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State the purpose of a Human Performance Requirement Review (HPRR)

- Revalidate individual training requirements - Identify new training requirements as they apply to rate, grade, community, course, systems configuration, or fleet operating procedures.

What are the rules of conduct known as the instructor's code of ethics?

1. If the answer is unknown, admit it. 2. Keep remarks professional and appropriate (no profanity) 3. Be patient 4. Maintain rapport with students (no sarcasm) 5. Treat students with respect (be sincere).

Explain the 6+2 Training Program

6+2 is a training program that compresses the traditional 8-hour training day to 6 hours of continuous training coupled with 2 hours of remediation for the students who need it. For the FCR purposes, review application of 6+2 to ensure optimal use of resources and improvements to the student learning process.

State the purpose of a business Case Analysis (BCA)

A BCA is a structured methodology to facilitate the decision-making process. It is a continuous process from conception of an alternative or solution to implementation.

State and discuss the occurrences of a Missed Training Opportunity (MTO)

A command has a quota for a student who does not report for a course and the command does not provide replacement. A command cancels a granted quota in four or fewer working days prior to a course's convening without providing a replacement. A student does not meet course prerequisites (i.e. does not have needed waiver or not able to produce required documentation for medical screening, weapons qual, domestic violence compliance, etc.) A student is absent from the course of instruction to the extent that he/she cannot obtain credit for the course. A student cannot obtain credit for the course of instruction due to the command recall of the student.

Explain the purpose to pilot a course

A pilot serves to validate a Curriculum and its Supporting Materials. The Pilot Course Develop Phase includes formal approval of the course for instruction and placing it on line.

What is the difference between a comprehensive test and a progress test?

A progress test is used at various points in the course to evaluate the trainee's progress. A comprehensive test is used to measure mastery of the critical objectives or retention of the material previously tested. Comprehensive test may be performance of knowledge.

In a remediation program, discuss what the primary and secondary goal is

A remediation program's primary goal is to motivate and assist trainees in achieving the critical learning objectives of a course by providing additional instructional study time. A second goal of remediation is to remove barriers to learning. Because trainees learn in different ways, it may be necessary to use different methods of remediation to realize the most effective results.

What is the definition of "Bottleneck"

A scheduling situation that occurs when it becomes necessary to divide a class into two or more groups in order to cycle each group separately through the scheduled training periods. Bottlenecks will be reflected on the Course Master Schedule and Master Schedule Summary Sheet.

Describe the web application SERENA

A web-based application which allows learning Centers to UPLOAD, MAINTAIN and MANAGE TPP's. It also allows the flow of a TPP from initial submission to final approval or suspense of the TPP.

Describe the "A", "C", and "F" type courses of instruction

A: Provides basic knowledge and skills required to prepare for rating entry level performance. This includes initial skill training (i.e., apprentice training "A" schools), rating conversion training (i.e. master at arms training), initial skill remedial training, and entry level officer training. A NEC will not normally be awarded. May award a MOS. C: Provides advanced specialized skill/knowledge/aptitude/qualification training required to fill a particular billet (e.g. one which requires a specific skill code is NEC/officer Billet Specialty Training (BST) coded. Course completion awards an NEC or officer BST. May also be awarded a MOS. F: Provides individual functional skill or rating specific training as required by Fleet or Type Commander. No NEC awarded. (Primary funding source: Fleet. Alternate funding: BUPERS on a CNP approved case-by-case-basis)

Explain the purpose of American Council on Education (ACE)

ACE evaluates formal training courses that are 45 academic hours of longer and makes credit recommendations to civilian post-secondary schools, colleges and universities.

Discuss when Academic Review Board (ARB) may be convened

ARBs will be convened when all other means of academic counseling, remediation, and an initial academic setback have failed to improve student performance. The initial academic setback may result from an academic counseling session and be directed by the course supervisor. Additional academic setbacks must be directed by the ARB.

Discuss what type of course is considered "high-risk"

All basic or advanced, individual or collective training in a traditional or non-traditional environment which exposes the crew, staff, students and/or assets to the potential risks of death, permanent disability, or loss during training.

Prospective instructors must qualify within what period of time at cherry point?

All prospective instructors are required to complete both the instructor preparation/practice requirements and initial instructor qualification within ninety days after completion of NITC. The instructor preparation/practice period begins at the date of check in and can be conducted in conjunction with NITC. If initial qualification is not completed within this time period, the FTS will conduct an evaluation to determine if the instructor's failure to qualify is due to lack of suitability for instructor duty.

Discuss the purpose of the Emergency Action Plan (EAP)

An internal plan to be implemented immediately upon advent of a mishap to aid involved persons and to control and/or safeguard the scene. This plan will be developed for all high risk training evolutions and must include at a minimum: primary and alternate communications, telephone numbers, radio channels, call signs, locations of emergency response personnel, locations of emergency equipment, equipment shutdown procedures, muster site and methods to maintain control of the scene, non-affected personnel, and all immediate emergency procedures. The EAP should be a simple checklist or sequential list of response of expected and immediate actions by personnel in control of the event to aid and extract mishap victims from the scene.

State the three basic actions completed in identifying hazards phase of the ORM process

Analyze the mission List the hazards Determine the hazard root cause

State the six factors that must be considered in planning instructional delivery

Articulation Grammar Rate of speech Pauses Inflection Force (of delivery) (navedtra 134 ch 5 pg 57-62)

Discuss periodic requirements for safety stand-downs

At a minimum, commands shall conduct one safety stand-down per year. Additional safety stand-downs may be warranted at the discretion of the commanding officer.

List and discuss the four principles of John Keller's model of motivational theory.

Attention: Attracting attention is an important first step, but don't be fooled. Learners will certainly pay attention if you do something surprising like blow a boatswain's pipe. But unless what you do after that makes sense to learners or is relevant to them, you won't keep their attention and they are unlikely to learn what follows. Learners must think about what they hear, see, or do to optimize learning. The vivid descriptions of relevant sea stories or questions posed directly to the learner are among the best strategies that can capture their attention and focus their thinking. Relevance: Relevance motivates trainees by connecting what they are learning to what they will be doing on the job. When they see the relevance, they are more likely to put forth the effort it takes to understand and apply what is being taught. Confidence: When students feel confident they can do something competently, even if it takes some effort, they are more likely to give it a try. Instructors can guide learners by helping them set challenging but achievable goals, building their confidence, and helping them become aware of the relationship between effort and success. Satisfaction: Feeling good about an experience often serves as its own motivator. Some tasks are rewarding in themselves, and students will stay motivated until they achieve their goals. Other times, recognition from others contributes to their sense of satisfaction. As an instructor, you can increase learners' satisfaction by creating opportunities for them to succeed, maintaining high standards, and recognizing students' attainment of those standards. (NAVEDTRA 134 Ch. 3 Page 27)

State and discuss the elements that make up a Learning Objective (LO)

Behavior: What the trainee is expected to do after the training Standard: How well the trainee is expected to do the behavior Condition: Circumstances under which the behavior will be performed

State and discuss the importance of body movement as an important part of successful communication

Body movement reinforces, emphasizes, and clarifies verbally expressed ideas.

Discuss the functionality of CeTARS

CeTARS is a navy-wide automated information system designed to manage and support the navy training effort. Cetars collects, compiles, and PROVIDES training MANAGERS and HIGHER ECHELONS of the navy (e.g. opnav, nrc, bupers) with STUDENT and COURSE information.

State and discuss the characteristics of a good oral question

Clarity of Meaning: Do not use trick phrases. Ensure the question being presented convey the true or intended meaning. Make questions brief, limiting them to one thought, not to confuse the student. State questions clearly and in conversational tone. Level of instruction: Use simple words, grammar which is correct, and complete sentences. Use words students can understand. Use of an interrogative: Be sure to use the interrogatory at the beginning of your question so that the students know immediately when a question is being asked. navedtra 134 ch 5 pg 70 and 71

Discuss the major steps in the instructor qualification process at CNATT MARUNIT Cherry Point

Completion of NITC Completion of Indoc by FTS 30 Day Observation Period Required trainer qualifications as required Two satisfactory evaluations, one technical by SME and one technique by MTS 30 day evaluations for 3 months, waiverable after the first satisfactory evaluation at the course supervisor's discretion.

State and discuss the four basic learning styles

Concrete learners: prefer an experienced based approach to learning. They rely heavily on their own feelings and personal judgments. Active Learners: prefer to learn by becoming involved with the subject and taking an active step by step approach. They learn best from small group discussions, structured exercises, and problem solving approaches. A trial and error way of learning appeals to them. Reflective learners: like to observe and reflect (make comparisons and contrasts) before drawing conclusions. They learn best from lectures, films, and reading. Reflective learners prefer to play the role of the impartial observer while watching others. Abstract Learners: Prefer a theory based, analytical approach to learning. They learn best from lectures by experts, theoretical reading, case studies, and activities that require solitary thinking. Abstract learners like to find the theory behind the subject matter and analyze the approach to discover what concepts are involved (navedtra 134 ch 4 pg 39 & 40)

List and discuss the two types of testing methods used in testing

Criterion-Referenced test: Assesses whether required level of skill or knowledge is met. Norm-Referenced: Estimates individual skill or knowledge in relation to a group norm (e.g. Navy Advancement Exams).

Identify who determines what curriculum development model will be used for curriculum modifications within your learning environment

Curriculum Control Authority (CCA)

List the contents of an approved TPP

Curriculum Control Authority (CCA) TPP endorsement letter Cover Page Course data Justification Safety Risks and Hazardous Materials Curriculum Development Method Resource Requirements Compensation Milestones

List the items developed in the Develop Phase

Curriculum materials, which include the following: Lesson Plan (LP) Trainee Guide (TG) Test Items Instructional Media Material (IMM)

State the purpose of a Training Project Plan (TPP)

Describes all training and training support elements required to provide trained personnel to operate and maintain systems or equipments, or perform tasks and functions. It provides a PLAN OF ACTION AND MILESTONES (POA&M) to achieve a predetermined implementation date. A TPP describes all the factors necessary to prepare and conduct a successful training program and attain optimum use of personnel, hardware, and funds. The course revision or development described in the TPP should MEET AND NOT EXCEED, the training requirement.

Explain the roll of the Course Curriculum Model Manager

Developing, Revising, and Maintaining a course. For courses taught at only one site, the CCMM duties will be performed by the LS where the course is taught. For courses taught at two or more LSs, the CCA will designate the CCMM.

State the purpose of the Content Planning Module (CPM)

Documents and maps Navy Job Duty Task Analysis (JDTA) data to Navy learning content. Supports the design of ILE compliant learning content through Learning Objective and COI development.

State the purpose of a Personal Qualification Standard (PQS)

Ensures personnel are COMPETENT. Compile the MINIMUM KNOWLEDGE and SKILLS that an individual must demonstrate. Standardize Qualification Requirements.

What are the responsibilities of the Course Supervisor regarding testing?

Ensures proper test administration Ensures security of test materials Monitors and validates test item bank currency Monitors, performs and validates test and test item analysis, forwarding findings to the CCMM

What does Naval Training System Requirements, Acquisition, and Management provide?

Establishes policy for Planning, Determining, and Documenting Manpower, Personnel, and Training (MPT) requirements for acquisition systems across Navy training.

List the triggers to perform a JDTA:

External: NTSP Revision ORM Assessment Fleet performance assessment Direct Fleet Input HPRR Internal: Revision to Enlisted Occupational Standards (OCCSTD) Rating Merger Establishment or Revision of a NEC

State the four purposes of oral questioning:

Focuses attention Arouses interest in subject matter Drills students on subject matter Stimulates students to think (navedtra 134 ch 5 pg 69 and 70)

Define Integrated Learning Environment (ILE)

ILE is a collection of automated information systems that use information technology to STREAMLINE TRAINING processes, AUTOMATE LEARNING MANAGMENT functions, and DELIVER TRAINING using electronic means to the total force in the schoolhouse, while deployed or at home.

State and discuss five ways of learning:

Imitation: Students observe the behavior of others (primarily the instructor) and imitate that behavior. Even without direct reinforcement of the repeated behavior, learning still occurs. Trial and Error: Also called discovery learning, trial and error is learning by doing. Hands-on experience is how some students learn and are able to achieve success sooner. The instructor is instrumental in setting the proper example for the student, resulting in fewer errors. Association: A comparison of past learning to new learning situations, association is a mental process which serves as a reference point for students. New problems are easier to comprehend and solve when there is a similar element which can be remembered from past experiences. Insight: Insight is the understanding that the whole is more than just the sum of the parts. To learn by insight, the learner grasps the way the elements of a problem situation are connected. It is unplanned discovery of a solution to a problem, often called the -- ah-ha phenomenon resulting from a mental reorganization of ideas and concepts rather from simple trial and error. Transfer: The process of applying past learning to new but somewhat similar situations. This is an important process in navy technical training because the training environment can rarely duplicate the actual job environment. If possible, use of the actual equipment the student will use in the fleet should be used for training (NAVEDTRA 134A Ch 4 Pg 35)

Who has initial approval authority of a TCCD?

Initial approval authority for a TCCD is the Curriculum Control Authority (CCA)

Discuss the purpose of Instructional Media Materials (IMM)

Instructional materials that present a body of information and are largely self-supporting rather than supplementary in the teaching-learning process. These materials have applications for independent study/skill acquisition.

List the three types of training materials provided by the ILE

Instructor-led training Interactive multimedia instruction Blended

How often are student counseling sessions required to occur?

Instructors will conduct counseling on each student at the beginning and end of each training cycle, as soon as problems or potential problems occur, as well as periodically throughout.

Explain how "cost benefit" impacts a BCA

Insures the reader can easily understand and compare the INITIAL and ONGOING expenditures to the expected FINANCIAL and NON-FINANCIAL benefits (TANGIBLE and INTANGIBLE) for each viable alternative.

Discuss the process of piloting a test

It is a review process to assess test reliability and validity and make corrective adjustments before actually collecting data from the target population. It includes: Review by SMEs, piloting by CCMM and forwarded to LSO for approval, testing trainees who are in the end states (test results not to count), surveying trainee test results, using test item analysis and survey to improve the test instrument.

State the purpose and periodic requirements for fully exercising the EAP. How often must it be reviewed for accuracy of information? How often is it to be fully exercised?

It is an internal plan to be implemented immediately upon advent of a mishap to aid involved persons and to control and/or safeguard the scene Conduct quarterly procedural walk-through(s) and fully exercise and validate emergency action plans (EAPs) annually.

Define a Missed Training Opportunity (MTO)

It is the loss of a training quota by a command

State the purpose of a Job Sheet

Job sheets direct the trainees in the step-by-step performance of a practical task they will encounter in their job assignment.

State and discuss the three qualities of an efficient and effective instructor

KNOWLEDGE: Be a SME. Know more than just what you teach. Train to meet needs of Navy, not individuals. Know basic instructional strategies and techniques. ABILITY: Professional ability; leadership skills planning and organizing, optimizing use of resources delegating authority, monitoring progress and results, disciplining and rewarding. Instructional ability; be efficient and effective. Know principles, methods, techniques of instructions, and how to apply them. PERSONALITY: Gain the respect of the students by displaying a professional attitude towards others, showing sincere interest in students regardless of race, geographical heritage, or level of intellect.

Discuss the two methods of testing and their importance

Knowledge: Tests that measure the achievement of objectives through the use of test items written at the appropriate learning level. Performance: Measure skill acquisition by having the student demonstrate specific behaviors defined by learning objectives. Navedtra 134 ch 8 pg 114

State and discuss the barriers to effective communication

Lack of common core experience: you are unlikely to find any group in which students have the same common core experience. Overuse of abstractionisms: concepts, ideas, or words that are not directly related to the subject being discussed. To avoid confusion you should speak in concrete terms be specific. Fear: One of the greatest barriers to effective communication. The far of showing ignorance, fear of disapproval, fear of losing status, and fear of judgment are common barriers. Environment factors: such as noises and temperature may interfere with the communication process (navedtra 134 ch 4 pg 54-56)

State and discuss the six laws of learning

Law of Readiness: States that people can only learn when they are physically and mentally ready Law of Exercise: Stresses that practice makes permanent and perfect (when taught correctly) Law of Effect: Involves the emotional reaction of the learner. Learning will always be much more effective when a feeling of satisfaction, pleasantness, or reward accompanies or is a result of the learning process. Law of Primacy: States that the first instructional event often creates a strong, almost unshakeable, impression on the learner. Law of Intensity: States that if the stimulus (experience) is real, a change in behavior (learning) is far more likely to occur. Law of Recency: All things being equal, the things learned last will be best remembered. (NAVEDTRA 134 Ch. 4 Pg 30)

State the relationship between CeTARS and CANTRAC

Learning Center data populated in CeTARS automatically updates and feeds CANTRAC for course information.

List and discuss the different instructional methods

Lecture: lecture method is an instructional presentation of information, concepts, or principles. Its main purpose is to present a large amount of information in a short period of time. Lecture with audiovisuals: Lecture with audiovisuals includes visual and/or audio learning aids. Lesson: The most often used method of classroom instruction within Navy training is the lesson method. The lesson method is interactive in nature and is primarily used to transfer knowledge or information to the students. Demonstration: The basic, and most often used, method of instruction for teaching skill-type subjects is the demonstration method. It covers all of the steps your students need to learn a skill in an effective learning sequence. Role-playing: Role-playing requires the students to assume active roles in a simulated situation followed by a group discussion. navedtra 134 ch 6 pg 79

Define the full term for the following abbreviations/acronyms: LP DDA Pages TO EO DP RIA IMM/VI AIM CPM FEA R3 SCORM

Lesson Plan Discussion-Demonstration-Activity Pages Terminal Objective Enabling Objective Discussion Point Related Instructor Activity Instructional Media Material/Visual Information Authoring Instructional Materials Content Planning Module Front End Analysis Reuse, Repurpose and Reference Sharable Content Object Reference Model

List and describe the primary materials used in presenting instruction

Lesson plan: Front matter, lesson topics. Ensures proper sequence and depth required by objectives. Instruction Sheets: (OJPAID) Outline, Job, Problem, Assignment, Information, and Diagram, provide the students with information or directions. Instructional Media Material/Visual Media Material: IMM is specially prepared transparency, illustration, video tape/DVD, computer-based, flash animation or PEG movie, slide presentation, or exhibit that will assist students in understanding and expedite their learning

Discuss who is responsible for maintaining a Master Record Audit Trail and what it contains

Maintaining the course audit trail is the responsibility of the CCMM. The contents of an audit trail will be maintained for the life of the course. Audit trails contain the following information: A summary of major events impacting the course. This may be official correspondence or a memorandum to file. All pertinent correspondence leading to course development or revision. Reports of trips, conferences, meetings, necessary for course development or revision. Memoranda of conversations impacting the course development or revision. The rationale that influenced curriculum decisions. Copies of all supporting documents, including appropriate approval letters. Types of supporting documents will vary based on the standard used for development. A copy of the Pilot Course Monitoring Report. CCMMs shall ensure the audit trail and master course materials are up-to-date and securely saved. CCMMs shall maintain a duplicate of the audit trail and master course file in a separate location to prevent loss of the material in the event of a disaster. Site master copies at other LS/DET/Participating Activities that teach the course fulfill this requirement.

Identify and describe the third step in the ORM process

Making risk decisions. There are 3 basic actions, which ultimately lead to making informed risk decisions: identifying control options; determining the effect of these controls on the hazard or risk; and, ultimately deciding how to proceed 1.) Identify control options 2.) Determine control effects 3.) Make risk decisions.

What is the minimum passing grade for a course at CNATT MARUNIT Cherry Point

Minimum passing score for all tests at CNATT MARUNIT Cherry Point is 75% as indicated in the Testing Plan

Discuss the types and purpose of oral questions

Multiple answer: has more than one correct answer. Increases student participation Yes/no: can be used to arouse interest Canvassing: Helps to determine how many students may already be familiar with the subject matter. Leading: Suggests its own answer Interest arousing: used to focus student attention Factual questions: asks for specific information Thought provoking: stimulates student thinking (navedtra 134 ch 5 pg 71-73)

List and discuss the key principles of applying motivation theory in a training situation.

Needs and drives: A need or drive is usually defined as a lack of something desirable or useful that causes a desire for satisfaction. Example: the need to belong can motivate a student to seek group acceptance. That need, or drive, can cause the student to behave in a manner which eventually reduces the need and results in satisfaction. Attitudes: Attitudes consist of feelings for or against people, objects, or ideas. Show students a positive attitude when presenting a lesson. The students seeing a positive reinforcement from the instructor will cause a desire to learn the material. Achievements: Achievement is a strong desire, an aim, a goal or a desired objective . To make an effort to succeed interesting students must have a need to achieve at a certain level. Values: The student's values, attitudes, and previous experience affect the nature and the amount that the student learns. The instructor must use a motivation technique which fits the student's value system. Interests: Refers to a person's view of an activity as worthwhile or enjoyable for its own sake. As an instructor, learn to control student interest throughout the lesson. If the student loses interest, the learning process breaks down. Incentives: Incentives (rewards) stimulate student motivation. Good grades, awards, choice of orders out of school, or selection as an honor student can motivate students to achieve (NAVEDTRA 134 Ch 3 Pg 23, 24)

List and explain the hierarchical structure of work

Occupation: Family of Jobs with common set of skills Job: Duties and Tasks in an occupation Duty: Set of Related tasks Task: Behavior, Condition, Standard, ORM, Delivery KSATR Sub-Task: Major part of a task Step: Major part of a sub-task

Explain the difference between a PQS and Job Qualification Requirement (JQR)

PQS is qualification requirements among multiple platforms. JQRs is a doc mirrors PQS, does not have a NAVEDTRA number. Both are TYCOM approve, but JQRs are used for a single platform.

What are the six phases of Task Based Curriculum Development method used to create or revise curriculum materials?

Plan Phase Analyze Phase Design Phase Develop Phase Implement Phase Evaluate Phase

State and discuss the five categories for performance and knowledge tests

Pre-test: For validation of Material, Acceleration, Pre-requisite, Advanced Organizer Progress test: Blocks of instruction Comprehensive test: Within course or final exam Oral test: Normally by board (panel of evaluators) assesses trainees comprehension Quiz Short: Test to assess achievement of recently taught material.

State the purpose of Impaired Training and Education Report (ITER) Policy and Reporting Procedures

Process for reporting conditions that may reduce the ability to train, and to seek assistance from their chain of command when necessary.

Discuss the different types of performance tests

Product: Test involves comparing students efforts to an acceptable completed example (Within the standards as set forth by the learning objective) Process: test involves the students' ability to correctly follow procedural steps in completing a task Combination: some performance tests require a combination of both process and product measurement. Navedtra 134 ch 8 pg 12

Discuss how AIM ensures training materials are developed and revised per prescribed specifications and guidelines

Provides automated conformance to standards (NAVEDTRA 130A/131A, ILE) resulting in efficient, cost effective development & maintenance of learning content.

Discuss what Navy E-Learning provides to its customers

Provides education and training anytime, anywhere in the world. Eligible Navy eLearning users are Department of Navy (DoN) (Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard) members, retirees and DoD military family members enrolled in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS).

What is contained in a Resource Requirements List (RRL)

RRL is the composite listing of all the materials needed to conduct training.

Explain the five learning levels a knowledge test item may test

Recognition: Process of verbatim identification of terms, facts, rules, methods, principles, procedures, objects, and the like, presented during training. Recall: requires the student to respond from memory instead of selecting the response from two or more alternatives. To answer a recall test item, students remember and respond exactly as taught. Comprehension: Requires the understanding of what was taught rather than simply memorizing the information. Used when questions which require interpretation, explanation, translation, and summarizing information. Application: Ability to use acquired knowledge in a job-related situation. Requires the student to demonstrate knowledge through mental skill exercises like performing computation, using information learned during training, and applying it to a new situation. Analysis/Evaluation: Involves the understanding of elements of data and relationships among the data which make the meaning of information explicit. Involves the judgment of the value of effectiveness of procedures or solutions based on data, criteria, or standards.

Explain the ITER conditions RED and YELLOW

Red: A situation that currently exists which cancels or stops training/education entirely or degrades NEC-producing training to the point that the NEC cannot be awarded. Yellow: A situation that may result in a delayed or cancelled classes, failure to instruct critical learning objectives, degradation in the ability to meet scheduled throughput or quality of instruction, etc. if appropriate action is not taken.

State the four triggers to conduct a HPRR

Requests by Requirement Sponsor Fleet Feedback Course Surveillance Curriculum Control Authority (CCA) directed

Define the following sections of a remediation program: Retest: Setback: Drop from training and attrites: Counseling: Academic Review Boards (ARBs):

Retest: When the trainee does not achieve a test's minimum passing grade, the retest may cover the portion of the test the trainee had difficulty with or the entire test. This decision should be based on the degree of difficulty the trainee had with the test. Setback: A setback occurs when the trainee is unable to complete the training in the designated time allotted for a course. Setbacks are classified as either ACADEMICA or NON-ACADEMIC. Because setbacks are costly, they should be granted only after all methods of remediation have been exhausted and/or there is an indication that a setback is in the best interest of the Navy and trainee. Drop from training and attrites: Every effort will be made to help trainees succeed. However, there are times when the trainee is clearly unsuited, unable, and/or unwilling to complete the course. If this occurs, the trainee is dropped from training. Trainees dropped from training may be classified as an academic drop, nonacademic drop, or disenrollment. Trainees who are discharged from the Navy will be classified as attrites. Counseling: Preventive counseling will be instituted in A and C schools and should include counseling for performance and personal problems. Academic Review Boards: ARB's will be convened when other means of academic counseling, remediation, and an intial academic setback have failed to improve trainee performance. The initial academic setback may result from an academic counseling session and be directed by the CS. Additional academic setbacks must be recommended by the ARB and approved by the CO.

What are the external trigger events that drive the need to develop or revise training materials?

SHTF NFH - SAFETY performance assessment - directed by HIGHER authority - training planning process methodology (TPPM) - fleet performance assessment (FCR) - navy training system plan (NTSP) - direct FLEET input - human performance requirements review (HPRR)

Define SCORM

Sharable Content Object Reference Model is a model that INTEGRATES a set of RELATED TECHNICAL STANDARDS, SPECIFICATIONS, and GUIDELINES to ENSURE INTEROPERABILITY of computer-delivered course materials across LMS delivery environments.

List the three levels of proficiency within Skill and Knowledge

Skill: Level 1: Imitation Level 2: Repetition Level 3: Habit Knowledge: Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension Level 2: Application/Analysis Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation

Discuss the purpose of Occupational Standards (OCCSTDS)

Statements of the minimum skill required of Navy enlisted ratings as established by primary (resource/warfare) sponsors. They are the basis for implementing and supporting actions for Manning, Distribution, Training and Advancement (MDTA)

Explain the purpose of Casualty Reporting (CASREP)

Support the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) and commanders in the management of assigned forces. Alerts the Naval Safety Center for incidents which are crucial to mishap prevention. The effective utilization and support of U.S. Navy units and organizations require an up-to-date, accurate operational status for each unit. An important part of operational status is equipment casualty information. The reporting of casualties results in operational commanders and support personnel being advised of the status of significant equipment malfunctions which may result in the degradation of a unit's readiness.

Describe the information found in the following publications: NAVEDTRA 130 NAVEDTRA 132 NAVEDTRA 134 NAVEDTRA 135 NAVEDTRA 136 NETCINST 1500.2

Task Based Curriculum Development Testing Program Navy Instructor Manual School Management Manual Integrated Learning Environment (ILE) Master Training Specialist Program

State the purpose of testing

Tests are the primary tool for determining trainee attainment of the TOs/EOs and, therefore, his/her relative success in the course. Progress/Comprehensive tests are considered formal tests. ***Critical LOs are always formally tested. Less critical LOs may be formally tested or be informally measured by quizzes, homework assignments, or practical work.

State the purpose of the Course Training Task List (CTTL)

The CTTL lists the duties and tasks for a given course, sources for the duties and tasks and associated Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, Tools and Resources (KSATR). The CTTL is used to develop learning objectives during the Design Phase. The Personnel Performance Profile (PPP) may be used in place of the CTTL if the CTTL does not apply.

Discuss the importance of Formal Course Reviews (FCRs) and audit trails

The FCR program is designed to provide a check of the different elements contained in a course and serves as an excellent source of internal feedback. The completed FCR shall be maintained in the course audit trail for the previous two review cycles. The FCR may be used to: Evaluate the course materials for technical accuracy and teachability. Evaluate course conformance to existing standards and instructions. Assist in the overall management of the course. Assist in identifying areas for course improvements.

Discuss the items developed in the Design Phase

The TCCD is a collection of products that expresses the content, structure, and essential management information for a course. The TCCD consists of the following items: Front Matter, Curriculum Outline of Instruction, Annexes

Discuss the purpose of CANTRAC

The centralized production of CANTRAC is now a component of cetars. THe cantrac module includes publication of general information on all training activities and course descriptions, which are available on CD_ROM to all ships. It is also available for access via the WWW at the NETPDTC home page to all shore stations, other DoD departments, agencies, services, and contractors.

Define the most essential, single link in the training chain

The instructor. Simplify the learning process for students of varied backgrounds and experiences in a complex training system. Present the knowledge and skills required to transform students into proficient and productive members of the operating forces.

State the difference between the Course Mission Statement and a Terminal Objective and what they provide a trainee

The primary difference is that a TO relates to trainee behavior, while the Course Mission Statement is descriptive of the course -- not the trainee. Course Mission: Provides the "who," "what job," "degree of qualification," the "where," and "conditions" for training. Terminal Objective: Developed from one or more duties listed on the CTTL, and is a learning objective that the trainee will accomplish by the end of the course.

State the purpose of the navy training system

The purpose of the navy training system is to ensure a systematic approach for DETERMINING WHAT TO TRAIN and HOW best to accomplish that training. Visualize navy training as a system with three distinct but inter-related elements consisting of: PREPARATION to train, DELIVERY of training, and EVALUATION of training.

Discuss the instructor's responsibility to curriculum

They maintain the curriculum which they are presenting to students. Know the difference between changes and revisions and how they affect the course of instruction (a change is minor, pen and ink, a revision requires TPP, CCA approval). Know what the surveillance process is and why it is important to the course. Maintenance of the curriculum is an ongoing effort to ensure course curriculum remains current and accurate. Any deficiency noted as a result of surveillance requires a change to the curriculum or training.

What is the importance of listening communication skills?

This is one o four most important communication skills. It is an active process of hearing and understanding, which demands concentration and attention. Both the instructor and the student have responsibilities in the communication process. The instructor must ensure the learning environment is free of distractions, which might interfere with the student's ability to listen, and he should be alert to their non-verbal behavior. He should learn to determine if students are listening by the type of feedback they provide. Effective listening depends on motivation and the instructor is the prime motivator. Students must take responsibility for their own learning through active listening, arriving ready to learn, and participating and asking questions. (navedtra 134 ch 5 pg 56)

State the ultimate goal of instruction

To cause students to remain motivated beyond the instructor's influence and apply what they have learned on the job and in other areas of their lives.

State the purpose of test item analysis

To determine STATISTICAL VALIDITY, test and test item analysis techniques are required. The three types of analysis discussed and required for use are: DIFFICULTY index, index of DISCRIMINATION, and EFFECTIVENESS OF ALTERNATIVES. Test item analysis will be documented in the course's testing plan.

State the purpose of a Job Duty Task Analysis (JDTA)

To establish a REPEATABLE AND DEFENDABLE job analysis process of developing or revising training content development or revision in order to satisfy fleet training requirements. It is the FIRST STEP IN COURSE DEVELOPMENT/REVISION END-TO- END PROCESS.

State the purpose of a Front End Analysis (FEA) and when it is performed

To establish a defendable and repeatable process to determine the best training and media delivery methods to satisfy training requirements that exist from a new training requirement, or identify a training gap in an existing course. Typically performed after the JDTA has been conducted.

State the types of sensory learners

Visual Learner Auditory Learner Kinesthetic Learner (Navedtra 134 ch 4 pg 38)

List the volumes of the NAVEDTRA 130 and their purpose

Volume 1: Development Guide: Designed for use by the individual revising or developing training material as it contains standards for course development. Volume 2: Sample Products: Contains samples of each of the management and curriculum documents formatted in accordance with Volume 1 Volume 3: Managers Guide: Explains the managers responsibilities in each of the six phases of Task Based Curriculum Development

Discuss what Drop on Request "DOR" is and the procedures for conducting one

When any student in a voluntary, as identified in reference (g), high-risk training course desires to quit or DOR, the student need to make such intentions known. The student will be immediately and expeditiously removed from the training area. A written summary of action taken is entered in the student's service record and a copy is maintained in the command's permanent records.

Discuss the items developed in the Analyze Phase

You will examine and analyze all available documents/data in order to determine what is necessary to do a job. The duties, tasks, and/or skills that you select for training will be organized in a Course Training Task List (CTTL). The CTTL is the output of the Analyze Phase and is the building block of the new/revised course.

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