Muscles of Facial Expression
What are the 8 muscles of facial expression?
1. Buccinator 2. Orbicularis Oris 3. Orbicularis Oculi 4. Risorius 5. Zygomaticus Major 6. Zygomaticus Minor 7. Platysma 8. Depressor Anguli Oris
What is the function of the Depressor Angularis Oris muscle?
Depress and draw corners of the mouth laterally
What is the function of the Platysma muscle?
Depress the Mandible
What is the origin of both the zygomatic major (bigger) and minor (smaller) muscles?
Zygmoatic bone
What is the function of the Orbicularis ORIS (oral) muscle?
Close and purse lips
What is the function of the Orbicularis OCULI (ocular) muscle?
Close eyelids
What is the function of the Buccinator muscle?
Compess the cheek
What is the function of the Risorius muscle?
Draw corners of mouth LATERALLY
Identify the 8 muscles of facial expression
1. Buccinator 2. Platysma 3. Zygomaticus Major 4. Zygomaticus Minor 5. Depressor Angularis Oris 6. Risorius 7. Orbicularis Oculi 8. Orbicularis Oris
What is the function of the Zygomaticus MAJOR muscle?
Elevates CORNER of mouth (smile)
What is the function of the Zygomaticus MINOR muscle?
Elevates the upper lip