Muscular Strength and Endurance

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Type Of Muscles

1) Cardiac Muscle - The only muscle that never needs rest to recover from fatigue 2) Smooth Muscle - Makes Up the arteries, gives the arteries the toughness to endure the blood surging from the heart and the elasticity to help push the blood on to other parts of the body. 3) Skeletal Muscle - Responsible for every movement the body makes

Motor Unit Size

1)Small motor units are muscles used for precise movements and typically have only a couple muscle fibers for each nerve 2)Large motor units are muscles exerting great strength but not needing great control, and could have hundreds of fibers for each nerve


A band of fibrous tissue that connects a muscle to a bone


A band of tissue that connects a bone to a bone, ligaments function to hold bones together at the joint

Plyometric exercises

A form of exercise that involve stretching a particular muscle and then quickly trying to contracted it 1) A load is placed on the muscle, forcing it to him long eight quickly. The fast and enlogation of the muscle triggers a stretch reflex from the muscle spindles. More motor units are recruited to create enough for stabilize the muscle. 2) The elongation face is immediately followed by a strong, voluntary concert contraction command 3) plyometrics does not necessarily make the muscle fiber stronger 4) most common is box jumping 5) advantage) parametric trains the muscles to develop more explosive strength which is useful more sports 6) disadvantage) there is an increased risk of injury


A muscle in a state of contraction, opposed by the action of another muscle


A muscle that opposes the action of another muscle at the same joint for example at the elbow biceps/triceps, at the knee hamstrings/quadriceps

Motor neuron

A nerve going from the brain or central nervous system to a motor unit in a skeleton to muscle

Muscle fiber

A single muscle cell, usually classified according to strength speed of contraction and energy source


An increase in the number of muscle cells


Contracting but also get longer.


Force that is exerted rapidly it is a combination of speed and strength


Frequency - there should always be at least three days of rest between workouts of the same muscle group. 3 to 4 days a week of working out is relatively and 10 schedule. 2 to 3 days a week recommended by American College of sports medicine. One day a week of working out is the minimum needed to maintain previous gains Intensity - One RM is the maximum amount to be lifted at once. 80% of one RM is needed to build strength. 40 to 60% of one RM is needed to build endurance. 70% of one RM is needed for general fitness. Time - 3 to 5 prepositions are needed to build strength. 50 to 20 reps are needed to build endurance. 8 to 12 reps are needed for general fitness. Type - perform 8 to 12 different exercises. Worked out all the major muscle groups and. Work both sides of the joint agonist and antagonist. Do large muscle group exercises before small muscle group. A five-minute warm-up and cooldown is important and strength training

Eccentric muscle contraction

Muscle activation during which an outside force in elongates the muscle

Concentric muscle contractions

Muscle activation in which the muscle shortens

Fast twitch fibers

Muscle fibers that generate speed and power.

Slow Twitch fibers

Muscle fibers that provide muscular endurance

Antagonist muscle group

Muscles are muscle group that move the same joint in the opposite direction that is they work opposite of each other


One complete movement, going to the full range of motion and back


One series of repetitions done without rest, but followed by a rest. without rest, but followed by a rest period


Periodically Varying type of amount of exercise, forces your body to use muscle differently and to use different muscles

Slow Twitch Muscle Fibers

Red fibers, diameter is smaller they contract more slowly ( jogging, bicycling)

SAID Principal

Specific Adaptation to Impose Demand is a principle of overload stating that the muscle will adapt to the demand

Anabolic steroid

Synthetic male hormones taken to build muscle mass and strength

Variable resistance

The actual resistance to the muscle remains the same through the full range of motion

Motor unit

The group of muscle fibers that are fired by a single motor neuron signal

RM repetition maximum

The maximum resistance you can overcome and one attempt, and weightlifting for example it is the maximum amount of weight you can lift , If more weight were added you could not complete the list. This measurement is you often used in setting up a weight training program


The muscle activation causes the muscle to shorten

Isometric exercise

The muscle contracts when pressed against an object that does not move

Static muscle contraction

The muscle is activated but the muscle stays the same length, neither lengthening nor shortening

Dynamic muscle contraction isotonic

The muscle is activated causing the muscle to shorten, in some cases outside forces acting on the joint calls the muscle to and long gate, or lengthen instead of shortening

Auxiliary muscle

The muscle that are only particularly involved and causing particular movement, in terms of strength training they are not the muscle do you intend to work, but they are involved to some degree and thus gain some partial benefit from the training

Primary muscles

The muscles and muscle groups that are most involved in causing a particular movement, in terms of strength strength training these are the muscles that you intend to work in a specific exercise


The number of times an exercise is done during one set

Isokinetic Exercise

The resistance or overload to the muscle remains constant through the full range of motion, the muscle maintain constant level of exertion throughout the exercise, there are two forms of isokinetic exercise variable resistance - equipment factors in the leverage advantage of the muscle the equipment increases the resistance to the movement as a joint move through his full range of motion. and constant speed - allows the movement to take place at only one speed Advantage) Place is a constant resistance against the muscle all the way through the full range of motion. Disadvantage) The primary disadvantage is cost most machines are expensive and generally found in only commercial gyms.


The simultaneous

Constant speed

The speed of the movement stays the same throughout the exercise

Hyper trophy

What a muscle becomes larger and stronger in response to overloading


When a muscle become smaller or weaker because of disuse

Isometric exercise

When one in which the force is exerted against an object that is not move. 1) advantage isometric exercises allow the muscle to contract maximally for the full duration of the rep. 2)disadvantage the disadvantage has to do with specificity

Isotonic exercise

When the object does move. 1) advantage isotonic exercises were the work the muscle through the full range of motion 2) The movement in the isotonic exercises us 2 disadvantages A) The movement of the weight generates momentum in the weight B) it is the nature of joints at the muscle has better leverage as a joint open

Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers

White, larger except greater force, ( sprinting,throwing)

Isotonic exercise

Working the muscle through a range of movement using resistance such as weight and exercise machines

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