mui 422 midterm

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insurance you have to have license someone licensed invite ABC VA cant sell alc unless your charity


intelligent lighting, run on DNX, how you can communicate to lights, looks like microphone cable communicate to all lights from light board, program them to do, sequence them to do certain things certain colors, setting scenes and faders


is legal jargon for "to take notice of or witness". A witness is a person who testifies under oath in a trial or a deposition in the lawsuit.

Events and permits continued

-Early 2000s effects contracts and insurance application and that is 9/11 -Patriot act: people can be searched questioned put on a list with terrorism -Key word is terrorism, opened up whole market of now since us may be attacked now have to pay more for terrorism coverage and pay more for it -Can waive that fee but taking a chance

deal as artist

-Hire own opener/ Sub Deal -Artist after show has to pay out to management -If you make own deal iht opener, manager wouldn't be involved but he would be mad, no managers or agents involved, don't have to do anything to money -Example continued: if splitting with opener 655/2=327.5

SL series stageline mobile stages

-Know the closest ones to you and call in advance so you can get one -Rent stage have someone teach how to do it throw in skirt don't do it yourself? -Skirt covers up cinder blocks etc -Black mesh dont want sail, do those stages they anchor themselves to own structure, structure as legs out and put in the ground, because of hydraulics its holding it down, if you build room over something then strapped down to scaffolding tower you have a big giant metal box with sail on top pretty much hot air balloon, major gust it will take it

1 per 100 people portables

-Should double it but law requirement is 1 -10 for every thousand people -10,000 100 portables -Peak attendance is what matters that's the number you pay attention to it -health code 1 porter john one per 100 people order handicap

door deal

Refers to a specific deal type in which the artist does not receive a guarantee, but instead takes a percentage of the ticket sales. (Example: $0 vs. 65% of gross). percentage of the gate, that's if we are making money off who shows up whatever comes into the door, paying at the door etc that value x attendants= money available to pay artist or % deal etc Ex 100 % door/gate (come in and paid) gate= how many people have showed up a should equal amount that has paid Example 100% of soon x bw split % off door (concession people etc) (may say 100% but after certain people take money out) buyer= booed showe/paying/organization; on contract, responsible for paying/guaranteeing money; get to control spending of money % of door deals are negotiated


or sometimes a stereo pair of ____on a mixing console that controls the overall level of the summed audio output. In some hardware and most software mixers, the master fader can be automated to control fades that are to be applied to the mix as a whole.

flat guarantee

paid no matter what a certain amount

gross wages/compensation

paying money/know what kind of deal you're on

fire and rescue/ police

safety (local) Fire and rescue hat to know you have response station /procedures known Police want to make sure you're following requirements and want to know security police public safety genre= how they want to policy security etc

permits and counting stuff

selling food portables


sound gain microphones plugged into XLR Condenser Microphone phantom power inputs Auxiliaries speakers


temporary restaurant permit/license food trucks are waived

Guarantee with vs deal is

the best/smartest


total miles toured 3 of show on schedule/# of days on the road are crucial, different because you don't have a show everyday

phantom power

transfer electric power through a microphone cable so microphone operates, since you need more voltage adds up to 48 volts needed (labeled as +48 V on most audio equipment) is a method that sends DC voltage through microphone cables. It is best known as a power source for condenser microphones, though many active DI (direct input) boxes also use it.

fee info

websites /orgs make money off processing fees Merch 80%-20% split (venues take 20% of all merch yo usell/ lose money or merch Still need to make more money or you'll lose money or merch Why merch is so expensive Can only be for tangibles (merch group sells that is not owned by another entity) Not off cds of music, don't want to be sued for copyright

base numbers off

60% of house

merch questions

how much did we make=make profit How much do you sell what are you charging


- Each take 15 % -manager gets 15% of all money -agent gets 15% of placement -Example: Artist made $1000 on show, 15%/150 to agent, manager makes 15% from performance money and other things like merch , if artist made 300 in merchandise gets 45 +150= $195


-a way to get things out, board may have certain auxiliary number and how many monitor mixes you have potential to make for artist to hear themselves -8 auxiliaries buses and using 3 for own stuff, 5 for artist - Auxiliary buses get signal and send something away An aux-send (auxiliary send) is an electronic signal-routing output used on multi-channel sound mixing consoles used in recording and broadcasting settings and on PA system amplifier-mixers used in music concerts. ... This allows effects to be added to an audio source or channel within the mixing console. an aux cord is a cord that allows you to play music from your phone/mp3 into anything that has an aux port


-amplified, if aren't amplified on own, need amplifiers for every speaker, 5 speakers 5 amplifiers -2 in 1= stereo amplifiers -One speaker and own stereo amplifier, still need to bring it to give it an amplifier , can't cut amplifier in half because you only need one, use one side of it -5 monitor mixes: need 3 stereo amplifiers -3 mixes two speakers per mix, that means 6 speakers on stage

Versus Deal

-artist received guarantee or % of net - whichever is greater -FG vs door / versus deal -can get either whatever is better someone gets a guarantee vs door, sometimes have no deal wit guarantee =flat guarantee If you don't chathe venues after being successful chare fan base more


-gain tells how many microphones can be plugged in, gain knob on board, means how many microphones can plug into it , even if its a 24 channel board, usable channels for microphones depends on knobs, 20 xlr= 20 microphones Tells you how many channels you need list of the number of outputs the band or performers have for their instruments, equipment and vocals and the number of audio mixer inputs needed.

selling food

-not student or fire station or police any waived organization: temporary restaurant permit is needed, get it from health department -Important because you need to direct people to health department to get temporary restaurant permit -Negligence for unhealthy food, people get sick you are in trouble

16 mics

16 channels

National average per gas

2.65 per gallon

National average per gas 2.65 per gallon

2.65 per gallon


A form on which a brief message is written describing a transaction to whom it may concern (county officials) =BOS FIre police vdot etc Sign off on memorandum name of event time date place explain nature of event/intro Basically a press release Start with safety measures after intro In the event of any ...etc

Condenser Microphone

A high-quality, sensitive microphone for critical sound pickup -require phantom power: Some microphones need extra voltage for them to work


Ability to move something in field from left to right (moving something in stereo from hearing it from left to right) Panning is the distribution of a sound signal (either monaural or stereophonic pairs) into a new stereo or multi-channel sound field determined by a pan control setting. ... "Pan pots split audio signals into left and right channels, each equipped with its own discrete gain (volume) control.

agent and manager costs

Agent makes money off placement of artist Manager makes money off 15 % of everything Agents with larger rosters make more money Managers make money off artist success If you find the ticket price you want to make more money you must make it more expensive for profit (processing fees) Show on certain scale ask to make % more Fanbase get higher ticket price for artists that won't fill capacity "fluff up the money"


Always go after Led Movers Intelligent lighting helps express music being presented Good audio can dynamically move with group if you know how mixing works Interference when you use lights that have a lot of power, can cause noise over show, always expect to run lights and sound on their own power -Fix it with Generator or built in power -For lights -audio/stage Ask what kind of lighting they have -Use a lot of electronics so have flickering, noise, static because too much power

event basics

Always start at your level in your community Be more cultural in the community Every venue has a max amount of people limit=capacity =house Most concerts are in it for money, what can you do for/with money

county vs city regulations

Applications for festival (100+ people) /event Board of supervisors have to approve applications


Console with separate channels to control volume and sound quality produced by each microphone.


Did they bring a distro: electrical distribution, have to path into generator or power there and turn it all into 20 amp circuits They will tell you how much power they are drawing and if they are bringing a distro Have to ask: get answer of amps, call rental companies and now what scale generator you need, always plan for more Sound engineer wants to know what lights are on stage Can't have concert in house lighting so they need to know mood set Ask if you have lighting trees etc any advance stuff because you have to have a price set since if yo udont have lights they may offer that they have lights Don't have full money for full production on lights ask sound engineer Everything should have own level


Equalization fine tuning/adjustment of lows/mid/highs EQ (or equalization) in music is the process of changing the balance of different frequency components in an audio signal.

management contracts

Fine print contract, once in room of booking they owe 15% to them every time they play the rest of the year, next show reviews

travel expenses

Flights air transport # of crew/performers Misc money

capacity / house

Licensing by ascap bmi sesac Blanking license from catalogs for music to be applied (need to pay for license) People get royalties from bands playing music in bar Capacity 60% of house and that's we expect for the showup of concert, absent #s off 60% goal, base #s off turning profit\need to know the cost of talent, prdcuton, operation

lodging prices

Lodging two rooms for 4 people, 150-250 for rooms average Lodge =3600

event money makers

Make money off merch, venue takes % of merchandise sales Sell concessions and % off actual concert (attendance/merch) Sell things at concerts/merch sell the experience Want to draw money/people so they can spend money on other things

insurance for events

Minimum requirement for liability: 1 million dollars, micky recommendation is 2 million Exempt: weddings,religious events, plid fire rescue emt, students schools public institutions State hours date time location and performers Cannot exceed 8 hours of music Need proof go to notary to get contract for venue rental and need owner statement Need artist list incase of unwelcome artist need to tell genre for insurance

number of channels on sound board

Most live radio broadcasting sound boards send audio through program channels. Most boards have 3-4 program channels, though some have more options. When a given channel button is selected, the audio will be sent to that device or transmitter.

money / costs

Need to know how much you want to make Know your management costs (meals) Make artists happy Operational costs need to pay before not off concert you are paying for Don't put in rent, are included in initial pay 60% house, 60% capacity Take 60% of house x ticket price=expected Capacity x ticket price=complete sell out /gross potential Production costs are another 15-20% of money and agents/ managers 15-30% of money; almost half of the money you make Smart to ½ go so more prepared

communication with agent

Never talk about money Tell them who you are and address ™ by their first name Don't do some sweet message List everything before signing off Rundown of everything you told them Feeler email: are we available, budget cant tell, budget rental take it or leave it or lowball Budget based off market for artist in region, go to budgeting committee they give us an off Don't email from .edu

Preamplifier (preamp)

Signal used with micro that use gain knob and turns it into audio sound A preamplifier (preamp or "pre") is an electronic amplifier that converts a weak electrical signal into an output signal strong enough to be noise-tolerant and strong enough for further processing, or for sending to a power amplifier and a loudspeaker. Without this, the final signal will be noisy or distorted.


Sound mixers, Pre-Fade Listen. It's function is to do exactly that — listen to the channel's audio at a point before the fader takes effect. ... PFLalso takes over the mixer's VU meters. PFL is useful when setting the initial input gain of a channel, as it reflects the pre-fade level.

sound mixers

Subgroups are a way to "pre-mix" a number of channels on a sound console before sending them to the master output mix. In the following diagram, channels 1 and 2 are assigned directly to the master output bus. ... For each pair, one subgroup is the left channel and the other is right.

Board of Supervisors

The law making body (legislative branch) of a County

other expenses

Tolls, parking, exit fees mechanical issues, parking tickets, car issues

sunset clause

a clause in legislation that sets an expiration date for an authorized program or policy unless Congress reauthorizes it


a statement of how many portable to capacity/house, order more Ex 1000 people 10 portable sanitizer needed handicap bathrooms, have to have all these things got health bathrooms etc Need proof camping- camping permit


adjustment of an amplitude of a signal to improve its strength quality or overall usability, have gain o channels for soundboard, take signals on iphones Gain, a.k.a. Trim, is a volume control for each channel of a mixing console. The Gain knob controls the volume being input into the channel, not the amount of volume output through the channel.

pay social security

and you get money later give social security so they make sure you're a real person

parking/processing fees

bring in more money go up depending on units/avoiding paying for something else Parking ⅕-⅓ of price of concert ticket, Parking fees generate extra money

gross potential

capacity x ticket price, most money you can make


comes in different sizes, buy by size and then leads to specific to size of decks yo lay over it and puzzle pieces you use to connect it has two cross braces per unit you're putting together Has bow, ladder looking thing, mount things on top of it If you could fit 4 by 8 decks , size of plywood, standard size for all decking sheets, have plywood and create lift, 2 by 4s all around and then you have to brace it Need to know what the overhand is, height requirements and if roof is at edge of lip of stage gear will be wet stage wet and will lose stage, overhang keeps the stage stage still Make sure floor boards are safe, can lead to suing if falling through Need to own c clamps for every edge that comes together

starting a business

consult lawyer/accountant, foundation is to do business as DBA, regular business license (can be individual or partnership ) corporate has many names in different places


door deal flat guarantee FG vs door overage deal


drink food etc

cost of hospitality

food and lodge

request tax id number

from IRS if you don't want to use ss# Business name needs to represent what you're trying to do (don't name things after school or address ) Needs longuity/reach/demographic Need a name that last its time Logos, brand yourself,ability to decide what kind of business it is Professionalism and loguity are most important

How you are traveling,the expense of flights transports to next location

fuel-> national average gas/diesel per gallon fuel economy


go to municipal building to fit it as your own name=don't need rights,other name not yours =fictitious name permit $15 Go to clerk for fictitious name permit

Tour Management

handles: total miles per gallon of vehicle lodging prices meal prices merch questions

trust systems

have trust roofing systems too that elevate to make roofs, eliminates the need for towers of scaffolding, not mobile stage stage itself has to still be laid out as decks

Total miles miles per gallon of vehicle

how many gallons they might need on trip, might tell price of gas and need to know how much they need or how many miles they go how much gas will cost

terms and conditions

if you don't pay/follow rules, you owe money and pay for lawyer fees and owe 15% weekly on money you didn't pay us

statement no light ___

illuminating (planes)


is a mix bus destination where you can route channel outputs. The audio channels can be processed at that point with effects like EQ and Compression -fader will adjust the volume of channels that are routed to that group.

always go after led

last longer, a lot easier to run cooler show, other lights use alot of heat and power, easier to install better, less flammability, lighter

microphones plugged into XLR

microphone cable= xlr, plugged into sound board Xlr fancy word for mic cable, 3 or 4 prongs with latch on it

for profit entry

most business that turned into entity wont put own money in pool mooney and pull money from company =loss, big festivals overspend and lose profit

operating as a partnership not sole proprietorship

need proprietorship agreement Advice check small business reserve center ad irs website for examples


need to know size: height length width stage space Make sure stage meets osha standards Rails And elevation standards Need to know the way it's constructed Used to be made out of scaffolding , stage decks trust systems stagline/mobile stages

overage deal

once you reach past a certain amount of money it isn't a split after that amount (50-50 after certain number)

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