficient and effective. Know principles, methods, techniques of instruction, and how to apply them. PERSONALITY: Gain the respect of the students by displaying a professional attitude towards others, showing sincere interest in students regardless of race, geographical heritage, or level of intellect. Adhere to the rules of conduct; also called Instructor's code of ethics. 1. If the answer is unknown, admit it. 2. Keep remarks professional and appropriate (no profanity) 3. Be patient 4. Maintain rapport with students (no sarcasm) 5. Treat students with respect (be sincere).

Describe what is required of a skill and knowledge learning objective.

Knowledge Performance Objectives will be either skill or knowledge. Skill, isolate the "action" portion, consisting of a performance action verb, the object of that action, and the minimum qualifiers, so that the statement makes sense. Knowledge, isolate the "action" portion, consisting of an action verb, the object of that action and the minimum qualifiers, so that the statement makes sense. Refer to testing section.

Discuss during knowledge test design how the knowledge learning objective criticality is determined to perform a task.

Knowledge tests will be developed using test items. Test items Knowledge test design begins with determining the criticality of each learning objective. This process determines which learning objectives to assess through formal testing and which learning objectives should be assessed by informal testing. At the completion of this step, the assessment of each learning objective is determined. Analysis of task data(discussed in Chapter 3) provides the information for determining learning objective criticality. To determine criticality refer to the following elements of course source data, at a minimum: criticality of performance, and frequency of performance. Additional fields may be considered if deemed necessary by curriculum developers. The factors used to determine the criticality of each learning objective will be listed in the testing plan.

Discuss the two methods of testing and their importance.

Knowledge: Knowledge tests measure the achievement of objectives through the use of test items written at the appropriate learning level. Performance: Performance tests measure skill acquisition by having the student demonstrate specific behaviors defined by learning objectives.

Explain the preparation process of a JDTA to include: Community of Practice

MNP on-line web-site for JDTA participants.

State and discuss the six laws of learning.

LAW OF READINESS : The Law of Readiness states that people can only learn when they are physically and mentally read. LAW OF EXERCISE : The Law of Exercise stresses that practice makes permanent and perfect (when taught correctly). LAW OF EFFECT: The Law of Effect involves the emotional reaction of the learner. Learning will always be much more effective when a feeling of satisfaction, pleasantness, or reward accompanies or is a result of the learning process. LAW OF PRIMACY: This law states that the first instructional event often creates a strong, almost unshakeable, impression on the learner. LAW OF INTENSITY: The Law of Intensity states that if the stimulus (experience) is real, a change in behavior (learning) is far more likely to occur. LAW OF RECENCY: All things being equal, the things learned last will be best remembered.

Describe the use of each test instrument as they relate to knowledge and performance tests : Labeling

Labeling or identification test items are used to measure the trainee's ability to recall facts and label parts in pictures, schematics, diagrams, or drawings.

Discuss the barriers to effective communication.

Lack of common core experience: you are unlikely to find any group in which students have the same common core experience. Overuse of abstractionisms: Concepts, ideas, or words that are not directly related to the subject being discussed. To avoid confusion you should speak in concrete terms be specific. Fear: One of the greatest barriers to effective communication. The fear of showing ignorance, fear of disapproval, fear of losing status, and fear of judgment are common barriers. Environmental Factors: such as noises and temperature may interfere with the communication process.

Explain the preparation process of a JDTA to include: Coordinator

Leads the process.

List the responsibility of learning centers

Learning Centers - Continuously monitor the quality of curriculum, instruction, and evaluation functions. Ensure that all training activities under their cognizance have Learning Standards Offices (LSOs), or similar organizations, which meet the requirements established by NETC. Monitor new technologies, which have application to curriculum development, instructional delivery, and evaluation procedures and make recommendations to NETC for their implementation. Provide curriculum and, other support as needed for the various Training Requirement Review (TRR) and Navy Job-Duty-Task Analysis (JDTA) groups. Ensure certification programs are conducted which meet the requirements of Chapter 2, Section 4.5 (Page 2-24) Ensure that safety policies and procedures are included as an integral part of all curricula. Ensure safety awareness training is included in the training courses. Training shall include the application of NETC policy, higher authority safety directives, precautions in technical manuals and publications, and applicable lessons learned summaries of mishaps, and Naval Safety Center safety advisories. Ensure all eligible for possible American Council on Education (ACE) credit is evaluate by ACE subject to security requirements; see NETCINST 1560.1 (series). Distribute approved Core Unique Instructor Training (CUIT) programs, including training materials modification, to all course sites. CUIT is high-risk training. Provide guidance regarding LC/LS accreditation through the Council on Occupational Education (COE).

List the responsibility of LSO

Learning Standards Officer - The Learning Standards Officer (LSO) is an integral part of a training activity and performs functions in support of the LC CO, LC DET/LS CO/OIC to ensure quality training.

List and discuss the different instructional methods.

Lecture : Lecture method is an instructional presentation of information, concepts, or principles. Its main purpose is to present a large amount of information in a short period of time. Lecture with Audiovisuals: Lecture with audiovisuals includes visual and/or audio learning aids. Lesson: The most often used method of classroom instruction within Navy training is the lesson method. The lesson method is interactive in nature and is primarily used to transfer knowledge or information to the students. Demonstration: The basic, and most often used, method of instruction for teaching skill-type subjects is the demonstration method. It covers all of the steps your students need to learn a skill in an effective learning sequence. Role-Playing: Role-playing requires the students to assume active roles in a simulated situation followed by a group discussion. Team Dimensional Training (TDT) : TDT is a process that enables team members to diagnose and correct their own performance problems, thereby enabling them to adapt quickly to unfolding events, and to learn from and build upon their previous experiences together. Gaming and Simulation: The most recent generation of learners entering the Navy has grown up playing video games. This generation has no problem learning how to manipulate hundreds of video-game characters in a variety of crises that require split-second decisions.

List and describe the primary materials used in presenting instruction.

Lesson Plan: (front matter, lesson topics), ensures proper sequence and depth required by objectives. NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 9 page 137. Instruction Sheets: (Outline, Job, Problem, Assignment, Information, and Diagram) provide students with information or directions. "O J P A I D" NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 9 page 154 Instructional Media Material/Visual Media Material: IMM is a specially prepared transparency, illustration, video tape/DVD, computer-based, flash animation or MPEG movie, slide presentation, or exhibit that will assist students in understanding and expedite their learning.

For the below items, define the three levels of proficiency levels contained within each: Skill

Level 1: Imitation Level 2: Repetition Level 3: Habit

For the below items, define the three levels of proficiency levels contained within each: Knowledge

Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Level 2: Application/Analysis Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation

Discuss the items with your mentor that can be found on the MTS Community of Practice (CoP).

MTS COP - MTS program manager, all applicable instructions, MTS PQS, certificate requests, program description, and feedback.

Discuss who is responsible for maintaining a Master Record Audit Trail and what it contains?

Maintaining the course audit trail is the responsibility of the CCMM. The contents of an audit trail will be maintained for the life of the course. Audit trails contain the following information: A summary of major events impacting the course. This may be official correspondence or a memorandum to file. All pertinent correspondence leading to course development or revision. Reports of trips, conferences, meetings, necessary for course development or revision. Memoranda of conversations impacting the course development or revision. The rationale that influenced curriculum decisions. Copies of all supporting documents, including appropriate approval letters. Types of supporting documents will vary based on the standard used for development. A Copy of the Pilot Course Monitoring Report. CCMMs shall ensure the audit trail and master course materials are up-to-date and securely saved. CCMMs shall maintain a duplicate of the audit trail and master course file in a separate location to prevent loss of the material in the event of a disaster. Site master copies at other LS/DET/Participating Activities that teach the course fulfill this requirement. Participating activities are also required to maintain audit trails for all courses excluding the TPP and the analysis documentation.

State the roles and responsibilities of the LC LSO for the TRR process implementation and execution:

Manages TRR process, provides guidance and assistance, drafts schedules, messages, manages TRR MNP Website.

Describe the use of each test instrument as they relate to knowledge and performance tests : Matching

Matching test items are defined as two lists of connected words, phrases, pictures, or symbols.

Define the following tests: Informal

May or may not be graded - regardless, the grade will not be used in the calculation of the trainee's final grad

Discuss how motivation affects student learning

Motivation often has as much or more impact than scholastic ability. Students bring different abilities and experience levels to the training environment. Motivation often determines whether or not a student achieves course objectives.

Discuss the types and purpose of oral questions.

Multiple Answer: Has more than one correct answer. Increases student participation. Yes / No: Can be used to arouse interest Canvassing: Helps to determine how many students may already be familiar with the subject matter. Leading: Suggests its own answer Interest arousing: Used to focus student attention. Factual Question: Asks for specific information. Thought provoking: Stimulates student thinking.

Describe the use of each test instrument as they relate to knowledge and performance tests : Multiple Choice

Multiple-choice test item is the most versatile of all knowledge test item formats.

List the N codes within NETC that the Learning Center shall Address.

N1 - Total Force Manpower N4 - Facilities and Logistics N6 - Chief Information Officer N7 - Learning and Development N8 - Resources, Requirements, and Assessments

What is the purpose of a Naval Training Systems Plan (NTSP)?

NTSPs are Navy and integrated Navy/Marine Corps documents which communicate manpower, personnel, and training (MPT) gaps and needs in support of new acquisition and or modernization programs.

List the three forms of acceptable actions from a Resource Sponsor identifying the commitment of resources to a valid training requirement.

Naval Message Command Letterhead letter Digitally signed Email

Discuss the Navy Core Values and include possible actions and responsibilities of an instructor

Not only must you instruct in an efficient and effective manner, you must also serve as a role model in your military conduct, attitude, appearance, and bearing. You should exemplify the Navy's Core Values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment

List and discuss the key principles of applying motivation theory in a training situation.

NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 3 page 23 & 24 Needs and Drives: A need or drive is usually defined as a lack of something desirable or useful that causes a desire for satisfaction. Example, the need to belong can motivate a student to seek group acceptance. That need, or drive, can cause the student to behave in a manner which eventually reduces the need and results in satisfaction. Attitudes: Attitudes consist of feelings for or against people, objects, or ideas. Show students a positive attitude when presenting a lesson. The students seeing a positive reinforcement from the instructor will cause a desire to learn the material. Achievements: Achievement is a strong desire, an aim, a goal or a desired objective. To make an effort to succeed interesting students must have a need to achieve at a certain level. Values: The students values, attitudes, and previous experience affect the nature and the amount that the student learns. The instructor must use a motivation technique which fits the student's value system. Interests: Refers to a person's view of an activity as worthwhile or enjoyable for its own sake. As an instructor, learn to control student interest throughout the lesson. If the student loses interest, the learning process breaks down. Incentives: Incentives (rewards) stimulate student motivation. Good grades, awards, choice of orders out of school, or selection as an honor student can motivate students to achieve.

List and discuss the four principles of John Keller's model of motivational theory.

NAVEDTRA 134 Chapter 3 page 27 Attention. Attracting attention is an important first step, but don't be fooled. Learners will certainly pay attention if you do something surprising like blow a boatswain's pipe. But unless what you do after that makes sense to learners or is relevant to them, you won't keep their attention and they are unlikely to learn what follows. Learners must think about what they hear, see, or do to optimize learning. The vivid descriptions of relevant sea stories or questions posed directly to the learner are among the best strategies that can capture their attention and focus their thinking. Relevance. Relevance motivates trainees by connecting what they are learning to what they will be doing on the job. When they see the relevance, they are more likely to put forth the effort it takes to understand and apply what is being taught. Confidence. When students feel confident they can do something competently, even if it takes some effort, they are more likely to give it a try. Instructors can guide learners by helping them set challenging but achievable goals, building their confidence, and helping them become aware of the relationship between effort and success. Satisfaction. Feeling good about an experience often serves as its own motivator. Some tasks are rewarding in themselves, and students will stay motivated until they achieve their goals. Other times, recognition from others contributes to their sense of satisfaction. As an instructor, you can increase learners' satisfaction by creating opportunities for them to succeed, maintaining high standards, and recognizing students' attainment of those standards.

List the responsibility of NETC

NETC - NETC Training Policy is design to meet the NETC Strategic Goals in the areas of Leadership, Navy Military Training, Instruction, Quality of Life, Infrastructure, Equal Opportunity, Curriculum, and Technology. NETC's objectives include reducing the infrastructure cost of training, improving readiness and aligning training to fleet requirements to improve readiness.

who approves implementation of a TPP: Submitted to NETC per trigger event with zero gain

NETC N7. approves TPP implementation not requiring offsets.

State who will draft the NETC response for ITERs.


Discuss the purpose of Training Requirement Identification and Resource Sponsor Commitment.

NETC requires a commitment from the resource sponsor that the requirement is valid and resources will be programmed and sustained. No training requirements will be executed by NETC without a written commitment from the resource sponsor to fund the requirement.

Explain the roles and responsibilities for each: NETC

NETC: Plan and execute TA roles and responsibilities when designated. (2) Identify requirements for training infrastructure, instructors, contracted maintenance, vendor training, and temporary duty in-route for NEC/MOS producing courses, TDs,fidelity and capability upgrades, course curriculum, courseware, and major revisions (e.g., enabling/terminal learning objectives), emerging C51 systems, and completion of a BCA for transition of specific vendor training courses to formal Navy schoolhouses in time for submission of POM.

NRTC is designated for revision or development, state the functionality of the following: Contracting Office Representative(COR)

NETPDTC (COR) liaison between the Learning Center and the contractor (pre and post bid) representative to ensure delivery of agreed product.

What role does Naval Education and Training Professional Development and Technology Center (NETPDTC) serve to the PQS program?

NETPDTC maintains and ensures PQS availability to the fleet as directed by the NETC PQS manager.

What role does Naval Education and Training Professional Development and Technology Center (NETPDTC) serve to NRTCs?

NETPDTC maintains, grades and enters completed Non-resident Training Courses Into Sailors Electronic Service Record (ESR).

Explain the use of each of the following: Initial CASREP

NITIAL CASREP identifies, to an appropriate level of detail, the status of the casualty and parts and/or assistance requirements. This information is essential to allow operational and staff authorities to apply resources at the proper priority.

NRTC is designated for revision or development, state the functionality of the following: Naval Logistics Library (NLL)

NLL is the central point at which all NRTCs are assigned Stock Numbers and tracked in the Navy Supply system

Identify the location where NRTCs are maintained and available for fleet use.

NRTC are housed and maintained on the Non Resident Training Course website.

What impact does a NRTC have in the rating exam process?

NRTCs are source documents for which the Advancement Examination Development Conferences (AEDC) obtains rating exam questions.

NRTCs are assigned points, for whom are these points calculated and how does it benefit these personnel?

NRTCs points are primarily for reservists, reservists receive points which are used towards retirement, as well as, evaluations.

List the external triggers to perform a JDTA.

NTSP Revision ORM Assessment Fleet performance Assessment Direct Fleet Input TRR

Explain the process for an individual qualified on a PQS, and the PQS is superseded by a revision, what happens to the individuals qualification and what must that individual do with the revised PQS?

Once a person is qualified on a PQS, the qualification remains. One of two things happens, a new PQS is taken and all signatures of the superseded PQS are transferred or the superseded PQS remains and the additional line items are signed and kept with the superseded PQS.

Discuss what a Person Event Code (PEVT) is and, where it is found and entered.

PEVT code indicates student status in CeTARS. Because CeTARS data is used daily by higher- level headquarters to make decisions, it is imperative that all student data be entered as it is received by the servicing Training Support organization. A complete list of PEVT codes and the explanation for each can be found at the CeTARS Web Site.

Describe and discuss the seven stages involved in developing materials following the Personnel Performance Profile (PPP) -Based curriculum development method.

PLANNING identifies resources requirement and the sequence of events in the development process. STAGE ONE consists of determining job tasks, supporting skills and knowledge, and level of performance. STAGE TWO determines the skills and knowledge which must be taught and produces the course learning objectives and an instructional sequence. STAGE THREE produces the instructional materials for the instructor and the trainee. STAGE FOUR begins when the Curriculum Control Authority (CCA) has approved a course for pilot and ends with submittal of the Pilot Course Monitoring Report. STAGE FIVE begins after incorporation of the results of the pilot course ("red-line") into smooth curriculum and management materials, and ends with the CCA's Letter of Promulgation that approves the material for use in support of Navy training. EVALUATION is the surveillance, evaluation, change, and revision of the training materials based on assessment of the training materials and the performance of the graduates in the fleet.

Identify the location where PQSs are maintained and available for fleet use.

PQS are available for fleet use and maintained on MNP, in the NAVY PQS portal.

Explain the difference between a PQS and Job Qualification Requirement (JQR).

PQS is qualification requirements among multiple platforms. JQRs is a doc mirrors a PQS, does not have a NAVEDTRA number. Both are TYCOM approve, but JQRs are used for a single platform.

List the responsibility of Participating Activity

Participating Activity - Participating activities will provide assistance to CCMM training activity to develop, revise, modify maintain and review training material when requested.

List the six ITER types.

Personnel Equipment Facilities Curricula Ammunition Correction

Explain the roles and responsibilities for each: Resource Sponsers

Plan, program, fund requirements for design, development, procurement, engineering change, and modernization of the training system for its life cycle. Fund all RTD&E, Operations and Maintenance, FEAs, TDs, Training, Schools, etc

Discuss the seven phases utilized to develop a course within the ILE.

Planning, analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation, and life-cycle maintenance.

State the roles and responsibilities of the LS TRR coordinator for the TRR process implementation and execution:

Plans/ facilitates TRR, meeting coordinator, collects and posts TRR technical documentation, serves as Course Curriculum Model Manager (CCMM).

List the five categories for performance and knowledge tests.

Pre-test For Validation of Material, Acceleration, Pre-requisite, Advanced Organizer Progress Test Blocks of instruction Comprehensive Test: Within Course or Final Exam Oral Test Normally by board (panel of evaluators) assesses trainees comprehension Quiz Short test to assess achievement of recently taught material

Define the following sections of a remediation program: Counseling

Preventive counseling will be instituted in "A" and "C" schools and should include counseling for performance and personal problems.

Explain the approval process of the finalized FEA.

Prior to routing the FEA to the CCA, for approval, send the FEA Approval Request to the Requirements Sponsor, and receive the Requirements Sponsor Approval for concurrence and attach both documents to the FEA.

Describe the use of each test instrument as they relate to knowledge and performance tests : Problem Sheet

Problem sheets present practical problems requiring analysis and decision making similar to those encountered on the job.

State the purpose of a Training Requirement Review (TRR).

Process designed to revalidate individual training requirements and or identify new training requirements as they apply to rate, grade, community, course, systems configuration, or fleet operating procedures.

Discuss the different types of performance tests.

Product: Test involves comparing students efforts to an acceptable completed example. (Within the standards as set forth by the learning objective). Process: Test involves the students' ability to correctly follow procedural steps in completing a task. Combination: Some performance tests require a combination of both process and product measurement.

Explain the roles and responsibilities for each: Enterprises

Provide USFLTFORCOM, resource sponsors, and the TA with operational requirements, feedback, and lessons learned on the effectiveness of the training solution to satisfy the capability requirement. (2) Provide guidance to the PM on training requirements and participate on IPT for design, development, and acquisition/modernization/configuration management of system.

Explain the roles and responsibilities for each: Director, Fleet Readiness Division (OPNAV N43)

Provide fleet readiness training resources and oversight

State the roles and responsibilities of the Stakeholder for the JDTA process implementation and execution:

Provide technical documentation, participates in JDTA .

State the roles and responsibilities of the LC LSO for the JDTA process implementation and execution:

Provides JDTA guidance and assistance. Reviews messages, reports.

State the roles and responsibilities of the LC DOT for the JDTA process implementation and execution:

Provides JDTA oversight and guidance; approves releases of JDTA messages; assigns coordinators and facilitators; reviews and forwards reports.

State the roles and responsibilities of the requirement sponsor prior to and after the completion of a JDTA.

Provides SME prior to and during JDTA; and reviews and approves the JDTA report afterwards.

State the roles and responsibilities of the LC DOT for the TRR process implementation and execution:

Provides TRR oversight and guidance, member of ESC, reviews schedule and approves release of TRR messages.

State the roles and responsibilities of the Participating Activities for an effective testing program

Provides comments, feedback, new test items and maintains test and test item analysis data.

State the roles and responsibilities of the LC LSO

Provides guidance to curriculum developers on testing, monitors Total Quality Indicators (TQI) and test item analysis and remediation programs. Approves KTAGs and PTAGs.

State the roles and responsibilities of NETC N7 for the JDTA process implementation and execution:

Provides oversight of policy and guidance.

State the roles and responsibilities of NETC N7 for the TRR process implementation and execution:

Provides oversight of policy and guidance.

State the roles and responsibilities of NETC for the JDTA process implementation and execution:

Provides policy and guidance for the NETC JDTA Process.

State the roles and responsibilities of NETC for the TRR process implementation and execution:

Provides policy and guidance.

Explain what analysis of alternatives does.

Provides the reader with an outline of the realm of possibilities that are available to address the problem or opportunity. Secondly, it provides the reader with rationale to why some have been eliminated as viable alternatives. Finally, it provides a detailed description of viable options (including a "do-nothing" option) that should be discussed.

Discuss risk assessment in decision making of a BCA.

Provides the reader with an understanding of the risks related to the initiative and how risks vary by viable alternative. Must be performed as a component of the BCA. It assigns an estimate of the risk to likely outcomes of alternatives and includes a risk mitigation strategy for each risk.

Explain the function of PQS?

Qualification system for officers and enlisted personnel where certification of a minimum level of competency is required prior to qualifying to perform specific duties. A PQS is a compilation of the minimum knowledge and skills that an individual must demonstrate in order to qualify to stand watches or perform other specific routine duties necessary for the safety, security or proper operation of a ship, aircraft or support system. The objective of PQS is to standardize and facilitate these qualifications.

What is contained in a Resource Requirements List (RRL)?

RRL is a composite listing of all the materials, facilities, manpower and funding needed to conduct a training course.

NRTC is designated for revision or development, state the functionality of the following: Statement of Work (sow)

SOW is the vehicle which outlines the requirement for both the Learning Center and the contractor developing the NRTC (like a work order).

Explain the five learning levels a knowledge test item may test.

Recognition: Process of verbatim identification of terms, facts, rules, methods, principles, procedures, objects, and the like, presented during training. Recall: Requires the student to respond from memory instead of selecting the response from two or more alternatives. To answer a recall test item, students remember and respond exactly as taught. Comprehension: Requires the understanding of what was taught rather than simply memorizing the information. Used when questions which require interpretation, explanation, translation, and summarizing information. Application: Ability to use acquired knowledge in a job-related situation. Requires the student to demonstrate knowledge through mental skill exercises like performing computation, using information learned during training, and applying it to a new situation. Analysis / Evaluation: Involves the understanding of elements of data and relationships among the data which make the meaning of information explicit. Involves the judgment of the value of effectiveness of procedures or solutions based on data, criteria, or standards.

Explain ITER conditions Red and Yellow.

Red: A situation that currently exists which cancels or stops training/education entirely or degrades NEC-producing training to the point that the NEC cannot be awarded. Yellow: A situation that may result in delayed or cancelled classes, failure to instruct critical learning objectives, degradation in the ability to meet scheduled throughput or quality of instruction, etc., if appropriate action is not taken

Explain the documentation of the FEA as detailed on the FEA template.

Requesting Authority, Requesting Command, Start and End Dates, Reason, documents from existing course (CTTL/PPP/TCCD/JDTA), New Training Requirements, Gaps in Training, FEA of Existing Course Materials, FEA of Training Delivery Methods, FEA of Recommendations Information, FEA Output Statement Information.

State the four triggers to conduct a TRR.

Requests by Requirement Sponsor Fleet Feedback Course Surveillance Curriculum Control Authority (CCA) directed

State the roles and responsibilities of the TRR Executive Steering Committee for the TRR process implementation and execution:

Required component, reviews, validates, and prioritizes TRR Action Chits.

Discuss the purpose of the Implementation Phase.

Resolve any discrepancies identified in the pilot course and implement the course by issuance of the CCA's Letter of Promulgation.

What annexes are included in the final Training Course Control Document (TCCD)?

Resource Requirements Time allocations Other Items

Discuss the Instructor's responsibilities to curriculum

Responsibility to Curriculum: Although most instructors do not become deeply involved with the curriculum development process, they do maintain the curriculum which they are presenting to students. The instructor should know the difference between changes and revisions and how they affect the course of instruction (a change is minor, pen and ink, a revision requires TPP, CCA approval). The instructor should know what the surveillance process is and why it is important to the course. Maintenance of the curriculum is an ongoing effort to ensure course curriculum remains current and accurate. Any deficiency noted as a result of surveillance requires a change to the curriculum or training

Discuss the Instructor's responsibilities to security

Responsibility to Security: Many courses contain materials which are classified for security purposes. In teaching classified information, the instructor must be aware of all requirements for the teaching and storage of classified material. Review the instructions which govern presenting, discussing, storing, and destruction of classified material (OPNAVINST 5510.1 series). Security of classified materials demands constant attention by everyone involved. Behavior has a great impact on the way students adhere to security rules and instructions. Never downplay the importance of the security of classified material.

Discuss the Instructor's responsibilities to training safety

Responsibility to training safety: Safety is an integral part of all elements of NAVEDTRACOM (Naval Education and Training Command) mission. An instructor is a role model for his students. Safety is paramount at all times. The instructor must demonstrate proper safety procedures, in addition to teaching the students. Be aware that the instructor's "actions speak louder than words". The instructor's greatest responsibility is to ensure a safe training environment for his students.

Explain the role of OPNAV as it pertains to OCCSTDS:

Review and approve OCCSTDS per OPNAVINST 1223.1

Explain the role of Resource Sponsors as it pertains to OCCSTDS:

Review and approve the TTA (Training Task Analysis) report.

What are the triggers and process for converting PPP based curriculum to Task based curriculum?

Revision or outdated system in a course where training only needs to be knowledge/task based.

List the internal triggers to perform a JDTA.

Revision to Enlisted Occupational Standards (OCCSTD) Rating Merger Establishment or Revision of a NEC

List the triggers of a FEA.

Revision to a Fleet Requirement Revision to an enlisted Occupational Standard (OCCSTDS) A new system not addressed in the Acquisition Process Fleet Feedback Formal Course Review Establishment/Disestablishment or Revision of a NEC Rating Merger As directed by the Curriculum Control Authority (CCA) Training Requirement Review (TRR)

Describe the web application SERENA.

SERENA is a web-based application which allows Learning Centers to upload, maintain, and Manage Training Project Plans (TPP). It also allows the flow of a TPP from initial submission to final approval or suspense of the TPP.

Discuss the three methods of remediation available to instructors: Scalable

Scalable remediation is designed to assist the trainee who is having difficulty in accomplishing objectives or understanding the material for a major portion of a course, during normal classroom time. Scalable remediation involves one-on-one mentorship or SME engagement of each major objective area that the trainee is having difficulty with using a total recall approach using one or a combination of: text, lab material, flashcards, mentor question and answer sessions.

Discuss Instructor Screening Process.

Screening and Interview Sequence a. Upon identifying a candidate for high-risk instructor duty, the gaining activity shall contact the detaching activity and provide appropriately tailored screening requirements and forms for recording screening milestones. The candidate must be fully screened periodically to the standards outlined below. Training activity COs may wish to repeat portions of the screening, but all training activities shall interview incoming instructor candidates.b. All high-risk instructor candidates shall have the following procedures completed: 1. Service Record Screen. Any adverse administrative entries, below average performance evaluations, non-judicial punishment, etc., shall be brought to the COs attention prior to the interview. The training activity CO may delegate record screening authority to a subordinate within the command. 2. Physical Requirements. 3. Medical Officer Interview, Record Review, and Questionnaire. 4. CO's Interview. The CO's interview is required for high-risk instructor candidates. The interview shall be conducted following the service and medical record screening, and medical officer interview. OPNAVINST 1500.75(series), Policy and Procedures for Conducting High-Risk Training Pg 6 Establish an evaluation program that assesses high-risk instructors in classroom and laboratory or field settings on a recurrent basis, in percentages commensurate with the amount of time spent instructing in those environments

State and discuss the types of sensory learners.

Sensory learning is the first type of learning that occurs for any human being. Its influence is apparent in children as we watch them grow up. Each sense, either singularly or in various combinations, provides a pathway to learning. With that in mind, an examination of sensory learning and its special considerations may provide insight into the learning process. Various types of sensory learners: Visual Learner. Sight is considered the most important sense, accounting for as much as 75 percent of our basic learning. Most early learning comes from seeing and imitating. Therefore, you would be wise to consider using appropriate visual aids in your presentations. For example, visual learners prefer and enjoy graphic illustrations, color coding, maps, written materials to define new concepts, wall charts, drawings and designs and sitting up close during briefs. Be sure to recognize and accommodate students with any visual impairment. Auditory Learner. Hearing is the second most important sense, accounting for a large percentage of the remaining sensory learning capacity. Experts differ on specific numbers, but the significance of sight and sound together is overwhelming. Your speech patterns and volume are critical classroom learning factors. For example, auditory learners prefer a verbal presentation of new information, a lecture, a group discussion to hear other points of view, fast-paced verbal exchange of ideas, a good joke or story they can repeat, verbal cues or pneumonic devices to help them remember information, words to accompany a cartoon, and oral reports from working groups. Just as with sight impairments, you must accommodate students with hearing impairments. Kinesthetic Learner. Although it is not normally identified as one of the senses, the phenomenon of kinesthesia is an extension of sensory learning. Think of it as a sensory perception residing in one's muscles, joints, and tendons that gives people a special awareness of their spatial relationship with their surroundings. Kinesthesia is actually a blend of all senses with psychomotor and perceptual skills. It manifests itself in people's ability to balance or move with coordination. For example, kinesthetic learners like movement, hands-on experience to learn, gestures while making a point, role-play exercises over discussion groups, shaking hands when meeting or greeting people, trying new things without a lengthy explanation of the activity, frequent breaks, regular opportunities to change seating or room arrangement, and they would rather just do it rather than talk about it.

Explain the roles and responsibilities for each: Deputy Commandant for Aviation (DC AVN)

Serve as the primary conduit for all aviation-related JCIDS issues in conjunction with Deputy Commandant for Combat Development and Integration (DC COl), and Headquarters Marine Corps, DC AVN and DC COl shall: Provide guidance to subordinate activities to prioritize and fund CDDs and participate in the NTSP development and review process.

State the roles and responsibilities of the LC CO for the JDTA process implementation and execution:

Serves as CCA, and ensures compliance with NETC policy and guidance; signs and forwards the JDTA Data Report to Requirement Sponsor.

State the roles and responsibilities of the learning center CO for the TRR process implementation and execution:

Serves as CCA, chairs TRR Executive Steering Committee (ESC).

State the roles and responsibilities of the LC CO for an effective testing program:

Serves as CCA; manages Sites, DET; resolves difference, incorporates TYCOM test banks, as appropria

Discuss Sexual Harassment and include possible actions and responsibilities of an instructor

Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment is unacceptable conduct that undermines the integrity of the instructor-student relationship. The Navy has a policy of zero tolerance of sexual harassment, per the SECNAVINST 5300.26 (series) and individual command policy. Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination involving unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when the following occurs: • Submission to or rejection of such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of a person's job, pay, or career. • Submission to or rejection of such conduct by a person is used as a basis for career or employment decisions affecting this person. • Such conduct interferes with an individual's performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.

Describe the Academic Review Board (ARB) process.

Standardized procedures for conducting ARBs are essential to protect individual rights of privacy and fundamental fairness, to ensure accurate and complete records are kept, and to ensure that the best decisions concerning a student's academic progress in a training program are made. The goals of an ARB include: Help students solve problems that may prevent successful completion of training. Determine which students are able to complete training. Determine which students are unable and or unwilling to complete training. Make recommendations concerning their findings.

Discuss the input data that affects training requirement validation.

TCCD, CTTL, PPP, Unresolved TRR Action Chits, Performance Issue documentation, Non- academic Factor documentation, Occupational Standards (OCCSTDs), Navy Training System Plan (NTSP), Safety Issue documentation Job Duty Analysis (JDTA) Data.

State and discuss Training Objective Statement (TOS) codes for both knowledge and skill.

TOS CODE identifies each individual TOS and each TOS has its own unique TOS Code: This TOS CODE is a letter/number identifier placed just to the left of each TOS TOS Codes provide a shorthand method of referring to a particular TOS TOS Codes are used to relate selected PPP line items to designated training objective statements using a TLA form, exemplified in Volume II Sample Products The letter TOS Codes for skill are: TO/(S)—Skill (Background) TO/(J)—Skill (Task/Function) O—Operation P—Preventive Maintenance C—Corrective Maintenance M—Maintenance The letter TOS Codes for knowledge are: F—Familiarization T—Theory The number TOS Codes for skill and knowledge are: 0/ — 1 — 2 — 3 — 4

Explain how TPPs are identified and maintained in SERENA.

TPPs are not serialized by Learning Center. Each TPP is serialized by number with the first available number in the system. However, TPPS are separated by separated by Learning Center for ease of retrieval.

Discuss the products of the Training Path System (TPS) Stage 1.

TPS ELEMENTS (OUTPUTS) Training Objective Statements (TOS) describe skills and knowledge to be learned by the individual. Training Level Assignments (TLAs) list specific PPP line items to be taught, the training environment where each will be taught, and the level of training to be provided to each PPP line item. Table Assignment Matrix (TAM) summarizes the training requirements for PPP Tables listed on the Training Path Chart. (TPC) (see below) by showing all TOS associated with each PPP. Training Path Chart (TPC) graphically shows a complete training path for a category of people by listing courses in the path, and PPP Tables covered by each.

Explain the purpose of the TRR action chit.

TRR Action Chit Message: Summarizes the TRR, date completed, links to CoP, lists quick wins, requests sponsors provide POA&M and provides POC information.

Who has the responsibility to report a MTO.

TSCs/TSDs will submit MTO Reports, via naval message with each command that created an MTO listed as an action addressee and each command's ISIC, TYCOM, and NETC listed and an information addressee.

Explain a targeted JDTA.

Targeted JDTA is performed on specific portions with a course. CCA directs a JDTA when: Insufficient course data exists to support a TRR. A mishap occurs during training that requires immediate action. As directed by higher authority

Discuss the three methods of remediation available to instructors: Targeted

Targeted remediation is designed to assist the trainee who is having difficulty in accomplishing an objective(s) and/or understanding the material during normal classroom time. Targeted remediation involves limited one-on-one mentorship or SME engagement of the objective(s) area that the trainee is having difficulty with, using text and/or lab material.

Discuss test failure policies and associated grading criteria within your learning environment.

Test (if failed), Re-train, Re-test. If passed, the highest score the student can receive is an 80%.

State the roles and responsibilities of the LS Testing Officer for an effective testing program

Test administration, oversees grading, secures tests, maintains test bank(s), coordinates/manages revisions, conducts IS training.

Define the following tests: Formal

Test is graded and is used in the calculation of the trainee's final grade.

State the roles and responsibilities of NETC N7 for an effective testing program:

Testing policy and guidance oversight and monitors compliance by Centers.

State the roles and responsibilities of NETC for an effective testing program:

Testing policy and guidance.

State the purpose of testing.

Tests are the primary tool for determining trainee attainment of the TOs/EOs and, therefore, his/her relative success in the course. Progress/Comprehensive tests are considered formal tests. Critical LOs are always formally tested. Less critical LOs may be formally tested or be informally measured by quizzes, homework assignments, or practical work.

State the purpose of Course Training Task List (CTTL).

The CTTL lists the duties and tasks for a given course, sources for the duties and tasks, and associated Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, Tools, and Resources (KSATR). The CTTL is used to develop learning objectives during the Design Phase. The Personnel Performance Profile (PPP) may be used in place of the CTTL, if the CTTL does not apply.

State the difference between the Course Mission Statement and a Terminal Objective.

The Course Mission Statement might be confused with a TO. The primary difference is that a TO relates to trainee behavior, while the Course Mission Statement is descriptive of the course — not the trainee. Course Mission: Provides the "who", "what job", "degree of qualification", the "where", and "conditions" for training. Terminal Objective: Developed from one or more duties listed on the CTTL, and is a learning objective that the trainee will accomplish by the end of the course?

Discuss the importance of Formal Course Reviews (FCRs) and audit trails.

The FCR program is designed to provide a check of the different elements contained in a course and serves as an excellent source of internal feedback. The completed FCR shall be maintained in the course audit trail for the previous two review cycles. The FCR may be used to: Evaluate the course materials for technical accuracy and teachability. Evaluate course conformance to existing standards and instructions. Assist in the overall management of the course. Assist in identifying areas for course improvements.

Discuss the items developed in Design Phase.

The TCCD is a collection of products that expresses the content, structure, and essential management information for a course. The TCCD consists of the following items: Front Matter Curriculum Outline of Instruction. Annexes.

State the purpose of a Training Project Plan (TPP).

The TPP describes all training and training support elements required to provide trained personnel to operate and maintain systems or equipments, or perform tasks and functions. It provides a Plan of Actions and Milestones (POA&M) to achieve a predetermined implementation date. A TPP describes all the factors necessary to prepare and conduct a successful training program and attain optimum use of personnel, hardware, and funds. The course revision or development described in the TPP should meet, and not exceed, the training requirement.

Discuss the student critique program within your learning environment.

The purpose of the student critique program is to provide feedback to the training and course supervisors on areas such as training and curriculum effectiveness, instructor performance, safety, and quality of life issues. It also provides a source of feedback to the Instructors on their performance.

Discuss the process and artifacts required for a course to transition from the acquisition community to formal as delineated in the Training Transfer Agreement (TTA).

The Training Transfer Agreement is provided to coordinate and ensure successful transfer of training system products for subject acquisition system. This agreement validates the execution status of manpower, personnel, and training items identified in the Navy Training Systems Plan (NTSP) and the Training Systems Installation Plan (TSIP) in order to achieve Ready for Training (RFT). The TTA is intended to be the coordination vice management tool to facilitate effective training transition planning.

Discuss the purpose of the Catalog of Navy Training (CANTRAC).

The centralized production of CANTRAC is now a component of CeTARS. The CANTRAC module is NAVEDTRA (10500) which includes publication of general information on all training activities and course descriptions, which are available on CD-ROM to all ships. It is also available for access via the World Wide Web at the NETPDTC home page to all shore stations, other DoD departments, agencies, services, and contractors.

Discuss the use of a Course Data Processing (CDP) code.

The code assigned to uniquely identify each Course of instruction and its location. Courses with the same Course Identification Number (CIN) taught at more than one location will have individual system-assigned CDPs. Also used to identify different categories of personnel taught the same course at the same location.

Discuss the types of courses listed in a Training Path Chart (TPC).

The following definitions apply to developing TPCs: Background Training: "Prerequisite" training that provides basic technical knowledge and skills required to prepare for further specialized training, or a first assignment. Replacement Training: Prepares new personnel for their first assignment Formal school training to provide people with the minimum required operational and maintenance qualifications on assigned equipment, subsystems, and the system Conversion Training - Training given to previously trained and experienced personnel to enable them to operate and maintain a new/modified system/subsystem/equipment. The training will be sufficient to allow the person to assume new duties at a level, which normally involves replacement training. Advanced Training - Training, which follows replacement/ conversion training. Advanced training normally completes the TOS coverage of particular Hardware/Non-NAVEDTRA Hardware knowledge and skills requiring advanced analysis (defined on 4-14) or undocumented fault isolation. Onboard Training - Training provided aboard ship, and which may include individual operator/maintenance technical training, individual watch station qualifications, watch team training, and training in general military subjects.

Discuss the importance of heat/cold stress, monitoring, and control in a training environment.

The importance is based upon prior conditioning, activity level of the training to ensure Sailors are prepared to participate in the activity and mitigate potential loss of life.

Define the most essential, single link in the training chain.

The instructor: The instructor must simplify the learning process for students of varied backgrounds and experiences in a complex training system. The instructor must present the knowledge and skills required to transform students into proficient and productive members of the operating forces.

In formal training courses where PQS lines may be signed, describe the procedure to inform a receiving command which line items have been completed and signed.

The lines items can be transferred, an interim qualification can be issued or total Requalification of the PQS.

Define a Missed Training Opportunity (MTO).

The loss of a course quota by a command

State the purpose of the Navy Training System.

The purpose of the Navy Training System is to ensure a systematic approach for determining what to train and how best to accomplish that training. Visualize Navy training as a system with three distinct but inter-related elements consisting of: Preparation to train, Delivery of training, and Evaluation of training.

Discuss student feedback/course critique

The purpose of the student critique program is to provide feed back to the training and course supervisors on areas such as training and curriculum effectiveness, instructor performance, safety, and quality of life issues. It also provides a source of feedback to the Instructors on their performance.

State the ultimate goal of instruction.

The ultimate goal of instruction is to cause students to remain motivated beyond the instructor's influence and apply what they have learned on the job and in other areas of their lives

Describe the "A", "C", and "F" type courses of instruction.

This includes initial skill training (i.e., Apprentice Training "A" Schools), rating conversion training (i.e., Master at Arms Training), initial skill Remedial Training, and entry level officer training. A NEC will not normally be awarded. May award a MOS. C - Provides advanced specialized skill/knowledge/aptitude/qualification training required to fill a particular billet (e.g., one which requires a specific skill code is NEC/officer Billet Specialty Training (BST) coded. Course completion awards an NEC or officer BST. May also be awarded a MOS. F - Provides individual functional skill or rating specific training as required by Fleet or Type Commander. No NEC awarded. (Primary funding source: Fleet. Alternate funding: BUPERS on a CNP approved case-by-case basis).

Discuss the importance of listening communication skills.

This is one of our most important communication skills. It is an active process of hearing and understanding, which demands concentration and attention. Both the instructor and the student have responsibilities in the communication process. The instructor must ensure the learning environment is free of distractions, which might interfere with the student's ability to listen, and should be alert to their non-verbal behavior. The instructor should learn to determine if students are listening by the type of feedback they provide. Effective listening depends on motivation and the instructor is the prime motivator. Students must take responsibility for their own learning through active listening, arriving ready to learn, and participating and asking questions.

State the purpose of test and test item analysis.

To determine statistical validity, test and test item analysis techniques are required. The three types of analysis discussed and required for use are: difficulty index, index of discrimination, and effectiveness of alternatives. Test item analysis will be documented in the course's testing plan.

State the purpose of a testing program?

To ensure a quality testing process is implemented to effectively assess the trainee's achievement of learning objectives.

Explain the final stages of a BCA: Implementation Strategy

To ensure that those approving the business case understand the resources they must allocate (people, dollars, time) to complete the recommended next steps of the initiative. Includes: Major phases, High-level work plan/deliverables/target dates for completion, Costs, Personnel, assignment of responsibilities for risk mitigation.

State the purpose of a Front End Analysis (FEA).

To establish a defendable and repeatable process to determine the best training and media delivery methods to satisfy training requirements that exist from a new training requirement, or identify a training gap in an existing course.

State the purpose of a Job Duty Task Analysis (JDTA).

To establish a repeatable and defendable job analysis process of developing or revising training content development or revision in order to satisfy fleet training requirements. It is the first step in the Course Development and Revision E2E (end to end) Process.

What does Naval Training Systems Requirements, Acquisition, and Management provide?

To establish policy for planning, determining, and documenting manpower, personnel, and training (MPT) requirements for Navy and integrated Navy/Marine Corps new and modernized acquisition systems across the entire continuum of Navy training (ashore, pier-side and afloat).

State the purpose of Impaired Training and Education Report (ITER) Policy and Reporting Procedures.

To establish the process for reporting conditions that may reduce the ability to train and/or educate personnel, and to seek assistance from their chain of command when necessary.

Explain the purpose of the executive summary of a BCA.

To provide a concise summary of the key highlights of the business case. The reader should be able to understand what the project is about, the role of the project in the department's plan/direction, and the business justification of the project as well as how it will improve the overall efficiency and/or effectiveness of the government.

Explain the final stages of a BCA: Conclusion and Recommendations

To provide the reader with a selected alternative based on an overall evaluation of the alternatives in terms of impact, risk and cost/benefit. Specific recommendations for moving a project forward are also presented.

What document is prepared for traceability in support of new and or modernized Naval capabilities?

Traceability will be articulated in the form of a Navy Training System Plan (NTSP).

Discuss Mishap reporting

Training Mishap. Any mishap that occurs to instructors, students, or assets while conducting formal, traditional, nontraditional, or unit level training as a result of the curriculum or the environment (including training devices, materiel, or equipment, etc.) as identified in reference (b) - OPNAVINST 5100.8G.

Discuss the item(s) developed in Plan Phase of Task-Based Curriculum development.

Training Project Plan (TPP): Used as a blueprint for the development of a new course or revision of an existing course. CCA approves the TPP.

Identify when job sheet development should begin in the Instructional Systems Design (ISD) process?

You will begin Job Sheet development: This process begins as soon as the TPS is done This is done to make sure that skills drive, or force, content of the curriculum

Discuss the items developed in Analyze Phase.

You will examine and analyze all available documents/data in order to determine what is necessary to do a job. The duties, tasks, and/or skills that you select for training will be organized in a Course Training Task List (CTTL). The CTTL is the output of the Analyze Phase and is the building block of the new/revised course.

Define "high-risk" course.

a. A term to describe a known or unknown condition or state where an elevated probability of loss or an increased level of severity is likely or imminent. b. A term used to describe situations that require special attention and/or intervention to prevent a declining situation. c. May imply a dangerous situation.

explain the contents of a TPP

a. Curriculum Control Authority (CCA) TPP endorsement letter b. Cover page c. Course data d. Justification e. Safety Risks and Hazardous materials f. Curriculum development method g. Resource requirements h. Compensation i. Milestones


a. LP Lesson Plan b. DDA pages Discussion-Demonstration-Activity pages. c. TO Terminal Objective. d. EO Enabling Objective. e. DP Discussion Point. f. RIA Related Instructor Activity. g. IMM/VI Instructional Media Material/Visual Information.

Discuss the purpose of Instructional Media Materials (IMM).

nstructional materials that present a body of information and are largely self-supporting rather than supplementary in the teaching-learning process. These materials have applications for independent study/skill acquisition.

Define the three "Task Sets."

the following descriptions will help to identify who will be trained, or that group of personnel for which the training is to be designed: Coordinator: who has overall authority and responsibility (i.e., CO/XO, the system manager) Director: direct supervisor, i.e., department head, division officer, leading petty officer Performer: One who does the hands-on work of operating and/or maintaining the system, subsystem, or equipment, or doing the task/function, i.e., technician/operator?

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