Muhammad pt. 1

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(1) It was a mercy from Allah for Muhammad to die slowly from poison because he completed his mission before he died. (2) All the prophets have suffered. (3) Muhammad was affirmed to be a true prophet because the woman said "if you were a false prophet you would have died." How did he know to take the poison from his mouth? (4) Allah did this also so Muhammad could die a martyr and receive more blessings in heaven.

- (1.1) What was the purpose in God having Muhammad suffer in this way? Why didn't Allah allow Muhammad to complete his mission without a slow and painful death? Why is it that God could heal through Jesus, but he didn't want to heal Muhammad from poison? - (1.2) Muhammad could have completed his mission without having to suffer from poison. Right? - (2) I agree that prophets usually go through hardship. But there seems to be a contradiction here. In one instance Allah doesn't want his prophets to suffer, and this is why he saves Jesus from the cross. Yet in another instance it appears that Allah wants Muhammad to go through the greatest possible suffering. Why is this? How can we know that Muhammad's slow and painful death is not a curse from God? - (3.1) Is it possible Muhammad knew to take the meat out of his mouth because it tasted funny to him, as if he knew it was poisoned beforehand then he wouldn't have eaten it? - (3.2) Muhammad knew to take the meat out of his mouth but he did not know not to eat the meat in the first place (it does not take divine revelation to know that you should not eat a meal cooked by someone whose family you just killed). And Muhammad did not know to eat the seven dates that morning to protect from poison. I wonder why Allah forgot to tell him. - (3.3) Why would Muhammad allow the Jewish woman to cook his meal anyways? Does this seem very wise? I mean, while you might be focused on the animal talking to him, I am still stuck at how the heck he thought it was a good idea to allow this woman to cook his meal. Should Muhammad not have known this was a bad idea from the beginning? It would have been better if he realized it earlier too, that way he would not have damaged his aorta. So, while you see miracle, I see stupidity. - (4.1) So are you telling me that God saved Jesus from the cross so he wouldn't have to suffer, yet he didn't save Muhammad from poison? Did God just not want Jesus to receive a lot of blessings? How does that make sense? - (4.2) Does Muhammad not already get enough blessings with all the Muslims wishing him peace? Could Allah not have had him die in battle or rewarded him without making him suffer?

Muhammad didn't sin, just like Jesus.

- Do you think all prophets are sinless or just Jesus and Muhammad? What do you think of Adam disobeying God and eating from the fruit tree or Moses killing the Egyptian? Did Muhammad ever repent or ask forgiveness from God? If he did, then I think this is the difference between Jesus and Muhammad. Jesus never needed to ask for forgiveness because he never sinned. In fact, Jesus forgave people of their sins on behalf of God and he said that the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name through his death and resurrection. What do you think of the Quran verse where Allah says "we will forgive you of your past and future sins?" Doesn't this indicate that Muhammad did commit sins? If Muhammad didn't commit sins in the past, then why would Allah be promising forgiveness to him? - By what standard are you using to judge whether Muhammad was sinful? For example, if you consider Muhammad the standard of perfection then how could there be any way you would not consider him sinless? Are you aware that Muhammad is sinful if compared with the Old Testament law in the Bible? Are you aware that if we compare Muhammad to what Jesus teaches in the Bible, we find that he committed many sins? For example, Jesus defines marriage as between one man and one woman in Matthew 19:4. Didn't Muhammad marry multiple women? Are you aware that Muhammad was committing adultery by marrying more than one woman according to Matthew 19:9 and Mark 10:11? Are you aware that Muhammad was encouraging other men to commit adultery with other women by allowing for divorce for any reason? Did Muhammad love his enemies as according to Matthew 5:44? If he did, then why did he go to war with them? Are you aware that Jesus discourages fighting with the sword in Matthew 26:52? - What do you mean by that? Do you mean that Muhammad lived a life similar to Jesus in the Bible? If Muhammad and Jesus did opposite things and contradicted one another regarding what is sinful then they cannot both be right. Correct?

The wisdom of the prophet Muhammad gave me a tremendous sense of peace and it was true and applicable to daily life. It was the wisdom I was searching for.

- Don't many people find wisdom in other religions as well, like buddhism or confucianism? What makes the wisdom of Muhammad particularly special? How do you deal with some of things that Muhammad said like drinking camel urine, saying women are less intelligent than men, or saying the Kaaba and the Mosque in Jerusalem were only built a few years apart? Could we agree that if Muhammad wasn't a true prophet then some of his sayings would be very strange? For example, entering the bathroom with a certain foot, seeking refuge from Satan when yawning, Satan sleeping in your nose when you sleep, not using your left hand because the devil uses his left hand, etc. Wouldn't all this be meaningless if Islam wasn't true? So why do you think Muhammad was right and that he was a true prophet? - Do you think Muhammad is more wise than Jesus in the Bible? How so? - Why can Satan not be wise exactly? Is he not supposed to deceive people?

One of Muhammad's miracles was splitting the moon.

- Even if this did happen, how do we know this was from Muhammad? Are you saying a crack on the moon can be because of no other reason? - Well, have you considered that this verse about the moon splitting (54:1) was one of the earlier verses in the Quran? It was the 37th chapter revealed, and it was given in Mecca. Yet, in the later verses like 13:7 (Medina - 96th revealed) and 29:50 (Meccan - 85th revealed) that people are still asking Muhammad for miracles and Muhammad is told to reply that he is just a warner. In other words, he gives excuses for not doing miracles. So how can this verse be talking about the miracle of the moon splitting when the Quran seems to deny it? And does it not seem that this verse is simply, referring to the end times? - If Muslims bring up the pictures with cracks on the moon: The earth has cracks on it, does this mean it was split in half before too?

Muhammad is the last and final messenger.

- Have you considered how Jesus says in the Bible that John the Baptist is the last prophet in the line of Abraham? For example, in Matthew 11 Jesus says, "For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John." Furthermore in Luke 16 we read, "The law and the prophets were until John." I believe this word "until" implies that after John there will be something different. There will no longer be the law and prophets like those in the Old Testament. Thus, Muhammad claiming to be a prophet like Moses is actually contradicting Jesus. After Jesus, we are told in the Bible that our God is able to communicate with us directly through the Holy Spirit. Thus, there is no need for a prophet in order for believers to hear from God. What do you think of this? - Let me ask you a question. If someone came today and said that he is a prophet after Muhammad and that he has come to fix the corruption that has occurred in Islam and the Quran what would your reaction be? If you would reject him then my question becomes: why do you reject this for your religion, but then expect Christians and Jews to accept this with Islam? For example, our book says that God will protect his word, and it tells us that anyone who brings a different message from that which is written in this book is a false prophet. It also says that John the Baptist was the last prophet because after him God will speak to everyone directly. Thus, there will be no more need for traditional prophets. What do you think of this? - Why is Muhammad the last prophet exactly? Is it because Allah finally decided to preserve his word? Why not send anyone to confirm the message of Muhammad? After all, in the Bible we see that God almost always sends multiple prophets at a time as confirmation of his word. We see this with Jeremiah and Danial, Elijah and Elisha, as well as with the disciples of Jesus. Furthermore, the Bible tells us that we should evaluate the prophecy of any prophet by comparing it to the prophecies of other prophets. This is to protect against false prophets seeking to lead people astray. Isn't this important considering that Muhammad seems to have brought something completely different from any other revelation? Why would God make us all depent upon one person as opposed to multiple people, especially when this seems uncharacteristic of him with his past revelation? Why send so many prophets if we cannot compare their messages to see if they were preaching the same thing?

Why are you using the Bible? I don't care what the Bible has to say about the criteria of prophethood.

- How can one know Muhammad is a true prophet if the guidelines for a true prophet have been corrupted? If there is no outside criteria, then isn't this just Muhammad validating himself? Don't the words of God have to be incorruptible because there has to be a standard of truth? - If there is no way to compare someone to past prophets, then how exactly would we know whether or not someone was a false prophet? - Then why do you use the Bible when trying to prove to me that Muhammad is a prophet?

Muhammad is bringing the same message as past prophets.

- How can we use only Islamic sources to confirm that Muhammad is consistent with previous revelation. Isn't this just circular reasoning? - If you have to use what Muhammad says about past prophets in order to know that he agrees with past prophets then is this not just Muhammad validating himself?

The helper in John refers to Muhammad.

- How did you come to that conclusion? Have you ever considered the fact that Jesus refers to this helper as a spirit that will live inside the disciples? Do Muslims believe that Muhammad fulfills this qualification? The verse also says that the helper will come in the name of Jesus. Did Muhammad come in the name of Jesus? Furthermore, in John 14:26, Jesus says the helper is the Holy Spirit. Muhammad did not call himself the Holy Spirit. Right? Also, in John 14:17, it says that the apostles already knew this spirit of truth. So this could not be Muhammad because the apostles did not know him. - Do Muslims believe that Jesus actually used this specific language about God and himself? If not, why do Muslims appeal to this verse as being a confirmation of Muhammad? - Jesus says he sends prophets in Matthew‬ ‭23:34-36‬‭‬, "Therefore, indeed, I send you prophets, wise men, and scribes: some of them you will kill and crucify, and some of them you will scourge in your synagogues and persecute from city to city... Assuredly, I say to you, all these things will come upon this generation." Thus, there were other prophets coming after Jesus besides Muhammad. - The purpose of the comforter is to convince people and glorifying Jesus and realize that everything the Father owns belongs to Jesus. John‬ ‭16:14-15‬ ‭says, "He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you." - The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father, meaning he always existed. Also, Jesus is sending this person. John‬ ‭15:26‬ ‭‬‬says, ""When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me." ‭‭Likewise, John‬ ‭16:7‬ ‭‬‬says, "But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you."

The angel Gabriel is the one who gave Muhammad his revelation.

- How do we know it was Gabriel who appeared to Muhammad? For example, my grandma saw an angel of light before and it lied to her. In the Bible it is written "Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light." So how do we know this was truly the angel Gabriel? - Didn't Muhammad think the angel was a demon? Is this not a problem? In Christianity angels are not so easily confused for the demonic. - Have you considered that it would generally be illogical for God to go through a third party in order to deliver his revelation? The reason is that this would leave the door wide open for fallen angels and demons to disguise themselves and give humans false revelation. What do you think of this? This is why in the Bible we mainly see prophets receiving direct revelation from God. - Consider this verse in the Bible: "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God's curse!" So because an angel came to Muhammad and was preaching him a different gospel, this means that the message of Muhammad is wrong and accursed. God knew that Islam was going to appear and he was giving humanity a warning. Otherwise, how did Paul know to write this words and essentially predict that an "angel" was going to come later on and teach a gospel different from the one he was preaching? - And during the satanic verses incident, where was Gabriel exactly?

In response to Muhammad's miracles.

- How do we know this miracle actually happened? Even if this miracle did happen, how do we know these miracles are from God? Do you think false prophets can do miracles? What do you think of this statement by Jesus: "For false christs and false prophets will rise and show signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect"? - I thought muslims believed that the Quran is sufficient enough of a miracle? So why did Muhammad need to do any other miracles?

Muhammad's major prophecies come true, that's how we know he's a true prophet.

- I certainly agree that prophets can prophecy, and this is one of their biggest roles. However, do you think false prophets cannot prophesy? Do you accept all prophecies of Muhammad? How do you know those prophecies came true? Is there any evidence outside the Islamic sources? How long after were these prophecies written down? Is it possible that legend could have creeped in? Is this the only criteria of a prophet? What do you think of the prophecies in the Torah about Jesus? - So if Muhammad told a false prophecy would this make him a false prophet? If so, what would it take for you to believe Muhammad told a false prophecy? Muhammad said "I will not leave any but Muslim in the Arabian peninsula." In the Quran he said "you will never worship what I worship" to the pagans, but they became Muslims. He also said "I will never worship what you worship" but Muhammad received the satanic verses and worship their goddesses.

Muhammad was kind to orphans.

- I certainly agree that there were times when Muhammad was kind to people, including orphans. However, wouldn't you agree that a person's good actions do not cancel out their bad actions? For example, just because Muhammad was nice to orphans, do you think this excuses the times he was mean to orphans or other people? - Hitler was nice to many people, but he was also responsible for the mass murder of many people. Would you agree then it's important to look at all of the actions of a persons life, not just isolated events, in order to make a judgment or whether or not a person was good? - But he prohibited adoption and thus prevented them from growing up in a loving family. So how is this kind? - So if he was unkind to orphans what would this mean? Are you aware that Muhammad cursed an orphan girl and made her cry? - What do you think false prophets act like? After all, if he was mean to them then how would he trick you into believing he was a true prophet? Have you considered that Jesus warns about wolves in sheep's clothing in the Bible? - But wasn't he mean to non-orphans? Why is it okay for him to be kind to orphans but mean to others?

Muhammad was the greatest prophet.

- In what way was Muhammad greater than Jesus (i.e. miracles, sin, etc.)? - I'm confused. Don't muslims believe that all the prophets were sinless? Don't muslims also believe that all of the prophets brought the same message? So how exactly is Muhammad the greatest prophet? After all, he could not have been greater in regard to perfection and message. Right? - In what ways do you think that other prophets just were not that great?

Muhammad did not lust after Zainab. In fact, if he really did like her he would have married her long before. He also wouldn't have said to Zaid "keep your wife."

- Is it possible there are other reasons why Muhammad did not marry Zainab right away? For example, Qurtubi and Tabari seem to suggest Muhammad first felt attracted to her when he saw her undressed. In regard to your second point, isn't it true that Arab society found it very shameful for men to marry their adopted son's wife? Couldn't fear of looking bad to in front of his community have been enough of a reason for Muhammad to have denied Zaid's offer to divorce Zainab? Why do you think past Muslims did not have a problem with including this information, but modern Muslims have a problem with this? Don't you think the fact that Qurtubi and Tabari included this information points to the fact that this event possibly happened? If Muhammad did lust after Zainab while she was still married, would this hurt his credibility as a prophet? - Al-Qortoby on Quran 33:50 says that there are sixteen special privileges granted to Muhammad. The tenth one states that, if Muhammad sees a woman that he likes, her husband must divorce her so that he can marry (lit. نكاح) her. What do you think of this in light of the story with Zainab? (In Arabic it states: وأما ما أحل له صلى الله عليه وسلم فجملته ستة عشر... العاشر : إذا وقع بصره على امرأة وجب على زوجها طلاقها ، وحل له نكاحها.)

The level of cleanliness in Islam is so amazing. Muslims overall have better cleanliness practices than Christians and westerners.

- Okay. Let's say Islam teaches good cleanliness. So? What does this have to do with salvation and whether or not this is the correct religion? Consider the words of Jesus in Matthew 23 when the Pharisees bragged about their cleanliness, "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess....Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity." Thus, Jesus says that it does not matter how clean your body is if on the inside you are full of sin. This is why we need a savior. Would you like to discuss this more? - Are you aware that Muhammad used three stones to wipe after going to the bathroom? Would you consider this to be very clean? But you just said water was so good at cleaning. So why did Muhammad need stones? - I'm confused. Christians follow Jesus. Are you saying that Jesus did not have good cleanliness practices? It seems that you could argue that we do not properly following Jesus, but how can you say that Jesus did not teach good cleanliness (especially when you think he was a Muslim)? - Buddha also had some good practices. But that does not make him a true prophet. Right? So what do you think makes someone a true prophet? - So you think that Islam invented washing oneself with water? - I do agree with you that the bidet is cleaner. I personally like to use one. In fact, many Christians who live in Europe and the Middle East use bidets. So why do you think bathroom cleanliness is not encouraged in Christianity when there are Christians who do this too? Even non-Christians use bidets. So it is possible that this is more of a cultural issue? Why is it Christianity's fault if some Christians follow a cultural practice of not washing with water? - So you are saying you wash for health reasons? Well, if Islam cared about health then why does it not care about the spread of STDs with multiple wives and even sex slaves? (STDs cannot occur in monogamous relationships, but do occur when a person has multiple sex partners). Or why does it not care about cousin marriages which result in higher levels of deformity for the children? - So Islam commands you to wash yourself but then commands you to drink urine? Well, what is the difference in keeping yourself clean if you are just going to ingest those things you are washing away? - Water in many third world countries is not something you would want to wash yourself with five times daily. Right? Just think of the Nile. And to wash yourself with the clean drinking water would actually be a waste, especially if people have to travel very far just to attain water for the day. Furthermore, if someone is living in cold environments without a heating system it would be terrible to expect them to wash themselves with freezing cold water multiple times a day. And if there is no water, do muslims not have to cover themselves in dirt? That is not very sanitary, yet you are arguing that Islam upholds cleanliness. If cleanliness is most important in Islam, then why would Allah want you to use dirt as opposed to simply not using anything at all? - Well, the reason you do this is not necessarily for cleanliness. After all, the only reason that Muhammad gives is to get Satan out of your nose in the morning. Right? - Where exactly does the Bible say that Christians should not practice good hygiene? - As a Christian, I completely agree with you that we should be clean. In fact, the Bible tells us that our body is a temple and that we should honor God with our bodies (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). So, of course Christians are supposed to prioritize cleanliness. - And what is the point of bodily cleanliness when you do not have spiritual salvation? - But Muslims do not even wash the parts which are stinky. You can have clean hands but what good does that do when you still have smelly armpits? - I have no issue with being clean, but I think it is strange to make this a requirement to talk to God. After all, you can command cleanliness but not make this linked to prayer. This is especially strange considering that Muslims can talk to God via supplications even when they are not in a state of cleanliness. Is this not contradictory? - Let me ask you a question. If a man cleaned every inch of his body with the best soap on the planet, would he be ready to pray with no ablution? Of course not. He would still need to do ablution to get ready for prayer. Thus, ablution in Islam is not about cleanliness. It is about ritual. As another example, every time a Muslim passes gas they have to redo ablution. But what does gas have to do with cleanliness? In other words, what does washing your hands, face, mouth all over again have to do with air coming from your backside? So, again, this is all about ritual. - Talking about the bidet: Where does Islam say to wash your backside with water when you go to the bathroom? Last time I checked, Muhammad said to use three stones. - Did you know that Jesus washed his disciples feet? He also commanded a full Baptist with water when you become a Christian (although these are not at all about cleanliness).

In Islam we are supposed to remember God constantly. Before we do anything we're supposed to invoke the name of God. Just about everything you can think of there's a prayer for it said by the Muhammad and the words are so pure, wise, and appropriate for whatever it may be. Just about anything you can think of he has set an example of how we can pray to Allah.

- That is wonderful to remember God constantly. But I'm confused, why do you need an example of how to pray for everything? Do you think all of the words of Muhammad are wise? For example, did he not advise his followers to drink camel urine, claim that the Kaaba and mosque in Jerusalem were built only a few years apart, and say that people's head would turn into a donkey if they raised their head before the Imam? - The Bible also encourages us to remember God constantly. For example, are supposed to pray without ceasing and do everything for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).

What Muhammad did was a normal thing at that time. He was acting according to his time.

- That's fine I understand that. But the issue becomes is he a moral example for you today? Morality doesn't change, so does this mean Muhammad was doing something morally wrong in the eyes of God? - Wouldn't this make Jesus superior to Muhammad? For example, Christ, in a time where slavery was rampant, owned no slaves. At a time where the Jews were subject to Roman rule, he fought no wars. At a time when he was persecuted, he did not use violence, nor did he encourage his followers to use violence. At a time where people were self-centered, he taught his followers to love their enemies. - So your argument is that the pagans did it so it must not be that bad? Do you really want to take your morality from what the pagans thought to be okay? - I am confused. Why exactly does Muhammad need to do what was normal back then? After all, Jesus lived in a time where many bad things were normal but he never did those things. Furthermore, Muhammad often did the opposite of what was considered normal. For example, he married his adopted son's wife. So, just because it was normal does not mean he needed to do this. So why did he do this? - So if something normally happens in society you would support it? - Is something morally okay if everyone else is doing it? In other words, when something occurs normally in society this makes it moral and good? - Okay. So if Muhammad lived today would he would not have married Aisha. Correct? - Is pedophilia a mental issue today? Meaning, are the people who engage in pedophilia mentally ill? So today pedophilia is a disease, but in the past it was not a disease. Do do diseases work like that? - So someone can only be a false prophet if he acted contrary to societal norms? Well, Muhammad did that. Or someone can only be a false prophet if the people around him deemed him to be so? - Was Allah a product of seventh century Arabia too? - But, by engaging in this practice, is Muhammad not also causing it to be "normal" today? - So, because this is not normal today, then if I follow Muhammad am I committing a sin? - But did Muhammad not realize the danger? Did he not realize what a dangerous president he set? After all, he knew he was an example for all mankind. It seems he should have had some foresight about the future. Jesus certainly had some foresight, which is why he never owned slaves, never allowed for child marriage, etc. (If the Bible was really corrupted, then why does it seem like those who wrote it were so morally advanced?)

Allah knew there was going to be the Hadith so that's why he didn't put Muhammad's miracles in the Quran.

- That's interesting. Our Bible contains everything and we don't need to go to secondary sources. I wonder why the Quran is different. But in this case, do you think that Allah has preserved the Hadith like the Quran, since it would be pretty important for Muslims to know whether or not their prophet has done all these miracles of not? Or do you think that these Hadith could be subject to embellishment overtime, especially considering that they were written hundreds of years after Muhammad's lifetime. So do you think this could be an explanation for why the Quran mentions no miracles but the Hadith do? If Muhammad didn't do miracles, would you consider him to still be a prophet? - Well, many things that are included in the Hadith are also included in the Quran. So I am not sure what you are getting at. If Allah wanted to include Muhammad's miracles in both there is no reason why he could not have done this.

Jesus says that there should be no sign given into certain people except the sign of Jonah. It was like this with Muhammad in the Quran. But he did do miracles, like Jesus.

- Well I think this difference is that the Bible describes Jesus as doing many miracles as proof of his prophethood, and even in this verse we see that Jesus will give them one more sign, which is his death and resurrection. So, the Bible describes Jesus as doing miracles, and I think the Quran describes Jesus as doing miracles. So why would Allah take the time to describe the miracles of all the other prophets but not his last and best prophet? - Have you considered that Jesus did all of the miracles he was asked to do, it was only when people persisted in their unbelief that Jesus stopped doing miracles for them. In contrast, Muhammad denied doing the miracles he was asked to do over and over again. Of course, we all believe that God can do miracles, but I think these people wanted Allah's confirmation that Muhammad was a true prophet through miracles. Do you think this is an unreasonable request?

In Islam we have no mediator.

- Well that's interesting. You seem to be implying that we have a mediator in Christianity. Why do you think this? - I've heard that Muhammad will intercede for Muslims on judgement day. Is this true? - If you need no mediator, then is it possible to say the shahada without the part about Muhammad? For example, consider the creed in the Torah: Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. Here, there is no need to put a prophet's name, like Moses, next to God because it is understood that belief in God alone is what is essential for faith. Why does Islam not share this?

Muhammad was illiterate. How could he have written anything like the Quran? It must be from God.

- What do you mean by illiterate? Wasn't the Quran oral? Doesn't this mean he didn't actually need to read or write? Wasn't Arab society known for their amazing oral poets? Is it impossible that Muhammad would have picked up on these things after 40 years? Are you aware that Mormons make the same argument about their prophet, Joseph Smith? - If Muhammad was really illiterate, then would it not make sense for him to not know the actual contents of the Torah and the Gospels? Is this not exactly what the Quran reflects? So does this not prove that the Quran is the writing of Muhammad and not Allah? After all, why do the gospels seem to perfectly understand the current content of the Old Testament, but the Quran does not seem to understand the current content of the Old or New Testament? Why does Allah take the time to address my belief in the Quran but he does not care about actually getting my beliefs right? - It is said that the gospels are amazing works of literature. In fact, scholars who are not Christian study the Bible and teach courses on its amazing literary setup and features. The thing is, the people who wrote the Bible were mere carpenters, tax collectors, and fishermen. It is quite unusual that they would have been such amazing writers and storytellers. So could this point to the fact that the Holy Spirit wrote the gospels? Why do you accept this logic with the Quran but you do not accept the same logic for the gospels? - The famous classical Greek poet Homer was blind and hence could not read or write either. Yet, he composed one of the most famous pieces of literature. - You do not need to know how to read to say oral poetry.

Muhammad is from Ishmael.

- What proof do you have of this? Did you know that the Bible says that Ishmael was born to a Hebrew father and an Egyptian mother? If Muhammad is truly a descent from Ishmael then wouldn't this mean he was Egyptian and Hebrew, not Arab? Did you know that archeology has shown that Arabs have existed since the 9th century BC, while Abraham lived around the 2nd century BC? Doesn't this prove that Muhammad comes from a different, Arab line that began way before Ishmael? - Did you know that the the early Muslim scholars could not agree on the exact linage of Muhammad? They could not decide how many generations were between him and Ishmael, and they didn't know from which of Ishmael's descendants Muhammad came. What do you think of this? - I'm confused. How does this fact prove that Muhammad is a prophet? If you believe Ishmael was the father of the Arabs then don't all Arabs descend from him? So aren't all Arabs a candidate for prophethood, not just Muhammad? There were many Jews who were from the line of Abraham but many of them were not prophets. Likewise, what does Muhammad being from Ishmael have to do with his prophethood? Prophethood has to do with whether or not God truly calls someone. After all, if Muhammad was not from the line of Ishmael would you say that he was not a true prophet? - So if he was not from Ishmael would this make him a false prophet? - Any biblical prophecies where Muhammad must be a descendent of Ishmael: but does the Bible not call Ishmael "a wild donkey of a man" in Genesis 16:12? So is this really who you want Muhammad to be descended from? Would the Bible really be saying that an amazing prophet is coming in the line of Ishmael if it also describes Ishmael like this? - Are you not just using Islam to prove Islam?

Muhammad was a true prophet.

- Who do you consider to be a true prophet? What do you think distinguishes Muhammad from false prophets? How can one know Muhammad is a true prophet if the guidelines for a true prophet have been corrupted? Isn't this just Muhammad validating himself? - If there is no way to compare someone to past prophets, then how exactly would we know whether or not someone was a false prophet? - Do you know that Jesus warns about false prophets and wolves in sheep's clothing? - What do you think false prophets act like?

Muhammad's marriage to Aisha was justified because she had reached the age of puberty.

- Why do you believe Aisha reached the age of puberty? For example, Aisha was playing with dolls while she was married to Muhammad. Do mature girls still want to play with their dolls? Also, are you aware that the Quran allows for the divorce of a girl who hasn't even menstruated? So doesn't it follow that it also allows for marriage before puberty? Furthermore, in order for there to be a waiting period there must have been a consummation of the marriage (see Quran 33:49). - Is every girl who reached the age of puberty ready for marriage, no matter how young they are? Or do you think there are other factors that affect a girl's readiness for marriage? Would it be okay for a six or nine year old girl to get married today? If not, how can Muhammad be a perfect example? If yes, why do you think society considers this marriage to be wrong? - Are you aware that a girl who has menstruated early does not mean she is physically ready to bear children? For example, her hips might not actually be wide enough to bear a child. This is especially the case at 9 years old. Also, mentally they are also not read to bear children. - So if she did not reach the age of puberty this marriage would have been wrong? - Consider this. The Byzantine empire at the time of Muhammad had an age of consent and marriage of 13. Likewise, the Persian Empire allowed mariage from age 9, but only on condition that consummation was delayed until age 12 (C. Baugh "Minor Marriage in Early Islamic Law"). So there were laws against intercourse with 9-year-olds in the two dominant empires at the time, even if they did have their period. Finally, Soranus (a Roman doctor from Ephesus who worked in Alexandria and Rome) wrote 400 years prior to Muhammed about the medical dangers of early pregnancies. If everyone else knew better than to marry young children, then why did Muhammad not know better? Why was his moral compass so skewed compare to everyone else that he did not realize the danger of 9-year-old girls marrying? Muhammad even interacted with foreigners throughout his lifetime, so he was exposed to these ideas. And why did Allah not know better?

Muhammad had two signs of prophethood. He had red eyes and a sign on his back which a Christian monk confirmed.

How do these signs prove prophethood? Aren't these just diseases? If these signs are only found in Islamic sources, then wouldn't this mean that Muhammad is just verifying himself as a prophet? If someone had these signs today, like red eyes and a sign on his back, would you say that he is a prophet? If not, why not?

When someone brings up any of the miracles of Muhammad or any of his superhuman qualities.

I don't necessarily trust the Islamic sources because they were written down long after Muhammad's lifetime. However, even if Muhammad did all these amazing miracles or had these amazing qualities, isn't he still a human being? What are the reasons besides these things that I should believe him and his message? Did you know that Jesus warned us that false prophets will come and do amazing signs to deceive many people?

How did Muhammad know there was a crack on the moon?

I don't think he did. When I go to the NASA page, they actually say there is no point in time when the moon was split. Would you like to see this? However, I'm confused. Is prophecy your criteria for a prophet? Or do you think false prophets can also prophesy?

Islam is true because of Muhammad's miracles, there's science in the Quran, and Shariah law is magnificent.

Other people have claimed to do miracles. Do you believe in their message because of their miracles? What specific miracles are you talking about and why do you think those sources are trustworthy? As for science, do you accept all science or just some science? If the Quran contradicted any modern science, would that be proof the Quran is not from God? If not, then how can science be used to prove the Quran is from God? As far as Shariah law, what makes it particularly special in comparison to other law codes? Do you think countries which implement shariah law today are more prosperous and safe than other countries which don't implement shariah law? Why is it that so many muslims want to flee Islamic countries in order to come and live under western law?

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