Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

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40% of people with MS state that ____ is the most disabling symptom


Lack of Vitamin ___ is being investigated as a potential factor contributing to disease development


Lower body ____ training can improve walking mechanics with significant increase in step length, decrease in double-limb support phase and improved disability scores


MS is a chronic, inflammatory disease of brain, ___ nerve, and spinal cord mediated by immune system


MS is most commonly diagnosed between 25-50 with an average age at diagnosis of ____


Many researchers believe that exposure to an ____ agent may trigger the MS disease process


Medical management of MS has two major goals: long term management of disease/exacerbations and ___ management


Neurogenic ___ muscle overactivity is the most common urological impairment in people with MS


No disability, minimal signs/symptoms


Normal neurological exam findings


Novantrone (mitoxantrone) may have a side effect of ____; risks may outweigh clinical benefits, especially in early course of disease


Novantrone (mitoxatrone), Tysabri (natalizumab), and Lemtrada (aletuzumab) are all DMAs that are administered via ____


One study showed reduced markers of _____ with exercise; indicating that exercise can have a neuroprotective effect and should occur early in course of disease, not only after clinical disability has occurred


The Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) quantifies disability in MS, scores range from 0 to ____


The etiology of MS is largely unknown but likely multi-factorial: combination of environmental, genetic and ____ factors


The flu vaccine is OK, but other live vaccinations may be ____ in people with MS being treated with disease-modifying therapies


The majority of DMAs require ___ however in 2010 the FDA approved the first oral DMA, fingolimod


___-weighted MRIs able to detect both old and new lesions


____ (interferon beta-1a) is an injected DMA used in patients with RRMS or SPMS that still have relapses and is shown to reduce relapses, slow disability progression, and improve QoL

optic neuritis

____ ____ is the most common problem of the visual system and is often the first symptom of MS, can produce blurry or double vision, painful eye movements, spontaneous nystagmus, etc


____ dysfunction affects about 40-85% of women with MS and 50-90% of men


____ evoked potentials are the only type proven useful in diagnosing MS


____ evoked potentials, where the subject observes an alternating checkerboard pattern, identifies pathologic transmission along optic nerve pathway

primary, secondary

____ fatigue is caused by effects of demyelination/axonal destruction whereas ___ fatigue results from problems such as deconditioning, infections, sleep disturbances, and poor nutrition, medication side effects, and heat intolerance


____ increases the risk of developing MS and increases the progression of the disease


____ is present in 26-50% of people with MS with suicide rates significantly higher than in rest of population


____ is present in up to 80% of patients with MS and can occur from disturbances in vestibular system, in cerebellum, or from loss of proprioception


____ phenomenon is a temporary worsening of MS related problems associated with an increase in core body temperature; can be physical exertion or change in environment

bowel, bladder

____ problems (35-68%) and ____ problems (52-97%) are common in MS, with urinary urgency, nocturia, or retention of urine or feces; incontinence of either system can also occur


____ sex or longer disease duration are both associated with higher prevalence of spasticity, which is highly correlated with patient-reported disability and poorer quality of life


____ system involvement is present in about 20% of patients with MS, presents as dizziness and/or vertigo


____-____ MS is the least common form (5%) and is characterized by a steady worsening of symptoms with intermittent acute flare ups


____-____ multiple sclerosis is less common, affecting only 10-15% of people with MS and has a slow onset but continuous worsening of neurologic symptoms without relapses or remissions


____-____ multiple sclerosis is marked by temporary relapses lasting 1-3 months; remissions between attacks may be complete or partial with typically no worsening neurological function


____-____ multiple sclerosis is the most common initial presentation of MS (80%)


____-____ multiple sclerosis is usually the second phase of RRMS and is characterized by slow, steady, progressive worsening of symptoms


____-weighted MRIs detect active inflammation


_____ impairment is present in 40-70% of people with MS with verbal fluency and verbal memory being affected early in the disease process


_____ is an MRI sequence that suppresses the effects of CSF on the image, which can highlight periventricular lesions


Time to onset from RRMS to SPMS phase could indicate speed of ____ of SPMS


About 2-10% of all cases of MS are diagnosed before the age of ____


Approximately 90% of people with relapsing-remitting MS transition to ____-____ MS after 20 years or around 40 years of age


As MS progresses, it becomes less of an inflammatory condition and more ____


As disease progresses, inflammation becomes uncommon while demyelination and axonal loss continues, suggests replacement by a ____ disease process


Aubagio (teriflunomide), Gilenya (fingolimod), and Tecfidera (dimethyl fumarate) are all DMAs that are taken ___


Avonex, bestaseron, copaxone, and rebif are all DMAs that are administered via ____


Balance-based torso weighting such as the BalanceWear may increase gait ____ and improve TUG scores


Before diagnosing a relapse, ____ must be ruled out


Benefits of ____ therapy include buoyancy (offloads varying amounts of body weight, requires less energy), viscosity (resistance from water to build strength), thermodynamics (total body cooling to offset temperature elevation)


Both white and gray matter are involved; areas of demyelination and damage to ___ interfere with normal conduction of neural signals, leading to disruption of function


CSF analysis can show elevated levels of IgG antibodies, presence of ____ bands, and certain proteins common with breakdown of myelin


Community-based classes on ____ management/energy conservation resulted in immediate post-course improvements in fatigue that were still present at 1 year in a randomized controlled trial


DMAs are more effective in ____ stages of the disease as there is more of an inflammatory process involved


DMAs have been shown to reduce the number and severity of ____, reduce the development of new areas of inflammation, and delay the progression of disability


Damage to the optic system is a common ____ symptom in MS


Disease modifying agents (DMAs) are aimed at reducing ____ system dysfunction, thereby reducing damage to neural tissue


Due to ___ intolerance, exercise should incorporate intermittent rest periods that allow heat to dissipate


During a study on the impact of fatigue, individuals with high levels of fatigue also exhibited greater impairments in functional mobility, depression, and physical/mental quality of life, however ____ was not found to be related to level of fatigue

disease modifying

Early after diagnosis with clinical isolated syndrome or MS, it is recommended that people take ____ ___ agents


Early in course of disease, focal inflammatory ____ matter lesions are composed of immune system components that produce demyelination, axonal injury, and loss of oligodendrocytes

quality, 6

Highly recommended measures for inpatient and outpatient settings (but not acute): MS ____ of Life (MS-QOL 54) and ____ Minute Walk Test


Exercise is beneficial in MS, regardless of type; ___ intensity may be better tolerated with decreased adverse events, number of withdrawals, and increased attendance


Expiratory pressure is important as a strong ____ is necessary for fluid clearance and to reduce risk of aspiration


Findings with a CSF analysis are not specific to MS and not all individuals with MS have CSF abnormalities; CSF analysis should be considered as part of a larger ____ picture


First-line medical treatment of spasticity in MS is ____ or gabapentin

outpatient, dizziness, functional composite

Highly recommended outcome measures for ____ setting only: ____ handicap inventory and MS ____ _____

walking, 9, Berg, Impact, 25, Cognitive

Highly recommended outcome measures for all settings (acute care, inpatient, outpatient) include the 12 Item MS ___ scale, ____ hole peg test, ____ Balance Scale, MS ____ Scale, Timed ____ Foot Walk, and TUG with ____ and Manual Tasks


For relapse or exacerbation management, corticosteroids such as ____ may be administered orally or via IV


Genetic influence: MS is not considered a ____ disease, but there is a higher risk among those with a parent/sibling with MS


Goals for rehab in patients with MS are to maximize/maintain function and prevent ____ so patient can participate fully in all aspects of life


In MS, ____ muscle training is effective in increasing pulmonary function in those with mild to moderate disability


In MS, it is surprisingly common to have symptoms including increased fatigue, visual disturbances, increased sensory symptoms, and reduced physical function after exercise; however symptom increase is a ____ phenomena with vast majority resolving in 1 hour


In MS, there are lesions of disseminated focal ___ accompanied by variable axon damage and reactive gliosis, leading to scar tissue (plaque/sclerosis)


In a CSF analysis, CSF is obtained via a ___ puncture


In addition to ambulation, consideration is given to 8 Functional Systems which are scores from 0 to ___ (pyramidal, cerebellar, brainstem, sensory, bowel and bladder, visual, cerebral/mental, other)


Increased falls are common in MS with ___% reporting falling on or more times in previous 6 months


Infectious diseases may trigger an exacerbation- try to minimize risk; although safe to use flu shot, hep B, varicella, tetanus, and BCG ____ but should be delayed during clinically significant relapses


Initial clinical presentations include: loss or reduction of vision of 1 eye with painful eye movements, double vision, ascending sensory disturbance and/or weakness, problems with balance, or altered sensation traveling down the back when bending neck forwards (____ sign)

clinical isolated syndrome

Initial neurological episode is typically defined as ___ ___ ___; symptoms must last for 24 hours and can be monofocal or multifocal; if lesions are present on MRI there is a high risk of developing MS


Inspiratory muscle training can have a positive effect on ____ pulmonary function measures such as FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC and FEF (the ability of a person to inhale impacts their ability to exhale)

medial longitudinal fasciculus

Intranuclear opthalmoplegia is caused by demyelination of the ___ ____ ____ in the brainstem, results in impairment in lateral gaze (affected eye is limited in adduction)


Minimal disability

multiple sclerosis

Most common inflammatory condition of CNS and primary cause of non-traumatic disability in young and middle-aged adults


Motor, sensory, and cognitive disability that accumulates in advanced stages appears to be associated with cortical ___ matter pathology

primary-progressive, older

Negative prognostic factors include ___-____ MS, ____ age at onset, males, African American, early cerebellar or pyramidal signs (motor, sphincter), smoking, low Vitamin D levels


People tend to be older when diagnosed with ___-___ MS (late 30s or early 40s) with fewer abnormalities on brain MRI; respond less favorably to standard MS therapies; progressive myelopathy is commonly associated


People with MS should avoid ____

relapsing-remitting, one

Positive prognostic factors include ____-____ MS and only ___ symptom at onset


Pregnancy does not increase the risk of progression of disease; relapse rates may reduce during pregnancy, increase ___-___ months after childbirth before returning to normal levels


Prognosis: life expectancy is shortened approximately ___ years compared to individuals without MS


Pulmonary issues in MS tend to be (obstructive/restrictive) and even in less disabled population, the pulmonary muscles can be weak with both the maximum inspiratory pressure and maximum expiratory pressure decreased


Risk of more rapid disease progression include ___ disease at onset, shorter time between 1st and 2nd attacks, frequent attacks in first 5 years


Stages 0-4.5 of the EDSS individuals are able to walk ____


Stages 5.0-9.5 of the EDSS are characterized by impairments in ____


Studies have shown that exercise does not worsen and possibly improves ____


The neuroblockade hypothesis may explain ____ phenomenon; rise in temperature decreases nerve conduction in partially demyelinated fibers

farther from

There is a higher frequency of MS in people who live (closer to/farther from) the equator


There is less inflammation, but greater amount of brain ___ in people with secondary-progressive MS


Updated diagnostic criteria for MS includes MRI, visual evoked potentials, and ____ analysis


Women are 2-3 times more likely to be diagnosed with MS and ____ are more likely to have aggressive disease progress and worse prognosis

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